Beispiel #1
void UPAProvider::CreateNewClientConnection()
    // find the first free client session 
    int nextIndex = -1;
    for(int index = 0; index < maxClientConnections; index ++)
        if (clientConnections_[index].clientChannel == 0)
            nextIndex = index;

    RsslAcceptOptions acceptOpts = RSSL_INIT_ACCEPT_OPTS;
    if (nextIndex == -1)
        // need to fails the connection request
        acceptOpts.nakMount = RSSL_TRUE;
        acceptOpts.nakMount = RSSL_FALSE;

    RsslChannel * chnl;
    RsslError error;
    if ((chnl = rsslAccept(rsslServer_, &acceptOpts, &error)) == 0)
        // if the accpet fails on the socket, just return
        t42log_error("rsslAccept: failed <%s>\n",error.text);

    // set the channel
    clientConnections_[nextIndex].clientChannel = chnl;

    // and insert the channel into the dictionary
    ChannelDictionaryItem_t * dictItem = new ChannelDictionaryItem_t;
    dictItem->chnl_ = chnl;
    channelDictionary_[chnl] = dictItem;

    //printf("create client connection at index %d\n", nextIndex);

    t42log_info("Server fd=%d: New client on Channel fd=%d\n",

    // and add this socket to the set if read fds

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* This example suite uses write descriptor in our server/Interactive Provider type examples in mainly 1 area with
	 * the I/O notification mechanism being used:
	 * 1) rsslFlush() calls used throughout the application (after module 1a), together with rsslWrite() calls, such
	 *    as in sendMessage() function. The write descriptor can be used to indicate when the socketId has write
	 *    availability and help with determining when the network is able to accept additional bytes for writing.

	/* This example suite also uses a clean FD sets and a dirty FD sets for I/O notification.

	 *		select() - a system call for examining the status of file_descriptors.
	 *					Tells us that there is data to read on the fds.

	 * Since select() modifies its file descriptor sets, if the call is being used in a loop, then the fd sets must
	 * be reinitialized before each call. Since they act as input/output parameters for the select() system call;
	 * they are read by and modified by the system call. When select() returns, the values have all been modified
	 * to reflect the set of file descriptors ready. So, every time before you call select(), you have to
	 * (re)initialize the fd_set values. Here we maintain 2 sets FD sets:
	 * a) clean FD sets so that we can repeatedly call select call
	 * b) dirty FD sets used in the actual select call (I/O notification mechanism)
	 * Typically, you reset the dirty FD sets to be equal to the clean FD sets before you call select().

	/* UPA Server structure returned via the rsslBind call */
	RsslServer* upaSrvr = 0;

	RsslBool clientAccepted = RSSL_FALSE;

	char srvrPortNo[128];

	/* clean FD sets so that we can repeatedly call select call */
	fd_set cleanReadFds;
	fd_set cleanExceptFds;
	fd_set cleanWriteFds;

	/* dirty FD sets used in the actual select call (I/O notification mechanism) */
	fd_set useReadFds;
	fd_set useExceptFds;
	fd_set useWriteFds;

	struct timeval time_interval;
	int selRet;
	RsslRet retval = RSSL_RET_FAILURE;

	RsslError error;

	/* UPA Bind Options used in the rsslBind call. */
	RsslBindOptions bindOpts = RSSL_INIT_BIND_OPTS;

	/* UPA Accept Options used in the rsslAccept call */
	RsslAcceptOptions acceptOpts = RSSL_INIT_ACCEPT_OPTS;

	/* RsslInProgInfo Information for the In Progress Connection State */
	RsslInProgInfo inProgInfo = RSSL_INIT_IN_PROG_INFO;

	/* UPA channel management information */
	UpaChannelManagementInfo upaChannelManagementInfo;

	/* For this simple training app, the interactive provider only supports a single client. If the consumer disconnects,
	 * the interactive provider would simply exit.
	 * If you want the provider to support multiple client sessions at the same time, you need to implement support
	 * for multiple client sessions feature similar to what rsslProvider example is doing.
	upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel = 0;

	/* the default option parameters */
	/* server is running on port number 14002 */
	snprintf(srvrPortNo, 128, "%s", "14002");

