Beispiel #1
static void expand_class_path(char *cp, struct strlist *dst) {
  struct strlist wildcards;
  size_t i;
  strlist_init(&wildcards, 16);
  split(cp, ':', &wildcards);
  for (i = 0; i < wildcards.size; i++) {
    expand_jars(wildcards.items[i], dst);
Beispiel #2
static char* create_class_path_option(char *cp) {
  struct strlist parts;
  char *result;
  strlist_init(&parts, 128);
  strlist_add(&parts, "-Djava.class.path=");
  expand_class_path(cp, &parts);
  if (parts.size > 1) {
    strlist_remove_last(&parts); /* last entry is a ':' */
  result = strlist_concat(&parts);
  return result;
Beispiel #3
struct strlist *
pickup_random_files ()
  char *url;
  char *year;
  char *yday;
  char *station;
  int i, n;
  struct strlist *tmp, *result;
  url = strbuild ("");
  tmp = parse_apache_index (url);
  free (url);
  if (tmp->strings_count == 0)
    return tmp;
  n = (tmp->strings_count - 1) * ((float) rand () / (float) RAND_MAX);
  station = xstrdup (tmp->strings_list[n]);
  url = strbuild ("",
  tmp = parse_apache_index (url);
  free (url);
  if (tmp->strings_count == 0)
    free (station);
    return tmp;
  n = (tmp->strings_count - 1) * ((float) rand () / (float) RAND_MAX);
  year = xstrdup (tmp->strings_list[n]);
  strlist_destroy (tmp);
  url = strbuild ("",
    station, year);
  tmp = parse_apache_index (url);
  free (url);
  if (tmp->strings_count == 0)
    free (station);
    free (year);
    return tmp;
  n = (tmp->strings_count - 1) * ((float) rand () / (float) RAND_MAX);
  yday = xstrdup (tmp->strings_list[n]);
  strlist_destroy (tmp);
  url = strbuild ("",
    station, year, yday);
  free (yday);
  free (year);
  free (station);
  tmp = parse_apache_index (url);
  free (url);

  result = strlist_new ();
  for (i = 0; i < tmp->strings_count; i++)
    if (strcmp (&tmp->strings_list[i][strlen (tmp->strings_list[i]) - 3], "SAO") == 0)
      strlist_append_string (result, tmp->strings_list[i]); /* TODO: append_STRING? that's redundant */
  strlist_destroy (tmp);
  return result;
Beispiel #4
main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
  FILE *list, *fp;
  int i, j, count;
  int lines = 0;
  struct ionogram *ionogram;
  struct ionogram_filename fn;
  struct strlist *names;
  struct station_info *info;
  struct globe_data *globe;
  struct ionogram_filetype *ft;
  struct layer_info *this;
  if (argc != 2)
    fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s <pattern.lst>\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf (stderr, "\n%s picks random ionogram from the NOAA server and builds\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf (stderr, "a training set with the existence state of each ionosphere layer.\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "The training set file is in ID3 format.\n");
    return 1;
  signal (SIGINT, sigint_handler);
  if (access (argv[1], F_OK) != -1)
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: appending to existing file %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
  if ((list = fopen (argv[1], "a")) == NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: couldn't append to file %s: %s\n", argv[0], argv[1], strerror (errno));
    return 1;
  srand (time (NULL));
  if (libsao_init () == -1)
    return 1;
  if (ionowatch_config_init () == -1)
    return -1;
  globe = globe_data_new (0, 0, 100, 100);
  ft = ionogram_filetype_lookup ("SAO");
  printf ("%s staring (press Ctrl+C to stop)\n", argv[0]);
  for (; training;)
    printf ("Please wait while %s looks for a suitable station...\n", argv[0]);
    for (;;)
      names = pickup_random_files ();
      if (names->strings_count == 0)
        strlist_destroy (names);
    if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[0], &fn) == -1)
      ERROR ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[i]);
      strlist_destroy (names);

    if ((info = station_lookup (fn.station)) == NULL)
      ERROR ("couldn't find station data for `%s'\n", fn.station);
      strlist_destroy (names);
      continue; /* We're almost sure that there will be no other filename
                 refering to a different station in this directory */
    for (i = 0; i < names->strings_count && training; i++)
      NOTICE ("parsing files [%3d/%3d]... ", 
        i + 1, names->strings_count);
      fflush (stdout);
      if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[i], &fn) == -1)
        NOTICE ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[i]);

