Beispiel #1
void XmlLoader::readGraphics(QDomElement const &graphic)
    QDomNodeList graphicAttributes = graphic.childNodes();

    int sizePictureX = 0;
    int sizePictureY = 0;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < graphicAttributes.length(); ++i) {
        QDomElement type =;
        if (type.tagName() == "picture") {
            sizePictureX = (type.attribute("sizex", "")).toInt();
            sizePictureY = (type.attribute("sizey", "")).toInt();
            if (mReadFile) {
                if (mStrX + distanceFigure + sizePictureX >= sizeEmrtyRectX) {
                    mStrY = mFloorY;
                    mStrX = 0;
                mDrift = QPoint(mStrX + distanceFigure, mStrY + distanceFigure);
            } else
                mDrift = QPoint(mScene->centerEmpty().x() - sizePictureX / 2, mScene->centerEmpty().y() - sizePictureY / 2);
        else if (type.tagName() == "labels")
        else if (type.tagName() == "ports")
            qDebug() << "Incorrect graphics tag";

    if (mReadFile) {
        mFloorY = qMax(mFloorY, mDrift.y() + sizePictureY);
        mStrX = mDrift.x() + sizePictureX;
Beispiel #2
int GFFFile::init(int n)
	if(!reading()) return errcode = 6;
	if(n == -1) n = initstages;
	if((n > 0) && !inited[0] && readHeader()) return errcode;
	if((n > 1) && !inited[1] && readLabels()) return errcode;
	if((n > 2) && !inited[2] && getStruct(0, topstruct)) return errcode;
	return errcode = 0;
Beispiel #3
static void processGenomic(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct customPp *cpp, 
	int colCount, char *formatType, boolean firstLineLabels,
	struct labeledFile *fileList, boolean report)
/* Process three column file into chromGraph.  Abort if
 * there's a problem. */
char **row;
struct chromGraph *cg;
struct hash *chromHash = chromInfoHash(conn);
struct labeledFile *fileEl;
struct chromInfo *ci;
int i;
int rowCount = 0;
Chopper chopper = getChopper(formatType);
char *line;

AllocArray(row, colCount);
if (firstLineLabels)
    readLabels(cpp, 2, chopper, row, colCount, fileList);
while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
    chopper(line, row, colCount);
    char *chrom = cloneString(row[0]);
    int start = cppNeedNum(cpp, row, 1);
    ci = hashFindVal(chromHash, chrom);
    if (ci == NULL)
	cppAbort(cpp, "Chromosome %s not found in this assembly (%s).", 
		 chrom, sqlGetDatabase(conn));
    if (start >= ci->size)
	cppAbort(cpp, "Chromosome %s is %d bases long, but got coordinate %d.",
		 chrom, ci->size, start);
    else if (start < 0)
	cppAbort(cpp, "Negative base position %d on chromosome %s.",
		 start, chrom);
    for (i=2, fileEl = fileList; i<colCount; ++i, fileEl = fileEl->next)
	char *val = row[i];
	if (val[0] != 0)
	    cg->chrom = chrom;
	    cg->chromStart = start;
	    cg->val = cppNeedDouble(cpp, row, i);
	    slAddHead(&fileEl->cgList, cg);
if (report)
    printf("Read in %d markers and values in <i>chromosome base</i> format.<BR>\n", 
bool RTABMapDBAdapter::readData(const std::vector<std::string> &dbPaths,
                                Words &words, Labels &labels) {
  // Read data from databases
  std::map<int, std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<rtabmap::Signature>>>
  std::list<std::unique_ptr<Label>> allLabels;
  int dbId = 0;
  for (const auto &dbPath : dbPaths) {
    auto dbSignatures = readSignatures(dbPath);
    allSignatures.emplace(dbId, std::move(dbSignatures));

    auto dbLabels = readLabels(dbPath, dbId, allSignatures);
    std::move(dbLabels.begin(), dbLabels.end(), std::back_inserter(allLabels));


  std::cout << "Building Index for Words" << std::endl;
  std::list<std::unique_ptr<Word>> allWords = createWords(allSignatures);
  std::cout << "Total Number of words: " << allWords.size() << std::endl;
  long count = 0;
  for (const auto &word : allWords) {
    for (const auto &desc : word->getDescriptorsByDb()) {
      count += desc.second.rows;
  std::cout << "Total Number of descriptors: " << count << std::endl;
  allWords = clusterPointsInWords(allWords);
  count = 0;
  for (const auto &word : allWords) {
    for (const auto &desc : word->getDescriptorsByDb()) {
      count += desc.second.rows;
  std::cout << "Total Number of points: " << count << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Building Index for Labels" << std::endl;

  return true;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 4)
		cout << "Usage: " << endl;
		cout << "ACCV2009.exe Folder imfn1 imfn2" << endl;
		return -1;

	string folder = argv[1];
	string imfn1  = argv[2];
	string imfn2  = argv[3];
	string outfolder = "../output";

