int tmLQCD_invert(double * const propagator, double * const source, 
		  const int op_id, const int write_prop) {
  unsigned int index_start = 0;
  g_mu = 0.;

  if(!tmLQCD_invert_initialised) {
    fprintf(stderr, "tmLQCD_invert: tmLQCD_inver_init must be called first. Aborting...\n");

  if(op_id < 0 || op_id >= no_operators) {
    fprintf(stderr, "tmLQCD_invert: op_id=%d not in valid range. Aborting...\n", op_id);

  operator_list[op_id].sr0 = g_spinor_field[0];
  operator_list[op_id].sr1 = g_spinor_field[1];
  operator_list[op_id].prop0 = g_spinor_field[2];
  operator_list[op_id].prop1 = g_spinor_field[3];

  zero_spinor_field(operator_list[op_id].prop0, VOLUME / 2);
  zero_spinor_field(operator_list[op_id].prop1, VOLUME / 2);

  // convert to even/odd order
  convert_lexic_to_eo(operator_list[op_id].sr0, operator_list[op_id].sr1, (spinor*) source);
  // invert
  operator_list[op_id].inverter(op_id, index_start, write_prop);

  // convert back to lexicographic order
  convert_eo_to_lexic((spinor*) propagator, operator_list[op_id].prop0, operator_list[op_id].prop1);

Beispiel #2
void source_spinor_field(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, int is, int ic) {

  spinor * s;


  if (g_proc_coords[0] == 0 && g_proc_coords[1] == 0
      && g_proc_coords[2] == 0 && g_proc_coords[3] == 0) {

    s = P;

    /* put source to 1.0 */
    if (is==0){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==1){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==2){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==3){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
double reweighting_factor_nd(const int N, const int repro)
  int i, n_iter;
  double sq_norm, corr, sum=0., sq_sum = 0., temp1;
  double mu1, mu2;

  _Complex double temp2;

  mu1 = g_mu1;
  mu2 = g_mu1;
  /* Use spinor_field 2,3,5                         */
  /* in order not to conflict with anything else... */

  for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], repro, RN_GAUSS);
    random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], repro, RN_GAUSS);
    zero_spinor_field(g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2);
    zero_spinor_field(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2);

    temp1 = phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0];
    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1 - 1;

    Ptilde_ndpsi(g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef, phmc_ptilde_n_cheby, g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], &Qtm_pm_ndpsi);

    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1;

    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], VOLUME / 2, 1);
    if(cimag(temp2) > 1.0e-8)
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR-UP  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n", creal(temp2), cimag(temp2));
    corr = temp2;
    printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e \n", corr);
    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], VOLUME / 2, 1);
    if(cimag(temp2) > 1.0e-8)
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR_DN  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n", creal(temp2), cimag(temp2));
    corr += temp2;
    printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e \n", cimag(temp2));

    temp1 = -corr;
    sum += temp1;
    sq_sum += temp1 * temp1;
    printf("rew: n_iter = %d, sq_norm = %e, corr = %e\n", n_iter, sq_norm, corr);
  sum /= N;
  sq_sum /= N;
  printf("rew: factor = %e, err = %e\n", sum, sqrt(sum * sum - sq_sum) / (N - 1));
Beispiel #4
void extended_pion_source(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q,
			  spinor * const R, spinor * const S,
			  const int t0,
			  const double px, const double py, const double pz) {
  int lt, lx, ly, lz, i, x, y, z, id=0, t;
  int coords[4];
  spinor * p, * q, r;
  complex efac;

  lt = t - g_proc_coords[0]*T;
  coords[0] = t / T;
  for(x = 0; x < LX*g_nproc_x; x++) {
    lx = x - g_proc_coords[1]*LX;
    coords[1] = x / LX;
    for(y = 0; y < LY*g_nproc_y; y++) {
      ly = y - g_proc_coords[2]*LY;
      coords[2] = y / LY;
      for(z = 0; z < LZ*g_nproc_z; z++) {
	lz = z - g_proc_coords[3]*LZ;
	coords[3] = z / LZ;
#ifdef MPI
	MPI_Cart_rank(g_cart_grid, coords, &id);
	if(g_cart_id == id) { cos(px*x + py*y + pz*z);*x + py*y + pz*z);

	  i = g_lexic2eosub[ g_ipt[lt][lx][ly][lz] ];
	      + g_proc_coords[0]*T+g_proc_coords[1]*LX)%2 == 0) {
	    p = (P + i);
	    q = (R + i);
	  else {
	    p = (Q + i);
	    q = (S + i);
	  _gamma5(r, (*q));
Beispiel #5
int mr(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q,
       const int max_iter, const double eps_sq,
       const int rel_prec, const int N, const int parallel, 
       matrix_mult f){
  int i=0;
  double norm_r,beta;
  _Complex double alpha;
  spinor * r;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 3;
  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  r = solver_field[0];
  zero_spinor_field(P, N);
  f(solver_field[2], P);
  diff(r, Q, solver_field[2], N);
  norm_r=square_norm(solver_field[0], N, parallel);
  if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2) {
    printf("MR iteration number: %d, |res|^2 = %e\n", i, norm_r); 
    fflush( stdout );
  while((norm_r > eps_sq) && (i < max_iter)){
    f(solver_field[1], r);
    alpha=scalar_prod(solver_field[1], r, N, parallel);
    beta=square_norm(solver_field[1], N, parallel);
    alpha /= beta;
    assign_add_mul(P, r, alpha, N);
    if(i%50 == 0){
      f(solver_field[2], P);
      assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], solver_field[1], alpha, N);

    diff(r, Q, solver_field[2], N);
    norm_r=square_norm(solver_field[0], N, parallel);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2) {
      printf("# MR iteration= %d  |res|^2= %g\n", i, norm_r); 
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
  if(norm_r > eps_sq){
Beispiel #6
int bicg(spinor * const k, spinor * const l, double eps_sq) {
  int iteration;
  double xxx;
  gamma5(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], l, VOLUME/2);
  /* main loop */
  for(iteration=1;iteration<=ITER_MAX_BCG;iteration++) {
    /* compute the residual*/
    xxx=diff_and_square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2);
    /*apply the solver step for the residual*/
    assign_add_mul_r(k,-1./((1.+q_off)*(1.+q_off)),g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2);
    if(xxx <= eps_sq) break;

  if(g_proc_id==0) {
    sout = fopen(solvout, "a");
    fprintf(sout, "%d %e %f\n",iteration,xxx, g_mu);

  /* if the geometric series fails, redo with conjugate gradient */
  if(iteration>=ITER_MAX_BCG) {
    if(ITER_MAX_BCG == 0) {
      iteration = 0;
    iteration += solve_cg(k,l,q_off,eps_sq);
    if(ITER_MAX_BCG != 0) {
      iteration -= 1000000;
    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      sout = fopen(solvout, "a");
      fprintf(sout, "%d %e\n",iteration, g_mu);
  return iteration;
void cloverdetratio_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];

  g_mu = mnl->mu;
  g_c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
  mnl->csg_n = 0;
  mnl->csg_n2 = 0;
  mnl->iter0 = 0;
  mnl->iter1 = 0;
  sw_term( (const su3**) hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu);

  random_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME/2, mnl->rngrepro);
  mnl->energy0  = square_norm(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME/2, 1);
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho;
  mnl->Qp(g_spinor_field[3], g_spinor_field[4]);
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho2;

  mnl->iter0 = cg_her(mnl->pf, g_spinor_field[3], mnl->maxiter, mnl->accprec,  
		      g_relative_precision_flag, VOLUME/2, mnl->Qsq); 

  chrono_add_solution(mnl->pf, mnl->csg_field, mnl->csg_index_array,
		      mnl->csg_N, &mnl->csg_n, VOLUME/2);
  mnl->Qm(mnl->pf, mnl->pf);

  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("called cloverdetratio_heatbath for id %d \n", id);
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  g_mu = g_mu1;
Beispiel #8
void source_spinor_field_point_from_file(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, int is, int ic, int source_indx)
  int tmp;
  int source_coord[4],source_pe_coord[4],source_loc_coord[4];
  int source_pe_indx,source_loc_indx;
  spinor * s;

  /* set fields to zero */

  /* Check if source_indx is valid */
  if((source_indx < 0) || (source_indx >= (g_nproc_t*g_nproc_x*g_nproc_y*g_nproc_z*T*LX*LY*LZ)))
    printf("Error in the input parameter file, SourceLocation must be in [0,VOLUME-1]! Exiting...!\n");

  /* translate it into global coordinate */
  /* For a T*L^3 lattice then  L = g_nproc_z * LZ = g_nproc_y * LY = g_nproc_x * LX    */
  source_coord[3]=source_indx % (g_nproc_z * LZ);
  tmp = source_indx / (g_nproc_z * LZ);
  source_coord[2]=tmp % (g_nproc_y * LY);
  tmp = tmp / (g_nproc_y * LY);
  source_coord[1]=tmp % (g_nproc_x * LX);
  tmp = tmp / (g_nproc_x * LX);

  if(3*is+ic == index_start && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc)
    printf("# The source site number is %i which corresponds to (t,x,y,z) = (%i,%i,%i,%i)\n",source_indx,source_coord[0],source_coord[1],source_coord[2],source_coord[3]);

  /* compute the coordinates and the index of the node*/
  /* be careful!!! nodes indices have different convention (see io.c)*/
  source_pe_coord[0] = source_coord[0]/T;
  source_pe_coord[1] = source_coord[1]/LX;
  source_pe_coord[2] = source_coord[2]/LY;
  source_pe_coord[3] = source_coord[3]/LZ;

#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Cart_rank(g_cart_grid, source_pe_coord, &source_pe_indx);

  /* compute the local (inside the node) coordinates and index*/
  source_loc_coord[0] = source_coord[0] - source_pe_coord[0] * T;
  source_loc_coord[1] = source_coord[1] - source_pe_coord[1] * LX;
  source_loc_coord[2] = source_coord[2] - source_pe_coord[2] * LY;
  source_loc_coord[3] = source_coord[3] - source_pe_coord[3] * LZ;


  /* Essayer g_proc_id au lieu de g_cart_id */
  if(source_pe_indx == g_cart_id)
    if(3*is + ic == index_start && g_debug_level > 1)
      printf("g_cart_id =%i\n",g_cart_id);
      printf("source_loc_coord[0] = %i\n",source_loc_coord[0]);
      printf("source_loc_coord[1] = %i\n",source_loc_coord[1]);
      printf("source_loc_coord[2] = %i\n",source_loc_coord[2]);
      printf("source_loc_coord[3] = %i\n",source_loc_coord[3]);
      printf("source_loc_indx = %i\n",source_loc_indx);
    /* Check which spinor field (even or odd) needs to be initialized */
    if(g_lexic2eo[source_loc_indx] < VOLUME/2)
      s = P + g_lexic2eo[source_loc_indx];
      s = Q + g_lexic2eosub[source_loc_indx];

    /* put source to 1.0 */
    if (is==0){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==1){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==2){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
    else if (is==3){
      if      (ic==0) (*s);
      else if (ic==1) (*s);
      else if (ic==2) (*s);
Beispiel #9
int fgmres(spinor * const P,spinor * const Q, 
	   const int m, const int max_restarts,
	   const double eps_sq, const int rel_prec,
	   const int N, const int precon, matrix_mult f){

  int restart, i, j, k;
  double beta, eps, norm;
  complex tmp1, tmp2;
  spinor * r0;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 3;

  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  init_gmres(m, VOLUMEPLUSRAND);
  r0 = solver_field[0];
  norm = sqrt(square_norm(Q, N, 1));

  assign(solver_field[2], P, N);
  for(restart = 0; restart < max_restarts; restart++){
    /* r_0=Q-AP  (b=Q, x+0=P) */
    f(r0, solver_field[2]);
    diff(r0, Q, r0, N); 

    /* v_0=r_0/||r_0|| */
    alpha[0].re=sqrt(square_norm(r0, N, 1));

    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0){
      printf("FGMRES %d\t%g true residue\n", restart*m, alpha[0].re*alpha[0].re); 

      assign(P, solver_field[2], N);
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);

    mul_r(V[0], 1./alpha[0].re, r0, N);

    for(j = 0; j < m; j++){
      /* solver_field[0]=A*M^-1*v_j */

      if(precon == 0) {
	assign(Z[j], V[j], N);
      else {
	zero_spinor_field(Z[j], N);
	/* poly_nonherm_precon(Z[j], V[j], 0.3, 1.1, 80, N); */
	Msap(Z[j], V[j], 8);
      f(r0, Z[j]); 
      /* Set h_ij and omega_j */
      /* solver_field[1] <- omega_j */
      assign(solver_field[1], solver_field[0], N);
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++){
	H[i][j] = scalar_prod(V[i], solver_field[1], N, 1);
	assign_diff_mul(solver_field[1], V[i], H[i][j], N);

      _complex_set(H[j+1][j], sqrt(square_norm(solver_field[1], N, 1)), 0.);
      for(i = 0; i < j; i++){
	tmp1 = H[i][j];
	tmp2 = H[i+1][j];
	_mult_real(H[i][j], tmp2, s[i]);
	_add_assign_complex_conj(H[i][j], c[i], tmp1);
	_mult_real(H[i+1][j], tmp1, s[i]);
	_diff_assign_complex(H[i+1][j], c[i], tmp2);

      /* Set beta, s, c, alpha[j],[j+1] */
      beta = sqrt(_complex_square_norm(H[j][j]) + _complex_square_norm(H[j+1][j]));
      s[j] = H[j+1][j].re / beta;
      _mult_real(c[j], H[j][j], 1./beta);
      _complex_set(H[j][j], beta, 0.);
      _mult_real(alpha[j+1], alpha[j], s[j]);
      tmp1 = alpha[j];
      _mult_assign_complex_conj(alpha[j], c[j], tmp1);

      /* precision reached? */
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0){
	printf("FGMRES\t%d\t%g iterated residue\n", restart*m+j, alpha[j+1].re*alpha[j+1].re); 
      if(((alpha[j+1].re <= eps) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((alpha[j+1].re <= eps*norm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
	_mult_real(alpha[j], alpha[j], 1./H[j][j].re);
	assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], Z[j], alpha[j], N);
	for(i = j-1; i >= 0; i--){
	  for(k = i+1; k <= j; k++){
 	    _mult_assign_complex(tmp1, H[i][k], alpha[k]); 
	    _diff_complex(alpha[i], tmp1);
	  _mult_real(alpha[i], alpha[i], 1./H[i][i].re);
	  assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], Z[i], alpha[i], N);
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	  alpha[i].im = 0.;
	assign(P, solver_field[2], N);
	finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
      /* if not */
	if(j != m-1){
	  mul_r(V[(j+1)], 1./H[j+1][j].re, solver_field[1], N);

