/* Steps 4-5. */
    JSString *str = js::obj_toStringHelper(cx, obj);
    if (!str)
        return false;
    return true;

/* ES5 */
static JSBool
obj_toLocaleString(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    /* Step 1. */
    JSObject *obj = ToObject(cx, args.thisv());
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    /* Steps 2-4. */
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(cx->names().toString));
    return obj->callMethod(cx, id, 0, NULL, args.rval());

static JSBool
obj_valueOf(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
Beispiel #2
MapObject::iterator_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, IteratorKind kind)
    RootedObject obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
    return iterator(cx, kind, obj, args.rval());
Beispiel #3
static JSBool
Exception(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

     * ECMA ed. 3, 15.11.1 requires Error, etc., to construct even when
     * called as functions, without operator new.  But as we do not give
     * each constructor a distinct JSClass, whose .name member is used by
     * NewNativeClassInstance to find the class prototype, we must get the
     * class prototype ourselves.
    Value protov;
    if (!args.callee().getProperty(cx, cx->runtime->atomState.classPrototypeAtom, &protov))
        return false;

    if (!protov.isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_PROTOTYPE, "Error");
        return false;

    JSObject *errProto = &protov.toObject();
    RootedVarObject obj(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &ErrorClass, errProto, NULL));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    /* Set the 'message' property. */
    RootedVarString message(cx);
    if (args.hasDefined(0)) {
        message = ToString(cx, args[0]);
        if (!message)
            return false;
    } else {
        message = NULL;

    /* Find the scripted caller. */
    ScriptFrameIter iter(cx);

    /* Set the 'fileName' property. */
    RootedVarString filename(cx);
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        filename = ToString(cx, args[1]);
        if (!filename)
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!iter.done()) {
            filename = FilenameToString(cx, iter.script()->filename);
            if (!filename)
                return false;
        } else {
            filename = cx->runtime->emptyString;

    /* Set the 'lineNumber' property. */
    uint32_t lineno;
    if (args.length() > 2) {
        if (!ToUint32(cx, args[2], &lineno))
            return false;
    } else {
        lineno = iter.done() ? 0 : PCToLineNumber(iter.script(), iter.pc());

    int exnType = args.callee().toFunction()->getExtendedSlot(0).toInt32();
    if (!InitExnPrivate(cx, obj, message, filename, lineno, NULL, exnType))
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #4
Module::callExport(JSContext* cx, uint32_t exportIndex, CallArgs args)

    const Export& exp = exports()[exportIndex];

    // Enable/disable profiling in the Module to match the current global
    // profiling state. Don't do this if the Module is already active on the
    // stack since this would leave the Module in a state where profiling is
    // enabled but the stack isn't unwindable.
    if (profilingEnabled() != cx->runtime()->spsProfiler.enabled() && !activation()) {
        if (!setProfilingEnabled(cx, cx->runtime()->spsProfiler.enabled()))
            return false;

    // The calling convention for an external call into wasm is to pass an
    // array of 16-byte values where each value contains either a coerced int32
    // (in the low word), a double value (in the low dword) or a SIMD vector
    // value, with the coercions specified by the wasm signature. The external
    // entry point unpacks this array into the system-ABI-specified registers
    // and stack memory and then calls into the internal entry point. The return
    // value is stored in the first element of the array (which, therefore, must
    // have length >= 1).
    Vector<Module::EntryArg, 8> coercedArgs(cx);
    if (!coercedArgs.resize(Max<size_t>(1, exp.sig().args().length())))
        return false;

    RootedValue v(cx);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < exp.sig().args().length(); ++i) {
        v = i < args.length() ? args[i] : UndefinedValue();
        switch (exp.sig().arg(i)) {
          case ValType::I32:
            if (!ToInt32(cx, v, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::I64:
          case ValType::F32:
            if (!RoundFloat32(cx, v, (float*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::F64:
            if (!ToNumber(cx, v, (double*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::I32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Int32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&coercedArgs[i], simd.asInt32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::F32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Float32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&coercedArgs[i], simd.asFloat32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::B32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Bool32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            // Bool32x4 uses the same representation as Int32x4.
            memcpy(&coercedArgs[i], simd.asInt32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::Limit:

        // Push a WasmActivation to describe the wasm frames we're about to push
        // when running this module. Additionally, push a JitActivation so that
        // the optimized wasm-to-Ion FFI call path (which we want to be very
        // fast) can avoid doing so. The JitActivation is marked as inactive so
        // stack iteration will skip over it.
        WasmActivation activation(cx, *this);
        JitActivation jitActivation(cx, /* active */ false);

        // Call the per-exported-function trampoline created by GenerateEntry.
        auto entry = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(EntryFuncPtr, code() + exp.stubOffset());
        if (!CALL_GENERATED_2(entry, coercedArgs.begin(), globalData()))
            return false;

    if (args.isConstructing()) {
        // By spec, when a function is called as a constructor and this function
        // returns a primary type, which is the case for all wasm exported
        // functions, the returned value is discarded and an empty object is
        // returned instead.
        PlainObject* obj = NewBuiltinClassInstance<PlainObject>(cx);
        if (!obj)
            return false;
        return true;

    JSObject* simdObj;
    switch (exp.sig().ret()) {
      case ExprType::Void:
      case ExprType::I32:
      case ExprType::I64:
      case ExprType::F32:
      case ExprType::F64:
      case ExprType::I32x4:
        simdObj = CreateSimd<Int32x4>(cx, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[0]);
        if (!simdObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::F32x4:
        simdObj = CreateSimd<Float32x4>(cx, (float*)&coercedArgs[0]);
        if (!simdObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::B32x4:
        simdObj = CreateSimd<Bool32x4>(cx, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[0]);
        if (!simdObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::Limit:

    return true;
Beispiel #5
MapObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Map"))
        return false;

    RootedObject proto(cx);
    RootedObject newTarget(cx, &args.newTarget().toObject());
    if (!GetPrototypeFromConstructor(cx, newTarget, &proto))
        return false;

    Rooted<MapObject*> obj(cx, MapObject::create(cx, proto));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    if (!args.get(0).isNullOrUndefined()) {
        RootedValue adderVal(cx);
        if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, cx->names().set, &adderVal))
            return false;

        if (!IsCallable(adderVal))
            return ReportIsNotFunction(cx, adderVal);

        bool isOriginalAdder = IsNativeFunction(adderVal, MapObject::set);
        RootedValue mapVal(cx, ObjectValue(*obj));
        FastInvokeGuard fig(cx, adderVal);
        InvokeArgs& args2 = fig.args();

        ForOfIterator iter(cx);
        if (!iter.init(args[0]))
            return false;
        RootedValue pairVal(cx);
        RootedObject pairObj(cx);
        Rooted<HashableValue> hkey(cx);
        ValueMap* map = obj->getData();
        while (true) {
            bool done;
            if (!iter.next(&pairVal, &done))
                return false;
            if (done)
            if (!pairVal.isObject()) {
                JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                                     JSMSG_INVALID_MAP_ITERABLE, "Map");
                return false;

            pairObj = &pairVal.toObject();
            if (!pairObj)
                return false;

            RootedValue key(cx);
            if (!GetElement(cx, pairObj, pairObj, 0, &key))
                return false;

            RootedValue val(cx);
            if (!GetElement(cx, pairObj, pairObj, 1, &val))
                return false;

            if (isOriginalAdder) {
                if (!hkey.setValue(cx, key))
                    return false;

