void test_enter_method() {
    Symbol* meth = state->symbol("meth");

    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    cm->name(state, meth);

    profiler::Profiler* prof = state->profiler();

    Dispatch dis(meth, G(object), cm);
    Arguments args;

    profiler::MethodEntry* me1 = new profiler::MethodEntry(state, dis, args, cm);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prof->methods_.size(), 1U);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(me1->method_, prof->methods_.find(me1->method_->id())->second);

    dis.module = G(object)->metaclass(state);
    profiler::MethodEntry* me2 = new profiler::MethodEntry(state, dis, args);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prof->methods_.size(), 2U);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(me2->method_, prof->methods_.find(me2->method_->id())->second);

    delete me1;
    delete me2;
Beispiel #2
  void LLVMState::compile_callframe(STATE, CompiledMethod* start, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                    int primitive) {
    if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
      if(start) {
        log() << "JIT: target search from "
          << symbol_cstr(start->name()) << "\n";
      } else {
        log() << "JIT: target search from primitive\n";

    CompiledMethod* candidate = find_candidate(start, call_frame);
    if(!candidate) {
      if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
        log() << "JIT: unable to find candidate\n";


    if(candidate->backend_method()->call_count < 0) {
      if(!start) return;
      // Ignore it. compile this one.
      candidate = start;

    compile_soon(state, candidate);
  void test_enter_block() {
    Symbol* meth = state->symbol("meth");
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    cm->name(state, meth);

    Symbol* name = state->symbol("ModName");
    Module* mod = Module::create(state);
    mod->name(state, name);

    profiler::Profiler* prof = state->profiler();

    profiler::MethodEntry* me1 = new profiler::MethodEntry(state, meth, mod, cm);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prof->methods_.size(), 1U);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(me1->method_, prof->methods_.find(me1->method_->id())->second);

    mod = G(object)->metaclass(state);
    profiler::MethodEntry* me2 = new profiler::MethodEntry(state, meth, mod, cm);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prof->methods_.size(), 2U);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(me2->method_, prof->methods_.find(me2->method_->id())->second);

    delete me1;
    delete me2;
Beispiel #4
  void test_specialize_transforms_ivars_to_slots() {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::from(state, 1, state->symbol("@blah"));
    cm->literals(state, tup);

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, 3);
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 1, Fixnum::from(0));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 2, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_nil));

    cm->iseq(state, iseq);

    VMMethod* vmm = new VMMethod(state, cm);

    Object::Info ti(ObjectType);
    ti.slots[state->symbol("@blah")->index()] = 5;
    ti.slot_locations[5] = 33;
    vmm->specialize(state, cm, &ti);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->total, 3U);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[0], static_cast<unsigned int>(InstructionSequence::insn_push_my_offset));
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[1], 33U);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[2], static_cast<unsigned int>(InstructionSequence::insn_push_nil));
Beispiel #5
  void Compiler::compile_method(LLVMState* ls, BackgroundCompileRequest* req) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = req->method();

    if(ls->config().jit_inline_debug) {
      struct timeval tv;
      gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

      ls->log() << "JIT: compiling "
        << ls->enclosure_name(cm)
        << "#"
        << ls->symbol_debug_str(cm->name())
        << " (" << tv.tv_sec << "." << tv.tv_usec << ")\n";

    JITMethodInfo info(ctx_, cm, cm->backend_method());
    info.is_block = false;

    if(Class* cls = req->receiver_class()) {


    jit::MethodBuilder work(ls, info);

    compile_builder(ctx_, ls, info, work);
Beispiel #6
  void CompiledMethod::Info::visit(Object* obj, ObjectVisitor& visit) {
    auto_visit(obj, visit);

    visit_inliners(obj, visit);

    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(obj);
    if(!cm->backend_method_) return;

    VMMethod* vmm = cm->backend_method_;

    if(cm->jit_data()) {

    for(int i = 0; i < VMMethod::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      if(vmm->specializations[i].jit_data) {

    for(size_t i = 0; i < vmm->inline_cache_count(); i++) {
      InlineCache* cache = &vmm->caches[i];

      MethodCacheEntry* mce = cache->cache_;
      if(mce) visit.call(mce);

      for(int i = 0; i < cTrackedICHits; i++) {
        Module* mod = cache->seen_classes_[i].klass();
        if(mod) visit.call(mod);
Beispiel #7
  void test_set_breakpoint_flags() {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::from(state, 1, state->symbol("@blah"));
    cm->literals(state, tup);

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, 3);
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 1, Fixnum::from(0));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 2, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_nil));

    cm->iseq(state, iseq);

