Beispiel #1
static int containedLocus ( MrfEntry* query, Locus* target )
  int overlap=0;
  if( query->isPairedEnd ) { // do this only if paired end
    int i;
    for( i=0; i<arrayMax( (query->read1).blocks ); i++) {
      MrfBlock* qBlock = arrp( (query->read1).blocks, i, MrfBlock);
      if( !strcmp( qBlock->targetName, target->chromosome) ) {
        if( positiveRangeIntersection( qBlock->targetStart, qBlock->targetEnd, target->start, target->end ) > 0 ) {
          overlap = 1; // found
          i = arrayMax( (query->read1).blocks ); // found, then stop
    if( overlap == 0 ) { // not found in read 1, let's check read 2
      for( i=0; i<arrayMax( (query->read2).blocks ); i++) {
        MrfBlock* qBlock = arrp( (query->read2).blocks, i, MrfBlock);
        if( !strcmp( qBlock->targetName, target->chromosome) ) {
          if( positiveRangeIntersection( qBlock->targetStart, qBlock->targetEnd, target->start, target->end ) > 0 ) {
            overlap = 1; // found
            i = arrayMax( (query->read2).blocks ); // found, then stop
  return overlap;
Beispiel #2
void fakeCdsToMrna(struct bed *bed, FILE *f)
/* Generate a psl that mimics a perfect, single block alignment
 * between a CDS and the RNA it is part of. */
/* Figure out sizes of all components. */
int cdsSize = 0, rnaSize = 0, startUtrSize = 0, endUtrSize = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<bed->blockCount; ++i)
    int start = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
    int end = start + bed->blockSizes[i];
    startUtrSize += positiveRangeIntersection(bed->chromStart, bed->thickStart, start, end);
    cdsSize += positiveRangeIntersection(bed->thickStart, bed->thickEnd, start, end);
    endUtrSize += positiveRangeIntersection(bed->thickEnd, bed->chromEnd, start, end);
    rnaSize += end - start;

/* Figure out CDS start position. */
int cdsStart = (bed->strand[0] == '-' ? endUtrSize : startUtrSize);

/* Output the 21 fields of a psl. */
fprintf(f, "%d\t0\t0\t0\t", cdsSize);
fprintf(f, "0\t0\t0\t0\t");
fprintf(f, "+\t%s\t%d\t0\t%d\t", bed->name, cdsSize, cdsSize);
fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", bed->name, rnaSize, cdsStart, cdsStart + cdsSize);
fprintf(f, "1\t%d,\t0,\t%d,\n", cdsSize, cdsStart);
Beispiel #3
static void addOverlap(void *v)
/* Callback to add item to range list. */
struct range *r = v;
totalOverlap += positiveRangeIntersection(r->start, r->end, 
	overlapStart, overlapEnd);
Beispiel #4
static boolean isHapRegionAln(struct hapRegions *hr, struct hapChrom *hapChrom, struct cDnaAlign *refAln)
/* test if aln overlaps the hap region for the specified hapChrom */
    return alnInHapRegion(hr, refAln)
           && sameString(refAln->psl->tName, hapChrom->refChrom->chrom)
           && positiveRangeIntersection(refAln->psl->tStart, refAln->psl->tEnd,
                                        hapChrom->refStart, hapChrom->refEnd);
Beispiel #5
void bedIntersect(char *aFile, char *bFile, char *outFile)
/* bedIntersect - Intersect two bed files. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(aFile, TRUE);
struct hash *bHash = readBed(bFile);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
char *row[40];
int wordCount;

while ((wordCount = (strictTab ? lineFileChopTab(lf, row) : lineFileChop(lf, row))) != 0)
    char *chrom = row[0];
    int start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
    int end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
    if (start > end)
        errAbort("start after end line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    if (start == end && !allowStartEqualEnd)
	lineFileAbort(lf, "start==end (if this is legit, use -allowStartEqualEnd)");
    struct binKeeper *bk = hashFindVal(bHash, chrom);
    if (bk != NULL)
	struct binElement *hitList = NULL, *hit;
	if (allowStartEqualEnd && start == end)
	    hitList = binKeeperFind(bk, start-1, end+1);
	    hitList = binKeeperFind(bk, start, end);
	if (aHitAny)
	    for (hit = hitList; hit != NULL; hit = hit->next)
		float cov = getCov(start, end, hit->val);
		if (cov >= minCoverage)
		    outputBed(f, row, wordCount, start, end, hit->val);
		    struct bed5 *b = hit->val;
		    verbose(1, "filter out %s %d %d %d %d overlap %d %d %d %.3f\n",
			    chrom, start, end, b->start, b->end,
			    positiveRangeIntersection(start, end, b->start, b->end),
			    end-start, b->end-b->start, cov);
	    for (hit = hitList; hit != NULL; hit = hit->next)
		if (getCov(start, end, hit->val) >= minCoverage)
		    outputBed(f, row, wordCount, start, end, hit->val);
Beispiel #6
int chainBaseCountSubQ(struct chain *chain, int qMin, int qMax)
/* Return number of bases in gap free alignments in chain between 
 * tMin and tMax. */
struct cBlock *b;
int total = 0;
for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
    total += positiveRangeIntersection(b->qStart, b->qEnd, qMin, qMax);
return total;
Beispiel #7
void gpPartOutAsCds(struct genePred *gp, int partStart, int partEnd, FILE *f,
	char *type, int id)
/* Write out CDS region of this fragment of gp.  It may in fact be empty,
 * which we'll represent as start=0, end=0 */
/* Truncate cds to fit inside of the interval we're actually outputting. 
 * If this results in us losing the CDS, just output a stub quickly. */
fprintf(f, "%s_%d_%s\t", type, id, gp->name);
int genoCdsStart = max(partStart, gp->cdsStart);
int genoCdsEnd = min(partEnd, gp->cdsEnd);
if (genoCdsStart >= genoCdsEnd)
    fprintf(f, "0\t0\n");

/*  Figure out amount of exonic sequence that is inside of our part
 *  and also in the first UTR or the CDS. */
int i;
int cdnaUtrUpSize = 0;
int cdnaUtrDownSize = 0;
int cdnaCdsSize = 0;
for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
    int exonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
    int exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
    int utrUpStart = max(gp->txStart, exonStart);
    int utrUpEnd = min(gp->cdsStart, exonEnd);
    int utrDownStart = max(gp->cdsEnd, exonStart);
    int utrDownEnd = min(gp->txEnd, exonEnd);
    int cdsStart = max(gp->cdsStart, exonStart);
    int cdsEnd = min(gp->cdsEnd, exonEnd);
    cdnaUtrUpSize += positiveRangeIntersection(utrUpStart, utrUpEnd, partStart, partEnd);
    cdnaUtrDownSize += positiveRangeIntersection(utrDownStart, utrDownEnd, partStart, partEnd);
    cdnaCdsSize += positiveRangeIntersection(cdsStart, cdsEnd, partStart, partEnd);

/* Output CDS start/end. */
if (gp->strand[0] == '+')
    fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\n", cdnaUtrUpSize, cdnaUtrUpSize+cdnaCdsSize);
    fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\n", cdnaUtrDownSize, cdnaUtrDownSize+cdnaCdsSize);
Beispiel #8
float getCov(int aStart, int aEnd, struct bed5 *b)
/* Compute coverage of a's start and end vs. b's, taking aHitAny and
 * allowStartEqualEnd into account. */
float overlap = positiveRangeIntersection(aStart, aEnd, b->start, b->end);
float denominator = aHitAny ? (aEnd - aStart) : (b->end - b->start);
float cov = (denominator == 0) ? 0.0 : overlap/denominator;
if (allowStartEqualEnd && (aStart == aEnd || b->start == b->end))
    cov = 1.0;
return cov;
Beispiel #9
int gpRangeIntersection(struct genePred *gp, int start, int end)
/* Return number of bases range start,end shares with genePred. */
int intersect = 0;
int i, exonCount = gp->exonCount;
for (i=0; i<exonCount; ++i)
    intersect += positiveRangeIntersection(gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i],
    	start, end);
return intersect;
Beispiel #10
static struct bed *getClickedPar(char *item, struct bed **pars)
/* find par record that was clicked on, removing it from the list d*/
struct bed *clickedPar = NULL, *otherPars = NULL, *par;
while ((par = slPopHead(pars)) != NULL)
    if (sameString(par->chrom, seqName) && sameString(par->name, item) && positiveRangeIntersection(par->chromStart, par->chromEnd, winStart, winEnd))
        if (clickedPar != NULL)
            errAbort("multiple par rows named %s overlapping %s:%d-%d", item, seqName, winStart, winEnd);
        clickedPar = par;
        slAddHead(&otherPars, par);
if (clickedPar == NULL)
    errAbort("no par row %s overlapping %s:%d-%d", item, seqName, winStart, winEnd);
*pars = otherPars;
return clickedPar;
Beispiel #11
/* get overlap with psl and set the number of overlapping blocks to numBlocks */
int getOverlap(struct psl *psl, int start, int end, int *numBlocks)
int total = 0;
int i;
int blocks = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < psl->blockCount ; i++)
    int qs = psl->qStarts[i];
    int qe = psl->qStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i];
    int overlap = 0;
    float coverage = 0;
    if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
        reverseIntRange(&qs, &qe, psl->qSize);
    overlap = positiveRangeIntersection(start, end, qs, qe);
    coverage = (float)overlap/(float)(qe-qe);
    total += overlap;
    if (overlap > 25 || coverage > 0.4)
*numBlocks = blocks;
return total;
void chainStrands(struct strandHead *strandHead, struct hash *bedHash)
for(; strandHead ; strandHead = strandHead->next)
    struct linkBlock *link, *prevLink;
    struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(bedHash, strandHead->species);
    struct hash *chromHash = (hel != NULL) ? hel->val : NULL;
    struct bedHead *bedHead = (chromHash != NULL) ? 
	hashFindVal(chromHash, strandHead->qName): NULL;


