struct data_t *handle_request_vote(struct data_t *params[], int nparams, char **err, void *data) { struct server_context_t *s = (struct server_context_t *)data; struct request_vote_input_t *input = get_request_vote_input_params(params, nparams); if(!input) { *err = u_strdup("error while parsing input parameters"); log_fatal_and_exit(s, "RequestVote: error while parsing input parameters"); return NULL; } struct request_vote_output_t output; if(input->term < s->current_term) { //candidate has older term hence reject request` output.term = s->current_term; output.vote_granted = 0; } else { if(s->last_entry && (input->last_log_term < s->last_entry->term || (input->last_log_term == s->last_entry->term && input->last_log_index < s->last_entry->index))) { //candidate log is not up-to-date $5.4.1 //candidate is not up-to-date if its last //logs term is older or if they are equal //then this server has longer log output.term = s->current_term; output.vote_granted = 0; } else { if(input->term > s->current_term) { set_term(s, input->term); s->voted_for = input->candidate_id; save_state(s); output.term = s->current_term; output.vote_granted = 1; } else if(s->voted_for == 0) { //terms are equal mark the candidate //and this server didnt vote in this //election s->voted_for = input->candidate_id; save_state(s); output.term = s->current_term; output.vote_granted = 1; } else { //candidate has already voted in this term output.term = input->term; output.vote_granted = 0; } } } free(input); return make_request_vote_rpc_response(&output); }
void toggle_options(uint8_t value, uint8_t num) { blink(num, BLINK_SPEED/4); // indicate which option number this is uint8_t temp = options; options = value; save_state(); blink(32, 500/32); // "buzz" for a while to indicate the active toggle window // if the user didn't click, reset the value and return options = temp; save_state(); _delay_s(); }
static void request_vote_cb(struct data_t *result, char *err, void *data) { struct server_context_t *s = (struct server_context_t *)data; if(err) { //what should we do with bysentine errors? //LOG: fatal error. TODO: exit? return; } if(s->state != CANDIDATE) { return; } struct request_vote_output_t *vote = get_request_vote_output(result); if(!vote) { log_fatal_and_exit(s, "RequestVoteCallback: Response parsing failed"); return; } int pair_vote = vote->vote_granted; uint64_t pair_term = vote->term; free(vote); if(pair_vote && pair_term == s->current_term && s->state == CANDIDATE) { s->current_votes++; } else { if(pair_term > s->current_term) { set_term(s, pair_term); s->voted_for = 0; save_state(s); } return; } int votes_needed = s->quoram_size/2 + 1; if(s->current_votes == votes_needed) { s->state = LEADER; s->current_leader = s->id; DBG_LOG(LOG_INFO, "[%s][%d] Server is elected as the leader", ss[s->state], s->current_term); save_state(s); //reset timer such that election timeout does not occur //and heartbeat timeout occurs reset_timers(s, false, true); for(int i = 0; i < s->quoram_size - 1; i++) { if(s->last_entry) { s->next_index[i] = s->last_entry->index + 1; } else { s->next_index[i] = 1; } s->match_index[i] = 0; } send_heartbeat(s); } }
void main (int argc, uchar **argv) { int i, j, c; struct stat f_stat; printf("compdic: Utility for compilation of word dictionaries\n"); if (argc!