                RelocatableValue rval(val);
                if (!map->put(hkey, rval)) {
                    return false;
                WriteBarrierPost(cx->runtime(), map, key);
            } else {
                if (!args2.init(cx, 2))
                    return false;


                if (!fig.invoke(cx))
                    return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #6
static bool
ProtoSetterImpl(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)

    const Value &thisv = args.thisv();
    if (thisv.isPrimitive()) {

        // Mutating a boxed primitive's [[Prototype]] has no side effects.
        return true;

    if (!cx->runningWithTrustedPrincipals())

    Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());

    /* ES5 8.6.2 forbids changing [[Prototype]] if not [[Extensible]]. */
    bool extensible;
    if (!JSObject::isExtensible(cx, obj, &extensible))
        return false;
    if (!extensible) {
        return false;

     * Disallow mutating the [[Prototype]] of a proxy that wasn't simply
     * wrapping some other object.  Also disallow it on ArrayBuffer objects,
     * which due to their complicated delegate-object shenanigans can't easily
     * have a mutable [[Prototype]].
    if (obj->is<ProxyObject>() || obj->is<ArrayBufferObject>()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO,
                             "Object", "__proto__ setter",
                             obj->is<ProxyObject>() ? "Proxy" : "ArrayBuffer");
        return false;

    /* Do nothing if __proto__ isn't being set to an object or null. */
    if (args.length() == 0 || !args[0].isObjectOrNull()) {
        return true;

    Rooted<JSObject*> newProto(cx, args[0].toObjectOrNull());

    unsigned dummy;
    RootedId nid(cx, NameToId(cx->names().proto));
    RootedValue v(cx);
    if (!CheckAccess(cx, obj, nid, JSAccessMode(JSACC_PROTO | JSACC_WRITE), &v, &dummy))
        return false;

    if (!SetClassAndProto(cx, obj, obj->getClass(), newProto, true))
        return false;

    return true;
js::ForwardToNative(JSContext* cx, JSNative native, const CallArgs& args)
    return native(cx, args.length(), args.base());
Beispiel #8
    /* Steps 4-5. */
    JSString *str = JS_BasicObjectToString(cx, obj);
    if (!str)
        return false;
    return true;

/* ES5 */
static bool
obj_toLocaleString(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    /* Step 1. */
    RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    /* Steps 2-4. */
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(cx->names().toString));
    return obj->callMethod(cx, id, 0, NULL, args.rval());

static bool
obj_valueOf(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
Beispiel #9
// Common code implementing direct and indirect eval.
// Evaluate call.argv[2], if it is a string, in the context of the given calling
// frame, with the provided scope chain, with the semantics of either a direct
// or indirect eval (see ES5 10.4.2).  If this is an indirect eval, scopeobj
// must be a global object.
// On success, store the completion value in call.rval and return true.
static bool
EvalKernel(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, EvalType evalType, AbstractFramePtr caller,
           HandleObject scopeobj, jsbytecode* pc)
    MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !caller);
    MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !pc);
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL, IsGlobalLexicalScope(scopeobj));
    AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj);

    Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global());
    if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL);
        return false;

    // ES5 step 1.
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        return true;
    if (!args[0].isString()) {
        return true;
    RootedString str(cx, args[0].toString());

    // ES5 steps 2-8.

    // Per ES5, indirect eval runs in the global scope. (eval is specified this
    // way so that the compiler can make assumptions about what bindings may or
    // may not exist in the current frame if it doesn't see 'eval'.)
                  args.callee().global() == scopeobj->as<ClonedBlockObject>().global());

    RootedLinearString linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
    if (!linearStr)
        return false;

    RootedScript callerScript(cx, caller ? caller.script() : nullptr);
    EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, linearStr, args.rval());
    if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON)
        return ejr == EvalJSON_Success;

    EvalScriptGuard esg(cx);

    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && caller.isFunctionFrame())
        esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, callerScript, pc);

    if (!esg.foundScript()) {
        RootedScript maybeScript(cx);
        unsigned lineno;
        const char* filename;
        bool mutedErrors;
        uint32_t pcOffset;
        DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset,
                                             evalType == DIRECT_EVAL
                                             ? CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL
                                             : NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL);

        const char* introducerFilename = filename;
        if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename())
            introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename();

        RootedObject enclosing(cx);
        if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL)
            enclosing = callerScript->innermostStaticScope(pc);
            enclosing = &cx->global()->lexicalScope().staticBlock();
        Rooted<StaticEvalObject*> staticScope(cx, StaticEvalObject::create(cx, enclosing));
        if (!staticScope)
            return false;

        CompileOptions options(cx);
        options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1)
               .setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset)
               .maybeMakeStrictMode(evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && IsStrictEvalPC(pc));

        AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx);
        if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, linearStr))
            return false;

        const char16_t* chars = linearChars.twoByteRange().start().get();
        SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = linearChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller()
                                                  ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership
                                                  : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership;
        SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, linearStr->length(), ownership);
        JSScript* compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(),
                                                     scopeobj, staticScope, callerScript,
                                                     options, srcBuf, linearStr);
        if (!compiled)
            return false;

        if (compiled->strict())


    // Look up the newTarget from the frame iterator.
    Value newTargetVal = NullValue();
    return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, newTargetVal, ExecuteType(evalType),
                         NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, args.rval().address());
Beispiel #10
static JSBool
CallAsmJS(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    RootedFunction callee(cx, callArgs.callee().toFunction());

    // An asm.js function stores, in its extended slots:
    //  - a pointer to the module from which it was returned
    //  - its index in the ordered list of exported functions
    RootedObject moduleObj(cx, &callee->getExtendedSlot(ASM_MODULE_SLOT).toObject());
    const AsmJSModule &module = AsmJSModuleObjectToModule(moduleObj);

    // An exported function points to the code as well as the exported
    // function's signature, which implies the dynamic coercions performed on
    // the arguments.
    unsigned exportIndex = callee->getExtendedSlot(ASM_EXPORT_INDEX_SLOT).toInt32();
    const AsmJSModule::ExportedFunction &func = module.exportedFunction(exportIndex);

    // The calling convention for an external call into asm.js is to pass an
    // array of 8-byte values where each value contains either a coerced int32
    // (in the low word) or double value, with the coercions specified by the
    // asm.js signature. The external entry point unpacks this array into the
    // system-ABI-specified registers and stack memory and then calls into the
    // internal entry point. The return value is stored in the first element of
    // the array (which, therefore, must have length >= 1).

    Vector<uint64_t, 8> coercedArgs(cx);
    if (!coercedArgs.resize(Max<size_t>(1, func.numArgs())))
        return false;

    RootedValue v(cx);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < func.numArgs(); ++i) {
        v = i < callArgs.length() ? callArgs[i] : UndefinedValue();
        switch (func.argCoercion(i)) {
          case AsmJS_ToInt32:
            if (!ToInt32(cx, v, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case AsmJS_ToNumber:
            if (!ToNumber(cx, v, (double*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;

        AsmJSActivation activation(cx, module);

        // Call into generated code.
#ifdef JS_CPU_ARM
        if (!func.code()(coercedArgs.begin(), module.globalData()))
            return false;
        if (!func.code()(coercedArgs.begin()))
            return false;

    switch (func.returnType()) {
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Void:
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Int32:
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Double:

    return true;
Beispiel #11
js::math_hypot(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    return math_hypot_handle(cx, args, args.rval());
Beispiel #12
static bool
DynamicallyLinkModule(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args, AsmJSModule &module)
    if (module.isLinked())
        return LinkFail(cx, "As a temporary limitation, modules cannot be linked more than "
                            "once. This limitation should be removed in a future release. To "
                            "work around this, compile a second module (e.g., using the "
                            "Function constructor).");

