int Trick::VariableServerThread::send_list_size() {
    char buf1[12] ;
    unsigned int msg_type ;
    int var_count;

    // send number of variables
    var_count = vars.size();
    if (binary_data) {
        // send in the binary message header format:
        // <message_indicator><message_size><number_of_variables>
        msg_type = VS_LIST_SIZE;
        memcpy(buf1, &msg_type , sizeof(msg_type)) ;

        memset(&(buf1[4]), 0, sizeof(int)); // message size = 0
        memcpy(&(buf1[8]), &var_count, sizeof(var_count));

        if (debug >= 2) {
            message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending %d event variables\n", &connection, connection.client_tag, var_count);
        tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, 12);
    } else {
        // ascii
        sprintf(buf1, "%d\t%d\n", VS_LIST_SIZE, var_count);
        if (debug >= 2) {
            message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending number of event variables:", &connection, connection.client_tag) ;
            message_publish(MSG_NORMAL, "%s\n", buf1);
        tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, strlen(buf1));

    return 0 ;
Beispiel #2
/** @par Detailed Design: */
int Trick::MonteCarlo::shutdown() {
    /** <ul><li> If this is a slave, run the shutdown jobs. */
    if (enabled && is_slave()) {
        connection_device.port = master_port;
        if (tc_connect(&connection_device) == TC_SUCCESS) {
            int exit_status = MonteRun::COMPLETE;
            if (verbosity >= ALL) {
                message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Monte [%s:%d] Sending run exit status to master: %d\n",
                                machine_name.c_str(), slave_id, exit_status) ;
            int id = htonl(slave_id);
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)&id, (int)sizeof(id));
            exit_status = htonl(exit_status);
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)&exit_status, (int)sizeof(exit_status));
            run_queue(&slave_post_queue, "in slave_post queue");
        } else {
            if (verbosity >= ERROR)
                  "Monte [%s:%d] Failed to connect to master.\n",
                  machine_name.c_str(), slave_id);
    return 0;
int Trick::VariableServerThread::var_exists(std::string in_name) {

    char buf1[5] ;
    bool error = false ;

    unsigned int msg_type ;
    REF2* var_ref = ref_attributes(const_cast<char*>(in_name.c_str()));

    if ( var_ref == (REF2*)NULL ) {
        error = true;

    if (binary_data) {
        /* send binary 1 or 0 */
        msg_type = VS_VAR_EXISTS ;
        memcpy(buf1, &msg_type , sizeof(msg_type)) ;

        buf1[4] = (error==false);

        if (debug >= 2) {
            message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending 1 binary byte\n", &connection, connection.client_tag);
        tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, 5);
    } else {
        /* send ascii "1" or "0" */
        sprintf(buf1, "%d\t%d\n", VS_VAR_EXISTS, (error==false));
        if (debug >= 2) {
            message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending:", &connection, connection.client_tag) ;
            message_publish(MSG_NORMAL, "%s\n", buf1);
        tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, strlen(buf1));

    return(0) ;
Beispiel #4
int cannon_send_position(
      CANNON* C )
        tc_write( &C->connection, (char *) &C->pos[0], sizeof(double)) ;
        tc_write( &C->connection, (char *) &C->pos[1], sizeof(double)) ;

        return 0 ;
int Trick::VariableServerThread::transmit_file(std::string sie_file) {
    const unsigned int packet_size = 4095 ;
    FILE * fp ;
    unsigned int file_size ;
    unsigned int current_size = 0 ;
    unsigned int bytes_read ;
    char buffer[packet_size] ;
    int ret ;

    if (debug >= 2) {
        message_publish(MSG_DEBUG,"%p tag=<%s> var_server opening %s.\n", &connection, connection.client_tag, sie_file.c_str()) ;

    if ((fp = fopen(sie_file.c_str() , "r")) == NULL ) {
        message_publish(MSG_ERROR,"Variable Server Error: Cannot open %s.\n", sie_file.c_str()) ;
        sprintf(buffer, "%d\t-1\n", VS_SIE_RESOURCE) ;
        tc_write(&connection , buffer , strlen(buffer)) ;
        return(-1) ;

    fseek(fp , 0L, SEEK_END) ;
    file_size = ftell(fp) ;

    sprintf(buffer, "%d\t%d\n" , VS_SIE_RESOURCE, file_size) ;
    tc_write(&connection , buffer , strlen(buffer)) ;
    rewind(fp) ;

