Beispiel #1
CGLTexture* CGUITextureManager::GetTexture(const CStdString& strTextureName, int iItem, int& iWidth, int& iHeight, SDL_Palette*& pPal, bool &linearTexture)  
  //  CLog::Log(LOGINFO, " refcount++ for  GetTexture(%s)\n", strTextureName.c_str());
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecTextures.size(); ++i)
    CTextureMap *pMap = m_vecTextures[i];
    if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
      //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Total memusage %u", GetMemoryUsage());
      return pMap->GetTexture(iItem, iWidth, iHeight, pPal, linearTexture);
  return NULL;
Beispiel #2
const CTextureArray& CGUITextureManager::GetTexture(const CStdString& strTextureName)
  static CTextureArray emptyTexture;
  //  CLog::Log(LOGINFO, " refcount++ for  GetTexture(%s)\n", strTextureName.c_str());
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecTextures.size(); ++i)
    CTextureMap *pMap = m_vecTextures[i];
    if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
      //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Total memusage %u", GetMemoryUsage());
      return pMap->GetTexture();
  return emptyTexture;
Beispiel #3
const CTextureArray& CGUITextureManager::Load(const std::string& strTextureName, bool checkBundleOnly /*= false */)
    std::string strPath;
    static CTextureArray emptyTexture;
    int bundle = -1;
    int size = 0;
    if (!HasTexture(strTextureName, &strPath, &bundle, &size))
        return emptyTexture;

    if (size) // we found the texture
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecTextures.size(); ++i)
            CTextureMap *pMap = m_vecTextures[i];
            if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
                //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Total memusage %u", GetMemoryUsage());
                return pMap->GetTexture();
        // Whoops, not there.
        return emptyTexture;

    for (ilistUnused i = m_unusedTextures.begin(); i != m_unusedTextures.end(); ++i)
        CTextureMap* pMap = i->first;
        if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName && i->second > 0)
            return pMap->GetTexture();

    if (checkBundleOnly && bundle == -1)
        return emptyTexture;

    //Lock here, we will do stuff that could break rendering
    CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext);

    int64_t start;
    start = CurrentHostCounter();

    if (bundle >= 0 && StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".gif"))
        CTextureMap* pMap = nullptr;
        CBaseTexture **pTextures = nullptr;
        int nLoops = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
        int* Delay = nullptr;
        int nImages = m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadAnim(strTextureName, &pTextures, width, height, nLoops, &Delay);
        if (!nImages)
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
            delete[] pTextures;
            delete[] Delay;
            return emptyTexture;

        unsigned int maxWidth = 0;
        unsigned int maxHeight = 0;
        pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, nLoops);
        for (int iImage = 0; iImage < nImages; ++iImage)
            pMap->Add(pTextures[iImage], Delay[iImage]);
            maxWidth = std::max(maxWidth, pTextures[iImage]->GetWidth());
            maxHeight = std::max(maxHeight, pTextures[iImage]->GetHeight());


        delete[] pTextures;
        delete[] Delay;

        if (pMap)
            return pMap->GetTexture();
    else if (StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".gif") ||
             StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".apng"))
        CTextureMap* pMap = nullptr;

        std::string mimeType;
        if (StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".gif"))
            mimeType = "image/gif";
        else if (StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".apng"))
            mimeType = "image/apng";

        XFILE::CFile file;
        XFILE::auto_buffer buf;
        CFFmpegImage anim(mimeType);
        pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, 0, 0, 0);

        if (file.LoadFile(strPath, buf) <= 0 ||
                !anim.Initialize((uint8_t*)buf.get(), buf.size()) || !pMap)
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", CURL::GetRedacted(strPath).c_str());
            return emptyTexture;

        unsigned int maxWidth = 0;
        unsigned int maxHeight = 0;
        uint64_t maxMemoryUsage = 91238400;// 1920*1080*4*11 bytes, i.e, a total of approx. 12 full hd frames

        auto frame = anim.ReadFrame();
        while (frame)
            CTexture *glTexture = new CTexture();
            if (glTexture)
                glTexture->LoadFromMemory(anim.Width(), anim.Height(), frame->GetPitch(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8, true, frame->m_pImage);
                pMap->Add(glTexture, frame->m_delay);
                maxWidth = std::max(maxWidth, glTexture->GetWidth());
                maxHeight = std::max(maxHeight, glTexture->GetHeight());

            if (pMap->GetMemoryUsage() <= maxMemoryUsage)
                frame = anim.ReadFrame();
                CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Memory limit (%" PRIu64 " bytes) exceeded, %i frames extracted from file : %s", (maxMemoryUsage/11)*12,pMap->GetTexture().size(), CURL::GetRedacted(strPath).c_str());



        if (pMap)
            return pMap->GetTexture();

