Beispiel #1
stat_mtime(const char *file)
    struct stat statbuf;

    if (stat_retry(file, &statbuf) != 0)
        return -1;

    return ((int32) statbuf.st_mtime);
Beispiel #2
stat_mtime(const char *file)
    struct stat statbuf;

    if (stat(file, &statbuf) != 0)
        return -1;
#else /* HAVE_SYS_STAT_H */
    if (stat_retry(file, &statbuf) != 0)
        return -1;
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_STAT_H */

    return ((int32) statbuf.st_mtime);
Beispiel #3
 * Read Sphinx-II format mfc file (s2mfc = Sphinx-II format MFC data).
 * If out_mfc is 0, no actual reading will be done, and the number of 
 * frames (plus padding) that would be read is returned.
 * It's important that normalization is done before padding because
 * frames outside the data we are interested in shouldn't be taken
 * into normalization stats.
 * @return # frames read (plus padding) if successful, -1 if
 * error (e.g., mfc array too small).  
static int32
feat_s2mfc_read_norm_pad(feat_t *fcb, char *file, int32 win,
            		 int32 sf, int32 ef,
            		 mfcc_t ***out_mfc,
            		 int32 maxfr,
            		 int32 cepsize)
    FILE *fp;
    int32 n_float32;
    float32 *float_feat;
    struct stat statbuf;
    int32 i, n, byterev;
    int32 start_pad, end_pad;
    mfcc_t **mfc;

    /* Initialize the output pointer to 0, so that any attempts to
       free() it if we fail before allocating it will not segfault! */
    if (out_mfc)
        *out_mfc = 0;
    E_INFO("Reading mfc file: '%s'[%d..%d]\n", file, sf, ef);
    if (ef >= 0 && ef <= sf) {
        E_ERROR("%s: End frame (%d) <= Start frame (%d)\n", file, ef, sf);
        return -1;

    /* Find filesize; HACK!! To get around intermittent NFS failures, use stat_retry */
    if ((stat_retry(file, &statbuf) < 0)
        || ((fp = fopen(file, "rb")) == 0)) {
         E_ERROR("Failed to open file '%s' for reading: %s\n", file, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    /* Read #floats in header */
    if (fread_retry(&n_float32, sizeof(int32), 1, fp) != 1) {
        E_ERROR("%s: fread(#floats) failed\n", file);
        return -1;

    /* Check if n_float32 matches file size */
    byterev = 0;
    if ((int32) (n_float32 * sizeof(float32) + 4) != (int32) statbuf.st_size) { /* RAH, typecast both sides to remove compile warning */
        n = n_float32;

        if ((int32) (n * sizeof(float32) + 4) != (int32) (statbuf.st_size)) {   /* RAH, typecast both sides to remove compile warning */
                ("%s: Header size field: %d(%08x); filesize: %d(%08x)\n",
                 file, n_float32, n_float32, statbuf.st_size,
            return -1;

        n_float32 = n;
        byterev = 1;
    if (n_float32 <= 0) {
        E_ERROR("%s: Header size field (#floats) = %d\n", file, n_float32);
        return -1;

    /* Convert n to #frames of input */
    n = n_float32 / cepsize;
    if (n * cepsize != n_float32) {
        E_ERROR("Header size field: %d; not multiple of %d\n", n_float32,
        return -1;

    /* Check start and end frames */
    if (sf > 0) {
        if (sf >= n) {
            E_ERROR("%s: Start frame (%d) beyond file size (%d)\n", file,
                    sf, n);
            return -1;
    if (ef < 0)
        ef = n-1;
    else if (ef >= n) {
        E_WARN("%s: End frame (%d) beyond file size (%d), will truncate\n",
               file, ef, n);
        ef = n-1;

    /* Add window to start and end frames */
    sf -= win;
    ef += win;
    if (sf < 0) {
        start_pad = -sf;
        sf = 0;
        start_pad = 0;
    if (ef >= n) {
        end_pad = ef - n + 1;
        ef = n - 1;
        end_pad = 0;