=4) error("Usage:\ncompdic <alphabet> <text_dic> <comp_dic>"); if ((fi=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))==NULL) error("Error opening alphabet file"); memset(codes, 0, 256); for (letter_count=1; (c=getc(fi))>=' '; codes[c] = letter_count++) ; fclose(fi); stat(argv[2],&f_stat); init_mem(letter_count, f_stat.st_size + 50000); if ((fi=fopen(argv[2],"rb"))==NULL) error("Error opening input file"); clear_state(0); owf[0]=0; wf1[0]=0; get_word_info(wf); // init of get_word_inf() while (get_word_info(wf)) { for (i=0; wf[i]==owf[i]; i++) ; // find difference location for (j=strlen(owf)-1; j>=i; j--) state(j, codes[owf[j]]) = save_state(j+1); for (j=i+1; j<=strlen(wf); j++) clear_state(j); state(--j,0) = 1; strcpy(owf, wf); } fclose(fi); for (j=strlen(owf)-1; j>=0; j--) state(j, codes[owf[j]]) = save_state(j+1); save_cell(0, 'S', save_state(0)); save_cell(1, 'T', last_full_cell+1); fo = fopen(argv[3], "wb"); fwrite (cells, sizeof(tcell), last_full_cell+1, fo); fwrite (strings, 1, last_string, fo); fclose(fo); print_statistics(); }
void remove_units(int id, army_t a_army) { attach_state(); players[id].army.light -= a_army.light; players[id].army.heavy -= a_army.heavy; players[id].army.cavalry -= a_army.cavalry; save_state(); }
static void my_win_del(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { save_state(); release_cpu(); elm_exit(); }
bool app_viewer::on_key(int key) { switch (key) { case Qt::Key_Escape: get_wnd()->close(); break; case Qt::Key_Space: if (!is_polygon_draw_state) return on_polygon_drawing_start(); else return on_polygon_drawing_stop(); case Qt::Key_H: if (!is_hole_draw_state) return on_hole_drawing_start(); else return on_hole_drawing_stop(); case Qt::Key_Return: return on_triangulate(); break; case Qt::Key_S: return save_state(); case Qt::Key_L: return load_state(); } return false; }
void run_game(void) { save_state(); if (selected > -1 && selected < num_games) { //printf("arg0:%s arg1:%s arg2:%s\n",game[selected].mnemonic,temparg0,arg1); execl(game[selected].exec_cmd, "your_arg0", game[selected].mnemonic, temparg0, arg1, NULL); } }
int __connman_technology_disable(enum connman_service_type type, DBusMessage *msg) { struct connman_technology *technology; GSList *list; int err = 0; int ret = -ENODEV; DBusMessage *reply; DBG("type %d disable", type); technology = technology_find(type); if (technology == NULL) { err = -ENXIO; goto done; } if (technology->pending_reply != NULL) { err = -EBUSY; goto done; } if (technology->tethering == TRUE) set_tethering(technology, FALSE); if (msg != NULL) { technology->enable_persistent = FALSE; save_state(technology); } __connman_rfkill_block(technology->type, TRUE); for (list = technology->device_list; list; list = list->next) { struct connman_device *device = list->data; err = __connman_device_disable(device); if (err == 0) ret = 0; } done: if (ret == 0) { if (msg != NULL) g_dbus_send_reply(connection, msg, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return ret; } if (msg != NULL) { if (err == -EINPROGRESS) { technology->pending_reply = dbus_message_ref(msg); technology->pending_timeout = g_timeout_add_seconds(10, technology_pending_reply, technology); } else { reply = __connman_error_failed(msg, -err); if (reply != NULL) g_dbus_send_message(connection, reply); } } return err; }
/********************************************************************** TLB_HANDLER Caricato all'arrivo di una eccezione di tipo TLBTRAP. Affida il controllo del thread corrente ad un Trap Manager, se specificato, altrimenti viene terminato tutto il sottoalbero corrispondente. **********************************************************************/ void tlb_handler(){ tcb_t *manager; /* TUTTE le operazioni sono equivalenti a quelle per SYSBP */ current_thread->cpu_slice += (GET_TODLOW - current_thread_tod); current_thread->cpu_time += (GET_TODLOW - current_thread_tod); save_state(tlbtrap_oldarea, &(current_thread->t_state)); manager = current_thread->tlbtrap_manager_thread; if (manager == NULL) { terminate(current_thread); current_thread = NULL; scheduler(); } else { send(current_thread, manager, tlbtrap_oldarea->cause); current_thread->waiting_for = manager; insertThread(&wait_queue, current_thread); current_thread = NULL; scheduler(); } }