	Mat im1 = imread(folder + imfn1 + ".png", 1);
	Mat im2 = imread(folder + imfn2 + ".png", 1);

	int width = im1.cols;
	int height = im1.rows;

	Mat im1_H, im1_S, im1_I;
	Mat im2_H, im2_S, im2_I;
	//CvtColorBGR2HSI(im1, im1_H, im1_S, im1_I);
	//CvtColorBGR2HSI(im2, im2_H, im2_S, im2_I);

	cv_CvtColorBGR2HSI(im1, im1_H, im1_S, im1_I);
	cv_CvtColorBGR2HSI(im2, im2_H, im2_S, im2_I);
	int  sigmaS = 5;
	float sigmaR = 10;
	int minR = 800;

	vector<int> labels1(0), labels2(0);

//#define  RQ_DEBUG
#ifdef   RQ_DEBUG
	int regionum1, regionum2;
	DoMeanShift(im1, sigmaS, sigmaR, minR, labels1, regionum1);
	DoMeanShift(im2, sigmaS, sigmaR, minR, labels2, regionum2);
	cout << endl;

	saveLabels(labels1, width, height, outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn1 + ".txt");
	saveLabels(labels2, width, height, outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn2 + ".txt");
	int regionum1, regionum2;
	readLabels(outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn1 + ".txt", width, height, labels1, regionum1);
	readLabels(outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn2 + ".txt", width, height, labels2, regionum2);	
	string siftmatchfn = folder + "matches_sift.txt";
	vector<Point2f> features1(0), features2(0);
	ReadSiftMatches(siftmatchfn, features1, features2);

	vector<vector<Point2f>> matches1(0), matches2(0);
	vector<vector<Point2f>> pixelTable2(0);
	ComputeRegionMatches(labels2, regionum2, width, features1, features2, matches1, matches2);
	cout << "all regions have matches." << endl << endl;

	//显示每个区域的matches	: 显示一次就好
	vector<float> DeltaH(0), DeltaS(0), DeltaI(0);
	RegionDeltaColor(im1_H, im2_H, matches1, matches2, DeltaH);
	RegionDeltaColor(im1_S, im2_S, matches1, matches2, DeltaS);
	RegionDeltaColor(im1_I, im2_I, matches1, matches2, DeltaI);
	Mat new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I;
	CorrectColor(im2_H, labels2, DeltaH, new_im2_H);
	CorrectColor(im2_S, labels2, DeltaS, new_im2_S);
	CorrectColor(im2_I, labels2, DeltaI, new_im2_I);

	Mat new_im2;
	//CvtColorHSI2BGR(new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I, new_im2);
	cv_CVtColorHSI2BGR(new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I, new_im2);

	cout << "done." << endl;

	imshow("new im2", new_im2);

	string savefn = outfolder + "/accv2009_" + imfn2 + ".png";
	cout << "save " << savefn << endl;
	imwrite(savefn, new_im2);
Beispiel #6
void processDb(struct sqlConnection *conn,
	struct customPp *cpp, int colCount, char *formatType, 
	boolean firstLineLabels, struct labeledFile *fileList, 
	char *table, char *query, char *aliasTable, char *aliasQuery,
	boolean report, boolean isSnpTable)
/* Process two column input file into chromGraph.  Treat first
 * column as a name to look up in bed-format table, which should
 * not be split. Return TRUE on success. */
struct hash *hash = NULL;
if (!isSnpTable)
    hash = tableToChromPosHash(conn, table, query);
struct hash *aliasHash = NULL;
char **row;
int match = 0, total = 0;
struct chromGraph *cg;
struct chromPos *pos;

if (!isSnpTable && report)
    printf("Loaded %d elements from %s table for mapping.<BR>\n", 
    	hash->elCount, table);
if (aliasTable != NULL)
    aliasHash = tableToAliasHash(conn, aliasTable, aliasQuery);
    if (report)
	printf("Loaded %d aliases from %s table as well.<BR>\n", 
		aliasHash->elCount, aliasTable);

fflush(stdout); // trying to keep browser from timing out

AllocArray(row, colCount);
Chopper chopper = getChopper(formatType);
char *line;

