void CFileSystem::removeFile(const CString& file)
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*m_preventChange);

	// Grab the file name and directory.
	CString filename(file.subString(file.findl(fSep) + 1));
	CString directory(file.subString(0, file.find(filename)));

	// Fix directory path separators.

	// Remove it from the map.
Beispiel #2
CString removeExtension(const CString& file)
	int ePos = file.findl('.');
	if (ePos == -1) return file;

	return file.subString(0, ePos);
void CFileSystem::addFile(CString file)
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*m_preventChange);

	// Grab the file name and directory.
	CString filename(file.subString(file.findl(fSep) + 1));
	CString directory(file.subString(0, file.find(filename)));

	// Fix directory path separators.
	if (directory.find(server->getServerPath()) != -1)
		directory.removeI(0, server->getServerPath().length());

	// Add to the map.
	fileList[filename] = CString() << server->getServerPath() << directory << filename;
CString CEncryption::encrypt(CString pBuf)
	// If we don't have anything, just return.
	if (pBuf.isEmpty()) return pBuf;

	switch (m_gen)
		// No encryption.
		case ENCRYPT_GEN_1:
		case ENCRYPT_GEN_2:

		// Single byte insertion.
		case ENCRYPT_GEN_3:
			m_iterator *= 0x8088405;
			m_iterator += m_key;
			int pos = ((m_iterator & 0x0FFFF) % pBuf.length());
			return CString() << pBuf.subString(0, pos) << ")" << pBuf.subString(pos);

		// Partial packet encryption/none, zlib, bz2 compression methods.
		// Gen 4 is only bz2.
		case ENCRYPT_GEN_4:
		case ENCRYPT_GEN_5:
			const uint8_t* iterator = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&m_iterator);

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < pBuf.length(); ++i)
				if (i % 4 == 0)
					if (m_limit == 0) return pBuf;
					m_iterator *= 0x8088405;
					m_iterator += m_key;
					if (m_limit > 0) m_limit--;

				pBuf[i] ^= iterator[i%4];
			return pBuf;
	return pBuf;
Beispiel #5
TNPC::TNPC(const CString& pImage, const CString& pScript, float pX, float pY, TLevel* pLevel, bool pLevelNPC, bool trimCode)
x(pX), y(pY), hurtX(32.0f), hurtY(32.0f),
x2((int)(pX*16)), y2((int)(pY*16)),
gmaplevelx(0), gmaplevely(0),
id(0), rupees(0),
darts(0), bombs(0), glovePower(0), bombPower(0), swordPower(0), shieldPower(0),
visFlags(1), blockFlags(0), sprite(2), power(0), ap(50),
image(pImage), gani("idle"),
	memset((void*)colors, 0, sizeof(colors));
	memset((void*)saves, 0, sizeof(saves));
	memset((void*)modTime, 0, sizeof(modTime));

	// imagePart needs to be Graal-packed.
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)

	// Set the gmap levels.
	TMap* gmap = level->getMap();
	if (gmap && gmap->getType() == MAPTYPE_GMAP)
		gmaplevelx = (unsigned char)gmap->getLevelX(level->getLevelName());
		gmaplevely = (unsigned char)gmap->getLevelY(level->getLevelName());

	// We need to alter the modTime of the following props as they should be always sent.
	// If we don't, they won't be sent until the prop gets modified.
	modTime[NPCPROP_IMAGE] = modTime[NPCPROP_SCRIPT] = modTime[NPCPROP_X] = modTime[NPCPROP_Y]
		= modTime[NPCPROP_X2] = modTime[NPCPROP_Y2] = time(0);

	// Search if the NPC is a sparringzone NPC.
	if (pScript.subString(0, 12) == "sparringzone") pLevel->setSparringZone(true);

	// Remove comments and separate clientside and serverside scripts.
	std::vector<CString> parsedCode = TNPC::removeComments(pScript, trimCode);
	if (parsedCode.size() == 1) clientScript = CString("//#CLIENTSIDE\xa7") << parsedCode[0];
	else if (parsedCode.size() > 1)
		serverScript = parsedCode[0];
		clientScript = "//#CLIENTSIDE\xa7";
		for (unsigned int i = 1; i < parsedCode.size(); ++i)
			clientScript << parsedCode[i];

	// Search for toweapons in the clientside code and extract the name of the weapon.
	weaponName = toWeaponName(clientScript);

	// Just a little warning for people who don't know.
	if (clientScript.length() > 0x3FFF)
		printf("WARNING: Clientside script of NPC (%s) exceeds the limit of 16383 bytes.\n", (weaponName.length() != 0 ? weaponName.text() : image.text()));

