Beispiel #1
void init_positions(void)
    int             i;

    X = GRID_RANGE / 2.;
    Y = GRID_RANGE / 2.;
    Z = 1.5;

     * randomly position the planes near center of world
     * take MAX of height above terrain and 0, so planes
     * don't fall into canyon.  Canyon has negative elevation

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLANES; i++) {
        flock[i].PX = (float) IRND(20) + GRID_RANGE / 2 - 10;
        flock[i].PY = (float) IRND(20) + GRID_RANGE / 2 - 10;
        flock[i].PZ = MAX(terrain_height(flock[i].PX, flock[i].PY),0.) +
        flock[i].Pazimuth = ((float)IRND(256) / 128.) * M_PI;
	Speed = 0.1f;
	Azimuth = M_PI / 2.;

#if 0
//	if (Init_pos) {
//		X = Init_x;
//		Y = Init_y;
//		Z = Init_z;
//		Azimuth = Init_azimuth;
//		Keyboard_mode = 1;
//    }
Beispiel #2
static void toggle_freecam(ui_button* b, SDL_Event event) {
  if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
    if (ui_button_contains_position(b, vec2_new(event.motion.x, event.motion.y))) {
      b->pressed = true;
  } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
    if (b->pressed) {
      b->pressed = false;
      freecam = !freecam;
      camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
      landscape* world = entity_get("world");
      vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
      float height = terrain_height(asset_hndl_ptr(world->terrain), vec2_new(cam->position.x, cam->position.z));
      cam->position.y = height + 1;
      cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
Beispiel #3
void scotland_update() {
  camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
  light* sun = entity_get("sun");
  static_object* skydome = entity_get("skydome");
  landscape* world = entity_get("world");
  sun_orbit += frame_time() * 0.01;
  sun->position.x = 512 + sin(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.y = cos(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.z = 512;
  sun->target = vec3_new(512, 0, 512);
  if (w_held || s_held) {
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    float speed = 0.5;
    if (!freecam) speed = 0.05;
    if (w_held) {
      cam->position = vec3_add(cam->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (s_held) {
      cam->position = vec3_sub(cam->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (!freecam) {
      float height = terrain_height(asset_hndl_ptr(world->terrain), vec2_new(cam->position.x, cam->position.z));
      cam->position.y = height + 1;
    cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  Uint8 keystate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL);
  if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(1)){
    float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * 0.005;
    float a2 = (float)mouse_y * 0.005;
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    cam_dir.y += -a2;
    vec3 side_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross(cam_dir, vec3_new(0,1,0)));
    cam_dir = vec3_add(cam_dir, vec3_mul(side_dir, -a1));
    cam_dir = vec3_normalize(cam_dir);
    cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  mouse_x = 0;
  mouse_y = 0;
  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_get("framerate");
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, frame_rate_string());
Beispiel #4
mat3 terrain_axis(terrain* ter, vec2 position) {

  float offset   = terrain_height(ter, position);
  float offset_x = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(1,0)));
  float offset_y = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(0,1)));
  vec3 pos    = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset,   position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_xv = vec3_new(position.x+1, offset_x, position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_yv = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset_y, position.y+1);
  vec3 tangent = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_xv, pos));
  vec3 binorm  = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_yv, pos));
  vec3 normal  = vec3_cross(binorm, tangent);

  return mat3_new(
    tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z,
    normal.x,  normal.y,  normal.z, 
    binorm.x,  binorm.y,  binorm.z);
Beispiel #5
void fly(perfobj_t *viewer_pos)
	float       terrain_z, xpos, ypos, xcntr, ycntr;
	float       delta_speed = .003;