    RootedValue globalVal(cx, UndefinedValue());
    if (args.length() > 0)
        globalVal = args[0];

    RootedValue importVal(cx, UndefinedValue());
    if (args.length() > 1)
        importVal = args[1];

    RootedValue bufferVal(cx, UndefinedValue());
    if (args.length() > 2)
        bufferVal = args[2];

    Rooted<ArrayBufferObject*> heap(cx);
    if (module.hasArrayView()) {
        if (!IsTypedArrayBuffer(bufferVal))
            return LinkFail(cx, "bad ArrayBuffer argument");

        heap = &bufferVal.toObject().asArrayBuffer();

        if (!IsPowerOfTwo(heap->byteLength()) || heap->byteLength() < AsmJSAllocationGranularity)
            return LinkFail(cx, "ArrayBuffer byteLength must be a power of two greater than or equal to 4096");

        if (!ArrayBufferObject::prepareForAsmJS(cx, heap))
            return LinkFail(cx, "Unable to prepare ArrayBuffer for asm.js use");

#if defined(JS_CPU_X86)
        void *heapOffset = (void*)heap->dataPointer();
        void *heapLength = (void*)heap->byteLength();
        uint8_t *code = module.functionCode();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < module.numHeapAccesses(); i++) {
            const AsmJSHeapAccess &access = module.heapAccess(i);
            JSC::X86Assembler::setPointer(access.patchLengthAt(code), heapLength);
            JSC::X86Assembler::setPointer(access.patchOffsetAt(code), heapOffset);
#elif defined(JS_CPU_ARM)
        // Now the length of the array is know, patch all of the bounds check sites
        // with the new length.
        ion::IonContext ic(cx, NULL);


    AutoObjectVector ffis(cx);
    if (!ffis.resize(module.numFFIs()))
        return false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module.numGlobals(); i++) {
        AsmJSModule::Global &global = module.global(i);
        switch (global.which()) {
          case AsmJSModule::Global::Variable:
            if (!ValidateGlobalVariable(cx, module, global, importVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::FFI:
            if (!ValidateFFI(cx, global, importVal, &ffis))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::ArrayView:
            if (!ValidateArrayView(cx, global, globalVal, bufferVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::MathBuiltin:
            if (!ValidateMathBuiltin(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::Constant:
            if (!ValidateGlobalConstant(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module.numExits(); i++)
        module.exitIndexToGlobalDatum(i).fun = ffis[module.exit(i).ffiIndex()]->toFunction();

    return true;
Beispiel #13
Error(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    // ES6 mandates the .prototype lookup happens before the toString
    RootedObject proto(cx);
    if (!GetPrototypeFromCallableConstructor(cx, args, &proto))
        return false;

    /* Compute the error message, if any. */
    RootedString message(cx, nullptr);
    if (args.hasDefined(0)) {
        message = ToString<CanGC>(cx, args[0]);
        if (!message)
            return false;

    /* Find the scripted caller, but only ones we're allowed to know about. */
    NonBuiltinFrameIter iter(cx, cx->compartment()->principals());

    /* Set the 'fileName' property. */
    RootedString fileName(cx);
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        fileName = ToString<CanGC>(cx, args[1]);
    } else {
        fileName = cx->runtime()->emptyString;
        if (!iter.done()) {
            if (const char* cfilename = iter.filename())
                fileName = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, cfilename);
    if (!fileName)
        return false;

    /* Set the 'lineNumber' property. */
    uint32_t lineNumber, columnNumber = 0;
    if (args.length() > 2) {
        if (!ToUint32(cx, args[2], &lineNumber))
            return false;
    } else {
        lineNumber = iter.done() ? 0 : iter.computeLine(&columnNumber);
        // XXX: Make the column 1-based as in other browsers, instead of 0-based
        // which is how SpiderMonkey stores it internally. This will be
        // unnecessary once bug 1144340 is fixed.

    RootedObject stack(cx);
    if (!CaptureStack(cx, &stack))
        return false;

     * ECMA ed. 3, 15.11.1 requires Error, etc., to construct even when
     * called as functions, without operator new.  But as we do not give
     * each constructor a distinct JSClass, we must get the exception type
     * ourselves.
    JSExnType exnType = JSExnType(args.callee().as<JSFunction>().getExtendedSlot(0).toInt32());

    RootedObject obj(cx, ErrorObject::create(cx, exnType, stack, fileName,
                                             lineNumber, columnNumber, nullptr, message, proto));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    return true;
static JSBool
obj_toSource(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    /* If outermost, we need parentheses to be an expression, not a block. */
    bool outermost = (cx->cycleDetectorSet.count() == 0);

    AutoCycleDetector detector(cx, obj);
    if (!detector.init())
        return false;
    if (detector.foundCycle()) {
        JSString *str = js_NewStringCopyZ<CanGC>(cx, "{}");
        if (!str)
            return false;
        return true;

    StringBuffer buf(cx);
    if (outermost && !buf.append('('))
        return false;
    if (!buf.append('{'))
        return false;

    RootedValue v0(cx), v1(cx);
    MutableHandleValue val[2] = {&v0, &v1};

    RootedString str0(cx), str1(cx);
    MutableHandleString gsop[2] = {&str0, &str1};

    AutoIdVector idv(cx);
    if (!GetPropertyNames(cx, obj, JSITER_OWNONLY, &idv))
        return false;

    bool comma = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < idv.length(); ++i) {
        RootedId id(cx, idv[i]);
        RootedObject obj2(cx);
        RootedShape shape(cx);
        if (!JSObject::lookupGeneric(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &shape))
            return false;

        /*  Decide early whether we prefer get/set or old getter/setter syntax. */
        int valcnt = 0;
        if (shape) {
            bool doGet = true;
            if (obj2->isNative() && !IsImplicitDenseElement(shape)) {
                unsigned attrs = shape->attributes();
                if (attrs & JSPROP_GETTER) {
                    doGet = false;
                if (attrs & JSPROP_SETTER) {
                    doGet = false;
            if (doGet) {
                valcnt = 1;
                if (!JSObject::getGeneric(cx, obj, obj, id, val[0]))
                    return false;

        /* Convert id to a linear string. */
        RawString s = ToString<CanGC>(cx, IdToValue(id));
        if (!s)
            return false;
        Rooted<JSLinearString*> idstr(cx, s->ensureLinear(cx));
        if (!idstr)
            return false;

         * If id is a string that's not an identifier, or if it's a negative
         * integer, then it must be quoted.
        if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id)
            ? !IsIdentifier(idstr)
            : (!JSID_IS_INT(id) || JSID_TO_INT(id) < 0))
            s = js_QuoteString(cx, idstr, jschar('\''));
            if (!s || !(idstr = s->ensureLinear(cx)))
                return false;

        for (int j = 0; j < valcnt; j++) {
             * Censor an accessor descriptor getter or setter part if it's
             * undefined.
            if (gsop[j] && val[j].isUndefined())

            /* Convert val[j] to its canonical source form. */
            RootedString valstr(cx, ValueToSource(cx, val[j]));
            if (!valstr)
                return false;
            const jschar *vchars = valstr->getChars(cx);
            if (!vchars)
                return false;
            size_t vlength = valstr->length();

             * Remove '(function ' from the beginning of valstr and ')' from the
             * end so that we can put "get" in front of the function definition.
            if (gsop[j] && IsFunctionObject(val[j])) {
                const jschar *start = vchars;
                const jschar *end = vchars + vlength;

                uint8_t parenChomp = 0;
                if (vchars[0] == '(') {
                    parenChomp = 1;

                /* Try to jump "function" keyword. */
                if (vchars)
                    vchars = js_strchr_limit(vchars, ' ', end);

                 * Jump over the function's name: it can't be encoded as part
                 * of an ECMA getter or setter.
                if (vchars)
                    vchars = js_strchr_limit(vchars, '(', end);

                if (vchars) {
                    if (*vchars == ' ')
                    vlength = end - vchars - parenChomp;
                } else {
                    vchars = start;

            if (comma && !buf.append(", "))
                return false;
            comma = true;

            if (gsop[j])
                if (!buf.append(gsop[j]) || !buf.append(' '))
                    return false;

            if (!buf.append(idstr))
                return false;
            if (!buf.append(gsop[j] ? ' ' : ':'))
                return false;

            if (!buf.append(vchars, vlength))
                return false;

    if (!buf.append('}'))
        return false;
    if (outermost && !buf.append(')'))
        return false;

    RawString str = buf.finishString();
    if (!str)
        return false;
    return true;
// ES7 0c1bd3004329336774cbc90de727cd0cf5f11e93 9.5.14 Proxy.[[Construct]]
ScriptedProxyHandler::construct(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proxy, const CallArgs& args) const
    // Steps 1-3.
    RootedObject handler(cx, ScriptedProxyHandler::handlerObject(proxy));
    if (!handler) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_PROXY_REVOKED);
        return false;

    // Step 4.
    RootedObject target(cx, proxy->as<ProxyObject>().target());

    // Step 5.
    RootedValue trap(cx);
    if (!GetProxyTrap(cx, handler, cx->names().construct, &trap))
        return false;

    // Step 6.
    if (trap.isUndefined()) {
        ConstructArgs cargs(cx);
        if (!FillArgumentsFromArraylike(cx, cargs, args))
            return false;

        RootedValue targetv(cx, ObjectValue(*target));
        RootedObject obj(cx);
        if (!Construct(cx, targetv, cargs, args.newTarget(), &obj))
            return false;

        return true;

    // Step 7.
    RootedObject argArray(cx, NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, args.length(), args.array()));
    if (!argArray)
        return false;

    // Steps 8, 10.
        FixedInvokeArgs<3> iargs(cx);


        RootedValue thisv(cx, ObjectValue(*handler));
        if (!Call(cx, trap, thisv, iargs, args.rval()))
            return false;

    // Step 9.
    if (!args.rval().isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_PROXY_CONSTRUCT_OBJECT);
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #16
static bool
WeakMap_construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    // ES6 draft rev 31 (15 Jan 2015) step 1.
    if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "WeakMap"))
        return false;

    RootedObject newTarget(cx, &args.newTarget().toObject());
    RootedObject obj(cx, CreateThis(cx, &WeakMapObject::class_, newTarget));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    // Steps 5-6, 11.
    if (!args.get(0).isNullOrUndefined()) {
        // Steps 7a-b.
        RootedValue adderVal(cx);
        if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, cx->names().set, &adderVal))
            return false;

        // Step 7c.
        if (!IsCallable(adderVal))
            return ReportIsNotFunction(cx, adderVal);

        bool isOriginalAdder = IsNativeFunction(adderVal, WeakMap_set);
        RootedValue mapVal(cx, ObjectValue(*obj));
        FastCallGuard fig(cx, adderVal);
        InvokeArgs& args2 = fig.args();

        // Steps 7d-e.
        JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
        if (!iter.init(args[0]))
            return false;

        RootedValue pairVal(cx);
        RootedObject pairObject(cx);
        RootedValue keyVal(cx);
        RootedObject keyObject(cx);
        RootedValue val(cx);
        RootedValue dummy(cx);
        while (true) {
            // Steps 12a-e.
            bool done;
            if (!iter.next(&pairVal, &done))
                return false;
            if (done)

            // Step 12f.
            if (!pairVal.isObject()) {
                JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                                     JSMSG_INVALID_MAP_ITERABLE, "WeakMap");
                return false;

            pairObject = &pairVal.toObject();
            if (!pairObject)
                return false;

            // Steps 12g-h.
            if (!GetElement(cx, pairObject, pairObject, 0, &keyVal))
                return false;

            // Steps 12i-j.
            if (!GetElement(cx, pairObject, pairObject, 1, &val))
                return false;

            // Steps 12k-l.
            if (isOriginalAdder) {
                if (keyVal.isPrimitive()) {
                    UniqueChars bytes =
                        DecompileValueGenerator(cx, JSDVG_SEARCH_STACK, keyVal, nullptr);
                    if (!bytes)
                        return false;
                    JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NOT_NONNULL_OBJECT, bytes.get());
                    return false;

                keyObject = &keyVal.toObject();
                if (!SetWeakMapEntry(cx, obj, keyObject, val))
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!args2.init(cx, 2))
                    return false;


                if (!fig.call(cx, adderVal, mapVal, &dummy))
                    return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #17
// Common code implementing direct and indirect eval.
// Evaluate call.argv[2], if it is a string, in the context of the given calling
// frame, with the provided scope chain, with the semantics of either a direct
// or indirect eval (see ES5 10.4.2).  If this is an indirect eval, scopeobj
// must be a global object.
// On success, store the completion value in call.rval and return true.
static bool
EvalKernel(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args, EvalType evalType, AbstractFramePtr caller,
           HandleObject scopeobj, jsbytecode *pc)
    JS_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !caller);
    JS_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !pc);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL, scopeobj->is<GlobalObject>());
    AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj);

    Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global());
    if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL);
        return false;

    // ES5 step 1.
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        return true;
    if (!args[0].isString()) {
        return true;
    RootedString str(cx, args[0].toString());

    // ES5 steps 2-8.

    // Per ES5, indirect eval runs in the global scope. (eval is specified this
    // way so that the compiler can make assumptions about what bindings may or
    // may not exist in the current frame if it doesn't see 'eval'.)
    unsigned staticLevel;
    RootedValue thisv(cx);
    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL) {
        JS_ASSERT_IF(caller.isStackFrame(), !caller.asStackFrame()->runningInJit());
        staticLevel = caller.script()->staticLevel() + 1;

        // Direct calls to eval are supposed to see the caller's |this|. If we
        // haven't wrapped that yet, do so now, before we make a copy of it for
        // the eval code to use.
        if (!ComputeThis(cx, caller))
            return false;
        thisv = caller.thisValue();
    } else {
        JS_ASSERT(args.callee().global() == *scopeobj);
        staticLevel = 0;

        // Use the global as 'this', modulo outerization.
        JSObject *thisobj = JSObject::thisObject(cx, scopeobj);
        if (!thisobj)
            return false;
        thisv = ObjectValue(*thisobj);

    Rooted<JSFlatString*> flatStr(cx, str->ensureFlat(cx));
    if (!flatStr)
        return false;

    size_t length = flatStr->length();
    ConstTwoByteChars chars(flatStr->chars(), length);

    RootedScript callerScript(cx, caller ? caller.script() : nullptr);
    EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, callerScript, chars, length, args.rval());
    if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON)
        return ejr == EvalJSON_Success;

    EvalScriptGuard esg(cx);

    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && caller.isNonEvalFunctionFrame())
        esg.lookupInEvalCache(flatStr, callerScript, pc);

    if (!esg.foundScript()) {
        JSScript *maybeScript;
        unsigned lineno;
        const char *filename;
        JSPrincipals *originPrincipals;
        uint32_t pcOffset;
        DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset,
                                             evalType == DIRECT_EVAL
                                             ? CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL
                                             : NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL);

        const char *introducerFilename = filename;
        if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename())
            introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename();

