Beispiel #1
 *                        buildArpRspTemplate							*
DESCRIPTION: This function builds an ARP Response template to set to 
			 the HAL when joining an infrastructure network.

             The function's steps:
             - It builds the template & set the template len. 
             - If QoS is inactive, it discards the QoS Control Field.
             ** The template type is set in the site mgr.
INPUT:       pSiteMgr  - Handle to site manager.
			 pTemplate - Pointer to the template structure.



TI_STATUS buildArpRspTemplate(siteMgr_t * pSiteMgr, TSetTemplate * pTemplate,
			      TIpAddr staIp)
	siteEntry_t *pPrimarySite = pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->pPrimarySite;
	ArpRspTemplate_t *pBuffer = (ArpRspTemplate_t *) pTemplate->ptr;
	TI_UINT8 *ptr = (TI_UINT8 *) pBuffer;

	paramInfo_t param;	/* To get Site and QoS params */
	TI_UINT16 fc;		/* Frame Control field in MAC header */
	TI_UINT16 macAddrItr;
	TI_BOOL privacyInvoked;
	TI_UINT8 encryptionFieldSize, copyPayloadOffset, lenToCopy;

	/* Reset the buffer */
	os_memoryZero(pSiteMgr->hOs, pBuffer, sizeof(ArpRspTemplate_t));

	/* Turn on the To_DS bit in the Frame Control field */
	fc = (1 << DOT11_FC_TO_DS_SHIFT);
	    /* Set MAC header address fields:
	       Since To_DS is on and From_DS is off the address meaning is as follows:
	       Address1 - BSSID
	       Address2 - Source Address
	       Address3 - Destination Address
	       Address4 - Not present */
	    /* - Set BSSID */
	    if (pPrimarySite) {
		MAC_COPY(pBuffer->hdr.address1, pPrimarySite->bssid);
	} else {
		       "No Primary site so cannot fill QosNullData template.\n");
	/* - Set Source Address */
	param.paramType = CTRL_DATA_MAC_ADDRESS;
	ctrlData_getParam(pSiteMgr->hCtrlData, &param);
	MAC_COPY(pBuffer->hdr.address2, param.content.ctrlDataDeviceMacAddress);
	/* - Set Destination Address: ARP response should be sent with broadcast DA - Set accordingly */
	for (macAddrItr = 0; macAddrItr < MAC_ADDR_LEN; macAddrItr++) {
		pBuffer->hdr.address3[macAddrItr] = 0xFF;

	pBuffer->LLC.DSAP = 0xaa;
	pBuffer->LLC.SSAP = 0xaa;
	pBuffer->LLC.Control = 0x03;

	/* pBuffer->LLC.Control.OUI these 3 bytes are zeroed already */
	pBuffer->LLC.Type = WLANTOHS((TI_UINT16) 0x806);
	pBuffer->hardType = WLANTOHS((TI_UINT16) 1);
	pBuffer->protType = WLANTOHS((TI_UINT16) 0x800);
	pBuffer->hardSize = 6;
	pBuffer->protSize = 4;
	pBuffer->op = WLANTOHS((TI_UINT16) 2);	/*filled as for ARP-RSP, not for RARP_RSP */

	MAC_COPY(pBuffer->StaMac, pBuffer->hdr.address2);
	IP_COPY(pBuffer->StaIp, staIp);

	pTemplate->len = sizeof(ArpRspTemplate_t);

	/* Get encryption status */

	/* If no encryption is used, encryptionFieldSize has garbage value */
	encryptionFieldSize = privacyInvoked ? encryptionFieldSize : 0;

	/* Set the subtype field of fc with WEP_BIT */
	fc |= (privacyInvoked << DOT11_FC_WEP_SHIFT);

	/* Get QoS type to check if QoS is active */
	param.paramType = QOS_MNGR_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL;
	qosMngr_getParams(pSiteMgr->hQosMngr, &param);

	if (param.content.qosSiteProtocol == QOS_NONE) {	/* QoS is not active */
		copyPayloadOffset =
		    sizeof(pBuffer->hdr.qosControl) +
		    AES_AFTER_HEADER_FIELD_SIZE - encryptionFieldSize;
		/* Set the subtype field of fc with DATA value (non Qos) */
		fc |= DOT11_FC_DATA;
	} else {		/* QoS is active */

		copyPayloadOffset =
		    AES_AFTER_HEADER_FIELD_SIZE - encryptionFieldSize;
		/* Set the subtype field of fc with DATA_QOS */
		fc |= DOT11_FC_DATA_QOS;

	/* Need to copy backward to overwrite security or QoS offset */
	if (copyPayloadOffset > 0) {
		ptr = (TI_UINT8 *) & pBuffer->LLC.DSAP;
		/* Copy back the actual payload without header & security */
		lenToCopy =
		    sizeof(ArpRspTemplate_t) - sizeof(dot11_header_t) -

		os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, ptr - copyPayloadOffset, ptr,
		pTemplate->len -= copyPayloadOffset;

	COPY_WLAN_WORD(&pBuffer->hdr.fc, &fc);	/* copy with endianess handling. */

	return TI_OK;
 *                        txCtrlServ_buildWlanHeader

DESCRIPTION:    Build WLAN header from Ethernet header.