    /* prepare for restart */
    _mult_real(alpha[j], alpha[j], 1./H[j][j].re);
    assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], Z[j], alpha[j], N);
    for(i = j-1; i >= 0; i--){
      for(k = i+1; k <= j; k++){
	_mult_assign_complex(tmp1, H[i][k], alpha[k]);
	_diff_complex(alpha[i], tmp1);
      _mult_real(alpha[i], alpha[i], 1./H[i][i].re);
      assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], Z[i], alpha[i], N);
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
      alpha[i].im = 0.;

  /* If maximal number of restarts is reached */
  assign(P, solver_field[2], N);
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
Beispiel #10
void source_generation_nucleon(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, 
			       const int is, const int ic,
			       const int t, const int nt, const int nx, 
			       const int sample, const int nstore, 
			       const int meson) {

  double rnumber, si=0., co=0., sqr2;
  int rlxd_state[105];
  int reset = 0, seed, r, tt, lt, xx, lx, yy, ly, zz, lz;
  int coords[4], id=0, i;
  complex * p = NULL;
  const double s0=0.;
  const double c0=1.;
  const double s1=sin(2.*M_PI/3.);
  const double c1=cos(2.*M_PI/3.);
  const double s2=sin(4.*M_PI/3.);
  const double c2=cos(4.*M_PI/3.);


  sqr2 = 1./sqrt(2.);
  /* save the ranlxd_state if neccessary */
  if(ranlxd_init == 1) {
    reset = 1;

  /* Compute the seed */
  seed =(int) abs(1 + sample + t*10*97 + nstore*100*53);

  rlxd_init(1, seed);

  for(tt = t; tt < T*g_nproc_t; tt+=nt) {
    lt = tt - g_proc_coords[0]*T;
    coords[0] = tt / T;
    for(xx = 0; xx < LX*g_nproc_x; xx+=nx) {
      lx = xx - g_proc_coords[1]*LX;
      coords[1] = xx / LX;
      for(yy = 0; yy < LY*g_nproc_y; yy+=nx) {
	ly = yy - g_proc_coords[2]*LY;
	coords[2] = yy / LY;
	for(zz = 0; zz < LZ*g_nproc_z; zz+=nx) {
	  lz = zz - g_proc_coords[3]*LZ;
	  coords[3] = zz / LZ;
#ifdef MPI
	  MPI_Cart_rank(g_cart_grid, coords, &id);
	  ranlxd(&rnumber, 1);
	  if(g_cart_id  == id) {
	    if(meson) {
	      r = (int)floor(4.*rnumber);
	      if(r == 0) {
		si = sqr2;
		co = sqr2;
	      else if(r == 1) {
		si = -sqr2;
		co = sqr2;
	      else if(r==2) {
		si = sqr2;
		co = -sqr2;
	      else {
		si = -sqr2;
		co = -sqr2;
	    else {
	      r = (int)floor(3.*rnumber);
	      if(r == 0) {
		si = s0;
		co = c0;
	      else if(r == 1) {
		si = s1;
		co = c1;
	      else {
		si = s2;
		co = c2;
	    i = g_lexic2eosub[ g_ipt[lt][lx][ly][lz] ];
		+ g_proc_coords[0]*T+g_proc_coords[1]*LX)%2 == 0) {
	      p = (complex*)(P + i);
	    else {
	      p = (complex*)(Q + i);

	    (*(p+3*is+ic)).re = co;
	    (*(p+3*is+ic)).im = si;

  /* reset the ranlxd if neccessary */
  if(reset) {
Beispiel #11
/* Florian Burger 4.11.2009 */
void source_generation_pion_zdir(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q,
                                 const int z,
                                 const int sample, const int nstore) {

  int reset = 0, i, x, y, t, is, ic, lt, lx, ly, lz, id=0;
  int coords[4], seed, r;
  double rnumber, si=0., co=0.;
  int rlxd_state[105];
  const double sqr2 = 1./sqrt(2.);
  complex * p = NULL;

  /* save the ranlxd_state if neccessary */
  if(ranlxd_init == 1) {
    reset = 1;

  /* Compute the seed */
  seed =(int) abs(1 + sample + z*10*97 + nstore*100*53 + g_cart_id*13);

  rlxd_init(1, seed);
  lz = z - g_proc_coords[3]*LZ;
  coords[3] = z / LZ;
 for(t = 0; t < T*g_nproc_t; t++) {
   lt = t - g_proc_coords[0]*T;
   coords[0] = t / T;  
   for(x = 0; x < LX*g_nproc_x; x++) {
    lx = x - g_proc_coords[1]*LX;
    coords[1] = x / LX;
    for(y = 0; y < LY*g_nproc_y; y++) {
      ly = y - g_proc_coords[2]*LY;
      coords[2] = y / LY;

#ifdef MPI
        MPI_Cart_rank(g_cart_grid, coords, &id);
        for(is = 0; is < 4; is++) {
          for(ic = 0; ic < 3; ic++) {
            ranlxd(&rnumber, 1);
            if(g_cart_id  == id) {
              r = (int)floor(4.*rnumber);
              if(r == 0) {
                si = sqr2;
                co = sqr2;
              else if(r == 1) {
                si = -sqr2;
                co = sqr2;
              else if(r==2) {
                si = sqr2;
                co = -sqr2;
              else {
                si = -sqr2;
                co = -sqr2;
              i = g_lexic2eosub[ g_ipt[lt][lx][ly][lz] ];
                  + g_proc_coords[0]*T+g_proc_coords[1]*LX)%2 == 0) {
                p = (complex*)(P + i);
              else {
                p = (complex*)(Q + i);
              (*(p+3*is+ic)).re = co;
              (*(p+3*is+ic)).im = si;
  /* reset the ranlxd if neccessary */
  if(reset) {
Beispiel #12
void prepare_source(const int nstore, const int isample, const int ix, const int op_id, 
                    const int read_source_flag,
                    const int source_location) {

  FILE * ifs = NULL;
  int is = ix / 3, ic = ix %3, err = 0, rstat=0, t = 0;
  operator * optr = &operator_list[op_id];
  char source_filename[100];
  int source_type = SourceInfo.type;
  static int nstore_ = -1;
  static int isample_ = -1;
  static int ix_ = -1;
  static int op_id_ = -1;

  SourceInfo.nstore = nstore;
  SourceInfo.sample = isample;
  SourceInfo.ix = ix;

  if(optr->type != DBTMWILSON && optr->type != DBCLOVER && optr->type != BSM && optr->type != BSM2b && optr->type != BSM2m ) {
    SourceInfo.no_flavours = 1;
    /* no volume sources */
    if(source_type != 1) {
      /* either "Don't read inversion source from file" or                    */
      /* "Don't read inversion source from file, but save the one generated" */
      if (read_source_flag == 0 || read_source_flag == 2) {
        if (source_location == 0) {
          source_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], is, ic);
        else {
          source_spinor_field_point_from_file(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], is, ic, source_location);
      /* "Read inversion source from file" */
      else {
        if (SourceInfo.splitted) {
	  /* timeslice needs to be put into filename */
	  if(SourceInfo.automaticTS) {
	    /* automatic timeslice detection */
	    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	      for(t = 0; t < g_nproc_t*T; t++) {
		if(T_global > 99) sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.3d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, t, ix);
                else sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, t, ix);
		if( (ifs = fopen(source_filename, "r")) != NULL) {
#ifdef MPI
	    MPI_Bcast(&t, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	    SourceInfo.t = t;
          if(T_global > 99) sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.3d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
          else sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
          if (g_cart_id == 0) {
            printf("# Trying to read source from %s\n", source_filename);
          rstat = read_spinor(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], source_filename, 0);
        else {
          sprintf(source_filename, "%s", SourceInfo.basename);
          if (g_cart_id == 0) {
            printf("# Trying to read source no %d from %s\n", ix, source_filename);
          rstat = read_spinor(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], source_filename, ix);
        if(rstat) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s in prepare_source.c\nUnable to proceed, aborting....\n", source_filename);
      if (PropInfo.splitted) {
        if(T_global > 99) sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.3d.%.2d.inverted", PropInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
        else sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d.inverted", PropInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
      else {
        if(T_global > 99) sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.3d.inverted", PropInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t);
        else sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.inverted", PropInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t);
    else if(source_type == 1) {
      /* Volume sources */
      if(read_source_flag == 0 || read_source_flag == 2) {
        if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
          printf("# Preparing 1 flavour volume source\n");
        gaussian_volume_source(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], isample, nstore, 0);
      else {
        sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.5d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, isample);
        if (g_cart_id == 0) {
          printf("# Trying to read source from %s\n", source_filename);
        rstat = read_spinor(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], source_filename, 0);
        if(rstat) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s in prepare_source.c.\nUnable to proceed, aborting....\n", source_filename);
      sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.5d.inverted", PropInfo.basename, nstore, isample);
    optr->sr0 = g_spinor_field[0];
    optr->sr1 = g_spinor_field[1];
    optr->prop0 = g_spinor_field[2];
    optr->prop1 = g_spinor_field[3];

    /* If the solver is _not_ CG we might read in */
    /* here some better guess                     */
    /* This also works for re-iteration           */
    if (optr->solver != CG && optr->solver != PCG && optr->solver != MIXEDCG && optr->solver != RGMIXEDCG) {
      ifs = fopen(source_filename, "r");
      if (ifs != NULL) {
        if (g_cart_id == 0) {
          printf("# Trying to read guess from file %s\n", source_filename);
        err = 0;
        /* iter = get_propagator_type(source_filename); */
        rstat = read_spinor(optr->prop0, optr->prop1, source_filename, (PropInfo.splitted ? 0 : ix));
        if(rstat) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s in prepare_source.c, rstat = %d\n", source_filename, rstat);
        if (g_kappa != 0.) {
          mul_r(optr->prop1, 1. / (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
          mul_r(optr->prop0, 1. / (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);

        if (err != 0) {
          zero_spinor_field(optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);
          zero_spinor_field(optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
      else {
        zero_spinor_field(optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);
        zero_spinor_field(optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
    else {
      zero_spinor_field(optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);
      zero_spinor_field(optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
    /*     if(optr->even_odd_flag) { */
    /*       assign(optr->sr0, g_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2); */
    /*       assign(optr->sr1, g_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2); */
    /*     } */
    /*     else { */
    /*       convert_eo_to_lexic(optr->sr0, g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1]); */
    /*     } */
  else { /* for the ND 2 flavour twisted operator and BSM(2) */
    SourceInfo.no_flavours = 2;
    zero_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2);
    zero_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
    if(source_type != 1) {
      if(read_source_flag == 0 || read_source_flag == 2) {
        if(source_location == 0) {
          source_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], is, ic);
        else {
          source_spinor_field_point_from_file(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], 
					      is, ic, source_location);
      else {
        if(SourceInfo.splitted) {
          if(T_global > 99) sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.3d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
          else sprintf(source_filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d", SourceInfo.basename, nstore, SourceInfo.t, ix);
        else {
          sprintf(source_filename,"%s", SourceInfo.basename);
        if(g_proc_id == 0) {
          printf("# Trying to read source from %s\n", source_filename);
        if(read_spinor(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], source_filename, 0) != 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error reading source! Aborting...\n");
#ifdef MPI
          MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
    else if(source_type == 1) {
      /* Volume sources */
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
        printf("# Preparing 2 flavour volume source\n");
      gaussian_volume_source(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
                             isample, nstore, 1);
      gaussian_volume_source(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3],
                             isample, nstore, 2);
    if( optr->type != BSM && optr->type != BSM2b && optr->type != BSM2m ) {
      mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[6], g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[2], +1., VOLUME/2);
      mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[5], g_spinor_field[7], g_spinor_field[1], g_spinor_field[3], +1., VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[1], g_spinor_field[5], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[6], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[3], g_spinor_field[7], VOLUME/2);
    optr->sr0 = g_spinor_field[0];
    optr->sr1 = g_spinor_field[1];
    optr->sr2 = g_spinor_field[2];
    optr->sr3 = g_spinor_field[3];
    optr->prop0 = g_spinor_field[4];
    optr->prop1 = g_spinor_field[5];
    optr->prop2 = g_spinor_field[6];
    optr->prop3 = g_spinor_field[7];
  nstore_ = nstore;
  isample_ = isample;
  ix_ = ix;
  op_id_ = op_id;
Beispiel #13
void Q_over_sqrt_Q_sqr(spinor * const R, double * const c, 
		       const int n, spinor * const S,
		       const double rnorm, const double minev) {
  int j;
  double fact1, fact2, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, maxev, tnorm;
  spinor  *sv, *d,  *dd,  *aux,  *aux3;
  double ap_eps_sq = 0.;


  eigenvalues_for_cg_computed = no_eigenvalues - 1;
  if(eigenvalues_for_cg_computed < 0) eigenvalues_for_cg_computed = 0;
  zero_spinor_field(d, VOLUME);
  zero_spinor_field(dd, VOLUME); 
  if(1) assign_sub_lowest_eigenvalues(aux3, S, no_eigenvalues-1, VOLUME);
  else assign(aux3, S, VOLUME);
  /* Check whether switch for adaptive precision is on */
  /* this might be implemented again in the future */
  /* Use the 'old' version using Clenshaw's recursion for the 
     Chebysheff polynomial 
  if(1) {
    for (j = n-1; j >= 1; j--) {
      assign(sv, d, VOLUME); 
      if ( (j%10) == 0 ) {
	assign_sub_lowest_eigenvalues(aux, d, no_eigenvalues-1, VOLUME);
      else {
	assign(aux, d, VOLUME);
      norm_Q_sqr_psi(R, aux, rnorm);
/*       printf("%d %e %e\n", j, R[0], R[0]; */
/*       printf("%e %e\n", R[0], R[0]; */
      assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(d, R, dd, aux3, fact2, fact1, temp1, temp2, VOLUME);
      assign(dd, sv, VOLUME);
    if(1) assign_sub_lowest_eigenvalues(R, d, no_eigenvalues-1, VOLUME);
    else assign(R, d, VOLUME);
    norm_Q_sqr_psi(aux, R, rnorm);
    assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(aux, d, dd, aux3, temp3, temp4, temp1, temp2, VOLUME);
    norm_Q_n_psi(R, aux, 1, rnorm);
  else {
    /* Use the adaptive precision version using the forward recursion 
       for the Chebysheff polynomial 
    /* d = T_0(Q^2) */
    assign(d, aux3, VOLUME);
    /* dd = T_1(Q^2) */
    norm_Q_sqr_psi(dd, d, rnorm);
    temp3 = fact1/2.;
    temp4 = fact2/2.;  
    assign_mul_add_mul_r(dd, d, temp3, temp4, VOLUME);
    /* r = c_1 T_1(Q^2) + 1./2 c_0 */
    temp1 = c[1];
    temp2 = c[0]/2.;
    mul_add_mul_r(R, dd, d, temp1, temp2, VOLUME);
    for (j = 2; j <= n-1; j++) {
      /* aux = T_j(Q^2) = 2 Q^2 T_{j-1}(Q^2) - T_{j-2}(Q^2) */
      norm_Q_sqr_psi(aux, dd, rnorm);
      assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(aux, dd, d, fact1, fact2, temp1, VOLUME);
      /* r = r + c_j T_j(Q^2) */
      temp2 = c[j];
      assign_add_mul_r(R, aux, temp2, VOLUME);
      /* The stoppping criterio tnorm = |T_j(Q^2)| */
      tnorm=square_norm(aux, VOLUME, 1);
	if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc){printf("j= %d\t|c T|^2= %g\t c_j= %g\t|r|^2= %g\n",j,tnorm,temp2,auxnorm); fflush( stdout);};
      if(tnorm < ap_eps_sq) break; 
       /* d = T_{j-1}(Q^2) */
      assign(d, dd, VOLUME);
      /* dd = T_{j}(Q^2) */
      assign(dd, aux, VOLUME);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0) {
      printf("Order of Chebysheff approximation = %d\n",j); 
      fflush( stdout);
    /* r = Q r */
    assign(aux, R, VOLUME); 
    norm_Q_n_psi(R, aux, 1, rnorm);

