Beispiel #1
static void log_message(const char * const message)
   FILE * fp;
   char filename[128];

   time_t now = time(NULL);
   struct tm * broken = gmtime(&now);
   sprintf(filename, "/tmp/trustdb-messages-%04d-%02d-%02d.log", broken->tm_year + 1900, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday);
   if((fp = fopen(filename, "a")))
      fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n", time_text(now, false), message);
Beispiel #2
static void process_timetable(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens)
   char timestamp[32], zs[256];
   strcpy(zs, "Timetable information: ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, 0, "timestamp", timestamp, sizeof(timestamp));
      time_t stamp = atoi(timestamp);
      strcat(zs, "Timestamp ");
      strcat(zs, time_text(stamp, true));

      _log(GENERAL, "%s.  Sequence number %s.", zs, commas_q(stats[Sequence]));
      strcat(zs, "Timestamp not found.  Processing aborted.");
      _log(CRITICAL, zs);
      run = 0;
Beispiel #3
void dump_mysql_result(MYSQL_RES * result)
   MYSQL_ROW row;
   MYSQL_FIELD * fields = mysql_fetch_fields(result);
   word num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
   word num_rows   = mysql_num_rows(result);
   word field, row_i;
   char zs[1024];

   sprintf(zs, "Result dump: %d rows of %d fields", num_rows, num_fields); _log(MINOR, zs);

   for(row_i = 0; row_i < num_rows; row_i++)
      sprintf(zs, "Row %d", row_i);
      _log(MINOR, zs);
      row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
      for(field = 0; field < num_fields; field++)
         sprintf(zs, "   %s = \"%s\"", fields[field].name, row[field]); 
         // See if we can spot a timestamp
         if(row[field][0] == '1' && strlen(row[field]) == 10)
            time_t stamp = atol(row[field]);
            // Accept    Jan 2008      to      May 2033
            //        1,200,000,000         2,000,000,000
            if(stamp > 1200000000L && stamp < 2000000000L)
               strcat(zs, "  ");
               strcat(zs, time_text(stamp, false ));
         _log(MINOR, zs);
Beispiel #4
static word fetch_file(void)
   // Returns 0=Success with relevant file open on fp_result
   // Or !0 = failure and file is closed.
   // DANGER: In failure case, fp_result is INVALID and may not be null.
   char zs[256], filepathz[256], filepath[256], url[256];
   time_t now, when;
   struct tm * broken;
   static char * weekdays[] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" };


   now = time(NULL);
      static CURL * curlh;
      struct curl_slist * slist;

      if(!(curlh = curl_easy_init())) 
         _log(CRITICAL, "fetch_file():  Failed to obtain libcurl easy handle.");
         return 1;
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, cif_write_data);

      slist = NULL;
      slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Cache-Control: no-cache");
         _log(MAJOR,"fetch_file():  Failed to create slist.");
         return 1;

      // Build URL
      when = now - 24*60*60;
      broken = localtime(&when); // Note broken contains "yesterday"
         strcpy(url, opt_url);
            sprintf(url, "");
            sprintf(url, "", weekdays[broken->tm_wday]);
      sprintf(zs, "Fetching \"%s\".", url);
      _log(GENERAL, zs);

      if(opt_url || debug)
         sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-fetch-%ld.gz", now);
         sprintf(filepath,  "/tmp/tscdb-cif-fetch-%ld",    now);
      else if(fetch_all)
         sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-all-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.gz", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]);
         sprintf(filepath,  "/tmp/tscdb-cif-all-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s",    broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]);
         sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.gz", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]);
         sprintf(filepath,  "/tmp/tscdb-cif-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s",    broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]);

      if(!(fp_result = fopen(filepathz, "w")))
         sprintf(zs, "Failed to open \"%s\" for writing.", filepathz);
         _log(MAJOR, zs);
         return 1;

      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);

      // Set timeouts
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL,              1L);
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, 128L);
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,              128L);
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,       128L);

      // Debugging prints.
      // curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,               1L);

      // URL and login
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_URL,     url);
      sprintf(zs, "%s:%s", conf[conf_nr_user], conf[conf_nr_password]);
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_USERPWD, zs);
      curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,        1L);  // On receiving a 3xx response, follow the redirect.
      total_bytes = 0;

