Beispiel #1
status_t GraphicBufferSource::signalEndOfInputStream() {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);
    ALOGV("signalEndOfInputStream: exec=%d avail=%zu eos=%d",
            mExecuting, mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream);

    if (mEndOfStream) {
        ALOGE("EOS was already signaled");
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    // Set the end-of-stream flag.  If no frames are pending from the
    // BufferQueue, and a codec buffer is available, and we're executing,
    // we initiate the EOS from here.  Otherwise, we'll let
    // codecBufferEmptied() (or omxExecuting) do it.
    // Note: if there are no pending frames and all codec buffers are
    // available, we *must* submit the EOS from here or we'll just
    // stall since no future events are expected.
    mEndOfStream = true;

    if (mExecuting && mNumFramesAvailable == 0) {

    return OK;
Beispiel #2
void GraphicBufferSource::omxExecuting() {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);
    ALOGV("--> executing; avail=%zu, codec vec size=%zd",
            mNumFramesAvailable, mCodecBuffers.size());
    mExecuting = true;

    // Start by loading up as many buffers as possible.  We want to do this,
    // rather than just submit the first buffer, to avoid a degenerate case:
    // if all BQ buffers arrive before we start executing, and we only submit
    // one here, the other BQ buffers will just sit until we get notified
    // that the codec buffer has been released.  We'd then acquire and
    // submit a single additional buffer, repeatedly, never using more than
    // one codec buffer simultaneously.  (We could instead try to submit
    // all BQ buffers whenever any codec buffer is freed, but if we get the
    // initial conditions right that will never be useful.)
    while (mNumFramesAvailable) {
        if (!fillCodecBuffer_l()) {
            ALOGV("stop load with frames available (codecAvail=%d)",

    ALOGV("done loading initial frames, avail=%zu", mNumFramesAvailable);

    // If EOS has already been signaled, and there are no more frames to
    // submit, try to send EOS now as well.
    if (mEndOfStream && mNumFramesAvailable == 0) {

    if (mRepeatAfterUs > 0ll && mLooper == NULL) {
        mReflector = new AHandlerReflector<GraphicBufferSource>(this);

        mLooper = new ALooper;

        if (mLatestBufferId >= 0) {
            sp<AMessage> msg =
                new AMessage(kWhatRepeatLastFrame, mReflector);

            msg->setInt32("generation", ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration);
Beispiel #3
void GraphicBufferSource::codecBufferEmptied(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header, int fenceFd) {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);
    if (!mExecuting) {

    int cbi = findMatchingCodecBuffer_l(header);
    if (cbi < 0) {
        // This should never happen.
        ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer not recognized (h=%p)", header);
        if (fenceFd >= 0) {

    ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied h=%p size=%" PRIu32 " filled=%" PRIu32 " p=%p",
            header, header->nAllocLen, header->nFilledLen,
    CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi));

    // header->nFilledLen may not be the original value, so we can't compare
    // that to zero to see of this was the EOS buffer.  Instead we just
    // see if the GraphicBuffer reference was null, which should only ever
    // happen for EOS.
    if (codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer == NULL) {
        if (!(mEndOfStream && mEndOfStreamSent)) {
            // This can happen when broken code sends us the same buffer
            // twice in a row.
            ALOGE("ERROR: codecBufferEmptied on non-EOS null buffer "
                    "(buffer emptied twice?)");
        // No GraphicBuffer to deal with, no additional input or output is
        // expected, so just return.
        if (fenceFd >= 0) {

    if (EXTRA_CHECK && header->nAllocLen >= sizeof(MetadataBufferType)) {
        // Pull the graphic buffer handle back out of the buffer, and confirm
        // that it matches expectations.
        OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer;
        MetadataBufferType type = *(MetadataBufferType *)data;
        if (type == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource
                && header->nAllocLen >= sizeof(VideoGrallocMetadata)) {
            VideoGrallocMetadata &grallocMeta = *(VideoGrallocMetadata *)data;
            if (grallocMeta.pHandle != codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {
                // should never happen
                ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer's handle is %p, expected %p",
                        grallocMeta.pHandle, codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle);
                CHECK(!"codecBufferEmptied: mismatched buffer");
        } else if (type == kMetadataBufferTypeANWBuffer
                && header->nAllocLen >= sizeof(VideoNativeMetadata)) {
            VideoNativeMetadata &nativeMeta = *(VideoNativeMetadata *)data;
            if (nativeMeta.pBuffer != codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->getNativeBuffer()) {
                // should never happen
                ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer is %p, expected %p",
                        nativeMeta.pBuffer, codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->getNativeBuffer());
                CHECK(!"codecBufferEmptied: mismatched buffer");

    // Find matching entry in our cached copy of the BufferQueue slots.
    // If we find a match, release that slot.  If we don't, the BufferQueue
    // has dropped that GraphicBuffer, and there's nothing for us to release.
    int id = codecBuffer.mBuf;
    sp<Fence> fence = new Fence(fenceFd);
    if (mBufferSlot[id] != NULL &&
        mBufferSlot[id]->handle == codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {
        ALOGV("cbi %d matches bq slot %d, handle=%p",
                cbi, id, mBufferSlot[id]->handle);

        if (id == mLatestBufferId) {
            CHECK_GT(mLatestBufferUseCount--, 0);
        } else {
            releaseBuffer(id, codecBuffer.mFrameNumber, mBufferSlot[id], fence);
    } else {
        ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied: no match for emptied buffer in cbi %d",
        // we will not reuse codec buffer, so there is no need to wait for fence