  /* add in piece from projected subspace */
  addproj_q_invsqrt(R, S, no_eigenvalues-1, VOLUME);
Beispiel #14
void poly_precon(spinor * const R, spinor * const S, const double prec, const int n) {
  int j;
  double fact1, fact2, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, invmaxev = 1./4., maxev=4., tnorm, minev=g_mu*g_mu, auxnorm;
  static spinor *sv_, *sv, *d_, *d, *dd_, *dd, *aux_, *aux, *aux3_, *aux3;
  static int initp = 0;
  static double * c;
  const int N = VOLUME;

  maxev = 4.0;
  invmaxev = 1./maxev;
  minev = 0.1;
/*   minev = 1.5*1.5*g_mu*g_mu; */

  if(initp == 0) {
    c = (double*)calloc(1000, sizeof(double));
#if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || defined SSE3)
    sv_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    sv   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(sv_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
    d_   = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    d    = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(d_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
    dd_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    dd   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(dd_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
    aux_ = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    aux  = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
    aux3_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    aux3 = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux3_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
    sv_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    sv   = sv_;
    d_   = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    d    = d_;
    dd_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    dd   = dd_;
    aux_ = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    aux  = aux_;
    aux3_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
    aux3 = aux3_;
    get_c(minev, maxev, c, 100);
    initp = 1;

  fact1 = 4. / (maxev - minev);
  fact2 = -2 * (maxev + minev) / (maxev - minev);
  zero_spinor_field(&d[0], N);
  zero_spinor_field(&dd[0], N); 
  assign(&aux3[0], &S[0], N); 
/*   gamma5(&aux3[0], &S[0], N); */

  /* Use the adaptive precision version using the forward recursion 
     for the Chebysheff polynomial 

  /* d = T_0(Q^2) */
  assign(&d[0], &aux3[0], N);
  /* dd = T_1(Q^2) */
  Q_pm_psi(&dd[0], &d[0]);
/*   mul_r(dd, invmaxev, dd, N); */
  /*    norm_Q_sqr_psi(&dd[0], &d[0], g_m_D_psi, rnorm); */
  temp3 = fact1/2;
  temp4 = fact2/2;  
  assign_mul_add_mul_r(&dd[0], &d[0], temp3, temp4, N);
  /* r = c_1 T_1(Q^2) + 1/2 c_0 */
  temp1 = c[1];
  temp2 = c[0]/2;
  mul_add_mul_r(&R[0], &dd[0], &d[0], temp1, temp2, N);
  temp1 = -1.0;
  for (j=2; j<=n-1; j++) {
    /* aux = T_j(Q^2) = 2 Q^2 T_{j-1}(Q^2) - T_{j-2}(Q^2) */
    Q_pm_psi(&aux[0], &dd[0]);
/*     mul_r(aux, invmaxev, aux, N); */
    /*        norm_Q_sqr_psi(&aux[0], &dd[0], g_m_D_psi, rnorm); */
    assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(&aux[0],&dd[0],&d[0],fact1,fact2,temp1, N);
    /* r = r + c_j T_j(Q^2) */
    assign_add_mul_r(&R[0],&aux[0],temp2, N);
    /* The stoppping criterio tnorm = |T_j(Q^2)| */
    tnorm = square_norm(aux, N, 1);
    tnorm *= (temp2*temp2);
    auxnorm = square_norm(R, N, 1);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
      printf("j= %d\t|c T|^2= %g\t%g\t c_j= %g\t|r|^2= %g\n",j,tnorm,prec, temp2,auxnorm); fflush( stdout);
    if(tnorm < prec) break;
    /* d = T_{j-1}(Q^2) */
    assign(&d[0], &dd[0], N);
    /* dd = T_{j}(Q^2) */
    assign(&dd[0], &aux[0], N);
  if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
    printf("Order of Chebysheff approximation = %d\n",j); 
    fflush( stdout);

  /* r = Q r */

/*   assign(aux, R, N); */
/*   Q_minus_psi(R, aux); */

Beispiel #15
/* P output = solution , Q input = source */
int cg_mms_tm(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, const int max_iter, 
	      double eps_sq, const int rel_prec, const int N, matrix_mult f) {

  static double normsq, pro, err, alpha_cg = 1., beta_cg = 0., squarenorm;
  int iteration, im, append = 0;
  char filename[100];
  static double gamma, alpham1;
  int const cg_mms_default_precision = 32;
  double tmp_mu = g_mu;
  WRITER * writer = NULL;
  paramsInverterInfo *inverterInfo = NULL;
  paramsPropagatorFormat *propagatorFormat = NULL;
  spinor * temp_save; //used to save all the masses
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 5;

  init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);

  /* currently only implemented for P=0 */
  zero_spinor_field(P, N);
  /*  Value of the bare MMS-masses (\mu^2 - \mu_0^2) */
  for(im = 0; im < g_no_extra_masses; im++) {
    sigma[im] = g_extra_masses[im]*g_extra_masses[im] - g_mu*g_mu;
    assign(xs_mms_solver[im], P, N);
    assign(ps_mms_solver[im], Q, N);
    zitam1[im] = 1.0;
    zita[im] = 1.0;
    alphas[im] = 1.0;
    betas[im] = 0.0;

  squarenorm = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
  assign(solver_field[0], P, N);
/*   normsp = square_norm(P, N, 1); */

  /* initialize residue r and search vector p */
/*   if(normsp == 0){ */
  /* currently only implemented for P=0 */
  if(1) {
    /* if a starting solution vector equal to zero is chosen */
    assign(solver_field[1], Q, N);
    assign(solver_field[2], Q, N);
    normsq = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
    /* if a starting solution vector different from zero is chosen */
    f(solver_field[3], solver_field[0]);

    diff(solver_field[1], Q, solver_field[3], N);
    assign(solver_field[2], solver_field[1], N);
    normsq = square_norm(solver_field[2], N, 1);

  /* main loop */
  for(iteration = 0; iteration < max_iter; iteration++) {

    /*   Q^2*p and then (p,Q^2*p)  */
    f(solver_field[4], solver_field[2]);
    pro = scalar_prod_r(solver_field[2], solver_field[4], N, 1);

    /* For the update of the coeff. of the shifted pol. we need alpha_cg(i-1) and alpha_cg(i).
       This is the reason why we need this double definition of alpha */
    alpham1 = alpha_cg;

    /* Compute alpha_cg(i+1) */
    alpha_cg = normsq/pro;
    for(im = 0; im < g_no_extra_masses; im++) {

      /* Now gamma is a temp variable that corresponds to zita(i+1) */ 
      gamma = zita[im]*alpham1/(alpha_cg*beta_cg*(1.-zita[im]/zitam1[im]) 
				+ alpham1*(1.+sigma[im]*alpha_cg));

      /* Now zita(i-1) is put equal to the old zita(i) */
      zitam1[im] = zita[im];
      /* Now zita(i+1) is updated */
      zita[im] = gamma;
      /* Update of alphas(i) = alpha_cg(i)*zita(i+1)/zita(i) */ 
      alphas[im] = alpha_cg*zita[im]/zitam1[im];
      /* Compute xs(i+1) = xs(i) + alphas(i)*ps(i) */
      assign_add_mul_r(xs_mms_solver[im], ps_mms_solver[im], alphas[im], N); 

    /*  Compute x_(i+1) = x_i + alpha_cg(i+1) p_i    */
    assign_add_mul_r(solver_field[0], solver_field[2],  alpha_cg, N);
    /*  Compute r_(i+1) = r_i - alpha_cg(i+1) Qp_i   */
    assign_add_mul_r(solver_field[1], solver_field[4], -alpha_cg, N);

    /* Check whether the precision eps_sq is reached */

    err = square_norm(solver_field[1], N, 1);
    if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
      printf("CGMMS iteration: %d residue: %g\n", iteration, err); fflush( stdout );

    if( ((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) ||
      ((err <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1)) ) {

      assign(P, solver_field[0], N);
      f(solver_field[2], P);
      diff(solver_field[3], solver_field[2], Q, N);
      err = square_norm(solver_field[3], N, 1);
      if(g_debug_level > 0 && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
        printf("# CG MMS true residue at final iteration (%d) was %g.\n", iteration, err); 
        fflush( stdout);
      g_sloppy_precision = 0;
      g_mu = tmp_mu;

      /* save all the results of (Q^dagger Q)^(-1) \gamma_5 \phi */
      /* here ... */
      /* when im == -1 save the base mass*/
      for(im = -1; im < g_no_extra_masses; im++) {
        if(im==-1) {
        } else {

        if(SourceInfo.type != 1) {
          if (PropInfo.splitted) {
            sprintf(filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d.cgmms.%.2d.inverted", SourceInfo.basename, SourceInfo.nstore, SourceInfo.t, SourceInfo.ix, im+1);
          } else {
            sprintf(filename, "%s.%.4d.%.2d.cgmms.%.2d.inverted", SourceInfo.basename, SourceInfo.nstore, SourceInfo.t, im+1);
        else {
          sprintf(filename, "%s.%.4d.%.5d.cgmms.%.2d.0", SourceInfo.basename, SourceInfo.nstore, SourceInfo.sample, im+1);
        if(g_kappa != 0) {
          mul_r(temp_save, (2*g_kappa)*(2*g_kappa), temp_save, N);

        append = !PropInfo.splitted;

        construct_writer(&writer, filename, append);

        if (PropInfo.splitted || SourceInfo.ix == index_start) {
          //Create the inverter info NOTE: always set to TWILSON=12 and 1 flavour (to be adjusted)
          inverterInfo = construct_paramsInverterInfo(err, iteration+1, 12, 1);
          if (im == -1) {
            inverterInfo->cgmms_mass = inverterInfo->mu;
          } else {
            inverterInfo->cgmms_mass = g_extra_masses[im]/(2 * inverterInfo->kappa);
          write_spinor_info(writer, PropInfo.format, inverterInfo, append);
          //Create the propagatorFormat NOTE: always set to 1 flavour (to be adjusted)
          propagatorFormat = construct_paramsPropagatorFormat(cg_mms_default_precision, 1);
          write_propagator_format(writer, propagatorFormat);
        convert_lexic_to_eo(solver_field[2], solver_field[1], temp_save);
        write_spinor(writer, &solver_field[2], &solver_field[1], 1, 32);
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);

    /* Compute beta_cg(i+1) = (r(i+1),r(i+1))/(r(i),r(i))
       Compute p(i+1) = r(i+1) + beta(i+1)*p(i)  */
    beta_cg = err/normsq;
    assign_mul_add_r(solver_field[2], beta_cg, solver_field[1], N);
    normsq = err;