      CURLcode result;
      if((result = curl_easy_perform(curlh)))
         _log(MAJOR, "fetch_file(): curl_easy_perform() returned error %d: %s.", result, curl_easy_strerror(result));
         if(opt_insecure && (result == 51 || result == 60))
            _log(MAJOR, "Retrying download in insecure mode.");
            // SSH failure, retry without
            curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
            curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);
            used_insecure = true;
            if((result = curl_easy_perform(curlh)))
               _log(MAJOR, "fetch_file(): In insecure mode curl_easy_perform() returned error %d: %s.", result, curl_easy_strerror(result));
               if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result);
               fp_result = NULL;
               return 1;
            if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result);
            fp_result = NULL;
            return 1;
      char * actual_url;
      if(!curl_easy_getinfo(curlh, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &actual_url) && actual_url)
         _log(GENERAL, "Download was redirected to \"%s\".", actual_url);
      if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result);
      fp_result = NULL;
      if(curlh) curl_easy_cleanup(curlh);
      curlh = NULL;
      if(slist) curl_slist_free_all(slist);
      slist = NULL;

      sprintf(zs, "Received %s bytes of compressed CIF updates.",  commas(total_bytes));
      _log(GENERAL, zs);

      if(total_bytes == 0) return 1;
      _log(GENERAL, "Decompressing data...");
      sprintf(zs, "/bin/gunzip -f %s", filepathz);
      char * rc;
      if((rc = system_call(zs)))
         _log(MAJOR, "Failed to uncompress file:  %s", rc);
         if((fp_result = fopen(filepathz, "r")))
            char error_message[2048];
            size_t length;
            if((length = fread(error_message, 1, 2047, fp_result)) && error_message[0] == '<')
               error_message[length] = '\0';
               _log(MAJOR, "Received message:\n%s", error_message);   
         return 1;
      _log(GENERAL, "Decompressed.");
      strcpy(filepath, opt_filename);

   if(!(fp_result = fopen(filepath, "r")))
      _log(MAJOR, "Failed to open \"%s\" for reading.", filepath);
      return 1;

   // Check if it's really an update
      sprintf(zs, "grep -q \\\"Delete\\\" %s", filepath);
      word not_update = system(zs);
      if(not_update && (total_bytes < 32000000L)) not_update = false;
      _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "File is an update assessment: %s.", not_update?"File is not an update":"File is an update");
      if(fetch_all && !not_update)
         _log(MAJOR, "Requested full timetable looks like an update.");
         return 1;
      if(!fetch_all && not_update)
         _log(MAJOR, "Requested update looks like a full timetable.");
         return 1;

   // Read enough of the file to find the datestamp
   char front[256];
   regmatch_t matches[3];

   if(!fread(front, 1, sizeof(front), fp_result))
      return 1;
      front[255] = '\0';
      if(regexec(&match[0], front, 2, matches, 0))      
         // Failed
         _log(MAJOR, "Failed to derive CIF file timestamp.");
         return 1;
         char zstamp[256];
         extract_match(front, matches, 1, zstamp, sizeof(zstamp));
         time_t stamp = atoi(zstamp);
         _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Recovered timestamp: %s", time_text(stamp, 0));
         _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Stored in file \"%s\"", filepath);
         if(regexec(&match[1], front, 2, matches, 0))
            _log(MINOR, "Failed to derive CIF file sequence number.");
            extract_match(front, matches, 1, zstamp, sizeof(zstamp));
            stats[Sequence] = atol(zstamp);
            _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Sequence number: %s", commas_q(stats[Sequence]));

         if(!test_mode && !opt_url && !opt_filename && (now < stamp || now - stamp > 36*60*60))
            _log(MAJOR, "Timestamp %s is incorrect.  Received sequence number %d.", time_text(stamp, true), stats[Sequence]);
            stats[Sequence] = 0;
            return 1;
   fseeko(fp_result, 0, SEEK_SET);
   return 0;
Beispiel #5
static void process_trust_0003(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens, const int index)
   char query[1024], zs[32], zs1[32], train_id[128], loc_stanox[128];
   time_t planned_timestamp, actual_timestamp, timestamp;

   time_t now = time(NULL);
   sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_movement VALUES(%ld, '", now);
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_id", train_id, sizeof(train_id));
   strcat(query, train_id);
   strcat(query, "', '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "event_type", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "planned_event_type", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "platform", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "loc_stanox", loc_stanox, sizeof(loc_stanox));
   strcat(query, loc_stanox);
   strcat(query, "', ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "actual_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs));
   zs[10] = '\0';
   actual_timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs));
   sprintf(zs, "%ld", actual_timestamp);
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, ", ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "gbtt_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs));
   zs[10] = '\0';
   timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs));
   sprintf(zs, "%ld", timestamp);
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, ", ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "planned_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs));
   zs[10] = '\0';
   planned_timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs));
   sprintf(zs, "%ld", planned_timestamp);
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, ", ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "timetable_variation", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, ", '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "event_source", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "offroute_ind", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, (zs[0] == 't')?"1":"0");
   strcat(query, ", ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_terminated", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, (zs[0] == 't')?"1":"0");
   strcat(query, ", '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "variation_status", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', '");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "next_report_stanox", zs, sizeof(zs));
   strcat(query, zs);
   strcat(query, "', ");
   jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "next_report_run_time", zs, sizeof(zs));
   sprintf(zs1, "%d", atoi(zs));
   strcat(query, zs1);
   strcat(query, ")");