    CBaseTexture *pTexture = NULL;
    int width = 0, height = 0;
    if (bundle >= 0)
        if (!m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadTexture(strTextureName, &pTexture, width, height))
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
            return emptyTexture;
        pTexture = CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(strPath);
        if (!pTexture)
            return emptyTexture;
        width = pTexture->GetWidth();
        height = pTexture->GetHeight();

    if (!pTexture) return emptyTexture;

    CTextureMap* pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, 0);
    pMap->Add(pTexture, 100);

    int64_t end, freq;
    end = CurrentHostCounter();
    freq = CurrentHostFrequency();
    char temp[200];
    sprintf(temp, "Load %s: %.1fms%s\n", strPath.c_str(), 1000.f * (end - start) / freq, (bundle >= 0) ? " (bundled)" : "");

    return pMap->GetTexture();
Beispiel #4
const CTextureArray& CGUITextureManager::Load(const std::string& strTextureName, bool checkBundleOnly /*= false */)
  std::string strPath;
  static CTextureArray emptyTexture;
  int bundle = -1;
  int size = 0;
  if (!HasTexture(strTextureName, &strPath, &bundle, &size))
    return emptyTexture;

  if (size) // we found the texture
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecTextures.size(); ++i)
      CTextureMap *pMap = m_vecTextures[i];
      if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
        //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Total memusage %u", GetMemoryUsage());
        return pMap->GetTexture();
    // Whoops, not there.
    return emptyTexture;

  for (ilistUnused i = m_unusedTextures.begin(); i != m_unusedTextures.end(); ++i)
    CTextureMap* pMap = i->first;
    if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName && i->second > 0)
      return pMap->GetTexture();

  if (checkBundleOnly && bundle == -1)
    return emptyTexture;

  //Lock here, we will do stuff that could break rendering
  CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext);

  int64_t start;
  start = CurrentHostCounter();

  if (StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(strPath, ".gif"))
    CTextureMap* pMap = nullptr;

    if (bundle >= 0)
      CBaseTexture **pTextures;
      int nLoops = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
      int* Delay;
      int nImages = m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadAnim(strTextureName, &pTextures, width, height, nLoops, &Delay);
      if (!nImages)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
        delete [] pTextures;
        delete [] Delay;
        return emptyTexture;

      pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, nLoops);
      for (int iImage = 0; iImage < nImages; ++iImage)
        pMap->Add(pTextures[iImage], Delay[iImage]);

      delete [] pTextures;
      delete [] Delay;
#if defined(HAS_GIFLIB)
      Gif gif;
        if (StringUtils::StartsWith(strPath, g_SkinInfo->Path()))
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", strPath.c_str());
        return emptyTexture;

      pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, gif.Width(), gif.Height(), gif.GetNumLoops());

      for (auto frame : gif.GetFrames())
        CTexture *glTexture = new CTexture();
        if (glTexture)
          glTexture->LoadFromMemory(gif.Width(), gif.Height(), gif.GetPitch(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8, false, frame->m_pImage);
          pMap->Add(glTexture, frame->m_delay);

    if (pMap)
      return pMap->GetTexture();
  } // of if (strPath.Right(4).ToLower()==".gif")

  CBaseTexture *pTexture = NULL;
  int width = 0, height = 0;
  if (bundle >= 0)
    if (!m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadTexture(strTextureName, &pTexture, width, height))
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
      return emptyTexture;
    pTexture = CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(strPath);
    if (!pTexture)
      return emptyTexture;
    width = pTexture->GetWidth();
    height = pTexture->GetHeight();

  if (!pTexture) return emptyTexture;