        CompileOptions options(cx);
        options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1)
               .setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset);
        JSScript *compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(),
                                                     scopeobj, callerScript, options,
                                                     chars.get(), length, flatStr, staticLevel);
        if (!compiled)
            return false;



    return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, thisv, ExecuteType(evalType),
                         NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, args.rval().address());
Beispiel #18
static bool
DynamicallyLinkModule(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, AsmJSModule& module)

    HandleValue globalVal = args.get(0);
    HandleValue importVal = args.get(1);
    HandleValue bufferVal = args.get(2);

    Rooted<ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared*> heap(cx);
    if (module.hasArrayView()) {
        if (module.isSharedView() && !IsSharedArrayBuffer(bufferVal))
            return LinkFail(cx, "shared views can only be constructed onto SharedArrayBuffer");
        if (!module.isSharedView() && !IsArrayBuffer(bufferVal))
            return LinkFail(cx, "unshared views can only be constructed onto ArrayBuffer");
        heap = &AsAnyArrayBuffer(bufferVal);
        if (!LinkModuleToHeap(cx, module, heap))
            return false;

    AutoObjectVector ffis(cx);
    if (!ffis.resize(module.numFFIs()))
        return false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module.numGlobals(); i++) {
        AsmJSModule::Global& global = module.global(i);
        switch (global.which()) {
          case AsmJSModule::Global::Variable:
            if (!ValidateGlobalVariable(cx, module, global, importVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::FFI:
            if (!ValidateFFI(cx, global, importVal, &ffis))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::ArrayView:
          case AsmJSModule::Global::SharedArrayView:
          case AsmJSModule::Global::ArrayViewCtor:
            if (!ValidateArrayView(cx, global, globalVal, module.hasArrayView() && module.isSharedView()))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::ByteLength:
            if (!ValidateByteLength(cx, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::MathBuiltinFunction:
            if (!ValidateMathBuiltinFunction(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::AtomicsBuiltinFunction:
            if (!ValidateAtomicsBuiltinFunction(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::Constant:
            if (!ValidateConstant(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::SimdCtor:
            if (!ValidateSimdType(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;
          case AsmJSModule::Global::SimdOperation:
            if (!ValidateSimdOperation(cx, global, globalVal))
                return false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module.numExits(); i++)
        module.exitIndexToGlobalDatum(i).fun = &ffis[module.exit(i).ffiIndex()]->as<JSFunction>();


    // See the comment in AllocateExecutableMemory.
    ExecutableAllocator::makeExecutable(module.codeBase(), module.codeBytes());

    return true;
// Common code implementing direct and indirect eval.
// Evaluate call.argv[2], if it is a string, in the context of the given calling
// frame, with the provided scope chain, with the semantics of either a direct
// or indirect eval (see ES5 10.4.2).  If this is an indirect eval, scopeobj
// must be a global object.
// On success, store the completion value in call.rval and return true.
static bool
EvalKernel(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args, EvalType evalType, StackFrame *caller,
           HandleObject scopeobj)
    JS_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == (caller == NULL));
    JS_ASSERT_IF(evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL, scopeobj->isGlobal());
    AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj);

    if (!scopeobj->global().isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx)) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL);
        return false;

    // ES5 step 1.
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        return true;
    if (!args[0].isString()) {
        return true;
    JSString *str = args[0].toString();

    // ES5 steps 2-8.

    // Per ES5, indirect eval runs in the global scope. (eval is specified this
    // way so that the compiler can make assumptions about what bindings may or
    // may not exist in the current frame if it doesn't see 'eval'.)
    unsigned staticLevel;
    RootedValue thisv(cx);
    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL) {
        staticLevel = caller->script()->staticLevel + 1;

        // Direct calls to eval are supposed to see the caller's |this|. If we
        // haven't wrapped that yet, do so now, before we make a copy of it for
        // the eval code to use.
        if (!ComputeThis(cx, caller))
            return false;
        thisv = caller->thisValue();
    } else {
        JS_ASSERT(args.callee().global() == *scopeobj);
        staticLevel = 0;

        // Use the global as 'this', modulo outerization.
        JSObject *thisobj = scopeobj->thisObject(cx);
        if (!thisobj)
            return false;
        thisv = ObjectValue(*thisobj);

    Rooted<JSLinearString*> linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
    if (!linearStr)
        return false;
    const jschar *chars = linearStr->chars();
    size_t length = linearStr->length();

    SkipRoot skip(cx, &chars);

    // If the eval string starts with '(' or '[' and ends with ')' or ']', it may be JSON.
    // Try the JSON parser first because it's much faster.  If the eval string
    // isn't JSON, JSON parsing will probably fail quickly, so little time
    // will be lost.
    // Don't use the JSON parser if the caller is strict mode code, because in
    // strict mode object literals must not have repeated properties, and the
    // JSON parser cheerfully (and correctly) accepts them.  If you're parsing
    // JSON with eval and using strict mode, you deserve to be slow.
    if (length > 2 &&
        ((chars[0] == '[' && chars[length - 1] == ']') ||
        (chars[0] == '(' && chars[length - 1] == ')')) &&
         (!caller || !caller->script()->strictModeCode))
        // Remarkably, JavaScript syntax is not a superset of JSON syntax:
        // strings in JavaScript cannot contain the Unicode line and paragraph
        // terminator characters U+2028 and U+2029, but strings in JSON can.
        // Rather than force the JSON parser to handle this quirk when used by
        // eval, we simply don't use the JSON parser when either character
        // appears in the provided string.  See bug 657367.
        for (const jschar *cp = &chars[1], *end = &chars[length - 2]; ; cp++) {
            if (*cp == 0x2028 || *cp == 0x2029)

            if (cp == end) {
                bool isArray = (chars[0] == '[');
                JSONParser parser(cx, isArray ? chars : chars + 1, isArray ? length : length - 2,
                                  JSONParser::StrictJSON, JSONParser::NoError);
                RootedValue tmp(cx);
                if (!parser.parse(&tmp))
                    return false;
                if (tmp.isUndefined())
                return true;

    EvalScriptGuard esg(cx);

    JSPrincipals *principals = PrincipalsForCompiledCode(args, cx);

    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && caller->isNonEvalFunctionFrame())
        esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, caller->fun(), staticLevel);

    if (!esg.foundScript()) {
        unsigned lineno;
        const char *filename;
        JSPrincipals *originPrincipals;
        CurrentScriptFileLineOrigin(cx, &filename, &lineno, &originPrincipals,
                                    evalType == DIRECT_EVAL ? CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL
                                                            : NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL);

        CompileOptions options(cx);
        options.setFileAndLine(filename, lineno)
        JSScript *compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, scopeobj, caller, options,
                                                     chars, length, linearStr,
        if (!compiled)
            return false;


    return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, thisv, ExecuteType(evalType),
                         NULL /* evalInFrame */, args.rval().address());
Beispiel #20
// This is the js::Native for functions exported by an asm.js module.
static bool
CallAsmJS(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    RootedFunction callee(cx, &callArgs.callee().as<JSFunction>());
    AsmJSModule& module = FunctionToEnclosingModule(callee);
    const AsmJSModule::ExportedFunction& func = FunctionToExportedFunction(callee, module);

    // The heap-changing function is a special-case and is implemented by C++.
    if (func.isChangeHeap())
        return ChangeHeap(cx, module, callArgs);