   // Old one?
   if(planned_timestamp && now - actual_timestamp > 6*60*60)
      sprintf(query, "Late movement message received, actual timestamp %s.", time_text(actual_timestamp, true));
      _log(MINOR, query);
   sprintf(query, "SELECT * from trust_activation where trust_id = '%s' and created > %ld and cif_schedule_id > 0", train_id, now - (4*24*60*60));
      MYSQL_RES * result0 = db_store_result();

      word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0);
      if(num_rows > 1)
         // This is not actually invalid, if there's some cancellations as well
         // sprintf(query, "Movement message received with %d matching activations, train_id = \"%s\".", num_rows, train_id);
         // _log(MAJOR, query);
      else if(num_rows < 1)
         MYSQL_ROW row0;
         char tiploc[128], reason[128];
         word sort_time;
         time_t now = time(NULL);

         strcpy(reason, "");
         tiploc[0] = '\0';

         sprintf(query, "Movement message received with %d matching activations, train_id = \"%s\".", num_rows, train_id);
         _log(MINOR, query);
         if(planned_timestamp == 0)
            strcpy(reason, "No planned timestamp");
         if(high_load) strcpy(reason, "Message load too high");

            sprintf(query, "SELECT tiploc FROM corpus WHERE stanox = %s AND tiploc != ''", loc_stanox);
               result0 = db_store_result();
               num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0);
                  row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0);
                  strcpy(tiploc, row0[0]);
                  strcpy(reason, "Unable to determine TIPLOC");

            char query1[256];
            struct tm * broken = localtime(&planned_timestamp);
            sort_time = broken->tm_hour * 4 * 60 + broken->tm_min * 4;
            // Select the day
            word day = broken->tm_wday;
            word yest = (day + 6) % 7;
            // word tom = (day + 1) % 7;
            broken->tm_hour = 12;
            broken->tm_min = 0;
            broken->tm_sec = 0;
            time_t when = timegm(broken);
            sprintf(query, "SELECT, cif_schedules.CIF_train_uid, signalling_id, CIF_stp_indicator FROM cif_schedules INNER JOIN cif_schedule_locations ON = cif_schedule_locations.cif_schedule_id WHERE cif_schedule_locations.tiploc_code = '%s'",
            sprintf(query1, " AND cif_schedule_locations.sort_time > %d AND cif_schedule_locations.sort_time < %d",
                    sort_time - 1, sort_time + 4);
            strcat(query, query1);
            strcat(query, " AND (cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'N' OR cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'P' OR cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'O')");

            static const char * days_runs[8] = {"runs_su", "runs_mo", "runs_tu", "runs_we", "runs_th", "runs_fr", "runs_sa", "runs_su"};

            sprintf(query1, " AND (((%s) AND (schedule_start_date <= %ld) AND (schedule_end_date >= %ld) AND (NOT next_day))",   days_runs[day],  when + 12*60*60, when - 12*60*60);
            strcat(query, query1);
            sprintf(query1, " OR   ((%s) AND (schedule_start_date <= %ld) AND (schedule_end_date >= %ld) AND (    next_day)))",  days_runs[yest], when - 12*60*60, when - 36*60*60);
            strcat(query, query1);

            sprintf(query1, " AND deleted > %ld ORDER BY LOCATE(CIF_stp_indicator, 'NPO')", planned_timestamp);
            strcat(query, query1);

               char save_uid[16], save_stp;
               save_uid[0] = save_stp = '\0';
               dword cif_schedule_id = 0;
               result0 = db_store_result();
               num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0);
                  strcpy(reason, "No schedules found");

               while((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0)))
                  sprintf(query, "   Found potential match:%8s (%s) %s STP=%s", row0[0], row0[1], row0[2], row0[3]);
                  _log(MINOR, query);
                  if (!reason[0])
                     if(save_uid[0] && strcmp(save_uid, row0[1]))  strcpy(reason, "Multiple matching schedule UIDs");
                     else if (save_stp == 'O' && row0[3][0] =='O') strcpy(reason, "Multiple matching overlay schedules");
                        cif_schedule_id = atol(row0[0]);
                        strcpy(save_uid, row0[1]);
                        save_stp = row0[3][0];