    // Switch to blocking writes since this could be a large transfer.
    if (tc_blockio(&connection, TC_COMM_BLOCKIO)) {
        message_publish(MSG_DEBUG,"Variable Server Error: Failed to set TCDevice to TC_COMM_BLOCKIO.\n");

    while ( current_size < file_size ) {
        bytes_read = fread(buffer , 1 , packet_size , fp) ;
        ret = tc_write(&connection , buffer , bytes_read ) ;
        if (ret != (int)bytes_read) {
            message_publish(MSG_ERROR,"Variable Server Error: Failed to send SIE file.\n", sie_file.c_str()) ;
        current_size += bytes_read ;

    // Switch back to non-blocking writes.
    if (tc_blockio(&connection, TC_COMM_NOBLOCKIO)) {
        message_publish(MSG_ERROR,"Variable Server Error: Failed to set TCDevice to TC_COMM_NOBLOCKIO.\n");

    return(0) ;
void Trick::MonteCarlo::dispatch_run_to_slave(MonteRun *in_run, MonteSlave *in_slave) {
    if (in_slave && in_run) {
        current_run = in_run->id;
        if (prepare_run(in_run) == -1) {
        in_slave->state = MonteSlave::RUNNING;
        connection_device.hostname = (char*)in_slave->machine_name.c_str();
        connection_device.port = in_slave->port;
        if (tc_connect(&connection_device) == TC_SUCCESS) {
            std::stringstream buffer_stream;
            buffer_stream << run_directory << "/RUN_" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << in_run->id;
            std::string buffer = "";
            for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type j = 0; j < in_run->variables.size(); ++j) {
                buffer += in_run->variables[j] + "\n";
            buffer += std::string("trick.set_output_dir(\"") + buffer_stream.str() + std::string("\");\n");
            buffer_stream << in_run->id ;
            buffer += std::string("trick.mc_set_current_run(") + buffer_stream.str() + std::string(");\n");

            if (verbosity >= INFORMATIONAL) {
                message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Monte [Master] Dispatching run %d to %s:%d.\n",
		     in_run->id, in_slave->machine_name.c_str(), in_slave->id) ;
            int command = htonl(MonteSlave::PROCESS_RUN);
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char *)&command, (int)sizeof(command));
            int num_bytes = htonl(buffer.length());
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)&num_bytes, (int)sizeof(num_bytes));
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)buffer.c_str(), (int)buffer.length());

            in_slave->current_run = in_run;

            struct timeval time_val;
            gettimeofday(&time_val, NULL);
            in_run->start_time = time_val.tv_sec + (double)time_val.tv_usec / 1000000;
        } else {
            in_slave->state = Trick::MonteSlave::DISCONNECTED;
            if (verbosity >= ERROR) {
                message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Monte [Master] Lost connection to %s:%d while dispatching run.\n",
                                in_slave->machine_name.c_str(), in_slave->id) ;
Beispiel #7
void Trick::MessageTCDevice::update( unsigned int level , std::string header , std::string message ) {

    std::vector < TCDevice *>::iterator it ;
    int nbytes ;
    int length ;
    std::string color_code ;

    /** @par Design Details: */

    switch (level) {
        case MSG_NORMAL :
            color_code = "\033[00m" ; // normal
            break ;
        case MSG_INFO :
            color_code = "\033[32m" ; // green
            break ;
        case MSG_WARNING :
            color_code = "\033[33m" ; // yellow
            break ;
        case MSG_ERROR :
            color_code = "\033[31m" ; // red
            break ;
        case MSG_DEBUG :
            color_code = "\033[36m" ; // cyan
            break ;
        default :
            color_code = "\033[00m" ; // normal
            break ;

    /** @li If this subscriber is not enabled, do nothing. Otherwise, it gets the update. */
    if ( enabled && level < 100 ) {

    	 /** @li The message is composed as message header + message text */
        if ( color ) {
            snprintf( combined_message , 20480 , "%s%s%s\033[00m" , header.c_str() , color_code.c_str() , message.c_str()) ;
        } else {
            snprintf( combined_message , 20480 , "%s%s" , header.c_str() , message.c_str()) ;
        length = (int)strlen(combined_message) ;

        /** @li The message is broadcast to all socket connection this subscriber has. */
        it = connections.begin() ;
        while ( it != connections.end() ) {
            nbytes = tc_write( *it, combined_message, length) ;

