matf Triangulate(const matf & P1, const matf & P2, const TrackedPoint & p, bool full) {
  matf A;
  if (full)
    A = matf(6, 4);
    A = matf(4,4);
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    A(0, i) = p.x1 * P1(2, i) - P1(0, i);
    A(1, i) = p.y1 * P1(2, i) - P1(1, i);
    A(2, i) = p.x2 * P2(2, i) - P2(0, i);
    A(3, i) = p.y2 * P2(2, i) - P2(1, i);
    // the two following equations could be removed in most of the cases.
    // however, sometimes it induces errors if some (which ones?) coefficients are
    // too close to 0
    if (full) {
      A(4, i) = p.x1 * P1(1, i) - p.y1 * P1(0, i);
      A(5, i) = p.x2 * P2(1, i) - p.y2 * P2(0, i);
  SVD svd(A, SVD::MODIFY_A);
  matf p3d(3,1);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    p3d(i,0) =<float>(3,i) /<float>(3,3);
  return p3d;
Box3D b3d(float x, float y, float z, float w, float d, float h)
	return (Box3D){
		p3d(x, y, z),
		s3d(w, d, h)
Beispiel #3
 void AddVertex (float x, float y)
   PerspectiveOutlet2D::AddVertex (x, y);
   csVector4 p (x/hw-1, y/hh-1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
   csVector4 p3d (cam->GetInvProjectionMatrix() * p);
   p3d *= p3d.w;
   dest3D.AddVertex (csVector3 (p3d[0], p3d[1], p3d[2]));
matf Triangulate(const matf & P1, const matf & P2, const matf & p) {
  matf A(6, 4);
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    A(0, i) = p(0, 0) * P1(2, i) - P1(0, i);
    A(1, i) = p(1, 0) * P1(2, i) - P1(1, i);
    A(2, i) = p(2, 0) * P2(2, i) - P2(0, i);
    A(3, i) = p(3, 0) * P2(2, i) - P2(1, i);
    // the two following equations could be removed in most of the cases.
    // however, sometimes it induces errors if some (which ones?) coefficients are
    // too close to 0
    A(4, i) = p(0, 0) * P1(1, i) - p(1, 0) * P1(0, i);
    A(5, i) = p(2, 0) * P2(1, i) - p(3, 0) * P2(0, i);
  SVD svd(A, SVD::MODIFY_A);
  matf p3d(3,1);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    p3d(i,0) =<float>(3,i) /<float>(3,3);
  return p3d;
Returns the Y axis inverted
Matx31d KinectSensor::pointBackproject(const Matx31d& point2D) const
	XnPoint3D realPoint;
	XnPoint3D camPoint;
	camPoint.X = point2D(0);
	camPoint.Y = point2D(1);
	camPoint.Z = point2D(2);

	depthNode.ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(1, &camPoint, &realPoint);
	Matx31d out (realPoint.X, realPoint.Y, realPoint.Z);
	//return out;

	Matx31d p3d;
	p3d(0) = (point2D(0) - ox)*pSize*point2D(2)/focalLength;
	p3d(1) = (point2D(1) - oy)*pSize*point2D(2)/focalLength;
	p3d(2) = point2D(2);
	return p3d;
Beispiel #6
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(test_ostream_operator, F)
  egen::Point<double> p2d(2.2, 1.0);
  egen::Point<double> p3d(3.0, 2.0, 1.0);
  std::ostringstream actual2d;
  actual2d << p2d;
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("(2.2, 1)", actual2d.str());
  std::ostringstream actual3d;
  actual3d << p3d;
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("(3, 2, 1)", actual3d.str());
Beispiel #7
void Model::load_new_xml(const std::string path)

  pugi::xml_document doc;
  pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str());

  if (!result)
    std::cout << "ERRROR opening model file!!";
    return ;

  pugi::xml_node pts_node = doc.child("Model").child("Points");

  if (pts_node.first_child())
    f_type = pts_node.first_child().attribute("desc_type").as_string();
  else return;

  for (pugi::xml_node pt_node = pts_node.first_child(); pt_node; pt_node = pt_node.next_sibling())
    Mat single_desc = Mat::zeros(1, get_descriptor_size(), CV_32FC1);
    stringstream ss;
    float x, y, z;
    ss >> x >> y >> z; ss.clear();
    cv::Point3f p3d(x, y, z);

    cv::KeyPoint kp;
    ss >> >> >> kp.octave >> kp.angle >> kp.response >> kp.size; ss.clear();

    float d;
    for(int it = 0; it < get_descriptor_size(); it ++)
      ss >> d;
      //cout <<it << " " <<  ss.eof() << " " <<  d << endl;<float> (0, it) = d;


  id = path;
  //std::cout << list_points3d_in_.size() << endl;
  //std::cout << descriptors_;
  DLL_HEADER int Ngx_Mesh :: FindElementOfPoint <3>
  (double * p, double * lami,
   bool build_searchtree, 
   int * const indices, int numind) const

