Beispiel #1
uint32 PoolGroup<T>::RollOne(void)
    if (!ExplicitlyChanced.empty())                         // First explicitly chanced entries are checked
        float roll = rand_chance();

        for (uint32 i=0; i<ExplicitlyChanced.size(); ++i)
            roll -= ExplicitlyChanced[i].chance;
            if (roll < 0)
                return ExplicitlyChanced[i].guid;
    if (!EqualChanced.empty())
        return EqualChanced[irand(0, EqualChanced.size()-1)].guid;

    return 0;                                               // None found
uint32 GetExplicitDiscoverySpell(uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    // explicit discovery spell chances (always success if case exist)
    // in this case we have both skill and spell
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(int32(spellId));
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return 0;

    SkillLineAbilityMapBounds bounds = sSpellMgr->GetSkillLineAbilityMapBounds(spellId);
    uint32 skillvalue = bounds.first != bounds.second ? player->GetSkillValue(bounds.first->second->skillId) : uint32(0);

    float full_chance = 0;
    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue)
            if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
                full_chance += item_iter->chance;

    float rate = full_chance / 100.0f;
    float roll = (float)rand_chance() * rate;                      // roll now in range 0..full_chance

    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue > skillvalue)

        if (player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))

        if (item_iter->chance > roll)
            // Update skill, not Book of Glyph Mastery
            if (spellId != 64323)
                player->UpdateGatherSkill(SKILL_INSCRIPTION, player->GetPureSkillValue(SKILL_INSCRIPTION), item_iter->reqSkillValue);
            return item_iter->spellId;

        roll -= item_iter->chance;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
uint32 GetItemEnchantMod(uint32 entry)
    if (!entry) {
        return 0;

    EnchantmentStore::const_iterator tab = RandomItemEnch.find(entry);

    if (tab == RandomItemEnch.end())
        sLog.outErrorDb("Item RandomProperty id #%u used in `item_template` but it doesn't have records in `item_enchantment_template` table.", entry);
        return 0;

    double dRoll = rand_chance();
    float fCount = 0;

    for (EnchStoreList::const_iterator ench_iter = tab->second.begin(); ench_iter != tab->second.end(); ++ench_iter)
        fCount += ench_iter->chance;

        if (fCount > dRoll) {
            return ench_iter->ench;

    // we could get here only if sum of all enchantment chances is lower than 100%
    dRoll = (irand(0, (int)floor(fCount * 100) + 1)) / 100;
    fCount = 0;

    for (EnchStoreList::const_iterator ench_iter = tab->second.begin(); ench_iter != tab->second.end(); ++ench_iter)
        fCount += ench_iter->chance;

        if (fCount > dRoll) {
            return ench_iter->ench;

    return 0;
void WorldSession::HandleGMResponseResolve(WorldPacket& /*recvPacket*/)
    // empty packet
    if (GmTicket* ticket = sTicketMgr->GetTicketByPlayer(GetPlayer()->GetGUID()))
        uint8 getSurvey = 0;
        if (float(rand_chance()) < sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_CHANCE_OF_GM_SURVEY))
            getSurvey = 1;

        WorldPacket data(SMSG_GM_RESPONSE_STATUS_UPDATE, 4);
        data << uint8(getSurvey);

        WorldPacket data2(SMSG_GM_TICKET_DELETE_TICKET, 4);
        data2 << uint32(GMTICKET_RESPONSE_TICKET_DELETED);

        sTicketMgr->CloseTicket(ticket->GetId(), GetPlayer()->GetGUID());
        sTicketMgr->SendTicket(this, NULL);
uint32 GetItemEnchantMod(int32 entry, uint32 type)
    if (!entry)
        return 0;

    if (entry == -1)
        return 0;

