Beispiel #1
void vfo::setFrequency(int freq)
    if (selectedVFO == 'A' || selectedVFO == 'S') {
    } else if (!ui->pBtnSubRx->isChecked()) {
    } else writeA(freq);
Beispiel #2
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
    QString str;
    int x, digit;
    int direction = 0;
    static const int mult[2][9] = {
        {100000000,10000000,1000000,100000,10000,1000,100,10,1},            // Retrieve with mult[0][0 ... 8]
        {-100000000,-10000000,-1000000,-100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10,-1}    // Retrieve with mult[1][0 ... 8]

    digit = getDigit(event->x(), event->y());
    if (digit != 9) {  // getDigit returns 9 if click was outside display area so we just fall through.
        if (event->delta() < 0) direction = 1;  // x becomes pos or neg depending on wheel rotation.
        if (digit < 9) { // getDigit returns 0 ... 8 if we clicked on vfoA
            x = mult[direction][digit];
            x = x + readA();
            if (x >= 0 && x <= 999999999)  // Safe to update the display without overflow or underflow.
        } else {                  // getDigit returns 10 ... 18 if we clicked on vfoB
            digit = digit - 10; // so convert to 1 ... 8.
            x = mult[direction][digit];
            x = x + readB();
            if (x >= 0 && x <= 999999999)  // Safe to update the display without overflow or underflow.
    }  //We fall through to here without processing the wheel if getDigit returns 9.
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	pthread_t tid;  /* the thread identifier */
  	pthread_attr_t attr;  /* set of thread attributes */


	if(atoi(argv[1]) >= atoi(argv[2]))
		struct arguments arg;
		arg.n = atoi(argv[1]);
		arg.k = atoi(argv[2]);

		/* get the default attributes */
  		pthread_attr_init( &attr );

		pthread_create( &tid, &attr, combination,(void *) & arg);

		pthread_join( tid, NULL );

		printf("El resultado de la combinacion es: %f\n", result);
		printf("El primero argumento tiene que ser mayor o igual que el segundo\n");

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_pBtnExch_clicked()
    int exchTemp;

    exchTemp = readA();
Beispiel #5
void cLog::xwriteA(LPCSTR format, ...  )
    ZLockHolder holder(&m_formatWriteMutex);

    va_list vl;
    va_start (vl, format);
    vsnprintf_s (g_szMutiBuffer, MAX_SIZE_BUFFER, MAX_SIZE_BUFFER, format, vl);
    va_end (vl);  

Beispiel #6
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_toolBtnDn_clicked()
    switch (selectedVFO) {
    case 'A':
    case 'S': {
        writeA(readA() - 24000);
    case 'B':
        writeB(readB() - 24000);
Beispiel #7
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_pBtnRIT_clicked()
    int chkd = -1;

    if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) {
        chkd = 1;
    if (selectedVFO != 'B') { // Using vfoA or Split if 'B' is not selectedVFO.
        writeA(readA() + ui->hSlider->value() * chkd);
    } else {
        writeB(readB() + ui->hSlider->value() * chkd);
Beispiel #8
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::processRIT(int rit)
    static int freq = 0;

    freq = rit - freq; // freq now holds difference between last rit and this.
    if (selectedVFO != 'B') { // Using vfoA or Split if 'B' is not selectedVFO.
        freq += readA();
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) writeA(freq);
    } else {
        freq += readB();
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) writeB(freq);
    freq = rit;
Beispiel #9
void vfo::on_pBtnExch_clicked()
    long long exchTemp1;
    long long exchTemp2;

    exchTemp1 = readA();
    exchTemp2 = readB();

    if(selectedVFO == 'B') {
        emit frequencyChanged(exchTemp1);
    } else {
        emit frequencyChanged(exchTemp2);
Beispiel #10
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_pBtnvfoA_clicked()
    if (selectedVFO != 'A') {
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) {
        selectedVFO = 'A';
        ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85, 255, 0)"); //Set button to Green
        ui->pBtnvfoB->setStyleSheet("background-color: normal");
        ui->pBtnSplit->setStyleSheet("background-color: normal");
        vfoEnabled(true, false);
Beispiel #11
//  write model (pi, A, B) to file
void writeModel(double *pi, 
                double **A, 
                double **B, 
                int N, 
                int M, 
                int T, 
                char **alphabet,
                FILE *out)
    fprintf(out, "N=%d, M=%d, T=%d\n", N, M, T);
    fprintf(out, "I:\n");
    writePi(pi, N, out);
    fprintf(out, "A:\n");
    writeA(A, N, out);
    fprintf(out, "B:\n");
    writeBT(B, N, M, alphabet, out);
Beispiel #12
void vfo::pttChange(bool pttState)
    long long temp;

