Beispiel #1
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Tree * tree)
		return out;
	if(tree->root->left )
		Tree leftsub(tree->root->left);
	if(tree->root->right )
		Tree rightsub(tree->root->right);
	return out;
Beispiel #2
int main( )
	char s1[ ] = "Hello" ;
	char s2[ ] = "Hello World" ;
	char s3[ ] = "Four hundred thirty two" ;
	char ch, *s ;
	int i ;

	system ( "cls" ) ;

	printf ( "String s1: %s\n", s1 ) ;

	/* check for the first occurrence of a character */
	printf ( "Enter character to search: " ) ;
	scanf ( "%c", &ch ) ;
	i = search ( s1, ch ) ;
	if ( i != -1 )
		printf ( "The first occurrence of character %c is found at index no. %d\n\n", ch, i ) ;
		printf ( "Character %c is not present in the list.\n", ch ) ;

	printf ( "String s2: %s\n", s2 ) ;

	/* compares two strings s1 and s2 */
	i = isequals ( s1, s2 ) ;
	if ( i == 1 )
		printf ( "Strings s1 and s2 are identical\n" ) ;
		printf ( "Strings s1 and s2 are not identical\n" ) ;
	i = issmaller ( s1, s2 ) ;
	if ( i == 1 )
		printf ( "String s1 is smaller than string s2\n" ) ;
		printf ( "String s1 is not smaller than string s2\n" ) ;

	i = isgreater ( s1, s2 ) ;
	if ( i == 1 )
		printf ( "String s1 is greater than string s2\n" ) ;
		printf ( "String s1 is not greater than string s2\n\n" ) ;

	/* extract characters at given position */
	printf ( "String s3: %s\n", s3 ) ;
	s = getsub ( s3, 5, 7 ) ;
	printf ( "Sub string: %s\n", s ) ;
	free ( s ) ;

	/* extract leftmost n characters */
	s = leftsub ( s3, 4 ) ;
	printf ( "Left sub string: %s\n", s ) ;
	free ( s ) ;

	/* extract rightmost n characters */
	s = rightsub ( s3, 3 ) ;
	printf ( "Right sub string: %s\n", s ) ;
	free ( s ) ;

	/*  convert string to uppercase */
	upper ( s3 ) ;
	printf ( "String in upper case: %s\n", s3 ) ;

	/* convert string to lowercase */
	lower ( s3 ) ;
	printf ( "String in lower case: %s\n", s3 ) ;

	/* reverse the given string */
	reverse ( s3 ) ;
	printf ( "Reversed string: %s\n", s3 ) ;

	/* replace first occurrence of one char with new one */
	replace ( s1, 'H' , 'M' ) ;
	printf ( "String s1: %s\n", s1 ) ;

	/* sets a char at a given position */
	i = setat ( s1, 'M', 3 ) ;
	if ( i )
		printf ( "String s1: %s\n", s1 ) ;
		printf ( "Invalid position.\n" ) ;

	return 0 ;