	// TODO: Create plugin hook so NPCServer can acquire/format code.
Beispiel #6
void TAccount::setFlag(const CString& pFlagName, const CString& pFlagValue)
	if (server->getSettings()->getBool("cropflags", true))
		int totalLength = pFlagName.length() + 1 + pFlagValue.length();
		int fixedLength = 223 - 1 - pFlagName.length();
		mFlagList[pFlagName] = pFlagValue.subString(0, fixedLength);
	else mFlagList[pFlagName] = pFlagValue;
Beispiel #7
CString gs2ToGameMonkey(CString gs2Code)
	CString prefix;
	CString parsedCode;
	std::vector<CString> clean = gs2Code.tokenize("\xa7");
	int bracketCount = 0;
	for (std::vector<CString>::iterator i = clean.begin(); i != clean.end(); ++i)
		CString line = *i;

		if (line.readChars(CString("function").length()) == "function")
			CString fullFunction = line.subString(CString("function").length()+1);
			CString functionName = fullFunction.readString("(");
			CString prefix; 
			//this. or global?
			prefix << "." << functionName << " = function" << fullFunction.subString(functionName.length());
			parsedCode << prefix;
			bracketCount = 1;
		else if (line.find("{") >= 0)
			parsedCode << line;
		//Make sure this is ; on the end of }
		else if (line.find("}") >= 0)

			if (bracketCount > 1) 
				parsedCode << line;

			CString semi;
			while(line.subString(line.find("}")+1,1) != ";")
				if (line.subString(line.find("}")+1,1) != ";")
					semi << line.subString(0,line.find("}")+1) << ";" << line.subString(line.find("}")+1);
					line = semi;
			if (semi.isEmpty()) 
				parsedCode << "};";
				parsedCode << semi;
		else if(line.find("SPC") >= 0)
			line.replaceAllI("SPC"," + \" \" + ");
			parsedCode << line;
		else parsedCode << line;
	return parsedCode;
Beispiel #8
void CApplication::sendArgs(int argc, char * argv[])
    // Liste des arguments

    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)

    // On indique au système de fichier le répertoire courant
    CString path = m_args[0];
    std::ptrdiff_t pos = path.lastIndexOf(CFileSystem::separator);

    if (pos != -1)
        CFileSystem::Instance().addDirectory(path.subString(0, pos + 1));
void CFileSystem::loadAllDirectories(const CString& directory, bool recursive)
	CString path = CString() << directory.remove(directory.findl(fSep)) << fSep;
	CString wildcard = directory.subString(directory.findl(fSep) + 1);
	DIR *dir;
	struct stat statx;
	struct dirent *ent;

	// Try to open the directory.
	if ((dir = opendir(path.text())) == 0)

	// Read everything in it now.
	while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != 0)
		if (ent->d_name[0] != '.')
			CString dircheck = CString() << path << ent->d_name;
			stat(dircheck.text(), &statx);
			if ((statx.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
				if (recursive)
					// We need to add the directory to the directory list.
					CString newDir = CString() << path << ent->d_name << fSep;
					newDir.removeI(0, server->getServerPath().length());
					addDir(newDir, "*", true);
		else continue;

		// Grab the file name.
		CString file(ent->d_name);
		if (file.match(wildcard))
			fileList[file] = CString(path) << file;
Beispiel #10
TKey CApplication::getKeyCode(const CString& keycode)
    // Ça commence mal...
    if (!keycode.startsWith("Key_"))
        return Key_Unknown;

    CString str = keycode.subString(4);

    // Chiffres
    if (str == "0") return Key_0;
    if (str == "1") return Key_1;
    if (str == "2") return Key_2;
    if (str == "3") return Key_3;
    if (str == "4") return Key_4;
    if (str == "5") return Key_5;
    if (str == "6") return Key_6;
    if (str == "7") return Key_7;
    if (str == "8") return Key_8;
    if (str == "9") return Key_9;

    // Chiffres (pavé numérique)
    if (str == "Num0") return Key_Num0;
    if (str == "Num1") return Key_Num1;
    if (str == "Num2") return Key_Num2;
    if (str == "Num3") return Key_Num3;
    if (str == "Num4") return Key_Num4;
    if (str == "Num5") return Key_Num5;
    if (str == "Num6") return Key_Num6;
    if (str == "Num7") return Key_Num7;
    if (str == "Num8") return Key_Num8;
    if (str == "Num9") return Key_Num9;