    Array<int> dummy(numind);
    for (int i = 0; i < numind; i++) dummy[i] = indices[i]+1;
    Point<3> p3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
    int ind = 
      mesh->GetElementOfPoint(p3d, lami, &dummy, build_searchtree);
    return ind-1;
Beispiel #9
std::pair<bool, Imath::V3d> GLWidget::mapToSphere(Imath::V2d p2d)
    Imath::V3d p3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    if ( ((p2d.x >= 0) & (p2d.x <= width()) &
         (p2d.y >= 0) & (p2d.y <= height())) ) {
        float x = (p2d.x - 0.5 * width())  / width();
        float y = (0.5 * height() - p2d.y) / height();
        p3d[0] = x;
        p3d[1] = y;
        float z2 = (2.0 * 0.5 * 0.5 - x * x - y * y);
        p3d[2] = sqrt(std::max(z2, (float)0));
        Imath::V3d n = p3d.normalize();
        p3d = p3d / n;
        return std::make_pair(true, p3d);
    else {
        return std::make_pair(false, p3d);
Beispiel #10
void VoxelGrid<PointSourceType>::scatterPointsToVoxelGrid()

	for (int pid = 0; pid < source_cloud_->points.size(); pid++) {
		int vid = voxelId(source_cloud_->points[pid]);
		PointSourceType p = source_cloud_->points[pid];

		Eigen::Vector3d p3d(p.x, p.y, p.z);

		if (points_id_[vid].size() == 0) {
			points_per_voxel_[vid] = 0;

		centroid_[vid] += p3d;
		covariance_[vid] += p3d * p3d.transpose();
Beispiel #11
void Model::load_new_desc(const std::string path)
  f_type = "SIFT";

  std::fstream infile(path.c_str());
  if (!infile.is_open())
    std::cout << "ERRROR opening model file!!";
    return ;

  int nop, desc_size, point_size;
  infile >> nop;
  infile >> point_size >> desc_size;

  descriptors_ = Mat(nop, desc_size, CV_32FC1);

  for (int i = 0; i < nop; i++)

  	float x, y, z;
  	infile >> x >> y >> z;
    cv::Point3f p3d(x, y, z);

    cv::KeyPoint kp;
    infile >> >> >> kp.octave >> kp.angle >> kp.response >> kp.size;

    for (int j = 0; j < desc_size; j++)
      infile >><float>(i, j);
  id = path;
void transformPoint( Point& point, Matrix3x3* transform ) {
  Vector2D p = point.position;
  Vector3D p3d ( p.x, p.y, 1.0 );
  p3d = (*transform) * p3d;
  point.position = Vector2D(p3d.x / p3d.z, p3d.y / p3d.z);
Point3D p3dNeg(Point3D p)
	return p3d(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
Point3D p3dSub(Point3D p1, Point3D p2)
	return p3d(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y, p1.z - p2.z);
Point3D p3dAdd(Point3D p1, Point3D p2)
	return p3d(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y, p1.z + p2.z);
void DeformationGraph::GenerateDensePointSet(std::list<PointWithID>& pointcoll, double delta)
	meshtalent::DebugTrace dt("./sample.log");
	assert(pointcoll.size() == 0);

