Beispiel #1
void SpellChecker::markMisspellingsAfterTypingToWord(const VisiblePosition &wordStart, const VisibleSelection& selectionAfterTyping)
    if (unifiedTextCheckerEnabled()) {
        TextCheckingTypeMask textCheckingOptions = 0;

        if (isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled())
            textCheckingOptions |= TextCheckingTypeSpelling;

        if (!(textCheckingOptions & TextCheckingTypeSpelling))

        if (isGrammarCheckingEnabled())
            textCheckingOptions |= TextCheckingTypeGrammar;

        VisibleSelection adjacentWords = VisibleSelection(startOfWord(wordStart, LeftWordIfOnBoundary), endOfWord(wordStart, RightWordIfOnBoundary));
        if (textCheckingOptions & TextCheckingTypeGrammar) {
            VisibleSelection selectedSentence = VisibleSelection(startOfSentence(wordStart), endOfSentence(wordStart));
            markAllMisspellingsAndBadGrammarInRanges(textCheckingOptions, adjacentWords.toNormalizedRange().get(), selectedSentence.toNormalizedRange().get());
        } else {
            markAllMisspellingsAndBadGrammarInRanges(textCheckingOptions, adjacentWords.toNormalizedRange().get(), adjacentWords.toNormalizedRange().get());

    if (!isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled())

    // Check spelling of one word
    RefPtr<Range> misspellingRange = nullptr;
    markMisspellings(VisibleSelection(startOfWord(wordStart, LeftWordIfOnBoundary), endOfWord(wordStart, RightWordIfOnBoundary)), misspellingRange);

    // Autocorrect the misspelled word.
    if (!misspellingRange)

    // Get the misspelled word.
    const String misspelledWord = plainText(misspellingRange.get());
    String autocorrectedString = textChecker().getAutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(misspelledWord);

    // If autocorrected word is non empty, replace the misspelled word by this word.
    if (!autocorrectedString.isEmpty()) {
        VisibleSelection newSelection(misspellingRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM);
        if (newSelection != m_frame.selection().selection()) {

        m_frame.editor().replaceSelectionWithText(autocorrectedString, false, false);

        // Reset the charet one character further.
        m_frame.selection().modify(FrameSelection::AlterationMove, DirectionForward, CharacterGranularity);

    if (!isGrammarCheckingEnabled())

