Beispiel #1
void buyingstore_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int zenylimit, unsigned char result, const char *storename, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int count)
	unsigned int i, weight, listidx;
	struct item_data *id;

	if(!result || count == 0) {
		// canceled, or no items

	if(!battle_config.feature_buying_store || pc_istrading(sd) || sd->buyingstore.slots == 0 || count > sd->buyingstore.slots || zenylimit <= 0 || zenylimit > sd->status.zeny || !storename[0]) {
		// disabled or invalid input
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);

	if(!pc_can_give_items(sd)) {
		// custom: GM is not allowed to buy (give zeny)
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(246));
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);

	if(sd->[SC_NOCHAT] && (sd->[SC_NOCHAT]->val1&MANNER_NOROOM)) {
		// custom: mute limitation

	if(map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.novending) {
		// custom: no vending maps
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(276)); // "You can't open a shop on this map"

	if(map->getcell(sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CELL_CHKNOVENDING)) {
		// custom: no vending cells
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(204)); // "You can't open a shop on this cell."

	weight = sd->weight;

	// check item list
	for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		// itemlist: <name id>.W <amount>.W <price>.L
		unsigned short nameid, amount;
		int price, idx;

		nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i*8+0);
		amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i*8+2);
		price  = RBUFL(itemlist,i*8+4);

		if((id = itemdb_exists(nameid)) == NULL || amount == 0) {
			// invalid input

		if(price <= 0 || price > BUYINGSTORE_MAX_PRICE) {
			// invalid price: unlike vending, items cannot be bought at 0 Zeny

		if(!id->flag.buyingstore || !itemdb_cantrade_sub(id, pc_get_group_level(sd), pc_get_group_level(sd)) || (idx = pc_search_inventory(sd, nameid)) == -1) {
			// restrictions: allowed, no character-bound items and at least one must be owned

		if(sd->status.inventory[idx].amount+amount > BUYINGSTORE_MAX_AMOUNT) {
			// too many items of same kind

		if(i) {
			// duplicate check. as the client does this too, only malicious intent should be caught here
			ARR_FIND(0, i, listidx, sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid);
			if(listidx != i) {
				// duplicate
				ShowWarning(read_message(""), nameid, amount, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id);

		weight+= id->weight*amount;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].nameid = nameid;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].amount = amount;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].price  = price;

	if(i != count) {
		// invalid item/amount/price
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);

	if((sd->max_weight*90)/100 < weight) {
		// not able to carry all wanted items without getting overweight (90%)
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE_OVERWEIGHT, weight);

	// success
	sd->state.buyingstore = true;
	sd->buyer_id = buyingstore_getuid();
	sd->buyingstore.zenylimit = zenylimit;
	sd->buyingstore.slots = i;  // store actual amount of items
	safestrncpy(sd->message, storename, sizeof(sd->message));
Beispiel #2
bool buyingstore_create(struct map_session_data* sd, int zenylimit, unsigned char result, const char* storename, const uint8* itemlist, unsigned int count) {
	unsigned int i, weight, listidx;
	char message_sql[MESSAGE_SIZE * 2];

	if( !result || count == 0 ) // Canceled, or no items
		return false;

	if( !battle_config.feature_buying_store || pc_istrading(sd) || sd->buyingstore.slots == 0 ||
		count > sd->buyingstore.slots || zenylimit <= 0 || zenylimit > sd->status.zeny || !storename[0] )
	{ // Disabled or invalid input
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);
		return false;

	if( !pc_can_give_items(sd) ) { // Custom: GM is not allowed to buy (give zeny)
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(246));
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);
		return false;

	if( sd->[SC_NOCHAT] && (sd->[SC_NOCHAT]->val1&MANNER_NOROOM) ) // Custom: Mute limitation
		return false;

	if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.novending ) { // Custom: No vending maps
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(276)); // "You can't open a shop on this map"
		return false;

	if( map_getcell(sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CELL_CHKNOVENDING) ) { // Custom: No vending cells
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(204)); // "You can't open a shop on this cell."
		return false;

	weight = sd->weight;

	// Check item list
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // itemlist: <name id>.W <amount>.W <price>.L
		unsigned short nameid, amount;
		int price, idx;
		struct item_data* id;

		nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 8 + 0);
		amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 8 + 2);
		price  = RBUFL(itemlist,i * 8 + 4);

		if( (id = itemdb_exists(nameid)) == NULL || amount == 0 ) // Invalid input

		// Invalid price: Unlike vending, items cannot be bought at 0 Zeny
		if( price <= 0 || price > BUYINGSTORE_MAX_PRICE )

		// Restrictions: Allowed, no character-bound items and at least one must be owned
		if( !id->flag.buyingstore || !itemdb_cantrade_sub(id, pc_get_group_level(sd), pc_get_group_level(sd)) ||
			(idx = pc_search_inventory(sd, nameid)) == -1 )

		if( sd->status.inventory[idx].amount + amount > BUYINGSTORE_MAX_AMOUNT ) // Too many items of same kind

		if( i ) { // Duplicate check. As the client does this too, only malicious intent should be caught here
			ARR_FIND(0, i, listidx, sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid);
			if( listidx != i ) { // Duplicate
				ShowWarning("buyingstore_create: Found duplicate item on buying list (nameid=%hu, amount=%hu, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", nameid, amount, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id);

		weight += id->weight * amount;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].nameid = nameid;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].amount = amount;
		sd->buyingstore.items[i].price  = price;

	if( i != count ) { // Invalid item/amount/price
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE, 0);
		return false;

	if( (sd->max_weight * 90) / 100 < weight ) { // Not able to carry all wanted items without getting overweight (90%)
		sd->buyingstore.slots = 0;
		clif_buyingstore_open_failed(sd, BUYINGSTORE_CREATE_OVERWEIGHT, weight);
		return false;