            /** @li All those connections that can not receive the message get disconnected.  */
            if ( nbytes != length ) {
                tc_disconnect(*it) ;
                it = connections.erase(it) ;
            } else {
                it++ ;

    return ;
Beispiel #8
int cannon_post_slave(
                            /* RETURN: -- Always return zero */
  CANNON_AERO* C)           /* INOUT:  -- Parameter */

        EXECUTIVE* E ;
        E = exec_get_exec();

        /* Send slave results */
        tc_write( &E->, (char*) C, sizeof(CANNON_AERO) );

        return(0) ; 
Beispiel #9
target_slave_post(                 /* RETURN: -- 0 - OK, 1 - Error.     */
   TCDevice            * tc_dev,   /* INOUT: -- Iteration comm device.  */
   TargetBodyInit      * init,     /* INOUT: -- Target init state data. */
   TargetBodyState     * state,    /* INOUT: -- Target body state data. */
   TargetBodyData      * target,   /* INOUT: -- Targetting data.        */
   TargetBodyIteration * iterate ) /* INOUT: -- Iteration control data. */
   int dv_ret;

   /* Copy the initial state. */
   V_COPY( iterate->v_init, init->velocity );

   /* Call the delta-V computation. */
   dv_ret = target_delta_v( state, target, iterate );

   /* Send F(x) - which is in TargetBodyIteration. */ 
   tc_write( mc_get_connection_device(), (char*)iterate, sizeof(TargetBodyIteration) );

   /* Return to calling function. */
   return( dv_ret );
Beispiel #10
int SatGraphicsComm::send_packet(Satellite* sat) {

    double packet[15];
//    double packet[24];

    packet[0] = sat->pos[0];
    packet[1] = sat->pos[1];
    packet[2] = sat->pos[2];

    packet[3] = sat->vel[0];
    packet[4] = sat->vel[1];
    packet[5] = sat->vel[2];

    packet[6]  = sat->R[0][0];
    packet[7]  = sat->R[0][1];
    packet[8]  = sat->R[0][2];
    packet[9]  = sat->R[1][0];
    packet[10] = sat->R[1][1];
    packet[11] = sat->R[1][2];
    packet[12] = sat->R[2][0];
    packet[13] = sat->R[2][1];
    packet[14] = sat->R[2][2];

//    packet[15] = sat->Rplat[0][0];
//    packet[16] = sat->Rplat[0][1];
//    packet[17] = sat->Rplat[0][2];
//    packet[18] = sat->Rplat[1][0];
//    packet[19] = sat->Rplat[1][1];
//    packet[20] = sat->Rplat[1][2];
//    packet[21] = sat->Rplat[2][0];
//    packet[22] = sat->Rplat[2][1];
//    packet[23] = sat->Rplat[2][2];

    tc_write(&connection, (char*)&packet, sizeof(packet));

    return 0;
int Trick::VariableServerThread::write_binary_data( int Start, char *buf1, int PacketNum ) {
    int i;
    int ret ;
    int HeaderSize, MessageSize;
    int NumVariablesProcessed;
    unsigned int msg_type , offset, len ;
    unsigned int size ;
    unsigned int swap_int ;
    char * address = 0 ;
    char* param_name;

    //remove warning for unused PacketNum... to be deleted.
    (void)PacketNum ;

    /* start the offset 4 bytes into the message, we'll subtract the sizeof offset at the end */
    offset = sizeof(msg_type) + sizeof(offset) ;

    /* if we are here the msg_type is good, so send a 0, swapped or not 0 is still 0 */
    msg_type = VS_VAR_LIST ;
    memcpy(buf1, &msg_type , sizeof(msg_type)) ;
    HeaderSize = sizeof(msg_type);

    offset += sizeof(unsigned int) ;
    HeaderSize += sizeof(unsigned int);

    for (i = Start; i < (int)vars.size() ; i++) {

        // data to send was copied to buffer in copy_sim_data
        address = (char *)vars[i]->buffer_out;
        size = vars[i]->size ;

        param_name = vars[i]->ref->reference;
        len = strlen(param_name)  ;
        // when var_binary_nonames, do not put the variable names into the message to be sent
        if (binary_data_nonames) {
            MessageSize = sizeof(int) + sizeof(size) + size ;
        } else {
            MessageSize = sizeof(len) + len + sizeof(int) + sizeof(size) + size ;