    // Check grammar of entire sentence
    markBadGrammar(VisibleSelection(startOfSentence(wordStart), endOfSentence(wordStart)));
Beispiel #2
void TypingCommand::markMisspellingsAfterTyping()
    if (!document()->frame()->editor()->isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled())
    // Take a look at the selection that results after typing and determine whether we need to spellcheck. 
    // Since the word containing the current selection is never marked, this does a check to
    // see if typing made a new word that is not in the current selection. Basically, you
    // get this by being at the end of a word and typing a space.    
    VisiblePosition start(endingSelection().start(), endingSelection().affinity());
    VisiblePosition previous = start.previous();
    if (previous.isNotNull()) {
        VisiblePosition p1 = startOfWord(previous, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
        VisiblePosition p2 = startOfWord(start, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
        if (p1 != p2)
Beispiel #3
SelectionInDOMTree selectWord(const VisiblePosition& position) {
  // TODO(yosin): We should fix |startOfWord()| and |endOfWord()| not to return
  // null position.
  const VisiblePosition& start = startOfWord(position, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
  const VisiblePosition& end = endOfWord(position, RightWordIfOnBoundary);
  return SelectionInDOMTree::Builder()
      .setBaseAndExtentDeprecated(start.deepEquivalent(), end.deepEquivalent())
Beispiel #4
void SpellChecker::spellCheckOldSelection(const VisibleSelection& oldSelection, const VisibleSelection& newAdjacentWords)
    VisiblePosition oldStart(oldSelection.visibleStart());
    VisibleSelection oldAdjacentWords = VisibleSelection(startOfWord(oldStart, LeftWordIfOnBoundary), endOfWord(oldStart, RightWordIfOnBoundary));
    if (oldAdjacentWords  != newAdjacentWords) {
        if (isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled() && isGrammarCheckingEnabled()) {
            VisibleSelection selectedSentence = VisibleSelection(startOfSentence(oldStart), endOfSentence(oldStart));
            markMisspellingsAndBadGrammar(oldAdjacentWords, true, selectedSentence);
        } else {
            markMisspellingsAndBadGrammar(oldAdjacentWords, false, oldAdjacentWords);
// Returns the next word boundary starting from |pos|. |direction| specifies
// the direction in which to search for the next bound. nextIfOnBound
// controls whether |pos| or the next boundary is returned when |pos| is
// located exactly on word boundary.
static VisiblePosition nextWordBound(const VisiblePosition& pos,
                                     SearchDirection direction,
                                     BoundAdjust wordBoundAdjust) {
  bool nextBoundIfOnBound = wordBoundAdjust == BoundAdjust::NextBoundIfOnBound;
  if (direction == SearchDirection::SearchForward) {
    EWordSide wordSide =
        nextBoundIfOnBound ? RightWordIfOnBoundary : LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
    return endOfWord(pos, wordSide);
  EWordSide wordSide =
      nextBoundIfOnBound ? LeftWordIfOnBoundary : RightWordIfOnBoundary;
  return startOfWord(pos, wordSide);
Beispiel #6
void SpellChecker::respondToChangedSelection(const VisibleSelection& oldSelection, FrameSelection::SetSelectionOptions options)
    bool closeTyping = options & FrameSelection::CloseTyping;
    bool isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled = this->isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled();
    bool isContinuousGrammarCheckingEnabled = isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled && isGrammarCheckingEnabled();
    if (isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled) {
        VisibleSelection newAdjacentWords;
        VisibleSelection newSelectedSentence;
        const VisibleSelection newSelection = m_frame.selection().selection();
        VisiblePosition newStart(newSelection.visibleStart());
        newAdjacentWords = VisibleSelection(startOfWord(newStart, LeftWordIfOnBoundary), endOfWord(newStart, RightWordIfOnBoundary));
        if (isContinuousGrammarCheckingEnabled)
            newSelectedSentence = VisibleSelection(startOfSentence(newStart), endOfSentence(newStart));

        // Don't check spelling and grammar if the change of selection is triggered by spelling correction itself.
        bool shouldCheckSpellingAndGrammar = !(options & FrameSelection::SpellCorrectionTriggered);

        // When typing we check spelling elsewhere, so don't redo it here.
        // If this is a change in selection resulting from a delete operation,
        // oldSelection may no longer be in the document.
        // FIXME( if oldSelection is on a textarea
        // element, we cause synchronous layout.
        if (shouldCheckSpellingAndGrammar
            && closeTyping
            && !isSelectionInTextField(oldSelection)
            && (isSelectionInTextArea(oldSelection) || oldSelection.isContentEditable())
            && oldSelection.start().inDocument()) {
            spellCheckOldSelection(oldSelection, newAdjacentWords);

        // FIXME(
        // shouldEraseMarkersAfterChangeSelection is true, we cause synchronous
        // layout.
        if (textChecker().shouldEraseMarkersAfterChangeSelection(TextCheckingTypeSpelling)) {
            if (RefPtr<Range> wordRange = newAdjacentWords.toNormalizedRange())
                m_frame.document()->markers().removeMarkers(wordRange.get(), DocumentMarker::Spelling);
        if (textChecker().shouldEraseMarkersAfterChangeSelection(TextCheckingTypeGrammar)) {
            if (RefPtr<Range> sentenceRange = newSelectedSentence.toNormalizedRange())
                m_frame.document()->markers().removeMarkers(sentenceRange.get(), DocumentMarker::Grammar);