      if ((fp = cache_get_ionogram (&fn)) != NULL)
        ionogram = ionogram_new ();
        if ((ft->parse_callback) (ionogram, fp) == 0)
          globe_data_set_time (globe, fn.time);
          count = 0;
          for (j = 0; j < IONOGRAM_MAX_LAYERS && training; j++)
            fprintf (list, "%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %d ",
              info->lat, info->lon,
              globe_data_get_sun_inclination (globe, RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (info->lat)), RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (-info->lon))),
              RADADJUST (globe->sol),
              get_monthly_sunspot_number (fn.time),
            if ((this = ionogram->layers[j]) != NULL)
              fprintf (list, " 1\n");
              fprintf (list, " 0\n");
          printf ("%d layers present\n", count); 
          printf ("%s: error parsing ionogram\n", names->strings_list[i]);
        ionogram_destroy (ionogram);
        fclose (fp);
        NOTICE ("%s: coudln't retrieve form cache\n", names->strings_list[i]);
    strlist_destroy (names);
  printf ("\n%s: fetching stopped, %d samples saved to %s\n", 
    argv[0], lines, argv[1]);
  fclose (list);
  return 0;
Beispiel #5
static int
write_includes(GenCodeInfo genCodeInfo, ABObj project)
    File	 codeFile = genCodeInfo->code_file;
    STRING	 *p       = NULL;
    AB_TRAVERSAL trav;
    ABObj	 module   = NULL;
    StringList   includes = strlist_create();
    char         buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
    int          i;
    strlist_set_is_unique(includes, TRUE);
    *buf = 0;

    /* standard system includes */
    for (p = Includes; *p; p++)
	strlist_add_str(includes, *p, NULL);

     * Includes for sessioning.
     * These include files are needed only if sessioning
     * is used.
    if (abmfP_proj_needs_session_save(project) || 
        for (p = Session_Includes; *p; p++)
	    strlist_add_str(includes, *p, NULL);

     * Includes for i18n.
     * These include files are needed only if i18n
     * is enabled.
    if (genCodeInfo->i18n_method == ABMF_I18N_XPG4_API)
        for (p = I18n_Includes; *p; p++)
	    strlist_add_str(includes, *p, NULL);

    /* module includes */
    for (trav_open(&trav, project, AB_TRAV_MODULES);
	(module = trav_next(&trav)) != NULL; )
	if (!obj_is_defined(module))
	sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", abmfP_get_ui_header_file_name(module));
	strlist_add_str(includes, buf, NULL);

    /* project include */
    sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", abmfP_get_project_header_file_name(project));
    strlist_add_str(includes, buf, NULL);

    sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", abmfP_get_utils_header_file_name(project));
    strlist_add_str(includes, buf, NULL);

    abmfP_get_connect_includes(includes, project);

    /* Write the includes */
    for (i = 0; i < strlist_get_num_strs(includes); ++i)
	abio_printf(codeFile, "#include %s\n",
	    strlist_get_str(includes, i, NULL));
    abio_puts(codeFile, nlstr);

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
int extfs_mkfs(cdico *d, char *partition, int extfstype, char *fsoptions)
    cstrlist strfeatures;
    u64 features_tab[3];
    u64 fsextrevision;
    int origextfstype;
    char buffer[2048];
    char command[2048];
    char options[2048];
    char temp[1024];
    char progname[64];
    u64 e2fstoolsver;
    int compat_type;
    u64 temp64;
    int exitst;
    int ret=0;
    int res;
    int i;
    // init    
    memset(options, 0, sizeof(options));
    snprintf(progname, sizeof(progname), "mke2fs");
    // ---- check that mkfs is installed and get its version
    if (exec_command(command, sizeof(command), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "%s -V", progname)!=0)
    {   errprintf("%s not found. please install a recent e2fsprogs on your system or check the PATH.\n", progname);
        goto extfs_mkfs_cleanup;
    // ---- filesystem revision (good-old-rev or dynamic)
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTREVISION, &fsextrevision)!=0)
        fsextrevision=EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV; // don't fail (case of fs conversion to extfs)
    // "mke2fs -q" prevents problems in exec_command when too many output details printed
    strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -q ");
    // filesystem revision: good-old-rev or dynamic
    strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -r %d ", (int)fsextrevision);

    strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " %s ", fsoptions);
    // ---- set the advanced filesystem settings from the dico
    if (dico_get_string(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSLABEL, buffer, sizeof(buffer))==0 && strlen(buffer)>0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -L '%.16s' ", buffer);
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTBLOCKSIZE, &temp64)==0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -b %ld ", (long)temp64);
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSINODESIZE, &temp64)==0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -I %ld ", (long)temp64);
    // ---- get original filesystem features (if the original filesystem was an ext{2,3,4})
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTFEATURECOMPAT, &features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_COMPAT])!=0 ||
        dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTFEATUREINCOMPAT, &features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_INCOMPAT])!=0 ||
        dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTFEATUREROCOMPAT, &features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_RO_INCOMPAT])!=0)
    {   // dont fail the original filesystem may not be ext{2,3,4}. in that case set defaults features
    // ---- check that fsarchiver is aware of all the filesystem features used on that filesystem
    if (extfs_check_compatibility(features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_COMPAT], features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_INCOMPAT], features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_RO_INCOMPAT])!=0)
    {   errprintf("this filesystem has ext{2,3,4} features which are not supported by this fsarchiver version.\n");
        return -1;
    // ---- get original filesystem type
            features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_INCOMPAT], features_tab[E2P_FEATURE_RO_INCOMPAT]);
    msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "the filesystem type determined by the original filesystem features is [%s]\n", format_fstype(origextfstype));
    // remove all the features not supported by the filesystem to create (conversion = downgrade fs)
    for (i=0; mkfeatures[i].name; i++)
        if (mkfeatures[i].firstfs > extfstype)
            features_tab[compat_type] &= ~mkfeatures[i].mask;
    // add new features if the filesystem to create is newer than the filesystem type that was backed up
    // eg: user did a "savefs" of an ext3 and does a "restfs mkfs=ext4" --> add features to force ext4
    // it's a bit more difficult because we only want to add such a feature if no feature of the new
    // filesystem is currently enabled.
    msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "the filesystem type to create considering the command options is [%s]\n", format_fstype(extfstype));
    if (origextfstype==EXTFSTYPE_EXT2 && extfstype>EXTFSTYPE_EXT2) // upgrade ext2 to ext{3,4}
    {   fsextrevision=EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV;
    if (origextfstype<EXTFSTYPE_EXT4 && extfstype>=EXTFSTYPE_EXT4) // upgrade ext{2,3} to ext4
    {   fsextrevision=EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV;
    // convert int features to string to be passed to mkfs
    for (i=0; mkfeatures[i].name; i++)
        if (mkfeatures[i].firste2p<=e2fstoolsver) // don't pass an option to a program that does not support it
            if (features_tab[compat_type] & mkfeatures[i].mask)
            {   msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "--> feature [%s]=YES\n", mkfeatures[i].name);
                strlist_add(&strfeatures, mkfeatures[i].name);
            {   msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "--> feature [%s]=NO\n", mkfeatures[i].name);
                snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "^%s", mkfeatures[i].name); // exclude feature
                strlist_add(&strfeatures, temp);
    // if extfs revision is dynamic and there are features in the list
    if (fsextrevision!=EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV && strlist_count(&strfeatures)>0)
    {   strlist_merge(&strfeatures, temp, sizeof(temp), ',');
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -O %s ", temp);
        msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "features: mkfs_options+=[-O %s]\n", temp);
    // ---- check mke2fs version requirement
    msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "mke2fs version detected: %s\n", format_prog_version(e2fstoolsver, temp, sizeof(temp)));
    msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "mke2fs version required: %s\n", format_prog_version(e2fsprogs_minver[extfstype], temp, sizeof(temp)));
    if (e2fstoolsver < e2fsprogs_minver[extfstype])
    {   errprintf("mke2fs was found but is too old, please upgrade to a version %s or more recent.\n", 
            format_prog_version(e2fsprogs_minver[extfstype], temp, sizeof(temp)));
        goto extfs_mkfs_cleanup;
    // ---- extended options
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTEOPTRAIDSTRIDE, &temp64)==0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -E stride=%ld ", (long)temp64);
    if ((dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTEOPTRAIDSTRIPEWIDTH, &temp64)==0) && e2fstoolsver>=PROGVER(1,40,7))
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -E stripe-width=%ld ", (long)temp64);
    // ---- execute mke2fs
    msgprintf(MSG_VERB2, "exec: %s\n", command);
    if (exec_command(command, sizeof(command), &exitst, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "%s %s %s", progname, partition, options)!=0 || exitst!=0)
    {   errprintf("command [%s] failed with return status=%d\n", command, exitst);
        goto extfs_mkfs_cleanup;
    // ---- use tune2fs to set the other advanced options
    memset(options, 0, sizeof(options));
    if (dico_get_string(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSUUID, buffer, sizeof(buffer))==0 && strlen(buffer)==36)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -U %s ", buffer);
    if (dico_get_string(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTDEFMNTOPT, buffer, sizeof(buffer))==0 && strlen(buffer)>0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -o %s ", buffer);
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTFSCKMAXMNTCOUNT, &temp64)==0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -c %ld ", (long)temp64);
    if (dico_get_u64(d, 0, FSYSHEADKEY_FSEXTFSCKCHECKINTERVAL, &temp64)==0)
        strlcatf(options, sizeof(options), " -i %ldd ", (long)(temp64/86400L));
    if (options[0])
        if (exec_command(command, sizeof(command), &exitst, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "tune2fs %s %s", partition, options)!=0 || exitst!=0)
        {   errprintf("command [%s] failed with return status=%d\n", command, exitst);
            goto extfs_mkfs_cleanup;
        // run e2fsck to workaround an tune2fs bug in e2fsprogs < 1.41.4 on ext4
        if (extfstype==EXTFSTYPE_EXT4 && e2fstoolsver<PROGVER(1,41,4))
            if ( ((res=exec_command(command, sizeof(command), &exitst, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "e2fsck -fy %s", partition))!=0) || ((exitst!=0) && (exitst!=1)) )
            {   errprintf("command [%s] failed with return status=%d\n", command, exitst);
                goto extfs_mkfs_cleanup;
    return ret;
Beispiel #7
main (int argc, char **argv)
  FILE *fp;
  struct fann *ann;
  struct mlp *mlp;
  struct training_set *set;
  struct ionogram *ionogram;
  struct ionogram_filename fn;
  struct strlist *names, *files;
  struct station_info *info;
  struct globe_data *globe;
  struct ionogram_filetype *ft;
  char c;
  numeric_t best_mse, best_mse_before;
  int i;
  char *weightfile = default_weight_file;
  int interrogate = 0;
  int weightfile_flag = 0;
  int best_flag = 0;
  files = strlist_new ();

  set = training_set_new ();
  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, ":n:e:w:s:I:ibh")) != -1)
    switch (c)
      case 'n':
        if (!sscanf (optarg, "%i", &set->epoch_count))
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: option -n expects a number\n", argv[0]);
          return 1;
      case 'I':
        if (!sscanf (optarg, "%i", &set->info_interval))
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: option -I expects a number\n", argv[0]);
          return 1;
        if (set->info_interval < 1)
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: interval must be strictly positive\n", argv[0]);
          return 1;
      case 'b':
      case 'e':
        if (!sscanf (optarg, "%lg", &set->desired_mse))
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: option -e expects a number\n", argv[0]);
          return 1;
      case 's':
        if (!sscanf (optarg, "%lg", &set->training_speed))
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: option -s expects a number\n", argv[0]);
          return 1;
      case 'w':
        weightfile = optarg;
      case 'i':
      case ':':
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: option -%c requires an argument\n", argv[0], optopt);
        help (argv);
        exit (1);
      case '?':
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option -- -%c\n", argv[0], optopt);
        help (argv);
        exit (1);
      case 'h':
        help (argv);
        exit (0);
        break; /* Sure, sure */
  for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
    strlist_append_string (files, argv[i]);
  srand (time (NULL));
  if (libsao_init () == -1)
    return 1;
  if (ionowatch_config_init () == -1)
    return -1;

  ann = build_fann ();
  best_mse = INFINITY;
  best_mse_before = INFINITY;
  mlp = build_mlp ();
  NOTICE ("trying to load weights from %s...\n", weightfile);
  if (mlp_load_weights (mlp, weightfile) == -1)
    NOTICE ("failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
    NOTICE ("done\n");
  best_mse_before = mlp->best_mse;

  printf ("Best MSE: %g\n", best_mse_before);
  globe = globe_data_new (0, 0, 0, 0);
  ft = ionogram_filetype_lookup ("SAO");
  info = NULL;
  names = NULL;
  if (files->strings_count > 0)
    if (files->strings_count > 1)
      ERROR ("currently one file at a time supported\n");
      return 1; /* This is because I'm too lazy to save pointers to stations */
    for (i = 0; i < files->strings_count; i++)
      if (ionogram_parse_filename (files->strings_list[i], &fn) == -1)
        NOTICE ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", files->strings_list[i]);
      if (fn.type != ft->type)
        ERROR ("not a SAO file, only SAO files supported\n");
        return 1;
      if ((info = station_lookup (fn.station)) == NULL)
        ERROR ("couldn't find station data for `%s'\n", fn.station);
        strlist_destroy (names);
        return 1; /* We're almost sure that there will be no other filename
                   refering to a different station in this directory */
      names = get_day_ionograms (&fn);
    NOTICE ("looking for a suitable station...\n");

    for (;;)
      for (;;)
        names = pickup_random_files ();
        if (names->strings_count == 0)
          strlist_destroy (names);
      if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[0], &fn) == -1)
        ERROR ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[0]);
        strlist_destroy (names);

      if ((info = station_lookup (fn.station)) == NULL)
        ERROR ("couldn't find station data for `%s'\n", fn.station);
        strlist_destroy (names);
        continue; /* We're almost sure that there will be no other filename
                   refering to a different station in this directory */
  if (!names->strings_count)
    ERROR ("no ionograms that day!\n");
    return 1;
  printf ("file: %s\n", names->strings_list[0]);
  NOTICE ("configutarion is: %d epochs, taking %g as minimum MSE "
          "warning every %d epochs\n", set->epoch_count, set->desired_mse, set->info_interval);
  if (best_flag)
    NOTICE ("weights will be saved ONLY if they achieve better results\n");
  NOTICE ("selected station %s (%s, %s)\n", 
    fn.station, info->name_long, info->country);
  NOTICE ("daily files are of the form %s\n", names->strings_list[0]);
  NOTICE ("ionotrainer is going to parse %d files, please wait...\n",
  for (i = 0; i < names->strings_count; i++)
    NOTICE ("parsing files [%3d/%3d]... ", 
      i + 1, names->strings_count);
    if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[i], &fn) == -1)
      NOTICE ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[i]);
    if ((fp = cache_get_ionogram (&fn)) != NULL)
      ionogram = ionogram_new ();
      if ((ft->parse_callback) (ionogram, fp) == 0)
        ionogram->lat = RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (info->lat));
        ionogram->lon = RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (-info->lon));
        globe_data_set_time (globe, fn.time);
        ionogram->sun_inclination = globe_data_get_sun_inclination (globe, ionogram->lat, ionogram->lon);

        ionogram->solstice_offset = RADADJUST (globe->sol);
        ionogram->sunspot_number = get_monthly_sunspot_number (fn.time);
        training_set_add_ionogram (set, ionogram);
        NOTICE ("%s: error parsing ionogram\n", names->strings_list[i]);
      fclose (fp);
      printf ("\n");
      NOTICE ("%s: coudln't retrieve from cache\n", names->strings_list[i]);
    /* Hang on, man. This is NOT a botnet. */
    sleep (1);
  NOTICE ("work done!\n");
  NOTICE ("preparing training vectors...\n");
  training_set_build (set);
  NOTICE ("got %d training vectors\n", set->training_vector_count);

  if (!set->training_vector_count)
    fprintf (stderr, "no training vectors, exiting...\n");
    return 0;
  best_mse = training_set_train_on_fann (set, ann);
  best_mse = training_set_train_on_mlp (set, mlp);

  if (best_mse < best_mse_before)
    fprintf (stderr, "training ended with better MSE at %d epochs (mse: %g)\n", set->passed_epochs, best_mse);
    fprintf (stderr, "Training stopped, no better MSE found\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "Weights NOT saved\n");
  if (!best_flag || best_mse < best_mse_before)
    if (interrogate)
      fprintf (stderr, "do you want to save weights to %s? [y/N] ", weightfile);
      c = getchar ();
    if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y' || !interrogate)
      if (mlp_save_weights (mlp, weightfile) == -1)
        fprintf (stderr, "saving failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
        fprintf (stderr, "weights saved\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "not saved\n");
  return 0;
Beispiel #8
void *
trainer_thread_entry (void *unused)
    struct training_set *set;

    struct strlist *names;
    struct ionogram_filename fn;
    struct station_info *info;
    struct ionogram *ionogram;
    struct ionogram_filetype *ft;
    struct globe_data *globe;