    VMMethod* vmm = new VMMethod(state, cm);

    vmm->set_breakpoint_flags(state, 0, 1 << 24);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[0], (1U << 24) | static_cast<unsigned int>(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));

    vmm->set_breakpoint_flags(state, 0, 7 << 24);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[0], (7U << 24) | static_cast<unsigned int>(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));

    vmm->set_breakpoint_flags(state, 0, 0);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[0], static_cast<unsigned int>(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));

    vmm->set_breakpoint_flags(state, 1, 1);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[1], 0U);
Beispiel #8
  void CompiledMethod::Info::mark(Object* obj, ObjectMark& mark) {
    auto_mark(obj, mark);

    mark_inliners(obj, mark);

    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(obj);
    if(!cm->backend_method_) return;

    VMMethod* vmm = cm->backend_method_;

    Object* tmp;

    if(cm->jit_data()) {
      cm->jit_data()->mark_all(cm, mark);

    for(int i = 0; i < VMMethod::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      if(vmm->specializations[i].jit_data) {
        vmm->specializations[i].jit_data->mark_all(cm, mark);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < vmm->inline_cache_count(); i++) {
      InlineCache* cache = &vmm->caches[i];

      MethodCacheEntry* mce = cache->cache_;
      if(mce) {
        tmp = mark.call(mce);
        if(tmp) {
          cache->cache_ = (MethodCacheEntry*)tmp;
          mark.just_set(obj, tmp);

      if(cache->call_unit_) {
        tmp = mark.call(cache->call_unit_);
        if(tmp) {
          cache->call_unit_ = (CallUnit*)tmp;
          mark.just_set(obj, tmp);

      for(int i = 0; i < cTrackedICHits; i++) {
        Module* mod = cache->seen_classes_[i].klass();
        if(mod) {
          tmp = mark.call(mod);
          if(tmp) {
            mark.just_set(obj, tmp);
Beispiel #9
  Object* CompiledMethod::specialized_executor(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                          Executable* exec, Module* mod, Arguments& args)
    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(exec);

    Class* cls = args.recv()->class_object(state);
    int id = cls->class_id();

    VMMethod* v = cm->backend_method();

    executor target = v->unspecialized;

    for(int i = 0; i < VMMethod::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      int c_id = v->specializations[i].class_id;
      executor x = v->specializations[i].execute;

      if(c_id == id && x != 0) {
        target = x;

    // This is a bug. We should not have this setup if there are no
    // specializations. FIX THIS BUG!
    if(!target) target = v->fallback;

    return target(state, call_frame, exec, mod, args);
Beispiel #10
  /* This is the execute implementation used by normal Ruby code,
   * as opposed to Primitives or FFI functions.
   * It prepares a Ruby method for execution.
   * Here, +exec+ is a VMMethod instance accessed via the +vmm+ slot on
   * CompiledMethod.
  ExecuteStatus VMMethod::execute(STATE, Task* task, Message& msg) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(msg.method);

    MethodContext* ctx = MethodContext::create(state, msg.recv, cm);

    VMMethod* vmm = cm->backend_method_;

    // Copy in things we all need.
    ctx->module(state, msg.module);
    ctx->name(state, msg.name);

    ctx->block(state, msg.block);
    ctx->args = msg.args();

    // If argument handling fails..
    GenericArguments args;
    if(args.call(state, vmm, ctx, msg) == false) {
      // Clear the values from the caller

      // TODO we've got full control here, we should just raise the exception
      // in the runtime here rather than throwing a C++ exception and raising
      // it later.

      Exception::argument_error(state, vmm->required_args, msg.args());
      // never reached!

#if 0
    if(!probe_->nil_p()) {
      probe_->start_method(this, msg);

    // Clear the values from the caller


    if(unlikely(task->profiler)) {
      profiler::Method* prof_meth;
      if(MetaClass* mc = try_as<MetaClass>(msg.module)) {
        Object* attached = mc->attached_instance();
        if(Module* mod = try_as<Module>(attached)) {
          prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, mod->name(), profiler::kNormal);
        } else {
          prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, attached->id(state), profiler::kNormal);
      } else {
        prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, msg.module->name(), profiler::kSingleton);

      if(!prof_meth->file()) {
        prof_meth->set_position(cm->file(), cm->start_line(state));

    return cExecuteRestart;
Beispiel #11
    Symbol* original_name() {
      if(multiple_scopes_p()) {
        if(block_as_method_p()) return cm->name();
        return top_scope_->method()->name();