    // When continuous spell checking is off, existing markers disappear after the selection changes.
    if (!isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled)
    if (!isContinuousGrammarCheckingEnabled)
void VisibleSelection::setStartAndEndFromBaseAndExtentRespectingGranularity(TextGranularity granularity)
    if (m_baseIsFirst) {
        m_start = m_base;
        m_end = m_extent;
    } else {
        m_start = m_extent;
        m_end = m_base;

    switch (granularity) {
        case CharacterGranularity:
            // Don't do any expansion.
        case WordGranularity: {
            // General case: Select the word the caret is positioned inside of, or at the start of (RightWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a soft-wrapped line or the last word in
            // the document, select that last word (LeftWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a paragraph, select from the the end of the
            // last word to the line break (also RightWordIfOnBoundary);
            VisiblePosition start = VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity);
            VisiblePosition originalEnd(m_end, m_affinity);
            EWordSide side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfEditableOrNonEditableContent(start) || (isEndOfLine(start) && !isStartOfLine(start) && !isEndOfParagraph(start)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            m_start = startOfWord(start, side).deepEquivalent();
            side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfEditableOrNonEditableContent(originalEnd) || (isEndOfLine(originalEnd) && !isStartOfLine(originalEnd) && !isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            VisiblePosition wordEnd(endOfWord(originalEnd, side));
            VisiblePosition end(wordEnd);
            if (isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd) && !isEmptyTableCell(m_start.deprecatedNode())) {
                // Select the paragraph break (the space from the end of a paragraph to the start of 
                // the next one) to match TextEdit.
                end =;
                if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                    // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                    // at the start of the paragraph after the table.
                    if (isBlock(table))
                        end =;
                        end = wordEnd;
                if (end.isNull())
                    end = wordEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
            // End must not be before start.
            if (m_start.deprecatedNode() == m_end.deprecatedNode() && m_start.deprecatedEditingOffset() > m_end.deprecatedEditingOffset()) {
                Position swap(m_start);
                m_start = m_end;    
                m_end = swap;    
        case SentenceGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case LineGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // If the end of this line is at the end of a paragraph, include the space 
            // after the end of the line in the selection.
            if (isEndOfParagraph(end)) {
                VisiblePosition next =;
                if (next.isNotNull())
                    end = next;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case LineBoundary:
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphGranularity: {
            VisiblePosition pos(m_start, m_affinity);
            if (isStartOfLine(pos) && isEndOfEditableOrNonEditableContent(pos))
                pos = pos.previous();
            m_start = startOfParagraph(pos).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition visibleParagraphEnd = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // Include the "paragraph break" (the space from the end of this paragraph to the start
            // of the next one) in the selection.
            VisiblePosition end(;
            if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                // at the start of the paragraph after the table, not at the position just after the table.
                if (isBlock(table))
                    end =;
                // There is no parargraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of an inline table.
                    end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            if (end.isNull())
                end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case DocumentBoundary:
            m_start = startOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphBoundary:
            m_start = startOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case SentenceBoundary:
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case DocumentGranularity:
    // Make sure we do not have a dangling start or end.
    if (m_start.isNull())
        m_start = m_end;
    if (m_end.isNull())
        m_end = m_start;
void VisibleSelection::setStartAndEndFromBaseAndExtentRespectingGranularity(TextGranularity granularity)
    if (m_baseIsFirst) {
        m_start = m_base;
        m_end = m_extent;
    } else {
        m_start = m_extent;
        m_end = m_base;

    switch (granularity) {
        case CharacterGranularity:
            // Don't do any expansion.
        case WordGranularity: {
            // General case: Select the word the caret is positioned inside of, or at the start of (RightWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a soft-wrapped line or the last word in
            // the document, select that last word (LeftWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a paragraph, select from the the end of the
            // last word to the line break (also RightWordIfOnBoundary);
            VisiblePosition start = VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity);
            VisiblePosition originalEnd(m_end, m_affinity);
            EWordSide side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;

			//SAMSUNG - Text Selection >>
			Document *doc = NULL;
			if (m_start.anchorNode())
				doc = m_start.anchorNode()->document();
			if (doc && doc->settings() && doc->settings()->advancedSelectionEnabled()) 
				bool endOfDocument;
				if ( (endOfDocument = isEndOfDocument(start)) || ( (isEndOfLine(start) || isStartOfSpace(start)) && !isStartOfLine(start))) 
					side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
					if (!endOfDocument && isEndOfParagraph(start)) 
						originalEnd = start;
				m_start = startOfWord(start, side).deepEquivalent();
				side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;

				if (isStartOfSpace(start)) 
					side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;

				if (isEndOfDocument(originalEnd) || (isEndOfLine(originalEnd) && !isStartOfLine(originalEnd)))
				side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;

				VisiblePosition wordEnd(endOfWord(originalEnd, side));
				VisiblePosition end(wordEnd);
				m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
				//SAMSUNG - Text Selection <<

            if (isEndOfDocument(start) || (isEndOfLine(start) && !isStartOfLine(start) && !isEndOfParagraph(start)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            m_start = startOfWord(start, side).deepEquivalent();
            side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfDocument(originalEnd) || (isEndOfLine(originalEnd) && !isStartOfLine(originalEnd) && !isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            VisiblePosition wordEnd(endOfWord(originalEnd, side));
            VisiblePosition end(wordEnd);
            if (isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd) && !isEmptyTableCell(m_start.deprecatedNode())) {
                // Select the paragraph break (the space from the end of a paragraph to the start of 
                // the next one) to match TextEdit.
                end =;
                if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                    // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                    // at the start of the paragraph after the table.
                    if (isBlock(table))
                        end =;
                        end = wordEnd;
                if (end.isNull())
                    end = wordEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
//SAMSUNG - Text Selection >>		
//SAMSUNG - Text Selection <<			
        case SentenceGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case LineGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // If the end of this line is at the end of a paragraph, include the space 
            // after the end of the line in the selection.
            if (isEndOfParagraph(end)) {
                VisiblePosition next =;
                if (next.isNotNull())
                    end = next;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case LineBoundary:
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphGranularity: {
            VisiblePosition pos(m_start, m_affinity);
            if (isStartOfLine(pos) && isEndOfDocument(pos))
                pos = pos.previous();
            m_start = startOfParagraph(pos).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition visibleParagraphEnd = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // Include the "paragraph break" (the space from the end of this paragraph to the start
            // of the next one) in the selection.
	//SAMSUNG - Text Selection >>
            // Here it tries to extend the end point from current paragraph to beginning of next paragraph. So somehow it is 
            // selecting the next paragraph also and it looks wrong when we do backward paragraph selection.
            // Even though user is trying to extend selection in backward direction, because of this condition it extends selection
            // in both directions. So commented the below code to avoid wrong backward text selection
            // WAS: VisiblePosition end(;
            VisiblePosition end(visibleParagraphEnd);
	//SAMSUNG - Text Selection <<

            if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                // at the start of the paragraph after the table, not at the position just after the table.
                if (isBlock(table))
                    end =;
                // There is no parargraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of an inline table.
                    end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            if (end.isNull())
                end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case DocumentBoundary:
            m_start = startOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphBoundary:
            m_start = startOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case SentenceBoundary:
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case WebKitVisualWordGranularity:
    // Make sure we do not have a dangling start or end.
    if (m_start.isNull())
        m_start = m_end;
    if (m_end.isNull())
        m_end = m_start;
Beispiel #9
void SpellChecker::updateMarkersForWordsAffectedByEditing(bool doNotRemoveIfSelectionAtWordBoundary)
    if (textChecker().shouldEraseMarkersAfterChangeSelection(TextCheckingTypeSpelling))