	// Success
	sd->state.buyingstore = true;
	sd->buyer_id = buyingstore_getuid();
	sd->buyingstore.zenylimit = zenylimit;
	sd->buyingstore.slots = i; // Store actual amount of items
	safestrncpy(sd->message, storename, sizeof(sd->message));

	Sql_EscapeString(mmysql_handle, message_sql, sd->message);

	if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `%s`(`id`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`sex`,`map`,`x`,`y`,`title`,`limit`,`autotrade`) VALUES( %d, %d, %d, '%c', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d );",
		buyingstore_db, sd->buyer_id, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, !sd-> ? 'F' : 'M', map[sd->bl.m].name, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, message_sql, sd->buyingstore.zenylimit, sd->state.autotrade) != SQL_SUCCESS )

	for( i = 0; i < sd->buyingstore.slots; i++ )
		if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `%s`(`buyingstore_id`,`index`,`item_id`,`amount`,`price`) VALUES( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d );",
			buyingstore_items_db, sd->buyer_id, i, sd->buyingstore.items[i].nameid, sd->buyingstore.items[i].amount, sd->buyingstore.items[i].price) != SQL_SUCCESS )


	return true;
Beispiel #3
 * Initializing autotraders from table
void do_init_buyingstore_autotrade(void) {
	if( battle_config.feature_autotrade ) {
		uint16 i, items = 0;
		autotrader_count = 0;

		// Get autotrader from table. `map`, `x`, and `y`, aren't used here
		// Just read player that has data at buyingstore_items [Cydh]
		if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
			"SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `sex`, `title`, `limit` "
			"FROM `%s` "
			"WHERE `autotrade` = 1 AND `limit` > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(`buyingstore_id`) FROM `%s` WHERE `buyingstore_id` = `id`) > 0;",
			buyingstore_db, buyingstore_items_db) != SQL_SUCCESS )

		if( (autotrader_count = (uint32)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle)) > 0 ) {
			// Init autotraders
			CREATE(autotraders, struct s_autotrade *, autotrader_count);

			if( autotraders == NULL ) { //This is shouldn't happen [Cydh]
				ShowError("Failed to initialize buyingstore autotraders!\n");

			// Init each autotrader data
			i = 0;
			while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && i < autotrader_count ) {
				size_t len;
				char* data;

				CREATE(autotraders[i], struct s_autotrade, 1);

				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); autotraders[i]->buyer_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); autotraders[i]->account_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); autotraders[i]->char_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); autotraders[i]->sex = (data[0] == 'F') ? 0 : 1;
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, &len); safestrncpy(autotraders[i]->title, data, min(len + 1, MESSAGE_SIZE));
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); autotraders[i]->limit = atoi(data);
				autotraders[i]->count = 0;

				// Initialize player
				CREATE(autotraders[i]->sd, struct map_session_data, 1);

				pc_setnewpc(autotraders[i]->sd, autotraders[i]->account_id, autotraders[i]->char_id, 0, gettick(), autotraders[i]->sex, 0);

				autotraders[i]->sd->state.autotrade = 1;
				chrif_authreq(autotraders[i]->sd, true);

			// Init items on vending list each autotrader
			for( i = 0; i < autotrader_count; i++ ) {
				struct s_autotrade *at = NULL;
				uint16 j;

				if( autotraders[i] == NULL )
				at = autotraders[i];

				if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
					"SELECT `item_id`, `amount`, `price` "
					"FROM `%s` "
					"WHERE `buyingstore_id` = %d "
					"ORDER BY `index` ASC;", buyingstore_items_db, at->buyer_id) )

				if( !(at->count = (uint32)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle)) ) {

				// Init the list
				CREATE(at->entries, struct s_autotrade_entry *,at->count);

				//Add the item into list
				j = 0;
				while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && j < at->count ) {
					char* data;
					CREATE(at->entries[j], struct s_autotrade_entry, 1);

					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->item_id = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->amount = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->price = atoi(data);
				items += j;

			ShowStatus("Done loading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' autotraders with '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' items.\n", autotrader_count, items);
 * Validate recipients, count delivery types and errors, and handle aliasing
 * FIXME check for dupes!!!!!
 * Returns 0 if all addresses are ok, ret->num_error = -1 if no addresses 
 * were specified, or the number of addresses found invalid.
 * Caller needs to free the result using free_recipients()
recptypes *validate_recipients(const char *supplied_recipients, 
			       const char *RemoteIdentifier, 
			       int Flags) {
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	recptypes *ret;
	char *recipients = NULL;
	char *org_recp;
	char this_recp[256];
	char this_recp_cooked[256];
	char append[SIZ];
	long len;
	int num_recps = 0;
	int i, j;
	int mailtype;
	int invalid;
	struct ctdluser tempUS;
	struct ctdlroom tempQR;
	struct ctdlroom tempQR2;
	int err = 0;
	char errmsg[SIZ];
	int in_quotes = 0;

	/* Initialize */
	ret = (recptypes *) malloc(sizeof(recptypes));
	if (ret == NULL) return(NULL);

	/* Set all strings to null and numeric values to zero */
	memset(ret, 0, sizeof(recptypes));

	if (supplied_recipients == NULL) {
		recipients = strdup("");
	else {
		recipients = strdup(supplied_recipients);

	/* Allocate some memory.  Yes, this allocates 500% more memory than we will
	 * actually need, but it's healthier for the heap than doing lots of tiny
	 * realloc() calls instead.
	len = strlen(recipients) + 1024;
	ret->errormsg = malloc(len);
	ret->recp_local = malloc(len);
	ret->recp_internet = malloc(len);
	ret->recp_ignet = malloc(len);
	ret->recp_room = malloc(len);
	ret->display_recp = malloc(len);
	ret->recp_orgroom = malloc(len);
	org_recp = malloc(len);

	ret->errormsg[0] = 0;
	ret->recp_local[0] = 0;
	ret->recp_internet[0] = 0;
	ret->recp_ignet[0] = 0;
	ret->recp_room[0] = 0;
	ret->recp_orgroom[0] = 0;
	ret->display_recp[0] = 0;

	ret->recptypes_magic = RECPTYPES_MAGIC;

