Beispiel #1
static void isearch_again(ISearchState new_isearch_state, XEvent *event)
    if (!gdb->isReadyWithPrompt())

    if (isearch_state == ISEARCH_NONE)
    	isearch_string = "";

    if (isearch_state == new_isearch_state)
	// Same state - search again
	int history = search_history(isearch_string, int(isearch_state), true);
	if (history < 0)
	    XtCallActionProc(gdb_w, "beep", event, 0, 0);
	    isearch_done(XtPointer(history), 0);
	isearch_state = new_isearch_state;
Beispiel #2
// Handle incremental searches; return true if processed
static bool do_isearch(Widget, XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *change)
    if (isearch_state == ISEARCH_NONE)
	return false;

    string saved_isearch_string = isearch_string;
    bool processed = false;

    if (change->startPos == change->endPos)
	// Character insertion
	string input = string(change->text->ptr, change->text->length);
	if (!input.contains('\n', -1))
	    // Add to current search string
	    isearch_string += input;
	    processed = true;
    else if (change->endPos - change->startPos == 1)
	// Backspace - remove last character from search string
	if (!isearch_string.empty())
	    isearch_string.after(int(isearch_string.length()) - 2) = "";
	    clear_isearch(true, false);

	processed = true;

    if (processed)
	int history = -1;
	if (isearch_string.empty() || current_line().contains(isearch_string))
	    // Search string found in current line
	    history = -1;
	    history = search_history(isearch_string, int(isearch_state));
	    if (history < 0)
		// Search string not found in history
		if (change->event != 0)
		    XtCallActionProc(gdb_w, "beep", change->event, 0, 0);
		isearch_string = saved_isearch_string;

	// Make this a no-op
	if (!have_isearch_line)
	    isearch_line = current_line();
	    have_isearch_line = true;

	// Redraw current line with appropriate prompt.
	XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(gdb_w), 0, 
			isearch_done, XtPointer(history));

	// Upon the next call to gdbMotionCB(), clear ISearch mode,
	// unless it immediately follows this one.
	isearch_motion_ok = true;
	XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(gdb_w), 10,
			set_isearch_motion_ok, XtPointer(false));

    return processed;
Beispiel #3
/* PROCESS_HISTORY_DIRECTIVE -- Transform a history directive into an
 * executable command or command block.  There are two classes of
 * directives: (1) string substitution editing of the last command block,
 * and (2) search for an earlier command by some means and return that.
 * If ":p" follows a directive, we generate the command and return false
 * (no execute) as the function value.  Any text which follows the directive
 * is appended to the new command block.
process_history_directive (
  char	*directive,
  char	*new_command_block
	register char *ip, *op, *p;
	char	last_command_block[SZ_CMDBLK+1];
	int	execute=1, edit=0;
	int	record;
	char	*rindex();

	ip = directive + 1;			/* skip the '^'		*/
	op = new_command_block;

	/* Chop the newline. */
	if ((p = rindex (ip, '\n')) != NULL)
	    *p = EOS;

	/* Scan the directive string to determine whether or not we have
	 * an edit directive.  We have an edit directive if there is a second
	 * (unescaped) history metacharacter in the directive.
	for (p=ip, edit=0;  *p != EOS;  p++)
	    if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) != EOS)
	    else if (*p == HISTCHAR) {
		edit = 1;

	/* Directives "^^", "^str1^str2^", and "^str1^str2^g". */
	if (edit) {
	    /* Get last command and edit it */
	    if (get_history (1, last_command_block, SZ_CMDBLK) == ERR)
		cl_error (E_UERR, "Nothing in history buffer to edit");
	    ip = directive +
		stredit (directive, last_command_block, new_command_block);

	/* Directives "^absnum" and "-relnum". */
	} else if ((*ip == '-' && isdigit (*(ip+1))) || isdigit (*ip)) {
	    if (*ip == '-')
		record = -atoi(ip++);
		record = histnum - atoi(ip) + 1;
	    if (get_history (record, new_command_block, SZ_CMDBLK) == ERR)
		cl_error (E_UERR, "History record not found");
	    while (isdigit (*ip))

	/* Directives "^", "^str", and "^?str".  */
	} else
	    ip = directive + search_history (directive, new_command_block);

	/* Check for the ":p" no execute suffix */
	execute = (strncmp (ip, NO_EXECUTE, strlen(NO_EXECUTE)) != 0);
	if (!execute)
	    ip += strlen (NO_EXECUTE);
	/* Append any text remaining in the history directive to the new
	 * command block, BEFORE the final newline.
	op += strlen (new_command_block);
	while (isspace (*(op-1)))
	expand_history_macros (ip, op);

	/* Make sure the new command line ends with a newline. */
	while (*op != EOS)
	while (isspace (*(op-1)))
	*op++ = '\n';
	*op = EOS;

	return (execute);