      return cm->name();
Beispiel #12
  CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::create(STATE) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = state->new_object<CompiledMethod>(G(cmethod));
    cm->local_count(state, Fixnum::from(0));
    cm->backend_method_ = NULL;

    return cm;
Beispiel #13
 Object* CompiledMethod::default_executor(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, Dispatch& msg,
                                          Arguments& args) {
   CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(msg.method);
   cm->formalize(state, false);
   // Refactor
   return cm->execute(state, call_frame, msg, args);
Beispiel #14
int CompiledRFrame::cost() const {
  CompiledMethod* nm = top_method()->code();
  if (nm != NULL) {
    return nm->insts_size();
  } else {
    return top_method()->code_size();
Beispiel #15
  r_mint Env::method_id(rmethod meth) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = i(meth);

    if(VMMethod* vmm = cm->backend_method()) {
      return (vmm->method_id() << 1) | 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #16
  CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::dup_cm(STATE) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    cm->copy_object(state, this);

    cm->jit_data_ = NULL;
    cm->backend_method_ = NULL;

    return cm;
Beispiel #17
frame::frame(intptr_t* sp, intptr_t* younger_sp, bool younger_frame_is_interpreted) :
  _sp_adjustment_by_callee(0) {
  if (younger_sp == NULL) {
    // make a deficient frame which doesn't know where its PC is
    _pc = NULL;
    _cb = NULL;
  } else {
    _pc = (address)younger_sp[I7->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] + pc_return_offset;
    assert( (intptr_t*)younger_sp[FP->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] == (intptr_t*)((intptr_t)sp - STACK_BIAS), "younger_sp must be valid");
    // Any frame we ever build should always "safe" therefore we should not have to call
    // find_blob_unsafe
    // In case of native stubs, the pc retrieved here might be
    // wrong.  (the _last_native_pc will have the right value)
    // So do not put add any asserts on the _pc here.

  if (_pc != NULL)
    _cb = CodeCache::find_blob(_pc);

  // Check for MethodHandle call sites.
  if (_cb != NULL) {
    CompiledMethod* nm = _cb->as_compiled_method_or_null();
    if (nm != NULL) {
      if (nm->is_deopt_mh_entry(_pc) || nm->is_method_handle_return(_pc)) {
        _sp_adjustment_by_callee = (intptr_t*) ((intptr_t) sp[L7_mh_SP_save->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] + STACK_BIAS) - sp;
        // The SP is already adjusted by this MH call site, don't
        // overwrite this value with the wrong interpreter value.
        younger_frame_is_interpreted = false;

  if (younger_frame_is_interpreted) {
    // compute adjustment to this frame's SP made by its interpreted callee
    _sp_adjustment_by_callee = (intptr_t*) ((intptr_t) younger_sp[I5_savedSP->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] + STACK_BIAS) - sp;

  // It is important that the frame is fully constructed when we do
  // this lookup as get_deopt_original_pc() needs a correct value for
  // unextended_sp() which uses _sp_adjustment_by_callee.
  if (_pc != NULL) {
    address original_pc = CompiledMethod::get_deopt_original_pc(this);
    if (original_pc != NULL) {
      _pc = original_pc;
      _deopt_state = is_deoptimized;
    } else {
      _deopt_state = not_deoptimized;
Beispiel #18
  Object* rbx_create_block(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, int index) {
    Object* _lit = call_frame->cm->literals()->at(state, index);
    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(_lit);

    // TODO: We don't need to be doing this everytime.
    if(cm->scope()->nil_p()) {
      cm->scope(state, call_frame->static_scope());

    VMMethod* vmm = call_frame->cm->backend_method();
    return BlockEnvironment::under_call_frame(state, cm, vmm,
                                              call_frame, index);
Beispiel #19
  CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::create(STATE) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = state->new_object<CompiledMethod>(G(cmethod));
    cm->local_count(state, Fixnum::from(0));
    cm->backend_method_ = NULL;
    cm->inliners_ = NULL;
    cm->prim_index_ = -1;

    cm->jit_data_ = NULL;

    return cm;
Beispiel #20
  void test_create() {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::from(state, 1, state->symbol("blah"));
    cm->literals(state, tup);

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, 1);
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(0));

    cm->iseq(state, iseq);

    VMMethod* vmm = new VMMethod(state, cm);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->total, 1U);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->opcodes[0], 0U);
Beispiel #21
  Object* CompiledMethod::default_executor(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, Dispatch& msg,
                                           Arguments& args) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(msg.method);
    const char* reason = 0;
    int ip = -1;

    if(!cm->internalize(state, &reason, &ip)) {
      Exception::bytecode_error(state, call_frame, cm, ip, reason);
      return 0;

