Beispiel #1
static void
rdbuf_swin(PLStream *pls)
    PLWindow plwin;

    fread(&plwin.dxmi, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.dxma, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.dymi, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.dyma, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);

    fread(&plwin.wxmi, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.wxma, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.wymi, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);
    fread(&plwin.wyma, sizeof(PLFLT), 1, pls->plbufFile);

Beispiel #2
c_plwind(PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)
    PLFLT dx, dy, mmxmi, mmxma, mmymi, mmyma;
    PLWindow w;

    if (plsc->level < 2) {
	plabort("plwind: Please set up viewport first");

/* Best to just warn and recover on bounds errors */

    if (xmin == xmax) {
	plwarn("plwind: Invalid window limits in x.");
	xmin--; xmax++;
    if (ymin == ymax) {
	plwarn("plwind: Invalid window limits in y.");
	ymin--; ymax++;

    dx = (xmax - xmin) * 1.0e-5;
    dy = (ymax - ymin) * 1.0e-5;

/* The true plot window is made slightly larger than requested so that */
/* the end limits will be on the graph  */

    plsc->vpwxmi = xmin - dx;
    plsc->vpwxma = xmax + dx;
    plsc->vpwymi = ymin - dy;
    plsc->vpwyma = ymax + dy;

/* Compute the scaling between coordinate systems */

    dx = plsc->vpwxma - plsc->vpwxmi;
    dy = plsc->vpwyma - plsc->vpwymi;

    plsc->wpxscl = (plsc->vppxma - plsc->vppxmi) / dx;
    plsc->wpxoff = (xmax * plsc->vppxmi - xmin * plsc->vppxma) / dx;
    plsc->wpyscl = (plsc->vppyma - plsc->vppymi) / dy;
    plsc->wpyoff = (ymax * plsc->vppymi - ymin * plsc->vppyma) / dy;

    mmxmi = plP_dcmmx(plsc->vpdxmi);
    mmxma = plP_dcmmx(plsc->vpdxma);
    mmymi = plP_dcmmy(plsc->vpdymi);
    mmyma = plP_dcmmy(plsc->vpdyma);

/* Set transformation variables for world coordinates to mm */

    plsc->wmxscl = (mmxma - mmxmi) / dx;
    plsc->wmxoff = (xmax * mmxmi - xmin * mmxma) / dx;
    plsc->wmyscl = (mmyma - mmymi) / dy;
    plsc->wmyoff = (ymax * mmymi - ymin * mmyma) / dy;

/* Set transformation variables for world coordinates to device coords */

    plsc->wdxscl = plsc->wmxscl * plsc->xpmm / (plsc->phyxma - plsc->phyxmi);
    plsc->wdxoff = plsc->wmxoff * plsc->xpmm / (plsc->phyxma - plsc->phyxmi);
    plsc->wdyscl = plsc->wmyscl * plsc->ypmm / (plsc->phyyma - plsc->phyymi);
    plsc->wdyoff = plsc->wmyoff * plsc->ypmm / (plsc->phyyma - plsc->phyymi);

/* Register plot window attributes */

    w.dxmi = plsc->vpdxmi;
    w.dxma = plsc->vpdxma;
    w.dymi = plsc->vpdymi;
    w.dyma = plsc->vpdyma;

    w.wxmi = plsc->vpwxmi;
    w.wxma = plsc->vpwxma;
    w.wymi = plsc->vpwymi;
    w.wyma = plsc->vpwyma;


/* Go to level 3 */

    plsc->level = 3;