  \brief Initializes a QwtPlot instance
  \param title Title text
void QwtPlot::initPlot( const QwtText &title )
    d_data = new PrivateData;

    d_data->layout = new QwtPlotLayout;
    d_data->autoReplot = false;

    // title
    d_data->titleLabel = new QwtTextLabel( this );
    d_data->titleLabel->setObjectName( "QwtPlotTitle" );
    d_data->titleLabel->setFont( QFont( fontInfo().family(), 14, QFont::Bold ) );

    QwtText text( title );
    text.setRenderFlags( Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap );
    d_data->titleLabel->setText( text );

    // legend
    d_data->legend = NULL;

    // axis

    // canvas
    d_data->canvas = new QwtPlotCanvas( this );
    d_data->canvas->setObjectName( "QwtPlotCanvas" );
    d_data->canvas->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
    d_data->canvas->setLineWidth( 2 );


    setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,
        QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );

    resize( 200, 200 );
Beispiel #2
  \brief Update the entries for an item

  \param itemInfo Info for an item
  \param data List of legend entry attributes for the item
void QwtLegend::updateLegend( const QVariant &itemInfo, 
    const QList<QwtLegendData> &data )
    QList<QWidget *> widgetList = legendWidgets( itemInfo );

    if ( widgetList.size() != data.size() )
        QLayout *contentsLayout = d_data->view->contentsWidget->layout();

        while ( widgetList.size() > data.size() )
            QWidget *w = widgetList.takeLast();

            contentsLayout->removeWidget( w );

            // updates might be triggered by signals from the legend widget
            // itself. So we better don't delete it here.


        for ( int i = widgetList.size(); i < data.size(); i++ )
            QWidget *widget = createWidget( data[i] );

            if ( contentsLayout )
                contentsLayout->addWidget( widget );

            if ( isVisible() )
                // QLayout does a delayed show, with the effect, that
                // the size hint will be wrong, when applications
                // call replot() right after changing the list
                // of plot items. So we better do the show now.

                widget->setVisible( true );

            widgetList += widget;

        if ( widgetList.isEmpty() )
            d_data->itemMap.remove( itemInfo );
            d_data->itemMap.insert( itemInfo, widgetList );

    for ( int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ )
        updateWidget( widgetList[i], data[i] );
  \brief Insert a legend

  If the position legend is \c QwtPlot::LeftLegend or \c QwtPlot::RightLegend
  the legend will be organized in one column from top to down.
  Otherwise the legend items will be placed in a table
  with a best fit number of columns from left to right.

  If pos != QwtPlot::ExternalLegend the plot widget will become
  parent of the legend. It will be deleted when the plot is deleted,
  or another legend is set with insertLegend().

  \param legend Legend
  \param pos The legend's position. For top/left position the number
             of colums will be limited to 1, otherwise it will be set to

  \param ratio Ratio between legend and the bounding rect
               of title, canvas and axes. The legend will be shrinked
               if it would need more space than the given ratio.
               The ratio is limited to ]0.0 .. 1.0]. In case of <= 0.0
               it will be reset to the default ratio.
               The default vertical/horizontal ratio is 0.33/0.5.

  \sa legend(), QwtPlotLayout::legendPosition(),
void QwtPlot::insertLegend( QwtLegend *legend,
    QwtPlot::LegendPosition pos, double ratio )
    d_data->layout->setLegendPosition( pos, ratio );

    if ( legend != d_data->legend )
        if ( d_data->legend && d_data->legend->parent() == this )
            delete d_data->legend;

        d_data->legend = legend;

        if ( d_data->legend )
            if ( pos != ExternalLegend )
                if ( d_data->legend->parent() != this )
                    d_data->legend->setParent( this );

            const QwtPlotItemList& itmList = itemList();
            for ( QwtPlotItemIterator it = itmList.begin();
                it != itmList.end(); ++it )
                ( *it )->updateLegend( d_data->legend );

            QwtDynGridLayout *tl = qobject_cast<QwtDynGridLayout *>(
                d_data->legend->contentsWidget()->layout() );
            if ( tl )
                switch ( d_data->layout->legendPosition() )
                    case LeftLegend:
                    case RightLegend:
                        tl->setMaxCols( 1 ); // 1 column: align vertical
                    case TopLegend:
                    case BottomLegend:
                        tl->setMaxCols( 0 ); // unlimited
                    case ExternalLegend:

Beispiel #4
  \brief Initializes a QwtPlot instance
  \param title Title text
void QwtPlot::initPlot(const QString &title)
    d_layout = new QwtPlotLayout;

    d_curves = new QwtCurveDict;
    d_markers = new QwtMarkerDict;

    d_autoReplot = FALSE;

    d_lblTitle = new QLabel(title, this);
    d_lblTitle->setFont(QFont(fontInfo().family(), 14, QFont::Bold));

    d_legend = new QwtLegend(this);
    d_autoLegend = FALSE;

    d_scale[yLeft] = new QwtScale(QwtScale::Left, this, "yLeft");
    d_scale[yRight] = new QwtScale(QwtScale::Right, this, "yRight");
    d_scale[xTop] = new QwtScale(QwtScale::Top, this, "xTop");
    d_scale[xBottom] = new QwtScale(QwtScale::Bottom, this, "xBottom");


    d_grid = new QwtPlotGrid(this);
    d_grid->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
    d_grid->setAxis(xBottom, yLeft);

    d_canvas = new QwtPlotCanvas(this);

    connect(d_canvas, SIGNAL(mousePressed(const QMouseEvent &)),
        this, SIGNAL(plotMousePressed(const QMouseEvent &)));
    connect(d_canvas, SIGNAL(mouseMoved(const QMouseEvent &)),
        this, SIGNAL(plotMouseMoved(const QMouseEvent &)));
    connect(d_canvas, SIGNAL(mouseReleased(const QMouseEvent &)),
        this, SIGNAL(plotMouseReleased(const QMouseEvent &)));


    QSizePolicy sp;
    sp.setHorData( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
    sp.setVerData( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
  \brief Update the entries for an item

  \param itemInfo Info for an item
  \param data List of legend entry attributes for the item
void QwtLegend::updateLegend( const QVariant &itemInfo, 
    const QList<QwtLegendData> &data )
    QList<QWidget *> widgetList = legendWidgets( itemInfo );

    if ( widgetList.size() != data.size() )
        QLayout *contentsLayout = d_data->view->contentsWidget->layout();

        while ( widgetList.size() > data.size() )
            QWidget *w = widgetList.takeLast();

            contentsLayout->removeWidget( w );

            // updates might be triggered by signals from the legend widget
            // itself. So we better don't delete it here.


        for ( int i = widgetList.size(); i < data.size(); i++ )
            QWidget *widget = createWidget( data[i] );

            if ( contentsLayout )
                contentsLayout->addWidget( widget );

            widgetList += widget;

        if ( widgetList.isEmpty() )
            d_data->itemMap.remove( itemInfo );
            d_data->itemMap.insert( itemInfo, widgetList );

    for ( int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ )
        updateWidget( widgetList[i], data[i] );
Beispiel #6
  Specify the position of the legend within the widget.
  If the position legend is \c QwtPlot::Left or \c QwtPlot::Right
  the legend will be organized in one column from top to down. 
  Otherwise the legend items will be placed be placed in a table 
  with a best fit number of columns from left to right.
  \param pos The legend's position. Valid values are \c QwtPlot::Left,
           \c QwtPlot::Right, \c QwtPlot::Top, \c QwtPlot::Bottom.
  \param ratio Ratio between legend and the bounding rect
               of title, canvas and axes. The legend will be shrinked
               if it would need more space than the given ratio.
               The ratio is limited to ]0.0 .. 1.0]. In case of <= 0.0
               it will be reset to the default ratio.
               The default vertical/horizontal ratio is 0.33/0.5.

  \sa QwtPlot::legendPosition(), QwtPlotLayout::setLegendPosition()
void QwtPlot::setLegendPosition(QwtPlot::Position pos, double ratio)
    if (pos != d_layout->legendPosition())
        d_layout->setLegendPosition(pos, ratio);

        QLayout *l = d_legend->contentsWidget()->layout();
        if ( l && l->inherits("QwtDynGridLayout") )
            QwtDynGridLayout *tl = (QwtDynGridLayout *)l;
            if ( d_layout->legendPosition() == QwtPlot::Top ||
                d_layout->legendPosition() == QwtPlot::Bottom )
                tl->setMaxCols(0); // unlimited
                tl->setMaxCols(1); // 1 column: align vertical