    // Enable/disable profiling in the asm.js module to match the current global
    // profiling state. Don't do this if the module is already active on the
    // stack since this would leave the module in a state where profiling is
    // enabled but the stack isn't unwindable.
    if (module.profilingEnabled() != cx->runtime()->spsProfiler.enabled() && !module.active())
        module.setProfilingEnabled(cx->runtime()->spsProfiler.enabled(), cx);

    // The calling convention for an external call into asm.js is to pass an
    // array of 16-byte values where each value contains either a coerced int32
    // (in the low word), a double value (in the low dword) or a SIMD vector
    // value, with the coercions specified by the asm.js signature. The
    // external entry point unpacks this array into the system-ABI-specified
    // registers and stack memory and then calls into the internal entry point.
    // The return value is stored in the first element of the array (which,
    // therefore, must have length >= 1).
    js::Vector<AsmJSModule::EntryArg, 8> coercedArgs(cx);
    if (!coercedArgs.resize(Max<size_t>(1, func.numArgs())))
        return false;

    RootedValue v(cx);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < func.numArgs(); ++i) {
        v = i < callArgs.length() ? callArgs[i] : UndefinedValue();
        switch (func.argCoercion(i)) {
          case AsmJS_ToInt32:
            if (!ToInt32(cx, v, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case AsmJS_ToNumber:
            if (!ToNumber(cx, v, (double*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case AsmJS_FRound:
            if (!RoundFloat32(cx, v, (float*)&coercedArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case AsmJS_ToInt32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Int32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&coercedArgs[i], simd.asInt32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case AsmJS_ToFloat32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Float32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&coercedArgs[i], simd.asFloat32x4(), Simd128DataSize);

    // The correct way to handle this situation would be to allocate a new range
    // of PROT_NONE memory and module.changeHeap to this memory. That would
    // cause every access to take the out-of-bounds signal-handler path which
    // does the right thing. For now, just throw an out-of-memory exception
    // since these can technically pop out anywhere and the full fix may
    // actually OOM when trying to allocate the PROT_NONE memory.
    if (module.hasDetachedHeap()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
        return false;

        // Push an AsmJSActivation to describe the asm.js frames we're about to
        // push when running this module. Additionally, push a JitActivation so
        // that the optimized asm.js-to-Ion FFI call path (which we want to be
        // very fast) can avoid doing so. The JitActivation is marked as
        // inactive so stack iteration will skip over it.
        // We needn't provide an entry script pointer; that's only used for
        // reporting entry points to performance-monitoring tools, and asm.js ->
        // Ion calls will never be entry points.
        AsmJSActivation activation(cx, module);
        JitActivation jitActivation(cx, /* entryScript */ nullptr, /* active */ false);

        // Call the per-exported-function trampoline created by GenerateEntry.
        AsmJSModule::CodePtr enter = module.entryTrampoline(func);
        if (!CALL_GENERATED_2(enter, coercedArgs.begin(), module.globalData()))
            return false;

    if (callArgs.isConstructing()) {
        // By spec, when a function is called as a constructor and this function
        // returns a primary type, which is the case for all asm.js exported
        // functions, the returned value is discarded and an empty object is
        // returned instead.
        PlainObject* obj = NewBuiltinClassInstance<PlainObject>(cx);
        if (!obj)
            return false;
        return true;

    JSObject* simdObj;
    switch (func.returnType()) {
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Void:
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Int32:
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Double:
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Int32x4:
        simdObj = CreateSimd<Int32x4>(cx, (int32_t*)&coercedArgs[0]);
        if (!simdObj)
            return false;
      case AsmJSModule::Return_Float32x4:
        simdObj = CreateSimd<Float32x4>(cx, (float*)&coercedArgs[0]);
        if (!simdObj)
            return false;

    return true;
js::ConvertArgsToArray(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args)
    RootedObject argsArray(cx, NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, args.length(), args.array()));
    return argsArray;
Beispiel #22
static bool
HandleDynamicLinkFailure(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, AsmJSModule& module,
                         HandlePropertyName name)
    if (cx->isExceptionPending())
        return false;

    // Source discarding is allowed to affect JS semantics because it is never
    // enabled for normal JS content.
    bool haveSource = module.scriptSource()->hasSourceData();
    if (!haveSource && !JSScript::loadSource(cx, module.scriptSource(), &haveSource))
        return false;
    if (!haveSource) {
        JS_ReportError(cx, "asm.js link failure with source discarding enabled");
        return false;

    uint32_t begin = module.srcBodyStart();  // starts right after 'use asm'
    uint32_t end = module.srcEndBeforeCurly();
    Rooted<JSFlatString*> src(cx, module.scriptSource()->substringDontDeflate(cx, begin, end));
    if (!src)
        return false;

    RootedFunction fun(cx, NewScriptedFunction(cx, 0, JSFunction::INTERPRETED_NORMAL,
                                               name, gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION,
    if (!fun)
        return false;

    Rooted<PropertyNameVector> formals(cx, PropertyNameVector(cx));
    if (!formals.reserve(3))
        return false;

    if (module.globalArgumentName())
    if (module.importArgumentName())
    if (module.bufferArgumentName())

    CompileOptions options(cx);

    // The exported function inherits an implicit strict context if the module
    // also inherited it somehow.
    if (module.strict())
        options.strictOption = true;

    AutoStableStringChars stableChars(cx);
    if (!stableChars.initTwoByte(cx, src))
        return false;

    const char16_t* chars = stableChars.twoByteRange().start().get();
    SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = stableChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller()
                                              ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership
                                              : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership;
    SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, end - begin, ownership);
    if (!frontend::CompileFunctionBody(cx, &fun, options, formals, srcBuf))
        return false;

    // Call the function we just recompiled.
    return Invoke(cx, args, args.isConstructing() ? CONSTRUCT : NO_CONSTRUCT);
Beispiel #23
SetObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Set"))
        return false;

    RootedObject proto(cx);
    RootedObject newTarget(cx, &args.newTarget().toObject());
    if (!GetPrototypeFromConstructor(cx, newTarget, &proto))
        return false;

    Rooted<SetObject*> obj(cx, SetObject::create(cx, proto));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    if (!args.get(0).isNullOrUndefined()) {
        RootedValue adderVal(cx);
        if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, cx->names().add, &adderVal))
            return false;

        if (!IsCallable(adderVal))
            return ReportIsNotFunction(cx, adderVal);

        bool isOriginalAdder = IsNativeFunction(adderVal, SetObject::add);
        RootedValue setVal(cx, ObjectValue(*obj));
        FastInvokeGuard fig(cx, adderVal);
        InvokeArgs& args2 = fig.args();

        RootedValue keyVal(cx);
        ForOfIterator iter(cx);
        if (!iter.init(args[0]))
            return false;
        Rooted<HashableValue> key(cx);
        ValueSet* set = obj->getData();
        while (true) {
            bool done;
            if (!iter.next(&keyVal, &done))
                return false;
            if (done)

            if (isOriginalAdder) {
                if (!key.setValue(cx, keyVal))
                    return false;
                if (!set->put(key)) {
                    return false;
                WriteBarrierPost(cx->runtime(), set, keyVal);
            } else {
                if (!args2.init(cx, 1))
                    return false;


                if (!fig.invoke(cx))
                    return false;

    return true;
 * Compile a new |RegExpShared| for the |RegExpObject|.
 * Per ECMAv5, we act on combinations of (pattern, flags) as
 * arguments:
 *  RegExp, undefined => flags := pattern.flags
 *  RegExp, _ => throw TypeError
 *  _ => pattern := ToString(pattern) if defined(pattern) else ''
 *       flags := ToString(flags) if defined(flags) else ''
static bool
CompileRegExpObject(JSContext *cx, RegExpObjectBuilder &builder, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() == 0) {
        RegExpStatics *res = cx->global()->getRegExpStatics();
        Rooted<JSAtom*> empty(cx, cx->runtime()->emptyString);
        RegExpObject *reobj = builder.build(empty, res->getFlags());
        if (!reobj)
            return false;
        return true;