    /* Compute betas(i+1) = beta_cg(i)*(zita(i+1)*alphas(i))/(zita(i)*alpha_cg(i))
       Compute ps(i+1) = zita(i+1)*r(i+1) + betas(i+1)*ps(i)  */
    for(im = 0; im < g_no_extra_masses; im++) {
      betas[im] = beta_cg*zita[im]*alphas[im]/(zitam1[im]*alpha_cg);
      assign_mul_add_mul_r(ps_mms_solver[im], solver_field[1], betas[im], zita[im], N);
  assign(P, solver_field[0], N);
  g_sloppy_precision = 0;
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
Beispiel #16
/* k output , l input */
int solve_cg(spinor * const k, spinor * const l, double eps_sq, const int rel_prec) {

  static double normsq, pro, err, alpha_cg, beta_cg, squarenorm, sqnrm, sqnrm2;
  int iteration = 0, i, j;
  int save_sloppy = g_sloppy_precision;
  double atime, etime, flops;
  spinor *x, *delta, *y;
  /* initialize residue r and search vector p */
#ifdef MPI
  atime = MPI_Wtime();
  atime = ((double)clock())/((double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
  squarenorm = square_norm(l, VOLUME/2, 1);

  if(g_sloppy_precision_flag == 1) { 
    delta = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+3];
    x = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+4];
    y = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+5];
    assign(delta, l, VOLUME/2);
    Qtm_pm_psi(y, k);
    diff(delta, l, y, VOLUME/2);
    sqnrm = square_norm(delta, VOLUME/2, 1);
    if(((sqnrm <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((sqnrm <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      g_sloppy_precision = 1;
      /* main CG loop in lower precision */
      zero_spinor_field(x, VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], delta, VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], delta, VOLUME/2);
      sqnrm2 = sqnrm;
      for(j = 0; j <= ITER_MAX_CG; j++) {
	Qtm_pm_psi(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2]);
	pro = scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2, 1);
	alpha_cg = sqnrm2 / pro;
	assign_add_mul_r(x, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], alpha_cg, VOLUME/2);
	assign_mul_add_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], -alpha_cg, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2);
	err = square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2, 1);
	if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 1) {
	  printf("inner CG: %d res^2 %g\n", iteration+j+1, err);
	if (((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
	beta_cg = err / sqnrm2;
	assign_mul_add_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], beta_cg, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2);
	assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2);
	sqnrm2 = err;
      /* end main CG loop */
      iteration += j;
      g_sloppy_precision = 0;
      add(k, k, x, VOLUME/2);
      Qtm_pm_psi(y, x);
      diff(delta, delta, y, VOLUME/2);
      sqnrm = square_norm(delta, VOLUME/2, 1);
      if(g_debug_level > 0 && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
	printf("mixed CG(linsolve): true residue %d\t%g\t\n",iteration, sqnrm); fflush( stdout);
      if(((sqnrm <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((sqnrm <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
  else {
    Qtm_pm_psi(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], k); 
    diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], l, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2);
    assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2);
    normsq=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2, 1);
    /* main loop */
    for(iteration = 1; iteration <= ITER_MAX_CG; iteration++) {
      Qtm_pm_psi(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2]);
      pro=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2, 1);
      assign_add_mul_r(k, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], alpha_cg, VOLUME/2);
      assign_mul_add_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], -alpha_cg, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2);
      err=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2, 1);
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("CG (linsolve): iterations: %d res^2 %e\n", iteration, err);
      if (((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
      beta_cg = err/normsq;
      assign_mul_add_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], beta_cg, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], VOLUME/2);
#ifdef MPI
  etime = MPI_Wtime();
  etime = ((double)clock())/((double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
  /* 2 A + 2 Nc Ns + N_Count ( 2 A + 10 Nc Ns ) */
  /* 2*1320.0 because the linalg is over VOLUME/2 */
  flops = (2*(2*1320.0+2*3*4) + 2*3*4 + iteration*(2.*(2*1320.0+2*3*4) + 10*3*4))*VOLUME/2/1.0e6f;
  if(g_proc_id==0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    printf("CG: iter: %d eps_sq: %1.4e t/s: %1.4e\n", iteration, eps_sq, etime-atime); 
    printf("CG: flopcount: t/s: %1.4e mflops_local: %.1f mflops: %.1f\n", 
	   etime-atime, flops/(etime-atime), g_nproc*flops/(etime-atime));
  g_sloppy_precision = save_sloppy;
Beispiel #17
int bicgstabell(spinor * const x0, spinor * const b, const int max_iter, 
		double eps_sq, const int rel_prec, const int _l, const int N, matrix_mult f) {

  double err;
  int i, j, k, l;
  double rho0, rho1, beta, alpha, omega, gamma0 = 0., squarenorm;
  spinor * r[5], * u[5], * r0_tilde, * x;
  double tau[5][5], gamma[25], gammap[25], gammapp[25], sigma[25];
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 2*(_l+1)+2;

  l = _l;
  k = -l;

  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  r0_tilde = solver_field[0];
  for(i = 0; i <= l; i++){
    r[i] = solver_field[2+2*i];
    u[i] = solver_field[3+2*i];

  x = x0; 
  assign(u[0], b, N);
  f(r0_tilde, x);
  diff(r[0], u[0], r0_tilde, N);
  zero_spinor_field(solver_field[1], N);
  assign(r0_tilde, r[0], N);
  squarenorm = square_norm(b, N, 1);

  rho0 = 1.;
  alpha = 0.;
  omega = 1.;
  err = square_norm(r0_tilde, N, 1);
  while( k < max_iter && (((err > eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) 
			  || ((err > eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1)) 
			  )) {

    /* The BiCG part */

    rho0 *= -omega;
    for(j = 0; j < l; j++) {
      rho1 = scalar_prod_r(r[j], r0_tilde, N, 1);
      beta = (rho1/rho0);
      beta *= alpha; 
      rho0 = rho1;
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
	/* u_i = r_i - \beta u_i */
	assign_mul_add_r(u[i], -beta, r[i], N);
      f(u[j+1], u[j]);
      gamma0 = scalar_prod_r(u[j+1], r0_tilde, N, 1);
      alpha = rho0/gamma0;
      /* r_i = r_i - \alpha u_{i+1} */
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
	assign_add_mul_r(r[i], u[i+1], -alpha, N);
      f(r[j+1], r[j]);
      /* x = x + \alpha u_0 */
      assign_add_mul_r(x, u[0], alpha, N);
      err = square_norm(r[j+1], N, 1);
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {printf("%d %d err = %e\n", k, j, err);fflush(stdout);}

    /* The MR part */

    for(j = 1; j <= l; j++){
      for(i = 1; i < j; i++){
	tau[i][j] = scalar_prod_r(r[j], r[i], N, 1)/sigma[i];
	assign_add_mul_r(r[j], r[i], -tau[i][j], N);
      sigma[j] = scalar_prod_r(r[j], r[j], N, 1);
      gammap[j] = scalar_prod_r(r[0], r[j], N, 1)/sigma[j];
    gamma[l] = gammap[l];
    omega = gamma[l];
    for(j = l-1; j > 0; j--) {
      gamma[j] = gammap[j];
      for(i = j+1; i <= l; i++) {
	gamma[j] -= (tau[j][i]*gamma[i]);
    for(j = 1; j < l; j++) {
      gammapp[j] = gamma[j+1];
      for(i = j+1; i < l; i++){
	gammapp[j] += (tau[j][i]*gamma[i+1]);
    assign_add_mul_r(x, r[0], gamma[1], N);
    assign_add_mul_r(r[0], r[l], -gammap[l], N);
    for(j = 1; j < l; j++){
      assign_add_mul_r(x, r[j], gammapp[j], N);
      assign_add_mul_r(r[0], r[j], -gammap[j], N);
    assign_add_mul_r(u[0], u[l], -gamma[l], N);
    for(j = 1; j < l; j++){
      assign_add_mul_r(u[0], u[j], -gamma[j], N);
    err = square_norm(r[0], N, 1);
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0){
      printf(" BiCGstabell iterated %d %d, %e rho0 = %e, alpha = %e, gamma0= %e\n", l, k, err, rho0, alpha, gamma0);
      fflush( stdout );
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
  if(k == max_iter) return(-1);
Beispiel #18
void ndpoly_heatbath(const int id) {
  int j;
  double temp;
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];

  (*mnl).energy0 = 0.;
  random_spinor_field(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, (*mnl).rngrepro);
  (*mnl).energy0 = square_norm(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);

  if(g_epsbar!=0.0 || phmc_exact_poly == 0){
    random_spinor_field(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, (*mnl).rngrepro);
     (*mnl).energy0 += square_norm(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);
  else {
    zero_spinor_field(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2);

  if((g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) && (g_debug_level > 2)) {
    printf("PHMC: Here comes the computation of H_old with \n \n");
    printf("PHMC: First: random spinors and their norm  \n ");
    printf("PHMC: OLD Ennergy UP %e \n", (*mnl).energy0);
    printf("PHMC: OLD Energy  DN + UP %e \n\n", (*mnl).energy0);

    QNon_degenerate(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], 
		    g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0]);
    for(j = 1; j < (phmc_dop_n_cheby); j++){
      assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);

      Q_tau1_min_cconst_ND(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], 
			g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], 
    Poly_tilde_ND(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef, 
		  phmc_ptilde_n_cheby, g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1]);
  else if( phmc_exact_poly==1 && g_epsbar!=0.0) {
    /* Attention this is Q * tau1, up/dn are exchanged in the input spinor  */
    /* this is used as an preconditioner */

    assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
    assign(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);

    /* solve Q*tau1*P(Q^2) *x=y */
	      1000,1.e-16,0,VOLUME/2, Qtau1_P_ND);

    /*  phi= Bdagger phi  */
    for(j = 1; j < (phmc_dop_n_cheby); j++){
      assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
      assign(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
      Q_tau1_min_cconst_ND(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1],
			g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0],

    assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
    assign(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
  else if(phmc_exact_poly==1 && g_epsbar==0.0) {
    Qtm_pm_psi(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_up_spinor_field[0]);

    assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);

    /* solve (Q+)*(Q-)*P((Q+)*(Q-)) *x=y */
    cg_her(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_up_spinor_field[0],
             1000,1.e-16,0,VOLUME/2, Qtm_pm_Ptm_pm_psi);

    /*  phi= Bdagger phi  */
    for(j = 1; j < (phmc_dop_n_cheby); j++){
      assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);
    assign(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2);

  assign(mnl->pf, g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2);
  assign(mnl->pf2, g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2);

  temp = square_norm(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);
  if((g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) && (g_debug_level > 2)) {
    printf("PHMC: Then: evaluate Norm of pseudofermion heatbath BHB \n ");
    printf("PHMC: Norm of BHB up squared %e \n", temp);

  if(g_epsbar!=0.0 || phmc_exact_poly==0) 
    temp += square_norm(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);

  if((g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) && (g_debug_level > 2)){
    printf("PHMC: Norm of BHB up + BHB dn squared %e \n\n", temp);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("called ndpoly_heatbath for id %d with g_running_phmc = %d\n", id, g_running_phmc);
Beispiel #19
double reweighting_factor_nd(const int N) {
  int i, n_iter;
  double sq_norm, corr, sum=0., sq_sum = 0., temp1;
  double mu1, mu2;

  complex temp2;

  mu1 = g_mu1;
  mu2 = g_mu1;
  /* Use spinor_field 2,3,5                         */
  /* in order not to conflict with anything else... */

  for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    random_spinor_field(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2],VOLUME/2, 1);
    random_spinor_field(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2],VOLUME/2, 1);

    temp1 = phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0];
    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1 - 1;

    Poly_tilde_ND(g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef, phmc_ptilde_n_cheby, g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2]);

    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1;

    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2, 1);
    if( > 1.0e-8) {
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR-UP  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n",,;
    corr =;
    printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e \n", corr);
    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2, 1);
    if( > 1.0e-8) {
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR_DN  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n",,;
    corr +=;
    printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e \n",;

    temp1 = -corr;
    sum += temp1;
    sq_sum += temp1*temp1;
    printf("rew: n_iter = %d, sq_norm = %e, corr = %e\n", n_iter, sq_norm, corr);

    random_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[2],VOLUME/2, 1);
    g_mu = mu2;
    n_iter = solve_cg(3, 2, 0., 1.e-15, 1);

    g_mu = mu1;
    Qtm_pm_psi(g_spinor_field[5] , g_spinor_field[3]);

    sq_norm = square_norm(g_spinor_field[2], VOLUME/2, 1);
    corr = scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[5], VOLUME/2, 1);
    sq_norm -= corr;
    temp1 = sq_norm;
    sum += temp1;
    sq_sum += temp1*temp1;
    printf("rew: n_iter = %d, sq_norm = %e, corr = %e\n", n_iter, sq_norm, corr);

  printf("rew: factor = %e, err = %e\n", sum, sqrt(sum*sum-sq_sum)/((double)N-1));
Beispiel #20
int bicgstab2(spinor * const x0, spinor * const b, const int max_iter, 
		double eps_sq, const int rel_prec, const int N, matrix_mult f) {

  const int l = 2;
  double err;
  int i, j, k;
  int update_app = 0, update_res = 0;
  double rho0, rho1, beta, alpha, omega, gamma_hat,
    sigma, kappa0, kappal, rho, zeta0;
  double squarenorm, Mx=0., Mr=0.;
  spinor * r[5], * u[5], * r0_tilde, * u0, * x, * xp, * bp;
  double Z[3][3], y0[3], yl[3], yp[3], ypp[3];
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 10;

  k = -l;
  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  r0_tilde = solver_field[0];
  u0 = solver_field[1];
  r[0] = solver_field[2];
  u[0] = solver_field[3];
  r[1] = solver_field[4];
  u[1] = solver_field[5];
  r[2] = solver_field[6];
  u[2] = solver_field[7];
  bp = solver_field[8];
  xp = x0;
  x = solver_field[9];

  zero_spinor_field(x, N);
  assign(u[0], b, N);
  f(r0_tilde, xp);
  diff(r[0], u[0], r0_tilde, N);
  zero_spinor_field(u0, N);
  assign(r0_tilde, r[0], N); 
/*   random_spinor_field(r0_tilde, N); */
  assign(bp, r[0], N);
  squarenorm = square_norm(b, N, 1);

  rho0 = 1.;
  alpha = rho0;
  omega = rho0;
  err = square_norm(r[0], N, 1);
  Mr = err;
  Mx = err;
  zeta0 = err;
  while( k < max_iter && (((err > eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) 
			  || ((err > eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1)) 
			  )) {

    /* The BiCG part */
    rho0 *= -omega; 
    for(j = 0; j < l; j++) {
      rho1 = scalar_prod_r(r[j], r0_tilde, N, 1);
      beta = alpha*(rho1/rho0); 
      rho0 = rho1;
/*       if(g_proc_id == 0) {printf("beta = %e, alpha = %e, rho0 = %e\n", beta, alpha, rho0);fflush(stdout);} */
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
	/* u_i = r_i - \beta u_i */
	assign_mul_add_r(u[i], -beta, r[i], N);
      f(u[j+1], u[j]);
      sigma = scalar_prod_r(u[j+1], r0_tilde, N, 1);
      alpha = rho1/sigma;
/*       if(g_proc_id == 0) {printf("sigma = %e, alpha = %e\n", sigma, alpha);fflush(stdout);} */
      /* x = x + \alpha u_0 */
      assign_add_mul_r(x, u[0], alpha, N);
      /* r_i = r_i - \alpha u_{i+1} */
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
	assign_add_mul_r(r[i], u[i+1], -alpha, N);
      f(r[j+1], r[j]);
      err = square_norm(r[j+1], N, 1);
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {printf("%d %d err = %e\n", k, j, err);fflush(stdout);}
      if(err > Mr) Mr = err;
      if(err > Mx) Mx = err;

    /* The polynomial part */

    /* Z = R* R */
    for(i = 0; i <= l; i++){
      for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){
	Z[i][j] = scalar_prod_r(r[j], r[i], N, 1);
	Z[j][i] = Z[i][j];

    /* r0tilde and rl_tilde */
    y0[0] = -1;
    y0[2] = 0.;
    y0[1] = Z[1][0]/Z[1][1]; 

    yl[0] = 0.;
    yl[2] = -1.;
    yl[1] = Z[1][2]/Z[1][1]; 

