Beispiel #1
void menu_i2c_write_to_eeprom_func(const struct menu_item *m, bool checked)
        int i;
        size_t wr_status = 0;
        HW_I2C_ABORT_SOURCE abrt_src = HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE;
        uint8_t addr[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
        static uint8_t write_buffer[65];        // 64 bytes of data + '\0'

         * Generate random data (some pattern).
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(write_buffer) - 1; i++) {
                write_buffer[i] = rand() % 96 + 32;

         * Acquire I2C resource and write data to EEPROM. First two bytes determine memory address
         * from which data will be written. First byte is high byte address and the second one is
         * low byte address. In that case data will be stored starting from address 0. Next bytes
         * are data. Despite 2 separate write calls below, writing is still goes as one transfer
         * on the bus because it is done via FIFO and as long as FIFO is non-empty controller will
         * continue to send data and will generate stop condition only when FIFO is empty. Notice
         * also the use of flags between the 2 calls that ensure that no STOP condition will be
         * generated between them.
         * After writing operation release I2C resource.
        resource_acquire(RES_MASK(RES_ID_I2C1), RES_WAIT_FOREVER);

        wr_status = hw_i2c_write_buffer_sync(HW_I2C1, addr, sizeof(addr), &abrt_src, HW_I2C_F_NONE);
        if ((wr_status < sizeof(addr)) || (abrt_src != HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE)) {
                printf("EEPROM address write during write failed: %u" NEWLINE, abrt_src);
        else {
                wr_status = hw_i2c_write_buffer_sync(HW_I2C1, write_buffer, sizeof(write_buffer) - 1, NULL,
                if ((wr_status < (ssize_t)sizeof(write_buffer)) || (abrt_src != HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE)) {
                        printf("EEPROM write failure: %u" NEWLINE, abrt_src);
                else {
                         * Wait for ACK from EEPROM.

                         * Print on UART what was generated and written in EEPROM.
                        printf("written to EEPROM: %s" NEWLINE, write_buffer);

Beispiel #2
void task_i2c_get_temp_init(const struct task_item *task)
        static const uint8_t conf_reg = 0x00;
        static const uint8_t hyst_reg[2] = {0x4B, 0x00};
        static const uint8_t os_reg[2] = {0x50, 0x00};

         * Create event to wait on, when task should not read temperature from sensor.

         * Set FM75 with initial values which are at the same time default values of configuration
         * register of the sensor after power up.
        fm75_write_reg(FM75_REG_CONF, &conf_reg, sizeof(conf_reg));
        fm75_write_reg(FM75_REG_THYST, hyst_reg, sizeof(hyst_reg));
        fm75_write_reg(FM75_REG_TOS, os_reg, sizeof(os_reg));
Beispiel #3
void task_i2c_get_temp_func(const struct task_item *task)
        uint8_t temp[2];
        int t_out, fract;

         * Wait in OS friendly way for request to run.
        if (!read_temp_enabled) {
                OS_EVENT_WAIT(event, OS_EVENT_FOREVER);

         * Require I2C for exclusively reading temperature from FM75 and release it after operation.
        resource_acquire(RES_MASK(RES_ID_I2C1), RES_WAIT_FOREVER);


         * Read actual temperature values from FM75.
        fm75_read_reg(FM75_REG_TEMP, temp, sizeof(temp));


         * Send results to UART.
        t_out = convert_temp(temp, &fract);
        printf("current temperature: %d.%04d C" NEWLINE, t_out, fract);

         * Wait 1 second to get temperature again.
//! The method sets the address of the remote host where log records will be sent to.
BOOST_LOG_API void syslog_backend::set_target_address(std::string const& addr, unsigned short port)
#if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
    typedef implementation::udp_socket_based udp_socket_based_impl;
    if (udp_socket_based_impl* impl = dynamic_cast< udp_socket_based_impl* >(m_pImpl))
        char service_name[std::numeric_limits< int >::digits10 + 3];
        boost::log::aux::snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%d", static_cast< int >(port));
        asio::ip::udp::resolver::query q(impl->m_Protocol, addr, service_name, asio::ip::resolver_query_base::address_configured);
        asio::ip::udp::endpoint remote_address;

            lock_guard< mutex > _(impl->m_pService->m_Mutex);
            remote_address = *impl->m_pService->m_HostNameResolver.resolve(q);

        impl->m_TargetHost = remote_address;
    // Boost.ASIO requires threads for the host name resolver,
    // so without threads we simply assume the string already contains IP address
    set_target_address(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(addr), port);
#endif // !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
Beispiel #5
void menu_i2c_read_from_eeprom_func(const struct menu_item *m, bool checked)
        size_t rd_status, wr_status;
        HW_I2C_ABORT_SOURCE abrt_src = HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE;
        uint8_t addr[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
        static uint8_t read_buffer[65];        // 64 bytes of data + '\0'

         * Acquire I2C resource and read data back from EEPROM and release it after operation.
         * Before reading data we need to set address from which reading will start. This is done
         * by writing two bytes indicating address in EEPROM before reading from it. I2C controller
         * will automatically generate proper write and read commands on I2C bus.
        resource_acquire(RES_MASK(RES_ID_I2C1), RES_WAIT_FOREVER);

        wr_status = hw_i2c_write_buffer_sync(HW_I2C1, addr, sizeof(addr), &abrt_src, HW_I2C_F_NONE);
        if ((wr_status < sizeof(addr)) || (abrt_src != HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE)) {
                printf("EEPROM address write during read failed: %u" NEWLINE, abrt_src);
        else {
                rd_status = hw_i2c_read_buffer_sync(HW_I2C1, read_buffer, sizeof(read_buffer) - 1, &abrt_src, HW_I2C_F_NONE);

                 * Print on UART what was read from EEPROM.
                if ((rd_status < sizeof(read_buffer)) || (abrt_src != HW_I2C_ABORT_NONE)) {
                        printf("EEPROM read failure: %u" NEWLINE, abrt_src);
                else {
                        printf("read from EEPROM:  %s" NEWLINE, read_buffer);