void save_checkpoint(char *filename) { char *subfn; FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "w"); activealerts_t *awalk; unsigned char *pgmsg, *ackmsg; if (fd == NULL) return; for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) { if (awalk->state == A_DEAD) continue; pgmsg = ackmsg = ""; fprintf(fd, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|%d|%s|", awalk->hostname, awalk->testname, awalk->location, awalk->ip, colorname(awalk->maxcolor), (int) awalk->eventstart, (int) awalk->nextalerttime, statename[awalk->state]); if (awalk->pagemessage) pgmsg = nlencode(awalk->pagemessage); fprintf(fd, "%s|", pgmsg); if (awalk->ackmessage) ackmsg = nlencode(awalk->ackmessage); fprintf(fd, "%s\n", ackmsg); } fclose(fd); subfn = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+5); sprintf(subfn, "%s.sub", filename); save_state(subfn); xfree(subfn); }
void events() { SDL_Event e; Uint8* keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: INIT.quit(); exit(0); break; case SDLK_TAB: SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(SDL_GetVideoSurface()); break; case SDLK_f: randomize_field(); break; case SDLK_t: init_diffuse(); break; case SDLK_r: init_react(); break; case SDLK_RETURN: save_state(); break; } } if (e.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { int xcoord = int(e.motion.x / INIT.pixel_view().dim().x * GRIDW); int ycoord = int((INIT.pixel_view().dim().y - e.motion.y) / INIT.pixel_view().dim().y * GRIDH); if (xcoord >= 0 && xcoord < GRIDW && ycoord >= 0 && ycoord < GRIDH) { Cell& cell = GRID_FRONT[xcoord][ycoord]; if (keys[SDLK_a]) { cell.value[0] += DT; if (cell.value[0] > 1) cell.value[0] = 1; } if (keys[SDLK_s]) { cell.value[1] += DT; if (cell.value[1] > 1) cell.value[1] = 1; } if (keys[SDLK_d]) { cell.value[2] += DT; if (cell.value[2] > 1) cell.value[2] = 1; } } } if (e.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { int xcoord = int(e.button.x / INIT.pixel_view().dim().x * GRIDW); int ycoord = int((INIT.pixel_view().dim().y - e.button.y) / INIT.pixel_view().dim().y * GRIDH); if (xcoord >= 0 && xcoord < GRIDW && ycoord >= 0 && ycoord < GRIDH) { modify_reaction(xcoord, ycoord); } } } }
void av::gua::Viewer::run() { ::gua::Logger::enable_debug = false; if (!m_renderer) { m_renderer = new av::gua::Renderer(new ::gua::Renderer()); } #if defined(AVANGO_PHYSICS_SUPPORT) if (Physics.getValue().isValid()) { Physics.getValue()->State.setValue(static_cast<int>(av::gua::Physics::RunningState::RUNNING)); } #endif PyThreadState* save_state(PyEval_SaveThread()); m_ticker.on_tick.connect([&,this]() { PyEval_RestoreThread(save_state); frame(); save_state = PyEval_SaveThread(); }); m_loop.start(); for (auto& window: Windows.getValue()) { window->close(); } }
void handle_cycle(uint8_t side_num) { Side_State *state_ptr = &(sides_states[side_num]); switch (state_ptr->status) { case WAITING_FOR_ROTATION: if (can_side_rotate(side_num)) { state_ptr->status = ROTATING; state_ptr->cycle_ct = 0; } else { state_ptr->cycle_ct++; } break; case ROTATING: // rotation_logic.c rotation_cycle(side_num, state_ptr); break; case WAITING_FOR_SAVING: // save_logic.c if (can_save()) { save_state(); } break; } }
// Runs from emulation thread void handle_ui_keys() { SDL_LockMutex(event_lock); if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]) exit(0); if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_F3]) { if (!cc_held) { corrupt_chance += 0x1000; printf("New corrupt chance is %u\n", corrupt_chance); } cc_held = 1; } else if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_F4]) { if (!cc_held) { corrupt_chance -= 0x1000; printf("New corrupt chance is %u\n", corrupt_chance); } cc_held = 1; } else cc_held = 0; if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_F5]) save_state(); else if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_F8]) load_state(); handle_rewind(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE]); if (reset_pushed) soft_reset(); SDL_UnlockMutex(event_lock); }
