    bool renderFeaturesForStyle(
        const Style&       style,
        const FeatureList& inFeatures,
        osg::Referenced*   buildData,
        const GeoExtent&   imageExtent,
        osg::Image*        image )
        // local copy of the features that we can process
        FeatureList features = inFeatures;

        BuildData* bd = static_cast<BuildData*>( buildData );

        // A processing context to use with the filters:
        FilterContext context;
        context.profile() = getFeatureSource()->getFeatureProfile();

        const LineSymbol* masterLine = style.getSymbol<LineSymbol>();
        const PolygonSymbol* masterPoly = style.getSymbol<PolygonSymbol>();

        //bool embeddedStyles = getFeatureSource()->hasEmbeddedStyles();

        // if only a line symbol exists, and there are polygons in the mix, draw them
        // as outlines (line rings).
        //OE_INFO << LC << "Line Symbol = " << (masterLine == 0L ? "null" : masterLine->getConfig().toString()) << std::endl;
        //OE_INFO << LC << "Poly SYmbol = " << (masterPoly == 0L ? "null" : masterPoly->getConfig().toString()) << std::endl;

        //bool convertPolysToRings = poly == 0L && line != 0L;
        //if ( convertPolysToRings )
        //    OE_INFO << LC << "No PolygonSymbol; will draw polygons to rings" << std::endl;

        // initialize:
        double xmin = imageExtent.xMin();
        double ymin = imageExtent.yMin();
        //double s = (double)image->s();
        //double t = (double)image->t();
        double xf = (double)image->s() / imageExtent.width();
        double yf = (double)image->t() / imageExtent.height();

        // strictly speaking we should iterate over the features and buffer each one that's a line,
        // rather then checking for the existence of a LineSymbol.
        FeatureList linesToBuffer;
        for(FeatureList::iterator i = features.begin(); i != features.end(); i++)
            Feature* feature = i->get();
            Geometry* geom = feature->getGeometry();

            if ( geom )
                // check for an embedded style:
                const LineSymbol* line = feature->style().isSet() ? 
                    feature->style()->getSymbol<LineSymbol>() : masterLine;

                const PolygonSymbol* poly =
                    feature->style().isSet() ? feature->style()->getSymbol<PolygonSymbol>() : masterPoly;

                // if we have polygons but only a LineSymbol, draw the poly as a line.
                if ( geom->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                    if ( !poly && line )
                        Feature* outline = new Feature( *feature );
                        geom = geom->cloneAs( Geometry::TYPE_RING );
                        outline->setGeometry( geom );
                        *i = outline;
                        feature = outline;
                    //TODO: fix to enable outlined polys. doesn't work, not sure why -gw
                    //else if ( poly && line )
                    //    Feature* outline = new Feature();
                    //    geom = geom->cloneAs( Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING );
                    //    outline->setGeometry( geom );
                    //    features.push_back( outline );

                bool needsBuffering =
                    geom->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING || 
                    geom->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_RING;

                if ( needsBuffering )
                    linesToBuffer.push_back( feature );

        if ( linesToBuffer.size() > 0 )
            //We are buffering in the features native extent, so we need to use the transform extent to get the proper "resolution" for the image
            GeoExtent transformedExtent = imageExtent.transform(context.profile()->getSRS());

            double trans_xf = (double)image->s() / transformedExtent.width();
            double trans_yf = (double)image->t() / transformedExtent.height();

            // resolution of the image (pixel extents):
            double xres = 1.0/trans_xf;
            double yres = 1.0/trans_yf;

            // downsample the line data so that it is no higher resolution than to image to which
            // we intend to rasterize it. If you don't do this, you run the risk of the buffer 
            // operation taking forever on very high-res input data.
            if ( _options.optimizeLineSampling() == true )
                ResampleFilter resample;
                resample.minLength() = osg::minimum( xres, yres );
                context = resample.push( linesToBuffer, context );

            // now run the buffer operation on all lines:
            BufferFilter buffer;
            float lineWidth = 0.5;
            if ( masterLine )
                buffer.capStyle() = masterLine->stroke()->lineCap().value();

                if ( masterLine->stroke()->width().isSet() )
                    lineWidth = masterLine->stroke()->width().value();

            // "relative line size" means that the line width is expressed in (approx) pixels
            // rather than in map units
            if ( _options.relativeLineSize() == true )
                buffer.distance() = xres * lineWidth;
                buffer.distance() = lineWidth;

            buffer.push( linesToBuffer, context );

        // First, transform the features into the map's SRS:
        TransformFilter xform( imageExtent.getSRS() );
        xform.setLocalizeCoordinates( false );
        context = xform.push( features, context );

        // set up the AGG renderer:
        agg::rendering_buffer rbuf( image->data(), image->s(), image->t(), image->s()*4 );

        // Create the renderer and the rasterizer
        agg::renderer<agg::span_abgr32> ren(rbuf);
        agg::rasterizer ras;

        // Setup the rasterizer

        GeoExtent cropExtent = GeoExtent(imageExtent);
        cropExtent.scale(1.1, 1.1);

        osg::ref_ptr<Symbology::Polygon> cropPoly = new Symbology::Polygon( 4 );
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMin(), cropExtent.yMin(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMax(), cropExtent.yMin(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMax(), cropExtent.yMax(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMin(), cropExtent.yMax(), 0 ));

        double lineWidth = 1.0;
        if ( masterLine )
            lineWidth = (double)masterLine->stroke()->width().value();

        osg::Vec4 color = osg::Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
        if ( masterLine )
            color = masterLine->stroke()->color();

        // render the features
        for(FeatureList::iterator i = features.begin(); i != features.end(); i++)
            Feature* feature = i->get();
            //bool first = bd->_pass == 0 && i == features.begin();

            Geometry* geometry = feature->getGeometry();

            osg::ref_ptr< Geometry > croppedGeometry;
            if ( ! geometry->crop( cropPoly.get(), croppedGeometry ) )

            // set up a default color:
            osg::Vec4 c = color;
            unsigned int a = (unsigned int)(127+(c.a()*255)/2); // scale alpha up
            agg::rgba8 fgColor( (unsigned int)(c.r()*255), (unsigned int)(c.g()*255), (unsigned int)(c.b()*255), a );

            GeometryIterator gi( croppedGeometry.get() );
            while( gi.hasMore() )
                c = color;
                Geometry* g = gi.next();
                const LineSymbol* line = feature->style().isSet() ? 
                    feature->style()->getSymbol<LineSymbol>() : masterLine;

                const PolygonSymbol* poly =
                    feature->style().isSet() ? feature->style()->getSymbol<PolygonSymbol>() : masterPoly;

                if (g->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_RING || g->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING)
                    if ( line )
                        c = line->stroke()->color();
                    else if ( poly )
                        c = poly->fill()->color();

                else if ( g->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                    if ( poly )
                        c = poly->fill()->color();
                    else if ( line )
                        c = line->stroke()->color();

                a = (unsigned int)(127+(c.a()*255)/2); // scale alpha up
                fgColor = agg::rgba8( (unsigned int)(c.r()*255), (unsigned int)(c.g()*255), (unsigned int)(c.b()*255), a );

                ras.filling_rule( agg::fill_even_odd );
                for( Geometry::iterator p = g->begin(); p != g->end(); p++ )
                    const osg::Vec3d& p0 = *p;
                    double x0 = xf*(p0.x()-xmin);
                    double y0 = yf*(p0.y()-ymin);

                    //const osg::Vec3d& p1 = p+1 != g->end()? *(p+1) : g->front();
                    //double x1 = xf*(p1.x()-xmin);
                    //double y1 = yf*(p1.y()-ymin);

                    if ( p == g->begin() )
                        ras.move_to_d( x0, y0 );
                        ras.line_to_d( x0, y0 );
            ras.render(ren, fgColor);

        return true;            
    FilterContext push(FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context)
        if (_featureSource.valid())
            // Get any features that intersect this query.
            FeatureList boundaries;
            getFeatures(context.extent().get(), boundaries );
            // The list of output features
            FeatureList output;

            if (boundaries.empty())
                // No intersecting features.  If contains is false, then just the output to the input.
                if (contains() == false)
                    output = input;
                // Transform the boundaries into the coordinate system of the features
                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                    itr->get()->transform( context.profile()->getSRS() );

                for(FeatureList::const_iterator f = input.begin(); f != input.end(); ++f)
                    Feature* feature = f->get();
                    if ( feature && feature->getGeometry() )
                        osg::Vec2d c = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds().center2d();

                        if ( contains() == true )
                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        output.push_back( feature );

                            bool contained = false;

                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        contained = true;
                            if ( !contained )
                                output.push_back( feature );

            OE_INFO << LC << "Allowed " << output.size() << " out of " << input.size() << " features\n";

            input = output;

        return context;
    FeatureCursor* createFeatureCursor(const Symbology::Query& query)
        FeatureCursor* result = 0L;

        std::string url = createURL( query );
        if (url.empty()) return 0;

        // check the blacklist:
        if ( Registry::instance()->isBlacklisted(url) )
            return 0L;

        OE_DEBUG << LC << url << std::endl;
        URI uri(url);

        // read the data:
        ReadResult r = uri.readString( _readOptions.get() );

        const std::string& buffer = r.getString();
        const Config&      meta   = r.metadata();

        bool dataOK = false;

        FeatureList features;
        if ( !buffer.empty() )
            // Get the mime-type from the metadata record if possible
            std::string mimeType = r.metadata().value( IOMetadata::CONTENT_TYPE );
            //If the mimetype is empty then try to set it from the format specification
            if (mimeType.empty())
                if (_options.format().value() == "json") mimeType = "json";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("gml") == 0) mimeType = "text/xml";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("pbf") == 0) mimeType = "application/x-protobuf";
            dataOK = getFeatures( buffer, *query.tileKey(), mimeType, features );

        if ( dataOK )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Read " << features.size() << " features" << std::endl;

        //If we have any filters, process them here before the cursor is created
        if (!getFilters().empty())
            // preprocess the features using the filter list:
            if ( features.size() > 0 )
                FilterContext cx;
                cx.setProfile( getFeatureProfile() );
                cx.extent() = query.tileKey()->getExtent();

                for( FeatureFilterList::const_iterator i = getFilters().begin(); i != getFilters().end(); ++i )
                    FeatureFilter* filter = i->get();
                    cx = filter->push( features, cx );

        // If we have any features and we have an fid attribute, override the fid of the features
        if (_options.fidAttribute().isSet())
            for (FeatureList::iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
                std::string attr = itr->get()->getString(_options.fidAttribute().get());                
                FeatureID fid = as<long>(attr, 0);
                itr->get()->setFID( fid );

        //result = new FeatureListCursor(features);
        result = dataOK ? new FeatureListCursor( features ) : 0L;

        if ( !result )
            Registry::instance()->blacklist( url );

        return result;
// reads a chunk of features into a memory cache; do this for performance
// and to avoid needing the OGR Mutex every time
    if ( !_resultSetHandle )
    FeatureList preProcessList;

    if ( _nextHandleToQueue )
        osg::ref_ptr<Feature> f = OgrUtils::createFeature( _nextHandleToQueue, _profile->getSRS() );
        if ( f.valid() && !_source->isBlacklisted(f->getFID()) )
            if ( isGeometryValid( f->getGeometry() ) )
                _queue.push( f );

                if ( _filters.size() > 0 )
                    preProcessList.push_back( f.release() );
                OE_INFO << LC << "Skipping feature with invalid geometry: " << f->getGeoJSON() << std::endl;
        OGR_F_Destroy( _nextHandleToQueue );
        _nextHandleToQueue = 0L;

    unsigned handlesToQueue = _chunkSize - _queue.size();
    bool resultSetEndReached = false;

    for( unsigned i=0; i<handlesToQueue; i++ )
        OGRFeatureH handle = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( _resultSetHandle );
        if ( handle )
            osg::ref_ptr<Feature> f = OgrUtils::createFeature( handle, _profile->getSRS() );
            if ( f.valid() && !_source->isBlacklisted(f->getFID()) )
                if (isGeometryValid( f->getGeometry() ) )
                    _queue.push( f );

                    if ( _filters.size() > 0 )
                        preProcessList.push_back( f.release() );
                    OE_INFO << LC << "Skipping feature with invalid geometry: " << f->getGeoJSON() << std::endl;
            OGR_F_Destroy( handle );
            resultSetEndReached = true;

    // preprocess the features using the filter list:
    if ( preProcessList.size() > 0 )
        FilterContext cx;
        cx.setProfile( _profile.get() );

        for( FeatureFilterList::const_iterator i = _filters.begin(); i != _filters.end(); ++i )
            FeatureFilter* filter = i->get();
            cx = filter->push( preProcessList, cx );

    // read one more for "more" detection:
    if (!resultSetEndReached)
        _nextHandleToQueue = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( _resultSetHandle );
        _nextHandleToQueue = 0L;

    //OE_NOTICE << "read " << _queue.size() << " features ... " << std::endl;
    bool renderFeaturesForStyle(
        Session*           session,
        const Style&       style,
        const FeatureList& features,
        osg::Referenced*   buildData,
        const GeoExtent&   imageExtent,
        osg::Image*        image )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Rendering " << features.size() << " features for " << imageExtent.toString() << "\n";

        // A processing context to use with the filters:
        FilterContext context( session );
        context.setProfile( getFeatureSource()->getFeatureProfile() );

        const LineSymbol*    masterLine = style.getSymbol<LineSymbol>();
        const PolygonSymbol* masterPoly = style.getSymbol<PolygonSymbol>();
        const CoverageSymbol* masterCov = style.getSymbol<CoverageSymbol>();