    // We want to remove the markers from a word if an editing command will change the word. This can happen in one of
    // several scenarios:
    // 1. Insert in the middle of a word.
    // 2. Appending non whitespace at the beginning of word.
    // 3. Appending non whitespace at the end of word.
    // Note that, appending only whitespaces at the beginning or end of word won't change the word, so we don't need to
    // remove the markers on that word.
    // Of course, if current selection is a range, we potentially will edit two words that fall on the boundaries of
    // selection, and remove words between the selection boundaries.
    VisiblePosition startOfSelection = m_frame.selection().selection().visibleStart();
    VisiblePosition endOfSelection = m_frame.selection().selection().visibleEnd();
    if (startOfSelection.isNull())
    // First word is the word that ends after or on the start of selection.
    VisiblePosition startOfFirstWord = startOfWord(startOfSelection, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
    VisiblePosition endOfFirstWord = endOfWord(startOfSelection, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
    // Last word is the word that begins before or on the end of selection
    VisiblePosition startOfLastWord = startOfWord(endOfSelection, RightWordIfOnBoundary);
    VisiblePosition endOfLastWord = endOfWord(endOfSelection, RightWordIfOnBoundary);

    if (startOfFirstWord.isNull()) {
        startOfFirstWord = startOfWord(startOfSelection, RightWordIfOnBoundary);
        endOfFirstWord = endOfWord(startOfSelection, RightWordIfOnBoundary);

    if (endOfLastWord.isNull()) {
        startOfLastWord = startOfWord(endOfSelection, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
        endOfLastWord = endOfWord(endOfSelection, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);

    // If doNotRemoveIfSelectionAtWordBoundary is true, and first word ends at the start of selection,
    // we choose next word as the first word.
    if (doNotRemoveIfSelectionAtWordBoundary && endOfFirstWord == startOfSelection) {
        startOfFirstWord = nextWordPosition(startOfFirstWord);
        endOfFirstWord = endOfWord(startOfFirstWord, RightWordIfOnBoundary);
        if (startOfFirstWord == endOfSelection)

    // If doNotRemoveIfSelectionAtWordBoundary is true, and last word begins at the end of selection,
    // we choose previous word as the last word.
    if (doNotRemoveIfSelectionAtWordBoundary && startOfLastWord == endOfSelection) {
        startOfLastWord = previousWordPosition(startOfLastWord);
        endOfLastWord = endOfWord(startOfLastWord, RightWordIfOnBoundary);
        if (endOfLastWord == startOfSelection)

    if (startOfFirstWord.isNull() || endOfFirstWord.isNull() || startOfLastWord.isNull() || endOfLastWord.isNull())

    // Now we remove markers on everything between startOfFirstWord and endOfLastWord.
    // However, if an autocorrection change a single word to multiple words, we want to remove correction mark from all the
    // resulted words even we only edit one of them. For example, assuming autocorrection changes "avantgarde" to "avant
    // garde", we will have CorrectionIndicator marker on both words and on the whitespace between them. If we then edit garde,
    // we would like to remove the marker from word "avant" and whitespace as well. So we need to get the continous range of
    // of marker that contains the word in question, and remove marker on that whole range.
    Document* document = m_frame.document();
    RefPtr<Range> wordRange = Range::create(*document, startOfFirstWord.deepEquivalent(), endOfLastWord.deepEquivalent());

    document->markers().removeMarkers(wordRange.get(), DocumentMarker::MisspellingMarkers(), DocumentMarkerController::RemovePartiallyOverlappingMarker);
Beispiel #10
void Selection::validate()
    // Move the selection to rendered positions, if possible.
    bool baseAndExtentEqual = m_base == m_extent;
    if (m_base.isNotNull()) {
        m_base = VisiblePosition(m_base, m_affinity).deepEquivalent();
        if (baseAndExtentEqual)
            m_extent = m_base;
    if (m_extent.isNotNull() && !baseAndExtentEqual)
        m_extent = VisiblePosition(m_extent, m_affinity).deepEquivalent();

    // Make sure we do not have a dangling base or extent.
    if (m_base.isNull() && m_extent.isNull())
        m_baseIsFirst = true;
    else if (m_base.isNull()) {
        m_base = m_extent;
        m_baseIsFirst = true;
    } else if (m_extent.isNull()) {
        m_extent = m_base;
        m_baseIsFirst = true;
    } else {
        m_baseIsFirst = comparePositions(m_base, m_extent) <= 0;

    if (m_baseIsFirst) {
        m_start = m_base;
        m_end = m_extent;
    } else {
        m_start = m_extent;
        m_end = m_base;

