Beispiel #1
BOOL CCollectionFile::File::Parse(CXMLElement* pRoot)
	//if ( ! pRoot->IsNamed( L"file" ) ) return FALSE;	// Discards DC++

	for ( POSITION pos = pRoot->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLElement* pXML = pRoot->GetNextElement( pos );

		if ( pXML->IsNamed( L"id" ) )
			if ( ! m_oSHA1 )  m_oSHA1.fromUrn( pXML->GetValue() );
			if ( ! m_oTiger ) m_oTiger.fromUrn( pXML->GetValue() );
			if ( ! m_oED2K )  m_oED2K.fromUrn( pXML->GetValue() );
			if ( ! m_oMD5 )   m_oMD5.fromUrn( pXML->GetValue() );
			if ( ! m_oBTH )   m_oBTH.fromUrn( pXML->GetValue() );
			if ( ! m_oBTH )   m_oBTH.fromUrn< Hashes::base16Encoding >( pXML->GetValue() );
		else if ( pXML->IsNamed( L"description" ) )
			if ( CXMLElement* pName = pXML->GetElementByName( L"name" ) )
				m_sName = pName->GetValue();

			if ( CXMLElement* pSize = pXML->GetElementByName( L"size" ) )
				if ( _stscanf( pSize->GetValue(), L"%I64i", &m_nSize ) != 1 )
					return FALSE;
		else if ( pXML->IsNamed( L"metadata" ) )
			if ( m_pMetadata ) delete m_pMetadata;
			m_pMetadata = CCollectionFile::CloneMetadata( pXML );
		//else if ( pXML->IsNamed( L"packaged" ) )
		//	if ( CXMLElement* pSource = pXML->GetElementByName( L"source" ) )
		//		/*m_sSource =*/ pSource->GetValue();	// ToDo: Use Sources?

	// DC++ format
	if ( m_sName.IsEmpty() && ! m_oTiger && m_nSize == SIZE_UNKNOWN )
		m_sName = pRoot->GetAttributeValue( L"Name" );
		_stscanf( pRoot->GetAttributeValue( L"Size" ), L"%I64i", &m_nSize );
		m_oTiger.fromString( pRoot->GetAttributeValue( L"TTH" ) );

	return HasHash();
BOOL CRichDocument::LoadXMLStyles(CXMLElement* pParent)
	for ( POSITION pos = pParent->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pXML = pParent->GetNextElement( pos );
		if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( _T("style") ) ) continue;
		CString strName = pXML->GetAttributeValue( _T("name") );
		CharLower( strName.GetBuffer() );
		CString strFontFace = theApp.m_sDefaultFont;
		int nFontSize = theApp.m_nDefaultFontSize + 1;
		int nFontWeight = FW_BOLD;
		if ( CXMLElement* pFont = pXML->GetElementByName( _T("font") ) )
			strFontFace = pFont->GetAttributeValue( _T("face") );
			CString strTemp = pFont->GetAttributeValue( _T("size") );
			_stscanf( strTemp, _T("%i"), &nFontSize );
			strTemp = pFont->GetAttributeValue( _T("weight") );
			_stscanf( strTemp, _T("%i"), &nFontWeight );
		CXMLElement* pColours = pXML->GetElementByName( _T("colours") );
		if ( pColours == NULL ) pColours = pXML;
		if ( strName == _T("default") || strName.IsEmpty() )
			LoadXMLColour( pColours, _T("text"), &m_crText );
			LoadXMLColour( pColours, _T("link"), &m_crLink );
			LoadXMLColour( pColours, _T("hover"), &m_crHover );
			CreateFonts( strFontFace, nFontSize );
		else if ( strName == _T("heading") )
			LoadXMLColour( pColours, _T("text"), &m_crHeading );
			if ( m_fntHeading.m_hObject ) m_fntHeading.DeleteObject();
			m_fntHeading.CreateFont( -nFontSize, 0, 0, 0, nFontWeight, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
CPlayProfilePage::CPlayProfilePage(CXMLElement* pXML)
	: CSettingsPage( CPlayProfilePage::IDD ), m_pXML( pXML )
	CXMLElement* pParent = m_pXML->GetParent();
	m_pXMLChat	= pParent->GetElementByName( "ChatRoom" );
Beispiel #4
CXMLElement* CPlayerWnd::LoadXML(LPCTSTR lpszName, BOOL bCreate)
	CXMLElement* pXML = CXMLElement::FromFile( _T("Xhistory.xml"), TRUE );
	CXMLElement* pOrder = NULL;
	if ( pXML ) pOrder = pXML->GetElementByName( lpszName, bCreate );
	else if ( bCreate ) pOrder = new CXMLElement( NULL, lpszName );
	if ( pOrder ) pOrder->Detach();
	return pOrder;
CString CBitziDownloader::LookupValue(LPCTSTR pszPath)
	CString strName, strPath( pszPath );
	CXMLElement* pXML = m_pXML;
	BOOL bFirst = TRUE;