    // Lettres
    if (str == "A") return Key_A;
    if (str == "B") return Key_B;
    if (str == "C") return Key_C;
    if (str == "D") return Key_D;
    if (str == "E") return Key_E;
    if (str == "F") return Key_F;
    if (str == "G") return Key_G;
    if (str == "H") return Key_H;
    if (str == "I") return Key_I;
    if (str == "J") return Key_J;
    if (str == "K") return Key_K;
    if (str == "L") return Key_L;
    if (str == "M") return Key_M;
    if (str == "N") return Key_N;
    if (str == "O") return Key_O;
    if (str == "P") return Key_P;
    if (str == "Q") return Key_Q;
    if (str == "R") return Key_R;
    if (str == "S") return Key_S;
    if (str == "T") return Key_T;
    if (str == "U") return Key_U;
    if (str == "V") return Key_V;
    if (str == "W") return Key_W;
    if (str == "X") return Key_X;
    if (str == "Y") return Key_Y;
    if (str == "Z") return Key_Z;

    // Autres caractères ASCII
    if (str == "Space"       ) return Key_Space;
    if (str == "Exclam"      ) return Key_Exclam;
    if (str == "Paragraph"   ) return Key_Paragraph;
    if (str == "BracketRight") return Key_BracketRight;
    if (str == "ParenRight"  ) return Key_ParenRight;
    if (str == "Degree"      ) return Key_Degree;
    if (str == "Comma"       ) return Key_Comma;
    if (str == "Question"    ) return Key_Question;
    if (str == "Colon"       ) return Key_Colon;
    if (str == "Slash"       ) return Key_Slash;
    if (str == "Semicolon"   ) return Key_Semicolon;
    if (str == "Less"        ) return Key_Less;
    if (str == "Greater"     ) return Key_Greater;
    if (str == "Equal"       ) return Key_Equal;
    if (str == "Plus"        ) return Key_Plus;
    if (str == "BraceRight"  ) return Key_BraceRight;
    if (str == "Euro"        ) return Key_Euro;
    if (str == "TwoSuperior" ) return Key_TwoSuperior;
    if (str == "At"          ) return Key_At;
    if (str == "Ampersand"   ) return Key_Ampersand;
    if (str == "Tilde"       ) return Key_Tilde;
    if (str == "QuoteDbl"    ) return Key_QuoteDbl;
    if (str == "Apostrophe"  ) return Key_Apostrophe;
    if (str == "BraceLeft"   ) return Key_BraceLeft;
    if (str == "ParenLeft"   ) return Key_ParenLeft;
    if (str == "BracketLeft" ) return Key_BracketLeft;
    if (str == "Minus"       ) return Key_Minus;
    if (str == "Bar"         ) return Key_Bar;
    if (str == "Quote"       ) return Key_Quote;
    if (str == "Underscore"  ) return Key_Underscore;
    if (str == "Backslash"   ) return Key_Backslash;
    if (str == "Dollar"      ) return Key_Dollar;
    if (str == "Sterling"    ) return Key_Sterling;
    if (str == "Circum"      ) return Key_Circum;
    if (str == "Asterisk"    ) return Key_Asterisk;
    if (str == "Mu"          ) return Key_Mu;
    if (str == "Percent"     ) return Key_Percent;
    if (str == "Add"         ) return Key_Add;
    if (str == "Subtract"    ) return Key_Subtract;
    if (str == "Divide"      ) return Key_Divide;
    if (str == "Multiply"    ) return Key_Multiply;

    // Touches spéciales
    if (str == "LAlt"    ) return Key_LAlt;
    if (str == "RAlt"    ) return Key_RAlt;
    if (str == "LControl") return Key_LControl;
    if (str == "RControl") return Key_RControl;
    if (str == "LShift"  ) return Key_LShift;
    if (str == "RShift"  ) return Key_RShift;
    if (str == "LMeta"   ) return Key_LMeta;
    if (str == "RMeta"   ) return Key_RMeta;
    if (str == "Menu"    ) return Key_Menu;

    if (str == "Print"     ) return Key_Print;
    if (str == "Pause"     ) return Key_Pause;
    if (str == "Tab"       ) return Key_Tab;
    if (str == "Backspace" ) return Key_Backspace;
    if (str == "Enter"     ) return Key_Enter;
    if (str == "NumEnter"  ) return Key_NumEnter;
    if (str == "Insert"    ) return Key_Insert;
    if (str == "Delete"    ) return Key_Delete;
    if (str == "Home"      ) return Key_Home;
    if (str == "End"       ) return Key_End;
    if (str == "PageUp"    ) return Key_PageUp;
    if (str == "PageDown"  ) return Key_PageDown;
    if (str == "Left"      ) return Key_Left;
    if (str == "Up"        ) return Key_Up;
    if (str == "Right"     ) return Key_Right;
    if (str == "Down"      ) return Key_Down;
    if (str == "CapsLock"  ) return Key_CapsLock;
    if (str == "NumLock"   ) return Key_NumLock;
    if (str == "ScrollLock") return Key_ScrollLock;
    if (str == "Function"  ) return Key_Function;
    if (str == "Escape"    ) return Key_Escape;