/* Close an axel connection */ void axel_close(axel_t *axel) { int i; message_t *m; /* Terminate any thread still running */ for (i = 0; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i++) { /* don't try to kill non existing thread */ #if WIN32 if (NULL != axel->conn[i].setup_thread) { TerminateThread(axel->conn[i].setup_thread, 0); CloseHandle(axel->conn[i].setup_thread); } #else if (*axel->conn[i].setup_thread != 0) { pthread_cancel(*axel->conn[i].setup_thread); } #endif } /* Delete state file if necessary */ if (1 == axel->ready) { snprintf(buffer, MAX_STRING, "", axel->filename); unlink(buffer); } /* Else: Create it.. */ else if(axel->bytes_done > 0) { save_state(axel); } /* Delete any message not processed yet */ while (axel->message) { m = axel->message; axel->message = axel->message->next; free(m); } /* Close all connections and local file */ #if WIN32 CloseHandle(axel->outfd); #else close(axel->outfd); #endif for (i = 0; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i++) { conn_disconnect(&axel->conn[i]); } free(axel->conn); free(axel); #if WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif }
bool GONG_CORE_PREFIX(retro_serialize)(void *data, size_t size) { if (size != STATE_SIZE) return false; save_state(data, size); return true; }
PRIVATE void processRSSList(auto_handle *session, const simple_list items, uint16_t feedID) { simple_list current_item = items; simple_list current_url = NULL; am_filter filter = NULL; const char * url; char path[4096]; HTTPResponse *response = NULL; while(current_item && current_item->data) { feed_item item = (feed_item)current_item->data; current_url = item->urls; while(current_url && current_url->data) { url = (const char*)current_url->data; if(isMatch(session->filters, url, &filter)) { if(!session->match_only) { get_filename(path, NULL, url, session->download_folder); if (!has_been_downloaded(session->downloads, url) && !file_exists(path)) { dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%d] Found new download: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, url); response = downloadFile(url, path, filter->agent); if(response) { if(response->responseCode == 200) { if(session->prowl_key_valid) { prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_NEW_TRAILER, session->prowl_key, item->name); } if(session->download_done_script && *(session->download_done_script)) { callDownloadDoneScript(session->download_done_script, path); } dbg_printf(P_MSG, " Download complete (%dMB) (%.2fkB/s)", response->size / 1024 / 1024, response->downloadSpeed / 1024); /* add url to bucket list */ if (addToBucket(url, &session->downloads, session->max_bucket_items) == 0) { session->bucket_changed = 1; save_state(session->statefile, session->downloads); } } else { dbg_printf(P_ERROR, " Error: Download failed (Error Code %d)", response->responseCode); if(session->prowl_key_valid) { prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->prowl_key, item->name); } } HTTPResponse_free(response); } } else { dbg_printf(P_MSG, "File downloaded previously: %s", basename(path)); } } else { dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%s] Match: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, url); } } current_url = current_url->next; } current_item = current_item->next; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Uint8 cram_buffer[128]; int flags; int i; gui_screen = (SDL_Surface *)0; vdp_init(); flags = 0; load_initial = FALSE; for(i=1;i<argc;i++){ if(strncmp("-f", argv[i], 3)==0) flags = FULLSCREEN; else if(argv[i][0]!