    // Mark the codec buffer as available by clearing the GraphicBuffer ref.
    codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = NULL;

    if (mNumFramesAvailable) {
        // Fill this codec buffer.
        ALOGV("buffer freed, %zu frames avail (eos=%d)",
                mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream);
    } else if (mEndOfStream) {
        // No frames available, but EOS is pending, so use this buffer to
        // send that.
        ALOGV("buffer freed, EOS pending");
    } else if (mRepeatBufferDeferred) {
        bool success = repeatLatestBuffer_l();
        if (success) {
            ALOGV("deferred repeatLatestBuffer_l SUCCESS");
        } else {
            ALOGV("deferred repeatLatestBuffer_l FAILURE");
        mRepeatBufferDeferred = false;

void GraphicBufferSource::codecBufferEmptied(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);

    if (!mExecuting) {

    int cbi = findMatchingCodecBuffer_l(header);
    if (cbi < 0) {
        // This should never happen.
        ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer not recognized (h=%p)", header);

    CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi));

    // header->nFilledLen may not be the original value, so we can't compare
    // that to zero to see of this was the EOS buffer.  Instead we just
    // see if the GraphicBuffer reference was null, which should only ever
    // happen for EOS.
    if (codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer == NULL) {
        if (!(mEndOfStream && mEndOfStreamSent)) {
            // This can happen when broken code sends us the same buffer
            // twice in a row.
            ALOGE("ERROR: codecBufferEmptied on non-EOS null buffer "
                    "(buffer emptied twice?)");
        // No GraphicBuffer to deal with, no additional input or output is
        // expected, so just return.

    if (EXTRA_CHECK) {
        // Pull the graphic buffer handle back out of the buffer, and confirm
        // that it matches expectations.
        OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer;
        buffer_handle_t bufferHandle;
        memcpy(&bufferHandle, data + 4, sizeof(buffer_handle_t));
        if (bufferHandle != codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {
            // should never happen
            ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer's handle is %p, expected %p",
                    bufferHandle, codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle);
            CHECK(!"codecBufferEmptied: mismatched buffer");

    // Find matching entry in our cached copy of the BufferQueue slots.
    // If we find a match, release that slot.  If we don't, the BufferQueue
    // has dropped that GraphicBuffer, and there's nothing for us to release.
    int id = codecBuffer.mBuf;
    if (mBufferSlot[id] != NULL &&
        mBufferSlot[id]->handle == codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {

        if (id == mLatestSubmittedBufferId) {
            CHECK_GT(mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount--, 0);
        } else {
            mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(id, codecBuffer.mFrameNumber,
                    EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, Fence::NO_FENCE);

    // Mark the codec buffer as available by clearing the GraphicBuffer ref.
    codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = NULL;

    if (mNumFramesAvailable) {
        // Fill this codec buffer.
    } else if (mEndOfStream) {
        // No frames available, but EOS is pending, so use this buffer to
        // send that.
    } else if (mRepeatBufferDeferred) {
        bool success = repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l();
        mRepeatBufferDeferred = false;

void GraphicBufferSource::codecBufferEmptied(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);

    CHECK(mExecuting);  // could this happen if app stop()s early?

    int cbi = findMatchingCodecBuffer_l(header);
    if (cbi < 0) {
        // This should never happen.
        ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer not recognized (h=%p)", header);

    ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied h=%p size=%lu filled=%lu p=%p",
            header, header->nAllocLen, header->nFilledLen,
    CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi));

    // header->nFilledLen may not be the original value, so we can't compare
    // that to zero to see of this was the EOS buffer.  Instead we just
    // see if the GraphicBuffer reference was null, which should only ever
    // happen for EOS.
    if (codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer == NULL) {
        CHECK(mEndOfStream && mEndOfStreamSent);
        // No GraphicBuffer to deal with, no additional input or output is
        // expected, so just return.

    if (EXTRA_CHECK) {
        // Pull the graphic buffer handle back out of the buffer, and confirm
        // that it matches expectations.
        OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer;
        buffer_handle_t bufferHandle;
        memcpy(&bufferHandle, data + 4, sizeof(buffer_handle_t));
        if (bufferHandle != codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {
            // should never happen
            ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer's handle is %p, expected %p",
                    bufferHandle, codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle);
            CHECK(!"codecBufferEmptied: mismatched buffer");

    // Find matching entry in our cached copy of the BufferQueue slots.
    // If we find a match, release that slot.  If we don't, the BufferQueue
    // has dropped that GraphicBuffer, and there's nothing for us to release.
    // (We could store "id" in CodecBuffer and avoid the slot search.)
    int id;
    for (id = 0; id < BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; id++) {
        if (mBufferSlot[id] == NULL) {

        if (mBufferSlot[id]->handle == codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) {
            ALOGV("cbi %d matches bq slot %d, handle=%p",
                    cbi, id, mBufferSlot[id]->handle);

            mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(id, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR,
    if (id == BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS) {
        ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied: no match for emptied buffer in cbi %d",

    // Mark the codec buffer as available by clearing the GraphicBuffer ref.
    codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = NULL;

    if (mNumFramesAvailable) {
        // Fill this codec buffer.
        ALOGV("buffer freed, %d frames avail (eos=%d)",
                mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream);
    } else if (mEndOfStream) {
        // No frames available, but EOS is pending, so use this buffer to
        // send that.
        ALOGV("buffer freed, EOS pending");