int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: ReviveInjector.exe [/handle] <process path/process handle>\n"); return -1; } WCHAR LogPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, LogPath))) { wcsncat(LogPath, L"\\Revive", MAX_PATH); BOOL exists = PathFileExists(LogPath); if (!exists) exists = CreateDirectory(LogPath, NULL); wcsncat(LogPath, L"\\ReviveInjector.txt", MAX_PATH); if (exists) g_LogFile = _wfopen(LogPath, L"w"); } LOG("Launched injector with: %ls\n", GetCommandLine()); bool xr = !IsSteamVRRunning(); WCHAR path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"/xr") == 0) { xr = true; } else if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"/revive") == 0) { xr = false; } else if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"/handle") == 0) { return OpenProcessAndInject(argv[++i], xr); } else if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"/base") == 0) { if (!GetOculusBasePath(path, MAX_PATH)) return -1; wnsprintf(path, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s ", path, argv[++i]); } else if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"/library") == 0) { if (!GetDefaultLibraryPath(path, MAX_PATH)) return -1; wnsprintf(path, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s ", path, argv[++i]); } else { // Concatenate all other arguments wcsncat(path, argv[i], MAX_PATH); wcsncat(path, L" ", MAX_PATH); } } return CreateProcessAndInject(path, xr); }
HRESULT CChildFrame::_RecursionExtractData(LPCTSTR lpszRoot, HTREEITEM hCurrItem, CTreeViewCtrlEx * pTreeView) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CTreeItem tiCurr(hCurrItem, pTreeView); TREE_ITEM_DATA * pTmp = (TREE_ITEM_DATA *)tiCurr.GetData(); if (NULL == pTmp) { return hr; } TCHAR szPathCopy[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; lstrcpyn(szPathCopy, lpszRoot, _countof(szPathCopy)); PathAddBackslash(szPathCopy); TCHAR szCurrName[MAX_PATH/2] = { 0 }; tiCurr.GetText(szCurrName, _countof(szCurrName)); AdjustFileName(szCurrName); if (STGTY_STORAGE == pTmp->dwStgType) { TCHAR *pIter = szCurrName; while (*pIter && pIter<szCurrName+lstrlen(szCurrName)) { if(*pIter == '.') { *pIter = '_'; } pIter ++; } TCHAR szNowPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wnsprintf(szNowPath, _countof(szNowPath), _T("%s%s"), szPathCopy, szCurrName); ::SHCreateDirectoryEx(*pTreeView, szNowPath, NULL); } else if (STGTY_STREAM == pTmp->dwStgType) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wnsprintf(szFileName, _countof(szFileName), _T("%s%s"), szPathCopy, szCurrName); CComPtr<IStream> spFile; hr = pTmp->spStgOrStrm->QueryInterface(&spFile); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = WriteStreamToFile(szFileName, spFile); } lstrcat(szPathCopy, szCurrName); HTREEITEM hChild = tiCurr.GetChild(); while (NULL != hChild) { _RecursionExtractData(szPathCopy, hChild, pTreeView); hChild = CTreeItem(hChild, pTreeView).GetNextSibling(); } return hr; }
HRESULT OpenLogFile() { #define REG_VAL_FUSION_LOG_FILE TEXT("FusionLogFile") HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; HANDLE hFile = NULL; WCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; if (PAL_FetchConfigurationString(TRUE, REG_VAL_FUSION_LOG_FILE, szBuf, MAX_PATH - 50)) hr = S_OK; if(hr == S_OK) { wnsprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH, L"%s_%d.txt", szBuf, GetCurrentProcessId()); hFile = CreateFile(szBuf, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto exit; } g_hLogFile = hFile; } exit: return hr; }
void XMenuBar::parseXMenuBarInfo(const TString &input, char *szReturnValue) { const TString prop(input.gettok(1)); // Iterate through the names of menus added to XMenuBar. // N = 0 returns total number of menus // $xmenubar() [menu] [N] if (prop == "menu") { const int i = input.gettok(2).to_int(); if ((i < 0) || (i > (int) this->m_vpXMenuBar.size())) { Dcx::errorex("$!xpopup().menubar", "Invalid index: %d", i); return; } // Return number of menus in menubar. if (i == 0) wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", (int) this->m_vpXMenuBar.size()); // Return name of specified menu. else lstrcpyn(szReturnValue, this->m_vpXMenuBar[i -1]->getName().to_chr(), MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH); return; } szReturnValue[0] = 0; }
/* * Convenience method to send an error-level message using the previously defined * default error-level message code that includes the valuE from GetLastError(). * Specifically the message format is "%100s: error %08x" where the %100s string * placeholder is the supplied function name and the %08x int placeholder is the * value from GetLastError() */ void EventLogger::SvcReportLastError(LPCTSTR szFunction) { TCHAR buffer[128]; wnsprintf(buffer, 128, TEXT("%100s: error %08x"), szFunction, GetLastError()); SendEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, defaultErrorCode, buffer); }
