Beispiel #1
 * Appends a float to the string.
 * @param str the string
 * @param val the float to add
 * @param len the length whole number part in char, e.g. 3 for 100. (max 9)
 * @param dec the number of decimals
 * @param fixed forces the specified size by padding with spaces
 * @note one digit is added to the length to always allow negative numbers
 * @note if the number doesn't fit ### will be added instead.
void str_addFloatExt(Str *str, float val, int len, int dec, veBool fixed)
	char format[20];
	float frac, absval;
	int fracint;
	int n;
	int maxFrac = 1;
	size_t numchars = 0;
	size_t totalLength;

	totalLength = (size_t) (len + dec + 1);

	// NOTE: %f isn't supported, this must be implemented by integers!

	// determine whole number and decimals
	absval = (float) fabs(val);
	frac = (float) fabs(val);
	frac -= (int) absval;
	for (n=0; n<dec; n++)
		frac *= 10;
		maxFrac *= 10;

	// then round the decimal itself, and if necessary the whole number
	// e.g. 0.999999... should always become 1.0
	fracint = (int) (frac + 0.5);
	if (fracint >= maxFrac)
		absval += 1;
		fracint = 0;

	// only then display... force minus when negative, for e.g. -0.95
	// but not -0.00
	if (val < 0 &&  !((int) absval == 0 && fracint == 0) )
		str_add(str, "-");

	// report whole number
	numchars += str_addIntExt(str, (int) absval, len);
	if (dec == 0)
		if (fixed)
			str_repeat(str, " ", (int) (totalLength - numchars));

	// report decimals as well
	str_add(str, ".");
	sprintf(format, "%%0%dd", dec);
	numchars += str_addIntFmt(str, fracint, dec, format);

	if (fixed)
		str_repeat(str, " ", (int) (totalLength - numchars));
Beispiel #2
 * This function draws a BUFT to drive a net pullup or pulldown value.
 * If the drive strength is strong we can draw a C4<> constant as the
 * pull value, otherwise we need to draw a C8<> constant.
static char* draw_net_pull(ivl_net_logic_t lptr, ivl_drive_t drive, const char*level)
      char tmp[32];
      if (drive == IVL_DR_STRONG) {
            size_t result_len = 5 + ivl_logic_width(lptr);
            result = malloc(result_len);
            char*dp = result;
            strcpy(dp, "C4<");
            dp += strlen(dp);
            str_repeat(dp, level, ivl_logic_width(lptr));
            dp += ivl_logic_width(lptr);
            *dp++ = '>';
            *dp = 0;
            assert(dp >= result);
            assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);
      } else {
            char val[4];
            size_t result_len = 5 + 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr);
            result = malloc(result_len);
            char*dp = result;

            val[0] = "01234567"[drive];
            val[1] = val[0];
            val[2] = level[0];
            val[3] = 0;

            strcpy(dp, "C8<");
            dp += strlen(dp);
            str_repeat(dp, val, ivl_logic_width(lptr));
            dp += 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr);
            *dp++ = '>';
            *dp = 0;
            assert(dp >= result);
            assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);

        /* Make the constant an argument to a BUFZ, which is
           what we use to drive the PULLed value. */
      fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p .functor BUFT 1, %s, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;\n",
              lptr, result);
      snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", lptr);
      result = realloc(result, strlen(tmp)+1);
      strcpy(result, tmp);
      return result;
void run_iter(int n) {
   printf("void run_iter(int n) {\n");
   int i = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      printf(" for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n");
      /* str_write(">ONE H**o sapiens alu\n"); */
      str_repeat(alu, SCALE * 2);

      /* str_write(">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n"); */
      rand_fasta(iub, SCALE * 3);

      /* str_write(">THREE H**o sapiens frequency\n"); */
      rand_fasta(homosapiens, SCALE * 5);

      if (checksum != EXPECT_CKSUM) {
         printf(" if (checksum != EXPECT_CKSUM) {\n");
         errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "checksum fail: %u vs %u",
	     checksum, EXPECT_CKSUM);

static char* draw_net_input_drive(ivl_nexus_t nex, ivl_nexus_ptr_t nptr)
      unsigned nptr_pin = ivl_nexus_ptr_pin(nptr);
      ivl_net_const_t cptr;
      ivl_net_logic_t lptr;
      ivl_signal_t sptr;
      ivl_lpm_t lpm;

      lptr = ivl_nexus_ptr_log(nptr);
      if (lptr
	  && ((ivl_logic_type(lptr)==IVL_LO_BUFZ)||(ivl_logic_type(lptr)==IVL_LO_BUFT))
	  && (nptr_pin == 0))
	    do {
		  if (! can_elide_bufz(lptr, nptr))

		  return strdup(draw_net_input(ivl_logic_pin(lptr, 1)));
	    } while(0);