='-'){ load_initial = TRUE; load_initial_name = strdup(argv[i]); } } setup_windows(flags); /* now that we have gui_screen->format we can map colors */ memset(cram_buffer,0,128); load_palette(current_vdp, cram_buffer); arrow = cursor(arrow_data); cross = cursor(cross_data); horizontal = cursor(horizontal_data); vertical = cursor(vertical_data); no = cursor(no_data); cross_scroll_a = cursor(cross_scroll_a_data); cross_scroll_b = cursor(cross_scroll_b_data); cross_sprite = cursor(cross_sprite_data); hor_a_flip = cursor(hor_a_flip_data); ver_a_flip = cursor(ver_a_flip_data); hor_b_flip = cursor(hor_b_flip_data); ver_b_flip = cursor(ver_b_flip_data); working_cursor = cross; SDL_SetCursor(arrow); undo_A = undo_B = 0; hor_ver = HORIZONTAL; selection_v1.x = NO_SELECTION; save_state(); load_ovr(NULL); render_vdp(0,vdp_h); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Mega Happy Sprite!!", NULL); group_loop(main_grp); SDL_Quit(); #ifndef WINDOWS printf("\n Thank you for using Mega-Happy-Sprite!\n" "**Call 24-hours a day, 2 nodes, door-games and more!**\n" " your friendly sysop\n\n"); #endif return 0; }
static void handle_sigterm(void) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Terminate Signal"); save_state(); GlobalsDeinit(); set_signal(SIGTERM,SIG_DFL); raise(SIGTERM); }
static void handle_sigquit(void) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Quit signal"); save_state(); GlobalsDeinit(); set_signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_DFL); raise(SIGQUIT); }
static void handle_sigint(void) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Interrupt Signal"); save_state(); GlobalsDeinit(); set_signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL); raise(SIGINT); }
blargg_err_t Nes_Emu::save_state( Auto_File_Writer out ) const { Nes_State* state = BLARGG_NEW Nes_State; CHECK_ALLOC( state ); save_state( state ); blargg_err_t err = state->write( out ); delete state; return err; }
void run_game(void) { save_state(); if (selected > -1 && selected < num_games) { execl(game[selected].exec_cmd, "your_arg0", game[selected].mnemonic, arg0, arg1, NULL); } }
void Connection::send_msg(const char *msg) { memcpy(sendbuff, msg, strlen(msg)); buffsize = strlen(msg); save_state(); translate(RECV_ACK); send_buff(); manager.addWaiting(*this); }
LRESULT CALLBACK wndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg){ case WM_ENDSESSION: save_state(); break; } return oldProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
void menu_save_state() { if(!first_load) { get_savestate_filename_noshot(savestate_slot, current_savestate_filename); save_state(current_savestate_filename, original_screen); } menu_change_state(); }
drmaa2_error drmaa2_j_release(drmaa2_j j) { drmaa2_jstate old_state = get_state(j); if (old_state == DRMAA2_QUEUED_HELD) { save_state(j, DRMAA2_QUEUED); if (current_drmaa2_callback != NULL) call_state_change_notification(j, DRMAA2_QUEUED); return DRMAA2_SUCCESS; } else if (old_state == DRMAA2_REQUEUED_HELD) { save_state(j, DRMAA2_REQUEUED); if (current_drmaa2_callback != NULL) call_state_change_notification(j, DRMAA2_REQUEUED); return DRMAA2_SUCCESS; } else { drmaa2_lasterror_v = DRMAA2_INVALID_STATE; drmaa2_lasterror_text_v = "Current job state does not allow to release the job."; return DRMAA2_INVALID_STATE; } }
void menu_save_state() { if(!first_load) { // TODO [Neb] Deal with this when creating the saved states menu // get_savestate_filename_noshot(savestate_slot, // current_savestate_filename); save_state(current_savestate_filename, original_screen); } menu_change_state(); }
PRIVATE void shutdown_daemon(auto_handle *as) { dbg_printft(P_MSG, "Shutting down daemon"); if (as && as->bucket_changed) { save_state(as->statefile, as->downloads); } session_free(as); SessionID_free(); log_close(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }