Beispiel #1
int GPS::callback(GPSCallbackType type, void *data1, int data2, void *user)
	GPS *gps = (GPS *)user;

	switch (type) {
	case GPSCallbackType::readDeviceData: {
			int num_read = gps->pollOrRead((uint8_t *)data1, data2, *((int *)data1));

			if (num_read > 0 && gps->_dump_from_gps_device_fd >= 0) {
				if (write(gps->_dump_from_gps_device_fd, data1, (size_t)num_read) != (size_t)num_read) {
					PX4_WARN("gps dump failed");

			return num_read;

	case GPSCallbackType::writeDeviceData:
		if (gps->_dump_to_gps_device_fd >= 0) {
			if (write(gps->_dump_to_gps_device_fd, data1, (size_t)data2) != (size_t)data2) {
				PX4_WARN("gps dump failed");

		return write(gps->_serial_fd, data1, (size_t)data2);

	case GPSCallbackType::setBaudrate:
		return gps->setBaudrate(data2);

	case GPSCallbackType::gotRTCMMessage:
		/* not used */

	case GPSCallbackType::surveyInStatus:
		/* not used */

	case GPSCallbackType::setClock:
		px4_clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, (timespec *)data1);

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int GPS::callback(GPSCallbackType type, void *data1, int data2, void *user)
	GPS *gps = (GPS *)user;

	switch (type) {
	case GPSCallbackType::readDeviceData: {
			int num_read = gps->pollOrRead((uint8_t *)data1, data2, *((int *)data1));

			if (num_read > 0) {
				gps->dumpGpsData((uint8_t *)data1, (size_t)num_read, false);

			return num_read;

	case GPSCallbackType::writeDeviceData:
		gps->dumpGpsData((uint8_t *)data1, (size_t)data2, true);

		return write(gps->_serial_fd, data1, (size_t)data2);

	case GPSCallbackType::setBaudrate:
		return gps->setBaudrate(data2);

	case GPSCallbackType::gotRTCMMessage:
		/* not used */

	case GPSCallbackType::surveyInStatus:
		/* not used */

	case GPSCallbackType::setClock:
		px4_clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, (timespec *)data1);

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int ASHTECH::handle_message(int len)
	char *endp;

	if (len < 7) { return 0; }

	int uiCalcComma = 0;

	for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
		if (_rx_buffer[i] == ',') { uiCalcComma++; }

	char *bufptr = (char *)(_rx_buffer + 6);

	if ((memcmp(_rx_buffer + 3, "ZDA,", 3) == 0) && (uiCalcComma == 6)) {
		UTC day, month, and year, and local time zone offset
		An example of the ZDA message string is:


		ZDA message fields
		Field	Meaning
		0	Message ID $GPZDA
		1	UTC
		2	Day, ranging between 01 and 31
		3	Month, ranging between 01 and 12
		4	Year
		5	Local time zone offset from GMT, ranging from 00 through 13 hours
		6	Local time zone offset from GMT, ranging from 00 through 59 minutes
		7	The checksum data, always begins with *
		Fields 5 and 6 together yield the total offset. For example, if field 5 is -5 and field 6 is +15, local time is 5 hours and 15 minutes earlier than GMT.
		double ashtech_time = 0.0;
		int day = 0, month = 0, year = 0, local_time_off_hour __attribute__((unused)) = 0,
		    local_time_off_min __attribute__((unused)) = 0;

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { ashtech_time = strtod(bufptr, &endp); bufptr = endp; }

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { day = strtol(bufptr, &endp, 10); bufptr = endp; }

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { month = strtol(bufptr, &endp, 10); bufptr = endp; }

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { year = strtol(bufptr, &endp, 10); bufptr = endp; }

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { local_time_off_hour = strtol(bufptr, &endp, 10); bufptr = endp; }

		if (bufptr && *(++bufptr) != ',') { local_time_off_min = strtol(bufptr, &endp, 10); bufptr = endp; }

		int ashtech_hour = static_cast<int>(ashtech_time / 10000);
		int ashtech_minute = static_cast<int>((ashtech_time - ashtech_hour * 10000) / 100);
		double ashtech_sec = static_cast<float>(ashtech_time - ashtech_hour * 10000 - ashtech_minute * 100);

		 * convert to unix timestamp
		struct tm timeinfo;
		timeinfo.tm_year = year - 1900;
		timeinfo.tm_mon = month - 1;
		timeinfo.tm_mday = day;
		timeinfo.tm_hour = ashtech_hour;
		timeinfo.tm_min = ashtech_minute;
		timeinfo.tm_sec = int(ashtech_sec);

		// TODO: this functionality is not available on the Snapdragon yet
#ifndef __PX4_QURT
		time_t epoch = mktime(&timeinfo);

		if (epoch > GPS_EPOCH_SECS) {
			uint64_t usecs = static_cast<uint64_t>((ashtech_sec - static_cast<uint64_t>(ashtech_sec))) * 1000000;

			// FMUv2+ boards have a hardware RTC, but GPS helps us to configure it
			// and control its drift. Since we rely on the HRT for our monotonic
			// clock, updating it from time to time is safe.

			timespec ts;
			ts.tv_sec = epoch;
			ts.tv_nsec = usecs * 1000;

			if (px4_clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)) {
				warn("failed setting clock");

			_gps_position->time_utc_usec = static_cast<uint64_t>(epoch) * 1000000ULL;
			_gps_position->time_utc_usec += usecs;

		} else {
			_gps_position->time_utc_usec = 0;

		_gps_position->time_utc_usec = 0;

		_gps_position->timestamp_time = hrt_absolute_time();