static int calc(coins *saving, int price, coins *payment) { int total; int i500, i100, i50, i10; coins payment_work, saving_work, record = { MAX_COIN, MAX_COIN, MAX_COIN, MAX_COIN }; for (i500 = 0; i500 <= saving->y500; i500++) { for (i100 = 0; i100 <= saving->y100; i100++) { for (i50 = 0; i50 <= saving->y50; i50++) { for (i10 = 0; i10 <= saving->y10; i10++) { payment_work.y500 = i500; payment_work.y100 = i100; payment_work.y50 = i50; payment_work.y10 = i10; saving_work = *saving; if (!pay(price, &saving_work, &payment_work)) { if (total_weight(&record) > total_weight(&saving_work)) { *payment = payment_work; record = saving_work; } } } } } } return 0; }
MobileDive::MobileDive(dive *d) { m_thisDive = d; setDiveNumber(QString::number(d->number)); setDiveId(QString::number(d->id)); dive_trip *trip = d->divetrip; if(trip) { //trip is valid setTrip(trip->location); } setDate(get_dive_date_string(d->when)); setDepth(get_depth_string(d->maxdepth)); setDuration(get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, "h:","min")); setupDiveTempDetails(); weight_t tw = { total_weight(d) }; setWeight(weight_string(tw.grams)); setSuit(QString(d->suit)); setCylinder(QString(d->cylinder[0].type.description)); setSac(QString::number(d->sac)); setLocation(get_dive_location(d)); setNotes(d->notes); setBuddy(d->buddy); setDivemaster(d->divemaster); }
QVariant DiveItem::data(int column, int role) const { QVariant retVal; switch (role) { case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: switch (column) { case DATE: /* fall through */ case SUIT: /* fall through */ case LOCATION: retVal = Qt::AlignLeft; break; default: retVal = Qt::AlignRight; break; } break; case DiveTripModel::SORT_ROLE: switch (column) { case NR: retVal = (qulonglong) dive->when; break; case DATE: retVal = (qulonglong) dive->when; break; case RATING: retVal = dive->rating; break; case DEPTH: retVal = dive->; break; case DURATION: retVal = dive->duration.seconds; break; case TEMPERATURE: retVal = dive->watertemp.mkelvin; break; case TOTALWEIGHT: retVal = total_weight(dive); break; case SUIT: retVal = QString(dive->suit); break; case CYLINDER: retVal = QString(dive->cylinder[0].type.description); break; case NITROX: retVal = nitrox_sort_value(dive); break; case SAC: retVal = dive->sac; break; case OTU: retVal = dive->otu; break; case MAXCNS: retVal = dive->maxcns; break; case LOCATION: retVal = QString(dive->location); break; } break; case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (column) { case NR: retVal = dive->number; break; case DATE: retVal = displayDate(); break; case DEPTH: retVal = displayDepth(); break; case DURATION: retVal = displayDuration(); break; case TEMPERATURE: retVal = displayTemperature(); break; case TOTALWEIGHT: retVal = displayWeight(); break; case SUIT: retVal = QString(dive->suit); break; case CYLINDER: retVal = QString(dive->cylinder[0].type.description); break; case NITROX: retVal = QString(get_nitrox_string(dive)); break; case SAC: retVal = displaySac(); break; case OTU: retVal = dive->otu; break; case MAXCNS: retVal = dive->maxcns; break; case LOCATION: retVal = QString(dive->location); break; } break; } if (role == DiveTripModel::STAR_ROLE) retVal = dive->rating; if (role == DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE) retVal = QVariant::fromValue<void*>(dive); if(role == DiveTripModel::DIVE_IDX){ retVal = get_divenr(dive); } return retVal; }
