Beispiel #1
void loop() 
    static float yaw_target = 0;  
    // Wait until new orientation data (normally 5ms max)
    while (ins.num_samples_available() == 0);

    static uint32_t lastPkt = 0;

    static int16_t channels[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    Iriss::Command doSomething = check_for_command();
    do_respond(doSomething, channels);
    // turn throttle off if no update for 0.5seconds
    if(hal.scheduler->millis() - lastPkt > 500) {
        channels[2] = 0;

    long rcthr, rcyaw, rcpit, rcroll;  // Variables to store radio in 

    // Read RC transmitter 
    rcthr = channels[2];
    rcyaw = channels[3];
    rcpit = channels[1];
    rcroll = channels[0];

    // Ask MPU6050 for orientation
    float roll,pitch,yaw;  
    ins.quaternion.to_euler(&roll, &pitch, &yaw);
    roll = ToDeg(roll) ;
    pitch = ToDeg(pitch) ;
    yaw = ToDeg(yaw) ;

    // Ask MPU6050 for gyro data
    Vector3f gyro = ins.get_gyro();
    float gyroPitch = ToDeg(gyro.y), gyroRoll = ToDeg(gyro.x), gyroYaw = ToDeg(gyro.z);

    // Do the magic
    if(rcthr > RC_THR_MIN + 100) {  // Throttle raised, turn on stablisation.
        // Stablise PIDS
        float pitch_stab_output = constrain(pids[PID_PITCH_STAB].get_pid((float)rcpit - pitch, 1), -250, 250); 
        float roll_stab_output = constrain(pids[PID_ROLL_STAB].get_pid((float)rcroll - roll, 1), -250, 250);
        float yaw_stab_output = constrain(pids[PID_YAW_STAB].get_pid(wrap_180(yaw_target - yaw), 1), -360, 360);

        // is pilot asking for yaw change - if so feed directly to rate pid (overwriting yaw stab output)
        if(abs(rcyaw ) > 5) {
            yaw_stab_output = rcyaw;
            yaw_target = yaw;   // remember this yaw for when pilot stops

        // rate PIDS
        long pitch_output =  (long) constrain(pids[PID_PITCH_RATE].get_pid(pitch_stab_output - gyroPitch, 1), - 500, 500);  
        long roll_output =  (long) constrain(pids[PID_ROLL_RATE].get_pid(roll_stab_output - gyroRoll, 1), -500, 500);  
        long yaw_output =  (long) constrain(pids[PID_ROLL_RATE].get_pid(yaw_stab_output - gyroYaw, 1), -500, 500);  

        // mix pid outputs and send to the motors.
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_FL, rcthr + roll_output + pitch_output - yaw_output);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_BL, rcthr + roll_output - pitch_output + yaw_output);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_FR, rcthr - roll_output + pitch_output + yaw_output);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_BR, rcthr - roll_output - pitch_output - yaw_output);
    else {
        // motors off
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_FL, 1000);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_BL, 1000);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_FR, 1000);
        hal.rcout->write(MOTOR_BR, 1000);
        // reset yaw target so we maintain this on takeoff
        yaw_target = yaw;

        // reset PID integrals whilst on the ground
        for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {

Beispiel #2
void do_respond(const Iriss::Command& cmd, int16_t *channels)
    uint32_t directives = cmd.get();
    if(directives == Iriss::Command::TX_ERR) {
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::ACK) {
        // reply with an ACK if not waiting on one
        if(!piOnline) {
            Iriss::Command resp(Iriss::Command::ACK);
            hal.console->write(&Iriss::BEGIN_UART_MESSAGE, 1);
            uint8_t lenBuf[4];
            Utils::Packable::pack_uint32(Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE, lenBuf);
            hal.console->write(lenBuf, sizeof(Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE));

            uint8_t cmdBuf[Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE];
            resp.pack(cmdBuf, Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE);
            hal.console->write(cmdBuf, Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE);
            piOnline = true;

    if(directives & Iriss::Command::SEND_AGAIN) {
        // send the last command    
        Iriss::Command resp;
        hal.console->write(&Iriss::BEGIN_UART_MESSAGE, 1);
        uint8_t lenBuf[4];
        Utils::Packable::pack_uint32(Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE, lenBuf);
        hal.console->write(lenBuf, sizeof(Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE));

        uint8_t cmdBuf[Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE];
        resp.pack(cmdBuf, Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE);
        hal.console->write(cmdBuf, Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE);

    if(directives & Iriss::Command::GET_ORIENTATION) {
        // get the orientation from ins and send it
        float roll,pitch,yaw;  
        ins.quaternion.to_euler(&roll, &pitch, &yaw);
        roll = ToDeg(roll);
        pitch = ToDeg(pitch);
        yaw = ToDeg(yaw);
        Iriss::Orientation orientation(roll, pitch, yaw);
        hal.console->write(&Iriss::BEGIN_UART_MESSAGE, 1);
        uint8_t lenBuf[4];
        Utils::Packable::pack_uint32(Iriss::Orientation::PACKED_SIZE, lenBuf);
        hal.console->write(lenBuf, sizeof(Iriss::Command::PACKED_SIZE));

        uint8_t orientBuf[Iriss::Orientation::PACKED_SIZE];
        orientation.pack(orientBuf, Iriss::Orientation::PACKED_SIZE);
        hal.console->write(orientBuf, Iriss::Orientation::PACKED_SIZE);
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_ROLL_LEFT) {
        // update channels 0
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_ROLL_RIGHT) {
        // update channels 0 in the other way from LEFT 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_UP) {
        // update channels 2 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_DOWN) {
        // update channels 2 in the other way from UP 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_YAW_CCW) {
        // update channels 3 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_YAW_CW) {
        // update channels 3 in the other way from CCW 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_PITCH_DOWN) {
        // update channels 1 
    if(directives & Iriss::Command::NUDGE_PITCH_UP) {
        // update channels 1 in the other way from  DOWN