SecondaryStructureResidue setup_coarse_secondary_structure_residue( const Particles &ssr_ps, Model *mdl, bool winner_takes_all_per_res) { Floats scores; scores.push_back(0.0); scores.push_back(0.0); scores.push_back(0.0); int count = 0; for (Particles::const_iterator p = ssr_ps.begin(); p != ssr_ps.end(); ++p) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(SecondaryStructureResidue::get_is_setup(*p), "all particles must be SecondaryStructureResidues"); SecondaryStructureResidue ssr(*p); Floats tmp_scores; tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_helix()); tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_strand()); tmp_scores.push_back(ssr.get_prob_coil()); int max_i = 0; Float max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tmp_scores[i] > max) { max = tmp_scores[i]; max_i = i; } if (!winner_takes_all_per_res) scores[i] += tmp_scores[i]; } if (winner_takes_all_per_res) scores[max_i] += 1.0; count++; } IMP_NEW(Particle, coarse_p, (mdl)); SecondaryStructureResidue ssres = SecondaryStructureResidue::setup_particle( coarse_p, scores[0] / count, scores[1] / count, scores[2] / count); return ssres; }
/// A thread-safe version of CalcSummary. BlockFile::CalcSummary /// uses a static summary array across the class, which we can't use. /// Get a buffer containing a summary block describing this sample /// data. This must be called by derived classes when they /// are constructed, to allow them to construct their summary data, /// after which they should write that data to their disk file. /// /// This method also has the side effect of setting the mMin, mMax, /// and mRMS members of this class. /// /// Unlike BlockFile's implementation You SHOULD DELETE the returned buffer. /// this is protected so it shouldn't be hard to deal with - just override /// all BlockFile methods that use this method. /// /// @param buffer A buffer containing the sample data to be analyzed /// @param len The length of the sample data /// @param format The format of the sample data. void *ODDecodeBlockFile::CalcSummary(samplePtr buffer, size_t len, sampleFormat format, ArrayOf<char> &cleanup) { cleanup.reinit(mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes); char* localFullSummary = cleanup.get(); memcpy(localFullSummary, bheaderTag, bheaderTagLen); float *summary64K = (float *)(localFullSummary + mSummaryInfo.offset64K); float *summary256 = (float *)(localFullSummary + mSummaryInfo.offset256); Floats floats; float *fbuffer; //mchinen: think we can hack this - don't allocate and copy if we don't need to., if(format==floatSample) { fbuffer = (float*)buffer; } else { floats.reinit(len); fbuffer = floats.get(); CopySamples(buffer, format, (samplePtr)fbuffer, floatSample, len); } BlockFile::CalcSummaryFromBuffer(fbuffer, len, summary256, summary64K); return localFullSummary; }
TEST(Neighbors,CoverTreeDistanceNeighbors) { typedef std::vector<float> Floats; const int N = 100; const int k = 10; Floats floats; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) floats.push_back(float(i)); float_distance_callback fdc; tapkee::tapkee_internal::Neighbors neighbors = tapkee::tapkee_internal::find_neighbors(tapkee::CoverTree, floats.begin(), floats.end(), tapkee::tapkee_internal::PlainDistance<Floats::iterator,float_distance_callback>(fdc), k, true); for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { // total number of found neighbors is k ASSERT_EQ(neighbors[i].size(),k); std::set<float> neighbors_set; for (int j=0;j<k;j++) neighbors_set.insert(neighbors[i][j]); // there are no repeated values ASSERT_EQ(neighbors_set.size(),k); // the vector is not a neighbor of itself ASSERT_EQ(neighbors_set.find(floats[i]),neighbors_set.end()); // check neighbors int k_left = std::min(i,k/2); int k_right = std::min(N-i-1,k/2); for (int j=0; j<k_left; j++) ASSERT_NE(neighbors_set.find(floats[i-j-1]),neighbors_set.end()); for (int j=0; j<k_right; j++) ASSERT_NE(neighbors_set.find(floats[i+j+1]),neighbors_set.end()); } }