DWORD WINAPI HashVerifyThread( PTSTR pszPath ) { // We will need to free the memory allocated for the data when done PBYTE pbRawData; // First, activate our manifest and AddRef our host ULONG_PTR uActCtxCookie = ActivateManifest(TRUE); ULONG_PTR uHostCookie = HostAddRef(); // Allocate the context data that will persist across this session HASHVERIFYCONTEXT hvctx; // It's important that we zero the memory since an initial value of zero is // assumed for many of the elements ZeroMemory(&hvctx, sizeof(hvctx)); // Prep the path HashNormalizeString(pszPath); StrTrim(pszPath, TEXT(" ")); hvctx.pszPath = pszPath; // Load the raw data pbRawData = HashVerifyLoadData(&hvctx); if (hvctx.pszFileData && (hvctx.hList = SLCreateEx(TRUE))) { HashVerifyParseData(&hvctx); DialogBoxParam( g_hModThisDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HASHVERF), NULL, HashVerifyDlgProc, (LPARAM)&hvctx ); SLRelease(hvctx.hList); } else if (*pszPath) { // Technically, we could reach this point by either having a file read // error or a memory allocation error, but I really don't feel like // doing separate messages for what are supposed to be rare edge cases. TCHAR szFormat[MAX_STRINGRES], szMessage[0x100]; LoadString(g_hModThisDll, IDS_HV_LOADERROR_FMT, szFormat, countof(szFormat)); wnsprintf(szMessage, countof(szMessage), szFormat, pszPath); MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } free(pbRawData); free(pszPath); // Clean up the manifest activation and release our host DeactivateManifest(uActCtxCookie); HostRelease(uHostCookie); InterlockedDecrement(&g_cRefThisDll); return(0); }
HRESULT DeleteAssemblyBits(LPCTSTR pszManifestPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwLen = 0; if(!pszManifestPath) goto exit; dwLen = lstrlen(pszManifestPath); ASSERT(dwLen <= MAX_PATH); lstrcpy(szPath, pszManifestPath); // making c:\foo\a.dll -> c:\foo for RemoveDirectoryAndChd() while( szPath[dwLen] != '\\' && dwLen > 0 ) dwLen--; if( szPath[dwLen] == '\\') szPath[dwLen] = '\0'; // remove the disk file hr = RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(szPath); if( (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) ) { // file is not there, this not an error. hr = S_OK; goto exit; } if(hr == S_OK) { // making c:\foo\a.dll -> c:\foo for RemoveDirectory(); while( szPath[dwLen] != '\\' && dwLen > 0 ) dwLen--; if( szPath[dwLen] == '\\') szPath[dwLen] = '\0'; // now that we have two levels of dirs...try to remove parent dir also // this succeeds only if it is empty, don't worry about return value. RemoveDirectory(szPath); } #ifdef DEBUG else { WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" DeleteAssemblyBits: RemoveDirectoryAndChildren FAILED for <%s> hr = <%x> \r\n", szPath, hr ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); } #endif // DEBUG exit : return hr; }
void FusionFormatGUID(GUID guid, LPWSTR pszBuf, DWORD cchSize) { ASSERT(pszBuf && cchSize); wnsprintf(pszBuf, cchSize, L"{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]); }
BOOL WINAPI RegDelete( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpSubst ) { LONG lResult; TCHAR szJoinedKey[0x7F]; if (lpSubst) wnsprintf(szJoinedKey, countof(szJoinedKey), lpSubKey, lpSubst); lResult = SHDeleteKey(hKey, (lpSubst) ? szJoinedKey : lpSubKey); return(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS || lResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); }
void AudioGroupFilePresenter::populatePageColumn(VSTEditor& editor, int collectionIdx, int fileIdx, int groupIdx) { LVITEM item = {}; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; ListView_DeleteAllItems(editor.m_pageListView); if (collectionIdx < m_iteratorVec.size()) { CollectionIterator& it = m_iteratorVec[collectionIdx]; if (fileIdx < it->second->m_iteratorVec.size()) { AudioGroupCollection::GroupIterator& git = it->second->m_iteratorVec[fileIdx]; if (groupIdx < git->second->m_groupTokens.size()) { AudioGroupDataCollection::GroupToken& groupTok = git->second->m_groupTokens[groupIdx]; if (groupTok.m_song) { std::map<uint8_t, const amuse::SongGroupIndex::PageEntry*> sortPages; for (auto& pair : groupTok.m_song->m_normPages) sortPages[pair.first] = pair.second; size_t idx = 0; for (auto& pair : sortPages) { wchar_t name[256]; wnsprintf(name, 256, L"%d (%s)", pair.first, GMNames[pair.first] ? GMNames[pair.first] : L"???"); item.pszText = name; item.iItem = idx++; item.lParam = pair.first; ListView_InsertItem(editor.m_pageListView, &item); } sortPages.clear(); for (auto& pair : groupTok.m_song->m_drumPages) sortPages[pair.first] = pair.second; for (auto& pair : sortPages) { wchar_t name[256]; wnsprintf(name, 256, L"%d (%s)", pair.first, GMPercNames[pair.first] ? GMPercNames[pair.first] : L"???"); item.pszText = name; item.iItem = idx++; item.lParam = 0x80000000 | pair.first; ListView_InsertItem(editor.m_pageListView, &item); } } } } } }
void RemoveDirectoryIfEmpty(LPWSTR pszCachePath, LPWSTR pszParentDir) { WCHAR pszDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; if( pszCachePath[0] && pszParentDir[0]) { wnsprintf(pszDirPath, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s", pszCachePath, pszParentDir); RemoveDirectory(pszDirPath); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateHandleName //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateHandleName(LPWSTR pszBase, LPWSTR pszSpecific, LPWSTR pszMutexName) { // Locals HRESULT hr=S_OK; DWORD cchName; LPWSTR pszT; LPWSTR pszPrefix = L"Global\\Rotor"; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; // Invalid Args ASSERT(pszBase && pszSpecific && pszMutexName); // Compute Length // 16 == file_size_max_digits_ cchName = lstrlen(pszBase) + lstrlen(pszSpecific) + lstrlen(pszPrefix); if(cchName >= MAX_PATH) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // Format the name wnsprintf(szName, (cchName+1), L"%s%s", pszBase, pszSpecific); // Remove backslashes from this string for (pszT=(szName); *pszT != '\0'; pszT++) { // Replace Back Slashes if (*pszT == '\\') { // With _ *pszT = '_'; } } if(!_wcslwr(szName)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } pszMutexName[0] = '\0'; { StrCpy(pszMutexName, pszPrefix); } StrCat(pszMutexName, szName); exit: // Done return hr; }