  CTextureMap* pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, 0);
  pMap->Add(pTexture, 100);

  int64_t end, freq;
  end = CurrentHostCounter();
  freq = CurrentHostFrequency();
  char temp[200];
  sprintf(temp, "Load %s: %.1fms%s\n", strPath.c_str(), 1000.f * (end - start) / freq, (bundle >= 0) ? " (bundled)" : "");

  return pMap->GetTexture();
Beispiel #5
const CTextureArray& CGUITextureManager::Load(const CStdString& strTextureName, bool checkBundleOnly /*= false */)
  CStdString strPath;
  static CTextureArray emptyTexture;
  int bundle = -1;
  int size = 0;
  if (!HasTexture(strTextureName, &strPath, &bundle, &size))
    return emptyTexture;

  if (size) // we found the texture
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecTextures.size(); ++i)
      CTextureMap *pMap = m_vecTextures[i];
      if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
        //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Total memusage %u", GetMemoryUsage());
        return pMap->GetTexture();
    // Whoops, not there.
    return emptyTexture;

  for (ilistUnused i = m_unusedTextures.begin(); i != m_unusedTextures.end(); ++i)
    CTextureMap* pMap = i->first;
    if (pMap->GetName() == strTextureName)
      return pMap->GetTexture();

  if (checkBundleOnly && bundle == -1)
    return emptyTexture;

  //Lock here, we will do stuff that could break rendering
  CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext);

#ifdef _DEBUG
  int64_t start;
  start = CurrentHostCounter();

  if (strPath.Right(4).ToLower() == ".gif")
    CTextureMap* pMap;

    if (bundle >= 0)
      CBaseTexture **pTextures;
      int nLoops = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
      int* Delay;
      int nImages = m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadAnim(strTextureName, &pTextures, width, height, nLoops, &Delay);
      if (!nImages)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
        delete [] pTextures;
        delete [] Delay;
        return emptyTexture;

      pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, nLoops);
      for (int iImage = 0; iImage < nImages; ++iImage)
        pMap->Add(pTextures[iImage], Delay[iImage]);

      delete [] pTextures;
      delete [] Delay;
      CAnimatedGifSet AnimatedGifSet;
      int iImages = AnimatedGifSet.LoadGIF(strPath.c_str());
      if (iImages == 0)
        CStdString rootPath = strPath.Left(g_SkinInfo->Path().GetLength());
        if (0 == rootPath.CompareNoCase(g_SkinInfo->Path()))
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", strPath.c_str());
        return emptyTexture;
      int iWidth = AnimatedGifSet.FrameWidth;
      int iHeight = AnimatedGifSet.FrameHeight;

      // fixup our palette
      COLOR *palette = AnimatedGifSet.m_vecimg[0]->Palette;
      // set the alpha values to fully opaque
      for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        palette[i].x = 0xff;
      // and set the transparent colour
      if (AnimatedGifSet.m_vecimg[0]->Transparency && AnimatedGifSet.m_vecimg[0]->Transparent >= 0)
        palette[AnimatedGifSet.m_vecimg[0]->Transparent].x = 0;

      pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, iWidth, iHeight, AnimatedGifSet.nLoops);

      for (int iImage = 0; iImage < iImages; iImage++)
        CTexture *glTexture = new CTexture();
        if (glTexture)
          CAnimatedGif* pImage = AnimatedGifSet.m_vecimg[iImage];
          glTexture->LoadPaletted(pImage->Width, pImage->Height, pImage->BytesPerRow, XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8, (unsigned char *)pImage->Raster, palette);
          pMap->Add(glTexture, pImage->Delay);
      } // of for (int iImage=0; iImage < iImages; iImage++)

#ifdef _DEBUG
    int64_t end, freq;
    end = CurrentHostCounter();
    freq = CurrentHostFrequency();
    char temp[200];
    sprintf(temp, "Load %s: %.1fms%s\n", strPath.c_str(), 1000.f * (end - start) / freq, (bundle >= 0) ? " (bundled)" : "");

    return pMap->GetTexture();
  } // of if (strPath.Right(4).ToLower()==".gif")

  CBaseTexture *pTexture = NULL;
  int width = 0, height = 0;
  if (bundle >= 0)
    if (!m_TexBundle[bundle].LoadTexture(strTextureName, &pTexture, width, height))
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load bundled file: %s", strTextureName.c_str());
      return emptyTexture;
    pTexture = CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(strPath);
    if (!pTexture)
      return emptyTexture;
    width = pTexture->GetWidth();
    height = pTexture->GetHeight();

  if (!pTexture) return emptyTexture;

  CTextureMap* pMap = new CTextureMap(strTextureName, width, height, 0);
  pMap->Add(pTexture, 100);

  int64_t end, freq;
  end = CurrentHostCounter();
  freq = CurrentHostFrequency();
  char temp[200];
  sprintf(temp, "Load %s: %.1fms%s\n", strPath.c_str(), 1000.f * (end - start) / freq, (bundle >= 0) ? " (bundled)" : "");

  return pMap->GetTexture();