    prevLink = strandHead->links;
    prevLink->mc->leftStatus = MAF_NEW_STATUS;
    for(link = prevLink->next; link; prevLink = link, link = link->next)
	int tDiff = link->cb.tStart - prevLink->cb.tEnd;
	int qDiff = link->cb.qStart - prevLink->cb.qEnd;
	int nCount = 0;
	int nStart, nEnd;
	struct bed *bed;

	if (strandHead->strand == '+')
	    nStart = prevLink->cb.qEnd;
	    nEnd = link->cb.qStart;
	    nEnd = strandHead->qSize - prevLink->cb.qEnd;
	    nStart = strandHead->qSize - link->cb.qStart;

	/* a very inefficient search for an N bed */
	if ((nEnd - nStart > 0) && (bedHead))
	    for(bed = bedHead->list; bed; bed = bed->next)
		if (bed->chromStart >= nEnd)

		if ( bed->chromEnd > nStart)
		    nCount += positiveRangeIntersection(nStart, nEnd, 
			bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);

	if ((qDiff && (100 * nCount / qDiff > 95))
		&& (tDiff && (100 * nCount / tDiff > 10)))
	    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = link->mc->leftStatus = MAF_MISSING_STATUS;
	    prevLink->mc->rightLen = link->mc->leftLen = nCount;
	else if  ((tDiff > 100000) ||  
		  (qDiff > 100000) || (qDiff < -100000))
	    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = link->mc->leftStatus = MAF_NEW_STATUS;
	    prevLink->mc->rightLen = link->mc->leftLen = 0;
	else if  (qDiff < 0)
	    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = link->mc->leftStatus = MAF_TANDEM_STATUS;
	    prevLink->mc->rightLen = link->mc->leftLen = -qDiff;
	else if (qDiff == 0)
	    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = link->mc->leftStatus = MAF_CONTIG_STATUS;
	    prevLink->mc->rightLen = link->mc->leftLen = 0;
	    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = link->mc->leftStatus = MAF_INSERT_STATUS;
	    prevLink->mc->rightLen = link->mc->leftLen = qDiff;
    prevLink->mc->rightStatus = MAF_NEW_STATUS;
Beispiel #13
boolean isNonsenseMediatedDecayTarget(struct bed *bed)
/* Return TRUE if there's an intron more than 55 bases past
 * end of CDS. */
const int nmdMax = 55;
if (bed->thickStart >= bed->thickEnd)
    return FALSE;		/* Not even coding! */
int blockCount = bed->blockCount;
if (blockCount == 1)
    return FALSE;		/* No introns at all. */
if (bed->strand[0] == '+')
    /* ----===  ====  ====----    NMD FALSE  */
    /* ----===  ===-  --------    NMD FALSE  */
    /* ----===  =---  --------    NMD TRUE  */
    /* ----===  == -  --------    NMD FALSE  */
    /* Step backwards looking for first real intron (> 3 bases) */
    int i;
    for (i=bed->blockCount-2; i>=0; --i)
	int gapStart = bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i] + bed->chromStart;
	int gapEnd = bed->chromStarts[i+1] + bed->chromStart;
	int gapSize = gapEnd - gapStart;
	if (gapSize > 16)
	    int nmdStart = bed->thickEnd;
	    int nmdEnd = gapStart;
	    if (nmdStart < nmdEnd)
		int nmdBases = 0;
		int j;
		for (j=0; j<bed->blockCount; ++j)
		    int start = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[j];
		    int end = start + bed->blockSizes[j];
		    nmdBases += positiveRangeIntersection(nmdStart, nmdEnd, start, end);
		return nmdBases >= nmdMax;
    /* Step forward looking for first gap big enough to be an intron*/
    int i;
    int lastBlock = bed->blockCount-1;
    for (i=0; i<lastBlock; ++i)
	int gapStart = bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i] + bed->chromStart;
	int gapEnd = bed->chromStarts[i+1] + bed->chromStart;
	int gapSize = gapEnd - gapStart;
	if (gapSize > 16)
	    /* -----===   ====    ====----    NMD FALSE  */
	    /* -----  -===  === ====------    NMD FALSE  */
	    /* -----  ---=  === ====------    NMD TRUE  */
	    int nmdStart = gapEnd;
	    int nmdEnd = bed->thickStart;
	    if (nmdStart < nmdEnd)
		int nmdBases = 0;
		int j;
		for (j=0; j<bed->blockCount; ++j)
		    int start = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[j];
		    int end = start + bed->blockSizes[j];
		    nmdBases += positiveRangeIntersection(nmdStart, nmdEnd, start, end);
		return nmdBases >= nmdMax;
return FALSE;
struct genePred *getOverlappingGeneDb(struct genePred **list, char *table, char *chrom, int cStart, int cEnd, char *name, int *retOverlap, char *db)
/* read all genes from a table find the gene with the biggest overlap. 
   Cache the list of genes to so we only read it once */