    /* Convex combination */
    for(i = 0; i < l+1; i++){
      yp[i] = 0.;
      ypp[i] = 0.;
      for(j = 0; j < l+1; j++) {
	yp[i] +=Z[i][j]*y0[j];
	ypp[i] +=Z[i][j]*yl[j];
    kappa0 = sqrt( y0[0]*yp[0] + y0[1]*yp[1] + y0[2]*yp[2] );
    kappal = sqrt( yl[0]*ypp[0] + yl[1]*ypp[1] + yl[2]*ypp[2] );
    rho = (yl[0]*yp[0] + yl[1]*yp[1] + yl[2]*yp[2])/kappa0/kappal;
    if(fabs(rho) > 0.7) {
      gamma_hat = rho;
    else {
      gamma_hat = rho*0.7/fabs(rho);
    for(i = 0; i <= l; i++) {
      y0[i] -= gamma_hat*kappa0*yl[i]/kappal;

    /* Update */
    omega = y0[l];
    for(i = 1; i < l+1; i++) {
      assign_add_mul_r(u[0], u[i], -y0[i], N);
      assign_add_mul_r(x, r[i-1], y0[i], N);
      assign_add_mul_r(r[0], r[i], -y0[i], N);
    err = kappa0*kappa0;
    /* Reliable update part */
    if(err > Mr) Mr = err;
    if(err > Mx) Mx = err;    
    update_app = (err < 1.e-4*zeta0 && zeta0 <= Mx);
    update_res = ((err < 1.e-4*Mr && zeta0 <= Mr) || update_app);
    if(update_res) {
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) printf("Update res\n");
      f(r[0], x);
      diff(r[0], bp, r[0], N);
      Mr = err;
      if(update_app) {
	if(g_proc_id == 0  && g_debug_level > 1) printf("Update app\n");
	Mx = err;
	assign_add_mul_r(xp, x, 1., N);
	zero_spinor_field(x, N);
	assign(bp, r[0], N);
    update_app = 0;
    update_res = 0;
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0){
      printf(" BiCGstab(2)convex iterated %d %d, %e rho0 = %e, alpha = %e, gamma_hat= %e\n", 
	     l, k, err, rho0, alpha, gamma_hat);
      fflush( stdout );
  assign_add_mul_r(x, xp, 1., N);
  assign(x0, x, N);
  if(k == max_iter) return(-1);
int mixed_cg_mms_tm_nd(spinor ** const Pup, spinor ** const Pdn, 
		 spinor * const Qup, spinor * const Qdn, 
		 solver_pm_t * solver_pm) {

  double eps_sq = solver_pm->squared_solver_prec;
  int noshifts = solver_pm->no_shifts;
  int rel_prec = solver_pm->rel_prec;
  int max_iter = solver_pm->max_iter;
  int check_abs, check_rel;
  double * shifts = solver_pm->shifts;
  int Nshift = noshifts;
  // algorithm
  double rr_up, rr_dn, rr, rr_old, r0r0, dAd_up, dAd_dn, dAd;  
    check_rel = 1;
    check_abs = 0;
    check_rel = 0;
    check_abs = 1;     
  int use_eo=1, eofactor=2;
  //not even-odd?
  if(solver_pm->sdim == VOLUME) {
    eofactor = 1;
    use_eo = 0;
  int N = VOLUME/eofactor;
  int Vol = VOLUMEPLUSRAND/eofactor;
  // norm of source
  rr_up = square_norm(Qup, N, 1);
  rr_dn = square_norm(Qdn, N, 1);
  rr    = rr_up + rr_dn;  
  if( (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2)) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Initial mms residue: %.6e\n", rr);
  if(rr < 1.0e-4){
    if( (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2)) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: norm of source too low: falling back to double mms solver %.6e\n", rr);
    return(cg_mms_tm_nd(Pup, Pdn, Qup, Qdn, solver_pm));
  r0r0   = rr;	// for relative precision 
  rr_old = rr;	// for the first iteration
  //allocate an auxiliary solver fields 
  spinor ** sf = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 6;
  init_solver_field(&sf, Vol, nr_sf);  
  spinor32 ** sf32 = NULL;
  const int nr_sf32 = 8;
  init_solver_field_32(&sf32, Vol, nr_sf32);  
  //spinor fields  
  //we need one less than shifts, since one field is cared of by the usual cg fields
  init_mms_tm_nd_32(noshifts-1, Vol);
  // Pup/dn  can be used as auxiliary field to work on, as it is not later used (could be used as initial guess at the very start)
  // Q_up/dn  can be used as feedback, or if not, also as auxiliary field

  //allocate cg constants
  double * sigma;
  double * zitam1, * zita;
  double * alphas, * betas;
  double gamma;
  double alpham1;
    sigma = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
    zitam1 = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
    zita = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
    alphas = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
    betas = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));

  spinor32 *  r_up, *  r_dn, * Ad_up, * Ad_dn, *  x_up, *  x_dn, *  d_up, *  d_dn;		
  spinor * r_up_d, * r_dn_d, * x_up_d, * x_dn_d, * Ax_up_d, * Ax_dn_d;
 // iteration counter
 int j; 
 //reliable update flag
 int rel_update = 0;
 //no of reliable updates done
 int no_rel_update = 0;
 //use reliable update flag
 int use_reliable = 1;
 double rel_delta = 1.0e-10;
 int trigger_shift = -1;
 double * res;
 double * res0;
 double * maxres;
 res = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
 res0 = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double));
 maxres = (double*)calloc((noshifts), sizeof(double)); 
  x_up  = sf32[0];	
  x_dn  = sf32[1];	
  r_up  = sf32[2];	
  r_dn  = sf32[3];
  d_up  = sf32[4];
  d_dn  = sf32[5];
  Ad_up = sf32[6];
  Ad_dn = sf32[7];

  x_up_d = sf[0];
  x_dn_d = sf[1];
  r_up_d = sf[2];
  r_dn_d = sf[3];
  Ax_up_d = sf[4];
  Ax_dn_d = sf[5];  
  //matrix test
   spinor32 * help_low_up = sf32[0];
   spinor32 * help_low_dn = sf32[1];   
   spinor * help_high_up = sf[0];
   spinor * help_high_dn = sf[1];   
   assign_to_32(help_low_up, Qup, N);
   assign_to_32(help_low_dn, Qdn, N);   
   assign(help_high_up, Qup, N);
   assign(help_high_dn, Qdn, N);   
   double sqn_high = square_norm(help_high_up,N,1) +
   printf("square_norm(Q_high) = %e\n", sqn_high);
   float sqn_low  = square_norm_32(help_low_up,N,1) +
   printf("square_norm(Q_low) = %e\n", sqn_low);  
   solver_pm->M_ndpsi32(sf32[2], sf32[3], help_low_up, help_low_dn);
   solver_pm->M_ndpsi(sf[2], sf[3], help_high_up, help_high_dn);
   assign_to_64(sf[4], sf32[2], N);
   assign_to_64(sf[5], sf32[3], N);   
   diff(sf[0], sf[4], sf[2], N);
   diff(sf[1], sf[5], sf[3], N);   
   double sqnrm = square_norm(sf[0], N, 1) +
                  square_norm(sf[1], N, 1);
   printf("Operator 32 test: (square_norm) / (spinor component) = %.8e\n", sqnrm/24.0/N);
  // r(0) = b
  assign_to_32(r_up, Qup, N);
  assign_to_32(r_dn, Qdn, N); 
  // d(0) = b
  assign_to_32(d_up, Qup, N);
  assign_to_32(d_dn, Qdn, N); 

  maxres[0] = rr;
  res[0] = rr;
  res0[0] = rr;
  alphas[0] = 1.0;
  betas[0] = 0.0;
  sigma[0] = shifts[0]*shifts[0];
  if(g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: shift %d is %e\n", 0, sigma[0]);

  // currently only implemented for P=0 
  for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
    maxres[im] = rr;
    res[im] = rr;
    res0[im] = rr;    
    sigma[im] = shifts[im]*shifts[im] - sigma[0];
    if(g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: shift %d is %e\n", im, sigma[im]);
    // these will be the result spinor fields
    zero_spinor_field_32(mms_x_up[im-1], N);
    zero_spinor_field_32(mms_x_dn[im-1], N);    

    assign_to_32(mms_d_up[im-1], Qup, N);
    assign_to_32(mms_d_dn[im-1], Qdn, N);
    zitam1[im] = 1.0;
    zita[im] = 1.0;
    alphas[im] = 1.0;
    betas[im] = 0.0;

  //zero fields for solution Pup, Pdn
  for(int im = 0; im < noshifts; im++){
    zero_spinor_field(Pup[im], N);
    zero_spinor_field(Pdn[im], N);    
  // LOOP //
  for (j = 0; j < max_iter; j++) {   
      // A*d(k)
    solver_pm->M_ndpsi32(Ad_up, Ad_dn, d_up,  d_dn);     
    //add zero'th shift
    assign_add_mul_r_32(Ad_up, d_up, (float) sigma[0], N);
    assign_add_mul_r_32(Ad_dn, d_dn, (float) sigma[0], N);
    // alpha = r(k)*r(k) / d(k)*A*d(k)
    dAd_up = scalar_prod_r_32(d_up, Ad_up, N, 1);
    dAd_dn = scalar_prod_r_32(d_dn, Ad_dn, N, 1);

    dAd    = dAd_up + dAd_dn; 
    alpham1 = alphas[0];
    alphas[0]  = rr_old / dAd;	// rr_old is taken from the last iteration respectively
    // r(k+1)
    assign_add_mul_r_32(r_up, Ad_up, (float) -alphas[0],N);
    assign_add_mul_r_32(r_dn, Ad_dn, (float) -alphas[0],N);

    // r(k+1)*r(k+1)
    rr_up  = square_norm_32(r_up, N, 1);
    rr_dn  = square_norm_32(r_dn, N, 1);
    rr     = rr_up + rr_dn;

    if((g_cart_id == 0) && (g_debug_level > 2)) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: mms iteration j = %i: rr = %.6e\n", j, rr);


    // aborting ?? // check wether precision is reached ...
    if ( ((check_abs)&&(rr <= eps_sq)) || ((check_rel)&&(rr <= eps_sq*r0r0)) ) 
	if ((check_rel)&&(rr <= eps_sq*r0r0)) {
	  if((g_cart_id == 0) && (g_debug_level > 3)) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Reached relative solver precision of eps_rel = %.2e\n", eps_sq);
    // update alphas and zitas  
    // used later
    for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
      gamma = zita[im]*alpham1/(alphas[0]*betas[0]*(1.-zita[im]/zitam1[im]) 
				+ alpham1*(1.+sigma[im]*alphas[0]));
      zitam1[im] = zita[im];
      zita[im] = gamma;
      alphas[im] = alphas[0]*zita[im]/zitam1[im];
    //check for reliable update
    res[0] = rr;
    for(int im=1; im<noshifts; im++) res[im] = rr * zita[im]; 
    rel_update = 0;
    for(int im = (noshifts-1); im >= 0; im--) {
      if( res[im] > maxres[im] ) maxres[im] = res[im];
      if( (res[im] < rel_delta*res0[im]) && (res0[im]<=maxres[im]) && (use_reliable) ) rel_update=1; 
      if( rel_update && ( trigger_shift == -1) ) trigger_shift = im;
      // x_j(k+1) = x_j(k) + alpha_j*d_j(k) 
      // alphas are set above
      assign_add_mul_r_32(x_up, d_up, (float) alphas[0], N);   
      assign_add_mul_r_32(x_dn, d_dn, (float) alphas[0], N);
      for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
	assign_add_mul_r_32(mms_x_up[im-1], mms_d_up[im-1], (float) alphas[im],  N);   
	assign_add_mul_r_32(mms_x_dn[im-1], mms_d_dn[im-1], (float) alphas[im],  N);  
      // beta = r(k+1)*r(k+1) / r(k)*r(k)
      betas[0] = rr / rr_old;
      rr_old = rr;  // for next iteration
      // d_0(k+1) = r(k+1) + beta*d_0(k) 
      assign_mul_add_r_32(d_up, (float) betas[0], r_up, N);  
      assign_mul_add_r_32(d_dn, (float) betas[0], r_dn, N); 
      // d_j(k+1) = zita*r(k+1) + beta*d_j(k)
      for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
	betas[im] = betas[0]*zita[im]*alphas[im]/(zitam1[im]*alphas[0]);
	assign_mul_add_mul_r_32(mms_d_up[im-1], r_up, (float) betas[im], (float) zita[im], N);
	assign_mul_add_mul_r_32(mms_d_dn[im-1], r_dn, (float) betas[im], (float) zita[im], N);
      //reliable update
      if( (g_cart_id == 0) && (g_debug_level > 3) ){
	printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Shift %d with offset squared %e triggered a reliable update\n", trigger_shift, sigma[trigger_shift]);
      //add low prec solutions  
      assign_add_mul_r_32(x_up, d_up, (float) alphas[0], N); 
      assign_add_mul_r_32(x_dn, d_dn, (float) alphas[0], N); 
      addto_32(Pup[0], x_up, N);
      addto_32(Pdn[0], x_dn, N);	    
      for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {  
	assign_add_mul_r_32(mms_x_up[im-1], mms_d_up[im-1], alphas[im], N);
	assign_add_mul_r_32(mms_x_dn[im-1], mms_d_dn[im-1], alphas[im], N);	
	addto_32(Pup[im], mms_x_up[im-1], N);
        addto_32(Pdn[im], mms_x_dn[im-1], N);	
      //add low precision for shift 0 only
      addto_32(x_up_d, x_up, N); 
      addto_32(x_dn_d, x_dn, N);      
      solver_pm->M_ndpsi(Ax_up_d, Ax_dn_d, x_up_d,  x_dn_d);
      //add zero'th shift
      assign_add_mul_r(Ax_up_d, x_up_d, sigma[0], N);
      assign_add_mul_r(Ax_dn_d, x_dn_d, sigma[0], N);
      diff(r_up_d, Qup, Ax_up_d, N);         
      diff(r_dn_d, Qdn, Ax_dn_d, N); 
      rr_up = square_norm(r_up_d, N, 1);
      rr_dn = square_norm(r_dn_d, N, 1);
      rr    = rr_up + rr_dn;
      if ((g_cart_id == 0) && (g_debug_level > 3) ) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: New residue after reliable update: %.6e\n", rr);
      //update res[im]
      res[0] = rr;