	typedef DeformableMesh3d::InterMesh InterMesh;
	InterMesh* pMesh = dmesh.pMesh;
	int vertexnum = pMesh->n_vertices();
	//int edgenum = pMesh->n_edges();
	//int facetnum = pMesh->n_faces();
	// sample points on vertices.
	InterMesh::VertexIter v_it, v_end(pMesh->vertices_end());
	for (v_it = pMesh->vertices_begin(); v_it != v_end; ++v_it) {
		InterMesh::Point& p = pMesh->point(v_it);
		P3d p3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
		pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(p3d, PointWithID::VERTEX, v_it.handle().idx()));
	dt.Trace("There %d vertex_points sampled.\n", vertexnum);
	// sample points on edges.
	int epcount = 0;
	InterMesh::EdgeIter e_it, e_end(pMesh->edges_end());
	for (e_it = pMesh->edges_begin(); e_it != e_end; ++e_it) {
		InterMesh::EdgeHandle eh = pMesh->handle(*e_it);
		InterMesh::HalfedgeHandle heh = pMesh->halfedge_handle(eh, 0); // always select the first edge, but if it's a boundary??
		InterMesh::VertexHandle phfrom = pMesh->from_vertex_handle(heh);
		InterMesh::VertexHandle phto = pMesh->to_vertex_handle(heh);
		InterMesh::Point pf = pMesh->point(phfrom);
		InterMesh::Point pt = pMesh->point(phto);
		P3d p3dfrom(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]);
		P3d p3dto(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
		double dist = (p3dto - p3dfrom).mag();
		//compute delta vector and sample on this edge.
		V3d deltaV = (p3dto - p3dfrom) * delta;
		int times = static_cast<int>(dist / delta) - 1;
		P3d p3dnow = p3dfrom;
		for (int j = 0; j < times; ++j) {
			p3dnow += deltaV;
			pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(p3dnow, PointWithID::EDGE, e_it.handle().idx()));
		epcount += (times < 0 ? 0 : times);
	dt.Trace("There are %d edge_points sampled.\n", epcount);
	// sample points on facet.
	int fpcount = 0;
	InterMesh::FaceIter f_it, f_end(pMesh->faces_end());
	for (f_it = pMesh->faces_begin(); f_it != f_end; ++f_it) {
		P3d trivertices[3];
		InterMesh::FaceVertexIter fv_it(pMesh->fv_iter(f_it.handle()));
		int j = 0;
		for (; fv_it; ++fv_it, ++j) {
			InterMesh::Point& p = pMesh->point(fv_it);
			trivertices[j] = P3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
		// compute num should be sampled.
		V3d v1 = trivertices[1] - trivertices[0];
		V3d v2 = trivertices[2] - trivertices[0];
		//double lenv1 = v1.mag();
		//double lenv2 = v2.mag();
		double area = (v1 % v2).mag() / 2;
		int samplenum = static_cast<int>(area / (delta * delta));
		fpcount += samplenum;
		RandDoubleGenerator drand;
		while (samplenum > 0) {
			double lamada1 = drand(0, 1);
			double lamada2 = drand(0, 1);
			if (lamada1 + lamada2 >= 1) { // judge if this point is not in triangle.
			P3d tp3d = trivertices[0] + (v1 * lamada1 + v2 * lamada2);
			pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(tp3d, PointWithID::FACE, f_it.handle().idx()));
		} // end of while.
	} // end of for.
	dt.Trace("There are %d facet_points sampled.\n", fpcount);
	dt.Trace("There are %d points sampled totally.\n", pointcoll.size());
Beispiel #17
vector<ofVec3f> findRectangle(const PCPtr& cloud, const pcl::ModelCoefficients& coefficients) 
	vector<Eigen::Vector3f> corners; 
	pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff (new pcl::ModelCoefficients(coefficients));
	// Project points onto the table plane 

	PC projectedCloud = *cloud; 


	PCXYZ pto = cloud->at(1);
	float val = coefficients.values[0] * pto.x + 
				coefficients.values[1] * pto.y + 
				coefficients.values[2] * pto.z + 

	if(abs(val) < 0.009)

	// store the table top plane parameters 
	Eigen::Vector3f planeNormal; 
	planeNormal.x() = coeff->values[0]; 
	planeNormal.y() = coeff->values[1]; 
	planeNormal.z() = coeff->values[2]; 
	// compute an orthogonal normal to the plane normal 
	Eigen::Vector3f v = planeNormal.unitOrthogonal(); 
	// take the cross product of the two normals to get 
	// a thirds normal, on the plane 
	Eigen::Vector3f u = planeNormal.cross(v); 

	// project the 3D point onto a 2D plane 
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; 
	// choose a point on the plane 
	Eigen::Vector3f p0(projectedCloud.points[0].x, 
	for(unsigned int ii=0; ii<projectedCloud.points.size(); ii++) 
		Eigen::Vector3f p3d(projectedCloud.points[ii].x, 

		// subtract all 3D points with a point in the plane 
		// this will move the origin of the 3D coordinate system 
		// onto the plane 
		p3d = p3d - p0; 

		cv::Point2f p2d; 
		p2d.x =; 
		p2d.y =; 

	cv::Mat pointsMat(points); 
	cv::RotatedRect rrect = cv::minAreaRect(pointsMat); 
	cv::Point2f rrPts[4]; 