Floats CysteineCrossLinkData::get_omegas(Floats fmods, double omega0) const { Floats omegas; for (unsigned n = 0; n < fmods.size(); ++n) { double cumul = 0; double cumul2 = 0; for (unsigned j = 1; j < omega_grid_.size(); ++j) { double omj = omega_grid_[j]; double omjm1 = omega_grid_[j - 1]; double dom = omj - omjm1; double priorj = get_omega_prior(omj, omega0); double priorjm1 = get_omega_prior(omjm1, omega0); double pj = get_element(fexp_, fmods[n], omj) * priorj; double pjm1 = get_element(fexp_, fmods[n], omjm1) * priorjm1; double pj2 = get_element(fexp_, fmods[n], omj) * priorj * omj; double pjm12 = get_element(fexp_, fmods[n], omjm1) * priorjm1 * omjm1; cumul += (pj + pjm1) / 2.0 * dom; cumul2 += (pj2 + pjm12) / 2.0 * dom; } omegas.push_back(cumul2 / cumul); } return omegas; }
Floats GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_derivative( Floats x, bool) const { IMP_Eigen::VectorXd mat(get_posterior_covariance_derivative(x)); Floats tmp; for (unsigned j = 0; j < mat.rows(); j++) tmp.push_back(mat(j)); return tmp; }
Floats FStudentT::evaluate_derivative_FX(const Floats FXs) const { Floats dervs; double c = (N_ + nu_) / IMP::square(sigma_) / (nu_ + t2_); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FXs.size(); i++) { dervs.push_back(c * (FXs[i] - FM_)); } return dervs; }
Floats ReplicaExchange::create_temperatures(double tmin,double tmax,int nrep) { Floats temp; double tfact=exp(log(tmax/tmin)/double(nrep-1)); for(int i=0;i<nrep;++i) { temp.push_back(tmin*pow(tfact,i)); } return temp; }
Floats CrossLinkData::get_marginal_elements(double sigma, Floats dists) const { Floats probs; unsigned is = get_closest(sigma_grid_, sigma); for (unsigned n = 0; n < dists.size(); n++) { unsigned id = get_closest(dist_grid_, dists[n]); probs.push_back(grid_[is][id]); } return probs; }
Floats CysteineCrossLinkData::get_nonmarginal_elements(double fexp, Floats fmods, double omega) const { Floats probs; for (unsigned n = 0; n < fmods.size(); n++) { probs.push_back(get_element(fexp, fmods[n], omega)); } return probs; }
void write_cmm(const std::string &cmm_filename, const std::string &marker_set_name, const AnchorsData &ad) { Floats radii; // algebra::get_enclosing_sphere(dpa.get_cluster_vectors(i)); radii.insert(radii.begin(), ad.get_number_of_points(), 5.); std::ofstream out;, std::ios::out); write_cmm_helper(out, marker_set_name, ad.points_, ad.edges_, radii); out.close(); }
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraint::get_hessian(bool) const { IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd tmp(get_hessian()); FloatsList ret; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tmp.rows(); ++i) { Floats buf; for (unsigned j = 0; j < tmp.cols(); ++j) buf.push_back(tmp(i, j)); ret.push_back(buf); } return ret; }
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_data_variance() const { FloatsList ret; IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd S(get_S()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < M_; i++) { Floats val; for (unsigned j = 0; j < M_; j++) val.push_back(S(i, j)); ret.push_back(val); } return ret; }
IMPISD_BEGIN_NAMESPACE CysteineCrossLinkData::CysteineCrossLinkData(double fexp, Floats fmod_grid, Floats omega_grid, Floats omega0_grid, int prior_type) : Object("Data Structure for CysteineCrossLinkRestraint %1%") { prior_type_ = prior_type; // fexp is the experimental frequency // fmod is the model frequency // omega0 is the typical value for omega, i.e., the experimental uncertainty // this constructor calculates the marginal likelihood using a // truncated gaussian function // to account for outliers // Store omega0 grid omega0_grid_ = omega0_grid; // Store the fmod grid fmod_grid_ = fmod_grid; // Store omega grid omega_grid_ = omega_grid; fexp_ = fexp; for (unsigned k = 0; k < omega0_grid_.size(); ++k) { double omega0 = omega0_grid_[k]; Floats grid; for (unsigned i = 0; i < fmod_grid_.size(); ++i) { double fmod = fmod_grid_[i]; double cumul = 0; for (unsigned j = 1; j < omega_grid_.size(); ++j) { double omj = omega_grid_[j]; double omjm1 = omega_grid_[j - 1]; double dom = omj - omjm1; double priorj = get_omega_prior(omj, omega0); double priorjm1 = get_omega_prior(omjm1, omega0); double pj = get_element(fexp_, fmod, omj) * priorj; double pjm1 = get_element(fexp_, fmod, omjm1) * priorjm1; cumul += (pj + pjm1) / 2.0 * dom; } grid.push_back(cumul); } grid_.push_back(grid); } }
algebra::Vector3Ds ProbabilisticAnchorGraph::get_particle_anchors( Particle *p, float min_prob) const { Floats probs = get_particle_probabilities(p); algebra::Vector3Ds anchors; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < probs.size(); i++) { if (probs[i] >= min_prob) { anchors.push_back(positions_[i]); } } return anchors; }
Floats CysteineCrossLinkData::get_marginal_elements(Floats fmods, double omega0) const { Floats probs; unsigned is = get_closest(omega0_grid_, omega0); for (unsigned n = 0; n < fmods.size(); n++) { unsigned id = get_closest(fmod_grid_, fmods[n]); probs.push_back(grid_[is][id]); } return probs; }
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_hessian( Floats x, bool) const { IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd mat(get_posterior_covariance_hessian(x)); FloatsList ret; for (unsigned j = 0; j < mat.rows(); j++) { Floats tmp; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mat.cols(); i++) tmp.push_back(mat(i, j)); ret.push_back(tmp); } return ret; }
algebra::VectorKD get_embedding(const Subset &s, const Assignment &a, ParticleStatesTable *pst){ Floats embed; for (unsigned int i=0; i< s.size(); ++i) { algebra::VectorKD cur = pst->get_particle_states(s[i])->get_embedding(a[i]); embed.insert(embed.end(), cur.coordinates_begin(), cur.coordinates_end()); } return embed; }
IMPCORE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE OpenCubicSpline::OpenCubicSpline(const Floats &values, Float minrange, Float spacing, bool extend) : spacing_(spacing), inverse_spacing_(1.0/spacing_), spline_(values, spacing_, inverse_spacing_), minrange_(minrange), maxrange_(minrange_ + spacing_ * (values.size() - 1)), extend_(extend) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(spacing >0, "The spacing between values must be positive."); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(values.size() >=1, "You must provide at least one value."); }
IMPALGEBRA_BEGIN_NAMESPACE LinearFit2D::LinearFit2D(const algebra::Vector2Ds& data, const Floats &errors) { // check that there are at least 3 points IMP_USAGE_CHECK(data.size() > 1, "At least 2 points are required for LinearFit2D " << data.size() << " given"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(errors.empty() || errors.size()==data.size(), "Either there must be no error bars given or one per" << " point."); find_regression(data, errors); evaluate_error(data, errors); }
Floats CrossLinkData::get_nonmarginal_elements(double sigmai, Floats dists) const { Floats probs; if (bias_) { for (unsigned n = 0; n < dists.size(); n++) { probs.push_back(get_biased_element(dists[n], sigmai)); } } if (!bias_) { for (unsigned n = 0; n < dists.size(); n++) { probs.push_back(get_unbiased_element(dists[n], sigmai)); } } return probs; }