	/* User specifies options such as address, port, and interface from the command line.
	 * User can have the flexibilty of specifying any or all of the parameters in any order.
	if (argc > 1)
		int i = 1;

		while (i < argc)
			if (strcmp("-p", argv[i]) == 0)
				i += 2;
				snprintf(srvrPortNo, 128, "%s", argv[i-1]);
				printf("Error: Unrecognized option: %s\n\n", argv[i]);
				printf("Usage: %s or\n%s [-p <SrvrPortNo>] \n", argv[0], argv[0]);

				INITIALIZATION - USING rsslInitialize()
	 * Server/Provider Application Liefcycle Major Step 1:
	 * Initialize UPA Transport using rsslInitialize
	 * The first UPA Transport function that an application should call. This creates and initializes
	 * internal memory and structures, as well as performing any boot strapping for underlying dependencies.
	 * The rsslInitialize function also allows the user to specify the locking model they want applied
	 * to the UPA Transport.

	/* RSSL_LOCK_NONE is used since this is a single threaded application.
	 * For applications with other thread models (RSSL_LOCK_GLOBAL_AND_CHANNEL, RSSL_LOCK_GLOBAL),
	 * see the UPA C developers guide for definitions of other locking models supported by UPA
	if (rsslInitialize(RSSL_LOCK_NONE, &error) != RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
		printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslInitialize. Error Text: %s\n",
			rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, error.text);
		/* End application */


	/* populate bind options, then pass to rsslBind function -
	 * UPA Transport should already be initialized
	bindOpts.serviceName = srvrPortNo;	/* server is running on default port number 14002 */
	bindOpts.pingTimeout = 60;			/* servers desired ping timeout is 60 seconds, pings should be sent every 20 */
	bindOpts.minPingTimeout = 30;		/* min acceptable ping timeout is 30 seconds, pings should be sent every 10 */

	/* set up buffering, configure for shared and guaranteed pools */
	bindOpts.guaranteedOutputBuffers = 1000;
	bindOpts.maxOutputBuffers = 2000;
	bindOpts.sharedPoolSize = 50000;
	bindOpts.sharedPoolLock = RSSL_TRUE;

	bindOpts.serverBlocking = RSSL_FALSE;		/* perform non-blocking I/O */
	bindOpts.channelsBlocking = RSSL_FALSE;		/* perform non-blocking I/O */
	bindOpts.compressionType = RSSL_COMP_NONE;	/* server does not desire compression for this connection */

	/* populate version and protocol with RWF information (found in rsslIterators.h) or protocol specific info */
	bindOpts.protocolType = RSSL_RWF_PROTOCOL_TYPE;	/* Protocol type definition for RWF */
	bindOpts.majorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MAJOR_VERSION;
	bindOpts.minorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MINOR_VERSION;

				BINDING SETUP - USING rsslBind()
	 * Server/Provider Application Liefcycle Major Step 2:
	 * Create listening socket using rsslBind
	 * Establishes a listening socket connection, which supports connections from standard socket and HTTP
	 * rsslConnect users. Returns an RsslServer that represents the listening socket connection to the user.
	 * In the event of an error, NULL is returned and additional information can be found in the RsslError structure.
	 * Options are passed in via an RsslBindOptions structure. Once a listening socket is established, this
	 * RsslServer can begin accepting connections.

	/* Bind UPA server */
	if ((upaSrvr = rsslBind(&bindOpts, &error)) != NULL)
		printf("\nServer IPC descriptor = %d bound on port %d\n", upaSrvr->socketId, upaSrvr->portNumber);
		printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslBind. Error Text: %s\n",
			rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, error.text);

		/* End application, uninitialize to clean up first */

	/* rsslBind listening socket connection was successful, add socketId to I/O notification mechanism and
	 * initialize connection
	/* Typical FD_SET use, this may vary depending on the I/O notification mechanism the application is using */
	FD_SET(upaSrvr->socketId, &cleanReadFds);
	FD_SET(upaSrvr->socketId, &cleanExceptFds);

	/* Main Loop #1 for detecting incoming client connections. The loop calls select() to wait for notification
	 * when the socketId of the server detects something to be read, this will check for incoming client connections.
	 * When a client successfully connects, a RsslChannel is returned which corresponds to this connection.