/*	if (++_frame == 1000) {
		_frame = 0;

    xcntr = Wxsize / 2;
    ycntr = Wysize / 2;

    if (Xgetbutton(RKEY))

    if (Xgetbutton(SPACEKEY)) {
        Keyboard_mode = !Keyboard_mode;

	if (Keyboard_mode) {

         * step-at-a-time debugging mode

        if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(LEFTARROWKEY)) {
			Azimuth -= 0.025;
		if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(RIGHTARROWKEY)) {
			Azimuth += 0.025;
		if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(UPARROWKEY)) {
			X += cosf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * 0.025;
			Y += sinf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * 0.025;
		if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(DOWNARROWKEY)) {
			X -= cosf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * 0.025;
			Y -= sinf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * 0.025;
		if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(PAGEUPKEY)) {
			Z += 0.025;
        if (Keyboard_mode && Xgetbutton(PAGEDOWNKEY)) {
            Z -= 0.025;

    } else {

         * simple, mouse-driven flight model

        if (Xgetbutton(LEFTMOUSE) && Speed < .3)
            Speed += delta_speed;
        if (Xgetbutton(RIGHTMOUSE) && Speed > -.3)
            Speed -= delta_speed;
        if (Xgetbutton(MIDDLEMOUSE))
            Speed = Speed*.8;

        xpos = (Xgetvaluator(MOUSEX)-xcntr) / ((float)Wxsize*14.);
        ypos = (Xgetvaluator(MOUSEY)-ycntr) / ((float)Wysize*.5);

         * move in direction of view

        Azimuth += xpos;
        X += cosf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * Speed;
        Y += sinf(-Azimuth + M_PI / 2.) * Speed;
        Z -= ypos * Speed;

     * keep from getting too close to terrain

    terrain_z = terrain_height(X, Y);
    if (Z < terrain_z +.4)
        Z = terrain_z +.4;

    X = MAX(X, 1.);
    Y = MAX(Y, 1.);
    Z = MIN(Z, 20.);

    *((float *) viewer_pos->vdata + 0) = X;
    *((float *) viewer_pos->vdata + 1) = Y;
    *((float *) viewer_pos->vdata + 2) = Z;
    *((float *) viewer_pos->vdata + 3) = Azimuth;
Beispiel #6
void fly_paper_planes(perfobj_t *paper_plane_pos)
	int                 i;
	float               speed = .08;
	float               terrain_z;

	 * slow planes down in cyclops mode since
     * frame rate is doubled 

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLANES; i++) {
         * If plane is not turning, one chance in 50 of
         * starting a turn
        if (flock[i].Pcount == 0 && IRND(50) == 1) {
            /* initiate a roll */
            /* roll for a random period */
            flock[i].Pcount = IRND(100);
            /* random turn rate */
            flock[i].Pturn_rate = IRND(100) / 10000.;
            flock[i].Pdirection = IRND(3) - 1;
        if (flock[i].Pcount > 0) {
            /* continue rolling */
            flock[i].Proll += flock[i].Pdirection * flock[i].Pturn_rate;
        } else
            /* damp amount of roll when turn complete */
            flock[i].Proll *=.95;

        /* turn as a function of roll */
        flock[i].Pazimuth -= flock[i].Proll *.05;

        /* follow terrain elevation */

        /* use a "spring-mass-damp" system of terrain follow */
        flock[i].PZv = flock[i].PZv - 
            .01 * (flock[i].PZ - (MAX(terrain_z,0.) +
                         2.*(float)i/NUM_PLANES+.3)) - flock[i].PZv *.04;

        /* U-turn if fly off world!! */
        if (flock[i].PX < 1 || flock[i].PX > GRID_RANGE - 2 || flock[i].PY < 1 || flock[i].PY > GRID_RANGE - 2)
            flock[i].Pazimuth += M_PI;

        /* move planes */
        flock[i].PX += cosf(flock[i].Pazimuth) * speed;
        flock[i].PY += sinf(flock[i].Pazimuth) * speed;
        flock[i].PZ += flock[i].PZv;


	for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLANES; i++) {
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 0) = flock[i].PX;
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 1) = flock[i].PY;
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 2) = flock[i].PZ;
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 3) = flock[i].Pazimuth * RAD_TO_DEG;
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 4) = flock[i].PZv * (-500.);
		*((float *) paper_plane_pos[i].vdata + 5) = flock[i].Proll *RAD_TO_DEG;
Beispiel #7
static void terrain_new_chunk(terrain* ter, int i) {