AllocArray(row, colCount);
if (firstLineLabels)
    readLabels(cpp, 1, chopper, row, colCount, fileList);
while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
    chopper(line, row, colCount);
    char *name = row[0];
    char *marker = cloneString(name);
    if (isSnpTable)
    	pos = snpIndexLookup(conn, table, query, name);
	pos = hashFindVal(hash, name);
	if (pos == NULL && aliasHash != NULL)
	    name = hashFindVal(aliasHash, name);
	    if (name != NULL)
		pos = hashFindVal(hash, name);
    if (pos != NULL)
	int i;
	struct labeledFile *fileEl;
	for (i=1, fileEl=fileList; i < colCount; ++i, fileEl = fileEl->next)
	    char *val = row[i];
	    if (val[0] != 0)
		cg->chrom = pos->chrom;
		cg->chromStart = pos->pos;
		cg->val = cppNeedDouble(cpp, row, i);
		cg->marker = cloneString(marker);
		slAddHead(&fileEl->cgList, cg);
if (report)
    printf("Mapped %d of %d (%3.1f%%) of markers<BR>\n", match, total, 
Beispiel #7
		void LDAModel::train()
			if (descriptor_matrix_.cols() == 0)
				throw Exception::InconsistentUsage(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Data must be read into the model before training!"); 
			// map values of Y to their index
			map<int, unsigned int> label_to_pos; 
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < labels_.size(); i++)
				label_to_pos.insert(make_pair(labels_[i], i));

			// calculate sigma_ = covariance matrix of descriptors
			sigma_.resize(descriptor_matrix_.cols(), descriptor_matrix_.cols());
			for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_matrix_.cols(); i++)
				double mi = Statistics::getMean(descriptor_matrix_, i);
				for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_matrix_.cols(); j++)
					sigma_(i, j) = Statistics::getCovariance(descriptor_matrix_, i, j, mi);
			Eigen::MatrixXd I(sigma_.cols(), sigma_.cols()); I.setIdentity();
			I *= lambda_;
			sigma_ += I;

			sigma_ = sigma_.inverse();

			no_substances_.resize(labels_.size(), 0);
			for (int c = 0; c < Y_.cols(); c++)
				vector < int > no_substances_c(labels_.size(), 0);  // no of substances in each class for activitiy c
				mean_vectors_[c].resize(labels_.size(), descriptor_matrix_.cols());
				for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_matrix_.rows(); i++) // calculate sum vector of each class
					int yi = static_cast < int > (Y_(i, c)); // Y_ will contains only ints for classifications
					int pos = label_to_pos.find(yi)->second; 
					for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_matrix_.cols(); j++)
						mean_vectors_[c](pos, j) += descriptor_matrix_(i, j);
					if (c == 0) no_substances_c[pos]++; 
				for (int i = 0; i < mean_vectors_[c].rows(); i++) // calculate mean vector of each class
					if (no_substances_c[i] == 0)
						mean_vectors_[c].row(i).setConstant(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());  // set mean of classes NOT occurring for activitiy c to inf
					for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_matrix_.cols(); j++)
						mean_vectors_[c](i, j) = mean_vectors_[c](i, j)/no_substances_c[i];
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < no_substances_.size(); i++) // update overall number of substances per class
					no_substances_[i] += no_substances_c[i];
Beispiel #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ///AnormalyDetection -t [0 1] [ [-f] or [-d [0 1 2 3...] [-l lable] location] ]
    //AnormalyDetection -t [0 1] -f
    //AnormalyDetection -t [0 1] -d [0 1 2 3...] [-l lable] location

    /*printf("argc = %d\n", argc);
    for(int i  = 1; i < argc; i ++)
        printf("%d %s\n", i, argv[i]);*/

    char **output = new char*[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
        output[i] = new char[MaxStringLength];
        memcpy(output[i], "\0", MaxStringLength);
    int n = 0;
    if(!options(argc, argv, output, n))
        printf("error usage!\n");
        printf("usage:program options location\n");
        printf("options:-t, -f, -d , -l\n");
        return 1;
    /*for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
        printf("%d: %s\n", i+1, output[i]);
    int type = atoi(output[0]);
    if(n == 1)
        if(type == 0)
		if(type == 1)
		    //printf("entering detection...\n");
        return 0;
    int dataset = atoi(output[1]);
            case 1://UMN
                frameWidth = 320;
    			frameHeight = 240;
            case 2://BEHAVE
                frameWidth = 640;
                frameHeight = 480;
            case 3://UCSD_PED1
                frameWidth = 238;
                frameHeight = 158;
            case 4://UCSD_PED2
                frameWidth = 238;
                frameHeight = 158;
    char* location = output[2];
	vector<string> files;
    readDataset(location, files);
    if(type == 0)
    if(type == 1)
        //printf("entering detection...\n");
        vector<int> labels;
        readLabels(output[3], labels);
        predictSVM(files, labels);

    return 0;