	//store the table top bounding points in a vector 
	for(unsigned int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) 
		Eigen::Vector3f pbbx(rrPts[ii].x*u + rrPts[ii].y*v + p0); 
	/*Eigen::Vector3f center(*u +*v + p0); 
	corners.push_back(center); */

	//Ver si se puede eliminar esto.
	vector<ofVec3f> vecCorners = projectPointsInPlane(corners,coefficients);

	return vecCorners; 
int mitkBaseDataTest(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[])


  //Create a BaseData implementation
  MITK_INFO << "Creating a base data instance...";
  mitk::BaseDataTestImplementation::Pointer baseDataImpl = mitk::BaseDataTestImplementation::New();

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(baseDataImpl.IsNotNull(),"Testing instantiation");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->IsInitialized(), "BaseDataTestImplementation is initialized");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->IsEmpty(), "BaseDataTestImplementation is initialized and empty");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetExternalReferenceCount()== baseDataImpl->GetReferenceCount(), "Checks external reference count!");
  mitk::BaseDataTestImplementation::Pointer cloneBaseData = baseDataImpl->Clone();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(cloneBaseData.IsNotNull(),"Testing instantiation of base data clone");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(cloneBaseData->IsInitialized(), "Clone of BaseDataTestImplementation is initialized");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(cloneBaseData->IsEmpty(), "Clone of BaseDataTestImplementation is initialized and empty");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(cloneBaseData->GetExternalReferenceCount()== cloneBaseData->GetReferenceCount(), "Checks external reference count of base data clone!");

  MITK_INFO << "Testing setter and getter for geometries...";

  //test method GetTimeSlicedGeometry()
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetTimeSlicedGeometry(), "Testing creation of TimeSlicedGeometry");

  mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry* geo = NULL;

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetTimeSlicedGeometry() == NULL, "Reset Geometry");

  mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer geo2 = mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::New();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetTimeSlicedGeometry() == geo2, "Correct Reinit of TimeslicedGeometry");
  //test method GetGeometry(int timeStep)  
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetGeometry(1) != NULL, "... and single Geometries");
  //test method Expand(unsigned int timeSteps)
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetTimeSteps() == 5, "Expand the geometry to further time slices!");
  //test method GetUpdatedGeometry(int timeStep);
  mitk::Geometry3D::Pointer geo3 = mitk::Geometry3D::New();
  mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer timeSlicedGeometry = baseDataImpl->GetTimeSlicedGeometry();
  if (timeSlicedGeometry.IsNotNull() )
    timeSlicedGeometry->SetGeometry3D(geo3, 1);

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetUpdatedGeometry(1) == geo3, "Set Geometry for time step 1");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetMTime()!= 0, "Check if modified time is set");  
  baseDataImpl->SetClonedGeometry(geo3, 1);

  float x[3];
  x[0] = 2; 
  x[1] = 4; 
  x[2] = 6;
  mitk::Point3D p3d(x);

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetGeometry(1)->GetOrigin() == geo3->GetOrigin(), "Testing Origin set");
  cloneBaseData = baseDataImpl->Clone();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(cloneBaseData->GetGeometry(1)->GetOrigin() == geo3->GetOrigin(), "Testing origin set in clone!");

  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(!baseDataImpl->IsEmptyTimeStep(1), "Is not empty before clear()!");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->IsEmptyTimeStep(1), "...but afterwards!");
  //test method Set-/GetProperty()
  baseDataImpl->SetProperty("property38", mitk::StringProperty::New("testproperty"));
  //baseDataImpl->SetProperty("visibility", mitk::BoolProperty::New());
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetProperty("property38")->GetValueAsString() == "testproperty","Check if base property is set correctly!");
  cloneBaseData = baseDataImpl->Clone();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(cloneBaseData->GetProperty("property38")->GetValueAsString() == "testproperty", "Testing origin set in clone!");

  //test method Set-/GetPropertyList
  mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propertyList = mitk::PropertyList::New();
  propertyList->SetFloatProperty("floatProperty1", 123.45);
  bool value = false;
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetPropertyList() == propertyList, "Check if base property list is set correctly!");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetPropertyList()->GetBoolProperty("visibility", value) == true, "Check if base property is set correctly in the property list!");
  //test method UpdateOutputInformation()
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(baseDataImpl->GetUpdatedTimeSlicedGeometry() == geo2, "TimeSlicedGeometry update!");
  //Test method CopyInformation()
  mitk::BaseDataTestImplementation::Pointer newBaseData =  mitk::BaseDataTestImplementation::New();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(  newBaseData->GetTimeSlicedGeometry()->GetTimeSteps() == 5, "Check copying of of Basedata Data Object!");