void stack_build_string(callback_state *state, short line_no){ wchar_t temp[256]; if (state->index==0 || state->group_name==NULL) return; if (wcscmp(state->group_name, state->class_name) == 0) { if (wcscmp(state->group_name, state->routine_name) == 0) { wnsprintf(temp, 256, L"%s Line: %d", state->routine_name, line_no); } else { wnsprintf(temp, 256, L"%s.%s Line: %d", state->group_name, state->routine_name, line_no); } } else { wnsprintf(temp, 256, L"%s.%s.%s Line: %d", state->group_name, state->class_name, state->routine_name, line_no); } if (state->values != NULL){ value *val=ot_array_index(state->vm, state->values, state->index -1); set_string(state->vm, temp, val); } if (state->trace!=NULL) lstrcatW(state->trace, temp); }
void DcxDivider::parseInfoRequest( TString & input, char * szReturnValue ) { const TString prop(input.gettok(3)); // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] if (prop == "position") { int iDivPos = 0; SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, DV_GETDIVPOS, (WPARAM) NULL, (LPARAM) &iDivPos); wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", iDivPos); return; } else if (prop == "isvertical") { wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", (GetWindowStyle(this->m_Hwnd) & DVS_VERT)); return; } if ( this->parseGlobalInfoRequest( input, szReturnValue ) ) return; szReturnValue[0] = 0; }
HKEY WINAPI RegOpen( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpSubst ) { HKEY hKeyRet = NULL; TCHAR szJoinedKey[0x7F]; if (lpSubst) wnsprintf(szJoinedKey, countof(szJoinedKey), lpSubKey, lpSubst); if (RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, (lpSubst) ? szJoinedKey : lpSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKeyRet, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Wow64DisableRegReflection(hKeyRet); return(hKeyRet); } return(NULL); }
LRESULT CAddressBand::OnTipText(UINT idControl, NMHDR *notifyHeader, BOOL &bHandled) { if (notifyHeader->hwndFrom == fGoButton) { WCHAR szText[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH]; LPNMTBGETINFOTIP pGIT = (LPNMTBGETINFOTIP)notifyHeader; if (::GetWindowTextW(fEditControl, szText, _countof(szText))) { LoadStringW(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_GOBUTTONTIPTEMPLATE, szFormat, _countof(szFormat)); wnsprintf(pGIT->pszText, pGIT->cchTextMax, szFormat, szText); } else *pGIT->pszText = 0; } return 0; }
void AudioGroupFilePresenter::populateGroupColumn(VSTEditor& editor, int collectionIdx, int fileIdx) { LVITEM item = {}; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; ListView_DeleteAllItems(editor.m_groupListView); ListView_DeleteAllItems(editor.m_pageListView); if (collectionIdx < m_iteratorVec.size()) { CollectionIterator& it = m_iteratorVec[collectionIdx]; if (fileIdx < it->second->m_iteratorVec.size()) { size_t idx = 0; AudioGroupCollection::GroupIterator& git = it->second->m_iteratorVec[fileIdx]; for (AudioGroupDataCollection::GroupToken& gtok : git->second->m_groupTokens) { wchar_t name[256]; wnsprintf(name, 256, L"%d (%s)", gtok.m_groupId, gtok.m_song ? L"Song" : L"SFX"); item.pszText = name; item.iItem = idx++; ListView_InsertItem(editor.m_groupListView, &item); } } } }
VOID WINAPI HashSaveDlgInit( PHASHSAVECONTEXT phsctx ) { HWND hWnd = phsctx->hWnd; // Load strings { SetControlText(hWnd, IDC_PAUSE, IDS_HS_PAUSE); SetControlText(hWnd, IDC_CANCEL, IDS_HS_CANCEL); } // Set the window icon and title { PTSTR pszFileName = phsctx->ofn.lpstrFile + phsctx->ofn.nFileOffset; TCHAR szFormat[MAX_STRINGRES]; LoadString(g_hModThisDll, IDS_HS_TITLE_FMT, szFormat, countof(szFormat)); wnsprintf(phsctx->, countof(phsctx->, szFormat, pszFileName); SendMessage( hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)phsctx-> ); SendMessage( hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, // No need to explicitly set the small icon (LPARAM)LoadIcon(g_hModThisDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_FILETYPE)) ); } // Initialize miscellaneous stuff { phsctx->dwFlags = 0; phsctx->cTotal = 0; } }
/*! * \brief Displays output text to the mIRC status window. */ void mIRCLinker::echo(const TCHAR *data) { wnsprintf(m_pData, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, TEXT("//echo -s %s"), data); SendMessage(m_mIRCHWND, WM_MCOMMAND, MIRCF_UNICODE, m_iMapCnt); }
void mIRCLinker::signal(const TCHAR *msg) { wnsprintf(m_pData, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, TEXT("//.signal -n DCX %s"), msg); SendMessage(m_mIRCHWND, WM_MCOMMAND, MIRCF_UNICODE, m_iMapCnt); }