struct genePred *el = NULL, *bestMatch = NULL, *gp = NULL;
int overlap = 0 , bestOverlap = 0, i;
int *eFrames;

if (list == NULL)
    return NULL;

if (*list == NULL)
    struct genePred *gpList = NULL;
    struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
    struct genePredReader *gpr = NULL;
    if (!hTableExistsDb(db,table))
        table = altTable;
    if (!hTableExistsDb(db,table))
        verbose(2,"no table %s in %s\n",table, db);
        return NULL;
    gpr = genePredReaderQuery(conn, table, NULL);
    verbose(1,"Loading Predictions from %s in %s\n",table, db);
    gpList = genePredReaderAll(gpr);
    if (gpList != NULL)
        hashAdd(geneListHash, db, gpList);
        *list = gpList;
for (el = *list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    if (chrom != NULL && el->chrom != NULL)
        overlap = 0;
        if ( sameString(chrom, el->chrom))
            for (i = 0 ; i<(el->exonCount); i++)
                overlap += positiveRangeIntersection(cStart,cEnd, el->exonStarts[i], el->exonEnds[i]) ;
            if (overlap > 20 && sameString(name, el->name))
                bestMatch = el;
                bestOverlap = overlap;
                *retOverlap = bestOverlap;
            if (overlap > bestOverlap)
                bestMatch = el;
                bestOverlap = overlap;
                *retOverlap = bestOverlap;
if (bestMatch != NULL)
    /* Allocate genePred and fill in values. */
    gp->name = cloneString(bestMatch->name);
    gp->chrom = cloneString(bestMatch->chrom);
    gp->strand[1] = bestMatch->strand[1];
    gp->strand[0] = bestMatch->strand[0];
    gp->txStart = bestMatch->txStart;
    gp->txEnd = bestMatch->txEnd;
    gp->cdsStart = bestMatch->cdsStart;
    gp->cdsEnd = bestMatch->cdsEnd;
    gp->exonCount = bestMatch->exonCount;
    AllocArray(gp->exonStarts, bestMatch->exonCount);
    AllocArray(gp->exonEnds, bestMatch->exonCount);
    for (i=0; i<bestMatch->exonCount; ++i)
        gp->exonStarts[i] = bestMatch->exonStarts[i] ;
        gp->exonEnds[i] = bestMatch->exonEnds[i] ;
    gp->optFields = bestMatch->optFields;
    gp->id = bestMatch->id;