    EnchantmentStore::const_iterator tab = type == ENCHANTMENT_RANDOM_PROPERTY ? RandomPropertyItemEnch.find(entry) : RandomSuffixItemEnch.find(entry) ;
    if (tab == (type == ENCHANTMENT_RANDOM_PROPERTY ? RandomPropertyItemEnch.end() : RandomSuffixItemEnch.end()))
        sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "Item RandomProperty / RandomSuffix id #%u used in `item_template` but it does not have records in `item_enchantment_template` table.", entry);
        return 0;

    double dRoll = rand_chance();
    float fCount = 0;

    for (EnchStoreList::const_iterator ench_iter = tab->second.begin(); ench_iter != tab->second.end(); ++ench_iter)
        fCount += ench_iter->chance;

        if (fCount > dRoll)
            return ench_iter->ench;

    //we could get here only if sum of all enchantment chances is lower than 100%
    dRoll = (irand(0, (int)floor(fCount * 100) + 1)) / 100;
    fCount = 0;

    for (EnchStoreList::const_iterator ench_iter = tab->second.begin(); ench_iter != tab->second.end(); ++ench_iter)
        fCount += ench_iter->chance;

        if (fCount > dRoll)
            return ench_iter->ench;

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
void WorldSession::HandleGMResponseResolve(WorldPacket& /*recvPacket*/)
    // empty packet
    GM_Ticket* ticket = sTicketMgr->GetGMTicketByPlayer(GetPlayer()->GetGUID());

    if (ticket)
        uint8 getSurvey = 0;
        if ((float)rand_chance() < sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_CHANCE_OF_GM_SURVEY))
            getSurvey = 1;

        WorldPacket data(SMSG_GMRESPONSE_STATUS_UPDATE, 4);
        data << uint8(getSurvey);

        WorldPacket data2(SMSG_GMTICKET_DELETETICKET, 4);
        data2 << uint32(GMTICKET_RESPONSE_TICKET_DELETED);
        sTicketMgr->RemoveGMTicket(ticket, GetPlayer()->GetGUID(), true);
Beispiel #7
uint32 GetExplicitDiscoverySpell(uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    // explicit discovery spell chances (always success if case exist)
    // in this case we have both skill and spell
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(spellId);
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return 0;

    SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator lower = spellmgr.GetBeginSkillLineAbilityMap(spellId);
    SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator upper = spellmgr.GetEndSkillLineAbilityMap(spellId);
    uint32 skillvalue = lower != upper ? player->GetSkillValue(lower->second->skillId) : 0;

    float full_chance = 0;
    for(SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue)
            if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
                full_chance += item_iter->chance;

    float rate = full_chance / 100.0f;
    float roll = rand_chance() * rate;                      // roll now in range 0..full_chance

    for(SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue > skillvalue)

        if (player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))

        if (item_iter->chance > roll)
            return item_iter->spellId;

        roll -= item_iter->chance;

    return 0;
void WardenMgr::SendCheatCheck(WorldSession* const session)
    sLog->outStaticDebug("Wardend::BuildCheatCheck(%u, *pkt)", session->GetAccountId());

    std::string md5 = session->m_WardenModule;
    if (!session->m_WardenClientChecks)
        session->m_WardenClientChecks = new WardenClientCheckList;
    // Type cast and get a shorter name
    WardenClientCheckList* checkList = (WardenClientCheckList*)session->m_WardenClientChecks;

    // Get the Seed 1st byte for the xoring
    uint8 m_seed1 = session->m_wardenSeed[0];
    sLog->outStaticDebug("Seed byte: 0x%02X, end byte: 0x%02X", m_seed1, m_WardenModuleMap[md5][WARD_CHECK_END]);

    WorldPacket data( SMSG_WARDEN_DATA, 300 ); // Guess size
    data << uint8(WARDS_CHEAT_CHECK);