    RootedValue sourceValue(cx, args[0]);

     * If we get passed in an object whose internal [[Class]] property is
     * "RegExp", return a new object with the same source/flags.
    if (IsObjectWithClass(sourceValue, ESClass_RegExp, cx)) {
         * Beware, sourceObj may be a (transparent) proxy to a RegExp, so only
         * use generic (proxyable) operations on sourceObj that do not assume
         * sourceObj.is<RegExpObject>().
        RootedObject sourceObj(cx, &sourceValue.toObject());

        if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NEWREGEXP_FLAGGED);
            return false;

         * Only extract the 'flags' out of sourceObj; do not reuse the
         * RegExpShared since it may be from a different compartment.
        RegExpFlag flags;
            RegExpGuard g(cx);
            if (!RegExpToShared(cx, sourceObj, &g))
                return false;

            flags = g->getFlags();

         * 'toSource' is a permanent read-only property, so this is equivalent
         * to executing RegExpObject::getSource on the unwrapped object.
        RootedValue v(cx);
        if (!JSObject::getProperty(cx, sourceObj, sourceObj, cx->names().source, &v))
            return false;

        Rooted<JSAtom*> sourceAtom(cx, &v.toString()->asAtom());
        RegExpObject *reobj = builder.build(sourceAtom, flags);
        if (!reobj)
            return false;

        return true;

    RootedAtom source(cx);
    if (sourceValue.isUndefined()) {
        source = cx->runtime()->emptyString;
    } else {
        /* Coerce to string and compile. */
        source = ToAtom<CanGC>(cx, sourceValue);
        if (!source)
            return false;

    RegExpFlag flags = RegExpFlag(0);
    if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
        RootedString flagStr(cx, ToString<CanGC>(cx, args[1]));
        if (!flagStr)
            return false;
        if (!ParseRegExpFlags(cx, flagStr, &flags))
            return false;

    RootedAtom escapedSourceStr(cx, EscapeNakedForwardSlashes(cx, source));
    if (!escapedSourceStr)
        return false;

    if (!js::RegExpShared::checkSyntax(cx, NULL, escapedSourceStr))
        return false;

    RegExpStatics *res = cx->global()->getRegExpStatics();
    RegExpObject *reobj = builder.build(escapedSourceStr, RegExpFlag(flags | res->getFlags()));
    if (!reobj)
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #25
MapObject::get_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args)
    RootedObject obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
    return get(cx, obj, args.get(0), args.rval());
Beispiel #26
static inline bool
UncachedInlineCall(VMFrame &f, InitialFrameFlags initial,
                   void **pret, bool *unjittable, uint32_t argc)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromSp(argc, f.regs.sp);
    RootedFunction newfun(cx, args.callee().toFunction());

    RootedScript newscript(cx, newfun->nonLazyScript());
    if (!newscript)
        return false;

    bool construct = InitialFrameFlagsAreConstructing(initial);

    RootedScript fscript(cx, f.script());
    bool newType = construct && cx->typeInferenceEnabled() &&
                   types::UseNewType(cx, fscript, f.pc());

    if (!types::TypeMonitorCall(cx, args, construct))
        return false;

    /* Try to compile if not already compiled. */
    if (ShouldJaegerCompileCallee(cx, f.script(), newscript, f.jit())) {
        CompileStatus status = CanMethodJIT(cx, newscript, newscript->code, construct,
                                            CompileRequest_JIT, f.fp());
        if (status == Compile_Error) {
            /* A runtime exception was thrown, get out. */
            return false;
        if (status == Compile_Abort)
            *unjittable = true;

     * Make sure we are not calling from an inline frame if we need to make a
     * call object for the callee, as doing so could trigger GC and cause
     * jitcode discarding / frame expansion.
    if (f.regs.inlined() && newfun->isHeavyweight()) {

     * Preserve f.regs.fp while pushing the new frame, for the invariant that
     * f.regs reflects the state when we entered the stub call. This handoff is
     * tricky: we need to make sure that f.regs is not updated to the new
     * frame, and we also need to ensure that cx->regs still points to f.regs
     * when space is reserved, in case doing so throws an exception.
    FrameRegs regs = f.regs;

    /* Get pointer to new frame/slots, prepare arguments. */
    if (!cx->stack.pushInlineFrame(cx, regs, args, newfun, newscript, initial, &f.stackLimit))
        return false;

    /* Finish the handoff to the new frame regs. */
    PreserveRegsGuard regsGuard(cx, regs);

     * If newscript was successfully compiled, run it. Skip for calls which
     * will be constructing a new type object for 'this'.
    if (!newType) {
        if (JITScript *jit = newscript->getJIT(regs.fp()->isConstructing(), cx->zone()->compileBarriers())) {
            if (jit->invokeEntry) {
                *pret = jit->invokeEntry;

                /* Restore the old fp around and let the JIT code repush the new fp. */
                regs.popFrame((Value *) regs.fp());
                return true;

     * Otherwise, run newscript in the interpreter. Expand any inlined frame we
     * are calling from, as the new frame is not associated with the VMFrame
     * and will not have its prevpc info updated if frame expansion is
     * triggered while interpreting.
    if (f.regs.inlined()) {
        regs.fp()->resetInlinePrev(f.fp(), f.regs.pc);

    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    bool ok = RunScript(cx, cx->fp());

    if (ok) {
        RootedScript fscript(cx, f.script());
        types::TypeScript::Monitor(f.cx, fscript, f.pc(), args.rval());

    *pret = NULL;
    return ok;
Beispiel #27
static bool
ModuleValueGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args)
    return true;
Beispiel #28
Instance::callExport(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcIndex, CallArgs args)
    if (!cx->compartment()->wasm.ensureProfilingState(cx))
        return false;

    const FuncExport& func = metadata().lookupFuncExport(funcIndex);

    // The calling convention for an external call into wasm is to pass an
    // array of 16-byte values where each value contains either a coerced int32
    // (in the low word), a double value (in the low dword) or a SIMD vector
    // value, with the coercions specified by the wasm signature. The external
    // entry point unpacks this array into the system-ABI-specified registers
    // and stack memory and then calls into the internal entry point. The return
    // value is stored in the first element of the array (which, therefore, must
    // have length >= 1).
    Vector<ExportArg, 8> exportArgs(cx);
    if (!exportArgs.resize(Max<size_t>(1, func.sig().args().length())))
        return false;

