/// If H is not orientation preserving at the point, the error is infinite.
/// For this test, it is assumed that det(H)>0.
/// \param H The homography matrix.
/// \param index The correspondence index
/// \param side In which image is the error measured?
/// \return The square reprojection error.
double HomographyModel::Error(const Mat &H, int index, int* side) const {
  double err = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  if(side) *side=1;
  libNumerics::vector<double> x(3);
  // Transfer error in image 2
  x(0) = x1_(0,index); x(1) = x1_(1,index); x(2) = 1.0;
  x = H * x;
  if(x(2)>0) {
    x /= x(2);
    err = sqr(x2_(0,index)-x(0)) + sqr(x2_(1,index)-x(1));
  // Transfer error in image 1
  if(symError_) { // ... but only if requested
    x(0) = x2_(0,index); x(1) = x2_(1,index); x(2) = 1.0;
    x = H.inv() * x;
    if(x(2)>0) {
      x /= x(2);
      double err1 = sqr(x1_(0,index)-x(0)) + sqr(x1_(1,index)-x(1));
      if(err1>err) { // Keep worse error
        if(side) *side=0;
  return err;
/// Is \a H orientation preserving near match points of index in \a indices?
/// It is assumed that det(H)>0, otherwise the sign tests should be reversed.
bool HomographyModel::IsOrientationPreserving(const std::vector<size_t>&indices,
        const Mat& H) const {
    libNumerics::matrix<double> h=H.row(2);
    std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator it=indices.begin(), end=indices.end();
    for(; it != end; ++it)
        if(h(0)*x2_(0,*it)+h(1)*x2_(1,*it)+h(2) <= 0)
            return false;
    return true;
/// 2D homography estimation from point correspondences.
void HomographyModel::Fit(const std::vector<size_t> &indices,
                          std::vector<Model> *H,std::vector<float> & weight,int method) const {
    if(4 > indices.size())
    const size_t n = indices.size();
    libNumerics::matrix<double> A = libNumerics::matrix<double>::zeros(n*2,9);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        size_t index = indices[i];
        size_t j = 2*i;
        A(j,0) = x1_(0, index);
        A(j,1) = x1_(1, index);
        A(j,2) = 1.0;
        A(j,6) = -x2_(0, index) * x1_(0, index);
        A(j,7) = -x2_(0, index) * x1_(1, index);
        A(j,8) = -x2_(0, index);

        A(j,3) = x1_(0, index);
        A(j,4) = x1_(1, index);
        A(j,5) = 1.0;
        A(j,6) = -x2_(1, index) * x1_(0, index);
        A(j,7) = -x2_(1, index) * x1_(1, index);
        A(j,8) = -x2_(1, index);

    libNumerics::vector<double> vecNullspace(9);
    if( SVDWrapper::Nullspace(A,&vecNullspace) )
        libNumerics::matrix<double> M(3,3);
        if(M.det() < 0)
            M = -M;
        M /= M(2,2);

        if(SVDWrapper::InvCond(M)>=ICOND_MIN &&
                IsOrientationPreserving(indices,M) )