	/* Change all valid separator characters to commas */
	for (i=0; !IsEmptyStr(&recipients[i]); ++i) {
		if ((recipients[i] == ';') || (recipients[i] == '|')) {
			recipients[i] = ',';

	/* Now start extracting recipients... */

	while (!IsEmptyStr(recipients)) {
		for (i=0; i<=strlen(recipients); ++i) {
			if (recipients[i] == '\"') in_quotes = 1 - in_quotes;
			if ( ( (recipients[i] == ',') && (!in_quotes) ) || (recipients[i] == 0) ) {
				safestrncpy(this_recp, recipients, i+1);
				this_recp[i] = 0;
				if (recipients[i] == ',') {
					strcpy(recipients, &recipients[i+1]);
				else {
					strcpy(recipients, "");

		if (IsEmptyStr(this_recp))
		MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Evaluating recipient #%d: %s\n", num_recps, this_recp);

		strcpy(org_recp, this_recp);
		mailtype = alias(this_recp);

		for (j = 0; !IsEmptyStr(&this_recp[j]); ++j) {
			if (this_recp[j]=='_') {
				this_recp_cooked[j] = ' ';
			else {
				this_recp_cooked[j] = this_recp[j];
		this_recp_cooked[j] = '\0';
		invalid = 0;
		errmsg[0] = 0;
		switch(mailtype) {
		case MES_LOCAL:
			if (!strcasecmp(this_recp, "sysop")) {
				strcpy(this_recp, CtdlGetConfigStr("c_aideroom"));
				if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_room)) {
					strcat(ret->recp_room, "|");
				strcat(ret->recp_room, this_recp);
			else if ( (!strncasecmp(this_recp, "room_", 5))
				  && (!CtdlGetRoom(&tempQR, &this_recp_cooked[5])) ) {

				/* Save room so we can restore it later */
				tempQR2 = CCC->room;
				CCC->room = tempQR;
				/* Check permissions to send mail to this room */
				err = CtdlDoIHavePermissionToPostInThisRoom(
					sizeof errmsg, 
					0			/* 0 = not a reply */
				if (err)
					invalid = 1;
				else {
					if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_room)) {
						strcat(ret->recp_room, "|");
					strcat(ret->recp_room, &this_recp_cooked[5]);

					if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_orgroom)) {
						strcat(ret->recp_orgroom, "|");
					strcat(ret->recp_orgroom, org_recp);

				/* Restore room in case something needs it */
				CCC->room = tempQR2;

			else if (CtdlGetUser(&tempUS, this_recp) == 0) {
				strcpy(this_recp, tempUS.fullname);
				if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_local)) {
					strcat(ret->recp_local, "|");
				strcat(ret->recp_local, this_recp);
			else if (CtdlGetUser(&tempUS, this_recp_cooked) == 0) {
				strcpy(this_recp, tempUS.fullname);
				if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_local)) {
					strcat(ret->recp_local, "|");
				strcat(ret->recp_local, this_recp);
			else {
				invalid = 1;
			/* Yes, you're reading this correctly: if the target
			 * domain points back to the local system or an attached
			 * Citadel directory, the address is invalid.  That's
			 * because if the address were valid, we would have
			 * already translated it to a local address by now.
			if (IsDirectory(this_recp, 0)) {
				invalid = 1;
			else {
				if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_internet)) {
					strcat(ret->recp_internet, "|");
				strcat(ret->recp_internet, this_recp);
		case MES_IGNET:
			if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->recp_ignet)) {
				strcat(ret->recp_ignet, "|");
			strcat(ret->recp_ignet, this_recp);
		case MES_ERROR:
			invalid = 1;
		if (invalid) {
			if (IsEmptyStr(errmsg)) {
				snprintf(append, sizeof append, "Invalid recipient: %s", this_recp);
			else {
				snprintf(append, sizeof append, "%s", errmsg);
			if ( (strlen(ret->errormsg) + strlen(append) + 3) < SIZ) {
				if (!IsEmptyStr(ret->errormsg)) {
					strcat(ret->errormsg, "; ");
				strcat(ret->errormsg, append);
		else {
			if (IsEmptyStr(ret->display_recp)) {
				strcpy(append, this_recp);
			else {
				snprintf(append, sizeof append, ", %s", this_recp);
			if ( (strlen(ret->display_recp)+strlen(append)) < SIZ) {
				strcat(ret->display_recp, append);

	if ((ret->num_local + ret->num_internet + ret->num_ignet +
	     ret->num_room + ret->num_error) == 0) {
		ret->num_error = (-1);
		strcpy(ret->errormsg, "No recipients specified.");

	MSGM_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "validate_recipients()\n");
	MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, " local: %d <%s>\n", ret->num_local, ret->recp_local);
	MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "  room: %d <%s>\n", ret->num_room, ret->recp_room);
	MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "  inet: %d <%s>\n", ret->num_internet, ret->recp_internet);
	MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, " ignet: %d <%s>\n", ret->num_ignet, ret->recp_ignet);
	MSG_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, " error: %d <%s>\n", ret->num_error, ret->errormsg);

 * Handle subjects with RFC2047 encoding such as:
 * =?koi8-r?B?78bP0s3Mxc7JxSDXz9rE1dvO2c3JINvB0sHNySDP?=
void utf8ify_rfc822_string(char *buf) {
	char *start, *end, *next, *nextend, *ptr;
	char newbuf[1024];
	char charset[128];
	char encoding[16];
	char istr[1024];
	iconv_t ic = (iconv_t)(-1) ;
	char *ibuf;			/**< Buffer of characters to be converted */
	char *obuf;			/**< Buffer for converted characters */
	size_t ibuflen;			/**< Length of input buffer */
	size_t obuflen;			/**< Length of output buffer */
	char *isav;			/**< Saved pointer to input buffer */
	char *osav;			/**< Saved pointer to output buffer */
	int passes = 0;
	int i, len, delta;
	int illegal_non_rfc2047_encoding = 0;

	/* Sometimes, badly formed messages contain strings which were simply
	 *  written out directly in some foreign character set instead of
	 *  using RFC2047 encoding.  This is illegal but we will attempt to
	 *  handle it anyway by converting from a user-specified default
	 *  charset to UTF-8 if we see any nonprintable characters.
	len = strlen(buf);
	for (i=0; i<len; ++i) {
		if ((buf[i] < 32) || (buf[i] > 126)) {
			illegal_non_rfc2047_encoding = 1;
			i = len; ///< take a shortcut, it won't be more than one.
	if (illegal_non_rfc2047_encoding) {
		const char *default_header_charset = "iso-8859-1";
		if ( (strcasecmp(default_header_charset, "UTF-8")) && (strcasecmp(default_header_charset, "us-ascii")) ) {
			ctdl_iconv_open("UTF-8", default_header_charset, &ic);
			if (ic != (iconv_t)(-1) ) {
				ibuf = malloc(1024);
				isav = ibuf;
				safestrncpy(ibuf, buf, 1024);
				ibuflen = strlen(ibuf);
				obuflen = 1024;
				obuf = (char *) malloc(obuflen);
				osav = obuf;
				iconv(ic, &ibuf, &ibuflen, &obuf, &obuflen);
				osav[1024-obuflen] = 0;
				strcpy(buf, osav);

	/* pre evaluate the first pair */
	nextend = end = NULL;
	len = strlen(buf);
	start = strstr(buf, "=?");
	if (start != NULL) 
		FindNextEnd (start, end);

	while ((start != NULL) && (end != NULL))
		next = strstr(end, "=?");
		if (next != NULL)
			FindNextEnd(next, nextend);
		if (nextend == NULL)
			next = NULL;

		/* did we find two partitions */
		if ((next != NULL) && 
		    ((next - end) > 2))
			ptr = end + 2;
			while ((ptr < next) && 
			       (isspace(*ptr) ||
				(*ptr == '\r') ||
				(*ptr == '\n') || 
				(*ptr == '\t')))
				ptr ++;
			/* did we find a gab just filled with blanks? */
			if (ptr == next)
				memmove (end + 2,
					 len - (next - start));

				/* now terminate the gab at the end */
				delta = (next - end) - 2;
				len -= delta;
				buf[len] = '\0';

				/* move next to its new location. */
				next -= delta;
				nextend -= delta;
		/* our next-pair is our new first pair now. */
		start = next;
		end = nextend;

	/* Now we handle foreign character sets properly encoded
	 * in RFC2047 format.
	start = strstr(buf, "=?");
	FindNextEnd((start != NULL)? start : buf, end);
	while (start != NULL && end != NULL && end > start)
		extract_token(charset, start, 1, '?', sizeof charset);
		extract_token(encoding, start, 2, '?', sizeof encoding);
		extract_token(istr, start, 3, '?', sizeof istr);

		ibuf = malloc(1024);
		isav = ibuf;
		if (!strcasecmp(encoding, "B")) {	/**< base64 */
			ibuflen = CtdlDecodeBase64(ibuf, istr, strlen(istr));
		else if (!strcasecmp(encoding, "Q")) {	/**< quoted-printable */
			size_t len;
			unsigned long pos;
			len = strlen(istr);
			pos = 0;
			while (pos < len)
				if (istr[pos] == '_') istr[pos] = ' ';

			ibuflen = CtdlDecodeQuotedPrintable(ibuf, istr, len);
		else {
			strcpy(ibuf, istr);		/**< unknown encoding */
			ibuflen = strlen(istr);

		ctdl_iconv_open("UTF-8", charset, &ic);
		if (ic != (iconv_t)(-1) ) {
			obuflen = 1024;
			obuf = (char *) malloc(obuflen);
			osav = obuf;
			iconv(ic, &ibuf, &ibuflen, &obuf, &obuflen);
			osav[1024-obuflen] = 0;

			end = start;
			strcpy(start, "");
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			strcpy(end, &end[1]);

			snprintf(newbuf, sizeof newbuf, "%s%s%s", buf, osav, end);
			strcpy(buf, newbuf);
		else {
			end = start;
			strcpy(start, "");
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			remove_token(end, 0, '?');
			strcpy(end, &end[1]);

			snprintf(newbuf, sizeof newbuf, "%s(unreadable)%s", buf, end);
			strcpy(buf, newbuf);


		 * Since spammers will go to all sorts of absurd lengths to get their
		 * messages through, there are LOTS of corrupt headers out there.
		 * So, prevent a really badly formed RFC2047 header from throwing
		 * this function into an infinite loop.
		if (passes > 20) return;

		start = strstr(buf, "=?");
		FindNextEnd((start != NULL)? start : buf, end);

Beispiel #6
static int mail_fromsql(int char_id, struct mail_data* md)
	int i, j;
	struct mail_message *msg;
	struct item *item;
	char *data;
	StringBuf buf;

	memset(md, 0, sizeof(struct mail_data));
	md->amount = 0;
	md->full = false;

	StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `id`,`send_name`,`send_id`,`dest_name`,`dest_id`,`title`,`message`,`time`,`status`,"
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++)
		StrBuf->Printf(&buf, ",`card%d`", i);