    RootedValue v(cx);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < func.sig().args().length(); ++i) {
        v = i < args.length() ? args[i] : UndefinedValue();
        switch (func.sig().arg(i)) {
          case ValType::I32:
            if (!ToInt32(cx, v, (int32_t*)&exportArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::I64:
            if (!JitOptions.wasmTestMode) {
                JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_I64);
                return false;
            if (!ReadI64Object(cx, v, (int64_t*)&exportArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::F32:
            if (JitOptions.wasmTestMode && v.isObject()) {
                if (!ReadCustomFloat32NaNObject(cx, v, (float*)&exportArgs[i]))
                    return false;
            if (!RoundFloat32(cx, v, (float*)&exportArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::F64:
            if (JitOptions.wasmTestMode && v.isObject()) {
                if (!ReadCustomDoubleNaNObject(cx, v, (double*)&exportArgs[i]))
                    return false;
            if (!ToNumber(cx, v, (double*)&exportArgs[i]))
                return false;
          case ValType::I8x16: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Int8x16>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt8x16(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::I16x8: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Int16x8>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt16x8(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::I32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Int32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::F32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Float32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asFloat32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::B8x16: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Bool8x16>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            // Bool8x16 uses the same representation as Int8x16.
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt8x16(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::B16x8: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Bool16x8>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            // Bool16x8 uses the same representation as Int16x8.
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt16x8(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::B32x4: {
            SimdConstant simd;
            if (!ToSimdConstant<Bool32x4>(cx, v, &simd))
                return false;
            // Bool32x4 uses the same representation as Int32x4.
            memcpy(&exportArgs[i], simd.asInt32x4(), Simd128DataSize);
          case ValType::Limit:

        // Push a WasmActivation to describe the wasm frames we're about to push
        // when running this module. Additionally, push a JitActivation so that
        // the optimized wasm-to-Ion FFI call path (which we want to be very
        // fast) can avoid doing so. The JitActivation is marked as inactive so
        // stack iteration will skip over it.
        WasmActivation activation(cx);
        JitActivation jitActivation(cx, /* active */ false);

        // Call the per-exported-function trampoline created by GenerateEntry.
        auto funcPtr = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(ExportFuncPtr, codeBase() + func.entryOffset());
        if (!CALL_GENERATED_2(funcPtr, exportArgs.begin(), &tlsData_))
            return false;

    if (args.isConstructing()) {
        // By spec, when a function is called as a constructor and this function
        // returns a primary type, which is the case for all wasm exported
        // functions, the returned value is discarded and an empty object is
        // returned instead.
        PlainObject* obj = NewBuiltinClassInstance<PlainObject>(cx);
        if (!obj)
            return false;
        return true;

    void* retAddr = &exportArgs[0];
    JSObject* retObj = nullptr;
    switch (func.sig().ret()) {
      case ExprType::Void:
      case ExprType::I32:
      case ExprType::I64:
        if (!JitOptions.wasmTestMode) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_I64);
            return false;
        retObj = CreateI64Object(cx, *(int64_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::F32:
        if (JitOptions.wasmTestMode && IsNaN(*(float*)retAddr)) {
            retObj = CreateCustomNaNObject(cx, (float*)retAddr);
            if (!retObj)
                return false;
      case ExprType::F64:
        if (JitOptions.wasmTestMode && IsNaN(*(double*)retAddr)) {
            retObj = CreateCustomNaNObject(cx, (double*)retAddr);
            if (!retObj)
                return false;
      case ExprType::I8x16:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Int8x16>(cx, (int8_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::I16x8:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Int16x8>(cx, (int16_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::I32x4:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Int32x4>(cx, (int32_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::F32x4:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Float32x4>(cx, (float*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::B8x16:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Bool8x16>(cx, (int8_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::B16x8:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Bool16x8>(cx, (int16_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::B32x4:
        retObj = CreateSimd<Bool32x4>(cx, (int32_t*)retAddr);
        if (!retObj)
            return false;
      case ExprType::Limit:

    if (retObj)

    return true;
static bool
CountHeap(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    RootedValue startValue(cx, UndefinedValue());
    if (args.length() > 0) {
        jsval v = args[0];
        if (JSVAL_IS_TRACEABLE(v)) {
            startValue = v;
        } else if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(v)) {
                           "the first argument is not null or a heap-allocated "
            return false;

    RootedValue traceValue(cx);
    int32_t traceKind = -1;
    void *traceThing = nullptr;
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        JSString *str = ToString(cx, args[1]);
        if (!str)
            return false;
        JSFlatString *flatStr = JS_FlattenString(cx, str);
        if (!flatStr)
            return false;
        if (JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(flatStr, "specific")) {
            if (args.length() < 3) {
                JS_ReportError(cx, "tracing of specific value requested "
                               "but no value provided");
                return false;
            traceValue = args[2];
            if (!JSVAL_IS_TRACEABLE(traceValue)){
                JS_ReportError(cx, "cannot trace this kind of value");
                return false;
            traceThing = JSVAL_TO_TRACEABLE(traceValue);
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; ;) {
                if (JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(flatStr, traceKindNames[i].name)) {
                    traceKind = traceKindNames[i].kind;
                if (++i == ArrayLength(traceKindNames)) {
                    JSAutoByteString bytes(cx, str);
                    if (!!bytes)
                        JS_ReportError(cx, "trace kind name '%s' is unknown", bytes.ptr());
                    return false;

    JSCountHeapTracer countTracer;
    JS_TracerInit(&countTracer.base, JS_GetRuntime(cx), CountHeapNotify);
    if (!countTracer.visited.init()) {
        return false;
    countTracer.ok = true;
    countTracer.traceList = nullptr;
    countTracer.recycleList = nullptr;

    if (startValue.isUndefined()) {
    } else {
        JS_CallValueTracer(&countTracer.base, startValue.address(), "root");

    JSCountHeapNode *node;
    size_t counter = 0;
    while ((node = countTracer.traceList) != nullptr) {
        if (traceThing == nullptr) {
            // We are looking for all nodes with a specific kind
            if (traceKind == -1 || node->kind == traceKind)
        } else {
            // We are looking for some specific thing
            if (node->thing == traceThing)
        countTracer.traceList = node->next;
        node->next = countTracer.recycleList;
        countTracer.recycleList = node;
        JS_TraceChildren(&countTracer.base, node->thing, node->kind);
    while ((node = countTracer.recycleList) != nullptr) {
        countTracer.recycleList = node->next;
    if (!countTracer.ok) {
        return false;

    *vp = JS_NumberValue((double) counter);
    return true;
Beispiel #30
WrapperOwner::callOrConstruct(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proxy, const CallArgs& args,
                              bool construct)
    ObjectId objId = idOf(proxy);

    InfallibleTArray<JSParam> vals;
    AutoValueVector outobjects(cx);

    RootedValue v(cx);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.length() + 2; i++) {
        // The |this| value for constructors is a magic value that we won't be
        // able to convert, so skip it.
        if (i == 1 && construct)
            v = UndefinedValue();
            v = args.base()[i];
        if (v.isObject()) {
            RootedObject obj(cx, &v.toObject());
            if (xpc::IsOutObject(cx, obj)) {
                // Make sure it is not an in-out object.
                bool found;
                if (!JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "value", &found))
                    return false;
                if (found) {
                    JS_ReportError(cx, "in-out objects cannot be sent via CPOWs yet");
                    return false;

                if (!outobjects.append(ObjectValue(*obj)))
                    return false;
        JSVariant val;
        if (!toVariant(cx, v, &val))
            return false;

    JSVariant result;
    ReturnStatus status;
    InfallibleTArray<JSParam> outparams;
    if (!SendCallOrConstruct(objId, vals, construct, &status, &result, &outparams))
        return ipcfail(cx);


    if (!ok(cx, status))
        return false;

    if (outparams.Length() != outobjects.length())
        return ipcfail(cx);

    RootedObject obj(cx);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < outparams.Length(); i++) {
        // Don't bother doing anything for outparams that weren't set.
        if (outparams[i].type() == JSParam::Tvoid_t)

        // Take the value the child process returned, and set it on the XPC
        // object.
        if (!fromVariant(cx, outparams[i], &v))
            return false;

        obj = &outobjects[i].toObject();
        if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "value", v))
            return false;

    if (!fromVariant(cx, result, args.rval()))
        return false;

    return true;