Beispiel #1
#include "FHE.h"
#include "timing.h"
#include "EncryptedArray.h"

#include <cstdio>

// Map all non-zero slots to 1, leaving zero slots as zero.
// Assumes that r=1, and that all the slot contain elements from GF(p^d).
// We compute x^{p^d-1} = x^{(1+p+...+p^{d-1})*(p-1)} by setting y=x^{p-1}
// and then outputting y * y^p * ... * y^{p^{d-1}}, with exponentiation to
// powers of p done via Frobenius.

// FIXME: the computation of the "norm" y * y^p * ... * y^{p^{d-1}}
// can be done using O(log d) automorphisms, rather than O(d).

void mapTo01(const EncryptedArray& ea, Ctxt& ctxt)
  long p = ctxt.getPtxtSpace();
  if (p != ea.getPAlgebra().getP()) // ptxt space is p^r for r>1
    throw helib::LogicError("mapTo01 not implemented for r>1");

  if (p>2)
    ctxt.power(p-1); // set y = x^{p-1}

  long d = ea.getDegree();
  if (d>1) { // compute the product of the d automorphisms
    std::vector<Ctxt> v(d, ctxt);
    for (long i=1; i<d; i++)
    totalProduct(ctxt, v);
Beispiel #2
// Apply a permutation network to a ciphertext
void PermNetwork::applyToCtxt(Ctxt& c, const EncryptedArray& ea) const
  const PAlgebra& al = ea.getPAlgebra();

  // Apply the layers, one at a time
  for (long i=0; i<layers.length(); i++) {
    const PermNetLayer& lyr = layers[i];
    if (lyr.isID) continue; // this layer is the identity permutation

    // This layer is shifted via powers of g^e mod m
    long g2e = PowerMod(al.ZmStarGen(lyr.genIdx), lyr.e, al.getM());

    Vec<long> unused = lyr.shifts; // copy to a new vector
    vector<long> mask(lyr.shifts.length());  // buffer to hold masks
    Ctxt sum(c.getPubKey(), c.getPtxtSpace()); // an empty ciphertext

    long shamt = 0;
    bool frst = true;
    while (true) {
      pair<long,bool> ret=makeMask(mask, unused, shamt); // compute mask
      if (ret.second) { // non-empty mask
	Ctxt tmp = c;
	ZZX maskPoly;
	ea.encode(maskPoly, mask);    // encode mask as polynomial
	tmp.multByConstant(maskPoly); // multiply by mask
	if (shamt!=0) // rotate if the shift amount is nonzero
	  tmp.smartAutomorph(PowerMod(g2e, shamt, al.getM()));
	if (frst) {
	  sum = tmp;
	  frst = false;
	  sum += tmp;
      if (ret.first >= 0)
	shamt = unused[ret.first]; // next shift amount to use

      else break; // unused is all-zero, done with this layer
    c = sum; // update the cipehrtext c before the next layer