	 *If we want a non-blocking read call to the selector, we use select before read as read is a blocking call but select is not
	 *If we want a blocking read call to the selector, such that we want to wait till we get a message, we should use read without select.
	 *In the program below we will use select(), as it is non-blocking

	while (!clientAccepted)
		useReadFds = cleanReadFds;
		useWriteFds = cleanWriteFds;
		useExceptFds = cleanExceptFds;

		/* Set a timeout value for waiting and checking messages received from incoming client connections. */
		/* On Linux platform, select() modifies timeout to reflect the amount of time not slept;
		 * most other implementations do not do this. (POSIX.1-2001 permits either behaviour.)
		 * This causes problems both when Linux code which reads timeout is ported to other operating systems,
		 * and when code is ported to Linux that reuses a struct timeval for multiple select()s
		 * in a loop without reinitializing it. Consider timeout to be undefined after select() returns.
		 * Note: You should reset the values of your timeout before you call select() every time.
		time_interval.tv_sec = 60;
		time_interval.tv_usec = 0;

		/* By employing an I/O notification mechanism (e.g. select, poll), an application can leverage a
		 * non-blocking I/O model, using the I/O notification to alert the application when data is available
		 * to read or when output space is available for writing to. The training examples are written from a
		 * non-blocking I/O perspective. Here, we use the select I/O notification mechanism in our examples.
		selRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &useReadFds, &useWriteFds, &useExceptFds, &time_interval);

		if (selRet == 0)
			/* no messages received from incoming connections, continue to wait and check for incoming client connections. */
		else if (selRet > 0)
			/* Received a response from the consumer. */

			/* On success, select() return the number of file descriptors contained in the three returned descriptor sets
			 * (that is, the total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds, exceptfds)
			/* rsslInitChannel is called if read is triggered */
			if (FD_ISSET(upaSrvr->socketId, &useReadFds))
				/* Use rsslAccept for incoming connections, read and write data to established connections, etc */

				/* Accept is typically called when servers socketId indicates activity */
				/* After a server is created using the rsslBind call, the rsslAccept call can be made. When the socketId of
				 * the server detects something to be read, this will check for incoming client connections. When a client
				 * successfully connects, a RsslChannel is returned which corresponds to this connection. This channel can
				 * be used to read or write with the connected client. If a clients connect message is not accepted, a
				 * negative acknowledgment is sent to the client and no RsslChannel is returned.
				 * For this simple training app, the interactive provider only supports a single client.

				/* populate accept options, then pass to rsslAccept function - UPA Transport should already be initialized */

				/*!< @brief If RSSL_TRUE, rsslAccept will send a NAK - even if the connection request is valid. */
				acceptOpts.nakMount = RSSL_FALSE; /* allow the connection */

				 * Server/Provider Application Liefcycle Major Step 3:
				 * Accept connection using rsslAccept
				 * This step is performed per connected client/connection/channel
				 * Uses the RsslServer that represents the listening socket connection and begins the accepting process
				 * for an incoming connection request. Returns an RsslChannel that represents the client connection.
				 * In the event of an error, NULL is returned and additional information can be found in the RsslError
				 * structure.
				 * The rsslAccept function can also begin the rejection process for a connection through the use of the
				 * RsslAcceptOptions structure.
				 * Once a connection is established and transitions to the RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE state, this RsslChannel
				 * can be used for other transport operations.

				/* An OMM Provider application can begin the connection accepting or rejecting process by using the rsslAccept function */
				if ((upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel = rsslAccept(upaSrvr, &acceptOpts, &error)) == 0)
					printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslAccept. Error Text: %s\n",
						rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, error.text);

					/* End application, uninitialize to clean up first */
					/* For this simple training app, the interactive provider only supports one client session from the consumer. */

					printf("\nServer fd=%d: New client on Channel fd=%d\n",

					/* Connection was successful, add socketId to I/O notification mechanism and initialize connection */
					/* Typical FD_SET use, this may vary depending on the I/O notification mechanism the application is using */
					FD_SET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &cleanReadFds);
					FD_SET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &cleanExceptFds);

					// set clientAccepted to be TRUE and exit the while Main Loop #1
					clientAccepted = RSSL_TRUE;
		else if (selRet < 0)
			/* On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately; the sets and timeout become undefined */
			printf("\nSelect error.\n");