	// I keep the `status` < 3 just in case someone forget to apply the sqlfix
	StrBuf->Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` WHERE `dest_id`='%d' AND `status` < 3 ORDER BY `id` LIMIT %d",
		mail_db, char_id, MAIL_MAX_INBOX + 1);

	if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, StrBuf->Value(&buf)) )


	for (i = 0; i < MAIL_MAX_INBOX && SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(sql_handle); ++i )
		msg = &md->msg[i];
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); msg->id = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->send_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); msg->send_id = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->dest_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); msg->dest_id = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->title, data, MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->body, data, MAIL_BODY_LENGTH);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); msg->timestamp = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); msg->status = (mail_status)atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); msg->zeny = atoi(data);
		item = &msg->item;
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,10, &data, NULL); item->amount = (short)atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,11, &data, NULL); item->nameid = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,12, &data, NULL); item->refine = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,13, &data, NULL); item->attribute = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,14, &data, NULL); item->identify = atoi(data);
		SQL->GetData(sql_handle,15, &data, NULL); item->unique_id = strtoull(data, NULL, 10);
		item->expire_time = 0;
		item->bound = 0;

		for (j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++)
			SQL->GetData(sql_handle, 16 + j, &data, NULL);
			item->card[j] = atoi(data);

	md->full = ( SQL->NumRows(sql_handle) > MAIL_MAX_INBOX );

	md->amount = i;

	md->unchecked = 0;
	md->unread = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < md->amount; i++)
		msg = &md->msg[i];
		if( msg->status == MAIL_NEW )
			if ( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(sql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `status` = '%d' WHERE `id` = '%d'", mail_db, MAIL_UNREAD, msg->id) )

			msg->status = MAIL_UNREAD;
		else if ( msg->status == MAIL_UNREAD )

	ShowInfo("mail load complete from DB - id: %d (total: %d)\n", char_id, md->amount);
	return 1;
 * Aliasing for network mail.
 * (Error messages have been commented out, because this is a server.)
int alias(char *name)
{				/* process alias and routing info for mail */
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	FILE *fp;
	int a, i;
	char aaa[SIZ], bbb[SIZ];
	char *ignetcfg = NULL;
	char *ignetmap = NULL;
	int at = 0;
	char node[64];
	char testnode[64];
	char buf[SIZ];

	char original_name[256];
	safestrncpy(original_name, name, sizeof original_name);

	stripallbut(name, '<', '>');

	fp = fopen(file_mail_aliases, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		fp = fopen("/dev/null", "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		return (MES_ERROR);
	strcpy(aaa, "");
	strcpy(bbb, "");
	while (fgets(aaa, sizeof aaa, fp) != NULL) {
		while (isspace(name[0]))
			strcpy(name, &name[1]);
		aaa[strlen(aaa) - 1] = 0;
		strcpy(bbb, "");
		for (a = 0; aaa[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
			if (aaa[a] == ',') {
				strcpy(bbb, &aaa[a + 1]);
				aaa[a] = 0;
		if (!strcasecmp(name, aaa))
			strcpy(name, bbb);

	/* Hit the Global Address Book */
	if (CtdlDirectoryLookup(aaa, name, sizeof aaa) == 0) {
		strcpy(name, aaa);

	if (strcasecmp(original_name, name)) {
		MSG_syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s is being forwarded to %s\n", original_name, name);

	/* Change "user @ xxx" to "user" if xxx is an alias for this host */
	for (a=0; name[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
		if (name[a] == '@') {
			if (CtdlHostAlias(&name[a+1]) == hostalias_localhost) {
				name[a] = 0;
				MSG_syslog(LOG_INFO, "Changed to <%s>\n", name);

	/* determine local or remote type, see citadel.h */
	at = haschar(name, '@');
	if (at == 0) return(MES_LOCAL);		/* no @'s - local address */
	if (at > 1) return(MES_ERROR);		/* >1 @'s - invalid address */

	/* figure out the delivery mode */
	extract_token(node, name, 1, '@', sizeof node);

	/* If there are one or more dots in the nodename, we assume that it
	 * is an FQDN and will attempt SMTP delivery to the Internet.
	if (haschar(node, '.') > 0) {

	/* Otherwise we look in the IGnet maps for a valid Citadel node.
	 * Try directly-connected nodes first...
	ignetcfg = CtdlGetSysConfig(IGNETCFG);
	for (i=0; i<num_tokens(ignetcfg, '\n'); ++i) {
		extract_token(buf, ignetcfg, i, '\n', sizeof buf);
		extract_token(testnode, buf, 0, '|', sizeof testnode);
		if (!strcasecmp(node, testnode)) {

	 * Then try nodes that are two or more hops away.
	ignetmap = CtdlGetSysConfig(IGNETMAP);
	for (i=0; i<num_tokens(ignetmap, '\n'); ++i) {
		extract_token(buf, ignetmap, i, '\n', sizeof buf);
		extract_token(testnode, buf, 0, '|', sizeof testnode);
		if (!strcasecmp(node, testnode)) {

	/* If we get to this point it's an invalid node name */
	return (MES_ERROR);
Beispiel #8
void mmo_send_global_accreg(AccountDB* self, int fd, int account_id, int char_id) {
	Sql* sql_handle = ((AccountDB_SQL*)self)->accounts;
	AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
	char* data;
	int plen = 0;
	size_t len;

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_str_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);


	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_num_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count

			plen = 16;

	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 1;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

Beispiel #9
void inter_auctions_fromsql(void)
	int i;
	char *data;
	StringBuf buf;
	unsigned int tick = gettick(), endtick;
	time_t now = time(NULL);

	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `auction_id`,`seller_id`,`seller_name`,`buyer_id`,`buyer_name`,"
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ",`card%d`", i);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT; ++i) {
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_id%d`", i);
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_val%d`", i);
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_parm%d`", i);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` ORDER BY `auction_id` DESC", schema_config.auction_db);

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) )


	while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		struct item *item;
		struct auction_data *auction;
		CREATE(auction, struct auction_data, 1);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); auction->auction_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); auction->seller_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->seller_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); auction->buyer_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->buyer_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); auction->price	= atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); auction->buynow = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); auction->hours = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); auction->timestamp = atoi(data);

		item = &auction->item;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); item->nameid = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,10, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->item_name, data, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,11, &data, NULL); auction->type = atoi(data);