        // sort into bins, making a copy for lines that require buffering.
        FeatureList polygons;
        FeatureList lines;

        for(FeatureList::const_iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f)
            if ( f->get()->getGeometry() )
                bool hasPoly = false;
                bool hasLine = false;

                if ( masterPoly || f->get()->style()->has<PolygonSymbol>() )
                    polygons.push_back( f->get() );
                    hasPoly = true;

                if ( masterLine || f->get()->style()->has<LineSymbol>() )
                    Feature* newFeature = new Feature( *f->get() );
                    if ( !newFeature->getGeometry()->isLinear() )
                        newFeature->setGeometry( newFeature->getGeometry()->cloneAs(Geometry::TYPE_RING) );
                    lines.push_back( newFeature );
                    hasLine = true;

                // if there are no geometry symbols but there is a coverage symbol, default to polygons.
                if ( !hasLine && !hasPoly )
                    if ( masterCov || f->get()->style()->has<CoverageSymbol>() )
                        polygons.push_back( f->get() );

        // initialize:
        RenderFrame frame;
        frame.xmin = imageExtent.xMin();
        frame.ymin = imageExtent.yMin();
        frame.xf   = (double)image->s() / imageExtent.width();
        frame.yf   = (double)image->t() / imageExtent.height();

        if ( lines.size() > 0 )
            // We are buffering in the features native extent, so we need to use the
            // transformed extent to get the proper "resolution" for the image
            const SpatialReference* featureSRS = context.profile()->getSRS();
            GeoExtent transformedExtent = imageExtent.transform(featureSRS);

            double trans_xf = (double)image->s() / transformedExtent.width();
            double trans_yf = (double)image->t() / transformedExtent.height();

            // resolution of the image (pixel extents):
            double xres = 1.0/trans_xf;
            double yres = 1.0/trans_yf;

            // downsample the line data so that it is no higher resolution than to image to which
            // we intend to rasterize it. If you don't do this, you run the risk of the buffer 
            // operation taking forever on very high-res input data.
            if ( _options.optimizeLineSampling() == true )
                ResampleFilter resample;
                resample.minLength() = osg::minimum( xres, yres );
                context = resample.push( lines, context );

            // now run the buffer operation on all lines:
            BufferFilter buffer;
            double lineWidth = 1.0;
            if ( masterLine )
                buffer.capStyle() = masterLine->stroke()->lineCap().value();

                if ( masterLine->stroke()->width().isSet() )
                    lineWidth = masterLine->stroke()->width().value();

                    GeoExtent imageExtentInFeatureSRS = imageExtent.transform(featureSRS);
                    double pixelWidth = imageExtentInFeatureSRS.width() / (double)image->s();

                    // if the width units are specified, process them:
                    if (masterLine->stroke()->widthUnits().isSet() &&
                        masterLine->stroke()->widthUnits().get() != Units::PIXELS)
                        const Units& featureUnits = featureSRS->getUnits();
                        const Units& strokeUnits  = masterLine->stroke()->widthUnits().value();

                        // if the units are different than those of the feature data, we need to
                        // do a units conversion.
                        if ( featureUnits != strokeUnits )
                            if ( Units::canConvert(strokeUnits, featureUnits) )
                                // linear to linear, no problem
                                lineWidth = strokeUnits.convertTo( featureUnits, lineWidth );
                            else if ( strokeUnits.isLinear() && featureUnits.isAngular() )
                                // linear to angular? approximate degrees per meter at the 
                                // latitude of the tile's centroid.
                                double lineWidthM = masterLine->stroke()->widthUnits()->convertTo(Units::METERS, lineWidth);
                                double mPerDegAtEquatorInv = 360.0/(featureSRS->getEllipsoid()->getRadiusEquator() * 2.0 * osg::PI);
                                double lon, lat;
                                imageExtent.getCentroid(lon, lat);
                                lineWidth = lineWidthM * mPerDegAtEquatorInv * cos(osg::DegreesToRadians(lat));

                        // enfore a minimum width of one pixel.
                        float minPixels = masterLine->stroke()->minPixels().getOrUse( 1.0f );
                        lineWidth = osg::clampAbove(lineWidth, pixelWidth*minPixels);

                    else // pixels
                        lineWidth *= pixelWidth;

            buffer.distance() = lineWidth * 0.5;   // since the distance is for one side
            buffer.push( lines, context );

        // Transform the features into the map's SRS:
        TransformFilter xform( imageExtent.getSRS() );
        xform.setLocalizeCoordinates( false );
        FilterContext polysContext = xform.push( polygons, context );
        FilterContext linesContext = xform.push( lines, context );

        // set up the AGG renderer:
        agg::rendering_buffer rbuf( image->data(), image->s(), image->t(), image->s()*4 );

        // Create the renderer and the rasterizer
        agg::rasterizer ras;

        // Setup the rasterizer
        if ( _options.coverage() == true )


        // construct an extent for cropping the geometry to our tile.
        // extend just outside the actual extents so we don't get edge artifacts:
        GeoExtent cropExtent = GeoExtent(imageExtent);
        cropExtent.scale(1.1, 1.1);

        osg::ref_ptr<Symbology::Polygon> cropPoly = new Symbology::Polygon( 4 );
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMin(), cropExtent.yMin(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMax(), cropExtent.yMin(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMax(), cropExtent.yMax(), 0 ));
        cropPoly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( cropExtent.xMin(), cropExtent.yMax(), 0 ));

        // If there's a coverage symbol, make a copy of the expressions so we can evaluate them
        optional<NumericExpression> covValue;
        const CoverageSymbol* covsym = style.get<CoverageSymbol>();
        if (covsym && covsym->valueExpression().isSet())
            covValue = covsym->valueExpression().get();

        // render the polygons
        for(FeatureList::iterator i = polygons.begin(); i != polygons.end(); i++)
            Feature*  feature  = i->get();
            Geometry* geometry = feature->getGeometry();

            osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> croppedGeometry;
            if ( geometry->crop( cropPoly.get(), croppedGeometry ) )
                const PolygonSymbol* poly =
                    feature->style().isSet() && feature->style()->has<PolygonSymbol>() ? feature->style()->get<PolygonSymbol>() :

                if ( _options.coverage() == true && covValue.isSet() )
                    float value = (float)feature->eval(covValue.mutable_value(), &context);
                    rasterizeCoverage(croppedGeometry.get(), value, frame, ras, rbuf);
                    osg::Vec4f color = poly->fill()->color();
                    rasterize(croppedGeometry.get(), color, frame, ras, rbuf);

        // render the lines
        for(FeatureList::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); i++)
            Feature*  feature  = i->get();
            Geometry* geometry = feature->getGeometry();

            osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> croppedGeometry;
            if ( geometry->crop( cropPoly.get(), croppedGeometry ) )
                const LineSymbol* line =
                    feature->style().isSet() && feature->style()->has<LineSymbol>() ? feature->style()->get<LineSymbol>() :

                if ( _options.coverage() == true && covValue.isSet() )
                    float value = (float)feature->eval(covValue.mutable_value(), &context);
                    rasterizeCoverage(croppedGeometry.get(), value, frame, ras, rbuf);
                {   osg::Vec4f color = line ? static_cast<osg::Vec4>(line->stroke()->color()) : osg::Vec4(1,1,1,1);
                    rasterize(croppedGeometry.get(), color, frame, ras, rbuf);

        return true;
#include <osgEarth/catch.hpp>

#include <osgEarthFeatures/Feature>
#include <osgEarthFeatures/GeometryUtils>

using namespace osgEarth;
using namespace osgEarth::Symbology;
using namespace osgEarth::Features;

TEST_CASE("Feature::splitAcrossDateLine doesn't modify features that don't cross the dateline") {
    osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = new Feature(GeometryUtils::geometryFromWKT("POLYGON((-81 26, -40.5 45, -40.5 75.5, -81 60))"), osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
    FeatureList features;
    // We only have one feature in the list.
    REQUIRE( features.size() == 1 );
    // The feature is exactly the same feature that was passed in
    REQUIRE(features.front().get() == feature.get());

TEST_CASE("Feature::splitAcrossDateLine works") {
    osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = new Feature(GeometryUtils::geometryFromWKT("POLYGON((170 26, 190 26, 190 56, 170 56))"), osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
    FeatureList features;
    // We have two features in the list
    REQUIRE(features.size() == 2);
    // The features don't cross the anti-meridian
    for (FeatureList::iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
Beispiel #7
    // cerr << hw[0] << hw[1] << endl;
    if (debug_on) cerr << "--> getRemainingFeatures" << endl;    
    FeatureSet fsOut;
    if (m_logSpectrum.size() == 0) return fsOut;
    int nChord = m_chordnames.size();
    /**  Calculate Tuning
         calculate tuning from (using the angle of the complex number defined by the 
         cumulative mean real and imag values)
    float meanTuningImag = 0;
    float meanTuningReal = 0;
    for (int iBPS = 0; iBPS < nBPS; ++iBPS) {
        meanTuningReal += m_meanTunings[iBPS] * cosvalues[iBPS];
        meanTuningImag += m_meanTunings[iBPS] * sinvalues[iBPS];
    float cumulativetuning = 440 * pow(2,atan2(meanTuningImag, meanTuningReal)/(24*M_PI));
    float normalisedtuning = atan2(meanTuningImag, meanTuningReal)/(2*M_PI);
    int intShift = floor(normalisedtuning * 3);
    float floatShift = normalisedtuning * 3 - intShift; // floatShift is a really bad name for this
    char buffer0 [50];
    sprintf(buffer0, "estimated tuning: %0.1f Hz", cumulativetuning);
    /** Tune Log-Frequency Spectrogram
        calculate a tuned log-frequency spectrogram (currentTunedSpec): use the tuning estimated above (kinda f0) to 
        perform linear interpolation on the existing log-frequency spectrogram (kinda currentLogSpectrum).
    if (debug_on) cerr << endl << "[Chordino Plugin] Tuning Log-Frequency Spectrogram ... ";
    int count = 0;
    FeatureList tunedSpec;
    int nFrame = m_logSpectrum.size();
    vector<Vamp::RealTime> timestamps;

    for (FeatureList::iterator i = m_logSpectrum.begin(); i != m_logSpectrum.end(); ++i) {
        Feature currentLogSpectrum = *i;
        Feature currentTunedSpec; // tuned log-frequency spectrum
        currentTunedSpec.hasTimestamp = true;
        currentTunedSpec.timestamp = currentLogSpectrum.timestamp;
        currentTunedSpec.values.push_back(0.0); currentTunedSpec.values.push_back(0.0); // set lower edge to zero
        if (m_tuneLocal) {
            intShift = floor(m_localTuning[count] * 3);
            floatShift = m_localTuning[count] * 3 - intShift; // floatShift is a really bad name for this
        // cerr << intShift << " " << floatShift << endl;
        for (int k = 2; k < (int)currentLogSpectrum.values.size() - 3; ++k) { // interpolate all inner bins
            float tempValue = currentLogSpectrum.values[k + intShift] * (1-floatShift) + currentLogSpectrum.values[k+intShift+1] * floatShift;
        currentTunedSpec.values.push_back(0.0); currentTunedSpec.values.push_back(0.0); currentTunedSpec.values.push_back(0.0); // upper edge
        vector<float> runningmean = SpecialConvolution(currentTunedSpec.values,hw);
        vector<float> runningstd;
        for (int i = 0; i < nNote; i++) { // first step: squared values into vector (variance)
            runningstd.push_back((currentTunedSpec.values[i] - runningmean[i]) * (currentTunedSpec.values[i] - runningmean[i]));
        runningstd = SpecialConvolution(runningstd,hw); // second step convolve
        for (int i = 0; i < nNote; i++) { 
            runningstd[i] = sqrt(runningstd[i]); // square root to finally have running std
            if (runningstd[i] > 0) {
                // currentTunedSpec.values[i] = (currentTunedSpec.values[i] / runningmean[i]) > thresh ? 
                // 		                    (currentTunedSpec.values[i] - runningmean[i]) / pow(runningstd[i],m_whitening) : 0;
                currentTunedSpec.values[i] = (currentTunedSpec.values[i] - runningmean[i]) > 0 ?
                    (currentTunedSpec.values[i] - runningmean[i]) / pow(runningstd[i],m_whitening) : 0;
            if (currentTunedSpec.values[i] < 0) {
                cerr << "ERROR: negative value in logfreq spectrum" << endl;
    if (debug_on) cerr << "done." << endl;
    /** Semitone spectrum and chromagrams
        Semitone-spaced log-frequency spectrum derived from the tuned log-freq spectrum above. the spectrum
        is inferred using a non-negative least squares algorithm.
        Three different kinds of chromagram are calculated, "treble", "bass", and "both" (which means 
        bass and treble stacked onto each other).
    if (m_useNNLS == 0) {
        if (debug_on) cerr << "[Chordino Plugin] Mapping to semitone spectrum and chroma ... ";
    } else {
        if (debug_on) cerr << "[Chordino Plugin] Performing NNLS and mapping to chroma ... ";

    vector<vector<double> > chordogram;
    vector<vector<int> > scoreChordogram;
    vector<float> chordchange = vector<float>(tunedSpec.size(),0);
    count = 0;

    FeatureList chromaList;
    bool clipwarned = false;

    for (FeatureList::iterator it = tunedSpec.begin(); it != tunedSpec.end(); ++it) {
        Feature currentTunedSpec = *it; // logfreq spectrum
        Feature currentChromas; // treble and bass chromagram

        currentChromas.hasTimestamp = true;
        currentChromas.timestamp = currentTunedSpec.timestamp;    

        float b[nNote];
        bool some_b_greater_zero = false;
        float sumb = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nNote; i++) {
            // b[i] = m_dict[(nNote * count + i) % (nNote * 84)];
            b[i] = currentTunedSpec.values[i];
            sumb += b[i];
            if (b[i] > 0) {
                some_b_greater_zero = true;
        // here's where the non-negative least squares algorithm calculates the note activation x
        vector<float> chroma = vector<float>(12, 0);
        vector<float> basschroma = vector<float>(12, 0);
        float currval;
        int iSemitone = 0;
        if (some_b_greater_zero) {
            if (m_useNNLS == 0) {
                for (int iNote = nBPS/2 + 2; iNote < nNote - nBPS/2; iNote += nBPS) {
                    currval = 0;
                    for (int iBPS = -nBPS/2; iBPS < nBPS/2+1; ++iBPS) {
                        currval += b[iNote + iBPS] * (1-abs(iBPS*1.0/(nBPS/2+1)));						
                    chroma[iSemitone % 12] += currval * treblewindow[iSemitone];
                    basschroma[iSemitone % 12] += currval * basswindow[iSemitone];
            } else {
                float x[84+1000];
                for (int i = 1; i < 1084; ++i) x[i] = 1.0;
                vector<int> signifIndex;
                int index=0;
                sumb /= 84.0;
                for (int iNote = nBPS/2 + 2; iNote < nNote - nBPS/2; iNote += nBPS) {
                    float currval = 0;
                    for (int iBPS = -nBPS/2; iBPS < nBPS/2+1; ++iBPS) {
                        currval += b[iNote + iBPS]; 
                    if (currval > 0) signifIndex.push_back(index);
                float rnorm;
                float w[84+1000];
                float zz[84+1000];
                int indx[84+1000];
                int mode;
                int dictsize = nNote*signifIndex.size();
                // cerr << "dictsize is " << dictsize << "and values size" << f3.values.size()<< endl;
                float *curr_dict = new float[dictsize];
                for (int iNote = 0; iNote < (int)signifIndex.size(); ++iNote) {
                    for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nNote; iBin++) {
                        curr_dict[iNote * nNote + iBin] = 1.0 * m_dict[signifIndex[iNote] * nNote + iBin];
                nnls(curr_dict, nNote, nNote, signifIndex.size(), b, x, &rnorm, w, zz, indx, &mode);
                delete [] curr_dict;
                for (int iNote = 0; iNote < (int)signifIndex.size(); ++iNote) {
                    // cerr << mode << endl;
                    chroma[signifIndex[iNote] % 12] += x[iNote] * treblewindow[signifIndex[iNote]];
                    basschroma[signifIndex[iNote] % 12] += x[iNote] * basswindow[signifIndex[iNote]];

        vector<float> origchroma = chroma;
        chroma.insert(chroma.begin(), basschroma.begin(), basschroma.end()); // just stack the both chromas 
        currentChromas.values = chroma;

        if (m_doNormalizeChroma > 0) {
            vector<float> chromanorm = vector<float>(3,0);			
            switch (int(m_doNormalizeChroma)) {
            case 0: // should never end up here
            case 1:
                chromanorm[0] = *max_element(origchroma.begin(), origchroma.end());
                chromanorm[1] = *max_element(basschroma.begin(), basschroma.end());
                chromanorm[2] = max(chromanorm[0], chromanorm[1]);
            case 2:
                for (vector<float>::iterator it = chroma.begin(); it != chroma.end(); ++it) {
                    chromanorm[2] += *it; 						
            case 3:
                for (vector<float>::iterator it = chroma.begin(); it != chroma.end(); ++it) {
                    chromanorm[2] += pow(*it,2); 						
                chromanorm[2] = sqrt(chromanorm[2]);
            if (chromanorm[2] > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)chroma.size(); i++) {
                    currentChromas.values[i] /= chromanorm[2];


