Beispiel #1
void FalagardEditbox::setupVisualString(String& visual) const
    Editbox* w = static_cast<Editbox*>(d_window);

    if (w->isTextMasked())
        visual.assign(w->getText().length(), w->getMaskCodePoint());
Beispiel #2
size_t FalagardEditbox::getTextIndexFromPosition(const Vector2f& pt) const
    Editbox* w = static_cast<Editbox*>(d_window);

    // calculate final window position to be checked
    float wndx = CoordConverter::screenToWindowX(*w, pt.d_x);

    wndx -= d_lastTextOffset;

    // Return the proper index
    if (w->isTextMasked())
        return w->getFont()->getCharAtPixel(
                String(w->getTextVisual().length(), w->getMaskCodePoint()),
        return w->getFont()->getCharAtPixel(w->getTextVisual(), wndx);
Beispiel #3
void FalagardEditbox::render()
    Editbox* w = static_cast<Editbox*>(d_window);
    const StateImagery* imagery;

    // draw container etc
    // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look.
    const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();
    // try and get imagery for the approprite state.
    imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery(
        w->isDisabled() ? "Disabled" : (w->isReadOnly() ? "ReadOnly" : "Enabled"));

    // peform the rendering operation for the container.

    // get destination area for text
    const Rect textArea(wlf.getNamedArea("TextArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*w));

    // Required preliminary work for text rendering operations
    Font* font = w->getFont();

    // no font == no more rendering
    if (!font)

    // This will point to the final string to be used for rendering.  Useful
    // because it means we do not have to have duplicate code or be copying
    // getText() for handling masked/unmasked text.
    String* editText;

    // Create a 'masked' version of the string if needed.
    String maskedText, windowText;
    if (w->isTextMasked())
        maskedText.insert(0, w->getText().length(), w->getMaskCodePoint());
        editText = &maskedText;
    // text not masked to editText will be the windows getText() String.
        windowText = w->getTextVisual();
        editText = &windowText;

    // calculate best position to render text to ensure carat is always visible
    float textOffset;
    size_t cartIndex = w->getCaratIndex();

    // the char before the cart bidi type
    bool currCharIsRtl = false;
    if ((editText->size() > 0) && (cartIndex > 0))
        size_t curCartIndex = w->getCaratIndex();
        BidiCharType charBeforeCartType = w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->
            getBidiCharType((*editText)[curCartIndex - 1]);
        // for neutral chars you decide by the char after
        for (; BCT_NEUTRAL == charBeforeCartType &&
               (editText->size() > curCartIndex); curCartIndex++)
            charBeforeCartType = w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->
                getBidiCharType((*editText)[curCartIndex - 1]);

        currCharIsRtl  = (BCT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT == charBeforeCartType);

    bool isFirstChar = cartIndex == 0;

    // the pos is by the char before
    if (!isFirstChar)

    // we need to find the cart pos by the logical to visual map
    if (w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->getV2lMapping().size() > cartIndex)
        cartIndex = w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->getL2vMapping()[cartIndex];

    // for non RTL char - the cart pos is after the char
    if (!currCharIsRtl)

    // if first char is not rtl - we need to stand at the start of the line
    if (isFirstChar)
        bool firstCharRtl =
            (editText->size() > 0) &&
            (BCT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT == w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->

        if (!firstCharRtl)

    float extentToCarat = font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, cartIndex));

    // get carat imagery
    const ImagerySection& caratImagery = wlf.getImagerySection("Carat");
    // store carat width
    float caratWidth = caratImagery.getBoundingRect(*w, textArea).getWidth();

    // if box is inactive
    if (!w->hasInputFocus())
        textOffset = d_lastTextOffset;
    // if carat is to the left of the box
    else if ((d_lastTextOffset + extentToCarat) < 0)
        textOffset = -extentToCarat;
    // if carat is off to the right.
    else if ((d_lastTextOffset + extentToCarat) >= (textArea.getWidth() - caratWidth))
        textOffset = textArea.getWidth() - extentToCarat - caratWidth;
    // else carat is already within the box
        textOffset = d_lastTextOffset;