    FILE *fp;

    double average;
    int i;

    if ((ft = ionogram_filetype_lookup ("SAO")) == NULL)
        ERROR ("no SAO filetype registered\n");
        return NULL;

    h2pf_mlp      = h2pf_build_mlp ();
    predictor_mlp = predictor_build_mlp ();
    plasma_mlp    = plasma_build_mlp ();

    (void) load_weights_from_config (h2pf_mlp, "h2pf.mlp");
    (void) load_weights_from_config (plasma_mlp, "plasma.mlp");
    (void) load_weights_from_config (predictor_mlp, "predictor.mlp");

    globe = globe_data_new (0, 0, 0, 0);

    set = training_set_new ();

    for (;;)
        getloadavg (&average, 1);

        DEBUG ("load average: %lg\n", average);

        if (average >= autotrain_max_load)
            DEBUG ("load average (%lg) too high to train, 15 minutes to restart\n", average);
            sleep (900);

        DEBUG ("system load is ok to train, (%lg <= %lg) starting...\n", average, autotrain_max_load);

        for (;;)
            for (;;)
                names = pickup_random_files ();

                if (names->strings_count == 0)
                    strlist_destroy (names);


            if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[0], &fn) == -1)
                DEBUG ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[0]);
                strlist_destroy (names);

            if ((info = station_lookup (fn.station)) == NULL)
                DEBUG ("couldn't find station data for `%s'\n", fn.station);
                strlist_destroy (names);


        if (!names->strings_count)
            DEBUG ("no ionograms this day\n");
            strlist_destroy (names);

        sleep_until_low_load ();

        for (i = 0; i < names->strings_count; i++)
            DEBUG ("parsing files [%3d/%3d]...\n",
                   i + 1, names->strings_count);

            if (ionogram_parse_filename (names->strings_list[i], &fn) == -1)
                DEBUG ("%s: malformed filename, couldn't load\n", names->strings_list[i]);

            if ((fp = cache_get_ionogram (&fn)) != NULL)
                ionogram = ionogram_new ();

                if ((ft->parse_callback) (ionogram, fp) == 0)
                    ionogram->lat = RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (info->lat));
                    ionogram->lon = RADADJUST (DEG2RAD (-info->lon));
                    globe_data_set_time (globe, fn.time);

                    ionogram->sun_inclination = globe_data_get_sun_inclination (globe, ionogram->lat, ionogram->lon);

                    ionogram->solstice_offset = RADADJUST (globe->sol);
                    ionogram->sunspot_number = get_monthly_sunspot_number (fn.time);

                    training_set_add_ionogram (set, ionogram);
                    DEBUG ("%s: error parsing ionogram\n", names->strings_list[i]);

                fclose (fp);

                DEBUG ("%s: coudln't retrieve form cache\n", names->strings_list[i]);

            /* Hang on, hang on. */

            sleep (1);

        sleep_until_low_load ();

        training_set_set_epoch_count (set, 1000);
        training_set_set_info_interval (set, 0);
        training_set_set_training_speed (set, 1e-6);

        DEBUG ("Start layer MLP training...\n");

        /* Build training set for layers */
        predictor_training_set_build (set);

        training_set_train_on_mlp (set, predictor_mlp);

        training_set_destroy_vectors (set);

        save_weights (predictor_mlp, "predictor.mlp");

        sleep_until_low_load ();

        training_set_set_training_speed (set, 1e-5);

        DEBUG ("Start plasma MLP training...\n");

        /* Build training set for layers */
        plasma_training_set_build (set);

        training_set_train_on_mlp (set, plasma_mlp);

        training_set_destroy_vectors (set);

        save_weights (plasma_mlp, "plasma.mlp");

        sleep_until_low_load ();

        training_set_set_training_speed (set, 1e-7);

        DEBUG ("Start height to plasma MLP training...\n");

        /* Build training set for layers */
        h2pf_training_set_build (set);

        training_set_train_on_mlp (set, h2pf_mlp);

        training_set_destroy_vectors (set);

        save_weights (h2pf_mlp, "h2pf.mlp");

        training_set_destroy (set);

        set = training_set_new ();
Beispiel #9
int archwriter_destroy(carchwriter *ai)
    return 0;