    // Refactor
    return cm->execute(state, call_frame, msg, args);
Beispiel #22
  CallFrame* LLVMState::find_candidate(CompiledMethod* start, CallFrame* call_frame) {
    if(!config_.jit_inline_generic) {
      return call_frame;

    int depth = cInlineMaxDepth;

    if(!start) {
      start = call_frame->cm;
      call_frame = call_frame->previous;

    if(!call_frame || start->backend_method()->total > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) {
      return call_frame;

    CallFrame* caller = call_frame;

    while(depth-- > 0) {
      CompiledMethod* cur = call_frame->cm;
      VMMethod* vmm = cur->backend_method();

          || vmm->required_args != vmm->total_args // has a splat
          || vmm->call_count < 200 // not called much
          || vmm->jitted() // already jitted
          || vmm->parent() // is a block
        ) return caller;

      if(vmm->required_args != vmm->total_args // has a splat
          || vmm->call_count < 200 // not called much
          || vmm->jitted() // already jitted
          || !vmm->no_inline_p() // method marked as not inlinable
        ) return caller;

      CallFrame* next = call_frame->previous;

      if(!next|| cur->backend_method()->total > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) return call_frame;

      caller = call_frame;
      call_frame = next;

    return caller;
Beispiel #23
FREObject FlashRuby_eval(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[])
  uint32_t length = 0;
  const uint8_t* fl_str = NULL;
  FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &length, &fl_str);
  InterpreterCallFrame* frame = ALLOCA_CALLFRAME(0);
  frame->previous = NULL;
  frame->dispatch_data = NULL;
  frame->flags = 0;
  CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
  cm->metadata(state, state->symbol("__script__"));
  cm->name(state, state->symbol("__script__"));
  frame->cm = cm;
  StackVariables* scope = ALLOCA_STACKVARIABLES(0);
  scope->initialize(G(main), cNil, G(object), 0);
  scope->on_heap_ = VariableScope::synthesize(state, cm, G(object), cNil, G(main), cNil, state->new_object<Tuple>(G(tuple)));
  frame->scope = scope;
  Arguments* arguments = new Arguments(state->symbol("script"), G(main), cNil, 0, 0);
  frame->arguments = arguments;
  String* str = String::create(state, (const char*)fl_str);
  Array* eval_args = Array::create(state, 1);
  eval_args->append(state, str);
  Object* result_obj = G(main)->send(state, frame, state->symbol("instance_eval"), eval_args);
  const char* result_c_str = result_obj->to_s(state)->c_str_null_safe(state);

  FREObject result_str;
  FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen(result_c_str), (const uint8_t*)result_c_str, &result_str);
  return result_str;
Beispiel #24
  void test_validate_ip() {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::from(state, 1, state->symbol("@blah"));
    cm->literals(state, tup);

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, 3);
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 1, Fixnum::from(0));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 2, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_nil));

    cm->iseq(state, iseq);

    VMMethod* vmm = new VMMethod(state, cm);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->validate_ip(state, 0), true);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->validate_ip(state, 1), false);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->validate_ip(state, 2), true);
Beispiel #25
  VMMethod* CompiledMethod::internalize(STATE, GCToken gct,
                                        const char** reason, int* ip)
    VMMethod* vmm = backend_method_;


    if(vmm) return vmm;

    CompiledMethod* self = this;
    OnStack<1> os(state, self);

    self->hard_lock(state, gct);

    vmm = self->backend_method_;
    if(!vmm) {
        BytecodeVerification bv(self);
        if(!bv.verify(state)) {
          if(reason) *reason = bv.failure_reason();
          if(ip) *ip = bv.failure_ip();
          std::cerr << "Error validating bytecode: " << bv.failure_reason() << "\n";
          return 0;

      vmm = new VMMethod(state, self);

      if(self->resolve_primitive(state)) {
        vmm->fallback = execute;
      } else {