    // Expand the selection if requested.
    switch (m_granularity) {
        case CharacterGranularity:
            // Don't do any expansion.
        case WordGranularity: {
            // General case: Select the word the caret is positioned inside of, or at the start of (RightWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a soft-wrapped line or the last word in
            // the document, select that last word (LeftWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a paragraph, select from the the end of the
            // last word to the line break (also RightWordIfOnBoundary);
            VisiblePosition start = VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity);
            VisiblePosition originalEnd(m_end, m_affinity);
            EWordSide side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfDocument(start) || (isEndOfLine(start) && !isStartOfLine(start) && !isEndOfParagraph(start)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            m_start = startOfWord(start, side).deepEquivalent();
            side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfDocument(originalEnd) || (isEndOfLine(originalEnd) && !isStartOfLine(originalEnd) && !isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            VisiblePosition wordEnd(endOfWord(originalEnd, side));
            VisiblePosition end(wordEnd);
            if (isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd)) {
                // Select the paragraph break (the space from the end of a paragraph to the start of 
                // the next one) to match TextEdit.
                end =;
                if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                    // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                    // at the start of the paragraph after the table.
                    if (isBlock(table))
                        end =;
                        end = wordEnd;
                if (end.isNull())
                    end = wordEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case SentenceGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case LineGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // If the end of this line is at the end of a paragraph, include the space 
            // after the end of the line in the selection.
            if (isEndOfParagraph(end)) {
                VisiblePosition next =;
                if (next.isNotNull())
                    end = next;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case LineBoundary:
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphGranularity: {
            VisiblePosition pos(m_start, m_affinity);
            if (isStartOfLine(pos) && isEndOfDocument(pos))
                pos = pos.previous();
            m_start = startOfParagraph(pos).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition visibleParagraphEnd = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // Include the "paragraph break" (the space from the end of this paragraph to the start
            // of the next one) in the selection.
            VisiblePosition end(;
            if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                // at the start of the paragraph after the table, not at the position just after the table.
                if (isBlock(table))
                    end =;
                // There is no parargraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of an inline table.
                    end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            if (end.isNull())
                end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case DocumentBoundary:
            m_start = startOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphBoundary:
            m_start = startOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case SentenceBoundary:
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
    // Make sure we do not have a dangling start or end.
    if (m_start.isNull())
        m_start = m_end;
    if (m_end.isNull())
        m_end = m_start;

    // adjust the state
    if (m_start.isNull()) {
        m_state = NONE;

        // enforce downstream affinity if not caret, as affinity only
        // makes sense for caret
        m_affinity = DOWNSTREAM;
    } else if (m_start == m_end || m_start.upstream() == m_end.upstream()) {
        m_state = CARET;
    } else {
        m_state = RANGE;

        // enforce downstream affinity if not caret, as affinity only
        // makes sense for caret
        m_affinity = DOWNSTREAM;

        // "Constrain" the selection to be the smallest equivalent range of nodes.
        // This is a somewhat arbitrary choice, but experience shows that it is
        // useful to make to make the selection "canonical" (if only for
        // purposes of comparing selections). This is an ideal point of the code
        // to do this operation, since all selection changes that result in a RANGE 
        // come through here before anyone uses it.
        m_start = m_start.downstream();
        m_end = m_end.upstream();
static VisiblePosition startOfWord(const VisiblePosition& position)
    return startOfWord(position, LeftWordIfOnBoundary);
void VisibleSelection::setStartAndEndFromBaseAndExtentRespectingGranularity(TextGranularity granularity)
    if (m_baseIsFirst) {
        m_start = m_base;
        m_end = m_extent;
    } else {
        m_start = m_extent;
        m_end = m_base;