      if(res[trigger_shift] > res0[trigger_shift]){
	if(g_cart_id == 0) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Warning: residue of shift no %d got larger after rel. update\n", trigger_shift);
	//if this is the zero'th shift not getting better -> no further convergence, break
	if(trigger_shift == 0) break;
      //zero float fields
      zero_spinor_field_32(x_up, N);
      zero_spinor_field_32(x_dn, N);        
      for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
	zero_spinor_field_32(mms_x_up[im-1], N);
	zero_spinor_field_32(mms_x_dn[im-1], N);  
      //update the source
      assign_to_32(r_up, r_up_d, N);
      assign_to_32(r_dn, r_dn_d, N); 

      betas[0] = res[0]/rr_old;
      rr_old = rr;
      // d_0(k+1) = r(k+1) + beta*d_0(k)
      assign_mul_add_r_32(d_up, betas[0], r_up, N);
      assign_mul_add_r_32(d_dn, betas[0], r_dn, N);      
      // d_j(k+1) = r(k+1) + beta*d_j(k)
      for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {
	betas[im] = betas[0]*zita[im]*alphas[im]/(zitam1[im]*alphas[0]);
        assign_mul_add_mul_r_32(mms_d_up[im-1], r_up, (float) betas[im], (float) zita[im], N);
	assign_mul_add_mul_r_32(mms_d_dn[im-1], r_dn, (float) betas[im], (float) zita[im], N);
      //new maxres for the shift that initiated the reliable update
      res[trigger_shift] = res[0]*zita[trigger_shift]*zita[trigger_shift];
      res0[trigger_shift] = res[trigger_shift];  
      maxres[trigger_shift] = res[trigger_shift];
      trigger_shift = -1;
      no_rel_update ++;
    }	//reliable update	
    //check if some shift is converged
    for(int im = 1; im < noshifts; im++) {    
      if(j > 0 && (j % 10 == 0) && (im == noshifts-1)) {
	double sn = square_norm_32(mms_d_up[im-1], N, 1);
	sn +=       square_norm_32(mms_d_dn[im-1], N, 1);
	if(alphas[noshifts-1]*alphas[noshifts-1]*sn <= eps_sq) {
	  if( (g_debug_level > 1) && (g_cart_id == 0) ) {
	    printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: at iteration %d removed one shift, %d remaining\n", j, noshifts);
	  //if removed we add the latest solution vector for this shift 	  
	  addto_32(Pup[im], mms_x_up[im-1], N);
          addto_32(Pdn[im], mms_x_dn[im-1], N);
  if( (g_cart_id == 0) && (g_debug_level > 1) ) printf("Final mms residue: %.6e\n", rr);

  //add the latest solutions 
  for(int im = 0; im < noshifts; im++) {  
    if(im == 0){   
      addto_32(Pup[0], x_up, N);
      addto_32(Pdn[0], x_dn, N);        
      addto_32(Pup[im], mms_x_up[im-1], N);
      addto_32(Pdn[im], mms_x_dn[im-1], N);      
  if(g_debug_level > 4){
    if(g_cart_id == 0) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Checking mms result:\n");
    //loop over all shifts (-> Nshift) 
    for(int im = 0; im < Nshift; im++){
      solver_pm->M_ndpsi(sf[0], sf[1], Pup[im], Pdn[im]);
      assign_add_mul_r(sf[0], Pup[im] , shifts[im]*shifts[im], N);
      assign_add_mul_r(sf[1], Pdn[im] , shifts[im]*shifts[im], N);
      diff(sf[2], sf[0], Qup, N);
      diff(sf[3], sf[1], Qdn, N);
      rr_up = square_norm(sf[2], N, 1);
      rr_dn = square_norm(sf[3], N, 1);      
      rr = rr_up + rr_dn;
      if(g_cart_id == 0) printf("# CGMMSND_mixed: Shift[%d] squared residue: %e\n", im, rr);
  finalize_solver(sf, nr_sf);  
  finalize_solver_32(sf32, nr_sf32); 
  //free cg constants
  free(sigma); free(zitam1); free(zita); free(alphas); free(betas);    
  //free reliable update stuff
  free(res); free(res0); free(maxres);

  //if not converged -> return(-1)
Beispiel #22
/* P output = solution , Q input = source */
int mixed_cg_her(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, solver_params_t solver_params, 
                 const int max_iter, double eps_sq, const int rel_prec, const int N,
                 matrix_mult f, matrix_mult32 f32) {

  int i = 0, iter = 0, j = 0;
  float sqnrm = 0., sqnrm2, squarenorm;
  float pro, err, alpha_cg, beta_cg;
  double sourcesquarenorm, sqnrm_d, squarenorm_d;
  spinor *delta, *y, *xhigh;
  spinor32 *x, *stmp;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  spinor32 ** solver_field32 = NULL;  
  const int nr_sf = 3;
  const int nr_sf32 = 4;

  int max_inner_it = mixcg_maxinnersolverit;
  int N_outer = max_iter/max_inner_it;
  //to be on the save side we allow at least 10 outer iterations
  if(N_outer < 10) N_outer = 10;
  int save_sloppy = g_sloppy_precision_flag;
  double atime, etime, flops;
  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);    
    init_solver_field_32(&solver_field32, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf32);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
    init_solver_field_32(&solver_field32, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf32);    

  squarenorm_d = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
  sourcesquarenorm = squarenorm_d;
  sqnrm_d = squarenorm_d;
  delta = solver_field[0];
  y = solver_field[1];
  xhigh = solver_field[2];
  x = solver_field32[3];   
  assign(delta, Q, N);
  //set solution to zero
  zero_spinor_field(P, N);
  atime = gettime();
  for(i = 0; i < N_outer; i++) {

    /* main CG loop in lower precision */
    zero_spinor_field_32(x, N);
    zero_spinor_field_32(solver_field32[0], N);   
    assign_to_32(solver_field32[1], delta, N);
    assign_to_32(solver_field32[2], delta, N);
    sqnrm = (float) sqnrm_d;
    sqnrm2 = sqnrm;
    /*inner CG loop */
    for(j = 0; j <= max_inner_it; j++) {
      f32(solver_field32[0], solver_field32[2]); 
      pro = scalar_prod_r_32(solver_field32[2], solver_field32[0], N, 1);
      alpha_cg = sqnrm2 / pro;
      assign_add_mul_r_32(x, solver_field32[2], alpha_cg, N);
      assign_mul_add_r_32(solver_field32[0], -alpha_cg, solver_field32[1], N);      
      err = square_norm_32(solver_field32[0], N, 1);

      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2) {
	      printf("inner CG: %d res^2 %g\n", iter+j, err);
      //if (((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
      if((err <= mixcg_innereps*sqnrm)|| (j==max_inner_it) ||  ((1.3*err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((1.3*err <= eps_sq*sourcesquarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
      beta_cg = err / sqnrm2;
      assign_mul_add_r_32(solver_field32[2], beta_cg, solver_field32[0], N);
      stmp = solver_field32[0];
      solver_field32[0] = solver_field32[1];
      solver_field32[1] = stmp;
      sqnrm2 = err;
    /* end inner CG loop */
    iter += j;

    /* we want to apply a true double matrix with f(y,P) -> set sloppy off here*/
    g_sloppy_precision_flag = 0;
    /* calculate defect in double precision */
    assign_to_64(xhigh, x, N);    
    add(P, P, xhigh, N);
    f(y, P);
    diff(delta, Q, y, N);
    sqnrm_d = square_norm(delta, N, 1);
    if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == 0) {
      printf("mixed CG: last inner residue: %g\t\n", err);
      printf("mixed CG: true residue %d %g\t\n",iter, sqnrm_d); fflush(stdout);
    /* here we can reset it to its initial value*/
    g_sloppy_precision_flag = save_sloppy;
    if(((sqnrm_d <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((sqnrm_d <= eps_sq*sourcesquarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
      etime = gettime();     

      if(g_debug_level > 0 && g_proc_id == 0) {
      	if(N != VOLUME){
      	  /* 2 A + 2 Nc Ns + N_Count ( 2 A + 10 Nc Ns ) */
      	  /* 2*1608.0 because the linalg is over VOLUME/2 */
      	  flops = (2*(2*1608.0+2*3*4) + 2*3*4 + iter*(2.*(2*1608.0+2*3*4) + 10*3*4))*N/1.0e6f;
      	  printf("# mixed CG: iter: %d eps_sq: %1.4e t/s: %1.4e\n", iter, eps_sq, etime-atime); 
      	  printf("# mixed CG: flopcount (for e/o tmWilson only): t/s: %1.4e mflops_local: %.1f mflops: %.1f\n", 
      	      etime-atime, flops/(etime-atime), g_nproc*flops/(etime-atime));
      	  /* 2 A + 2 Nc Ns + N_Count ( 2 A + 10 Nc Ns ) */
      	  flops = (2*(1608.0+2*3*4) + 2*3*4 + iter*(2.*(1608.0+2*3*4) + 10*3*4))*N/1.0e6f;      
      	  printf("# mixed CG: iter: %d eps_sq: %1.4e t/s: %1.4e\n", iter, eps_sq, etime-atime); 
      	  printf("# mixed CG: flopcount (for non-e/o tmWilson only): t/s: %1.4e mflops_local: %.1f mflops: %.1f\n", 
      	      etime-atime, flops/(etime-atime), g_nproc*flops/(etime-atime));      
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
      finalize_solver_32(solver_field32, nr_sf32); 
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
  finalize_solver_32(solver_field32, nr_sf32); 
Beispiel #23
int gcr(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, 
	const int m, const int max_restarts,
	const double eps_sq, const int rel_prec,
	const int N, const int precon, matrix_mult f) {

  int k, l, restart, i, iter = 0;
  double norm_sq, err;
  spinor * rho, * tmp;
  complex ctmp;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 2;

  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);

  rho = solver_field[0];
  tmp = solver_field[1];

  init_gcr(m, N+RAND);

  norm_sq = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
  if(norm_sq < 1.e-32) {
    norm_sq = 1.;
  for(restart = 0; restart < max_restarts; restart++) {
    dfl_sloppy_prec = 0;
    f(tmp, P);
    diff(rho, Q, tmp, N);
    err = square_norm(rho, N, 1);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2){
      printf("GCR: iteration number: %d, true residue: %g\n", iter, err); 
    if(((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*norm_sq) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
    for(k = 0; k < m; k++) {
      if(precon == 0) {
	assign(xi[k], rho, N);
      else {
        zero_spinor_field(xi[k], N);  
        Msap_eo(xi[k], rho, 6);   
 	/* Msap(xi[k], rho, 8); */
      dfl_sloppy_prec = 1;
      dfl_little_D_prec = 1.e-12;
      f(tmp, xi[k]); 
      /* tmp will become chi[k] */
      for(l = 0; l < k; l++) {
        a[l][k] = scalar_prod(chi[l], tmp, N, 1);
        assign_diff_mul(tmp, chi[l], a[l][k], N);
      b[k] = sqrt(square_norm(tmp, N, 1));
      mul_r(chi[k], 1./b[k], tmp, N);
      c[k] = scalar_prod(chi[k], rho, N, 1);
      assign_diff_mul(rho, chi[k], c[k], N);
      err = square_norm(rho, N, 1);
      iter ++;
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0){
        if(rel_prec == 1) printf("# GCR: %d\t%g >= %g iterated residue\n", iter, err, eps_sq*norm_sq); 
        else printf("# GCR: %d\t%g >= %giterated residue\n", iter, err, eps_sq);
      /* Precision reached? */
      if((k == m-1) || ((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*norm_sq) && (rel_prec == 1))) {

    /* prepare for restart */
    _mult_real(c[k], c[k], 1./b[k]);
    assign_add_mul(P, xi[k], c[k], N);
    for(l = k-1; l >= 0; l--) {
      for(i = l+1; i <= k; i++) {
        _mult_assign_complex(ctmp, a[l][i], c[i]);
        /* c[l] -= ctmp */
        _diff_complex(c[l], ctmp);
      _mult_real(c[l], c[l], 1./b[l]);
      assign_add_mul(P, xi[l], c[l], N);
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
Beispiel #24
/*lambda: largest eigenvalue, k eigenvector */
int evamax(double *rz, int k, double q_off, double eps_sq) {
  static double ritz,norm0,normg,normg0,beta_cg;
  static double costh,sinth,cosd,sind,aaa,normp,xxx;
  static double xs1,xs2,xs3;
  int iteration;
  /* Initialize k to be gaussian */
  random_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2);
  norm0=square_norm(g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2, 1); 
  /*normalize k */
  assign_mul_bra_add_mul_r( g_spinor_field[k], 1./sqrt(norm0),0., g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2);
  /*compute the ritz functional */
  /*put g on DUM_SOLVER+2 and p on DUM_SOLVER+1*/
  ritz=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2, 1); 
  assign_add_mul_r_add_mul(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[k],
			   1., -ritz, VOLUME/2);
  assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2);
  normg0=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2, 1);
  /* main loop */
  for(iteration=1;iteration<=ITER_MAX_BCG;iteration++) {
    if(normg0 <= eps_sq) break;
    /*   compute costh and sinth */
    normp=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2, 1);
    xxx=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2, 1);
    if(cosd>=0.) { 
    else {
    assign_add_mul_r_add_mul(g_spinor_field[k], g_spinor_field[k], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], 
			     costh-1., sinth/normp, VOLUME/2);
    assign_add_mul_r_add_mul(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2],
			     costh-1., sinth/normp, VOLUME/2);
    /*   compute g */
    assign_add_mul_r_add_mul(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[k], 
			     1., -ritz, VOLUME/2);
    /*   calculate the norm of g' and beta_cg=costh g'^2/g^2 */
    normg=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2, 1);
    if(beta_cg*costh*normp>20.*sqrt(normg))  beta_cg=0.;
    /*   compute the new value of p */
    assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[k], -scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[k], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2), VOLUME/2, 1);
    assign_mul_add_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1],beta_cg, g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2);
    /*   restore the state of the iteration */
    if(iteration%20==0) {
      /* readjust x */
      xxx=sqrt(square_norm(g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2), 1);
      assign_mul_bra_add_mul_r( g_spinor_field[k], 1./xxx,0., g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2);
      /*compute the ritz functional */
      ritz=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[k], VOLUME/2, 1);
      /*put g on DUM_SOLVER+2 and p on DUM_SOLVER+1*/
      assign_add_mul_r_add_mul(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], g_spinor_field[k],
			       1., -ritz, VOLUME/2);
      normg0=square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2, 1);
      /*subtract a linear combination of x and g from p to 
	insure (x,p)=0 and (p,g)=(g,g) */
      cosd=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[k], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], VOLUME/2, 1);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[k], -cosd, VOLUME/2);
      cosd=scalar_prod_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], VOLUME/2, 1)-normg0;
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2], -cosd/sqrt(normg0), VOLUME/2);
  return iteration;
Beispiel #25
/* P output = solution , Q input = source */
int cg_mms_tm(spinor ** const P, spinor * const Q,
		 solver_params_t * solver_params, double * cgmms_reached_prec) {

  static double normsq, pro, err, squarenorm;
  int iteration, N = solver_params->sdim, no_shifts = solver_params->no_shifts;
  static double gamma, alpham1;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  double atime, etime;
  const int nr_sf = 3;

  atime = gettime();
  if(solver_params->sdim == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
    init_mms_tm(no_shifts, VOLUMEPLUSRAND);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf); 
    init_mms_tm(no_shifts, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2);

  zero_spinor_field(P[0], N);
  alphas[0] = 1.0;
  betas[0] = 0.0;
  sigma[0] = solver_params->shifts[0]*solver_params->shifts[0];
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) printf("# CGMMS: shift %d is %e\n", 0, sigma[0]);

  for(int im = 1; im < no_shifts; im++) {
    sigma[im] = solver_params->shifts[im]*solver_params->shifts[im] - sigma[0];
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) printf("# CGMMS: shift %d is %e\n", im, sigma[im]);
    // these will be the result spinor fields
    zero_spinor_field(P[im], N);
    // these are intermediate fields
    assign(ps_mms_solver[im-1], Q, N);
    zitam1[im] = 1.0;
    zita[im] = 1.0;
    alphas[im] = 1.0;
    betas[im] = 0.0;