	while ( strPath.GetLength() )
		strName = strPath.SpanExcluding( _T("/") );
		strPath = strPath.Mid( strName.GetLength() );

		if ( strPath.IsEmpty() )
			return pXML->GetAttributeValue( strName, NULL );

		if ( bFirst )
			bFirst = FALSE;
			if ( strName.CompareNoCase( pXML->GetName() ) ) pXML = NULL;
			pXML = pXML->GetElementByName( strName );

		if ( ! pXML )
			return strName;

		strPath = strPath.Mid( 1 );

	if ( pXML ) strName = pXML->GetValue();

	return strName;
Beispiel #6
BOOL CPlayerWnd::SaveXML(CXMLElement* pXML)
	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( _T("Xhistory.xml"), CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate ) ) return FALSE;
	CXMLElement* pParent = LoadXML( pXML->GetName() );
	if ( ! pParent ) pParent = CreateXML();
	pParent->GetElementByName( pXML->GetName() )->Delete();
	pParent->AddElement( pXML );
	CString strXML;
	strXML = pParent->ToString( TRUE, TRUE );
	pFile.Write( (LPCSTR)strXML, strXML.GetLength() );
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
BOOL CEmoticons::LoadXML(LPCTSTR pszFile)
    CString strPath, strValue;

    CXMLElement* pXML = CXMLElement::FromFile( pszFile, TRUE );
    if ( pXML == NULL ) return FALSE;

    strPath = pszFile;
    int nSlash = strPath.ReverseFind( '\\' );
    if ( nSlash >= 0 ) strPath = strPath.Left( nSlash + 1 );

    CXMLElement* pBitmap = pXML->GetElementByName( _T("bitmap") );

    if ( pBitmap == NULL )
        delete pXML;
        return FALSE;

    strValue = pBitmap->GetAttributeValue( _T("file") );

    nSlash = strValue.ReverseFind( '/' );
    if ( nSlash >= 0 ) strValue = strValue.Mid( nSlash + 1 );
    strValue = strPath + strValue;

    CImageFile pImage;

    if ( ! pImage.LoadFromFile( strValue ) ||
            ! pImage.EnsureRGB( GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ) ) ||
            ! pImage.SwapRGB() )
        delete pXML;
        return FALSE;

    COLORREF crBack = RGB( pImage.m_pImage[2], pImage.m_pImage[1], pImage.m_pImage[0] );

    for ( POSITION pos = pXML->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
        CXMLElement* pEmoticon = pXML->GetNextElement( pos );
        if ( ! pEmoticon->IsNamed( _T("emoticon") ) ) continue;

        CXMLElement* pSource = pEmoticon->GetElementByName( _T("source") );
        CString strText = pEmoticon->GetAttributeValue( _T("text") );
        CRect rc( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

        strValue = pSource->GetAttributeValue( _T("left"), _T("0") );
        _stscanf( strValue, _T("%i"), &rc.left );
        strValue = pSource->GetAttributeValue( _T("top"), _T("0") );
        _stscanf( strValue, _T("%i"), & );
        strValue = pSource->GetAttributeValue( _T("right"), _T("0") );
        _stscanf( strValue, _T("%i"), &rc.right );
        strValue = pSource->GetAttributeValue( _T("bottom"), _T("0") );
        _stscanf( strValue, _T("%i"), &rc.bottom );

        BOOL bButton = pEmoticon->GetAttributeValue( _T("button") ).CompareNoCase( _T("yes") ) == 0;

        AddEmoticon( strText, &pImage, &rc, crBack, bButton );

    delete pXML;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
BOOL CCollectionFile::LoadCollection(LPCTSTR pszFile)
	m_nType = EnvyCollection;

	if ( ! pZIP.Open( pszFile ) ) return FALSE;

	CZIPFile::File* pFile = pZIP.GetFile( L"Collection.xml", TRUE );
	if ( ! pFile ) return FALSE;

	if ( pZIP.GetCount() == 1 )		// xml-only
		m_nType = SimpleCollection;

	augment::auto_ptr< CBuffer > pBuffer ( pFile->Decompress() );
	if ( ! pBuffer.get() ) return FALSE;

	augment::auto_ptr< CXMLElement > pXML ( CXMLElement::FromString( pBuffer->ReadString( pBuffer->m_nLength, CP_UTF8 ), TRUE ) );
	if ( ! pXML.get() ) return FALSE;
	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( L"collection" ) ) return FALSE;

