Beispiel #1
void KronekerProductVectorMatrix(dvector* v, matrix* m, array* t)
  size_t i, j, k;
  double res;
  for(i = 0; i < v->size; i++){
    for(j = 0; j < m->row; j++){
      for(k = 0; k < m->col; k++){
        res = getDVectorValue(v, i)*getMatrixValue(m, j, k);
        if(_isnan_(res) || _isinf_(res)){
          setArrayValue(t, k, i, j, 0.f);
          setArrayValue(t, k, i, j, res);
Beispiel #2
void MatrixOpData::cleanUp(double offsetScale)
    const ArrayDouble & a = getArray();
    const ArrayDouble::Values & m = a.getValues();
    const unsigned long dim = a.getLength();

    // Estimate the magnitude of the matrix.
    double max_val = 0.;
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i<dim; ++i)
        for (unsigned long j = 0; j<dim; ++j)
            const double val = fabs(m[i * dim + j]);
            max_val = max_val > val ? max_val : val;

    // Determine an absolute tolerance.
    // TODO: For double matrices a smaller tolerance could be used.  However we
    // have matrices that may have been quantized to less than double precision
    // either from being written to files or via the factories that take float
    // args.  In any case, the tolerance is small enough to pick up anything
    // that would be significant in the context of color management.
    const double scale = max_val > 1e-4 ? max_val : 1e-4;
    const double abs_tol = scale * 1e-6;

    // Replace values that are close to integers by exact values.
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i<dim; ++i)
        for (unsigned long j = 0; j<dim; ++j)
            const double val = m[i * dim + j];
            const double round_val = round(val);
            const double diff = fabs(val - round_val);
            if (diff < abs_tol)
                setArrayValue(i * dim + j, round_val);

    // Do likewise for the offsets.
    const double scale2 = offsetScale > 1e-4 ? offsetScale : 1e-4;
    const double abs_tol2 = scale2 * 1e-6;

    for (unsigned long i = 0; i<dim; ++i)
        const double val = getOffsets()[i];
        const double round_val = round(val);
        const double diff = fabs(val - round_val);
        if (diff < abs_tol2)
            setOffsetValue(i, round_val);
Beispiel #3
void ArrayCopy(array* asrc, array** adst)
  size_t i, j, k;
  if((*adst)->m == NULL){
    (*adst)->order = asrc->order;
    (*adst)->m = xmalloc(sizeof(matrix*)*asrc->order);
    for(k = 0; k < asrc->order; k++){
      NewMatrix(&((*adst)->m[k]), asrc->m[k]->row, asrc->m[k]->col);
    if(asrc->order != (*adst)->order){
      /* resize  the order */
      (*adst)->m = xrealloc((*adst)->m, sizeof(array*)*asrc->order);

    /*chek and resize the matrix for each order if is necessary */
    for(k = 0; k < asrc->order; k++){
      if(asrc->m[k]->row != (*adst)->m[k]->row || asrc->m[k]->col != (*adst)->m[k]->col){
        (*adst)->m[k]->row = asrc->m[k]->row;
        (*adst)->m[k]->col = asrc->m[k]->col;

        (*adst)->m[k]->data = xrealloc((*adst)->m[k]->data, sizeof(double*)*asrc->m[k]->row);
        for(i = 0; i < asrc->m[k]->row; i++){
          (*adst)->m[k]->data[i] = xrealloc((*adst)->m[k]->data[i], sizeof(double)*asrc->m[k]->col);
  /*copy the data...*/
  for(k = 0; k < asrc->order; k++){
    for(i = 0; i < asrc->m[k]->row; i++){
      for(j = 0; j < asrc->m[k]->col; j++){
        setArrayValue((*adst), k, i, j, getArrayValue(asrc, k, i, j));