    /* Limit n if indicated by [sf..ef] */
    if ((ef - sf + 1) < n)
        n = (ef - sf + 1);
    if (maxfr > 0 && n + start_pad + end_pad > maxfr) {
        E_ERROR("%s: Maximum output size(%d frames) < actual #frames(%d)\n",
                file, maxfr, n + start_pad + end_pad);
        return -1;

    /* If no output buffer was supplied, then skip the actual data reading. */
    if (out_mfc != 0) {
        /* Position at desired start frame and read actual MFC data */
        mfc = (mfcc_t **)ckd_calloc_2d(n + start_pad + end_pad, cepsize, sizeof(mfcc_t));
        if (sf > 0)
            fseek(fp, sf * cepsize * sizeof(float32), SEEK_CUR);
        n_float32 = n * cepsize;
        float_feat = ckd_calloc(n_float32, sizeof(float32));
        float_feat = mfc[start_pad];
        if (fread_retry(float_feat, sizeof(float32), n_float32, fp) != n_float32) {
            E_ERROR("%s: fread(%dx%d) (MFC data) failed\n", file, n, cepsize);
            return -1;
        if (byterev) {
            for (i = 0; i < n_float32; i++) {
        for (i = 0; i < n_float32; ++i) {
            mfc[start_pad][i] = FLOAT2MFCC(float_feat[i]);

        /* Normalize */
        feat_cmn(fcb, mfc + start_pad, n, 1, 1);
        feat_agc(fcb, mfc + start_pad, n, 1, 1);

        /* Replicate start and end frames if necessary. */
        for (i = 0; i < start_pad; ++i)
            memcpy(mfc[i], mfc[start_pad], cepsize * sizeof(mfcc_t));
        for (i = 0; i < end_pad; ++i)
            memcpy(mfc[start_pad + n + i], mfc[start_pad + n - 1],
                   cepsize * sizeof(mfcc_t));

        *out_mfc = mfc;

    return n + start_pad + end_pad;
Beispiel #4
read_cep(char const *file, float ***cep, int *numframes, int cepsize)
    FILE *fp;
    int n_float;
    struct stat statbuf;
    int i, n, byterev, sf, ef;
    float32 **mfcbuf;

    if (stat_retry(file, &statbuf) < 0) {
        printf("stat(%s) failed\n", file);
        return IO_ERR;

    if ((fp = fopen(file, "rb")) == NULL) {
        printf("fopen(%s, rb) failed\n", file);
        return IO_ERR;

    /* Read #floats in header */
    if (fread(&n_float, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1) {
        return IO_ERR;

    /* Check if n_float matches file size */
    byterev = FALSE;
    if ((int) (n_float * sizeof(float) + 4) != statbuf.st_size) {
        n = n_float;

        if ((int) (n * sizeof(float) + 4) != statbuf.st_size) {
                ("Header size field: %d(%08x); filesize: %d(%08x)\n",
                 n_float, n_float, (int) statbuf.st_size,
                 (int) statbuf.st_size);
            return IO_ERR;

        n_float = n;
        byterev = TRUE;
    if (n_float <= 0) {
        printf("Header size field: %d\n", n_float);
        return IO_ERR;

    /* n = #frames of input */
    n = n_float / cepsize;
    if (n * cepsize != n_float) {
        printf("Header size field: %d; not multiple of %d\n",
               n_float, cepsize);
        return IO_ERR;
    sf = 0;
    ef = n;

    mfcbuf = (float **) ckd_calloc_2d(n, cepsize, sizeof(float32));

    /* Read mfc data and byteswap if necessary */
    n_float = n * cepsize;
    if ((int) fread(mfcbuf[0], sizeof(float), n_float, fp) != n_float) {
        printf("Error reading mfc data\n");
        return IO_ERR;
    if (byterev) {
        for (i = 0; i < n_float; i++)