			/* End application, uninitialize to clean up first */

	/* Main Loop #2 for getting connection active and successful completion of the initialization process
	 * The loop calls select() to wait for notification
	 * Currently, the main loop would exit if an error condition is triggered or
	 * RsslChannel.state transitions to RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE.
	while (upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->state != RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE)
		useReadFds = cleanReadFds;
		useWriteFds = cleanWriteFds;
		useExceptFds = cleanExceptFds;

		/* Set a timeout value for getting connection active and successful completion of the initialization process */
		/* On Linux platform, select() modifies timeout to reflect the amount of time not slept;
		 * most other implementations do not do this. (POSIX.1-2001 permits either behaviour.)
		 * This causes problems both when Linux code which reads timeout is ported to other operating systems,
		 * and when code is ported to Linux that reuses a struct timeval for multiple select()s
		 * in a loop without reinitializing it. Consider timeout to be undefined after select() returns.
		 * Note: You should reset the values of your timeout before you call select() every time.
		time_interval.tv_sec = 60;
		time_interval.tv_usec = 0;

		/* By employing an I/O notification mechanism (e.g. select, poll), an application can leverage a
		 * non-blocking I/O model, using the I/O notification to alert the application when data is available
		 * to read or when output space is available for writing to. The training examples are written from a
		 * non-blocking I/O perspective. Here, we use the select I/O notification mechanism in our examples.
		selRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &useReadFds, &useWriteFds, &useExceptFds, &time_interval);

		if (selRet == 0)
			/* select has timed out, close the channel and exit */
			/* On success, select() return zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. */
			printf("\nChannel initialization has timed out, exiting...\n");
			/* Closes channel, closes server, cleans up and exits the application. */
			closeChannelServerCleanUpAndExit(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, upaSrvr, RSSL_RET_FAILURE);
		else if (selRet > 0)
			/* Received a response from the consumer. */

			/* On success, select() return the number of file descriptors contained in the three returned descriptor sets
			 * (that is, the total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds, exceptfds)

			/* Wait for channel to become active. After an RsslChannel is returned from the client's rsslConnect or server's rsslAccept call,
			 * the channel may need to continue the initialization process. This additional initialization is required
			 * as long as the RsslChannel.state is RSSL_CH_STATE_INITIALIZING. When using non-blocking I/O, this is the
			 * typical state that an RsslChannel will start from and it may require multiple initialization calls to
			 * transition to active. rsslInitChannel is typically called based on activity on the socketId, though a timer or
			 * looping can be used - the rsslInitChannel function should continue to be called until the
			 * connection becomes active, at which point reading and writing can begin.

			/* Indicates that an RsslChannel requires additional initialization. This initialization is typically additional
			 * connection handshake messages that need to be exchanged.

			/* rsslInitChannel is called if read or write or except is triggered */
			if (FD_ISSET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &useReadFds) || FD_ISSET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &useExceptFds))

				 * Server/Provider Application Liefcycle Major Step 4:
				 * Initialize until active using rsslInitChannel (UPA Transport connection establishment handshake)
				 * Continues initialization of an RsslChannel. This channel could originate from rsslConnect or rsslAccept.
				 * This function exchanges various messages to perform necessary UPA negotiations and handshakes to
				 * complete channel initialization.
				 * Requires the use of an RsslInProgInfo structure.
				 * The RsslChannel can be used for all additional transport functionality (e.g. reading, writing) once the
				 * state transitions to RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE. If a connection is rejected or initialization fails,
				 * the state will transition to RSSL_CH_STATE_CLOSED.

