int main(int argc, char **argv) { DemoApp app; TTLogMessage("\n*** Start of Jamoma Modular and Score demonstration ***\n"); app.SetupModular(); app.SetupScore(); // read command from console do { TTLogMessage("\nType a command : \n"); std::string s; std::getline(std::cin, s); // quit the application if (!"quit")) { app.Quit(); TTLogMessage("\n*** End of Jamoma Modular and Score demonstration ***\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // update mDataDemoMessage data with the command else { app.SetMessage(s); } } while (YES); }
LRESULT CALLBACK DemoApp::s_WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DemoApp *pThis; LRESULT lRet = 0; if (uMsg == WM_NCCREATE) { LPCREATESTRUCT pcs = reinterpret_cast<LPCREATESTRUCT> (lParam); pThis = reinterpret_cast<DemoApp *> (pcs->lpCreateParams); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, PtrToUlong(pThis)); lRet = DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } else { pThis = reinterpret_cast<DemoApp *> (GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA)); if (pThis) { lRet = pThis->WndProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } else { lRet = DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } return lRet; }
// Provides the application entry point. int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE /* hInstance */, HINSTANCE /* hPrevInstance */, LPSTR /* lpCmdLine */, int /* nCmdShow */ ) { // Use HeapSetInformation to specify that the process should // terminate if the heap manager detects an error in any heap used // by the process. // The return value is ignored, because we want to continue running in the // unlikely event that HeapSetInformation fails. HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { { DemoApp app; if (SUCCEEDED(app.Initialize())) { app.RunMessageLoop(); } } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE /* hInstance */, HINSTANCE /* hPrevInstance */, LPSTR /* lpCmdLine */, int /* nCmdShow */ ) { // Ignoring the return value because we want to continue running even in the // unlikely event that HeapSetInformation fails. HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { { DemoApp app; if (SUCCEEDED(app.Initialize())) { app.RunMessageLoop(); } } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
int WINAPI wWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPrevInstance); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pszCmdLine); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCmdShow); HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { { DemoApp app; HWND hWndMain = NULL; hWndMain = app.Initialize(hInstance); hr = hWndMain ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL fRet; MSG msg; // Load accelerator table HACCEL haccel = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_ACCEL_TABLE)); if (haccel == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; } // Main message loop: while ((fRet = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (fRet == -1) { break; } else { if (!TranslateAccelerator(hWndMain, haccel, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
extern "C" HWND WINAPI CreateDemoHelloWorldApp(HWND parent) { DemoApp *app = new DemoApp(); if (SUCCEEDED(app->Initialize(parent))) { //app.RunMessageLoop(); HWND x = app->GetHwnd(); return x; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { try { DemoApp demo; demo.startDemo(); } catch(std::exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBoxA(NULL, e.what(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.what()); #endif } return 0; }
int APIENTRY wWinMain( _In_ HINSTANCE, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE, _In_ LPWSTR, _In_ int) { HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { { DemoApp app; if (SUCCEEDED(app.Initialize())) app.RunMessageLoop(); } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // PTR TuanNA [Creates a windows app and starts it- 10/7/2016] DemoApp demo; try { demo.startDemo(); } catch(std::exception& e) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN32 || OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBoxA(NULL, e.what(), "An exception has occurred!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else fprintf(stderr, "An exception has occurred: %s\n", e.what()); #endif } return 0; }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { ERI::FrameworkWin framework; framework.Init(hInstance, "demo", 480, 320); DemoApp app; float delta_time; framework.Run(); while (framework.is_running()) { delta_time = framework.PreUpdate(); if (framework.IsVisible()) app.Update(delta_time); framework.PostUpdate(); } framework.Release(); return 0; }
LRESULT CALLBACK DemoApp::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT result = 0; if (message == WM_CREATE) { LPCREATESTRUCT pcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam; DemoApp *pDemoApp = (DemoApp *)pcs->lpCreateParams; ::SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, PtrToUlong(pDemoApp) ); result = 1; } else { DemoApp *pDemoApp = reinterpret_cast<DemoApp *>(static_cast<LONG_PTR>( ::GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA ))); bool wasHandled = false; if (pDemoApp) { switch(message) { case WM_SIZE: { UINT width = LOWORD(lParam); UINT height = HIWORD(lParam); pDemoApp->OnResize(width, height); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_PAINT: case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); pDemoApp->OnRender(); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_DESTROY: { PostQuitMessage(0); } result = 1; wasHandled = true; break; } } if (!wasHandled) { result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } } return result; }
void DemoApp::renderCb(void *userData) { DemoApp* app = static_cast<DemoApp*>(userData); if (app) app->render(); }
void DemoApp::mouseCb(float x, float y, void *userData) { DemoApp* app = static_cast<DemoApp*>(userData); if (app) app->mouseMoved(x, y); }
LRESULT CALLBACK DemoApp::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT result = 0; if (message == WM_CREATE) { LPCREATESTRUCT pcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam; DemoApp *pDemoApp = (DemoApp *)pcs->lpCreateParams; ::SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, PtrToUlong(pDemoApp) ); result = 1; } else { DemoApp *pDemoApp = reinterpret_cast<DemoApp *>(static_cast<LONG_PTR>( ::GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA ))); bool wasHandled = false; if (pDemoApp) { switch (message) { case WM_SIZE: { UINT width = LOWORD(lParam); UINT height = HIWORD(lParam); pDemoApp->OnResize(width, height); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_PAINT: { pDemoApp->OnRender(); // Do not call ValidateRect so that the window will be redrawn. } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_KEYDOWN: { pDemoApp->OnKeyDown(static_cast<SHORT>(wParam)); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { pDemoApp->OnMouseMove(lParam); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { pDemoApp->OnWheel(wParam); } result = 0; wasHandled = true; break; case WM_DESTROY: { PostQuitMessage(0); } result = 1; wasHandled = true; break; } } if (!wasHandled) { result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } } return result; }