        /* make sure this message will fit in a packet by itself */
        if ( (HeaderSize + MessageSize) > MAX_MSG_LEN ) {
            message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "%p Variable Server buffer[%d] too small (need %d) for symbol %s, SKIPPING IT.\n",
                            &connection, MAX_MSG_LEN,
                            (int)(HeaderSize + MessageSize),
                            vars[i]->ref->reference );

        if ( (offset + MessageSize) < MAX_MSG_LEN ) {
            if (byteswap) {
                if (!binary_data_nonames) {
                    swap_int = trick_byteswap_int((int)len) ;
                    memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &swap_int , sizeof(len)) ;
                    offset += sizeof(len) ;

                    memcpy(&buf1[offset] , param_name , (size_t)len) ;
                    offset += len ;

                swap_int = trick_byteswap_int(vars[i]->ref->attr->type) ;
                memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &swap_int , sizeof(int)) ;
                offset += sizeof(int) ;

                swap_int = trick_byteswap_int((int)size) ;
                memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &swap_int , sizeof(size)) ;
                offset += sizeof(size) ;

                /* TODO: There is a bug here, this call will want to swap the entire buffer, we may not have the whole buffer */
                trick_bswap_buffer(&buf1[offset], address, vars[i]->ref->attr, 1);
                offset += size ;
            else {
                int temp_i ;
                unsigned int temp_ui ;

                if (!binary_data_nonames) {
                    memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &len , sizeof(len)) ;
                    offset += sizeof(len) ;

                    memcpy(&buf1[offset] , param_name , (size_t)len) ;
                    offset += len ;

                memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &vars[i]->ref->attr->type , sizeof(int)) ;
                offset += sizeof(int) ;

                memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &size , sizeof(size)) ;
                offset += sizeof(size) ;

                switch ( vars[i]->ref->attr->type ) {
                    case TRICK_BITFIELD:
                        temp_i = GET_BITFIELD(address , vars[i]->ref->attr->size ,
                          vars[i]->ref->attr->index[0].start, vars[i]->ref->attr->index[0].size) ;
                        memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &temp_i , (size_t)size) ;
                    break ;
                    case TRICK_UNSIGNED_BITFIELD:
                        temp_ui = GET_UNSIGNED_BITFIELD(address , vars[i]->ref->attr->size ,
                                vars[i]->ref->attr->index[0].start, vars[i]->ref->attr->index[0].size) ;
                        memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &temp_ui , (size_t)size) ;
                    break ;
                    case TRICK_NUMBER_OF_TYPES:
                        // TRICK_NUMBER_OF_TYPES is an error case
                        temp_i = 0 ;
                        memcpy(&buf1[offset] , &temp_i , (size_t)size) ;
                    break ; 
                        memcpy(&buf1[offset] , address , (size_t)size) ;
                    break ;
                offset += size ;
        else {
            /* indicate that we're over the maximum size */
            if (debug >= 2) {
                message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server buffer[%d] too small (need %d), sending multiple binary packets.\n",
                        &connection, connection.client_tag, MAX_MSG_LEN,
                        (int)(offset + MessageSize) );
            break ;

    /* adjust the header with the correct information reflecting what has been accomplished */
    NumVariablesProcessed = i - Start;

    offset -= sizeof(offset) ;
    if (byteswap) {
        swap_int = trick_byteswap_int((int)offset) ;
        memcpy(buf1 + sizeof(msg_type) , &swap_int , sizeof(offset)) ;

        swap_int = trick_byteswap_int( NumVariablesProcessed ) ;
        memcpy( buf1 + sizeof(msg_type) + sizeof(offset), &swap_int , sizeof(swap_int)) ;
    else {
        memcpy(buf1 + sizeof(msg_type) , &offset , sizeof(offset)) ;
        memcpy( buf1 + sizeof(msg_type) + sizeof(offset), &NumVariablesProcessed , sizeof( NumVariablesProcessed )) ;

    if (debug >= 2) {
        message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending %u binary bytes containing %d variables.\n", &connection,
                connection.client_tag, (unsigned int)(offset + sizeof(offset)), NumVariablesProcessed);

    len = offset + sizeof(msg_type) ;
    ret = tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, len);
    if ( ret != (int)len ) {
        return(-1) ;

    /* return the index to the next symbol to send or V->num_vars if all done */
    return i;
int Trick::VariableServerThread::write_data() {

    int ret;
    unsigned int i ;
    char buf1[ MAX_MSG_LEN ];
    int len ;

    // do not send anything when there are no variables!
    if ( vars.size() == 0 or packets_copied == 0 ) {

