Beispiel #1
/* LW */
void test_lw() {
    word location1 = 0x00001000;
    word w = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    storeWord(w, location1);
    T1 = location1;
    test_execute(create_itype_hex(0x0000, I_T0, I_T1, OC_LW));
    assert(T0 == w);

    w =0x12345678;
    storeWord(w, location1 + 0x0001);
    T1 = location1;
    test_execute(create_itype_hex(0x0001, I_T0, I_T1, OC_LW));
    assert(T0 == w);
Beispiel #2
/* LW */
void test_lw() {
    word location1 =  0x00001230;
    word location2 =  0x00001234;

    word w = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    storeWord(w, location1);
    T1 = location1;
    test_execute(create_itype_hex(0x0000, I_T0, I_T1, OC_LW));
    assert(T0 == w);

    w = 0x87654321;
    storeWord(w, location2);
    T1 = location1;
    test_execute(create_itype_hex(0x0004, I_T0, I_T1, OC_LW));
    assert(T0 == w);
Beispiel #3
/* LW */
void test_lw() {
	word location = 0x000000FF;
	word save = 0xDEADBEEF;
	storeWord(save, location);
	T1 = location;

	test_execute(create_itype_hex(0x0000, I_T0, I_T1, OC_LW));
	assert(T0 == save);
Beispiel #4
void test_execute(word instr) {
    word w;
    Instruction *instruction;

    /* Store the executable word  */
    storeWord(instr, pc);

    /* Fetch the next Instruction */
    w  = loadWord(pc);
    instruction = (Instruction *) &w;
    pc += 4;

    /* Execute the fetched instruction*/
    assert(ZERO == 0);
Beispiel #5
 * Decode opcode and address from 'opAddr' member.
 * Decodes operation and executes it immediately if possible; otherwise, stores
 * the decoded operation and address.
 * @returns New state
EEPROM93C46::State EEPROM93C46::opDecode()
    switch (m_u16Word>>6) {
    case 3: /* ERASE */
        storeWord(m_u16Word & ADDR_MASK, 0xFFFF);
        return WAITING_CS_FALL;
    case 2: /* READ */
        m_eOp     = OP_READ;
        m_u16Addr = m_u16Word & ADDR_MASK;
        return opRead(); /* Load first word */
    case 1: /* WRITE */
        m_eOp     = OP_WRITE;
        m_u16Addr = m_u16Word & ADDR_MASK;
        m_u16Word = 0;
        m_u16Mask = DATA_MSB;
        return READING_DI;
    case 0:
        switch (m_u16Word>>4) {
        case 0: /* ERASE/WRITE DISABLE */
            m_fWriteEnabled = false;
            return STANDBY;
        case 1: /* WRITE ALL */
            m_eOp     = OP_WRITE_ALL;
            m_u16Word = 0;
            m_u16Mask = DATA_MSB;
            return READING_DI;
        case 2: /* ERASE ALL */
            /* Re-use opWriteAll */
            m_u16Word = 0xFFFF;
            return opWriteAll();
        case 3: /* ERASE/WRITE ENABLE */
            m_fWriteEnabled = true;
            return STANDBY;
    return m_eState;
Beispiel #6
/* SW */
void mips_sw(Instruction *instruction) {
	InstructionTypeI i = instruction->i;
	storeWord(registers[i.rt], registers[] + (signed)signExtend(i.immediate));
Beispiel #7
 * Overwrite the entire contents of EEPROM with the value of m_u16Word.
 * @returns New state
 * @remarks Need to wait for CS lower/raise to show busy/ready indication.
EEPROM93C46::State EEPROM93C46::opWriteAll()
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        storeWord(i, m_u16Word);
    return WAITING_CS_FALL;
Beispiel #8
 * Write the value of m_u16Word to the location specified by m_u16Addr.
 * @returns New state
 * @remarks Need to wait for CS lower/raise to show busy/ready indication.
EEPROM93C46::State EEPROM93C46::opWrite()
    storeWord(m_u16Addr, m_u16Word);
    return WAITING_CS_FALL;