    ptt = pttState;
    if(ptt) { // Going from Rx to Tx
        if(selectedVFO=='S') { //We are going to transmit on vfoB frequency
            temp = readA();                 //Because we are switched to vfoA we will place the
            emit frequencyChanged(readB()); //value of vfoB in it when doing the frequency change
            writeA(temp);                   //hence needing to save and restore vfoA via temp.
    } else { // Going from Tx to Rx
        if(selectedVFO=='S') { //We are going to receive on vfoA frequency
            emit frequencyChanged(readA());
Beispiel #13
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_pBtnSplit_clicked()
    if (selectedVFO != 'S') {
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) {
        selectedVFO = 'S';
        ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85, 255, 0)");
        ui->pBtnvfoB->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 155, 155)");
        ui->pBtnSplit->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0, 170, 255)");
        vfoEnabled(true, false);
        if (ptt == true) {
        } else {
Beispiel #14
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    bool isVFOa = false;
    int digit, cnt;
    QString myStr = "";

    if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) {

// qDebug() << (QString::number(event->x()) + "/" + QString::number(event->y()));
        //Check to see if we have right clicked on the band button group
        if ((event->x() > 414) && (event->x() < 573) && (event->y() > 6) && (event->y() < 111)) {
//            qDebug() << "Button Group Clicked";

        // Check to see if we have right clicked the RIT slider
        } else if ((event->x() > 189) && (event->x() < 403) && (event->y() > 89) && (event->y() < 111)) {
        } else { // We have clicked either on the display or somewhere else on the widget
            digit = getDigit(event->x(), event->y());
            if (digit != 9) {  // getDigit returns 9 if click was outside display area.
                if (digit < 9) { // getDigit returns 0 ... 8 if we clicked on vfoA
                    isVFOa = true;
                    myStr = ui->lbl_Amhz->text() + ui->lbl_Akhz->text() + ui->lbl_Ahz->text();
                } else {                  // getDigit returns 10 ... 18 if we clicked on vfoB
                    digit = digit - 10; // so convert to 1 ... 8.
                    myStr = ui->lbl_Bmhz->text() + ui->lbl_Bkhz->text() + ui->lbl_Bhz->text();
                for (cnt = myStr.length(); cnt < 9; cnt++) {
                    myStr = "0" + myStr;
                for (cnt = digit; cnt < 9; cnt++) {
                    myStr[cnt] = QChar('0');
                if (isVFOa) {
                } else writeB(myStr.toInt());
Beispiel #15
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::btnGrpBand(int btn)
    int retrievedFreq;
    int vfoFreq;
    int cnt;
//    bool vfoBflag;

    btn = -1 * (btn + 2); //Map buttons (-2 .. -14) to (0 .. 11)
    // Test to see if we are changing band.
    if (btn != cur_Band) {
        cur_Band = btn; //Yes, so retrieve current freq for band.
        retrievedFreq = bands[btn][bDat_cFreq];
        for (cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++) {   //If the freq is in one of the memories then set
            if (retrievedFreq == bands[btn][cnt]) break;  // the browsePtr to point to it.
        if (cnt != 4) { //cnt will be 4 if no matching memory.
            browsePtr = cnt; // Points to matching memory position
        }   else {
            browsePtr = bands[btn][bDat_index]; //Initialised to point to last stored freq.
    } else {
        retrievedFreq = bands[btn][browsePtr];
        if (selectedVFO != 'B') {
        vfoFreq = readA();
        }   else {
        vfoFreq = readB();
        if (vfoFreq == retrievedFreq) {
            browsePtr &= 0x03;
            retrievedFreq = bands[btn][browsePtr];
    if (selectedVFO != 'B') {
    } else {
Beispiel #16
void vfo::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
    QString str;
    long long x;
    int digit;
    int direction = 1;
    bool isVfoA = true;
    static const int mult[9] = {100000000,10000000,1000000,100000,10000,1000,100,10,1};

    digit = getDigit(event->x(), event->y());
    if (digit != 9) {  // getDigit returns 9 if click was outside display area so we just fall through.
        if (event->delta() < 0) direction = -1;  // x becomes pos or neg depending on wheel rotation.
        if (digit > 9) { // getDigit returns 10 ... 18 if we clicked on vfoB
            digit = digit - 10; // so convert to 1 ... 8.
            isVfoA = false;
        x = mult[digit]*direction;
        if(isVfoA) {    //If true we scrolled on vfoA
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<"The value of x = "<<", & readA() = "<<readA();
            if(selectedVFO == 'A' || selectedVFO == 'S') {
                emit frequencyMoved(x, 1);
            else {
                writeA(readA() - x);
        else {  //We scrolled on vfoB
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<"The value of x = "<< x<<", & readB() = "<<readB();
            if(selectedVFO == 'B') {
                emit frequencyMoved(x, 1);
            else {
                writeB(readB() - x);
    }  //We fall through to here without processing the wheel if getDigit returns 9.
Beispiel #17
void vfo::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    bool isVFOa = false;
    int digit, cnt;
    QString myStr = "";
    long long freq;

    if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) {

//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": event x/y = "<<event->x()<<"/"<<event->y();