    switch (granularity) {
        case CharacterGranularity:
            // Don't do any expansion.
        case WordGranularity: {
            // General case: Select the word the caret is positioned inside of, or at the start of (RightWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a soft-wrapped line or the last word in
            // the document, select that last word (LeftWordIfOnBoundary).
            // Edge case: If the caret is after the last word in a paragraph, select from the the end of the
            // last word to the line break (also RightWordIfOnBoundary);
            VisiblePosition start = VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity);
            VisiblePosition originalEnd(m_end, m_affinity);
            EWordSide side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfDocument(start) || (isEndOfLine(start) && !isStartOfLine(start) && !isEndOfParagraph(start)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            m_start = startOfWord(start, side).deepEquivalent();
            side = RightWordIfOnBoundary;
            if (isEndOfDocument(originalEnd) || (isEndOfLine(originalEnd) && !isStartOfLine(originalEnd) && !isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd)))
                side = LeftWordIfOnBoundary;
            VisiblePosition wordEnd(endOfWord(originalEnd, side));
            VisiblePosition end(wordEnd);
            if (isEndOfParagraph(originalEnd) && !isEmptyTableCell(m_start.deprecatedNode())) {
                // Select the paragraph break (the space from the end of a paragraph to the start of 
                // the next one) to match TextEdit.
                end =;
                if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                    // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                    // at the start of the paragraph after the table.
                    if (isBlock(table))
                        end =;
                        end = wordEnd;
                if (end.isNull())
                    end = wordEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
            //added this to select only letters for dictionary viewing
            if( m_selectOnlyLetters && m_start.anchorNode()->isTextNode() && m_end.anchorNode()->isTextNode() ) {

                CharacterData* startText = static_cast<CharacterData*>(m_start.anchorNode());
                String startStr = startText->data();
                CharacterData* endText = static_cast<CharacterData*>(m_end.anchorNode());
                String endStr = endText->data();

                int n1 = m_start.offsetInContainerNode();
                int n2 = m_end.offsetInContainerNode() - 1;

                //unhandled corner case: at beginning of sentence, m_start may refer
                //to the Node of the last sentence, this causes the space at the beginning
                //of a sentence to be part of the selection. Assigning m_end to m_start and
                //adjusting the offset does not fix this. 		

                QChar c1 = startStr[n1];
                QChar c2 = endStr[n2];

                while(!c1.isLetter() && n1 <= n2) {
                    c1 = startStr[++n1];
                    m_start =;

                while(!c2.isLetter() && n2 >= n1) {
                    c2 = endStr[--n2];
                    m_end = m_end.previous(Character);
        case SentenceGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case LineGranularity: {
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // If the end of this line is at the end of a paragraph, include the space 
            // after the end of the line in the selection.
            if (isEndOfParagraph(end)) {
                VisiblePosition next =;
                if (next.isNotNull())
                    end = next;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case LineBoundary:
            m_start = startOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfLine(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphGranularity: {
            VisiblePosition pos(m_start, m_affinity);
            if (isStartOfLine(pos) && isEndOfDocument(pos))
                pos = pos.previous();
            m_start = startOfParagraph(pos).deepEquivalent();
            VisiblePosition visibleParagraphEnd = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity));
            // Include the "paragraph break" (the space from the end of this paragraph to the start
            // of the next one) in the selection.
            VisiblePosition end(;
            if (Node* table = isFirstPositionAfterTable(end)) {
                // The paragraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of a block table ends
                // at the start of the paragraph after the table, not at the position just after the table.
                if (isBlock(table))
                    end =;
                // There is no parargraph break after the last paragraph in the last cell of an inline table.
                    end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            if (end.isNull())
                end = visibleParagraphEnd;
            m_end = end.deepEquivalent();
        case DocumentBoundary:
            m_start = startOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfDocument(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case ParagraphBoundary:
            m_start = startOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case SentenceBoundary:
            m_start = startOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_start, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
            m_end = endOfSentence(VisiblePosition(m_end, m_affinity)).deepEquivalent();
        case WebKitVisualWordGranularity:
    // Make sure we do not have a dangling start or end.
    if (m_start.isNull())
        m_start = m_end;
    if (m_end.isNull())
        m_end = m_start;