// class Decimal
TEST( Decimal01, Decimals )
    Decimal d;
    DecimalType expected = 0;
    DecimalType actual = d.getValue();
    CHECK_DOUBLES_EQUAL( expected, actual, kThreshold )
Beispiel #2
void Decimal::co_normalize(Decimal& x, Decimal& y)
    if (x.m_places == y.m_places)
        // do nothing
    else if (x.m_places < y.m_places)
        if (x.rescale(y.m_places) != 0)
            (   DecimalRangeException,
                "Unsafe attempt to set fractional precision in course "
                "of co-normalization attempt."
        JEWEL_ASSERT (y.m_places < x.m_places);
        if (y.rescale(x.m_places) != 0)
            (   DecimalRangeException,
                "Unsafe attempt to set fractional precision in course "
                "of co-normalization attempt."
Beispiel #3
	bool operator >= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
		if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
			return !a.is_neg || (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero());
		else if (!a.is_neg) {
			// a, b >= 0
			if (a.integer != b.integer) {
				return a.integer > b.integer;
			for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
				if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
					return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
			return true;
		else {
			// a, b <= 0
			if (a.integer != b.integer) {
				return a.integer < b.integer;
			for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
				if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
					return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
			return true;
Beispiel #4
ImplField::setDecimalValue(Decimal value)
  type_ = ValueType::DECIMAL;
  signedInteger_ = value.getMantissa();
  exponent_ = value.getExponent();
void SliderThumbElement::setPositionFromPoint(const LayoutPoint& absolutePoint)
    RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input = hostInput();
    if (!input || !input->renderer() || !renderBox())

    HTMLElement* trackElement = input->sliderTrackElement();
    if (!trackElement->renderBox())

    // Do all the tracking math relative to the input's renderer's box.
    RenderBox& inputRenderer = downcast<RenderBox>(*input->renderer());
    RenderBox& trackRenderer = *trackElement->renderBox();

    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input.get());
    bool isLeftToRightDirection = renderBox()->style().isLeftToRightDirection();
    LayoutPoint offset(inputRenderer.absoluteToLocal(absolutePoint, UseTransforms));
    FloatRect trackBoundingBox = trackRenderer.localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(0, 0, trackRenderer.width(), trackRenderer.height()), &inputRenderer).enclosingBoundingBox();

    LayoutUnit trackLength;
    LayoutUnit position;
    if (isVertical) {
        trackLength = trackRenderer.contentHeight() - renderBox()->height();
        position = offset.y() - renderBox()->height() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.y() - renderBox()->marginBottom();
    } else {
        trackLength = trackRenderer.contentWidth() - renderBox()->width();
        position = offset.x() - renderBox()->width() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.x();
        position -= isLeftToRightDirection ? renderBox()->marginLeft() : renderBox()->marginRight();

    position = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min(position, trackLength));
    const Decimal ratio = Decimal::fromDouble(static_cast<double>(position) / trackLength);
    const Decimal fraction = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? Decimal(1) - ratio : ratio;
    StepRange stepRange(input->createStepRange(RejectAny));
    Decimal value = stepRange.clampValue(stepRange.valueFromProportion(fraction));

    const LayoutUnit snappingThreshold = renderer()->theme().sliderTickSnappingThreshold();
    if (snappingThreshold > 0) {
        Decimal closest = input->findClosestTickMarkValue(value);
        if (closest.isFinite()) {
            double closestFraction = stepRange.proportionFromValue(closest).toDouble();
            double closestRatio = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? 1.0 - closestFraction : closestFraction;
            LayoutUnit closestPosition = trackLength * closestRatio;
            if ((closestPosition - position).abs() <= snappingThreshold)
                value = closest;

    String valueString = serializeForNumberType(value);
    if (valueString == input->value())

    // FIXME: This is no longer being set from renderer. Consider updating the method name.
    if (renderer())
std::pair<String, String> InputType::validationMessage(const InputTypeView& inputTypeView) const
    const String value = element().value();

    // The order of the following checks is meaningful. e.g. We'd like to show the
    // badInput message even if the control has other validation errors.
    if (inputTypeView.hasBadInput())
        return std::make_pair(badInputText(), emptyString());

    if (valueMissing(value))
        return std::make_pair(valueMissingText(), emptyString());

    if (typeMismatch())
        return std::make_pair(typeMismatchText(), emptyString());

    if (patternMismatch(value)) {
        // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#attr-input-pattern
        //   When an input element has a pattern attribute specified, authors
        //   should include a title attribute to give a description of the
        //   pattern. User agents may use the contents of this attribute, if it
        //   is present, when informing the user that the pattern is not matched
        return std::make_pair(locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ValidationPatternMismatch), element().fastGetAttribute(titleAttr).getString());

    if (element().tooLong())
        return std::make_pair(locale().validationMessageTooLongText(value.length(), element().maxLength()), emptyString());

    if (element().tooShort())
        return std::make_pair(locale().validationMessageTooShortText(value.length(), element().minLength()), emptyString());

    if (!isSteppable())
        return std::make_pair(emptyString(), emptyString());

    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return std::make_pair(emptyString(), emptyString());

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));

    if (numericValue < stepRange.minimum())
        return std::make_pair(rangeUnderflowText(stepRange.minimum()), emptyString());

    if (numericValue > stepRange.maximum())
        return std::make_pair(rangeOverflowText(stepRange.maximum()), emptyString());

    if (stepRange.stepMismatch(numericValue)) {
        Decimal candidate1 = stepRange.clampValue(numericValue);
        String localizedCandidate1 = localizeValue(serialize(candidate1));
        Decimal candidate2 = candidate1 < numericValue ? candidate1 + stepRange.step() : candidate1 - stepRange.step();
        if (!candidate2.isFinite() || candidate2 < stepRange.minimum() || candidate2 > stepRange.maximum())
            return std::make_pair(locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ValidationStepMismatchCloseToLimit, localizedCandidate1), emptyString());
        String localizedCandidate2 = localizeValue(serialize(candidate2));
        if (candidate1 < candidate2)
            return std::make_pair(locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ValidationStepMismatch, localizedCandidate1, localizedCandidate2), emptyString());
        return std::make_pair(locale().queryString(WebLocalizedString::ValidationStepMismatch, localizedCandidate2, localizedCandidate1), emptyString());

    return std::make_pair(emptyString(), emptyString());
Beispiel #7
Decimal InputType::findStepBase(const Decimal& defaultValue) const
    Decimal stepBase = parseToNumber(element().fastGetAttribute(minAttr), Decimal::nan());
    if (!stepBase.isFinite())
        stepBase = parseToNumber(element().fastGetAttribute(valueAttr), defaultValue);
    return stepBase;
Beispiel #8
bool Decimal::operator<(Decimal rhs) const
    Decimal lhs = *this;
    if (lhs.m_places == rhs.m_places)
        return lhs.m_intval < rhs.m_intval;
    bool const left_is_longer = (lhs.m_places > rhs.m_places);
    Decimal const *const shorter = (left_is_longer? &rhs: &lhs);
    Decimal const *const longer = (left_is_longer? &lhs: &rhs);
    places_type const target_places = shorter->m_places;
    int_type longers_revised_intval = longer->m_intval;
    int_type const shorters_intval = shorter->m_intval;
    bool const longer_is_negative = (longers_revised_intval < 0);
    (   places_type longers_places = longer->m_places;
        longers_places != target_places;
        JEWEL_ASSERT (s_base > 0);
        JEWEL_ASSERT (!division_is_unsafe(longers_revised_intval, s_base));
        longers_revised_intval /= s_base;
        JEWEL_ASSERT (longers_places > 0);
    bool longer_is_smaller =
    (   longer_is_negative?
        (longers_revised_intval <= shorters_intval):
        (longers_revised_intval < shorters_intval)
    return ( &lhs == (longer_is_smaller? longer: shorter) );
void RangeInputType::handleKeydownEvent(KeyboardEvent* event)
    if (element()->isDisabledOrReadOnly())

    const String& key = event->keyIdentifier();

    const Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element()->value());

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));

    // FIXME: We can't use stepUp() for the step value "any". So, we increase
    // or decrease the value by 1/100 of the value range. Is it reasonable?
    const Decimal step = equalIgnoringCase(element()->fastGetAttribute(stepAttr), "any") ? (stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 100 : stepRange.step();
    const Decimal bigStep = max((stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 10, step);

    bool isVertical = false;
    if (element()->renderer()) {
        ControlPart part = element()->renderer()->style()->appearance();
        isVertical = part == SliderVerticalPart || part == MediaVolumeSliderPart;

    Decimal newValue;
    if (key == "Up")
        newValue = current + step;
    else if (key == "Down")
        newValue = current - step;
    else if (key == "Left")
        newValue = isVertical ? current + step : current - step;
    else if (key == "Right")
        newValue = isVertical ? current - step : current + step;
    else if (key == "PageUp")
        newValue = current + bigStep;
    else if (key == "PageDown")
        newValue = current - bigStep;
    else if (key == "Home")
        newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.maximum() : stepRange.minimum();
    else if (key == "End")
        newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum();
        return; // Did not match any key binding.

    newValue = stepRange.clampValue(newValue);

    if (newValue != current) {
        EventQueueScope scope;
        ExceptionCode ec;
        TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior = DispatchChangeEvent;
        setValueAsDecimal(newValue, eventBehavior, ec);

        if (AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())
            element()->document()->axObjectCache()->postNotification(element(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

Beispiel #10
String serializeForNumberType(const Decimal& number)
    if (number.isZero()) {
        // Decimal::toString appends exponent, e.g. "0e-18"
        return number.isNegative() ? "-0" : "0";
    return number.toString();
Beispiel #11
bool great<Decimal*, Decimal*>(const void *x,const void *y){
	if (((Decimal*)x)->op_equals(*(Decimal*)y))
		return false;
	Decimal tmp = ((Decimal*)x)->op_max(*(Decimal*)y);
	if (tmp.op_equals(*(Decimal*)x))
		return true;
	return false;
void CheckDoubleCast(double val)
    Decimal dec;


    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(val, dec.ToDouble(), 1E-10);
Beispiel #13
	bool operator == (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
		if (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero()) return true;
		if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) return false;
		if (a.integer != b.integer) return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) return false;
		return true;
Beispiel #14
String BaseDateAndTimeInputType::serialize(const Decimal& value) const
    if (!value.isFinite())
        return String();
    DateComponents date;
    if (!setMillisecondToDateComponents(value.toDouble(), &date))
        return String();
    return serializeWithComponents(date);
Beispiel #15
 void CouchbaseRecordBinder::processDecimal(const void *value, unsigned digits, unsigned precision, const RtlFieldInfo * field)
    Decimal val;
    size32_t bytes;
    rtlDataAttr decText;
    val.setDecimal(digits, precision, value);
    val.getStringX(bytes, decText.refstr());
    processUtf8(bytes, decText.getstr(), field);
void SliderThumbElement::setPositionFromPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(hostInput());
    Element* trackElement = input->closedShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderTrack());

    if (!input->layoutObject() || !layoutBox() || !trackElement->layoutBox())

    LayoutPoint offset = roundedLayoutPoint(input->layoutObject()->absoluteToLocal(FloatPoint(point), UseTransforms));
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input.get());
    bool isLeftToRightDirection = layoutBox()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
    LayoutUnit trackSize;
    LayoutUnit position;
    LayoutUnit currentPosition;
    // We need to calculate currentPosition from absolute points becaue the
    // renderer for this node is usually on a layer and layoutBox()->x() and
    // y() are unusable.
    // FIXME: This should probably respect transforms.
    LayoutPoint absoluteThumbOrigin = layoutBox()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms().location();
    LayoutPoint absoluteSliderContentOrigin = roundedLayoutPoint(input->layoutObject()->localToAbsolute());
    IntRect trackBoundingBox = trackElement->layoutObject()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    IntRect inputBoundingBox = input->layoutObject()->absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    if (isVertical) {
        trackSize = trackElement->layoutBox()->contentHeight() - layoutBox()->size().height();
        position = offset.y() - layoutBox()->size().height() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.y() + inputBoundingBox.y() - layoutBox()->marginBottom();
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.y() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.y();
    } else {
        trackSize = trackElement->layoutBox()->contentWidth() - layoutBox()->size().width();
        position = offset.x() - layoutBox()->size().width() / 2 - trackBoundingBox.x() + inputBoundingBox.x();
        position -= isLeftToRightDirection ? layoutBox()->marginLeft() : layoutBox()->marginRight();
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.x() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.x();
    position = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min(position, trackSize));
    const Decimal ratio = Decimal::fromDouble(static_cast<double>(position) / trackSize);
    const Decimal fraction = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? Decimal(1) - ratio : ratio;
    StepRange stepRange(input->createStepRange(RejectAny));
    Decimal value = stepRange.clampValue(stepRange.valueFromProportion(fraction));

    Decimal closest = input->findClosestTickMarkValue(value);
    if (closest.isFinite()) {
        double closestFraction = stepRange.proportionFromValue(closest).toDouble();
        double closestRatio = isVertical || !isLeftToRightDirection ? 1.0 - closestFraction : closestFraction;
        LayoutUnit closestPosition = trackSize * closestRatio;
        const LayoutUnit snappingThreshold = 5;
        if ((closestPosition - position).abs() <= snappingThreshold)
            value = closest;

    String valueString = serializeForNumberType(value);
    if (valueString == input->value())

    // FIXME: This is no longer being set from renderer. Consider updating the method name.
    if (layoutObject())
Beispiel #17
void RangeInputType::handleKeydownEvent(KeyboardEvent* event)
    if (element().isDisabledOrReadOnly())

    const String& key = event->keyIdentifier();

    const Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element().value());

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));

    // FIXME: We can't use stepUp() for the step value "any". So, we increase
    // or decrease the value by 1/100 of the value range. Is it reasonable?
    const Decimal step = equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(element().fastGetAttribute(stepAttr), "any") ? (stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 100 : stepRange.step();
    const Decimal bigStep = std::max((stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 10, step);

    bool isVertical = false;
    if (element().renderer()) {
        ControlPart part = element().renderer()->style().appearance();
        isVertical = part == SliderVerticalPart || part == MediaVolumeSliderPart;