  /* currently only implemented for P=0 */
  squarenorm = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
  /* if a starting solution vector equal to zero is chosen */
  assign(solver_field[0], Q, N);
  assign(solver_field[1], Q, N);
  normsq = squarenorm;

  /* main loop */
  for(iteration = 0; iteration < solver_params->max_iter; iteration++) {

    /*   Q^2*p and then (p,Q^2*p)  */
    solver_params->M_psi(solver_field[2], solver_field[1]);
    // add the zero's shift
    assign_add_mul_r(solver_field[2], solver_field[1], sigma[0], N);
    pro = scalar_prod_r(solver_field[1], solver_field[2], N, 1);

    /* For the update of the coeff. of the shifted pol. we need alphas[0](i-1) and alpha_cg(i).
       This is the reason why we need this double definition of alpha */
    alpham1 = alphas[0];

    /* Compute alphas[0](i+1) */
    alphas[0] = normsq/pro;
    for(int im = 1; im < no_shifts; im++) {

      /* Now gamma is a temp variable that corresponds to zita(i+1) */ 
      gamma = zita[im]*alpham1/(alphas[0]*betas[0]*(1.-zita[im]/zitam1[im]) 
				+ alpham1*(1.+sigma[im]*alphas[0]));

      // Now zita(i-1) is put equal to the old zita(i)
      zitam1[im] = zita[im];
      // Now zita(i+1) is updated 
      zita[im] = gamma;
      // Update of alphas(i) = alphas[0](i)*zita(i+1)/zita(i) 
      alphas[im] = alphas[0]*zita[im]/zitam1[im];

      // Compute xs(i+1) = xs(i) + alphas(i)*ps(i) 
      assign_add_mul_r(P[im], ps_mms_solver[im-1], alphas[im], N); 
      // in the CG the corrections are decreasing with the iteration number increasing
      // therefore, we can remove shifts when the norm of the correction vector
      // falls below a threshold
      // this is useful for computing time and needed, because otherwise
      // zita might get smaller than DOUBLE_EPS and, hence, zero
      if(iteration > 0 && (iteration % 20 == 0) && (im == no_shifts-1)) {
	double sn = square_norm(ps_mms_solver[im-1], N, 1);
	if(alphas[no_shifts-1]*alphas[no_shifts-1]*sn <= solver_params->squared_solver_prec) {
	  if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == 0) {
	    printf("# CGMMS: at iteration %d removed one shift, %d remaining\n", iteration, no_shifts);
    /*  Compute x_(i+1) = x_i + alphas[0](i+1) p_i    */
    assign_add_mul_r(P[0], solver_field[1],  alphas[0], N);
    /*  Compute r_(i+1) = r_i - alphas[0](i+1) Qp_i   */
    assign_add_mul_r(solver_field[0], solver_field[2], -alphas[0], N);

    /* Check whether the precision eps_sq is reached */

    err = square_norm(solver_field[0], N, 1);

    if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
      printf("# CGMMS iteration: %d residue: %g\n", iteration, err); fflush( stdout );

    if( ((err <= solver_params->squared_solver_prec) && (solver_params->rel_prec == 0)) ||
        ((err <= solver_params->squared_solver_prec*squarenorm) && (solver_params->rel_prec > 0)) ||
        (iteration == solver_params->max_iter -1) ) {
      /* FIXME temporary output of precision until a better solution can be found */
      *cgmms_reached_prec = err;

    /* Compute betas[0](i+1) = (r(i+1),r(i+1))/(r(i),r(i))
       Compute p(i+1) = r(i+1) + beta(i+1)*p(i)  */
    betas[0] = err/normsq;
    assign_mul_add_r(solver_field[1], betas[0], solver_field[0], N);
    normsq = err;

    /* Compute betas(i+1) = betas[0](i+1)*(zita(i+1)*alphas(i))/(zita(i)*alphas[0](i))
       Compute ps(i+1) = zita(i+1)*r(i+1) + betas(i+1)*ps(i)  */
    for(int im = 1; im < no_shifts; im++) {
      betas[im] = betas[0]*zita[im]*alphas[im]/(zitam1[im]*alphas[0]);
      assign_mul_add_mul_r(ps_mms_solver[im-1], solver_field[0], betas[im], zita[im], N);
  etime = gettime();
  g_sloppy_precision = 0;
  if(iteration == solver_params->max_iter -1) iteration = -1;
  else iteration++;
  if(g_debug_level > 0 && g_proc_id == 0) {
    printf("# CGMMS (%d shifts): iter: %d eps_sq: %1.4e %1.4e t/s\n", solver_params->no_shifts, iteration, solver_params->squared_solver_prec, etime - atime); 
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
Beispiel #26
int chrono_guess(spinor * const trial, spinor * const phi, spinor ** const v, int index_array[], 
		 const int _N, const int _n, const int V, matrix_mult f) {
  int info = 0;
  int i, j, N=_N, n=_n;
  _Complex double s;
  static int init_csg = 0;
  static _Complex double *bn = NULL;
  static _Complex double *G = NULL;
  int max_N = 20;

  if(N > 0) {
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("CSG: preparing  trial vector \n");
    if(init_csg == 0) {
      init_csg = 1;
      bn = (_Complex double*) malloc(max_N*sizeof(_Complex double));
      G = (_Complex double*) malloc(max_N*max_N*sizeof(_Complex double));

    /* Construct an orthogonal basis */
    for(j = n-1; j > n-2; j--) {
      for(i = j-1; i > -1; i--) {
	s = scalar_prod(v[index_array[j]], v[index_array[i]], V, 1);
	assign_diff_mul(v[index_array[i]], v[index_array[j]], s, V);
	if(g_debug_level > 2) {
	  s = scalar_prod(v[index_array[i]], v[index_array[j]], V, 1);
	  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	    printf("CSG: <%d,%d> = %e +i %e \n", i, j, creal(s), cimag(s));fflush(stdout);
    /* Generate "interaction matrix" V^\dagger f V */
    /* We assume that f is hermitian               */
    /* Generate also the right hand side           */
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
      f(trial, v[index_array[j]]);
      /* Only the upper triangular part is stored      */
      for(i = 0; i < j+1; i++){
	G[i*N + j] = scalar_prod(v[index_array[i]], trial, V, 1);  
	if(j != i) {
	  (G[j*N + i]) = conj(G[i*N + j]);
	if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2) {
	  printf("CSG: G[%d*N + %d]= %e + i %e  \n", i, j, creal(G[i*N + j]), cimag(G[i*N + j]));
      /* The right hand side */
      bn[j] = scalar_prod(v[index_array[j]], phi, V, 1);  
    /* Solver G y = bn for y and store it in bn */
    LUSolve(n, G, N, bn);

    /* Construct the new guess vector */
    if(info == 0) {
      mul(trial, bn[n-1], v[index_array[n-1]], V); 
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2) {
	printf("CSG: bn[%d] = %f %f\n", index_array[n-1], creal(bn[index_array[n-1]]), cimag(bn[index_array[n-1]]));
      for(i = n-2; i > -1; i--) {
	assign_add_mul(trial, v[index_array[i]], bn[i], V);
	if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 2) {
	  printf("CSG: bn[%d] = %f %f\n", index_array[i], creal(bn[index_array[i]]), cimag(bn[index_array[i]]));
    else {
      assign(trial, phi, V);

    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("CSG: done! n= %d N=%d \n", n, N);fflush(stdout);
  else {
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("CSG: using zero trial vector \n");
    zero_spinor_field(trial, V);

Beispiel #27
int mrblk(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q,
	  const int max_iter, const double eps_sq,
	  const int rel_prec, const int N, 
	  matrix_mult_blk f, const int blk) {
  static int mr_init=0;
  int i = 0;
  double norm_r,beta;
  _Complex double alpha;
  spinor * r;
  const int parallel = 0;
  spinor * s[3];
  static spinor *s_=NULL;
  static int N_;

  if(mr_init == 0 || N != N_) {
    if(N!= N_ && mr_init != 0) {
    N_ = N;
    s_ = calloc(3*(N+1)+1, sizeof(spinor));
    mr_init = 1;
#if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || defined SSE3)
  s[0] = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(s_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE); 
  s[0] = s_;
  s[1] = s[0] + N + 1;
  s[2] = s[1] + N + 1;

  r = s[0];
  norm_r = square_norm(Q, N, parallel);
  zero_spinor_field(P, N);
  f(s[2], P, blk);
  diff(r, Q, s[2], N);
  norm_r = square_norm(r, N, parallel);
  if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2 && blk == 0) {
    printf("MRblk iteration= %d  |res|^2= %e\n", i, norm_r);
    fflush( stdout );
  while((norm_r > eps_sq) && (i < max_iter)){
    f(s[1], r, blk);
    alpha = scalar_prod(s[1], r, N, parallel);
    beta = square_norm(s[1], N, parallel);
    alpha /= beta;
    assign_add_mul(P, r, alpha, N);
    if(i%50 == 0) {
      f(s[2], P,blk);
      assign_add_mul(s[2], s[1], alpha, N);
    diff(r, Q, s[2], N);
    norm_r = square_norm(r, N, parallel);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2 && blk == 0) {
      printf("MRblk iteration= %d  |res|^2= %g\n", i, norm_r);
  /* free(s_); */
  if(norm_r > eps_sq){
Beispiel #28
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
  FILE *parameterfile=NULL,*rlxdfile=NULL, *countfile=NULL;
  char * filename = NULL;
  char datafilename[50];
  char parameterfilename[50];
  char gauge_filename[50];
  char * nstore_filename = ".nstore_counter";
  char * input_filename = NULL;
  int rlxd_state[105];
  int j,ix,mu;
  int k;
  struct timeval t1;

  int g_nev, max_iter_ev;
  double stop_prec_ev;

  /* Energy corresponding to the Gauge part */
  double eneg = 0., plaquette_energy = 0., rectangle_energy = 0.;
  /* Acceptance rate */
  int Rate=0;
  /* Do we want to perform reversibility checks */
  /* See also return_check_flag in read_input.h */
  int return_check = 0;
  /* For getopt */
  int c;

  /* For the Polyakov loop: */
  int dir = 2;
  _Complex double pl, pl4;

  verbose = 0;
  g_use_clover_flag = 0;
  g_nr_of_psf = 1;

#ifndef XLC 

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h?f:o:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'f': 
      input_filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    case 'o':
      filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    case 'h':
    case '?':
  if(input_filename == NULL){
    input_filename = "hmc.input";
  if(filename == NULL){
    filename = "output";

  /* Read the input file */

  mpi_init(argc, argv);

  if(Nsave == 0){
    Nsave = 1;
  if(nstore == -1) {
    countfile = fopen(nstore_filename, "r");
    if(countfile != NULL) {
      fscanf(countfile, "%d\n", &nstore);
    else {
      nstore = 0;
  if(g_rgi_C1 == 0.) {
    g_dbw2rand = 0;
#ifndef TM_USE_MPI
  g_dbw2rand = 0;

  /* Reorder the mu parameter and the number of iterations */
  if(g_mu3 > 0.) {
    g_mu = g_mu1;
    g_mu1 = g_mu3;
    g_mu3 = g_mu;

    j = int_n[1];
    int_n[1] = int_n[3];
    int_n[3] = j;

    j = g_csg_N[0];
    g_csg_N[0] = g_csg_N[4];
    g_csg_N[4] = j;
    g_csg_N[6] = j;
    if(fabs(g_mu3) > 0) {
      g_csg_N[6] = 0;

    g_nr_of_psf = 3;
  else if(g_mu2 > 0.) {
    g_mu = g_mu1;
    g_mu1 = g_mu2;
    g_mu2 = g_mu;

    int_n[3] = int_n[1];
    int_n[1] = int_n[2];
    int_n[2] = int_n[3];

    /* For chronological inverter */
    g_csg_N[4] = g_csg_N[0];
    g_csg_N[0] = g_csg_N[2];
    g_csg_N[2] = g_csg_N[4];
    if(fabs(g_mu2) > 0) {
      g_csg_N[4] = 0;
    g_csg_N[6] = 0;

    g_nr_of_psf = 2;
  else {
    g_csg_N[2] = g_csg_N[0];
    if(fabs(g_mu2) > 0) {
      g_csg_N[2] = 0;
    g_csg_N[4] = 0;
    g_csg_N[6] = 0;

  for(j = 0; j < g_nr_of_psf+1; j++) {
    if(int_n[j] == 0) int_n[j] = 1;
  if(g_nr_of_psf == 3) {
    g_eps_sq_force = g_eps_sq_force1;
    g_eps_sq_force1 = g_eps_sq_force3;
    g_eps_sq_force3 = g_eps_sq_force;
    g_eps_sq_acc = g_eps_sq_acc1;
    g_eps_sq_acc1 = g_eps_sq_acc3;
    g_eps_sq_acc3 = g_eps_sq_acc;
  if(g_nr_of_psf == 2) {
    g_eps_sq_force = g_eps_sq_force1;
    g_eps_sq_force1 = g_eps_sq_force2;
    g_eps_sq_force2 = g_eps_sq_force;
    g_eps_sq_acc = g_eps_sq_acc1;
    g_eps_sq_acc1 = g_eps_sq_acc2;
    g_eps_sq_acc2 = g_eps_sq_acc;
  g_mu = g_mu1;
  g_eps_sq_acc = g_eps_sq_acc1;
  g_eps_sq_force = g_eps_sq_force1;