    // Rand a number of checks between 4 and 8 checks + the first time check + end packet
    uint8 nbChecks = urand(4, 8);

    for (uint8 i=0; i<nbChecks; ++i)
        // We select one based on the ratio
        float mRand = (float)rand_chance();
        if (mRand < WCHECK_PAGE2_RATIO)                 // size 29, no string both page1 and page2 tests
            (*checkList)[i].check = urand(0, 1) ? WARD_CHECK_PAGE1 : WARD_CHECK_PAGE2;
            (*checkList)[i].page = GetRandPageCheck();
        else if (mRand < WCHECK_MEMORY_RATIO)           // size 6, possible string
            (*checkList)[i].check = WARD_CHECK_MEMORY;
            (*checkList)[i].mem = GetRandMemCheck();
            if ((*checkList)[i].mem->String.length())   // add 1 for the uint8 str length
                data << uint8((*checkList)[i].mem->String.length());
                data.append((*checkList)[i].mem->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].mem->String.length());
                sLog->outStaticDebug("Mem str %s, len %u", (*checkList)[i].mem->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].mem->String.length());
        else if (mRand < WCHECK_DRIVER_RATIO)
            (*checkList)[i].check = WARD_CHECK_DRIVER;  // size 25 + string
            (*checkList)[i].driver = GetRandDriverCheck();
            data << uint8((*checkList)[i].driver->String.length());
            data.append((*checkList)[i].driver->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].driver->String.length());
            sLog->outStaticDebug("Driver str %s, len %u", (*checkList)[i].driver->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].driver->String.length());
        else if (mRand < WCHECK_FILE_RATIO)
            (*checkList)[i].check = WARD_CHECK_FILE;    // size 1 + string
            (*checkList)[i].file = GetRandFileCheck();
            data << uint8((*checkList)[i].file->String.length());
            data.append((*checkList)[i].file->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].file->String.length());
            sLog->outStaticDebug("File str %s, len %u", (*checkList)[i].file->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].file->String.length());
            (*checkList)[i].check = WARD_CHECK_LUA;     // size 1 + string
            (*checkList)[i].lua = GetRandLuaCheck();
            data << uint8((*checkList)[i].lua->String.length());
            data.append((*checkList)[i].lua->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].lua->String.length());
            sLog->outStaticDebug("Lua str %s, len %u", (*checkList)[i].lua->String.c_str(), (*checkList)[i].lua->String.length());
    // strings terminator
    data << uint8(0);
    // We first add a timing check
    data << uint8(m_WardenModuleMap[md5][WARD_CHECK_TIMING] ^ m_seed1);
    // Finaly put the other checks
    uint8 m_strIndex = 1;
    sLog->outStaticDebug("Preparing %u checks", nbChecks);
    for (uint8 i=0; i<nbChecks; ++i)
        data << uint8(m_WardenModuleMap[md5][(*checkList)[i].check] ^ m_seed1);
        switch ((*checkList)[i].check)
            case WARD_CHECK_PAGE1:
            case WARD_CHECK_PAGE2:
                sLog->outStaticDebug("%u : %s", i, (*checkList)[i].check == WARD_CHECK_PAGE1 ? "WARD_CHECK_PAGE1" : "WARD_CHECK_PAGE2");
                data << uint32((*checkList)[i].page->Seed);
                data.append(&(*checkList)[i].page->SHA[0], 20);
                data << uint32((*checkList)[i].page->Offset);
                data << uint8((*checkList)[i].page->Length);
            case WARD_CHECK_MEMORY:
                sLog->outStaticDebug("%u : WARD_CHECK_MEMORY", i);
                if ((*checkList)[i].mem->String.length())
                    data << uint8(m_strIndex++);
                    data << uint8(0);
                data << uint32((*checkList)[i].mem->Offset);
                data << uint8((*checkList)[i].mem->Length);
            case WARD_CHECK_DRIVER:
                sLog->outStaticDebug("%u : WARD_CHECK_DRIVER", i);
                data << uint32((*checkList)[i].driver->Seed);
                data.append(&(*checkList)[i].driver->SHA[0], 20);
                data << uint8(m_strIndex++);
            case WARD_CHECK_FILE:
                sLog->outStaticDebug("%u : WARD_CHECK_FILE", i);
                data << uint8(m_strIndex++);
            case WARD_CHECK_LUA:
                sLog->outStaticDebug("%u : WARD_CHECK_LUA", i);
                data << uint8(m_strIndex++);
    data << uint8(m_WardenModuleMap[md5][WARD_CHECK_END] ^ m_seed1);

    data.crypt(&session->m_rc4ServerKey[0], &rc4_crypt);