Beispiel #1
void find_boundary_component_germs(GRID const& G, FACETSET & C,
				   int& num_comps, int& num_facets)

  typedef GRID                          grid_type;
  typedef grid_types<GRID>              gt;
  typedef typename gt::Facet            Facet;
  typedef typename gt::FacetIterator    FacetIterator;
  typedef iscellinside_pred<grid_type>  inside;
  typedef BoundaryComponentEdgeIterator2D<grid_type, inside> BCFacetIterator;

  partial_grid_function<Facet,bool> marked(G,false);

  num_comps = num_facets = 0;
  for(FacetIterator f = G.FirstFacet(); ! f.IsDone(); ++f)
    if( (! marked(*f))  && (G.IsOnBoundary(*f))) {
      BCFacetIterator bf(*f,inside(G));
      while(! bf.IsDone()) {
	marked[*bf] = true;
Beispiel #2
int count_boundary_facets(GRID const& G)
  typedef GRID                          grid_type;
  typedef grid_types<GRID>              gt;
  typedef typename gt::FacetIterator    FacetIterator;

  int nf = 0;
  for(FacetIterator f = G.FirstFacet(); ! f.IsDone(); ++f)
  return nf;
      void setup(SegmentT const & segment, StorageType & storage)
        typedef typename SegmentT::config_type                config_type;
        typedef viennamath::equation                          equ_type;
        typedef viennamath::expr                              expr_type;
        typedef typename expr_type::numeric_type              numeric_type;

        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::cell_tag<SegmentT>::type CellTag;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::facet_tag<CellTag>::type FacetTag;

        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::point<SegmentT>::type                  PointType;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::element<SegmentT, FacetTag>::type  FacetType;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::element<SegmentT, CellTag  >::type  CellType;

        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_element_range<SegmentT, FacetTag>::type  FacetContainer;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<FacetContainer>::type                     FacetIterator;

        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_coboundary_range<SegmentT, FacetType, CellTag>::type CellOnFacetRange;
//         typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_element_range<FacetType, CellTag>::type   CellOnFacetRange;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<CellOnFacetRange>::type                   CellOnFacetIterator;

        typename viennadata::result_of::accessor<StorageType, viennafvm::facet_area_key, double, FacetType>::type facet_area_accessor =
            viennadata::make_accessor(storage, viennafvm::facet_area_key());

        typename viennadata::result_of::accessor<StorageType, viennafvm::facet_distance_key, double, FacetType>::type facet_distance_accessor =
            viennadata::make_accessor(storage, viennafvm::facet_distance_key());

        FacetContainer facets(segment);
        for (FacetIterator fit  = facets.begin();
                           fit != facets.end();

          CellOnFacetRange    cells = viennagrid::coboundary_elements<FacetType, CellTag>(segment, fit.handle());

          if (cells.size() == 2)
            CellOnFacetIterator cofit    = cells.begin();

            PointType centroid_1         = viennagrid::centroid(*cofit); ++cofit;
            PointType centroid_2         = viennagrid::centroid(*cofit);
            PointType center_connection  = centroid_1 - centroid_2;
            PointType outer_normal       = util::unit_outer_normal(*fit, *cofit, viennagrid::default_point_accessor(segment)); //note: consistent orientation of center_connection and outer_normal is important here!

            double center_connection_len = viennagrid::norm(center_connection);
            double effective_facet_ratio = viennagrid::inner_prod(center_connection, outer_normal) / center_connection_len;  // inner product of unit vectors
            double effective_facet_area  = viennagrid::volume(*fit) * effective_facet_ratio;

            facet_area_accessor(*fit) = effective_facet_area;
            facet_distance_accessor(*fit) = center_connection_len;
      static void detect(AccessorT accessor,
                        MeshT1 const & seg0,
                        MeshT2 const & seg1)
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::cell_tag<MeshT1>::type CellTag;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::element<MeshT1, typename CellTag::facet_tag>::type   FacetType;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_handle<MeshT1, typename CellTag::facet_tag>::type   ConstFacetHandleType;

        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_element_range<MeshT1, typename CellTag::facet_tag>::type      FacetRange;
        typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<FacetRange>::type                                           FacetIterator;

        std::set<ConstFacetHandleType>  facets_ptrs_seg0;

