Beispiel #1
//  NAME: closedoc()        
//  REMARKS:  Simple routine to exercise closing a document in MDI using standard user interface
//            This API is functionally equivalent to an acedCommand of the OPEN command,
//            but uses the standard Windows messaging mechanism.
//            (  PostMessage(hMainWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); )
//            It is cleaner  and will handle more situations like command already in progress
//            and you do not have to worry about nesting of acedCommand if you use this API.
//            NOTEs: See the same caveats as activateDocument() example but realize in this case
//            if the CLOSE completes obviously the calling routine will never be returned to.
//      void 
    AcApDocument* pDoc = selectDocument();

    if (pDoc == NULL) {
        acutPrintf("No document selected.\n");

    // A line of code here will NEVER execute if the close succeeds
Beispiel #2
//  NAME: activate        
//  REMARKS:  Simple utility to have the user choose an open document to
//            be activated programmatically. 
//            NOTE: This and other APIs that change context (switch from one
//            active document to another) have the effect of suspending the current
//            document context. What this implies is if the ARX application
//            had code immediately following the activateDocument() API call
//            and this command was executed from a current document (ie. NOT
//            from the application context) The code following the API
//            call would never execute until that document became activated
//            again.
//      void 
    AcApDocument* pDoc = selectDocument();

    if (pDoc == NULL) {
        acutPrintf("No document selected.\n");
    // A line of code here will not execute until the document
    // that started this command is activated again.
Beispiel #3
//  NAME: send        
//  REMARKS:  Simple routine to exercise switching between documents and sending commands.
//         NOTEs: The actual signature for sendStringToExecute is:
//                virtual Acad::ErrorStatus sendStringToExecute(
//                                       AcApDocument* pAcTargetDocument,
//                                       const char * pszExecute,
//                                       bool bActivate = true,
//                                       bool bWrapUpInactiveDoc = false) = 0;
//         By default this API activates the document you are sending the string to
//         to be executed to. The last parameter, bWrapUpInactiveDoc is only applicable
//         if bActivate == False. This special ability allows you to "clean up" 
//         a document you might have left with some dangling command when constructing
//         a command that spans documents. One scenario is you are in the middle of
//         a custom command whose implementation is designed to "follow" the user
//         as they move from one document to another. If you have registered a reactor
//         on documentToBeActivated(). When this reactor fires you wish to complete
//         your current command in the document that is being deactivated and start
//         a command in the document about to be activated. 
//         Given these conditions, you would possibly send a "return" to the old 
//         document and "execute my new command" string to the one about to activated.
//         The "return" you would want to process in the background so you would pass
//         bActivate = False and bWrapUpInactiveDoc = True. 
//      void 
    AcApDocument* pDoc = selectDocument();

    if (pDoc == NULL) {
        acutPrintf("No document selected.\n");

    acDocManager->sendStringToExecute(pDoc, /*NOXLATE*/"_Line\n");
    // The API inputPending() allows you to check to see if someone else has already
    // made a request via sendStringToExecute() to a target document.
    // You may not care if your command is autonomous and does not depend on the target
    // document being in a quiescent state. If not call both  isQuiescent() and inputPending()
    acutPrintf("\nSent String to Doc: %s Pending Input %d\n", pDoc->fileName(), acDocManager->inputPending(pDoc));

Beispiel #4
 *	Create new record in system journal.
 *	Record create afte crate new document and use information about doc's
 *	database id, prefix and metadata id(type).
 *	Document number generate automatically by nextNumber().
 *	Добавляет запись в системный журнал.
 *	Запись добавляется после создания документа и использует информацию о его
 *	id в базе данных, префиксе номера и id в конфигурации.
 *	Номер досумента генерируется функцией nextNumber()
 *\param idd - \~english database document id.\~russian id базы данных.\~
 *\param docPrefix - \~english document number prefix.
 					\~russian перфикс номера документа.\~
 *\param type - \~english document metadata id.
 				\~russian id документа в конфигурации.\~
 *\return \~english error code.\~russian код ошибки.\~
aDocJournal::New( qulonglong idd, const QString & docPrefix, int type )
	//qulonglong Uid =0;// db->uid( md_systemjournal );
	aDataTable * t = table();
	if ( !t ) return err_notable;
	//t->exec("LOCK TABLE a_journ WRITE");
	//printf("insert into ajourn id=%llu idd=%llu, docPrefix=%s, type=%d\n",Uid,idd, (const char*)docPrefix.local8Bit(), type);
//	t->exec("LOCK TABLE a_journ WRITE");
	QSqlRecord *rec;
	rec = t->primeInsert(); // get edit buffer for table elements
//	t->primeInsert();
	//ide = rec->value("id").toULongLong();

	t->insert(); // insert edit buffer as new line in table
//TODO: error handle
	aLog::print(aLog::Info, tr("aDocJournal new document with idd=%1").arg(idd));
	t->setSysValue( "id", Uid );
	t->setSysValue( "idd", idd );
	t->setSysValue( "typed", type );
	t->setSysValue( "num", nextNumber(docPrefix,type) );
	t->setSysValue( "pnum", docPrefix );
	t->setSysValue( "ddate", QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
	t->exec("UNLOCK TABLE");

	int err = selectDocument( idd );
	return err;
void ProjectDocumentComboBoxController::selectDocument(Document* d) {