        //Check to see if we have right clicked on the band button group
        if ((event->x() > 414) && (event->x() < 573) &&
            (event->y() > 6) && (event->y() < 111)) {
//            storeVFO(); //make the selected button flash yellow & call store routine
            ui->btnGrpBand->checkedButton()->setStyleSheet("background-color: yellow");
            emit rightBandClick();  //connected to Band:quickMemStore via UI:quickMemStore

        }   // Check to see if we have right clicked the RIT slider
        else if ((event->x() > 189) && (event->x() < 403) &&
                 (event->y() > 89) && (event->y() < 111)) {
        // We have clicked either on the display or somewhere else on the widget

        else {  // Check to see if we have clicked outside the vfo display area
            digit = getDigit(event->x(), event->y());
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": The value of digit is ..."<<digit;
            if (digit != 9) {       // getDigit returns 9 if click was outside display area.
                if (digit < 9) {    // getDigit returns 0 ... 8 if we clicked on vfoA
                    freq = readA();
                    isVFOa = true;
                    myStr = ui->lbl_Amhz->text() + ui->lbl_Akhz->text() + ui->lbl_Ahz->text();
                else {                  // getDigit returns 10 ... 18 if we clicked on vfoB
                    digit = digit - 10; // so convert to 1 ... 8.
                    freq = readB();
                    myStr = ui->lbl_Bmhz->text() + ui->lbl_Bkhz->text() + ui->lbl_Bhz->text();
                for (cnt = myStr.length(); cnt < 9; cnt++) {
                    myStr = "0" + myStr;
                for (cnt = digit; cnt < 9; cnt++) {
                    myStr[cnt] = QChar('0');
                freq = freq - myStr.toLongLong();
                if (isVFOa) {   //We right clicked on vfoA
                    if(selectedVFO == 'A' || selectedVFO == 'S') {
                        emit frequencyMoved(freq, 1);
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": vfoA, emit frequencyChanged(myStr.toLongLong()) = "<<freq;
                    else {
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": vfoA, writeA(myStr.toInt()) = "<<freq;
//                else if(ui->pBtnSubRx->isChecked()) { //We right clicked on vfoB
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": vfoB and subRx mode";
//                }
                else if(selectedVFO == 'B') {
                        emit frequencyMoved(freq, 1);
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": Line 187 ... vfoB, emit frequencyMoved(freq, 1) = "<<freq;
                else {
//qDebug()<<Q_FUNC_INFO<<": vfoB, writeA(myStr.toInt()) = "<<freq;
    }   //If event not right button or getDigit = 9, fall thru to here with no processing.
Beispiel #18
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::readSettings()
    QSettings settings("freesoftware", "vfo");

    bands[0][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band0_Mem00",1850000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band0_Mem01",1860000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band0_Mem02",1870000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band0_Mem03",1880000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band0_Cfreq",1840000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band0_Fqmin",1800000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band0_Fqmax",1950000).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band0_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band0_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band0_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[0][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band0_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[1][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band1_Mem00",3550000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band1_Mem01",3560000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band1_Mem02",3570000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band1_Mem03",3580000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band1_Cfreq",3540000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band1_Fqmin",3500000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band1_Fqmax",3900000).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band1_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band1_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band1_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[1][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band1_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[2][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band2_Mem00",7050000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band2_Mem01",7060000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band2_Mem02",7070000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band2_Mem03",7080000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band2_Cfreq",7040000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band2_Fqmin",7000000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band2_Fqmax",7300000).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band2_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band2_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band2_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[2][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band2_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[3][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band3_Mem00",10110000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band3_Mem01",10120000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band3_Mem02",10130000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band3_Mem03",10140000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band3_Cfreq",10125000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band3_Fqmin",10100000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band3_Fqmax",10150000).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band3_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band3_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band3_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[3][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band3_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[4][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band4_Mem00",14020000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band4_Mem01",14120000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band4_Mem02",14130000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band4_Mem03",14140000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band4_Cfreq",14125000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band4_Fqmin",14000000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band4_Fqmax",14350000).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band4_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band4_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band4_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[4][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band4_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[5][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band5_Mem00",18010000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band5_Mem01",18020000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band5_Mem02",18030000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band5_Mem03",18040000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band5_Cfreq",18025000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band5_Fqmin",18068000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band5_Fqmax",18168000).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band5_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band5_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band5_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[5][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band5_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[6][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band6_Mem00",21010000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band6_Mem01",21020000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band6_Mem02",21130000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band6_Mem03",21140000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band6_Cfreq",21225000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band6_Fqmin",21000000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band6_Fqmax",21450000).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band6_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band6_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band6_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[6][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band6_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[7][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band7_Mem00",24900000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band7_Mem01",24920000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band7_Mem02",24930000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band7_Mem03",24940000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band7_Cfreq",24925000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band7_Fqmin",24890000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band7_Fqmax",24990000).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band7_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band7_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band7_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[7][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band7_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[8][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band8_Mem00",26955000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band8_Mem01",26960000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band8_Mem02",26970000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band8_Mem03",26980000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band8_Cfreq",26990000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band8_Fqmin",26950000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band8_Fqmax",27300000).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band8_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band8_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band8_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[8][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band8_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[9][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band9_Mem00",28010000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band9_Mem01",28420000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band9_Mem02",28430000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band9_Mem03",28440000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band9_Cfreq",28425000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band9_Fqmin",28000000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band9_Fqmax",29700000).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band9_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band9_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band9_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[9][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band9_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[10][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band10_Mem00",51010000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band10_Mem01",51060000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band10_Mem02",51070000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band10_Mem03",51080000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band10_Cfreq",51940000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band10_Fqmin",51000000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band10_Fqmax",53000000).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band10_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band10_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band10_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[10][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band10_Index",0).toInt());