        // Step 1: Write facets of segment 1 to a map:
        FacetRange facets_seg0(seg0);
        for (FacetIterator fit = facets_seg0.begin();
              fit != facets_seg0.end();
          const FacetType & facet = *fit;

          if (is_boundary(seg0, facet))
            facets_ptrs_seg0.insert( fit.handle() );

        // Step 2: Compare facet in segment 2 with those stored in the map
        FacetRange facets_seg1(seg1);
        for (FacetIterator fit = facets_seg1.begin();
              fit != facets_seg1.end();
          const FacetType & facet = *fit;

          if (facets_ptrs_seg0.find( fit.handle() ) != facets_ptrs_seg0.end()) accessor(facet) = true;

    void assemble( DeviceType & device,
                   TimeStepQuantitiesT & old_quantities,
                   TimeStepQuantitiesT & quantities,
                   viennashe::config const & conf,
                   viennashe::she::unknown_she_quantity<VertexT, EdgeT> const & quan,
                   MatrixType & A,
                   VectorType & b,
                   bool use_timedependence, bool quan_valid)
      typedef typename DeviceType::mesh_type              MeshType;

      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::facet<MeshType>::type                 FacetType;
      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::cell<MeshType>::type                  CellType;

      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_facet_range<MeshType>::type     FacetContainer;
      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<FacetContainer>::type        FacetIterator;

      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_cell_range<MeshType>::type      CellContainer;
      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<CellContainer>::type         CellIterator;

      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_facet_range<CellType>::type     FacetOnCellContainer;
      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<FacetOnCellContainer>::type  FacetOnCellIterator;

      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_coboundary_range<MeshType, FacetType, CellType>::type     CellOnFacetContainer;
      typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<CellOnFacetContainer>::type                            CellOnFacetIterator;

      typedef viennashe::math::sparse_matrix<double>   CouplingMatrixType;

      typedef typename viennashe::she::timestep_quantities<DeviceType>::unknown_quantity_type      SpatialUnknownType;

      std::vector< scattering_base<DeviceType> * > scattering_processes;

      if (conf.with_traps())
        if (! conf.with_electrons() || ! conf.with_holes())
          throw viennashe::unavailable_feature_exception("Trapping without considering electrons or holes is not supported!");
        if ( conf.get_electron_equation() != viennashe::EQUATION_SHE)
          throw viennashe::unavailable_feature_exception("Trapping without SHE for electrons is not supported!");
        if ( conf.get_hole_equation() != viennashe::EQUATION_SHE)
          throw viennashe::unavailable_feature_exception("Trapping without SHE for holes is not supported!");

//      try
//      {
        MeshType const & mesh = device.mesh();

        SpatialUnknownType const &     potential =     quantities.get_unknown_quantity(viennashe::quantity::potential());
        SpatialUnknownType const & old_potential = old_quantities.get_unknown_quantity(viennashe::quantity::potential());  //TODO: Take old timestep

        viennashe::she::unknown_she_quantity<VertexT, EdgeT> const & old_quan = old_quantities.she_quantity(quan.get_name());

        // Set up scatter matrices:
        const std::size_t L_max = static_cast<std::size_t>(conf.max_expansion_order());
        const std::size_t num_harmonics = std::size_t(L_max+1) * std::size_t(L_max+1);
        CouplingMatrixType scatter_op_in(num_harmonics, num_harmonics);
        CouplingMatrixType scatter_op_out(num_harmonics, num_harmonics);

        for (std::size_t i=0; i < std::size_t(L_max+1) * std::size_t(L_max+1); ++i)
          scatter_op_out(i,i) += 1.0;
        scatter_op_in(0,0) += 1.0;

        //// preprocessing: compute coefficients a_{l,m}^{l',m'} and b_{l,m}^{l',m'}
        std::size_t Lmax = static_cast<std::size_t>(conf.max_expansion_order());            //maximum expansion order
        std::size_t coupling_rows = static_cast<std::size_t>((Lmax+1) * (Lmax+1));
        std::size_t coupling_cols = coupling_rows;

        log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Computing coupling matrices..." << std::endl;
        CouplingMatrixType identity(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);
        for (std::size_t i=0; i<coupling_rows; ++i)
          for (std::size_t j=0; j<coupling_cols; ++j)
            identity(i,j) = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

        CouplingMatrixType a_x(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);
        CouplingMatrixType a_y(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);
        CouplingMatrixType a_z(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);

        CouplingMatrixType b_x(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);
        CouplingMatrixType b_y(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);
        CouplingMatrixType b_z(coupling_rows, coupling_cols);