/*! * \brief $xdid Parsing Function * * \param input [NAME] [ID] [PROP] (OPTIONS) * \param szReturnValue mIRC Data Container * * \return > void */ void DcxEdit::parseInfoRequest(TString &input, char *szReturnValue) { const int numtok = input.numtok( ); const TString prop(input.gettok( 3 )); // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] [N] if (prop == "text") { if (this->isStyle(ES_MULTILINE)) { if (numtok > 3) { const int nLine = input.gettok( 4 ).to_int(); if (nLine > 0 && nLine <= this->m_tsText.numtok("\r\n")) { lstrcpyn(szReturnValue, this->m_tsText.gettok(nLine, "\r\n").to_chr(), MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH); return; } } } else { lstrcpyn(szReturnValue, this->m_tsText.to_chr(), MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH); return; } } // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] else if (prop == "num") { if (this->isStyle(ES_MULTILINE)) wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", this->m_tsText.numtok("\r\n")); else lstrcpy(szReturnValue,"1"); // single line control so always 1 line. return; } // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] else if (prop == "ispass") { if (this->isStyle(ES_PASSWORD)) lstrcpy(szReturnValue, "$true"); else lstrcpy(szReturnValue, "$false"); return; } // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] else if (prop == "isreadonly") { if (this->isStyle(ES_READONLY)) lstrcpy(szReturnValue, "$true"); else lstrcpy(szReturnValue, "$false"); return; } // [NAME] [ID] [PROP] else if (prop == "caretpos") { DWORD dwAbsoluteStartSelPos = 0; // caret startsel position SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM) &dwAbsoluteStartSelPos, NULL); if (this->isStyle(ES_MULTILINE)) { // current line const int iLinePos = SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, (WPARAM)-1, NULL); // line offset const int iAbsoluteCharPos = (int) SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_LINEINDEX, (WPARAM)-1, NULL); wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d %d", iLinePos +1, dwAbsoluteStartSelPos - iAbsoluteCharPos); } else { // return selstart wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d %d", 1, dwAbsoluteStartSelPos); } return; } else if (prop == "selstart") { DWORD dwSelStart = 0; // selection range starting position SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM) &dwSelStart, NULL); wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", dwSelStart); return; } else if (prop == "selend") { DWORD dwSelEnd = 0; // selection range ending position SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_GETSEL, NULL, (LPARAM) &dwSelEnd); wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d", dwSelEnd); return; } else if (prop == "sel") { DWORD dwSelStart = 0; // selection range starting position DWORD dwSelEnd = 0; // selection range ending position SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM) &dwSelStart, (LPARAM) &dwSelEnd); wnsprintf(szReturnValue, MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH, "%d %d", dwSelStart, dwSelEnd); return; } else if (prop == "seltext") { DWORD dwSelStart = 0; // selection range starting position DWORD dwSelEnd = 0; // selection range ending position SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM) &dwSelStart, (LPARAM) &dwSelEnd); lstrcpyn(szReturnValue, this->m_tsText.mid(dwSelStart, dwSelEnd - dwSelStart).to_chr(), MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH); return; } else if (prop == "cue") { if (this->m_tsCue.len()) lstrcpyn(szReturnValue, this->m_tsCue.to_chr(), MIRC_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH); return; } else if (this->parseGlobalInfoRequest(input, szReturnValue)) return; szReturnValue[0] = 0; }
BOOL WINAPI HashCalcWriteResult( PHASHCALCCONTEXT phcctx, PHASHCALCITEM pItem ) { PCTSTR pszHash; PVOID pvLine; INT cchLine, cbLine; // Length of line, in TCHARs or BYTEs, EXCLUDING the terminator if (!pItem->bValid) return(FALSE); // Set szFormat is necessary if (phcctx->szFormat[0] == 0) { // Did I ever mention that I hate SFV? // The reason we tracked cchMax was because of this idiotic format if (phcctx->ofn.nFilterIndex == 1) { wnsprintf( phcctx->szFormat, countof(phcctx->szFormat), TEXT("%%-%ds %%s\r\n"), phcctx->cchMax - phcctx->cchAdjusted ); } else { SSStaticCpy(phcctx->szFormat, TEXT("%s *%s\r\n")); } } // Translate the filter index to a hash switch (phcctx->ofn.nFilterIndex) { case 1: pszHash = pItem->results.szHexCRC32; break; case 2: pszHash = pItem->results.szHexMD4; break; case 3: pszHash = pItem->results.szHexMD5; break; case 4: pszHash = pItem->results.szHexSHA1; break; } // Format the line #define HashCalcFormat(a, b) wnsprintf(phcctx->, MAX_PATH_BUFFER, phcctx->szFormat, a, b) cchLine = (phcctx->ofn.nFilterIndex == 1) ? HashCalcFormat(pItem->szPath + phcctx->cchAdjusted, pszHash) : // SFV HashCalcFormat(pszHash, pItem->szPath + phcctx->cchAdjusted); // everything else #undef HashCalcFormat if (cchLine > 0) { // Convert to the correct encoding switch (phcctx->opt.dwSaveEncoding) { case 0: { // UTF-8 #ifdef UNICODE cbLine = WStrToUTF8(phcctx->scratch.szW, phcctx->scratch.szA, countof(phcctx->scratch.szA)) - 1; #else AStrToWStr(phcctx->scratch.szA, phcctx->scratch.szW, countof(phcctx->scratch.szW)); cbLine = WStrToUTF8(phcctx->scratch.szW, phcctx->scratch.szA, countof(phcctx->scratch.szA)) - 1; #endif pvLine = phcctx->scratch.szA; break; } case 1: { // UTF-16 #ifndef UNICODE cchLine = AStrToWStr(phcctx->scratch.szA, phcctx->scratch.szW, countof(phcctx->scratch.szW)) - 1; #endif cbLine = cchLine * sizeof(WCHAR); pvLine = phcctx->scratch.szW; break; } case 2: { // ANSI #ifdef UNICODE cbLine = WStrToAStr(phcctx->scratch.szW, phcctx->scratch.szA, countof(phcctx->scratch.szA)) - 1; #else cbLine = cchLine; #endif pvLine = phcctx->scratch.szA; break; } } if (cbLine > 0) { INT cbWritten; WriteFile(phcctx->hFileOut, pvLine, cbLine, &cbWritten, NULL); if (cbLine != cbWritten) return(FALSE); } else return(FALSE); } else return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