                  sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_activation VALUES(%ld, '%s', %ld, 1)", now, train_id, cif_schedule_id);
                  sprintf(query, "   Successfully deduced activation %ld", cif_schedule_id);
                  _log(MINOR, query);

            sprintf(query, "   Failed to deduce an activation - Reason:  %s.", reason );
            _log(MINOR, query);
            sprintf(query, "      stanox = %s, tiploc = \"%s\", planned_timestamp %s, derived sort time = %d", loc_stanox, tiploc, time_text(planned_timestamp, true), sort_time);
            _log(MINOR, query);
            // jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, index);
Beispiel #6
static void process_message(const word describer, const char * const body, const size_t index)
   char message_type[8];
   char times[16];
   time_t timestamp;
   char from[16], to[16], descr[16], wasf[16], wast[16];

   jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "msg_type", message_type, sizeof(message_type));
   _log(DEBUG, "Message name = \"%s\".", message_type);
   jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "time", times, sizeof(times));
   times[10] = '\0';
   timestamp = atol(times);

   time_t now = time(NULL);

   last_td_processed[describer] = now;

   if(((status_last_td_actual[describer] + 8) < timestamp) || ((status_last_td_processed + 8) < now))
       status_last_td_actual[describer] = timestamp;
       status_last_td_processed = now;
       char query[256];
       sprintf(query, "update status SET last_td_processed = %ld", now);
       sprintf(query, "update td_status set last_timestamp = %ld WHERE d = '%s'", timestamp, describers[describer]);

   if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "CA"))
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "from", from, sizeof(from));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "to", to, sizeof(to));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "descr", descr, sizeof(descr));
      strcpy(wasf, query_berth(describer, from));
      strcpy(wast, query_berth(describer, to));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s CA:               Berth step (%s) Description \"%s\" from berth \"%s\" to berth \"%s\"", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), descr, from, to);
      log_detail(timestamp, "%s CA: %s from %s to %s", describers[describer], descr, from, to);
      if(strcmp(wasf, descr) || strcmp(wast, ""))
         _log(DEBUG, "Message %s CA: Step \"%s\" from \"%s\" to \"%s\" found \"%s\" in \"%s\" and \"%s\" in \"%s\".", describers[describer], descr, from, to, wasf, from, wast, to);
      update_database(Berth, describer, from, "");
      update_database(Berth, describer, to, descr);
   else if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "CB"))
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "from", from, sizeof(from));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "descr", descr, sizeof(descr));
      strcpy(wasf, query_berth(describer, from));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s CB:             Berth cancel (%s) Description \"%s\" from berth \"%s\"", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), descr, from);
      log_detail(timestamp, "%s CB: %s from %s", describers[describer], descr, from);
      if(strcmp(wasf, descr))
         _log(DEBUG, "Message %s CB: Cancel \"%s\" from \"%s\" found \"%s\" in \"%s\".", describers[describer], descr, from, wasf, from);
      update_database(Berth, describer, from, "");
   else if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "CC"))
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "to", to, sizeof(to));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "descr", descr, sizeof(descr));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s CC:          Berth interpose (%s) Description \"%s\" to berth \"%s\"", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), descr, to);
      log_detail(timestamp, "%s CC: %s           to %s", describers[describer], descr, to);
      update_database(Berth, describer, to, descr);
   else if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "CT"))
      // Heartbeat
      char report_time[16];
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "report_time", report_time, sizeof(report_time));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s CT:                  Heartbeat (%s) Report time = %s", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), report_time);
   else if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "SF"))
      char address[16], data[32];
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "address", address, sizeof(address));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "data", data, sizeof(data));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s SF:        Signalling update (%s) Address \"%s\", data \"%s\"", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), address, data);

      word  a = strtoul(address, NULL, 16);
      dword d = strtoul(data,    NULL, 16);
      signalling_update("SF", describer, timestamp, a, d);

   else if(!strcasecmp(message_type, "SG"))
      char address[16], data[32];
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "address", address, sizeof(address));
      jsmn_find_extract_token(body, tokens, index, "data", data, sizeof(data));
      _log(DEBUG, "%s SG:       Signalling refresh (%s) Address \"%s\", data \"%s\"", describers[describer], time_text(timestamp, true), address, data);
      word  a = strtoul(address, NULL, 16);
      dword d = strtoul(data,    NULL, 16);
      _log(DEBUG, "a = %04x, d = %08x", a, d);
      signalling_update("SG", describer, timestamp, a     , 0xff & (d >> 24));
      signalling_update("SG", describer, timestamp, a + 1 , 0xff & (d >> 16));
      signalling_update("SG", describer, timestamp, a + 2 , 0xff & (d >> 8 ));
      signalling_update("SG", describer, timestamp, a + 3 , 0xff & (d      ));