        //note: interchanged coordinates
        fill_coupling_matrices(a_x, a_y, a_z,
                               b_x, b_y, b_z,

        CouplingMatrixType a_x_transposed = a_x.trans();
        CouplingMatrixType a_y_transposed = a_y.trans();
        CouplingMatrixType a_z_transposed = a_z.trans();

        CouplingMatrixType b_x_transposed = b_x.trans();
        CouplingMatrixType b_y_transposed = b_y.trans();
        CouplingMatrixType b_z_transposed = b_z.trans();

        if (log_assemble_all::enabled && log_assemble_all::debug)
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "a_x: " << a_x << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "a_y: " << a_y << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "a_z: " << a_z << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "b_x: " << b_x << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "b_y: " << b_y << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "b_z: " << b_z << std::endl;

          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "identity: " << identity << std::endl;

          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "scatter_op_out: " << scatter_op_out << std::endl;
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "scatter_op_in: "  << scatter_op_in << std::endl;

        // Setup vector of scattering processes:

        if (conf.scattering().acoustic_phonon().enabled())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Acoustic phonon scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          scattering_processes.push_back(new acoustic_phonon_scattering<DeviceType>(device, conf));

        if (conf.scattering().optical_phonon().enabled())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Optical phonon scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          scattering_processes.push_back(new optical_phonon_scattering<DeviceType>(device, conf, conf.energy_spacing()));

        if (conf.scattering().ionized_impurity().enabled())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Ionized impurity scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          scattering_processes.push_back(new ionized_impurity_scattering<DeviceType>(device, conf));

        if (conf.scattering().impact_ionization().enabled())
          // Warn the user if we already know that he/she is going to simulate bullshit.
          if ( ! conf.with_holes() || conf.get_hole_equation() != viennashe::EQUATION_SHE )
            log::warn() << std::endl << "WARNING: II scattering enabled, but 'BTE for holes' is disabled! Expect inconsistent results!" << std::endl;
          if ( ! conf.with_electrons() || conf.get_electron_equation() != viennashe::EQUATION_SHE )
            log::warn() << std::endl << "WARNING: II scattering enabled, but 'BTE for electrons' is disabled! Expect inconsistent results!" << std::endl;

          scattering_processes.push_back(new impact_ionization_scattering<DeviceType>(device, conf));

        if (conf.with_traps() && conf.scattering().trapped_charge().enabled())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Trapped charge scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          scattering_processes.push_back(new trapped_charge_scattering<DeviceType, TimeStepQuantitiesT>(device, conf, quantities));

        typedef typename viennashe::electric_field_wrapper<DeviceType, SpatialUnknownType> ElectricFieldAccessor;
        ElectricFieldAccessor Efield(device, potential);

        if (conf.scattering().surface().enabled())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Surface roughness scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          scattering_processes.push_back(new surface_scattering<DeviceType, ElectricFieldAccessor>(device, conf, Efield));

        // Assemble SHE system:
        //    - scattering operators on vertices
        //    - free streaming operator on vertices
        //    - scattering operators on edges
        //    - free streaming operator on edges
        //    - any other stuff (traps on cells, etc.)

        if (quan_valid && conf.scattering().electron_electron() && conf.with_electrons())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Electron electron scattering is ENABLED!" << std::endl;
          assemble_ee_scattering(device, conf, quan, old_quan, A, b);

        // Step 1: Assemble on even nodes
        log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Even unknowns..." << std::endl;

        CellContainer cells(mesh);
        for (CellIterator cit = cells.begin();
            cit != cells.end();
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling on cell " << *cit << std::endl;

          for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
            if (log_assemble_all::enabled)
              log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling on energy index " << index_H << std::endl;

            assemble_boundary_on_box(device, conf, quan,
                                     A, b,
                                     *cit, index_H,

            if (viennashe::materials::is_conductor(device.get_material(*cit)))

            // Scattering operator Q{f}
            assemble_scattering_operator_on_box( scattering_processes,
                                                 device, conf, quan,
                                                 A, b,
                                                 *cit, index_H,
                                                 scatter_op_in, scatter_op_out);