LRESULT CChildFrame::OnFileExtractData(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TREE_ITEM_DATA * pTmp = (TREE_ITEM_DATA *)m_pData.GetData(); if (NULL == pTmp) return 0; TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; m_pData.GetText(szText, _countof(szText)); ATLTRACE(_T("---------%s\n"), szText); if (STGTY_STREAM == pTmp->dwStgType) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (NULL == _tcschr(szText, '.')) { _tcscat(szText, _T(".bin")); } AdjustFileName(szText); TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; { // assembling filter string TCHAR szAllFiles[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; AtlLoadString(IDS_ALL_FILES, szAllFiles, _countof(szAllFiles)); wnsprintf(szFilter, _countof(szFilter), _T("%s(*.*)|*.*||"), szAllFiles); } CModifiedFileDialog fd ( FALSE, _T(""), szText, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilter, m_hWnd ); if ( IDOK != fd.DoModal(this->m_hWnd) ) return 0; lstrcpyn(szFileName, fd.m_szFileName, _countof(szFileName)); if (PathFileExists(szFileName)) { TCHAR szFmt[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; AtlLoadString(IDS_FILE_EXISTS, szFmt, _countof(szFmt)); TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH*2] = { 0 }; wnsprintf(szMsg, _countof(szMsg), szFmt, szFileName); if ( IDYES != AtlMessageBox(m_hWnd, szMsg, IDS_WARNING, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONWARNING)) { return 0; } } CComPtr<IStream> spFile; hr = pTmp->spStgOrStrm->QueryInterface(&spFile); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = WriteStreamToFile(szFileName, spFile); } else if (STGTY_STORAGE == pTmp->dwStgType) { CModifiedFolderDialog fd ( GetTopLevelParent(), IDS_SELECT_DIR, BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS|BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE ); TCHAR szCurrPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; GetCurrentDirectory(_countof(szCurrPath), szCurrPath); fd.SetInitialDir( szCurrPath ); if ( IDOK != fd.DoModal() ) return 0; lstrcpyn(szCurrPath, fd.GetFolderPath(), _countof(szCurrPath)); PathAddBackslash(szCurrPath); SHCreateDirectoryEx(*this, szCurrPath, NULL); // recursion _RecursionExtractData(szCurrPath, m_pData, &m_wndCatalog); } return 0; }
BOOL CChildFrame::OpenCompositeDocument(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { USES_CONVERSION; CWaitCursor wait; HRESULT hResult = E_FAIL; IStorage * ptrRootStg = NULL; // root storage HWND hWnd = (HWND)m_hWnd; hResult = ::StgIsStorageFile( T2COLE(m_szFileName) ); if( S_OK != hResult ) { TCHAR szFmt[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; AtlLoadString(IDS_OPEN_ARCHIVE_ERROR, szFmt, _countof(szFmt)); TCHAR szOut[MAX_PATH*2] = { 0 }; wnsprintf(szOut, _countof(szOut), szFmt, lpszFileName); AtlMessageBox(m_hWnd, szOut, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); return FALSE; } // open the Compound document hResult = ::StgOpenStorage( T2COLE(m_szFileName), NULL, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, &ptrRootStg ); if( FAILED(hResult) ) { TCHAR szFmt[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; AtlLoadString(IDS_OPEN_FILE_ERROR, szFmt, _countof(szFmt)); TCHAR szError[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; TCHAR szOut[MAX_PATH*2] = { 0 }; wnsprintf(szOut, _countof(szOut), szFmt, lpszFileName, GetErrorString(S_OK, szError, _countof(szError))); AtlMessageBox(m_hWnd, szOut, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); return FALSE; } TREE_ITEM_DATA * pRootData = new TREE_ITEM_DATA(ptrRootStg, STGTY_STORAGE); HTREEITEM hRoot = m_wndCatalog.InsertItem ( TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, PathFindFileName(m_szFileName), 0, 1, TVIS_EXPANDED, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pRootData), NULL, NULL); std::stack < StgInfo > FolderStack; HTREEITEM htiParent = hRoot; IEnumSTATSTG * ptrEnum = NULL; hResult = ptrRootStg->EnumElements( 0, NULL, 0, &ptrEnum ); if( FAILED(hResult) ) { ptrRootStg->Release(); return 0; } TCHAR szSwap[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; LARGE_INTEGER nStorageLength; nStorageLength.QuadPart = 0; STATSTG StatStg = { 0 }; while( S_OK == hResult ) { hResult = ptrEnum->Next( 1, &StatStg, NULL ); if( S_FALSE == hResult ) { ptrRootStg->Release(); ptrEnum->Release(); // m_wndCatalog.Expand(strFolder); if( !FolderStack.empty() ) { TCHAR szCurText[MAX_PATH] = {0}; m_wndCatalog.GetItemText(htiParent, szCurText, _countof(szCurText)); CString strTotal; strTotal.Format(TEXT("%s(%ld)"), szCurText, nStorageLength); m_wndCatalog.SetItemText(htiParent, strTotal); ptrRootStg =; ptrEnum =; htiParent =; FolderStack.pop(); hResult = S_OK; } continue; } switch(StatStg.type) { case STGTY_STORAGE: // 是存储对象, "文件夹" { //先清零 nStorageLength.QuadPart = 0; IStorage * ptrChildStg = NULL; HRESULT hr = ptrRootStg->OpenStorage( StatStg.pwcsName, NULL, STGM_READWRITE|STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, &ptrChildStg ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * pData = new TREE_ITEM_DATA(ptrChildStg, StatStg.type); HTREEITEM hFolder = m_wndCatalog.InsertItem ( TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, WCHAR2TCHAR(StatStg.pwcsName, szSwap, _countof(szSwap)), 0, 1, TVIS_EXPANDED, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pData), htiParent, NULL); // 父存储入栈 FolderStack.push( StgInfo(ptrRootStg, ptrEnum, htiParent) ); // 子存储替代父存储 ptrRootStg = ptrChildStg; htiParent = hFolder; hr = ptrChildStg->EnumElements( 0, NULL, 0, &ptrEnum ); } } break; case STGTY_STREAM: // 是流, "文件" { CComPtr<IStream> spStream; HRESULT hr = ptrRootStg->OpenStream(StatStg.pwcsName, NULL, STGM_READWRITE|STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &spStream); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); LARGE_INTEGER nSeekPos; nSeekPos.QuadPart = 0LL; ULARGE_INTEGER nLength = {0}; hr = spStream->Seek(nSeekPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &nLength); CString strStreamName; WCHAR2TCHAR(StatStg.pwcsName, szSwap, _countof(szSwap)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nStorageLength.QuadPart += nLength.QuadPart; strStreamName.Format(TEXT("%s(%ld)"), szSwap, nLength); } else { strStreamName.Format(TEXT("%s(0)"), szSwap); } TREE_ITEM_DATA * pData = new TREE_ITEM_DATA(spStream, StatStg.type); m_wndCatalog.InsertItem ( TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, strStreamName, 2, 2, TVIS_EXPANDED, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pData), htiParent, NULL); } break; case STGTY_LOCKBYTES: ATLTRACE(_T("===== STGTY_LOCKBYTES %d ====="), StatStg.type); break; case STGTY_PROPERTY: ATLTRACE(_T("===== STGTY_PROPERTY %d ====="), StatStg.type); break; default: ATLASSERT(!_T("Unknown storage type!!!")); break; } ::CoTaskMemFree( StatStg.pwcsName ); // 释放名称所使用的内存 } return 0; }
HRESULT MoveAllFilesFromDir(LPWSTR pszSrcDirPath, LPWSTR pszDestDirPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szDestFilePath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; StrCpy(szBuf, pszSrcDirPath); StrCat(szBuf, TEXT("\\*")); if ((hf = FindFirstFile(szBuf, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } StrCpy(szBuf, pszSrcDirPath); do { if ( (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) continue; wnsprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH-1, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszSrcDirPath, fd.cFileName); if (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { wnsprintf(szDestFilePath, MAX_PATH-1, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszDestDirPath, fd.cFileName); if(!MoveFile( szBuf, szDestFilePath)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" MoveFile(%s, %s) FAILED with <%x> \r\n", szBuf, szDestFilePath, hr ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); #endif // DEBUG if( (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) ) { hr = S_OK; } else { break; } } } else { } } while (FindNextFile(hf, &fd)); if ((hr == S_OK) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hf); hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // after moving all files attempt to remove the source dir if (!RemoveDirectory(pszSrcDirPath)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" RemoveDirectory(%s) FAILED in MoveAllFilesFromDir with <%x> \r\n", pszSrcDirPath, hr ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); #endif // DEBUG if( (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) ) { hr = S_OK; } } exit : if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hf); hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return hr; }
HRESULT DeleteAssemblyFiles(DWORD dwCacheFlags, LPCWSTR pszCustomPath, LPWSTR pszManFilePath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszTemp=NULL; LPWSTR pszManifestPath=pszManFilePath; TCHAR szPendDelDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szAsmDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; #define TEMP_PEND_DIR 10 DWORD dwLen = 0; if(!pszManifestPath) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } dwLen = lstrlen(pszManifestPath); ASSERT(dwLen <= MAX_PATH); lstrcpy(szAsmDirPath, pszManifestPath); pszTemp = PathFindFileName(szAsmDirPath); if(pszTemp > szAsmDirPath) { *(pszTemp-1) = L'\0'; } dwLen = MAX_PATH; hr = GetPendingDeletePath( pszCustomPath, dwCacheFlags, szPendDelDirPath, &dwLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } if(lstrlen(szPendDelDirPath) + TEMP_PEND_DIR > MAX_PATH) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME); goto exit; } GetRandomFileName( szPendDelDirPath, TEMP_PEND_DIR); if(!MoveFile( szAsmDirPath, szPendDelDirPath)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" MoveFile((%s, %s)) FAILED in DeleteAssemblyFiles with <%x> \r\n", szAsmDirPath, szPendDelDirPath, hr ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); #endif // DEBUG if( (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) ) { hr = S_OK; goto exit; } } else { hr = RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(szPendDelDirPath); hr = S_OK; // don't worry about passing back error here. its already in pend-del dir. goto exit; } // looks like there are some in-use files here. // move