Beispiel #1
bool CInventory::ReplaceItem(idEntity* oldItemEnt, idEntity* newItemEnt)
	if (oldItemEnt == NULL) return false;

	idStr oldInvName = oldItemEnt->spawnArgs.GetString("inv_name");

	CInventoryItemPtr oldItem = GetItem(oldInvName);

	if (oldItem == NULL)
		gameLocal.Warning("Could not find old inventory item for %s", oldItemEnt->name.c_str());
		DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Could not find old inventory item for %s\n", oldItemEnt->name.c_str());
		return false;

	// greebo: Let's call PutItem on the new entity first to see what kind of item this is
	// PutItem will also take care of the mission data callbacks for the objectives
	CInventoryItemPtr newItem = PutItem(newItemEnt, m_Owner.GetEntity());

	if (newItem != NULL && newItem->Category() == oldItem->Category())
		// New item has been added, swap the old and the new one to fulfil the inventory position guarantee
		oldItem->Category()->SwapItemPosition(oldItem, newItem);
	// If SwapItemPosition has been called, newItem now takes the place of oldItem before the operation.
	// Remove the old item in any case, but only if the items are actually different.
	// In case anybody wonder, newItem might be the same as oldItem in the case of stackable items or loot.
	if (oldItem != newItem)

	return true;
bool CFrobLock::CanBeUsedBy(const CInventoryItemPtr& item, const bool isFrobUse) 
	// First, check if the frob master can be used
	// If this doesn't succeed, perform additional checks
	idEntity* master = GetFrobMaster();
	if( master != NULL && master->CanBeUsedBy(item, isFrobUse) )
		return true;

	if (item == NULL) return false;

	assert(item->Category() != NULL);

	const idStr& categoryName = item->Category()->GetName();

	if (categoryName == "#str_02392" ) 			// Keys
		// Keys can always be used on doors
		// Exception: for "frob use" this only applies when the mover is locked
		return (isFrobUse) ? IsLocked() : true;
	else if (categoryName == "#str_02389" ) 		// Lockpicks
		if (!m_Lock->IsPickable())
			// Lock is not pickable
			DM_LOG(LC_LOCKPICK, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("FrobLock %s is not pickable\r", name.c_str());
			return false;

		// Lockpicks behave similar to keys
		return (isFrobUse) ? IsLocked() : true;

	return false;
Beispiel #3
void CInventory::RemoveItem(const CInventoryItemPtr& item)
	if (item == NULL) return;

	// Update the cursors first
	for (int i = 0; i < m_Cursor.Num(); i++)
		if (m_Cursor[i]->GetCurrentItem() == item)
			// Advance the cursor, this should be enough

	// Now remove the item, the cursors are updated.
bool CFrobLock::UseBy(EImpulseState impulseState, const CInventoryItemPtr& item)
	if (item == NULL) return false;

	// Pass the call on to the master, if we have one
	if (GetFrobMaster() != NULL) 
		return GetFrobMaster()->UseBy(impulseState, item);

	assert(item->Category() != NULL);

	// Retrieve the entity behind that item and reject NULL entities
	idEntity* itemEntity = item->GetItemEntity();
	if (itemEntity == NULL) return false;

	// Get the name of this inventory category
	const idStr& categoryName = item->Category()->GetName();

	if (categoryName == "#str_02392" && impulseState == EPressed ) 			// Keys
		// Keys can be used on button PRESS event, let's see if the key matches
		if (m_UsedByName.FindIndex(itemEntity->name) != -1)
			// just toggle the lock. 
			return true;
			return false;
	else if (categoryName == "#str_02389" ) 					// Lockpicks
		if (!m_Lock->IsPickable())
			// Lock is not pickable
			DM_LOG(LC_LOCKPICK, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("FrobLock %s is not pickable\r", name.c_str());
			return false;

		// First we check if this item is a lockpick. It has to be of correct type
		idStr str = itemEntity->spawnArgs.GetString("lockpick_type", "");

		if (str.Length() == 1)
			// greebo: Check if the item owner is a player, and if yes, 
			// update the immobilization flags.
			idEntity* itemOwner = item->GetOwner();

			if (itemOwner->IsType(idPlayer::Type))
				idPlayer* playerOwner = static_cast<idPlayer*>(itemOwner);
				playerOwner->SetImmobilization("Lockpicking", EIM_ATTACK);

				// Schedule an event 1/3 sec. from now, to enable weapons again after this time
				PostEventMS(&EV_TDM_FrobLock_ClearPlayerImmobilization, 300, playerOwner);

			// Pass the call to the lockpick routine
			return m_Lock->ProcessLockpickImpulse(impulseState, static_cast<int>(str[0]));
			gameLocal.Warning("Wrong 'lockpick_type' spawnarg for lockpicking on item %s, must be a single character.", itemEntity->name.c_str());
			return false;

	return false;