Beispiel #1
bool TEnv::setArgPathValue(std::string key, std::string value) {
  EnvGlobals *eg = EnvGlobals::instance();
  // in case of "-TOONZROOT" , set the all unregistered paths
  if (key == getRootVarName()) {
    TFilePath rootPath(value);
    for (auto itr = systemPathMap.begin(); itr != systemPathMap.end(); ++itr) {
      std::string k   = getSystemVarPrefix() + (*itr).first;
      std::string val = value + "\\" + (*itr).second;
      // set all unregistered values
      if (eg->getArgPathValue(k) == "") eg->setArgPathValue(k, val);
    return true;
  } else {
    for (auto itr = systemPathMap.begin(); itr != systemPathMap.end(); ++itr) {
      // found the corresponding registry key
      if (key == getSystemVarPrefix() + (*itr).first) {
        eg->setArgPathValue(key, value);
        return true;
    // registry key not found. failed to register
    return false;
Beispiel #2
TFilePathSet TEnv::getSystemVarPathSetValue(std::string varName) {
  TFilePathSet lst;
  EnvGlobals *eg = EnvGlobals::instance();
  // if the path is registered by command line argument, then use it
  std::string value      = eg->getArgPathValue(varName);
  if (value == "") value = eg->getSystemVarValue(varName);
  int len                = (int)value.size();
  int i                  = 0;
  int j                  = value.find(';');
  while (j != std::string::npos) {
    std::string s = value.substr(i, j - i);
    i = j + 1;
    if (i >= len) return lst;
    j = value.find(';', i);
  if (i < len) lst.push_back(TFilePath(value.substr(i)));
  return lst;
Beispiel #3
TFilePath TEnv::getSystemVarPathValue(std::string varName)
	EnvGlobals *eg = EnvGlobals::instance();
	return TFilePath(eg->getSystemVarValue(varName));