bool PKGLoader::Install(std::string dest) { // Initial checks if (!pkg_f.IsOpened()) return false; // TODO: This shouldn't use current dir dest.insert(0, 1, '.'); if (!dest.empty() && dest.back() != '/') dest += '/'; // Fetch title ID from the header. char title_id[48]; pkg_f.Seek(48); pkg_f.Read(title_id, 48); std::string titleID = std::string(title_id).substr(7, 9); if (rExists(dest+titleID)) { rMessageDialog d_overwrite(NULL, "Another installation was found. Do you want to overwrite it?", "PKG Decrypter / Installer", rYES_NO|rCENTRE); if (d_overwrite.ShowModal() != rID_YES) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "PKG Loader: Another installation found in: %s", titleID.c_str()); return false; } // TODO: Remove the following two lines and remove the folder dest+titleID LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "PKG Loader: Another installation found in: %s", titleID.c_str()); return false; } if (!rMkdir(dest+titleID)) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "PKG Loader: Could not make the installation directory: %s", titleID.c_str()); return false; } // Decrypt and unpack the PKG file. if (Unpack(pkg_f, titleID, dest) < 0) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "PKG Loader: Failed to install package!"); return false; } else { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "PKG Loader: Package successfully installed in: /dev_hdd0/game/%s", titleID.c_str()); return true; } }
bool UnpackEntry(rFile& dec_pkg_f, const PKGEntry& entry, std::string dir) { u8 buf[BUF_SIZE]; dec_pkg_f.Seek(entry.name_offset); dec_pkg_f.Read(buf, entry.name_size); buf[entry.name_size] = 0; switch (entry.type & (0xff)) { case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_NPDRM: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_NPDRMEDAT: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_SDAT: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_REGULAR: { rFile out; out.Create(dir + std::string(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), entry.name_size)); dec_pkg_f.Seek(entry.file_offset); for (u64 size = 0; size < entry.file_size; ) { size += dec_pkg_f.Read(buf, BUF_SIZE); if (size > entry.file_size) out.Write(buf, BUF_SIZE - (size - entry.file_size)); else out.Write(buf, BUF_SIZE); } out.Close(); } break; case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_FOLDER: rMkdir(dir + std::string(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), entry.name_size)); break; } return true; }
int sceNpDrmIsAvailable2(u32 k_licensee_addr, u32 drm_path_addr) { sceNp->Warning("sceNpDrmIsAvailable2(k_licensee_addr=0x%x, drm_path_addr=0x%x)", k_licensee_addr, drm_path_addr); std::string drm_path = Memory.ReadString(drm_path_addr); if (!Emu.GetVFS().ExistsFile(drm_path)) { sceNp->Warning("sceNpDrmIsAvailable2(): '%s' not found", drm_path.c_str()); return CELL_ENOENT; } std::string k_licensee_str = "0"; u8 k_licensee[0x10]; if (k_licensee_addr) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { k_licensee[i] = Memory.Read8(k_licensee_addr + i); k_licensee_str += fmt::Format("%02x", k_licensee[i]); } } sceNp->Warning("sceNpDrmIsAvailable2: Found DRM license file at %s", drm_path.c_str()); sceNp->Warning("sceNpDrmIsAvailable2: Using k_licensee 0x%s", k_licensee_str.c_str()); // Set the necessary file paths. std::string drm_file_name = fmt::AfterLast(drm_path, '/'); // TODO: Make more explicit what this actually does (currently it copies "XXXXXXXX" from drm_path (== "/dev_hdd0/game/XXXXXXXXX/*" assumed) std::string titleID = drm_path.substr(15, 9); // TODO: These shouldn't use current dir std::string enc_drm_path = drm_path; std::string dec_drm_path = "/dev_hdd1/" + titleID + "/" + drm_file_name; std::string rap_path = "/dev_usb000/"; // Search dev_usb000 for a compatible RAP file. vfsDir *raps_dir = new vfsDir(rap_path); if (!raps_dir->IsOpened()) sceNp->Warning("sceNpDrmIsAvailable2: Can't find RAP file for DRM!"); else { const std::vector<DirEntryInfo> &entries = raps_dir->GetEntries(); for (auto &entry : entries) { if ( != std::string::npos) { rap_path +=; break; } } } // Create a new directory under dev_hdd1/titleID to hold the decrypted data. // TODO: These shouldn't use current dir std::string tmp_dir = "./dev_hdd1/" + titleID; if (!rExists(tmp_dir)) rMkdir("./dev_hdd1/" + titleID); // Decrypt this EDAT using the supplied k_licensee and matching RAP file. std::string enc_drm_path_local, dec_drm_path_local, rap_path_local; Emu.GetVFS().GetDevice(enc_drm_path, enc_drm_path_local); Emu.GetVFS().GetDevice(dec_drm_path, dec_drm_path_local); Emu.GetVFS().GetDevice(rap_path, rap_path_local); DecryptEDAT(enc_drm_path_local, dec_drm_path_local, 8, rap_path_local, k_licensee, false); return CELL_OK; }