INPUT:      hTxCtrl     - Tx Ctrl module handle (the txServ uses the txCtrl object!!).
            pFrame      - A pointer to a buffer where the frame should be stored
            pLength     - A pointer to a placeholder for the frame length

TI_STATUS txCtrlServ_buildWlanHeader(TI_HANDLE hTxCtrl, TI_UINT8* pFrame, TI_UINT32* pLength)
    txCtrl_t         *pTxCtrl = (txCtrl_t *)hTxCtrl;
    TI_STATUS        status;
    TMacAddr         daBssid;
    TMacAddr         saBssid;
    EQosProtocol     qosProt;
    ScanBssType_e    currBssType;
    TMacAddr         currBssId;
    TI_UINT32        headerLength;
    TI_UINT16        headerFlags;
    TI_BOOL          currentPrivacyInvokedMode;
    TI_UINT8         encryptionFieldSize;
    TTxCtrlBlk       tPktCtrlBlk;
    dot11_header_t   *pDot11Header = (dot11_header_t*)(tPktCtrlBlk.aPktHdr);
    Wlan_LlcHeader_T *pWlanSnapHeader;

     * If QoS is used, add two bytes padding before the header for 4-bytes alignment.
     * Note that the header length doesn't include it, so the txCtrl detects the pad existence
     *   by checking if the header-length is a multiple of 4. 
    qosMngr_getParamsActiveProtocol(pTxCtrl->hQosMngr, &qosProt);

    if (qosProt == QOS_WME)  
        headerLength = WLAN_QOS_HDR_LEN;
        headerFlags  = DOT11_FC_DATA_QOS | DOT11_FC_TO_DS;
        pDot11Header->qosControl = 0;
        headerLength = WLAN_HDR_LEN;
        headerFlags  = DOT11_FC_DATA | DOT11_FC_TO_DS;

     * Handle encryption if needed (decision was done at RSN and is provided by TxCtrl):
     *   - Set WEP bit in header.
     *   - Add padding for FW security overhead: 4 bytes for TKIP, 8 for AES.  
    txCtrlParams_getCurrentEncryptionInfo (hTxCtrl, 
    if (currentPrivacyInvokedMode)
        headerFlags |= DOT11_FC_WEP;
        headerLength += encryptionFieldSize;
    COPY_WLAN_WORD (&pDot11Header->fc, &headerFlags); /* copy with endianess handling. */

    /* Get the Destination MAC address */
    status = ctrlData_getParamBssid (pTxCtrl->hCtrlData, CTRL_DATA_CURRENT_BSSID_PARAM, daBssid);
    if (status != TI_OK)
        return TI_NOK;

    /* Get the Source MAC address */
    status = ctrlData_getParamBssid (pTxCtrl->hCtrlData, CTRL_DATA_MAC_ADDRESS, saBssid);
    if (status != TI_OK)
        return TI_NOK;

    /* receive BssId and Bss Type from control module */
    ctrlData_getCurrBssTypeAndCurrBssId (pTxCtrl->hCtrlData, &currBssId, &currBssType);
    if (currBssType != BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE)
        return TI_NOK;

    /* copy BSSID */
    MAC_COPY (pDot11Header->address1, currBssId);
    /* copy source mac address */
    MAC_COPY (pDot11Header->address2, saBssid);
    /* copy destination mac address*/
    MAC_COPY (pDot11Header->address3, daBssid);

    /* Set the SNAP header pointer right after the other header parts handled above. */
    pWlanSnapHeader = (Wlan_LlcHeader_T *)&(tPktCtrlBlk.aPktHdr[headerLength]);
   	pWlanSnapHeader->DSAP = SNAP_CHANNEL_ID;
   	pWlanSnapHeader->SSAP = SNAP_CHANNEL_ID;

    /* add RFC1042. */
	pWlanSnapHeader->OUI[0] = SNAP_OUI_RFC1042_BYTE0;
	pWlanSnapHeader->OUI[1] = SNAP_OUI_RFC1042_BYTE1;
	pWlanSnapHeader->OUI[2] = SNAP_OUI_RFC1042_BYTE2;

    /* set ETH type to IP */
    pWlanSnapHeader->Type = HTOWLANS(ETHERTYPE_IP);

    /* Add the SNAP length to the total header length. */
    headerLength += sizeof(Wlan_LlcHeader_T);

    /* copy WLAN header */
    os_memoryCopy (pTxCtrl->hOs, pFrame, tPktCtrlBlk.aPktHdr, headerLength);
    *pLength = headerLength;

    return TI_OK;