	CXMLElement* pProperties = pXML->GetElementByName( L"properties" );
	if ( ! pProperties ) return FALSE;

	CXMLElement* pContents = pXML->GetElementByName( L"contents" );
	if ( ! pContents ) return FALSE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pContents->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLElement* pElement = pContents->GetNextElement( pos );
		if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"file" ) )
			augment::auto_ptr< File > pNewFile( new File( this ) );
			if ( pNewFile.get() && pNewFile->Parse( pElement ) )
				m_pFiles.AddTail( pNewFile.release() );

	if ( CXMLElement* pMetadata = pProperties->GetElementByName( L"metadata" ) )
		m_pMetadata = CloneMetadata( pMetadata );
		if ( m_pMetadata )
			m_sThisURI = m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( CXMLAttribute::schemaName );

	if ( CXMLElement* pTitle = pProperties->GetElementByName( L"title" ) )
		m_sTitle = pTitle->GetValue();

	if ( CXMLElement* pMounting = pProperties->GetElementByName( L"mounting" ) )
		if ( CXMLElement* pParent = pMounting->GetElementByName( L"parent" ) )
			m_sParentURI = pParent->GetAttributeValue( L"uri" );

		if ( CXMLElement* pThis = pMounting->GetElementByName( L"this" ) )
			m_sThisURI = pThis->GetAttributeValue( L"uri" );

	if ( m_sThisURI.IsEmpty() )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
BOOL CShareMonkeyData::ImportData(CXMLElement* pRoot)
	if ( pRoot == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	if ( m_nRequestType == stProductMatch )
		if ( m_pSchema == NULL )	// Get the schema from the product Category
			CXMLElement* pCategory = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"CategoryID" );
			int nCategory = 0;
			CString strCategory = pCategory->GetValue();
			if ( pCategory && strCategory.GetLength() && _stscanf( strCategory, L"%i", &nCategory ) == 1 )
				switch ( nCategory )
				case 1:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriAudio );
				case 2:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriBook );		// For documents
				case 3:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriArchive );		// For games
				case 4:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriApplication );	// For software
				case 5:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriVideo );
				//	break;

		if ( m_pSchema == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		m_pRazaXML = m_pSchema->Instantiate( TRUE );

		CXMLElement* pXML = m_pRazaXML->AddElement( m_pSchema->m_sSingular );
		Setup( m_pSchema, TRUE );

		for ( POSITION pos = pRoot->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
			CXMLElement* pElement = pRoot->GetNextElement( pos );
			if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductName" ) )
				m_sProductName = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductID" ) )
				m_sProductID = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductDescription" ) )
				m_sDescription = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductURLs" ) )
				CXMLElement* pBuyURL = pElement->GetElementByName( L"ProductBuyURL" );
				if ( pBuyURL )
					m_sBuyURL = pBuyURL->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductImages" ) )
				CXMLElement* pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"LargeImage" );
				if ( pImage == NULL )
					pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"MediumImage" );
				if ( pImage == NULL )
					pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"SmallImage" );
				if ( pImage )
					if ( CXMLElement* pImageURL = pImage->GetElementByName( L"ImageURL" ) )
						m_sThumbnailURL = pImageURL->GetValue();

		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"title" );
		pAttribute->SetValue( m_sProductName );
		pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"description" );
		pAttribute->SetValue( m_sDescription );
		pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		//if ( ! m_sBuyURL.IsEmpty() )
		//	pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"distributerLink" );
		//	pAttribute->SetValue( m_sBuyURL );
		//	pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		Combine( pXML );

		delete m_pRazaXML;
		m_pRazaXML = NULL;
	else if ( m_nRequestType == stStoreMatch )
		CXMLElement* pStore = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"StoreName" );
		if ( pStore == NULL )
			return FALSE;
		CString strName = pStore->GetValue();
		if ( strName.IsEmpty() )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pPrice = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"Price" );
		if ( pPrice == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pValue = pPrice->GetElementByName( L"PriceFormatted" );
		if ( pValue == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		CString strValue = pValue->GetValue();
		if ( strValue.IsEmpty() )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pLink = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"StoreURL" );
		if ( pLink )
			CString strLink;
			strLink.Format( L"%s|%s", (LPCTSTR)pLink->GetValue(), (LPCTSTR)strValue );

			while ( Find( strName ) )
				strName += '\x00A0';

			CMetaItem* pItem = Add( strName, strLink );
			pItem->m_bValueDefined = TRUE;

	return TRUE;