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,12, &data, NULL); item->refine = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,13, &data, NULL); item->attribute = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,14, &data, NULL); item->unique_id = strtoull(data, NULL, 10);

		item->identify = 1;
		item->amount = 1;
		item->expire_time = 0;

		for( i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 15 + i, &data, NULL);
			item->card[i] = atoi(data);

		for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT; i++) {
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 15 + MAX_SLOTS + i*3, &data, NULL);
			item->option[i].id = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 16 + MAX_SLOTS + i*3, &data, NULL);
			item->option[i].value = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 17 + MAX_SLOTS + i*3, &data, NULL);
			item->option[i].param = atoi(data);

		if( auction->timestamp > now )
			endtick = ((unsigned int)(auction->timestamp - now) * 1000) + tick;
			endtick = tick + 10000; // 10 Second's to process ended auctions

		auction->auction_end_timer = add_timer(endtick, auction_end_timer, auction->auction_id, 0);
		idb_put(auction_db_, auction->auction_id, auction);

Beispiel #10
int log_config_read(const char* cfgName)
    static int count = 0;
    char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024];
    FILE *fp;

    if( count++ == 0 )

    if( ( fp = fopen(cfgName, "r") ) == NULL )
        ShowError("Log configuration file not found at: %s\n", cfgName);
        return 1;

    while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) )
        if( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' )

        if( sscanf(line, "%1023[^:]: %1023[^\r\n]", w1, w2) == 2 )
            if( strcmpi(w1, "enable_logs") == 0 )
                log_config.enable_logs = (e_log_pick_type)config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "sql_logs") == 0 )
                log_config.sql_logs = (bool)config_switch(w2);
//start of common filter settings
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "rare_items_log") == 0 )
                log_config.rare_items_log = atoi(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "refine_items_log") == 0 )
                log_config.refine_items_log = atoi(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "price_items_log") == 0 )
                log_config.price_items_log = atoi(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "amount_items_log") == 0 )
                log_config.amount_items_log = atoi(w2);
//end of common filter settings
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_branch") == 0 )
                log_config.branch = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_filter") == 0 )
                log_config.filter = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_zeny") == 0 )
                log_config.zeny = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi( w1, "log_cash" ) == 0 )
       = config_switch( w2 );
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_commands") == 0 )
                log_config.commands = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_npc") == 0 )
                log_config.npc = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_chat") == 0 )
       = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_mvpdrop") == 0 )
                log_config.mvpdrop = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_feeding") == 0 )
                log_config.feeding = config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_chat_woe_disable") == 0 )
                log_config.log_chat_woe_disable = (bool)config_switch(w2);
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_branch_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_branch, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_branch));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_pick_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_pick, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_pick));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_zeny_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_zeny, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_zeny));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_mvpdrop_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_mvpdrop, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_mvpdrop));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_gm_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_gm, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_gm));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_npc_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_npc, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_npc));
            else if( strcmpi(w1, "log_chat_db") == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_config.log_chat, w2, sizeof(log_config.log_chat));
            else if( strcmpi( w1, "log_cash_db" ) == 0 )
                safestrncpy( log_config.log_cash, w2, sizeof( log_config.log_cash ) );
            else if( strcmpi( w1, "log_feeding_db" ) == 0 )
                safestrncpy( log_config.log_feeding, w2, sizeof( log_config.log_feeding ) );
            // log file timestamp format
            else if( strcmpi( w1, "log_timestamp_format" ) == 0 )
                safestrncpy(log_timestamp_format, w2, sizeof(log_timestamp_format));
            //support the import command, just like any other config
            else if( strcmpi(w1,"import") == 0 )
                ShowWarning("Unknown setting '%s' in file %s\n", w1, cfgName);


    if( --count == 0 )
    {   // report final logging state
        const char* target = log_config.sql_logs ? "table" : "file";

        if( log_config.enable_logs && log_config.filter )
            ShowInfo("Logging item transactions to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_pick);
        if( log_config.branch )
            ShowInfo("Logging monster summon item usage to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_pick);
        if( )
            ShowInfo("Logging chat to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_chat);
        if( log_config.commands )
            ShowInfo("Logging commands to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_gm);
        if( log_config.mvpdrop )
            ShowInfo("Logging MVP monster rewards to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_mvpdrop);
        if( log_config.npc )
            ShowInfo("Logging 'logmes' messages to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_npc);
        if( log_config.zeny )
            ShowInfo("Logging Zeny transactions to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_zeny);
        if( ) {
            ShowInfo( "Logging Cash transactions to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_cash );
        if( log_config.feeding ) {
            ShowInfo( "Logging Feeding items to %s '%s'.\n", target, log_config.log_feeding );

    return 0;
Beispiel #11
 * Open shop
 * data := {<index>.w <amount>.w <value>.l}[count]
void vending_openvending(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* message, bool flag, const uint8* data, int count)
	int i, j;
	int vending_skill_lvl;

	if( !flag ) // cancelled
		return; // nothing to do

	if (pc_istrading(sd))
		return; // can't have 2 shops at once

	vending_skill_lvl = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_VENDING);
	// skill level and cart check
	if( !vending_skill_lvl || !pc_iscarton(sd) )
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0);

	// check number of items in shop
	if( count < 1 || count > MAX_VENDING || count > 2 + vending_skill_lvl )
	{	// invalid item count
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0);

	// filter out invalid items
	i = 0;
	for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
		int index           = *(uint16*)(data + 8*j + 0);
		unsigned int amount = *(uint16*)(data + 8*j + 2);
		unsigned int value  = *(uint32*)(data + 8*j + 4);

		index -= 2; // offset adjustment (client says that the first cart position is 2)

		if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CART // invalid position
		||  pc_cartitem_amount(sd, index, amount) < 0 // invalid item or insufficient quantity
		//NOTE: official server does not do any of the following checks!
		||  !sd->status.cart[index].identify // unidentified item
		||  sd->status.cart[index].attribute == 1 // broken item
		||  !itemdb_cantrade(&sd->status.cart[index], pc_isGM(sd), pc_isGM(sd)) ) // untradeable item

		sd->vending[i].index = index;
		sd->vending[i].amount = amount;
		sd->vending[i].value = cap_value(value, 1, (unsigned int)battle_config.vending_max_value);

		i++; // item successfully added

	if( i != j )
		clif_displaymessage (sd->fd, msg_txt(266)); //"Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop."