				/* Internally, the UPA initialization process includes several actions. The initialization includes
				 * any necessary UPA connection handshake exchanges, including any HTTP or HTTPS negotiation.
				 * Compression, ping timeout, and versioning related negotiations also take place during the
				 * initialization process. This process involves exchanging several messages across the connection,
				 * and once all message exchanges have completed the RsslChannel.state will transition. If the connection
				 * is accepted and all types of negotiations completed properly, the RsslChannel.state will become
				 * RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE. If the connection is rejected, either due to some kind of negotiation failure
				 * or because an RsslServer rejected the connection by setting nakMount to RSSL_TRUE, the RsslChannel.state
				 * will become RSSL_CH_STATE_CLOSED.
				 * Note:
				 * For both client and server channels, more than one call to rsslInitChannel can be required to complete
				 * the channel initialization process.
				if ((retval = rsslInitChannel(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, &inProgInfo, &error)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
					printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslInitChannel fd=%d. Error Text: %s\n",
						rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, error.text);
					/* Closes channel, closes server, cleans up and exits the application. */
					closeChannelServerCleanUpAndExit(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, upaSrvr, RSSL_RET_FAILURE);
					/* Handle return code appropriately */
			  		switch (retval)
						/*!< (2)  Transport Success: Channel initialization is In progress, returned from rsslInitChannel. */
							/* Initialization is still in progress, check the RsslInProgInfo for additional information */
							if (inProgInfo.flags & RSSL_IP_FD_CHANGE)
								/* The rsslInitChannel function requires the use of an additional parameter, a RsslInProgInfo structure.
								 * Under certain circumstances, the initialization process may be required to create new or additional underlying connections.
								 * If this occurs, the application is required to unregister the previous socketId and register the new socketId with
								 * the I/O notification mechanism being used. When this occurs, the information is conveyed by the RsslInProgInfo and the RsslInProgFlags.
								 * RSSL_IP_FD_CHANGE indicates that a socketId change has occurred as a result of this call. The previous socketId has been
								 * stored in RsslInProgInfo.oldSocket so it can be unregistered with the I/O notification mechanism.
								 * The new socketId has been stored in RsslInProgInfo.newSocket so it can be registered with the
								 * I/O notification mechanism. The channel initialization is still in progress and subsequent calls
								 * to rsslInitChannel are required to complete it.
								printf("\nChannel In Progress - New FD: %d  Old FD: %d\n",upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, inProgInfo.oldSocket );

								/* File descriptor has changed, unregister old and register new */
								FD_CLR(inProgInfo.oldSocket, &cleanReadFds);
								FD_CLR(inProgInfo.oldSocket, &cleanExceptFds);
								/* newSocket should equal upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId */
								FD_SET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &cleanReadFds);
								FD_SET(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, &cleanExceptFds);
								printf("\nChannel %d In Progress...\n", upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId);

						/* channel connection becomes active!
						 * Once a connection is established and transitions to the RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE state,
						 * this RsslChannel can be used for other transport operations.
						case RSSL_RET_SUCCESS:
							printf("\nChannel on fd %d is now active - reading and writing can begin.\n", upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId);

							 * Connection is now active. The RsslChannel can be used for all additional
							 * transport functionality (e.g. reading, writing) now that the state
							 * transitions to RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE

							/* After channel is active, use UPA Transport utility function rsslGetChannelInfo to query RsslChannel negotiated
							 * parameters and settings and retrieve all current settings. This includes maxFragmentSize and negotiated
							 * compression information as well as many other values.
							if ((retval = rsslGetChannelInfo(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, &upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo, &error)) != RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
								printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslGetChannelInfo. Error Text: %s\n",
									rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, error.text);

								/* Connection should be closed, return failure */
								/* Closes channel, closes server, cleans up and exits the application. */
								closeChannelServerCleanUpAndExit(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, upaSrvr, RSSL_RET_FAILURE);

							printf( "Channel %d active. Channel Info:\n"
								"	Max Fragment Size: %u\n"
								"	Output Buffers: %u Max, %u Guaranteed\n"
								"	Input Buffers: %u\n"
								"	Send/Recv Buffer Sizes: %u/%u\n"
								"	Ping Timeout: %u\n"
								"	Connected component version: ",
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId,				/*!< @brief Socket ID of this UPA channel. */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.maxFragmentSize,	/*!< @brief This is the max fragment size before fragmentation and reassembly is necessary. */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.maxOutputBuffers,	/*!< @brief This is the maximum number of output buffers available to the channel. */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.guaranteedOutputBuffers, /*!< @brief This is the guaranteed number of output buffers available to the channel. */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.numInputBuffers,	/*!< @brief This is the number of input buffers available to the channel. */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.sysSendBufSize,		/*!< @brief This is the systems Send Buffer size. This reports the systems send buffer size respective to the transport type being used (TCP, UDP, etc) */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.sysRecvBufSize,		/*!< @brief This is the systems Receive Buffer size. This reports the systems receive buffer size respective to the transport type being used (TCP, UDP, etc) */
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.pingTimeout 		/*!< @brief This is the value of the negotiated ping timeout */

							if (upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.componentInfoCount == 0)
								printf("(No component info)");
								RsslUInt32 count;
								for(count = 0; count < upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.componentInfoCount; ++count)
									if (count < upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannelInfo.componentInfoCount - 1)
										printf(", ");
							printf ("\n\n");

							/* do not allow new client to connect  */

							/* For this simple training app, the interactive provider only supports a single client. Once a client
							 * successfully connects, we call rsslCloseServer function to close the listening socket associated with the
							 * RsslServer. The connected RsslChannels will remain open. This allows the established connection to continue
							 * to send and receive data, while preventing new clients from connecting.