all the asm files to pend del dir. if(!CreateDirectory(szPendDelDirPath, NULL)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } hr = MoveAllFilesFromDir(szAsmDirPath, szPendDelDirPath); if(hr == S_OK) { // assembly deleted successfully delete/pend all temp files. hr = RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(szPendDelDirPath); hr = S_OK; // don't worry about passing back error here. its already in pend-del dir. } else { // could not delete assembly; restore all files back to original state. #ifdef DEBUG HRESULT hrTemp = #endif MoveAllFilesFromDir(szPendDelDirPath, szAsmDirPath); #ifdef DEBUG WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" Restored all files back to <%s> hr = <%x> hrTemp = <%x> \r\n", szAsmDirPath, hr, hrTemp ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); #endif // DEBUG hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); } exit : if(hr == S_OK) { pszTemp = PathFindFileName(szAsmDirPath); if(pszTemp > szAsmDirPath) { *(pszTemp-1) = L'\0'; } // now that we have two levels of dirs...try to remove parent dir also // this succeeds only if it is empty, don't worry about return value. RemoveDirectory(szAsmDirPath); } return hr; }
STDAPI CopyPDBs(IAssembly *pAsm) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAssemblyName *pName = NULL; IAssemblyModuleImport *pModImport = NULL; DWORD dwSize; WCHAR wzAsmCachePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzSourcePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzPDBName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzPDBSourcePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzPDBTargetPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wzModPath[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR wzCodebase=NULL; LPWSTR wzModName = NULL; DWORD dwIdx = 0; LPWSTR wzTmp = NULL; if (!pAsm) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } if (pAsm->GetAssemblyLocation(NULL) == E_NOTIMPL) { // This is a registered "known assembly" (ie. the process EXE). // We don't copy PDBs for the process EXE because it's never // shadow copied. hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } // Find the source location. Make sure this is a file:// URL (ie. we // don't support retrieving the PDB over http://). hr = pAsm->GetAssemblyNameDef(&pName); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wzCodebase = NEW(WCHAR[MAX_URL_LENGTH+1]); if (!wzCodebase) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } dwSize = MAX_URL_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); hr = pName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_CODEBASE_URL, (void *)wzCodebase, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (!UrlIsW(wzCodebase, URLIS_FILEURL)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = PathCreateFromUrlWrap(wzCodebase, wzSourcePath, &dwSize, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wzTmp = PathFindFileName(wzSourcePath); ASSERT(wzTmp > (LPWSTR)wzSourcePath); *wzTmp = L'\0'; // Find the target location in the cache. dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = pAsm->GetManifestModulePath(wzAsmCachePath, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wzTmp = PathFindFileName(wzAsmCachePath); ASSERT(wzTmp > (LPWSTR)wzAsmCachePath); StrCpy(wzFileName, wzTmp); *wzTmp = L'\0'; // Copy the manifest PDB. // Hack for now dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = GetPDBName(wzFileName, wzPDBName, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wnsprintfW(wzPDBSourcePath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws%ws", wzSourcePath, wzPDBName); wnsprintf(wzPDBTargetPath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws%ws", wzAsmCachePath, wzPDBName); if (GetFileAttributes(wzPDBTargetPath) == (DWORD) -1 && lstrcmpiW(wzPDBSourcePath, wzPDBTargetPath)) { CopyFile(wzPDBSourcePath, wzPDBTargetPath, TRUE); } // Copy the module PDBs. dwIdx = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pAsm->GetNextAssemblyModule(dwIdx++, &pModImport); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pModImport->IsAvailable()) { dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = pModImport->GetModulePath(wzModPath, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { SAFERELEASE(pModImport); goto Exit; } wzModName = PathFindFileName(wzModPath); ASSERT(wzModName); dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = GetPDBName(wzModName, wzPDBName, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { SAFERELEASE(pModImport); goto Exit; } wnsprintfW(wzPDBSourcePath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws%ws", wzSourcePath, wzPDBName); wnsprintfW(wzPDBTargetPath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws%ws", wzAsmCachePath, wzPDBName); if (GetFileAttributes(wzPDBTargetPath) == (DWORD) -1 && lstrcmpiW(wzPDBSourcePath, wzPDBTargetPath)) { CopyFile(wzPDBSourcePath, wzPDBTargetPath, TRUE); } } SAFERELEASE(pModImport); } } // Copy complete. Return success. if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { hr = S_OK; } Exit: SAFERELEASE(pName); SAFEDELETEARRAY(wzCodebase); return hr; }