	/* If this is a pulldown device, then there is a single pin
	   that drives a constant value to the entire width of the
	   vector. The driver normally drives a pull0 value, so a C8<>
	   constant is appropriate, but if the drive is really strong,
	   then we can draw a C4<> constant instead. */
      if (lptr && (ivl_logic_type(lptr) == IVL_LO_PULLDOWN)) {
	    if (ivl_nexus_ptr_drive0(nptr) == IVL_DR_STRONG) {
		  size_t result_len = ivl_logic_width(lptr) + 5;
		  char*result = malloc(result_len);
		  char*dp = result;
		  strcpy(dp, "C4<");
		  dp += strlen(dp);
		  str_repeat(dp, "0", ivl_logic_width(lptr));
		  dp += ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  *dp++ = '>';
		  *dp = 0;
		  assert(dp >= result);
		  assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);
		  return result;
	    } else {
		  char val[4];
		  size_t result_len = 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr) + 5;
		  char*result = malloc(result_len);
		  char*dp = result;

		  val[0] = "01234567"[ivl_nexus_ptr_drive0(nptr)];
		  val[1] = val[0];
		  val[2] = '0';
		  val[3] = 0;

		  strcpy(dp, "C8<");
		  dp += strlen(dp);
		  str_repeat(dp, val, ivl_logic_width(lptr));
		  dp += 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  *dp++ = '>';
		  *dp = 0;
		  assert(dp >= result);
		  assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);
		  return result;

      if (lptr && (ivl_logic_type(lptr) == IVL_LO_PULLUP)) {
	    char tmp[32];
	    if (ivl_nexus_ptr_drive1(nptr) == IVL_DR_STRONG) {
		  size_t result_len = 5 + ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  result = malloc(result_len);
		  char*dp = result;
		  strcpy(dp, "C4<");
		  dp += strlen(dp);
		  str_repeat(dp, "1", ivl_logic_width(lptr));
		  dp += ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  *dp++ = '>';
		  *dp = 0;
		  assert(dp >= result);
		  assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);

	    } else {
		  char val[4];
		  size_t result_len = 5 + 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  result = malloc(result_len);
		  char*dp = result;

		  val[0] = "01234567"[ivl_nexus_ptr_drive1(nptr)];
		  val[1] = val[0];
		  val[2] = '1';
		  val[3] = 0;

		  strcpy(dp, "C8<");
		  dp += strlen(dp);
		  str_repeat(dp, val, ivl_logic_width(lptr));
		  dp += 3*ivl_logic_width(lptr);
		  *dp++ = '>';
		  *dp = 0;
		  assert(dp >= result);
		  assert((unsigned)(dp - result) <= result_len);


	      /* Make the constant an argument to a BUFZ, which is
		 what we use to drive the PULLed value. */
	    fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p .functor BUFT 1, %s, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;\n",
		    lptr, result);
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", lptr);
	    result = realloc(result, strlen(tmp)+1);
	    strcpy(result, tmp);
	    return result;

      if (lptr && (nptr_pin == 0)) {
	    char tmp[128];
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", lptr);
	    return strdup(tmp);

      sptr = ivl_nexus_ptr_sig(nptr);
      if (sptr && (ivl_signal_type(sptr) == IVL_SIT_REG)) {
	    char tmp[128];
	      /* Input is a .var. This device may be a non-zero pin
	         because it may be an array of reg vectors. */
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "v%p_%u", sptr, nptr_pin);

	    if (ivl_signal_dimensions(sptr) > 0) {
		  fprintf(vvp_out, "v%p_%u .array/port v%p, %u;\n",
			  sptr, nptr_pin, sptr, nptr_pin);

	    return strdup(tmp);

      cptr = ivl_nexus_ptr_con(nptr);
      if (cptr) {
	    char *result = 0;
	    ivl_expr_t d_rise, d_fall, d_decay;
            unsigned dly_width = 0;