    /* Acquire sole access to vars[ii]->buffer_in. */
    if ( var_data_staged and pthread_mutex_trylock(&copy_mutex) == 0 ) {
        unsigned int ii;
        void * temp_p;
        // Swap buffer_in and buffer_out for each vars[ii].
        for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vars.size() ; ii++ ) {
                          temp_p = vars[ii]->buffer_in;
            vars[ii]->buffer_in  = vars[ii]->buffer_out;
            vars[ii]->buffer_out = temp_p;
        var_data_staged = false;

        /* Relinquish sole access to vars[ii]->buffer_in. */
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&copy_mutex) ;

        if (binary_data) {
            int Index = 0;
            int PacketNumber = 0;

            do {
                ret = write_binary_data( Index, buf1, PacketNumber );
                if ( ret >= 0 ) {
                    Index = ret ;
                } else {
                    return(-1) ;
            } while( Index < (int)vars.size() );

        } else { /* ascii mode */
            char val[MAX_MSG_LEN];

            sprintf(buf1, "0\t") ;

            for (i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) {

                ret = vs_format_ascii( vars[i] , val);

                if (ret < 0) {
                    message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "%p Variable Server string buffer[%d] too small for symbol %s, TRUNCATED IT.\n",
                                    &connection, MAX_MSG_LEN, vars[i]->ref->reference );

                /* make sure this message will fit in a packet by itself */
                if( strlen( val ) + 2 > MAX_MSG_LEN ) {
                    message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "%p Variable Server buffer[%d] too small for symbol %s, TRUNCATED IT.\n",
                                    &connection, MAX_MSG_LEN, vars[i]->ref->reference );
                    val[MAX_MSG_LEN - 1] = '\0';

                len = strlen(buf1) ;

                /* make sure there is space for the next tab or next newline and null */
                if( len + strlen( val ) + 2 > MAX_MSG_LEN ) {

                    if (debug >= 2) {
                        message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending %d ascii bytes:",
                                        &connection, connection.client_tag, (int)strlen(buf1)) ;
                        message_publish(MSG_NORMAL, "%s\n", buf1);

                    ret = tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, len);
                    if ( ret != len ) {
                        return(-1) ;
                    buf1[0] = '\0';

                strcat(buf1, val);
                strcat(buf1, "\t");

            len = strlen(buf1) ;

            if ( len > 0 ) {
                buf1[ strlen(buf1) - 1 ] = '\n';

                if (debug >= 2) {
                    message_publish(MSG_DEBUG, "%p tag=<%s> var_server sending %d ascii bytes:",
                                    &connection, connection.client_tag, (int)strlen(buf1)) ;
                    message_publish(MSG_NORMAL, "%s\n", buf1);
                ret = tc_write(&connection, (char *) buf1, (int)strlen(buf1));
                if ( ret != (int)strlen(buf1) ) {
                    return(-1) ;

    return (0);
-# scan the incoming message for the command and requested path
-# start the return message with a "{"
-# if both a command and request is present
 -# if the command is "GET"
  -# if the path is "/" call get_top_page
  -# else if the path starts with "/vars" call get_vars
  -# else if the path starts with "/commands" call get_commands
  -# else create an error message reply
 -# else if the command is "POST" do something at some point.
 -# else create an error message reply
-# else create an error message reply
-# close the return message with a "}"
-# create the http header for the reply message
-# call tc_write to send the reply message
void Trick::JSONVariableServerThread::parse_request() {
    // Need to protect against buffer overflow
    char command[32] ;
    char path[512] ;
    std::stringstream ss ;
    std::stringstream body ;
    int ret ;

    ret = sscanf(incoming_msg, "%s %s", command , path) ;

    body << "{" << std::endl ;
    if ( ret == 2 ) {
        //std::cout << "command = " << command << std::endl ;
        //std::cout << "path = " << path << std::endl ;

        if ( ! strcmp(command, "GET") ) {
            if ( ! strcmp(path, "/") ) {
                // send the top page
                ret = get_top_page(body) ;
            } else if ( ! strncmp(path, "/vars", 5)) {
                // get list of variables or value
                ret = get_vars(body, &path[5]) ;
            } else if ( ! strncmp(path, "/commands", 9)) {
                // get list of commands
                ret = get_commands(body, &path[9]) ;
            } else {
                ret = 404 ;
                body << "    \"name\" : \"" << path << "\" ," << std::endl ;
                body << "    \"message\" : \"Not Found\"" << std::endl ;
        } else if ( ! strcmp( command, "POST") ) {
            //TODO: Allow setting variable values with POST.
            ret = 405 ;
            body << "    \"verb\" : \"" << command << "\" ," << std::endl ;
            body << "    \"message\" : \"Method not allowed\"" << std::endl ;
        } else {
            ret = 405 ;
            body << "    \"verb\" : \"" << command << "\" ," << std::endl ;
            body << "    \"message\" : \"Method not allowed\"" << std::endl ;