    Decimal newValue;
    if (key == "Up")
        newValue = current + step;
    else if (key == "Down")
        newValue = current - step;
    else if (key == "Left")
        newValue = isVertical ? current + step : current - step;
    else if (key == "Right")
        newValue = isVertical ? current - step : current + step;
    else if (key == "PageUp")
        newValue = current + bigStep;
    else if (key == "PageDown")
        newValue = current - bigStep;
    else if (key == "Home")
        newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.maximum() : stepRange.minimum();
    else if (key == "End")
        newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum();
        return; // Did not match any key binding.

    newValue = stepRange.clampValue(newValue);

    if (newValue != current) {
        EventQueueScope scope;
        setValueAsDecimal(newValue, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

        if (AXObjectCache* cache = element().document().existingAXObjectCache())
            cache->postNotification(&element(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged);

	Decimal multiply(const Decimal& another){
		Decimal product;
		for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<another.length;j++)
		return product;
Beispiel #19
 void CouchbaseEmbedFunctionContext::getDecimalResult(Decimal &value)
     auto text = nextResultScalar();
     if (text && *text)
         value.setString(rtlUtf8Length(strlen(text), text), text);
         NullFieldProcessor p(NULL);
Beispiel #20
Decimal Decimal::op_add(const Decimal rhs) const {

  TTInt rett;
  rett = this->GetTTInt();

  Decimal ret;

  return ret;
Beispiel #21
Decimal Decimal::op_subtract(const Decimal rhs) const {

  TTInt rett;
  rett = this->GetTTInt();

  Decimal ret;

  return ret;
static PassRefPtr<TypeBuilder::Animation::KeyframeStyle> buildObjectForStringKeyframe(const StringKeyframe* keyframe)
    Decimal decimal = Decimal::fromDouble(keyframe->offset() * 100);
    String offset = decimal.toString();

    RefPtr<TypeBuilder::Animation::KeyframeStyle> keyframeObject = TypeBuilder::Animation::KeyframeStyle::create()
    return keyframeObject.release();
Beispiel #23
String BaseDateAndTimeInputType::serializeWithComponents(const DateComponents& date) const
    Decimal step;
    if (!element()->getAllowedValueStep(&step))
        return date.toString();
    if (step.remainder(msecPerMinute).isZero())
        return date.toString(DateComponents::None);
    if (step.remainder(msecPerSecond).isZero())
        return date.toString(DateComponents::Second);
    return date.toString(DateComponents::Millisecond);
Beispiel #24
bool InputType::stepMismatch(const String& value) const
    if (!isSteppable())
        return false;

    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return false;

    return createStepRange(RejectAny).stepMismatch(numericValue);
Beispiel #25
bool InputType::rangeOverflow(const String& value) const
    if (!isSteppable())
        return false;

    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return false;

    return numericValue > createStepRange(RejectAny).maximum();
Beispiel #26
 virtual void processUDecimal(const void *value, unsigned digits, unsigned precision, const RtlFieldInfo * field)
     Decimal val;
     size32_t bytes;
     char *data;
     val.setUDecimal(digits, precision, value);
     val.getStringX(bytes, data);
     MYSQL_BIND &bindInfo = createBindBuffer(MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0);
     bindInfo.buffer = data;
     bindInfo.buffer_length = bytes;
     bindInfo.length = &bindInfo.buffer_length;
Beispiel #27
bool InputType::isOutOfRange(const String& value) const
    if (!isSteppable())
        return false;

    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return true;

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
    return numericValue < stepRange.minimum() || numericValue > stepRange.maximum();
Beispiel #28
Decimal Decimal::op_multiply(const Decimal rhs) const {
  TTLInt rett;
  rett = this->GetTTInt();
  rett *= rhs.GetTTInt();
  rett /= Decimal::kMaxScaleFactor;

  Decimal ret;

  return ret;
Beispiel #29
Decimal Decimal::op_divide(const Decimal rhs) const {
  TTLInt rett;
  rett = this->GetTTInt();
  rett *= Decimal::kMaxScaleFactor;
  rett /= rhs.GetTTInt();

  Decimal ret;
  return ret;
Beispiel #30
void main()
    // Define an array of byte values.
    array<Byte>^ values = { Byte::MinValue, Byte::MaxValue, 
                            0x3F, 123, 200 };   
    // Convert each value to a Decimal.
    for each (Byte value in values) {
        Decimal decValue = value;
        Console::WriteLine("{0} ({1}) --> {2} ({3})", value,
                             value.GetType()->Name, decValue,