        // local chord estimation
        vector<double> currentChordSalience;
        double tempchordvalue = 0;
        double sumchordvalue = 0;
        for (int iChord = 0; iChord < nChord; iChord++) {
            tempchordvalue = 0;
            for (int iBin = 0; iBin < 12; iBin++) {
                tempchordvalue += m_chorddict[24 * iChord + iBin] * chroma[iBin];
            for (int iBin = 12; iBin < 24; iBin++) {
                tempchordvalue += m_chorddict[24 * iChord + iBin] * chroma[iBin];
            if (iChord == nChord-1) tempchordvalue *= .7;
            if (tempchordvalue < 0) tempchordvalue = 0.0;
            if (tempchordvalue > 200.0) {
                if (!clipwarned) {
                    cerr << "WARNING: interim chroma contains extreme chord value " << tempchordvalue << ", clipping this and any others that appear" << endl;
                    clipwarned = true;
                tempchordvalue = 200.0;
            tempchordvalue = pow(1.3, tempchordvalue);
            sumchordvalue += tempchordvalue;
        if (sumchordvalue > 0) {
            for (int iChord = 0; iChord < nChord; iChord++) {
                currentChordSalience[iChord] /= sumchordvalue;
        } else {
            currentChordSalience[nChord-1] = 1.0;
    if (debug_on) cerr << "done." << endl;
    vector<Feature> oldnotes;

    if (debug_on) cerr << "[Chordino Plugin] HMM Chord Estimation ... ";
    int oldchord = nChord-1;
    double selftransprob = 0.99;
    // vector<double> init = vector<double>(nChord,1.0/nChord);
    vector<double> init = vector<double>(nChord,0); init[nChord-1] = 1;
    double *delta;
    delta = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nFrame*nChord);                
    vector<vector<double> > trans;
    for (int iChord = 0; iChord < nChord; iChord++) {
        vector<double> temp = vector<double>(nChord,(1-selftransprob)/(nChord-1));            
        temp[iChord] = selftransprob;
    vector<double> scale;
    vector<int> chordpath = ViterbiPath(init, trans, chordogram, delta, &scale);
    Feature chord_feature; // chord estimate
    chord_feature.hasTimestamp = true;
    chord_feature.timestamp = timestamps[0];
    chord_feature.label = m_chordnames[chordpath[0]];
    chordchange[0] = 0;
    for (int iFrame = 1; iFrame < (int)chordpath.size(); ++iFrame) {
        if (chordpath[iFrame] != oldchord ) {
            // chord
            Feature chord_feature; // chord estimate
            chord_feature.hasTimestamp = true;
            chord_feature.timestamp = timestamps[iFrame];
            chord_feature.label = m_chordnames[chordpath[iFrame]];
            oldchord = chordpath[iFrame];         
            // chord notes
            for (int iNote = 0; iNote < (int)oldnotes.size(); ++iNote) { // finish duration of old chord
                oldnotes[iNote].duration = oldnotes[iNote].duration + timestamps[iFrame];
            for (int iNote = 0; iNote < (int)m_chordnotes[chordpath[iFrame]].size(); ++iNote) { // prepare notes of current chord
                Feature chordnote_feature;
                chordnote_feature.hasTimestamp = true;
                chordnote_feature.timestamp = timestamps[iFrame];
                chordnote_feature.hasDuration = true;
                chordnote_feature.duration = -timestamps[iFrame]; // this will be corrected at the next chord
        /* calculating simple chord change prob */            
        for (int iChord = 0; iChord < nChord; iChord++) {
            double num = delta[(iFrame-1) * nChord + iChord];
            double denom = delta[iFrame * nChord + iChord];
            double eps = 1e-7;
            if (denom < eps) denom = eps;
            chordchange[iFrame-1] += num * log(num / denom + eps);
    float logscale = 0;
    for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nFrame; ++iFrame) {
        logscale -= log(scale[iFrame]);
        Feature loglikelihood;
        loglikelihood.hasTimestamp = true;
        loglikelihood.timestamp = timestamps[iFrame];
        // cerr << chordchange[iFrame] << endl;
    logscale /= nFrame;

    chord_feature.hasTimestamp = true;
    chord_feature.timestamp = timestamps[timestamps.size()-1];
    chord_feature.label = "N";
    for (int iNote = 0; iNote < (int)oldnotes.size(); ++iNote) { // finish duration of old chord
        oldnotes[iNote].duration = oldnotes[iNote].duration + timestamps[timestamps.size()-1];
    if (debug_on) cerr << "done." << endl;

    for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nFrame; iFrame++) {
        Feature chordchange_feature;
        chordchange_feature.hasTimestamp = true;
        chordchange_feature.timestamp = timestamps[iFrame];
//        cerr << "putting value " << chordchange[iFrame] << " at time " << chordchange_feature.timestamp << endl;

    // for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nFrame; iFrame++) cerr << fsOut[m_outputHarmonicChange][iFrame].values[0] << endl;
    return fsOut;     