							/* clean up server */
							FD_CLR(upaSrvr->socketId, &cleanReadFds);
							FD_CLR(upaSrvr->socketId, &cleanExceptFds);

							 * Server/Provider Application Liefcycle Major Step 7:
							 * Closes a listening socket associated with an RsslServer. This will release any pool based resources
							 * back to their respective pools, close the listening socket, and perform any additional necessary cleanup.
							 * Any established connections will remain open, allowing for continued information exchange.

							/* clean up server using rsslCloseServer call.
							 * If a server is being shut down, the rsslCloseServer function should be used to close the listening socket and perform
							 * any necessary cleanup. All currently connected RsslChannels will remain open. This allows applications to continue
							 * to send and receive data, while preventing new applications from connecting. The server has the option of calling
							 * rsslCloseChannel to shut down any currently connected applications.
							 * When shutting down the UPA Transport, the application should release any unwritten pool buffers.
							 * The listening socket can be closed by calling rsslCloseServer. This prevents any new connection attempts.
							 * If shutting down connections for all connected clients, the provider should call rsslCloseChannel for each connection client.
							if ((upaSrvr) && (rsslCloseServer(upaSrvr, &error) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS))
								printf("Error %s (%d) (errno: %d) encountered with rsslCloseServer.  Error Text: %s\n",
									rsslRetCodeToString(error.rsslErrorId), error.rsslErrorId, error.sysError, error.text);

								/* End application, uninitialize to clean up first */

							// set upaSrvr to be NULL
							upaSrvr = 0;
						default: /* Error handling */
							printf("\nBad return value fd=%d <%s>\n",
								upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel->socketId, error.text);
							/* Closes channel, closes server, cleans up and exits the application. */
							closeChannelServerCleanUpAndExit(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, upaSrvr, RSSL_RET_FAILURE);
		else if (selRet < 0)
			/* On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately; the sets and timeout become undefined */
			printf("\nSelect error.\n");
			/* Closes channel, closes server, cleans up and exits the application. */
			closeChannelServerCleanUpAndExit(upaChannelManagementInfo.upaChannel, upaSrvr, RSSL_RET_FAILURE);
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct timeval time_interval;
	RsslError error;
	fd_set useRead;
	fd_set useExcept;
	int selRet;
	RsslRet	ret = 0;
	RsslBindOptions sopts;
	RsslErrorInfo rsslErrorInfo;

	TimeValue nextTickTime;
	RsslInt32 currentTicks;
	RsslUInt32 currentRuntimeSec = 0, intervalSeconds = 0;

	TimeValue tickSetStartTime; /* Holds when a paritcular run of ticks started(basically one second's worth)*/

	/* Read in configuration and echo it. */
	initProvPerfConfig(argc, argv);

	if (!(summaryFile = fopen(provPerfConfig.summaryFilename, "w")))
		printf("Error: Failed to open file '%s'.\n", provPerfConfig.summaryFilename);

	printProvPerfConfig(summaryFile); fflush(summaryFile);

	// set up a signal handler so we can cleanup before exit
	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);

	nsecPerTick = 1000000000LL/(RsslInt64)providerThreadConfig.ticksPerSec;

	_currentTime = getTimeNano();
	nextTickTime = _currentTime;
	currentTicks = 0;



	/* Initialize RSSL */
	if (provPerfConfig.useReactor == RSSL_FALSE) // use UPA Channel
		if (rsslInitialize(providerThreadConfig.threadCount > 1 ? RSSL_LOCK_GLOBAL : RSSL_LOCK_NONE, &error) != RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			printf("RsslInitialize failed: %s\n", error.text);
	else // use UPA VA Reactor
		/* The locking mode RSSL_LOCK_GLOBAL_AND_CHANNEL is required to use the RsslReactor. */
		if (rsslInitialize(RSSL_LOCK_GLOBAL_AND_CHANNEL, &error) != RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			printf("RsslInitialize failed: %s\n", error.text);