QVariant ProfilePrintModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const int row = index.row(); const int col = index.column(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { struct DiveItem di; di.dive = dive; char buf[80]; const QString unknown = tr("unknown"); // dive# + date, depth, location, duration if (row == 0) { if (col == 0) return tr("Dive #%1 - %2").arg(dive->number).arg(di.displayDate()); if (col == 5) { QString unit = (get_units()->length == units::METERS) ? "m" : "ft"; return tr("Max depth: %1 %2").arg(di.displayDepth()).arg(unit); } } if (row == 1) { if (col == 0) return truncateString(dive->location, 32); if (col == 5) return QString(tr("Duration: %1 min")).arg(di.displayDuration()); } // cylinder headings if (row == 2) { if (col == 0) return tr("Cylinder"); if (col == 1) return tr("Gasmix"); if (col == 2) return tr("Gas Used"); } // cylinder data if (row > 2 && row < 10 && row - 3 < MAX_CYLINDERS) { cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[row - 3]; if (cyl->type.description) { // how do we check if a cylinder is added? if (col == 0) { if (cyl->type.description[0] != '\0') return QString(cyl->type.description); return unknown; } if (col == 1) { get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix.o2.permille, cyl->gasmix.he.permille, buf, sizeof(buf)); return QString(buf); } if (col == 2) { return get_cylinder_used_gas_string(cyl, true); } } } // dive notes if (row == 10 && col == 0) return truncateString(dive->notes, 640); // sac, cns, otu - headings if (col == 3) { if (row == 2) return tr("SAC"); if (row == 4) return tr("Max. CNS"); if (row == 6) return tr("OTU"); } // sac, cns, otu - data if (col == 4) { if (row == 2) return di.displaySac(); if (row == 4) return QString::number(dive->maxcns); if (row == 6) return QString::number(dive->otu); } // weights heading if (row == 2 && col == 5) return tr("Weights"); // total weight if (row == 9) { weight_t tw = { total_weight(dive) }; if (tw.grams) { if (col == 5) return tr("Total weight"); if (col == 6) return get_weight_string(tw, true); } } // weight data if (row > 2 && row < 10 && row - 3 < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS) { weightsystem_t *ws = &dive->weightsystem[row - 3]; if (ws->weight.grams) { if (col == 5) { if (ws->description && ws->description[0] != '\0') return QString(ws->description); return unknown; } if (col == 6) { return get_weight_string(ws->weight, true); } } } return QString(); } case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font; const int baseSize = 9; // dive # if (row == 0 && col == 0) { font.setBold(true); font.setPixelSize(baseSize + 1); return QVariant::fromValue(font); } // dive location if (row == 1 && col == 0) { font.setPixelSize(baseSize); font.setBold(true); return QVariant::fromValue(font); } // depth/duration if ((row == 0 || row == 1) && col == 5) { font.setPixelSize(baseSize); return QVariant::fromValue(font); } // notes if (row == 9 && col == 0) { font.setPixelSize(baseSize + 1); return QVariant::fromValue(font); } font.setPixelSize(baseSize); return QVariant::fromValue(font); } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { unsigned int align = Qt::AlignCenter; // dive #, location, notes if ((row < 2 || row == 10) && col == 0) align = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter; // depth, duration if (row < 2 && col == 5) align = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter; return QVariant::fromValue(align); } } // switch (role) return QVariant(); }
int DiveItem::weight() const { weight_t tw = { total_weight(dive) }; return tw.grams; }
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void pcl::ROPSEstimation <PointInT, PointOutT>::computeLRF (const PointInT& point, const std::set <unsigned int>& local_triangles, Eigen::Matrix3f& lrf_matrix) const { const unsigned int number_of_triangles = static_cast <unsigned int> (local_triangles.size ()); std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix3f> > scatter_matrices (number_of_triangles); std::vector <float> triangle_area (number_of_triangles); std::vector <float> distance_weight (number_of_triangles); float total_area = 0.0f; const float coeff = 1.0f / 12.0f; const float coeff_1_div_3 = 1.0f / 3.0f; Eigen::Vector3f feature_point (point.x, point.y, point.z); std::set <unsigned int>::const_iterator it; unsigned int i_triangle = 0; for (it = local_triangles.begin (), i_triangle = 0; it != local_triangles.end (); it++, i_triangle++) { Eigen::Vector3f pt[3]; for (unsigned int i_vertex = 0; i_vertex < 3; i_vertex++) { const unsigned int index = triangles_[*it].vertices[i_vertex]; pt[i_vertex] (0) = surface_->points[index].x; pt[i_vertex] (1) = surface_->points[index].y; pt[i_vertex] (2) = surface_->points[index].z; } const float curr_area = ((pt[1] - pt[0]).cross (pt[2] - pt[0])).norm (); triangle_area[i_triangle] = curr_area; total_area += curr_area; distance_weight[i_triangle] = pow (support_radius_ - (feature_point - (pt[0] + pt[1] + pt[2]) * coeff_1_div_3).norm (), 2.0f); Eigen::Matrix3f curr_scatter_matrix; curr_scatter_matrix.setZero (); for (unsigned int i_pt = 0; i_pt < 3; i_pt++) { Eigen::Vector3f vec = pt[i_pt] - feature_point; curr_scatter_matrix += vec * (vec.transpose ()); for (unsigned int j_pt = 0; j_pt < 3; j_pt++) curr_scatter_matrix += vec * ((pt[j_pt] - feature_point).transpose ()); } scatter_matrices[i_triangle] = coeff * curr_scatter_matrix; } if (std::abs (total_area) < std::numeric_limits <float>::epsilon ()) total_area = 1.0f / total_area; else total_area = 1.0f; Eigen::Matrix3f overall_scatter_matrix; overall_scatter_matrix.setZero (); std::vector<float> total_weight (number_of_triangles); const float denominator = 1.0f / 6.0f; for (unsigned int i_triangle = 0; i_triangle < number_of_triangles; i_triangle++) { float factor = distance_weight[i_triangle] * triangle_area[i_triangle] * total_area; overall_scatter_matrix += factor * scatter_matrices[i_triangle]; total_weight[i_triangle] = factor * denominator; } Eigen::Vector3f v1, v2, v3; computeEigenVectors (overall_scatter_matrix, v1, v2, v3); float h1 = 0.0f; float h3 = 0.0f; for (it = local_triangles.begin (), i_triangle = 0; it != local_triangles.end (); it++, i_triangle++) { Eigen::Vector3f pt[3]; for (unsigned int i_vertex = 0; i_vertex < 3; i_vertex++) { const unsigned int index = triangles_[*it].vertices[i_vertex]; pt[i_vertex] (0) = surface_->points[index].x; pt[i_vertex] (1) = surface_->points[index].y; pt[i_vertex] (2) = surface_->points[index].z; } float factor1 = 0.0f; float factor3 = 0.0f; for (unsigned int i_pt = 0; i_pt < 3; i_pt++) { Eigen::Vector3f vec = pt[i_pt] - feature_point; factor1 += (v1); factor3 += (v3); } h1 += total_weight[i_triangle] * factor1; h3 += total_weight[i_triangle] * factor3; } if (h1 < 0.0f) v1 = -v1; if (h3 < 0.0f) v3 = -v3; v2 = v3.cross (v1); lrf_matrix.row (0) = v1; lrf_matrix.row (1) = v2; lrf_matrix.row (2) = v3; }
QVariant DiveItem::data(int column, int role) const { QVariant retVal; struct dive *dive = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId); if (!dive) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: retVal = dive_table_alignment(column); break; case DiveTripModel::SORT_ROLE: Q_ASSERT(dive != NULL); switch (column) { case NR: retVal = (qulonglong)dive->when; break; case DATE: retVal = (qulonglong)dive->when; break; case RATING: retVal = dive->rating; break; case DEPTH: retVal = dive->; break; case DURATION: retVal = dive->duration.seconds; break; case TEMPERATURE: retVal = dive->watertemp.mkelvin; break; case TOTALWEIGHT: retVal = total_weight(dive); break; case SUIT: retVal = QString(dive->suit); break; case CYLINDER: retVal = QString(dive->cylinder[0].type.description); break; case GAS: retVal = nitrox_sort_value(dive); break; case SAC: retVal = dive->sac; break; case OTU: retVal = dive->otu; break; case MAXCNS: retVal = dive->maxcns; break; case LOCATION: retVal = QString(get_dive_location(dive)); break; } break; case Qt::DisplayRole: Q_ASSERT(dive != NULL); switch (column) { case NR: retVal = dive->number; break; case DATE: retVal = displayDate(); break; case DEPTH: retVal = displayDepth(); break; case DURATION: retVal = displayDuration(); break; case TEMPERATURE: retVal = displayTemperature(); break; case TOTALWEIGHT: retVal = displayWeight(); break; case SUIT: retVal = QString(dive->suit); break; case CYLINDER: retVal = QString(dive->cylinder[0].type.description); break; case SAC: retVal = displaySac(); break; case OTU: retVal = dive->otu; break; case MAXCNS: retVal = dive->maxcns; break; case LOCATION: retVal = QString(get_dive_location(dive)); break; case GAS: const char *gas_string = get_dive_gas_string(dive); retVal = QString(gas_string); free((void*)gas_string); break; } break; case Qt::DecorationRole: if (column == LOCATION) if (dive_has_gps_location(dive)) { IconMetrics im = defaultIconMetrics(); retVal = QIcon(":satellite").pixmap(im.sz_small, im.sz_small); } break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: switch (column) { case NR: retVal = tr("#"); break; case DATE: retVal = tr("Date"); break; case RATING: retVal = tr("Rating"); break; case DEPTH: retVal = tr("Depth(%1)").arg((get_units()->length == units::METERS) ? tr("m") : tr("ft")); break; case DURATION: retVal = tr("Duration"); break; case TEMPERATURE: retVal = tr("Temp(%1%2)").arg(UTF8_DEGREE).arg((get_units()->temperature == units::CELSIUS) ? "C" : "F"); break; case TOTALWEIGHT: retVal = tr("Weight(%1)").arg((get_units()->weight == units::KG) ? tr("kg") : tr("lbs")); break; case SUIT: retVal = tr("Suit"); break; case CYLINDER: retVal = tr("Cyl"); break; case GAS: retVal = tr("Gas"); break; case SAC: const char *unit; get_volume_units(0, NULL, &unit); retVal = tr("SAC(%1)").arg(QString(unit).append(tr("/min"))); break; case OTU: retVal = tr("OTU"); break; case MAXCNS: retVal = tr("Max CNS"); break; case LOCATION: retVal = tr("Location"); break; } break; } if (role == DiveTripModel::STAR_ROLE) { Q_ASSERT(dive != NULL); retVal = dive->rating; } if (role == DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE) { retVal = QVariant::fromValue<void *>(dive); } if (role == DiveTripModel::DIVE_IDX) { Q_ASSERT(dive != NULL); retVal = get_divenr(dive); } return retVal; }
int DiveItem::weight() const { struct dive *dive = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId); weight_t tw = { total_weight(dive) }; return tw.grams; }
QVariant ProfilePrintModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const int row = index.row(); const int col = index.column(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { struct dive *dive = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId); struct DiveItem di; di.diveId = diveId; const QString unknown = tr("unknown"); // dive# + date, depth, location, duration if (row == 0) { if (col == 0) return tr("Dive #%1 - %2").arg(dive->number).arg(di.displayDate()); if (col == 3) { QString unit = (get_units()->length == units::METERS) ? "m" : "ft"; return tr("Max depth: %1 %2").arg(di.displayDepth()).arg(unit); } } if (row == 1) { if (col == 0) return QString(dive->location); if (col == 3) return QString(tr("Duration: %1 min")).arg(di.displayDuration()); } // headings if (row == 2) { if (col == 0) return tr("Gas used:"); if (col == 2) return tr("Tags:"); if (col == 3) return tr("SAC:"); if (col == 4) return tr("Weights:"); } // notes if (col == 0) { if (row == 6) return tr("Notes:"); if (row == 7) return QString(dive->notes); } // more headings if (row == 4) { if (col == 0) return tr("Divemaster:"); if (col == 1) return tr("Buddy:"); if (col == 2) return tr("Suit:"); if (col == 3) return tr("Viz:"); if (col == 4) return tr("Rating:"); } // values for gas, sac, etc... if (row == 3) { if (col == 0) { int added = 0; QString gas, gases; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (!is_cylinder_used(dive, i)) continue; gas = dive->cylinder[i].type.description; gas += QString(!gas.isEmpty() ? " " : "") + gasname(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix); // if has a description and if such gas is not already present if (!gas.isEmpty() && gases.indexOf(gas) == -1) { if (added > 0) gases += QString(" / "); gases += gas; added++; } } return gases; } if (col == 2) { char buffer[256]; taglist_get_tagstring(dive->tag_list, buffer, 256); return QString(buffer); } if (col == 3) return di.displaySac(); if (col == 4) { weight_t tw = { total_weight(dive) }; return get_weight_string(tw, true); } } // values for DM, buddy, suit, etc... if (row == 5) { if (col == 0) return QString(dive->divemaster); if (col == 1) return QString(dive->buddy); if (col == 2) return QString(dive->suit); if (col == 3) return (dive->visibility) ? QString::number(dive->visibility).append(" / 5") : QString(); if (col == 4) return (dive->rating) ? QString::number(dive->rating).append(" / 5") : QString(); } return QString(); } case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font; font.setPointSizeF(fontSize); if (row == 0 && col == 0) { font.setBold(true); } return QVariant::fromValue(font); } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { // everything is aligned to the left unsigned int align = Qt::AlignLeft; // align depth and duration right if (row < 2 && col == 4) align = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter; return QVariant::fromValue(align); } } // switch (role) return QVariant(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /** EXPLANATION: This function computes the average of the (projected) deltas as a function of redshift Note that this program should work with typical ini file developed to pass to but that not all options are used here. This program should be run for each set of the paramenters z_min_interpolation, z_max_interpolation, num_points_interpolation, or pixel_separation INPUTS: input_file[optional] - a file containing the input settings OUTPUTS: NONE CLASSES USED: AstroObjectDataset Input PlateNeighbours LyaSpectraDataset FUNCITONS USED: ComputePlateNeighbours */ // load time control variables time_t start_time,end_time; time(&start_time); // load global variables and plot object std::cout << "Initializing variables" << std::endl; string input_filename = ""; if (argc > 1){ input_filename += argv[1]; } Input input(input_filename); size_t flag_verbose_main = input.flag_verbose_main(); const PlotsObject kPlots(input); // check whether or not this comuputation is necessary if (not input.flag_project_deltas()){ std::cout << "Deltas are not projected, correction unnecessary" << std::endl; return 0; } // check whether or not the plate list needs to be computed if (input.flag_compute_plate_neighbours()){ ComputePlateNeighbours(input); } // load plate list const PlateNeighbours kPlateNeighbours(input); // load spectra dataset std::auto_ptr<SpectraDataset> spectra_list; if (input.dataset2_type() == "lya"){ spectra_list.reset(new LyaSpectraDataset(input)); } else if (input.dataset2_type() == "civ"){ spectra_list.reset(new CIVSpectraDataset(input)); } else{ std::cout << "Error : The selected type for dataset2 is not enabled. Current options are: " << input.dataset2_type_options() << std::endl; return 1; } if (input.flag_plot_catalog_info()){ if (flag_verbose_main >= 2){ std::cout << "Plotting spectra dataset information" << std::endl; } kPlots.PlotRADECDispersion(*spectra_list, true); kPlots.PlotZHistogram(*spectra_list, true); if (flag_verbose_main >= 2){ std::cout << "done" << std::endl; } } // define vectors to store the average projected delta as a function of redshift size_t num_points_interpolation = input.num_points_interpolation(); std::vector<double> z_mean_delta(num_points_interpolation, 0.0); double z_step = (input.z_max_interpolation() - input.z_min_interpolation())/float(z_mean_delta.size()); for (size_t index = 0; index < z_mean_delta.size(); index++){ z_mean_delta[index] = input.z_min_interpolation() + z_step*float(index); } std::vector<double> mean_delta(num_points_interpolation, 0.0); std::vector<double> total_weight(num_points_interpolation, 0.0); // define copies of mean_delta and total_weight for each of the threads int num_threads = atoi(std::getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS")); std::vector<std::vector<double> > mean_delta_thread; mean_delta_thread.resize(num_threads, mean_delta); std::vector<std::vector<double> > total_weight_thread; total_weight_thread.resize(num_threads, total_weight); // load list of plates PlatesMapVector<LyaSpectrum>::map plates_list = (*spectra_list).list(); // compute the average of projected deltas std::cout << "Computing the average of projected deltas" << std::endl; // loop over plates for (PlatesMapVector<LyaSpectrum>::map::iterator it = plates_list.begin(); it != plates_list.end(); it ++){ std::vector<LyaSpectrum> spec_list = (*it).second; // loop over spectra #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) for (size_t spectrum_number = 0; spectrum_number < spec_list.size(); spectrum_number ++){ // get the thread number int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); double weight; std::vector<LyaPixel> spectrum = spec_list[spectrum_number].spectrum(); // loop over pixel for (size_t pixel_number = 0; pixel_number < spectrum.size(); pixel_number++){ // locate the bin in z the pixel belongs to int z_index = int((spectrum[pixel_number].z() - input.z_min_interpolation())/z_step); if ((z_index < 0) or (z_index > z_mean_delta.size())){ #pragma omp critical (cerr) { std::cerr << "Bad index, z_index = " << z_index << std::endl; } } else{ weight = spectrum[pixel_number].weight(); mean_delta_thread[thread_num][z_index] += spectrum[pixel_number].delta()*weight; total_weight_thread[thread_num][z_index] += weight; } } } } // combine the measurements from the different threads for (size_t index = 0; index < num_points_interpolation; index ++){ for (size_t thread_num = 0; thread_num < mean_delta_thread.size(); thread_num ++){ mean_delta[index] += mean_delta_thread[thread_num][index]; total_weight[index] += total_weight_thread[thread_num][index]; } } // normalize the correlation for (int index = 0; index < num_points_interpolation; index ++){ // check that the weight is not zero if (total_weight[index] == 0.0){ std::cerr << "Warning : In compute_projection_correction : Index " << index; std::cerr << " shows zero weight. Consider reducing num_points_interpolation." << std::endl; } else{ mean_delta[index] /= total_weight[index]; } } // save results std::string filename = input.lya_projection_correction(); std::cout << "Saving results to " << filename << std::endl; std::ofstream file;,std::ofstream::trunc); // opens the file erasing the previous contents if (file.is_open()){ // print header file << "z mean_delta" << std::endl; // print results for (size_t index = 0; index < z_mean_delta.size(); index ++){ file << z_mean_delta[index] << " " << mean_delta[index] << std::endl; } file.close(); } else{ std::cerr << "Error : In compute_projection_correction : Unable to open file:" << std::endl << filename << std::endl; } // display time required to run the program if (flag_verbose_main >= 1){ std::cout << "End of program" << std::endl; } time(&end_time); double time_spent = difftime(end_time, start_time); if (flag_verbose_main >= 1){ if (time_spent < 60.0){ std::cout << "Program lasted " << time_spent << " seconds" << std::endl; } else if (time_spent < 3600.0){ std::cout << "Program lasted " << time_spent/60.0 << " minutes" << std::endl; } else{ std::cout << "Program lasted " << time_spent/3600.0 << " hours" << std::endl; } } return 0; }