Beispiel #1
Datei: land.c Projekt: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Checks if should add the refuel button and does if needed.
void land_checkAddRefuel (void)
   unsigned int w;

   /* Check to see if fuel conditions are met. */
   if (!planet_hasService(land_planet, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL)) {
      if (!widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20) + 20,
                  200, gl_defFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
                  &gl_defFont, &cBlack, "No refueling services." );

   /* Full fuel. */
   if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max) {
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" );

   /* Autorefuel. */
   if (conf.autorefuel) {
      spaceport_refuel( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      w = land_getWid( LAND_WINDOW_EQUIPMENT );
      if (w > 0)
         equipment_updateShips( w, NULL ); /* Must update counter. */
      if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max)

   /* Just enable button if it exists. */
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" )) {
      window_enableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel");
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_modifyText( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel", buf );
   /* Else create it. */
   else {
      /* Refuel button. */
      credits2str( cred, refuel_price(), 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Refuel %s", cred );
      window_addButton( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            buf, spaceport_refuel );
      /* Player credits. */
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + 2*(LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            LAND_BUTTON_WIDTH, gl_smallFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
            &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, buf );

   /* Make sure player can click it. */
   if (!player_hasCredits( refuel_price() ))
      window_disableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Makes sure it's sane to buy a ship, trading the old one in simultaneously.
 *    @param shipname Ship being bought.
int shipyard_canTrade( char* shipname )
   int failure = 0;
   Ship* ship;
   ship = ship_get( shipname );
   credits_t price;

   price = ship_buyPrice( ship );

   /* Must have the necessary license, enough credits, and be able to swap ships. */
   if (!player_hasLicense(ship->license)) {
      land_errDialogueBuild( "You lack the %s.", ship->license );
      failure = 1;
   if (!player_hasCredits( price - player_shipPrice(player.p->name))) {
      credits_t creditdifference = price - (player_shipPrice(player.p->name) + player.p->credits);
      char buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
      credits2str( buf, creditdifference, 2 );
      land_errDialogueBuild( "You need %s more credits.", buf);
      failure = 1;
   if (!can_swap( shipname ))
      failure = 1;
   return !failure;
Beispiel #3
Datei: land.c Projekt: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Refuels the player.
 *    @param wid Land window.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void spaceport_refuel( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   credits_t price;

   price = refuel_price();

   if (!player_hasCredits( price )) { /* player is out of money after landing */
      dialogue_alert("You seem to not have enough credits to refuel your ship." );

   player_modCredits( -price );
   player.p->fuel      = player.p->fuel_max;
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" )) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "btnRefuel" );
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "txtRefuel" );
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Makes sure it's sane to buy a ship.
 *    @param shipname Ship being bought.
int shipyard_canBuy ( char *shipname )
    Ship* ship;
    ship = ship_get( shipname );
    int failure = 0;

    /* Must have enough credits and the necessary license. */
    if (!player_hasLicense(ship->license)) {
        land_errDialogueBuild( "You lack the %s.", ship->license );
        failure = 1;
    if (!player_hasCredits( ship->price )) {
        char buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
        credits2str( buf, ship->price - player.p->credits, 2 );
        land_errDialogueBuild( "You need %s more credits.", buf);
        failure = 1;
    return !failure;
Beispiel #5
Datei: land.c Projekt: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Buys the selected commodity.
 *    @param wid Window buying from.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void commodity_buy( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char *comname;
   Commodity *com;
   unsigned int q;
   credits_t price;
   HookParam hparam[3];

   /* Get selected. */
   q     = commodity_getMod();
   comname = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstGoods" );
   com   = commodity_get( comname );
   price = planet_commodityPrice( land_planet, com );
   price *= q;

   /* Check stuff. */
   if (!player_hasCredits( price )) {
      dialogue_alert( "Insufficient credits!" );
   else if (pilot_cargoFree(player.p) <= 0) {
      dialogue_alert( "Insufficient free space!" );

   /* Make the buy. */
   q = pilot_cargoAdd( player.p, com, q );
   player_modCredits( -price );
   commodity_update(wid, NULL);

   /* Run hooks. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_STRING;
   hparam[0].u.str   = comname;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[1].u.num   = q;
   hparam[2].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINEL;
   hooks_runParam( "comm_buy", hparam );
   if (land_takeoff)
Beispiel #6
 * @brief Makes sure it's sane to buy a ship.
 *    @param shipname Ship being bought.
int shipyard_canBuy ( char *shipname, Planet *planet )
   Ship* ship;
   ship = ship_get( shipname );
   int failure = 0;
   credits_t price;

   price = ship_buyPrice(ship);

   /* Must have enough credits and the necessary license. */
   if ((!player_hasLicense(ship->license)) &&
         ((planet == NULL) || (!planet_isBlackMarket(planet)))) {
      land_errDialogueBuild( "You lack the %s.", ship->license );
      failure = 1;
   if (!player_hasCredits( price )) {
      char buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
      credits2str( buf, price - player.p->credits, 2 );
      land_errDialogueBuild( "You need %s more credits.", buf);
      failure = 1;
   return !failure;
Beispiel #7
static int commodity_canBuy( char *name )
   int failure;
   unsigned int q, price;
   Commodity *com;
   char buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];

   failure = 0;
   q = commodity_getMod();
   com = commodity_get( name );
   price = planet_commodityPrice( land_planet, com ) * q;

   if (!player_hasCredits( price )) {
      credits2str( buf, price - player.p->credits, 2 );
      land_errDialogueBuild("You need %s more credits.", buf );
      failure = 1;
   if (pilot_cargoFree(player.p) <= 0) {
      land_errDialogueBuild("No cargo space available!");
      failure = 1;

   return !failure;