HRESULT RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(LPWSTR szDir) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; LPWSTR wzCanonicalized=NULL; WCHAR wzPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize; if (!szDir || !lstrlenW(szDir)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } wzPath[0] = L'\0'; wzCanonicalized = NEW(WCHAR[MAX_URL_LENGTH+1]); if (!wzCanonicalized) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } dwSize = MAX_URL_LENGTH; hr = UrlCanonicalizeW(szDir, wzCanonicalized, &dwSize, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } dwSize = MAX_PATH; hr = PathCreateFromUrlW(wzCanonicalized, wzPath, &dwSize, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Cannot delete root. Path must have greater length than "x:\" if (lstrlenW(wzPath) < 4) { ASSERT(0); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); goto Exit; } if (RemoveDirectory(wzPath)) { goto Exit; } // ha! we have a case where the directory is probbaly not empty StrCpy(szBuf, wzPath); StrCat(szBuf, TEXT("\\*")); if ((hf = FindFirstFile(szBuf, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto Exit; } do { if ( (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) continue; wnsprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH-1, TEXT("%s\\%s"), wzPath, fd.cFileName); if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { SetFileAttributes(szBuf, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (FAILED((hr=RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(szBuf)))) { goto Exit; } } else { SetFileAttributes(szBuf, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (!DeleteFile(szBuf)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG if((hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) && (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND))) { WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" RemoveDirectoryAndChildren: DeleteFile(<%s>) failed hr = <%x>\r\n", szBuf, hr); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); } #endif // DEBUG goto Exit; } } } while (FindNextFile(hf, &fd)); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto Exit; } if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hf); hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // here if all subdirs/children removed /// re-attempt to remove the main dir if (!RemoveDirectory(wzPath)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" RemoveDirectoryAndChildren: RemoveDirectory(<%s>) failed hr = <%x>\r\n", wzPath, hr); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); #endif // DEBUG goto Exit; } Exit: if(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hf); SAFEDELETEARRAY(wzCanonicalized); return hr; }
HRESULT FlushOldAssembly(LPCWSTR pszCustomPath, LPWSTR pszAsmDirPath, LPWSTR pszManifestFileName, BOOL bForceDelete) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszTemp=NULL, pszAsmDirName=NULL; TCHAR szParentDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; ASSERT(pszAsmDirPath); lstrcpy(szParentDirPath, pszAsmDirPath); pszTemp = PathFindFileName(szParentDirPath); if(pszTemp > szParentDirPath) { *(pszTemp-1) = L'\0'; } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto exit; } pszAsmDirName = pszTemp; StrCpy(szBuf, szParentDirPath); StrCat(szBuf, TEXT("\\*")); if ((hf = FindFirstFile(szBuf, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } do { if ( (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) continue; if ((fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if(StrCmp(fd.cFileName, pszAsmDirName)) { wnsprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s\\%s", szParentDirPath, fd.cFileName, pszManifestFileName); hr = CScavenger::DeleteAssembly(ASM_CACHE_DOWNLOAD, pszCustomPath, szBuf, bForceDelete); #ifdef DEBUG if(hr != S_OK) { WCHAR szMsgBuf[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]; wnsprintf( szMsgBuf, MAX_PATH*2, L" Flushing <%s> returned hr = <%x> \r\n", szBuf, hr ); WriteToLogFile(szMsgBuf); } #endif // DEBUG if(hr != S_OK) goto exit; } } else { } } while (FindNextFile(hf, &fd)); if((hr == S_OK) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } exit : if(hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hf); hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return hr; }
HRESULT CleanupTempDir(DWORD dwCacheFlags, LPCWSTR pszCustomPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szPendDelDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH; hr = GetPendingDeletePath( pszCustomPath, dwCacheFlags, szPendDelDirPath, &dwLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } StrCpy(szBuf, szPendDelDirPath); StrCat(szBuf, TEXT("\\*")); if((hf = FindFirstFile(szBuf, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } do { if ( (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (StrCmp(fd.cFileName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) continue; wnsprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH-1, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szPendDelDirPath, fd.cFileName); if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { hr = RemoveDirectoryAndChildren(szBuf); } else { if(!DeleteFile(szBuf)) hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); } } while (FindNextFile(hf, &fd)); if((hr == S_OK) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) { hr = FusionpHresultFromLastError(); goto exit; } exit : if(hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hf); hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return hr; }