      // We need to have an explicit memory barrier here, because we need to
      // be sure that vmm is completely initialized before it's set.
      // Otherwise another thread might see a partially initialized
      // VMMethod.
      backend_method_ = vmm;

    self->hard_unlock(state, gct);
    return vmm;
Beispiel #26
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* compiledVFrame::monitors() const {
  // Natives has no scope
  if (scope() == NULL) {
    CompiledMethod* nm = code();
    Method* method = nm->method();
    assert(method->is_native() || nm->is_aot(), "Expect a native method or precompiled method");
    if (!method->is_synchronized()) {
      return new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(0);
    // This monitor is really only needed for UseBiasedLocking, but
    // return it in all cases for now as it might be useful for stack
    // traces and tools as well
    GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*> *monitors = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(1);
    // Casting away const
    frame& fr = (frame&) _fr;
    MonitorInfo* info = new MonitorInfo(
        fr.get_native_receiver(), fr.get_native_monitor(), false, false);
    return monitors;
  GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors = scope()->monitors();
  if (monitors == NULL) {
    return new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(0);
  GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* result = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(monitors->length());
  for (int index = 0; index < monitors->length(); index++) {
    MonitorValue* mv = monitors->at(index);
    ScopeValue*   ov = mv->owner();
    StackValue *owner_sv = create_stack_value(ov); // it is an oop
    if (ov->is_object() && owner_sv->obj_is_scalar_replaced()) { // The owner object was scalar replaced
      assert(mv->eliminated(), "monitor should be eliminated for scalar replaced object");
      // Put klass for scalar replaced object.
      ScopeValue* kv = ((ObjectValue *)ov)->klass();
      assert(kv->is_constant_oop(), "klass should be oop constant for scalar replaced object");
      Handle k(((ConstantOopReadValue*)kv)->value()());
      assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(k()), "must be");
      result->push(new MonitorInfo(k(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
                                   mv->eliminated(), true));
    } else {
      result->push(new MonitorInfo(owner_sv->get_obj()(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
                                   mv->eliminated(), false));
  return result;
Beispiel #27
  void test_get_breakpoint_flags() {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::from(state, 1, state->symbol("@blah"));
    cm->literals(state, tup);

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, 3);
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_push_ivar));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 1, Fixnum::from(0));
    iseq->opcodes()->put(state, 2, Fixnum::from(4 << 24 | InstructionSequence::insn_push_nil));

    cm->iseq(state, iseq);

    VMMethod* vmm = new VMMethod(state, cm);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->get_breakpoint_flags(state, 0), 0U);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->get_breakpoint_flags(state, 2), (4U << 24));
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vmm->get_breakpoint_flags(state, 1), 0U);
Beispiel #28
  CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::generate_tramp(STATE, size_t stack_size) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = CompiledMethod::create(state);

    cm->stack_size(state, Fixnum::from(stack_size));
    cm->required_args(state, Fixnum::from(0));
    cm->total_args(state, cm->required_args());
    cm->name(state, state->symbol("__halt__"));

    cm->iseq(state, InstructionSequence::create(state, 1));
    cm->iseq()->opcodes()->put(state, 0, Fixnum::from(InstructionSequence::insn_halt));

    StaticScope* ss = StaticScope::create(state);
    ss->module(state, G(object));
    cm->scope(state, ss);

    cm->formalize(state, false);

    return cm;
void CompiledMethodDesc::update_relative_offsets(int delta) {
  // Create a fake handle (only used during GC).
  // Note that this temporary handle will not be visited by GC.
  CompiledMethodDesc* cm_desc = this;
  CompiledMethod* cm = (CompiledMethod*) &cm_desc;
  // Iterate over all relative offsets to static code in generated code
  for (RelocationReader stream(cm); !stream.at_end(); stream.advance()) {
    if (stream.is_compiler_stub()) {
      // Relocate relative jump/call to static code.
      int* offset = (int*)(cm->entry() + stream.code_offset());
#ifdef AZZERT
      OopDesc* target =
          (OopDesc*)(*offset + (stream.code_offset() + (int)cm->entry()));
      GUARANTEE(!ObjectHeap::contains_moveable(target), "Insanity check");
      *offset = *offset - delta;
Beispiel #30
  ExecuteStatus CompiledMethod::activate(STATE, Executable* exec, Task* task, Message& msg) {
    CompiledMethod* meth = as<CompiledMethod>(msg.recv);
    Object* recv = msg.get_argument(0);
    Module* mod  = as<Module>(msg.get_argument(1));
    Array*  args = as<Array>(msg.get_argument(2));
    // Leave msg.block set and pass it through.

    msg.recv = recv;
    msg.method = meth;
    msg.module = mod;
    msg.set_arguments(state, args);
    msg.name = meth->name();
    msg.priv = true;
    msg.method_missing = false;

    // NOTE even when we're activating a method_missing, we don't
    // push the name given, because there really isn't one. So if
    // this is used to call a method_missing, you have to supply all
    // the args.
    return meth->execute(state, task, msg);