	if( i == 0 )
	{	// no valid item found
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0); // custom reply packet

	sd->vender_id = sd->;
	sd->vend_num = i;
	safestrncpy(sd->message, message, MESSAGE_SIZE);

Beispiel #12
 * Reading main configuration file.
 * @param cfgName: Name of the configuration (could be fullpath)
 * @param normal: Config read normally when server started
 * @return True:success, Fals:failure (file not found|readable)
bool login_config_read(const char* cfgName, bool normal) {
	char line[1024], w1[32], w2[1024];
	FILE* fp = fopen(cfgName, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		ShowError("Configuration file (%s) not found.\n", cfgName);
		return false;
	while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
		if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')

		if (sscanf(line, "%31[^:]: %1023[^\r\n]", w1, w2) < 2)

		// Config that loaded only when server started, not by reloading config file
		if (normal) {
			if( !strcmpi(w1, "bind_ip") ) {
				login_config.login_ip = host2ip(w2);
				if( login_config.login_ip ) {
					char ip_str[16];
					ShowStatus("Login server binding IP address : %s -> %s\n", w2, ip2str(login_config.login_ip, ip_str));
			else if( !strcmpi(w1, "login_port") )
				login_config.login_port = (uint16)atoi(w2);
			else if(!strcmpi(w1, "console"))
				login_config.console = (bool)config_switch(w2);

			safestrncpy(timestamp_format, w2, 20);
		else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_path")==0)
			safestrncpy(db_path, w2, ARRAYLENGTH(db_path));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1,"stdout_with_ansisequence"))
			stdout_with_ansisequence = config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1,"console_silent")) {
			msg_silent = atoi(w2);
			if( msg_silent ) /* only bother if we actually have this enabled */
				ShowInfo("Console Silent Setting: %d\n", atoi(w2));
		else if (strcmpi(w1, "console_msg_log") == 0)
			console_msg_log = atoi(w2);
		else if  (strcmpi(w1, "console_log_filepath") == 0)
			safestrncpy(console_log_filepath, w2, sizeof(console_log_filepath));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "log_login"))
			login_config.log_login = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "new_account"))
			login_config.new_account_flag = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "new_acc_length_limit"))
			login_config.new_acc_length_limit = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "start_limited_time"))
			login_config.start_limited_time = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_MD5_passwords"))
			login_config.use_md5_passwds = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "group_id_to_connect"))
			login_config.group_id_to_connect = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "min_group_id_to_connect"))
			login_config.min_group_id_to_connect = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "date_format"))
			safestrncpy(login_config.date_format, w2, sizeof(login_config.date_format));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "allowed_regs")) //account flood protection system
			login_config.allowed_regs = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "time_allowed"))
			login_config.time_allowed = atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_dnsbl"))
			login_config.use_dnsbl = (bool)config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dnsbl_servers"))
			safestrncpy(login_config.dnsbl_servs, w2, sizeof(login_config.dnsbl_servs));
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ipban_cleanup_interval"))
			login_config.ipban_cleanup_interval = (unsigned int)atoi(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ip_sync_interval"))
			login_config.ip_sync_interval = (unsigned int)1000*60*atoi(w2); //w2 comes in minutes.
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_hash_check"))
			login_config.client_hash_check = config_switch(w2);
		else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_hash")) {
			int group = 0;
			char md5[33];

			if (sscanf(w2, "%3d, %32s", &group, md5) == 2) {
				struct client_hash_node *nnode;
				CREATE(nnode, struct client_hash_node, 1);
				if (strcmpi(md5, "disabled") == 0) {
					nnode->hash[0] = '\0';
				} else {
					int i;
					for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
						char buf[3];
						unsigned int byte;

						memcpy(buf, &md5[i], 2);
						buf[2] = 0;

						sscanf(buf, "%2x", &byte);
						nnode->hash[i / 2] = (uint8)(byte & 0xFF);
				nnode->group_id = group;
				nnode->next = login_config.client_hash_nodes;
				login_config.client_hash_nodes = nnode;
		} else if(strcmpi(w1, "chars_per_account") == 0) { //maxchars per account [Sirius]
Beispiel #13
 * Check/authentication of a connection.
 * @param sd: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @param isServer: string (atm:md5key or dbpass)
 * @return :
 *	-1: success
 *	0: unregistered id;
 *	1: incorrect pass;
 *	2: expired id
 *	3: blacklisted (or registration limit exceeded if new acc);
 *	5: invalid client_version|hash;
 *	6: banned
 *	x: acc state (TODO document me deeper)
int login_mmo_auth(struct login_session_data* sd, bool isServer) {
	struct mmo_account acc;
	int len;

	char ip[16];
	ip2str(session[sd->fd]->client_addr, ip);

	// DNS Blacklist check
	if( login_config.use_dnsbl ) {
		char r_ip[16];
		char ip_dnsbl[256];
		char* dnsbl_serv;
		uint8* sin_addr = (uint8*)&session[sd->fd]->client_addr;

		sprintf(r_ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", sin_addr[0], sin_addr[1], sin_addr[2], sin_addr[3]);

		for( dnsbl_serv = strtok(login_config.dnsbl_servs,","); dnsbl_serv != NULL; dnsbl_serv = strtok(NULL,",") ) {
			sprintf(ip_dnsbl, "%s.%s", r_ip, trim(dnsbl_serv));
			if( host2ip(ip_dnsbl) ) {
				ShowInfo("DNSBL: (%s) Blacklisted. User Kicked.\n", r_ip);
				return 3;


	len = strnlen(sd->userid, NAME_LENGTH);