    // Fonctions
    if (str == "F1" ) return Key_F1;
    if (str == "F2" ) return Key_F2;
    if (str == "F3" ) return Key_F3;
    if (str == "F4" ) return Key_F4;
    if (str == "F5" ) return Key_F5;
    if (str == "F6" ) return Key_F6;
    if (str == "F7" ) return Key_F7;
    if (str == "F8" ) return Key_F8;
    if (str == "F9" ) return Key_F9;
    if (str == "F10") return Key_F10;
    if (str == "F11") return Key_F11;
    if (str == "F12") return Key_F12;
    if (str == "F13") return Key_F13;
    if (str == "F14") return Key_F14;
    if (str == "F15") return Key_F15;

    return Key_Unknown;
Beispiel #11
TNPC::TNPC(const CString& pImage, const CString& pScript, float pX, float pY, TServer* pServer, TLevel* pLevel, bool pLevelNPC, bool trimCode)
x(pX), y(pY), hurtX(32.0f), hurtY(32.0f),
x2((int)(pX*16)), y2((int)(pY*16)),
gmaplevelx(0), gmaplevely(0),
id(0), rupees(0),
darts(0), bombs(0), glovePower(0), bombPower(0), swordPower(0), shieldPower(0),
visFlags(1), blockFlags(0), sprite(2), power(0), ap(50),
image(pImage), gani("idle"),
level(pLevel), server(pServer)
	memset((void*)colors, 0, sizeof(colors));
	memset((void*)saves, 0, sizeof(saves));
	memset((void*)modTime, 0, sizeof(modTime));

	// bowImage for pre-2.x clients.
	bowImage >> (char)0;

	// imagePart needs to be Graal-packed.
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)

	// Set the gmap levels.
	TMap* gmap = level->getMap();
	if (gmap && gmap->getType() == MAPTYPE_GMAP)
		gmaplevelx = (unsigned char)gmap->getLevelX(level->getLevelName());
		gmaplevely = (unsigned char)gmap->getLevelY(level->getLevelName());

	// We need to alter the modTime of the following props as they should be always sent.
	// If we don't, they won't be sent until the prop gets modified.
	modTime[NPCPROP_IMAGE] = modTime[NPCPROP_SCRIPT] = modTime[NPCPROP_X] = modTime[NPCPROP_Y]
		= modTime[NPCPROP_X2] = modTime[NPCPROP_Y2] = time(0);

	// See if the NPC sets the level as a sparring zone.
	if (pScript.subString(0, 12) == "sparringzone")

	// See if the NPC sets the level as singleplayer.
	if (pScript.subString(0, 12) == "singleplayer")

	// Remove comments and separate clientside and serverside scripts.
	CString nocomments = removeComments(pScript, "\xa7");
	if (server->hasNPCServer() && nocomments.find("//#CLIENTSIDE") != -1)
		serverScript = nocomments.readString("//#CLIENTSIDE");
		clientScript = CString("//#CLIENTSIDE\xa7") << nocomments.readString("");
	else clientScript = nocomments;

	// Trim the code if specified.
	if (trimCode)
		if (!serverScript.isEmpty())
			std::vector<CString> code = serverScript.tokenize("\xa7");
			for (std::vector<CString>::iterator i = code.begin(); i != code.end(); ++i)
				serverScript << (*i).trim() << "\xa7";
		if (!clientScript.isEmpty())
			std::vector<CString> code = clientScript.tokenize("\xa7");
			for (std::vector<CString>::iterator i = code.begin(); i != code.end(); ++i)
				clientScript << (*i).trim() << "\xa7";

	// Do joins.
	if (!serverScript.isEmpty()) serverScript = doJoins(serverScript, server->getFileSystem());
	if (!clientScript.isEmpty()) clientScript = doJoins(clientScript, server->getFileSystem());

	// Search for toweapons in the clientside code and extract the name of the weapon.
	weaponName = toWeaponName(clientScript);

	// Just a little warning for people who don't know.
	if (clientScript.length() > 0x2FDF)
		printf("WARNING: Clientside script of NPC (%s) exceeds the limit of 12255 bytes.\n", (weaponName.length() != 0 ? weaponName.text() : image.text()));

	// TODO: Create plugin hook so NPCServer can acquire/format code.