    *numframes = n;
    *cep = mfcbuf;
    return IO_SUCCESS;
 * Read specified segment [sf..ef] of Sphinx-II format mfc file read and return
 * #frames read.  Return -1 if error.
int32 s2mfc_read (char *file, int32 sf, int32 ef, float32 ***mfc, int32 veclen)
    FILE *fp;
    int32 n_float32;
    struct stat statbuf;
    int32 i, n, byterev, cepsize;
    char tmp;
    E_INFO("Reading mfc file: %s\n", file);
    assert (fcb.cepsize != NULL);
    cepsize = ( *(fcb.cepsize) ) (veclen);
    /* Find filesize; HACK!! To get around intermittent NFS failures, use stat_retry */
    if (stat_retry (file, &statbuf) < 0) {
	E_ERROR("stat_retry(%s) failed\n", file);
	return -1;

    if ((fp = fopen(file, "rb")) == NULL) {
	E_ERROR("fopen(%s,rb) failed\n", file);
	return -1;
    /* Read #floats in header */
    if (fread_retry (&n_float32, sizeof(int32), 1, fp) != 1) {
	fclose (fp);
	return -1;

    /* Check if n_float32 matches file size */
/* pip: this is a hack to get it to run on simulator:
	we always know the endianess of the sim (big-e),
	so always swap_int32

    byterev = FALSE;
    if ((n_float32*sizeof(float32) + 4) != statbuf.st_size) {
	n = n_float32;

	if ((n*sizeof(float32) + 4) != statbuf.st_size) {
	    E_ERROR("Header size field: %d(%08x); filesize: %d(%08x)\n",
		    n_float32, n_float32, statbuf.st_size, statbuf.st_size);
	    fclose (fp);
	    return -1;

	n_float32 = n;
	byterev = TRUE;
pip */
/* pip : */ byterev = FALSE;

    if (n_float32 <= 0) {
	E_ERROR("Header size field: %d\n",  n_float32);
	fclose (fp);
	return -1;
	E_INFO("pip: n = %d, n_float32 = %d, cepsize = %d, veclen = %d\n", n, n_float32, cepsize, veclen);
	E_INFO("pip: forcing cepsize to feat_s3_1x39_cepsize()\n");
	cepsize = ((*feat_s3_1x39_cepsize))(veclen);
	E_INFO("pip again: n = %d, n_float32 = %d, cepsize = %d\n", n, n_float32, cepsize);
	E_INFO("pip: forcing cepsize to 13\n");
	cepsize = 13; 
	E_INFO("pip again: n = %d, n_float32 = %d, cepsize = %d\n", n, n_float32, cepsize);

    /* n = #frames of input */
    n = n_float32/cepsize;
    if (n * cepsize != n_float32) {
	E_ERROR("Header size field: %d; not multiple of %d\n", n_float32, cepsize);
	fclose (fp);
	return -1;
    if (sf > 0) {
	if (sf >= n) {
	    E_ERROR("Start frame (%d) beyond MFC file size (%d)\n", sf, n);
	    fclose (fp);
	    return -1;
	n -= sf;

    /* Limit n if indicated by [sf..ef] */
    if ((ef-sf+1) < n)
	n = (ef-sf+1);

    if (n > mfcbufsize) {
	if (mfcbufsize > 0)
	    E_FATAL("Increase MAX_MFCBUFSIZE\n");

	mfcbufsize = MAX_MFCBUFSIZE;
	mfcbuf = (float32 **) ckd_calloc_2d (mfcbufsize, cepsize, sizeof(float32));
    if (sf > 0)
	fseek (fp, sf*cepsize*sizeof(float32), SEEK_CUR);
    /* Read mfc data and byteswap if necessary */
    n_float32 = n * cepsize;
    if (fread_retry (mfcbuf[0], sizeof(float32), n_float32, fp) != n_float32) {
	E_ERROR("Error reading mfc data\n");
	fclose (fp);
	return -1;
    if (byterev) {
	for (i = 0; i < n_float32; i++)

    fclose (fp);
    *mfc = mfcbuf;
    return n;