  terrain_chunk* tc = malloc(sizeof(terrain_chunk));
  tc->id = i;
  tc->x = i % ter->num_cols;
  tc->y = i / ter->num_cols;
  tc->width = ter->chunk_width;
  tc->height = ter->chunk_height;
  int x_max = tc->width * SUBDIVISIONS + 1;
  int y_max = tc->height * SUBDIVISIONS + 1;
  tc->num_verts = x_max * y_max + x_max * 2 + y_max * 2;
  vec3* vertex_buffer = malloc(sizeof(vec3) * 4 * tc->num_verts);
  int index = 0;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++)
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    float gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  /* Adding fins. Don't look, horrible code */
  const float FIN_DEPTH = 5.0;
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    int gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + 0;
    int gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    int gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + ter->chunk_width;
    int gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++) {
    int  gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    int  gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + 0;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++) {
    int  gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    int  gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + ter->chunk_height;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  tc-> = vec3_zero();
  for (int i = 0; i < index; i+=4) {
    tc-> = vec3_add(tc->, vertex_buffer[i]);
  tc-> = vec3_div(tc->, tc->num_verts);
  tc->bound.radius = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < index; i+=4) {
    tc->bound.radius = max(tc->bound.radius, vec3_dist(tc->, vertex_buffer[i]));
  if (net_is_client()) {
    glGenBuffers(1, &tc->vertex_buffer);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tc->vertex_buffer);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vec3) * 4 * tc->num_verts, vertex_buffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
  if (net_is_client()) {
    glGenBuffers(NUM_TERRAIN_BUFFERS, tc->index_buffers);
  for(int j = 0; j < NUM_TERRAIN_BUFFERS; j++) {
    int off = pow(2, j);
    int x_max = tc->width * SUBDIVISIONS;
    int y_max = tc->height * SUBDIVISIONS;
    tc->num_indicies[j] = (x_max / off) * (y_max / off) * 6 + (x_max / off) * 12 + (y_max / off) * 12;
    uint32_t* index_buffer = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tc->num_indicies[j]);
    index = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off)
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] =  x +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
    /* Again, adding fins. Don't look horrible code */
    int x_base = (x_max + 1) * (y_max + 1);
    int y_base = (x_max + 1) * (y_max + 1) + (x_max + 1) * 2;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x_base + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x+off; index++;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x_base + y_max+1 + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x_max+1 + x+off; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x_max+1 + x; index++;
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y+off; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y; index++;
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y+off; index++;
    if (net_is_client()) {
      glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tc->index_buffers[j]);
      glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(uint32_t) * tc->num_indicies[j], index_buffer, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
  tc->colmesh = malloc(sizeof(cmesh));
  tc->colmesh->is_leaf = true;
  tc->colmesh->triangles_num = (tc->width/4) * (tc->height/4) * 2;
  tc->colmesh->triangles = malloc(sizeof(ctri) * tc->colmesh->triangles_num);
  int tri_i = 0;
  for (int x = 0; x < tc->width;  x += 4)
  for (int y = 0; y < tc->height; y += 4) {
    float gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width  + (float)x;
    float gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y;    
    vec3 a = vec3_new(gx  , terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx  , gy  )) , gy  );
    vec3 b = vec3_new(gx+4, terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx+4, gy  )) , gy  );
    vec3 c = vec3_new(gx+4, terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx+4, gy+4)) , gy+4);
    vec3 d = vec3_new(gx  , terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx  , gy+4)) , gy+4);
    vec3 tang   = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(b, a));
    vec3 binorm = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(d, a));
    vec3 norm   = vec3_cross( binorm, tang );
    tc->colmesh->triangles[tri_i] = ctri_new(a, c, b, norm); tri_i++;
    tc->colmesh->triangles[tri_i] = ctri_new(a, d, c, norm); tri_i++;
  tc->colmesh->bound = cmesh_bound(tc->colmesh);
  /* For some reason this is not working correctly */
  cmesh_subdivide(tc->colmesh, 5);

  ter->chunks[i] = tc;