#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY
  j = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand, 1);
  j = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand, 0);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for gauge_fields! Aborting...\n");
  j = init_geometry_indices(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for geometry_indices! Aborting...\n");
  j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for spinor fields! Aborting...\n");

  j = init_bispinor_field(VOLUME/2, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS);

  j = init_csg_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, g_csg_N);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for csg fields! Aborting...\n");
  j = init_moment_field(VOLUME, VOLUMEPLUSRAND);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for moment fields! Aborting...\n");


  if(g_proc_id == 0){
/*     fscanf(fp6,"%s",filename); */
    /*construct the filenames for the observables and the parameters*/
    strcpy(datafilename,filename);  strcat(datafilename,".data");
    strcpy(parameterfilename,filename);  strcat(parameterfilename,".para");
    parameterfile=fopen(parameterfilename, "w");
    printf("# This is the hmc code for twisted Mass Wilson QCD\n\nVersion %s\n", Version);
#ifdef SSE
    printf("# The code was compiled with SSE instructions\n");
#ifdef SSE2
    printf("# The code was compiled with SSE2 instructions\n");
#ifdef SSE3
    printf("# The code was compiled with SSE3 instructions\n");
#ifdef P4
    printf("# The code was compiled for Pentium4\n");
#ifdef OPTERON
    printf("# The code was compiled for AMD Opteron\n");
    printf("# The code was compiled with -D_NEW_GEOMETRY\n");
#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY
    printf("# The code was compiled with -D_GAUGE_COPY\n");
    printf("# The lattice size is %d x %d x %d x %d\n",
	   (int)(T*g_nproc_t), (int)(LX*g_nproc_x), (int)(LY), (int)(LZ));
    printf("# The local lattice size is %d x %d x %d x %d\n", 
	   (int)(T), (int)(LX), (int)(LY),(int) LZ);
    printf("# beta = %f , kappa= %f\n", g_beta, g_kappa);
    printf("# mus = %f, %f, %f\n", g_mu1, g_mu2, g_mu3);
    printf("# int_n_gauge = %d, int_n_ferm1 = %d, int_n_ferm2 = %d, int_n_ferm3 = %d\n", 
	    int_n[0], int_n[1], int_n[2], int_n[3]);
    printf("# g_rgi_C0 = %f, g_rgi_C1 = %f\n", g_rgi_C0, g_rgi_C1);
    printf("# Number of pseudo-fermion fields: %d\n", g_nr_of_psf);
    printf("# g_eps_sq_force = %e, g_eps_sq_acc = %e\n", g_eps_sq_force, g_eps_sq_acc);
    printf("# Integration scheme: ");
    if(integtyp == 1) printf("leap-frog (single time scale)\n");
    if(integtyp == 2) printf("Sexton-Weingarten (single time scale)\n");
    if(integtyp == 3) printf("leap-frog (multiple time scales)\n");
    if(integtyp == 4) printf("Sexton-Weingarten (multiple time scales)\n");
    if(integtyp == 5) printf("higher order and leap-frog (multiple time scales)\n");
    printf("# Using %s precision for the inversions!\n", 
	   g_relative_precision_flag ? "relative" : "absolute");
    printf("# Using in chronological inverter for spinor_field 1,2,3 a history of %d, %d, %d, respectively\n", 
	   g_csg_N[0], g_csg_N[2], g_csg_N[4]);

    fprintf(parameterfile, "The lattice size is %d x %d x %d x %d\n", (int)(g_nproc_t*T), (int)(g_nproc_x*LX), (int)(LY), (int)(LZ));
    fprintf(parameterfile, "The local lattice size is %d x %d x %d x %d\n", (int)(T), (int)(LX), (int)(LY), (int)(LZ));
    fprintf(parameterfile, "g_beta = %f , g_kappa= %f, c_sw = %f \n",g_beta,g_kappa,g_c_sw);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "boundary of fermion fields (t,x,y,z): %f %f %f %f \n",X0,X1,X2,X3);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "EPS_SQ0=%e, EPS_SQ1=%e EPS_SQ2=%e, EPS_SQ3=%e \n"
    fprintf(parameterfile, "g_eps_sq_force = %e, g_eps_sq_acc = %e\n", g_eps_sq_force, g_eps_sq_acc);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "dtau=%f, Nsteps=%d, Nmeas=%d, Nsave=%d, integtyp=%d, nsmall=%d \n",
    fprintf(parameterfile, "mu = %f, mu2=%f, mu3=%f\n ", g_mu, g_mu2, g_mu3);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "int_n_gauge = %d, int_n_ferm1 = %d, int_n_ferm2 = %d, int_n_ferm3 = %d\n ", 
	    int_n[0], int_n[1], int_n[2], int_n[3]);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "g_rgi_C0 = %f, g_rgi_C1 = %f\n", g_rgi_C0, g_rgi_C1);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "# Number of pseudo-fermion fields: %d\n", g_nr_of_psf);
    fprintf(parameterfile, "# Integration scheme: ");
    if(integtyp == 1) fprintf(parameterfile, "leap-frog (single time scale)\n");
    if(integtyp == 2) fprintf(parameterfile, "Sexton-Weingarten (single time scale)\n");
    if(integtyp == 3) fprintf(parameterfile, "leap-frog (multiple time scales)\n");
    if(integtyp == 4) fprintf(parameterfile, "Sexton-Weingarten (multiple time scales)\n");
    if(integtyp == 5) fprintf(parameterfile, "higher order and leap-frog (multiple time scales)\n");
    fprintf(parameterfile, "Using %s precision for the inversions!\n", 
	   g_relative_precision_flag ? "relative" : "absolute");
    fprintf(parameterfile, "Using in chronological inverter for spinor_field 1,2,3 a history of %d, %d, %d, respectively\n", 
	   g_csg_N[0], g_csg_N[2], g_csg_N[4]);
    fflush(stdout); fflush(parameterfile);

  /* define the geometry */

  /* define the boundary conditions for the fermion fields */


  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
#if defined GEOMETRIC
    if(g_proc_id==0) fprintf(parameterfile,"The geometric series is used as solver \n\n");
    if(g_proc_id==0) fprintf(parameterfile,"The BICG_stab is used as solver \n\n");
  /* Continue */
  if(startoption == 3){
    rlxdfile = fopen(rlxd_input_filename,"r");
    if(rlxdfile != NULL) {
      if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    else {
      if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	printf("%s does not exist, switching to restart...\n", rlxd_input_filename);
      startoption = 2;
    if(startoption != 2) {
      if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	printf("Reading Gauge field from file %s\n", gauge_input_filename); fflush(stdout);
  if(startoption != 3){
    /* Initialize random number generator */
    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      rlxd_init(1, random_seed);
      /* hot */
      if(startoption == 1) {
#ifdef TM_USE_MPI
      MPI_Send(&rlxd_state[0], 105, MPI_INT, 1, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Recv(&rlxd_state[0], 105, MPI_INT, g_nproc-1, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
#ifdef TM_USE_MPI
    else {
      MPI_Recv(&rlxd_state[0], 105, MPI_INT, g_proc_id-1, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      /* hot */
      if(startoption == 1) {
      MPI_Send(&rlxd_state[0], 105, MPI_INT, k, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* Cold */
    if(startoption == 0) {
    /* Restart */
    else if(startoption == 2) {
      if (g_proc_id == 0){
	printf("Reading Gauge field from file %s\n", gauge_input_filename); fflush(stdout);


  /*For parallelization: exchange the gaugefield */
#ifdef TM_USE_MPI
#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY

  /*compute the energy of the gauge field*/
  if(g_rgi_C1 > 0. || g_rgi_C1 < 0.) {
    rectangle_energy = measure_rectangles();
      fprintf(parameterfile,"#First rectangle value: %14.12f \n",rectangle_energy/(12.*VOLUME*g_nproc));
  eneg = g_rgi_C0 * plaquette_energy + g_rgi_C1 * rectangle_energy;
  /* Measure and print the Polyakov loop: */
  polyakov_loop(&pl, dir);

    fprintf(parameterfile,"#First plaquette value: %14.12f \n", plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc));
    fprintf(parameterfile,"#First Polyakov loop value in %d-direction |L(%d)|= %14.12f \n",
	    dir, dir, cabs(pl));

  polyakov_loop(&pl, dir);
    fprintf(parameterfile,"#First Polyakov loop value in %d-direction |L(%d)|= %14.12f \n",
	    dir, dir, cabs(pl));

  /* set ddummy to zero */
  for(ix = 0; ix < VOLUME+RAND; ix++){
    for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){

  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    countfile = fopen("history_hmc_tm", "a");
    fprintf(countfile, "!!! Timestamp %ld, Nsave = %d, g_mu = %e, g_mu1 = %e, g_mu_2 = %e, g_mu3 = %e, beta = %f, kappa = %f, C1 = %f, int0 = %d, int1 = %d, int2 = %d, int3 = %d, g_eps_sq_force = %e, g_eps_sq_acc = %e, ", 
	    t1.tv_sec, Nsave, g_mu, g_mu1, g_mu2, g_mu3, g_beta, g_kappa, g_rgi_C1, 
	    int_n[0], int_n[1], int_n[2], int_n[3], g_eps_sq_force, g_eps_sq_acc); 
    fprintf(countfile, "Nsteps = %d, dtau = %e, tau = %e, integtyp = %d, rel. prec. = %d\n", 
	    Nsteps, dtau, tau, integtyp, g_relative_precision_flag);


  /* for lowest
  g_nev = 10;

  /* for largest
  g_nev = 10;

  max_iter_ev = 1000;
  stop_prec_ev = 1.e-10;

  if(g_proc_id==0) {

  printf(" Values of   mu = %e     mubar = %e     eps = %e     precision = %e  \n \n", g_mu, g_mubar, g_epsbar, stop_prec_ev);


  eigenvalues(&g_nev, operator_flag, max_iter_ev, stop_prec_ev);

  g_nev = 4;

  max_iter_ev = 200;
  stop_prec_ev = 1.e-03;

  max_eigenvalues(&g_nev, operator_flag, max_iter_ev, stop_prec_ev);

  if(g_proc_id==0) {

  printf(" Values of   mu = %e     mubar = %e     eps = %e     precision = %e  \n \n", g_mu, g_mubar, g_epsbar, stop_prec_ev);

  printf(" Values of   mu = %e     precision = %e  \n \n", g_mu, stop_prec_ev);



  if(g_proc_id==0) {

    printf("Acceptance Rate was: %e Prozent\n", 100.*(double)Rate/(double)Nmeas);
    parameterfile = fopen(parameterfilename, "a");
    fprintf(parameterfile, "Acceptance Rate was: %e Prozent\n", 100.*(double)Rate/(double)Nmeas);
#ifdef TM_USE_MPI
Beispiel #29
void Ptilde_ndpsi(spinor *R_s, spinor *R_c, double *dd, int n, 
		  spinor *S_s, spinor *S_c, matrix_mult_nd Qsq) {
  int j;
  double fact1, fact2, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;
  spinor *svs_=NULL, *svs=NULL, *ds_=NULL, *ds=NULL, *dds_=NULL, *dds=NULL, 
    *auxs_=NULL, *auxs=NULL, *aux2s_=NULL, *aux2s=NULL, *aux3s_=NULL, 
  spinor *svc_=NULL, *svc=NULL, *dc_=NULL, *dc=NULL, *ddc_=NULL, 
    *ddc=NULL, *auxc_=NULL, *auxc=NULL, *aux2c_=NULL, *aux2c=NULL, 
    *aux3c_=NULL, *aux3c=NULL;
  svs_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  svs   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(svs_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  ds_   = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  ds    = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(ds_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  dds_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  dds   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(dds_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  auxs_ = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  auxs  = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(auxs_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  aux2s_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  aux2s = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux2s_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  aux3s_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  aux3s = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux3s_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  svc_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  svc   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(svc_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  dc_   = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  dc    = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(dc_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  ddc_  = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  ddc   = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(ddc_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  auxc_ = calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  auxc  = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(auxc_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  aux2c_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  aux2c = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux2c_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  aux3c_= calloc(VOLUMEPLUSRAND+1, sizeof(spinor));
  aux3c = (spinor *)(((unsigned long int)(aux3c_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  /*   sub_low_ev(&aux3[0], &S[0]);  */
  assign(&aux3s[0], &S_s[0],VOLUME/2);  
  assign(&aux3c[0], &S_c[0],VOLUME/2);  
  /*  Use the Clenshaw's recursion for the Chebysheff polynomial */
  for (j=n-1; j>=1; j--) {
     * if ( (j%10) == 0 ) {
     *   sub_low_ev(&aux[0], &d[0]);
     * } else { */
    assign(&auxs[0], &ds[0], VOLUME/2);
    assign(&auxc[0], &dc[0], VOLUME/2);
    /*   } */

    Qsq(&R_s[0], &R_c[0], &auxs[0], &auxc[0]);

    assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(&ds[0] , &R_s[0], &dds[0], &aux3s[0], fact2, fact1, temp1, temp2,VOLUME/2);
    assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(&dc[0] , &R_c[0], &ddc[0], &aux3c[0], fact2, fact1, temp1, temp2,VOLUME/2);
    assign(&dds[0], &svs[0],VOLUME/2);
    assign(&ddc[0], &svc[0],VOLUME/2);

  assign(&R_s[0], &ds[0],VOLUME/2);
  assign(&R_c[0], &dc[0],VOLUME/2);

  Qsq(&auxs[0], &auxc[0], &R_s[0], &R_c[0]);

  assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(&auxs[0], &ds[0], &dds[0], &aux3s[0], temp3, temp4, temp1, temp2,VOLUME/2);
  assign_mul_add_mul_add_mul_add_mul_r(&auxc[0], &dc[0], &ddc[0], &aux3c[0], temp3, temp4, temp1, temp2,VOLUME/2);
  assign(&R_s[0], &auxs[0],VOLUME/2);
  assign(&R_c[0], &auxc[0],VOLUME/2);