    bands[11][bDat_mem00] = (settings.value("Band11_Mem00",8050000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_mem01] = (settings.value("Band11_Mem01",9060000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_mem02] = (settings.value("Band11_Mem02",10070000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_mem03] = (settings.value("Band11_Mem03",11080000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_cFreq] = (settings.value("Band11_Cfreq",15040000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_fqmin] = (settings.value("Band11_Fqmin",000000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_fqmax] = (settings.value("Band11_Fqmax",999000000).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_modee] = (settings.value("Band11_Modee",1).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_filtH] = (settings.value("Band11_FiltH",2800).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_filtL] = (settings.value("Band11_FiltL",200).toInt());
    bands[11][bDat_index] = (settings.value("Band11_Index",0).toInt());

    writeA(settings.value("vfoA_f",3502000).toInt());  // These need to be done after all the frequency
    writeB(settings.value("vfoB_f",14234567).toInt()); // settings have been read and set.
Beispiel #19
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::on_pBtnBtoA_clicked()
Beispiel #20
Datei: vfo.cpp Projekt: radi8/vfo
void vfo::togglePTT(bool pttRq)
    int freq;
    bool vfoUsed; // true = vfoA, false = vfoB.

    if (selectedVFO == 'A') {
        freq = readA();
        vfoUsed = true;
    } else if (selectedVFO == 'B') {
        freq = readB();
        vfoUsed = false;
    } else if (pttRq == true) { // Must be split and
        freq = readB();         //we will Tx on vfoB
        vfoUsed = false;
    } else {                // We are receiving so we
        freq = readA();     // will Rx on vfoA.
        vfoUsed = true;
    }  // We have decided on vfo to use and got basic freq. Lets now see if we
       // are doing a valid changeover and if it is Rx to Tx or Tx to Rx.
    if (pttRq == true && ptt == false) { // Going from Rx to Tx
        ptt = true;
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) {
            if (selectedVFO == 'A' || selectedVFO == 'B'){
                freq = freq + ui->hSlider->value() * -1;
            } // We don't modify the vfo frequencies if on split
        }     // and of course no modification if RIT not checked.
        if (vfoUsed == true) { // Using vfoA for transmit frequency
            ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0)"); //Red
        } else {
            //TODO set vfoA background to light green and disable display vfoEnabled(false, true)
            vfoEnabled(false, true);
            ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: normal"); //Red
            ui->pBtnvfoB->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0)"); //Red
    } else if (pttRq == false && ptt == true) { //Going from Tx to Rx
        ptt = false;
        if (ui->pBtnRIT->isChecked()) {
            if (selectedVFO == 'A' || selectedVFO == 'B'){
                freq = freq + ui->hSlider->value();
            } // We don't modify the vfo frequencies if on split
        }     // and again no modification if RIT not checked.
        if (selectedVFO == 'A') { // Using vfoA for receive frequency
            ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85, 255, 0)"); //Green
        } else  if (selectedVFO == 'B'){
            ui->pBtnvfoB->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85, 255, 0)"); //Green
        } else {
            ui->pBtnvfoB->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 155, 155)"); //Light Red
            ui->pBtnvfoA->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85, 255, 0)"); //Green
            vfoEnabled(true, false);
Beispiel #21
void vfo::on_pBtnBtoA_clicked()
    emit frequencyChanged(readB());