Beispiel #1
 * Serializes the document model according to the given document type
 * and creates a byte stream from it.
 * @param p0 the destination (Hand over as reference!)
 * @param p1 the destination count
 * @param p2 the destination size
 * @param p3 the source
 * @param p4 the source count
 * @param p5 the type
 * @param p6 the type count
void serialize(void* p0, void* p1, void* p2, const void* p3, const void* p4,
               const void* p5, const void* p6) {

    // The comparison result.
    int r = 0;

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) CYBOL_ABSTRACTION, (void*) CYBOL_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_xml(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) OPERATION_ABSTRACTION, (void*) OPERATION_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_string(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) STRING_ABSTRACTION, (void*) STRING_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_string(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) BOOLEAN_ABSTRACTION, (void*) BOOLEAN_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_boolean(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) INTEGER_ABSTRACTION, (void*) INTEGER_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_integer(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) VECTOR_ABSTRACTION, (void*) VECTOR_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_vector(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) DOUBLE_ABSTRACTION, (void*) DOUBLE_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_double(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) FRACTION_ABSTRACTION, (void*) FRACTION_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_fraction(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) COMPLEX_ABSTRACTION, (void*) COMPLEX_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_complex(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    if (r != 1) {

        compare_arrays(p5, p6, (void*) TIME_ABSTRACTION, (void*) TIME_ABSTRACTION_COUNT, (void*) &r, (void*) CHARACTER_ARRAY);

        if (r == 1) {

            serialize_time(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    // CAUTION! Parameters of the internals memory MUST NOT be written
    // to the configuration file which was given at command line!
    // The CYBOI configuration file can only be edited MANUALLY.

    //?? Later, distinguish file types according to abstraction,
    //?? for example xml, html, sxi, txt, rtf,
    //?? adl (from OpenEHR), KIF, ODL etc.!
    //?? For now, only the cybol file format is considered.
Beispiel #2
int datafile_save(datafile *data, char *filename)
    int ret = 0;

    FILE *out = fopen(filename, "w");
    if (!out)
        return error("Error opening file %s", filename);

    // Write the file
    fprintf(out, "### tsreduce reduction data\n");
    if (data->version)
        fprintf(out, "# Version: %d\n", data->version);
    if (data->frame_dir)
        fprintf(out, "# FrameDir: %s\n", data->frame_dir);
    if (data->frame_pattern)
        fprintf(out, "# FramePattern: %s\n", data->frame_pattern);
    if (data->bias_template)
        fprintf(out, "# BiasTemplate: %s\n", data->bias_template);
    if (data->dark_template)
        fprintf(out, "# DarkTemplate: %s\n", data->dark_template);
    if (data->flat_template)
        fprintf(out, "# FlatTemplate: %s\n", data->flat_template);
    if (data->reference_frame)
        fprintf(out, "# ReferenceFrame: %s\n", data->reference_frame);
    if (data->mmi_filter_sigma != MMI_FILTER_SIGMA_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# MMIFilterSigma: %d\n", data->mmi_filter_sigma);
    if (data->ratio_fit_degree != RATIO_FIT_DEGREE_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# RatioFitDegree: %d\n", data->ratio_fit_degree);
    if (data->plot_max_raw != PLOT_MAX_RAW_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotMaxRaw: %g\n", data->plot_max_raw);
    if (data->plot_max_dft != PLOT_MAX_DFT_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotMaxDft: %g\n", data->plot_max_dft);
    if (data->plot_min_uhz != PLOT_MIN_UHZ_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotMinUhz: %g\n", data->plot_min_uhz);
    if (data->plot_max_uhz != PLOT_MAX_UHZ_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotMaxUhz: %g\n", data->plot_max_uhz);
    if (data->plot_error_bars != PLOT_ERROR_BARS_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotErrorBars: %d\n", data->plot_error_bars);
    if (data->plot_fwhm_smooth != PLOT_FWHM_SMOOTH_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# PlotFwhmSmooth: %hhd\n", data->plot_fwhm_smooth);
    if (data->ccd_gain != CCD_GAIN_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# CCDGain: %g\n", data->ccd_gain);
    if (data->ccd_readnoise != CCD_READNOISE_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# CCDReadNoise: %g\n", data->ccd_readnoise);
    if (data->ccd_platescale != CCD_PLATESCALE_DEFAULT)
        fprintf(out, "# CCDPlateScale: %g\n", data->ccd_platescale);

    if (data->reference_time.time)
        char datetimebuf[24];
        serialize_time(data->reference_time, datetimebuf);
        fprintf(out, "# ReferenceTime: %s\n", datetimebuf);

    if (data->coord_ra)
        fprintf(out, "# RA: %s\n", data->coord_ra);
    if (data->coord_dec)
        fprintf(out, "# DEC: %s\n", data->coord_dec);

    fprintf(out, "### (x, y, Radius, Inner Sky Radius, Outer Sky Radius) [plot scale] - Label\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data->target_count; i++)
        aperture *t = &data->targets[i].aperture;
        fprintf(out, "# Target: (%6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f) [%.2f] - %s\n",
                t->x, t->y, t->r, t->s1, t->s2,
                data->targets[i].scale, data->targets[i].label);
    if (data->num_blocked_ranges > 0)
        fprintf(out, "### (Start (s), End (s))\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data->num_blocked_ranges; i++)
        fprintf(out, "# BlockRange: (%g, %g)\n",
                data->blocked_ranges[i].x, data->blocked_ranges[i].y);
    if (data->num_ratio_offsets > 0)
        fprintf(out, "### (Start (s), End (s), offset)\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data->num_ratio_offsets; i++)
        fprintf(out, "# RatioOffset: (%g, %g, %g)\n",
                data->ratio_offsets[i].x, data->ratio_offsets[i].y, data->ratio_offsets[i].z);

    if (data->obs_start)
        fprintf(out, "### Filename ");
        size_t padding = strlen(data->obs_start->filename);
        padding = (padding < 10) ? 0 : padding - 10;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < padding; i++)
            fprintf(out, " ");

        fprintf(out, "Mid Time");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < data->target_count; i++)
            fprintf(out, " |  Star    Noise     Sky     x      y     FWHM ");
        fprintf(out, "\n");

        fprintf(out, "### ");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < padding + 12; i++)
            fprintf(out, " ");
        fprintf(out, "(s)  ");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < data->target_count; i++)
            fprintf(out, " | (ADU/s) (ADU/s)  (ADU/s)  (px)   (px)   (px) ");
        fprintf(out, "\n");

    // Ensure observations are sorted by increasing time
    struct observation **obs = malloc(data->obs_count*sizeof(struct observation *));
    if (!obs)
        error_jump(allocation_error, ret, "Allocation failed for sorting array");

    struct observation *o = data->obs_start;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data->obs_count; i++)
        obs[i] = o;
        o = o->next;

    qsort(obs, data->obs_count, sizeof(struct observation *), compare_observation);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < data->obs_count; i++)
        fprintf(out, "%10s ", obs[i]->filename);
        fprintf(out, "%9.3f ", obs[i]->time);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < data->target_count; j++)
            fprintf(out, "%10.2f ", obs[i]->star[j]);
            fprintf(out, "%6.2f ", obs[i]->noise[j]);
            fprintf(out, "%9.2f ", obs[i]->sky[j]);
            fprintf(out, "%6.2f %6.2f ", obs[i]->pos[j].x, obs[i]->pos[j].y);
            fprintf(out, "%5.2f ", obs[i]->fwhm[j]);
        fprintf(out, "\n");

    return ret;