    ColourRect colours;
    float alpha_comp = w->getEffectiveAlpha();

    // Draw label text
    // setup initial rect for text formatting
    Rect text_part_rect(textArea);
    // allow for scroll position
    text_part_rect.d_left += textOffset;
    // centre text vertically within the defined text area
    text_part_rect.d_top += (textArea.getHeight() - font->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f;

    // get unhighlighted text colour (saves accessing property twice)
    colour unselectedColour(getUnselectedTextColour());

    // see if the editbox is active or inactive.
    bool active = (!w->isReadOnly()) && w->hasInputFocus();

    if (w->getSelectionLength() == 0)
        // no highlighted text - we can draw the whole thing
        font->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), *editText,
                       text_part_rect.getPosition(), &textArea, colours);

        // adjust rect for next section
        text_part_rect.d_left += font->getTextExtent(*editText);

        // there is highlighted text - because of the BiDi support - the
        // highlighted area can be in some cases nonconsecutive.
        // So - we need to draw it char by char (I guess we can optimize it more
        // but this is not that big performance hit because it only happens if
        // we have highlighted text - not that common...)
        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < editText->size() ; i++)
            // get the char
            String currChar = editText->substr(i, 1);
            size_t realPos = 0;

            // get he visual pos of the char
            if (w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->getV2lMapping().size() > i)
                realPos = w->getBiDiVisualMapping()->getV2lMapping()[i];

            // check if it is in the highlighted region
            bool highlighted =
                realPos >= w->getSelectionStartIndex() &&
                realPos < w->getSelectionStartIndex() + w->getSelectionLength();

            float charAdvance = font->getGlyphData(currChar[0])->getAdvance(1.0f);

            if (highlighted)


                    // calculate area for selection imagery.
                    Rect hlarea(textArea);
                    hlarea.d_left = text_part_rect.d_left ;
                    hlarea.d_right = text_part_rect.d_left + charAdvance ;

                    // render the selection imagery.
                    wlf.getStateImagery(active ? "ActiveSelection" :
                        render(*w, hlarea, 0, &textArea);

            font->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), currChar,
                           text_part_rect.getPosition(), &textArea, colours);

            // adjust rect for next section
            text_part_rect.d_left += charAdvance;

    // Render selection imagery.
    if (w->getSelectionLength() != 0)
        // calculate required start and end offsets of selection imagery.
        float selStartOffset =
            font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, w->getSelectionStartIndex()));
        float selEndOffset =
            font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, w->getSelectionEndIndex()));

        // calculate area for selection imagery.
        Rect hlarea(textArea);
        hlarea.d_left += textOffset + selStartOffset;
        hlarea.d_right = hlarea.d_left + (selEndOffset - selStartOffset);

        // render the selection imagery.
        wlf.getStateImagery(active ? "ActiveSelection" :
            render(*w, hlarea, 0, &textArea);

    // draw pre-highlight text
    String sect = editText->substr(0, w->getSelectionStartIndex());
    font->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect, text_part_rect.getPosition(),
                   &textArea, colours);

    // adjust rect for next section
    text_part_rect.d_left += font->getTextExtent(sect);

    // draw highlight text
    sect = editText->substr(w->getSelectionStartIndex(), w->getSelectionLength());
    font->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect, text_part_rect.getPosition(),
                   &textArea, colours);

    // adjust rect for next section
    text_part_rect.d_left += font->getTextExtent(sect);

    // draw post-highlight text
    sect = editText->substr(w->getSelectionEndIndex());
    font->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect, text_part_rect.getPosition(),
                   &textArea, colours);

    // remember this for next time.
    d_lastTextOffset = textOffset;

    // Render carat
    if (active && (!d_blinkCaret || d_showCaret))
        Rect caratRect(textArea);
        caratRect.d_left += extentToCarat + textOffset;

        caratImagery.render(*w, caratRect, 0, &textArea);