    if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredName2Fld)
        gp->name2 = cloneString(bestMatch->name2);
        gp->name2 = NULL;
    if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
        gp->cdsStartStat = bestMatch->cdsStartStat;
        gp->cdsEndStat = bestMatch->cdsEndStat;
    if (bestMatch->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld)
        gp->exonFrames = AllocArray(eFrames, bestMatch->exonCount);
        for (i = 0; i < bestMatch->exonCount; i++)
            gp->exonFrames[i] = bestMatch->exonFrames[i];
    eFrames = gp->exonFrames;

return gp;
Beispiel #15
void checkExp(char *bedFileName, char *tNibDir, char *nibList)
struct lineFile *bf = lineFileOpen(bedFileName , TRUE), *af = NULL;
struct pseudoGeneLink *ps;
char *tmpName[512], cmd[512];
struct axt *axtList = NULL, *axt, *mAxt = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *qSeq = NULL, *tSeq = NULL, *seqList = NULL;
struct nibInfo *qNib = NULL, *tNib = NULL;
FILE *op;
int ret;

if (nibHash == NULL)
    nibHash = hashNew(0);
while (lineFileNextRow(bf, row, ArraySize(row)))
    struct misMatch *misMatchList = NULL;
    struct binKeeper *bk = NULL;
    struct binElement *el, *elist = NULL;
    struct psl *mPsl = NULL, *rPsl = NULL, *pPsl = NULL, *psl ;
    struct misMatch *mf = NULL;
    ps = pseudoGeneLinkLoad(row);
    tmpName[0] = cloneString(ps->name);
    chopByChar(tmpName[0], '.', tmpName, sizeof(tmpName));
    verbose(2,"name %s %s:%d-%d\n",
            ps->name, ps->chrom, ps->chromStart,ps->chromEnd);
    /* get expressed retro from hash */
    bk = hashFindVal(mrnaHash, ps->chrom);
    elist = binKeeperFindSorted(bk, ps->chromStart, ps->chromEnd ) ;
    for (el = elist; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
        rPsl = el->val;
        verbose(2,"retroGene %s %s:%d-%d\n",rPsl->qName, ps->chrom, ps->chromStart,ps->chromEnd);
    /* find mrnas that overlap parent gene */
    bk = hashFindVal(mrnaHash, ps->gChrom);
    elist = binKeeperFindSorted(bk, ps->gStart , ps->gEnd ) ;
    for (el = elist; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
        pPsl = el->val;
        verbose(2,"parent %s %s:%d %d,%d\n",
                pPsl->qName, pPsl->tName,pPsl->tStart,
                pPsl->match, pPsl->misMatch);
    /* find self chain */
    bk = hashFindVal(chainHash, ps->chrom);
    elist = binKeeperFind(bk, ps->chromStart , ps->chromEnd ) ;
    slSort(&elist, chainCmpScoreDesc);
    for (el = elist; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
        struct chain *chain = el->val, *subChain, *retChainToFree, *retChainToFree2;
        int qs = chain->qStart;
        int qe = chain->qEnd;
        int id = chain->id;
        if (chain->qStrand == '-')
            qs = chain->qSize - chain->qEnd;
            qe = chain->qSize - chain->qStart;
        if (!sameString(chain->qName , ps->gChrom) || 
                !positiveRangeIntersection(qs, qe, ps->gStart, ps->gEnd))
            verbose(2," wrong chain %s:%d-%d %s:%d-%d parent %s:%d-%d\n", 
                chain->qName, qs, qe, 
        verbose(2,"chain id %d %4.0f",chain->id, chain->score);
        chainSubsetOnT(chain, ps->chromStart+7, ps->chromEnd-7, 
            &subChain,  &retChainToFree);
        if (subChain != NULL)
            chain = subChain;
        chainSubsetOnQ(chain, ps->gStart, ps->gEnd, 
            &subChain,  &retChainToFree2);
        if (subChain != NULL)
            chain = subChain;
        if (chain->qStrand == '-')
            qs = chain->qSize - chain->qEnd;
            qe = chain->qSize - chain->qStart;
        verbose(2," %s:%d-%d %s:%d-%d ", 
                chain->qName, qs, qe, 
        if (subChain != NULL)
            verbose(2,"subChain %s:%d-%d %s:%d-%d\n",
                    subChain->qName, subChain->qStart, subChain->qEnd, 

