Beispiel #1
static int outfile(char const *filename, int rgb_dir, int vdir, int x, int y, int comp, void *data, int alpha, int pad, char *fmt, ...)
   FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
   if (f) {
      va_list v;
      va_start(v, fmt);
      writefv(f, fmt, v);
   return f != NULL;
Beispiel #2
void cineon_writer_t::do_write_image( const boost::filesystem::path& p,
				const image::const_image_view_t& view,
				const adobe::dictionary_t& params) const
    std::ofstream out( filesystem::file_cstring( p), std::ios_base::binary);

    if( !out)
		throw exception( "can't open file");

    CineonFileInformation fi = { 0 };

    fi.magic = IECore::asBigEndian( (boost::uint32_t) 0x802a5fd7);
    fi.section_header_length = 0;
    fi.industry_header_length = 0;
    fi.variable_header_length = 0;

    strcpy( fi.version, "V4.5");

    strncpy( (char *) fi.file_name, filesystem::file_cstring( p), sizeof( fi.file_name ));

    // compute the current date and time
    boost::posix_time::ptime localTime = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
    boost::gregorian::date date =;
    boost::posix_time::time_duration time = localTime.time_of_day();

    #if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
        sprintf_s( fi.creation_date, sizeof( fi.creation_date ), "%04d-%02d-%02d",
                static_cast<int>( date.year()), static_cast<int>( date.month()),

        sprintf_s( fi.creation_time, sizeof( fi.creation_time ), "%02d:%02d:%02d", time.hours(),
                    time.minutes(), time.seconds());
        snprintf( fi.creation_date, sizeof( fi.creation_date ), "%04d-%02d-%02d",
                static_cast<int>( date.year()), static_cast<int>( date.month()),

        snprintf( fi.creation_time, sizeof( fi.creation_time ), "%02d:%02d:%02d", time.hours(),
                    time.minutes(), time.seconds());

    CineonImageInformation ii = { 0 };
    ii.orientation = 0;
    ii.channel_count = 3;

    for( int c = 0; c < 8; ++c)
		CineonImageInformationChannelInformation& ci = ii.channel_information[c];
		ci.byte_0 = 0;
		if( c == 0)
			ci.byte_1 = 1;
		if( c == 1)
			ci.byte_1 = 2;
		if( c == 2)
			ci.byte_1 = 3;
		ci.byte_1 = 0;
		ci.bpp = 10;
		if( c < 3)
			ci.pixels_per_line = IECore::asBigEndian( (boost::uint32_t) view.width());
			ci.lines_per_image = IECore::asBigEndian( (boost::uint32_t) view.height());
			ci.min_data_value	= IECore::asBigEndian( 0.0f);
			ci.min_quantity	= IECore::asBigEndian( 0.0f);
			ci.max_data_value	= IECore::asBigEndian( 1023.0f);
			ci.max_quantity	= IECore::asBigEndian( 2.046f);
			ci.pixels_per_line = 0;
			ci.lines_per_image = 0;

    CineonImageDataFormatInformation idfi = { 0 };
    idfi.interleave = 0;               // pixel interleave
    idfi.packing = 5;                  // 32 bit left-aligned with 2 waste bits
    idfi.data_signed = 0;              // unsigned data
    idfi.sense = 0;                    // positive image sense
    idfi.eol_padding = 0;              // no end-of-line padding
    idfi.eoc_padding = 0;              // no end-of-data padding

    // \todo Complete filling in this structure
    CineonImageOriginationInformation ioi = { 0 };
    ioi.x_offset = 0;                  // could be dataWindow min.x
    ioi.y_offset = 0;                  // could be dataWindow min.y
    ioi.gamma = IECore::asBigEndian( (boost::uint32_t) 0x7f800000);

    // compute data offsets
    fi.image_data_offset = IECore::asBigEndian( (boost::uint32_t) 1024);

    // file size is 1024 (header) + image data size
    // image data size is 32 bits times width*height
    fi.total_file_size = 1024 + sizeof( boost::uint32_t) * view.width() * view.height();
    fi.total_file_size = IECore::asBigEndian( fi.total_file_size);

    out.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>( &fi), sizeof(fi));
    if (
		throw exception( "can't write header");

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ii),   sizeof(ii));
    if (
		throw exception( "can't write header");

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&idfi), sizeof(idfi));
    if (
		throw exception( "can't write header");

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ioi),  sizeof(ioi));
    if (
		throw exception( "can't write header");

    write_pixels( out, view);
void oskar_mem_write_fits_cube(oskar_Mem* data, const char* root_name,
        int width, int height, int num_planes, int i_plane, int* status)
    oskar_Mem *copy = 0, *ptr = 0;
    size_t len, buf_len;
    char* fname;

    /* Checks. */
    if (*status) return;
    if (oskar_mem_is_matrix(data))
        *status = OSKAR_ERR_BAD_DATA_TYPE;

    /* Construct the filename. */
    len = strlen(root_name);
    buf_len = 11 + len;
    fname = (char*) calloc(buf_len, sizeof(char));

    /* Copy to host memory if necessary. */
    ptr = data;
    if (oskar_mem_location(data) != OSKAR_CPU)
        copy = oskar_mem_create_copy(ptr, OSKAR_CPU, status);
        ptr = copy;

    /* Deal with complex data. */
    if (oskar_mem_is_complex(ptr))
        oskar_Mem *temp;
        temp = oskar_mem_create(oskar_mem_precision(ptr), OSKAR_CPU,
                oskar_mem_length(ptr), status);

        /* Extract the real part and write it. */
        SNPRINTF(fname, buf_len, "%s_REAL.fits", root_name);
        convert_complex(ptr, temp, 0, status);
        write_pixels(temp, fname, width, height, num_planes, i_plane, status);

        /* Extract the imaginary part and write it. */
        SNPRINTF(fname, buf_len, "%s_IMAG.fits", root_name);
        convert_complex(ptr, temp, 1, status);
        write_pixels(temp, fname, width, height, num_planes, i_plane, status);
        oskar_mem_free(temp, status);
        /* No conversion needed. */
        if ((len >= 5) && (
                !strcmp(&(root_name[len-5]), ".fits") ||
                !strcmp(&(root_name[len-5]), ".FITS") ))
            SNPRINTF(fname, buf_len, "%s", root_name);
            SNPRINTF(fname, buf_len, "%s.fits", root_name);
        write_pixels(ptr, fname, width, height, num_planes, i_plane, status);
    oskar_mem_free(copy, status);