inline size_t trackFeatures_deleteOOB_impl_simple_feat( FEATLIST &trackedFeats, const size_t img_width, const size_t img_height, const int MIN_DIST_MARGIN_TO_STOP_TRACKING) { if (trackedFeats.empty()) return 0; std::vector<size_t> survival_idxs; const size_t N = trackedFeats.size(); // 1st: Build list of survival indexes: survival_idxs.reserve(N); for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++) { const typename FEATLIST::feature_t &ft = trackedFeats[i]; const TFeatureTrackStatus status = ft.track_status; bool eras = (status_TRACKED!=status && status_IDLE!=status); if (!eras) { // Also, check if it's too close to the image border: const int x=; const int y=; if (x<MIN_DIST_MARGIN_TO_STOP_TRACKING || y<MIN_DIST_MARGIN_TO_STOP_TRACKING || x>static_cast<int>(img_width-MIN_DIST_MARGIN_TO_STOP_TRACKING) || y>static_cast<int>(img_height-MIN_DIST_MARGIN_TO_STOP_TRACKING)) { eras = true; } } if (!eras) survival_idxs.push_back(i); } // 2nd: Build updated list: const size_t N2 = survival_idxs.size(); const size_t n_removed = N-N2; for (size_t i=0;i<N2;i++) { if (survival_idxs[i]!=i) trackedFeats[i] = trackedFeats[ survival_idxs[i] ]; } trackedFeats.resize(N2); return n_removed; } // end of trackFeatures_deleteOOB
void CFeatureTracker_KL::trackFeatures_impl_templ( const CImage &old_img, const CImage &new_img, FEATLIST &featureList ) { MRPT_START #if MRPT_HAS_OPENCV const unsigned int window_width = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("window_width",15); const unsigned int window_height = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("window_height",15); const int LK_levels = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("LK_levels",3); const int LK_max_iters = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("LK_max_iters",10); const int LK_epsilon = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("LK_epsilon",0.1); const float LK_max_tracking_error = extra_params.getWithDefaultVal("LK_max_tracking_error",150.0f); // Both images must be of the same size ASSERT_( old_img.getWidth() == new_img.getWidth() && old_img.getHeight() == new_img.getHeight() ); const size_t img_width = old_img.getWidth(); const size_t img_height = old_img.getHeight(); const size_t nFeatures = featureList.size(); // Number of features // Grayscale images const CImage prev_gray(old_img, FAST_REF_OR_CONVERT_TO_GRAY); const CImage cur_gray(new_img, FAST_REF_OR_CONVERT_TO_GRAY); // Array conversion MRPT->OpenCV if (nFeatures>0) { CvPoint2D32f *points[2]; points[0] = reinterpret_cast<CvPoint2D32f *>( mrpt_alloca(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*nFeatures) ); points[1] = reinterpret_cast<CvPoint2D32f *>( mrpt_alloca(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*nFeatures) ); std::vector<char> status(nFeatures); for(size_t i=0;i<nFeatures;++i) { points[0][i].x = featureList.getFeatureX(i); points[0][i].y = featureList.getFeatureY(i); } // end for // local scope for auxiliary variables around cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK() const IplImage *prev_gray_ipl = prev_gray.getAs<IplImage>(); const IplImage *cur_gray_ipl = cur_gray.getAs<IplImage>(); // Pyramids // JL: It seems that cache'ing the pyramids of previous images doesn't really improve the efficiency (!?!?) IplImage* pPyr = NULL; IplImage* cPyr = NULL; int flags = 0; float* track_error = reinterpret_cast<float*>( mrpt_alloca(sizeof(float)*nFeatures) ); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_gray_ipl, cur_gray_ipl, pPyr, cPyr, &points[0][0], &points[1][0], nFeatures, cvSize( window_width, window_height ), LK_levels, &status[0], track_error, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,LK_max_iters,LK_epsilon), flags ); cvReleaseImage( &pPyr ); cvReleaseImage( &cPyr ); for(size_t i=0;i<nFeatures;++i) { const bool trck_err_too_large = track_error[i]>LK_max_tracking_error; if( status[i] == 1 && !trck_err_too_large && points[1][i].x > 0 && points[1][i].y > 0 && points[1][i].x < img_width && points[1][i].y < img_height ) { // Feature could be tracked featureList.setFeatureXf(i, points[1][i].x ); featureList.setFeatureYf(i, points[1][i].y ); featureList.setTrackStatus(i, status_TRACKED ); } // end if else // Feature could not be tracked { featureList.setFeatureX(i,-1); featureList.setFeatureY(i,-1); featureList.setTrackStatus(i, trck_err_too_large ? status_LOST : status_OOB ); } // end else } // end for mrpt_alloca_free( points[0] ); mrpt_alloca_free( points[1] ); mrpt_alloca_free( track_error ); // In case it needs to rebuild a kd-tree or whatever featureList.mark_as_outdated(); } #else THROW_EXCEPTION("The MRPT has been compiled with MRPT_HAS_OPENCV=0 !"); #endif MRPT_END } // end trackFeatures