	qNib = nibInfoFromCache(nibHash, tNibDir, chain->qName);
	tNib = nibInfoFromCache(nibHash, tNibDir, chain->tName);
	tSeq = nibInfoLoadStrand(tNib, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, '+');
	qSeq = nibInfoLoadStrand(qNib, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd, chain->qStrand);
	axtList = chainToAxt(chain, qSeq, chain->qStart, tSeq, chain->tStart,
	    maxGap, BIGNUM);
        verbose(2,"axt count %d misMatch cnt %d\n",slCount(axtList), slCount(misMatchList));
        for (axt = axtList; axt != NULL ; axt = axt->next)
            addMisMatch(&misMatchList, axt, chain->qSize);
        verbose(2,"%d in mismatch list %s id %d \n",slCount(misMatchList), chain->qName, id);
    /* create axt of each expressed retroGene to parent gene */
        /* get alignment for each mrna overlapping retroGene */
    bk = hashFindVal(mrnaHash, ps->chrom);
    elist = binKeeperFindSorted(bk, ps->chromStart , ps->chromEnd ) ;
    char queryName[512];
    char axtName[512];
    char pslName[512];
    safef(queryName, sizeof(queryName), "/tmp/query.%s.fa", ps->chrom);
    safef(axtName, sizeof(axtName), "/tmp/tmp.%s.axt", ps->chrom);
    safef(pslName, sizeof(pslName), "/tmp/tmp.%s.psl", ps->chrom);
    op = fopen(pslName,"w");
    for (el = elist ; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
        psl = el->val;
        pslOutput(psl, op, '\t','\n');
        qSeq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(twoBitFile, psl->qName, 0, 0);

        if (qSeq != NULL)
            slAddHead(&seqList, qSeq);
            errAbort("seq %s not found \n", psl->qName);
    faWriteAll(queryName, seqList);
    safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"pslPretty -long -axt %s %s %s %s",pslName , nibList, queryName, axtName);
    ret = system(cmd);
    if (ret != 0)
        errAbort("ret is %d %s\n",ret,cmd);
    verbose(2, "ret is %d %s\n",ret,cmd);
    af = lineFileOpen(axtName, TRUE);
    while ((axt = axtRead(af)) != NULL)
        slAddHead(&mAxt, axt);
    /* for each parent/retro pair, count bases matching retro and parent better */
    for (el = elist; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
        int i, scoreRetro=0, scoreParent=0, scoreNeither=0;
        struct dyString *parentMatch = newDyString(16*1024);
        struct dyString *retroMatch = newDyString(16*1024);
        mPsl = el->val;

        if (mAxt != NULL)
            verbose(2,"mrna %s %s:%d %d,%d axt %s\n",
                    mPsl->qName, mPsl->tName,mPsl->tStart,
                    mPsl->match, mPsl->misMatch, 
            assert(sameString(mPsl->qName, mAxt->qName));
            for (i = 0 ; i< (mPsl->tEnd-mPsl->tStart) ; i++)
                int j = mAxt->tStart - mPsl->tStart;
                verbose(5, "listLen = %d\n",slCount(&misMatchList));
                if ((mf = matchFound(&misMatchList, (mPsl->tStart)+i)) != NULL)
                    if (toupper(mf->retroBase) == toupper(mAxt->qSym[j+i]))
                        verbose (3,"match retro[%d] %d %c == %c parent %c %d\n",
                                i,mf->retroLoc, mf->retroBase, mAxt->qSym[j+i], 
                                mf->parentBase, mf->parentLoc);
                        dyStringPrintf(retroMatch, "%d,", mf->retroLoc);
                    else if (toupper(mf->parentBase) == toupper(mAxt->qSym[j+i]))
                        verbose (3,"match parent[%d] %d %c == %c retro %c %d\n",
                                i,mf->parentLoc, mf->parentBase, mAxt->qSym[j+i], 
                                mf->retroBase, mf->retroLoc);
                        dyStringPrintf(parentMatch, "%d,", mf->parentLoc);
                        verbose (3,"match neither[%d] %d %c != %c retro %c %d\n",
                                i,mf->parentLoc, mf->parentBase, mAxt->tSym[j+i], 
                                mf->retroBase, mf->retroLoc);
            verbose(2,"final score %s parent %d retro %d  neither %d\n",
                    mPsl->qName, scoreParent, scoreRetro, scoreNeither);
                    ps->chrom, ps->chromStart, ps->chromEnd, ps->name, ps->score, 
                    mPsl->tName, mPsl->tStart, mPsl->tEnd, mPsl->qName, 
                    scoreParent, scoreRetro, scoreNeither, parentMatch->string, retroMatch->string);
            mAxt = mAxt->next;