	// Account creation with _M/_F
	if( login_config.new_account_flag ) {
		if( len > 2 && strnlen(sd->passwd, NAME_LENGTH) > 0 && // valid user and password lengths
			sd->passwdenc == 0 && // unencoded password
			sd->userid[len-2] == '_' && memchr("FfMm", sd->userid[len-1], 4) ) // _M/_F suffix
			int result;
			// remove the _M/_F suffix
			len -= 2;
			sd->userid[len] = '\0';

			result = login_mmo_auth_new(sd->userid, sd->passwd, TOUPPER(sd->userid[len+1]), ip);
			if( result != -1 )
				return result;// Failed to make account. [Skotlex].

	if( !accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) {
		ShowNotice("Unknown account (account: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, ip);
		return 0; // 0 = Unregistered ID

	if( !login_check_password(sd->md5key, sd->passwdenc, sd->passwd, acc.pass) ) {
		ShowNotice("Invalid password (account: '%s', ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, ip);
		return 1; // 1 = Incorrect Password

	if( acc.expiration_time != 0 && acc.expiration_time < time(NULL) ) {
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, expired ID, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, ip);
		return 2; // 2 = This ID is expired

	if( acc.unban_time != 0 && acc.unban_time > time(NULL) ) {
		char tmpstr[24];
		timestamp2string(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), acc.unban_time, login_config.date_format);
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, banned until %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, tmpstr, ip);
		return 6; // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s

	if( acc.state != 0 ) {
		ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, state: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.state, ip);
		return acc.state - 1;

	if( login_config.client_hash_check && !isServer ) {
		struct client_hash_node *node = NULL;
		bool match = false;

		for( node = login_config.client_hash_nodes; node; node = node->next ) {
			if( acc.group_id < node->group_id )
			if( *node->hash == '\0' // Allowed to login without hash
			 || (sd->has_client_hash && memcmp(node->hash, sd->client_hash, 16) == 0 ) // Correct hash
			) {
				match = true;

		if( !match ) {
			char smd5[33];
			int i;

			if( !sd->has_client_hash ) {
				ShowNotice("Client didn't send client hash (account: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.state, ip);
				return 5;

			for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
				sprintf(&smd5[i * 2], "%02x", sd->client_hash[i]);

			ShowNotice("Invalid client hash (account: %s, sent md5: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, smd5, ip);
			return 5;

	ShowNotice("Authentication accepted (account: %s, id: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.account_id, ip);

	// update session data
	sd->account_id = acc.account_id;
	sd->login_id1 = rnd() + 1;
	sd->login_id2 = rnd() + 1;
	safestrncpy(sd->lastlogin, acc.lastlogin, sizeof(sd->lastlogin));
	sd->sex =;
	sd->group_id = acc.group_id;

	// update account data
	timestamp2string(acc.lastlogin, sizeof(acc.lastlogin), time(NULL), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
	safestrncpy(acc.last_ip, ip, sizeof(acc.last_ip));
	acc.unban_time = 0;

	accounts->save(accounts, &acc);

	if( sd->sex != 'S' && sd->account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM )
		ShowWarning("Account %s has account id %d! Account IDs must be over %d to work properly!\n", sd->userid, sd->account_id, START_ACCOUNT_NUM);

	return -1; // account OK
Beispiel #14
 * name : instance name
 * Return value could be
 * -4 = already exists | -3 = no free instances | -2 = owner not found | -1 = invalid type
 * On success return instance_id
int instance_create(int owner_id, const char *name, enum instance_owner_type type) {
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
	unsigned short *icptr = NULL;
	struct party_data *p = NULL;
	struct guild *g = NULL;
	short *iptr = NULL;
	int i, j;
	switch ( type ) {
		case IOT_NONE:
		case IOT_CHAR:
			if( ( sd = iMap->id2sd(owner_id) ) == NULL ) {
				ShowError("instance_create: character %d not found for instance '%s'.\n", owner_id, name);
				return -2;
			iptr = sd->instance;
			icptr = &sd->instances;
		case IOT_PARTY:
			if( ( p = party->search(owner_id) ) == NULL ) {
				ShowError("instance_create: party %d not found for instance '%s'.\n", owner_id, name);
				return -2;
			iptr = p->instance;
			icptr = &p->instances;
		case IOT_GUILD:
			if( ( g = guild->search(owner_id) ) == NULL ) {
				ShowError("instance_create: guild %d not found for instance '%s'.\n", owner_id, name);
				return -2;
			iptr = g->instance;
			icptr = &g->instances;
			ShowError("instance_create: unknown type %d for owner_id %d and name %s.\n", type,owner_id,name);
			return -1;
	if( type != IOT_NONE && *icptr ) {
		ARR_FIND(0, *icptr, i, strcmp(instances[iptr[i]].name,name) == 0 );
		if( i != *icptr )
			return -4;/* already got this instance */
	ARR_FIND(0, instance->instances, i, instances[i].state == INSTANCE_FREE);
	if( i == instance->instances )
		RECREATE(instances, struct instance_data, ++instance->instances);

	instances[i].state = INSTANCE_IDLE;
	instances[i].id = i;
	instances[i].idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
	instances[i].idle_timeout = instances[i].idle_timeoutval = 0;
	instances[i].progress_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
	instances[i].progress_timeout = 0;
	instances[i].users = 0;
	instances[i].map = NULL;
	instances[i].num_map = 0;
	instances[i].owner_id = owner_id;
	instances[i].owner_type = type;
	instances[i].vars = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);

	safestrncpy( instances[i].name, name, sizeof(instances[i].name) );
	if( type != IOT_NONE ) {
		ARR_FIND(0, *icptr, j, iptr[j] == -1);
		if( j == *icptr ) {
			switch( type ) {
				case IOT_CHAR:
					RECREATE(sd->instance, unsigned short, ++*icptr);
					sd->instance[sd->instances-1] = i;
				case IOT_PARTY:
					RECREATE(p->instance, unsigned short, ++*icptr);
					p->instance[p->instances-1] = i;
				case IOT_GUILD:
					RECREATE(g->instance, unsigned short, ++*icptr);
					g->instance[g->instances-1] = i;
		} else