	      /* Constants should have exactly 1 pin, with a literal value. */
	    assert(nptr_pin == 0);

	    switch (ivl_const_type(cptr)) {
		case IVL_VT_LOGIC:
		case IVL_VT_BOOL:
		  if ((ivl_nexus_ptr_drive0(nptr) == IVL_DR_STRONG)
		      && (ivl_nexus_ptr_drive1(nptr) == IVL_DR_STRONG)) {

			result = draw_C4_to_string(cptr);

		  } else {
			result = draw_C8_to_string(cptr,
                  dly_width = ivl_const_width(cptr);

		case IVL_VT_REAL:
		  result = draw_Cr_to_string(ivl_const_real(cptr));
                  dly_width = 0;


	    d_rise = ivl_const_delay(cptr, 0);
	    d_fall = ivl_const_delay(cptr, 1);
	    d_decay = ivl_const_delay(cptr, 2);

	      /* We have a delayed constant, so we need to build some code. */
	    if (d_rise != 0) {
		  char tmp[128];
		  fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p/d .functor BUFT 1, %s, "
		                   "C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;\n", cptr, result);

		    /* Is this a fixed or variable delay? */
		  if (number_is_immediate(d_rise, 64, 0) &&
		      number_is_immediate(d_fall, 64, 0) &&
		      number_is_immediate(d_decay, 64, 0)) {

			assert(! number_is_unknown(d_rise));
			assert(! number_is_unknown(d_fall));
			assert(! number_is_unknown(d_decay));

			fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p .delay %u "
				"(%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 ") L_%p/d;\n",
			                 cptr, dly_width,
			                 get_number_immediate64(d_decay), cptr);

		  } else {
			ivl_signal_t sig;
			// We do not currently support calculating the decay
			// from the rise and fall variable delays.
			assert(d_decay != 0);
			assert(ivl_expr_type(d_rise) == IVL_EX_SIGNAL);
			assert(ivl_expr_type(d_fall) == IVL_EX_SIGNAL);
			assert(ivl_expr_type(d_decay) == IVL_EX_SIGNAL);

			fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p .delay %u L_%p/d",
                                cptr, dly_width, cptr);

			sig = ivl_expr_signal(d_rise);
			assert(ivl_signal_dimensions(sig) == 0);
			fprintf(vvp_out, ", v%p_0", sig);

			sig = ivl_expr_signal(d_fall);
			assert(ivl_signal_dimensions(sig) == 0);
			fprintf(vvp_out, ", v%p_0", sig);

			sig = ivl_expr_signal(d_decay);
			assert(ivl_signal_dimensions(sig) == 0);
			fprintf(vvp_out, ", v%p_0;\n", sig);

		  snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", cptr);
		  result = strdup(tmp);

	    } else {
		  char tmp[64];
		  fprintf(vvp_out, "L_%p .functor BUFT 1, %s, "
			  "C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;\n", cptr, result);

		  snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", cptr);
		  result = strdup(tmp);

	    return result;

      lpm = ivl_nexus_ptr_lpm(nptr);
      if (lpm) switch (ivl_lpm_type(lpm)) {

	  case IVL_LPM_FF:
	  case IVL_LPM_ABS:
	  case IVL_LPM_ADD:
	  case IVL_LPM_ARRAY:
	  case IVL_LPM_CAST_INT2:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_EEQ:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_EQ:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_GE:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_GT:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_NE:
	  case IVL_LPM_CMP_NEE:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_AND:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_OR:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_XOR:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_NAND:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_NOR:
	  case IVL_LPM_RE_XNOR:
	  case IVL_LPM_SFUNC:
	  case IVL_LPM_SUB:
	  case IVL_LPM_MULT:
	  case IVL_LPM_MUX:
	  case IVL_LPM_POW:
	  case IVL_LPM_MOD:
	  case IVL_LPM_UFUNC:
	  case IVL_LPM_PART_VP:
	  case IVL_LPM_PART_PV: /* NOTE: This is only a partial driver. */
	    if (ivl_lpm_q(lpm) == nex) {
		  char tmp[128];
		  snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "L_%p", lpm);
		  return strdup(tmp);


      fprintf(stderr, "vvp.tgt error: no input to nexus.\n");
      return strdup("C<z>");