	/* Initialize run-time */
	rsslProviderRuntime = getTimeNano() + ((RsslInt64)provPerfConfig.runTime * 1000000000LL);

	providerInit(&provider, PROVIDER_INTERACTIVE,

	if (provPerfConfig.useReactor == RSSL_FALSE) // use UPA Channel
		startProviderThreads(&provider, runChannelConnectionHandler);
	else // use UPA VA Reactor
		startProviderThreads(&provider, runReactorConnectionHandler);


	sopts.guaranteedOutputBuffers = provPerfConfig.guaranteedOutputBuffers;
	sopts.serviceName = provPerfConfig.portNo;
	if(strlen(provPerfConfig.interfaceName)) sopts.interfaceName = provPerfConfig.interfaceName;
	sopts.majorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MAJOR_VERSION;
	sopts.minorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MINOR_VERSION;
	sopts.protocolType = RSSL_RWF_PROTOCOL_TYPE;
	sopts.tcp_nodelay = provPerfConfig.tcpNoDelay;
	sopts.sysSendBufSize = provPerfConfig.sendBufSize;
	sopts.sysRecvBufSize = provPerfConfig.recvBufSize;
	sopts.connectionType = RSSL_CONN_TYPE_SOCKET;
	sopts.maxFragmentSize = provPerfConfig.maxFragmentSize;

	if ((rsslSrvr = rsslBind(&sopts, &error)) == 0)
		printf("rsslBind() failed: %d(%s)\n", error.rsslErrorId, error.text);

	printf("Server %d bound to port %d.\n\n", rsslSrvr->socketId, rsslSrvr->portNumber);

	time_interval.tv_sec = 0; time_interval.tv_usec = 0;
	nextTickTime = getTimeNano() + nsecPerTick;
	currentTicks = 0;
	tickSetStartTime = getTimeNano();

	/* this is the main loop */
		useRead = readfds;
		useExcept = exceptfds;

		/* select() on remaining time for this tick. If we went into the next tick, don't delay at all. */
		_currentTime = getTimeNano();
		time_interval.tv_usec = (long)((_currentTime > nextTickTime) ? 0 : ((nextTickTime - _currentTime)/1000));
		selRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &useRead, NULL, &useExcept, &time_interval);

		if (selRet == 0)
			/* We've reached the next tick. */
			nextTickTime += nsecPerTick;

			if (currentTicks == providerThreadConfig.ticksPerSec)
				currentTicks = 0;

			if (intervalSeconds == provPerfConfig.writeStatsInterval)
				providerCollectStats(&provider, RSSL_TRUE, provPerfConfig.displayStats, currentRuntimeSec,
				intervalSeconds = 0;

		else if (selRet > 0)
			if ((rsslSrvr != NULL) && (rsslSrvr->socketId != -1) && (FD_ISSET(rsslSrvr->socketId,&useRead)))
				if (provPerfConfig.useReactor == RSSL_FALSE) // use UPA Channel
					RsslChannel *pChannel;
					RsslError	error;
					RsslAcceptOptions acceptOpts = RSSL_INIT_ACCEPT_OPTS;

					if ((pChannel = rsslAccept(rsslSrvr, &acceptOpts, &error)) == 0)
						printf("rsslAccept: failed <%s>\n",error.text);
						printf("Server %d accepting channel %d.\n\n", rsslSrvr->socketId, pChannel->socketId);
				else // use UPA VA Reactor
					if (acceptReactorConnection(rsslSrvr, &rsslErrorInfo) != RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
						printf("acceptReactorConnection: failed <%s>\n", rsslErrorInfo.rsslError.text);
		else if (selRet < 0)
			/* continue */
#ifdef _WIN32
			if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR)
			if (errno == EINTR)

		/* Handle run-time */
		if (_currentTime >= rsslProviderRuntime)
			printf("\nRun time of %u seconds has expired.\n", provPerfConfig.runTime);
			signal_shutdown = RSSL_TRUE; /* Tell other threads to shutdown. */

		if (signal_shutdown == RSSL_TRUE)