    } else {
        ret = 400 ;
        body << "    \"message\" : \"Bad Request\"" << std::endl ;
    body << "}" << std::endl ;

    ss << "HTTP/1.1 " << ret ;
    switch (ret) {
        case 200:
            ss << " OK" ;
            break ;
        case 400:
            ss << " Bad Request" ;
            break ;
        case 404:
            ss << " Not Found" ;
            break ;
        case 405:
            ss << " Method Not Allowed" ;
            break ;
            ss << " Unknown" ;
            break ;
    ss << std::endl ;
    ss << "Content-Type: application/json" << std::endl ;
    ss << "Content-Length: " << body.str().size() << std::endl << std::endl ;
    ss << body.str() ;
    //std::cout << ss.str() ;
    tc_write(&connection, (char *)ss.str().c_str() , ss.str().size()) ;
Beispiel #14
int Trick::MonteCarlo::write(char* data, int size) {
    return tc_write(&connection_device, data, size);
Beispiel #15
int main( int narg, char** args ) {

  TCDevice listen_device ;
  TCDevice connection ;

  int verbose ;
  int nbytes ;
  int num_packets ;
  char *msg ;
  int msg_len ;
  int i ;

#if __WIN32__
   FILETIME start, stop;
   LARGE_INTEGER temp_start, temp_stop, total ;
     struct timeval tp ;
     double time1, time2;
  double sum_time ;

#if __WIN32__

  /* Parse args */
  verbose = 0 ;
  if ( narg < 3 || narg > 4 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: tc_server <num_packets> <packet_size> [-v]\n");
  if ( narg == 4 ) {
    verbose = 1 ;
  num_packets = atoi(args[1]) ;
  msg_len     = atoi(args[2]) ;
  if ( msg_len < 1 || num_packets < 1 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: tc_server <num_packets> <packet_size> [-v]\n");

  /* Create message */
  msg = (char*) malloc ( msg_len * sizeof(char)) ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < msg_len ; i++ ) {
     msg[i] = '#' ;

  /* Zero out devices */
  memset(&listen_device, '\0', sizeof(TCDevice));
  memset(&connection,    '\0', sizeof(TCDevice));

  /* Get an error handler */
  if ( verbose ) {
    tc_error(&connection, 1) ;
    tc_error(&listen_device, 1) ;

  /* Accept connection */
  listen_device.port = 7000 ;
  tc_init(&listen_device) ;
  tc_accept(&listen_device, &connection);

  sum_time = 0 ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < num_packets ; i++ ) {

     /* Get initial time */
#if __WIN32__
     gettimeofday( &tp , (struct timezone *)NULL ) ;
     time1 = (double)(tp.tv_sec) + ( (double)(tp.tv_usec) / 1000000.0 ) ;
     nbytes = tc_read(&connection, msg, msg_len) ;
     nbytes = tc_write(&connection, msg, msg_len) ;

     /* Get final time */
#if __WIN32__
	 temp_start.LowPart = start.dwLowDateTime ;
	 temp_start.HighPart = start.dwHighDateTime ;
	 temp_stop.LowPart = stop.dwLowDateTime ;
	 temp_stop.HighPart = stop.dwHighDateTime ;
	 total.QuadPart = total.QuadPart + temp_stop.QuadPart - temp_start.QuadPart ;
     gettimeofday( &tp , (struct timezone *)NULL ) ;
     time2 = (double)(tp.tv_sec) + ((double)(tp.tv_usec) / 1000000.0 ) ;
     time2 = (double)(tp.tv_sec) + ((double)(tp.tv_usec) / 1000000.0 ) ;

     sum_time = sum_time + ( time2 - time1 ) ;

#if __WIN32__
  sum_time = (double)(total.QuadPart * 0.0000001 ) ;

  fprintf(stderr, "Avg packet round trip : %lf \n",
                  sum_time/(double)num_packets );

  return 0 ;