          // Free streaming operator L{f}

          // iterate over neighbor cells holding the odd unknowns:
          FacetOnCellContainer facets_on_cell(*cit);
          for (FacetOnCellIterator focit = facets_on_cell.begin();
              focit != facets_on_cell.end();
            if (log_assemble_all::enabled)
              log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling coupling with facet " << *focit << std::endl;

            CellType const *other_cell_ptr = util::get_other_cell_of_facet(mesh, *focit, *cit);
            if (!other_cell_ptr) continue;  //Facet is on the boundary of the simulation domain -> homogeneous Neumann conditions

            CouplingMatrixType coupling_matrix_diffusion = coupling_matrix_in_direction(a_x, a_y, a_z,

            // note that the sign change due to MEDS is included in the choice of the normal vector direction (order of vertex vs. other_vertex):
            // - B \cdot n   for even unknowns,
            // + B \cdot n   for odd unknowns
            CouplingMatrixType coupling_matrix_drift = coupling_matrix_in_direction(b_x, b_y, b_z, *other_cell_ptr, *cit, quan.get_carrier_type_id());

            for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
              assemble_free_streaming_operator_on_box( device, conf, quan,
                                                       A, b,
                                                       *cit, *focit, index_H,
          } //for edges

          // Time dependence df/dt (and possibly df/dH * dH/dt)
          if (use_timedependence)
            for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
              viennashe::she::assemble_timederivative(device, conf, quan, old_quan,
                                                      A, b,
                                                      *cit, index_H,
        } //for cells

        // Step 2: Assemble on odd 'nodes' (i.e. facets). TODO: Resolve code duplication w.r.t. above
        log::info<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Odd unknowns..." << std::endl;

        FacetContainer facets(mesh);
        for (FacetIterator fit = facets.begin();
             fit != facets.end();
          if (log_assemble_all::enabled)
            log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling on facet " << *fit << std::endl;

          for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
            if (log_assemble_all::enabled)
              log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling on energy index " << index_H << std::endl;

            // Scattering operator Q{f}
                                                device, conf, quan,
                                                A, b,
                                                *fit, index_H,
                                                scatter_op_in, scatter_op_out);

          // Free streaming operator L{f}

          // iterate over cells of facet
          CellOnFacetContainer cells_on_facet(mesh, fit.handle());
          for (CellOnFacetIterator cofit  = cells_on_facet.begin();
                                   cofit != cells_on_facet.end();
            if (log_assemble_all::enabled)
              log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "* assemble_all(): Assembling coupling with cell " << *cofit << std::endl;

            CellType const *other_cell_ptr = util::get_other_cell_of_facet(mesh, *fit, *cofit);
            if (!other_cell_ptr) continue;  //Facet is on the boundary of the simulation domain -> homogeneous Neumann conditions

            CouplingMatrixType coupling_matrix_diffusion = coupling_matrix_in_direction(a_x_transposed, a_y_transposed, a_z_transposed,

            // note that the sign change due to MEDS is included in the choice of the normal vector direction (order of vertex vs. other_vertex):
            // - B \cdot n   for even unknowns,
            // + B \cdot n   for odd unknowns
            CouplingMatrixType coupling_matrix_drift = coupling_matrix_in_direction(b_x_transposed, b_y_transposed, b_z_transposed, *other_cell_ptr, *cofit, quan.get_carrier_type_id());

            for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
              assemble_free_streaming_operator_on_box( device, conf, quan,
                                                       A, b,
                                                       *cofit, *fit, index_H,
          } //for vertices

          // Time dependence df/dt (and possibly df/dH * dH/dt)
          if (use_timedependence)
            for (std::size_t index_H = 0; index_H < quan.get_value_H_size(); ++index_H)
              viennashe::she::assemble_timederivative(device, conf, quan, old_quan,
                                                      A, b,
                                                      *fit, index_H,

        } //for facets

        // Assemble traps on cells (to be integrated into the assembly above):
        if (conf.with_traps())
          log::debug<log_assemble_all>() << "assemble(): Assembly for traps ..." << std::endl;
          viennashe::she::assemble_traps(device, quantities, conf, quan, A, b);

        // Cleanup:
        for (std::size_t i=0; i<scattering_processes.size(); ++i)
          if ( scattering_processes[i] ) delete scattering_processes[i];
          scattering_processes[i] = 0;
/*      }
      catch (...)
        // Cleanup:
        for (std::size_t i=0; i<scattering_processes.size(); ++i)
          if ( scattering_processes[i] ) delete scattering_processes[i];
        // Rethrow