IMPSCOREFUNCTOR_BEGIN_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE RawOpenCubicSpline::RawOpenCubicSpline(const Floats &values, double spacing, double inverse_spacing) : values_(values) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(spacing > 0, "The spacing between values must be positive."); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(values.size() >= 1, "You must provide at least one value."); int npoints = values_.size(); // Precalculate second derivatives for a natural cubic spline (open) by // inversion of the tridiagonal matrix (Thomas algorithm) second_derivs_.resize(npoints); Floats tmp(npoints); // Forward elimination phase second_derivs_[0] = 0.; tmp[0] = 0.; double inverse_doublespacing = 1.0 / (spacing + spacing); for (int i = 1; i < npoints - 1; ++i) { Float m = 0.5 * second_derivs_[i - 1] + 2.; second_derivs_[i] = -0.5 / m; tmp[i] = (6. * ((values_[i + 1] - values_[i]) * inverse_spacing - (values_[i] - values_[i - 1]) * inverse_spacing) * inverse_doublespacing - 0.5 * tmp[i - 1]) / m; } // Backward substitution phase second_derivs_[npoints - 1] = 0.; for (int i = npoints - 2; i >= 0; --i) { second_derivs_[i] = second_derivs_[i] * second_derivs_[i + 1] + tmp[i]; } /*IMP_LOG_TERSE( "Initialized spline with " << values.size() << " values " << "with spacing " << spacing << std::endl);*/ }
void ProbabilisticAnchorGraph::set_particle_probabilities_on_anchors( Particle *p, FittingSolutionRecords sols) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sols.size() > 0, "no solutions provided\n"); IMP_NEW(algebra::NearestNeighborD<3>, nn, (positions_)); Ints anchor_counters; anchor_counters.insert(anchor_counters.end(), positions_.size(), 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sols.size(); i++) { algebra::Vector3D loc = sols[i].get_fit_transformation().get_transformed( core::XYZ(p).get_coordinates()); anchor_counters[nn->get_nearest_neighbor(loc)]++; } Floats probs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anchor_counters.size(); i++) { probs.push_back(1. * anchor_counters[i] / sols.size()); } particle_to_anchor_probabilities_[p] = probs; }
Floats CrossLinkData::get_omegas(double sigma, Floats dists) const { Floats omegas; for (unsigned n = 0; n < dists.size(); ++n) { double cumul = 0; double cumul2 = 0; if (!bias_) { for (unsigned j = 1; j < omega_grid_.size(); ++j) { double omj = omega_grid_[j]; double omjm1 = omega_grid_[j - 1]; double dom = omj - omjm1; double pj = get_unbiased_element(dists[n], omj * sigma) / omj; double pjm1 = get_unbiased_element(dists[n], omjm1 * sigma) / omjm1; double pj2 = get_unbiased_element(dists[n], omj * sigma); double pjm12 = get_unbiased_element(dists[n], omjm1 * sigma); cumul += (pj + pjm1) / 2.0 * dom; cumul2 += (pj2 + pjm12) / 2.0 * dom; } } if (bias_) { for (unsigned j = 1; j < omega_grid_.size(); ++j) { double omj = omega_grid_[j]; double omjm1 = omega_grid_[j - 1]; double dom = omj - omjm1; double pj = get_biased_element(dists[n], omj * sigma) / omj; double pjm1 = get_biased_element(dists[n], omjm1 * sigma) / omjm1; double pj2 = get_biased_element(dists[n], omj * sigma); double pjm12 = get_biased_element(dists[n], omjm1 * sigma); cumul += (pj + pjm1) / 2.0 * dom; cumul2 += (pj2 + pjm12) / 2.0 * dom; } } omegas.push_back(cumul2 / cumul); } return omegas; }
IMPCORE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE RigidBodyUmbrella::RigidBodyUmbrella(kernel::Model *m, kernel::ParticleIndex pi, kernel::ParticleIndex ref, Floats x0, double alpha, double k, std::string name) : Restraint(m, name), pi_(pi), ref_(ref), x0_(x0), alpha_(alpha), k_(k) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(x0.size() == 7, "Wrong size for x0, should be 7"); }
void FStudentT::do_update_sufficient_statistics(Floats FXs) { N_ = FXs.size(); sumFX_ = FXs[0]; sumFX2_ = IMP::square(FXs[0]); LogJX_ = 0.; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < N_; ++i) { sumFX_ += FXs[i]; sumFX2_ += IMP::square(FXs[i]); } }
core::MonteCarloMoverResult WeightMover::do_propose() { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; // store the old weights in case of reject oldweights_ = w_.get_weights(); // Draw weights from a uniform distribution of variables that sum to one // taken from // generate-uniformly-distributed-weights-that-sum-to-unity // get the old x Floats x; x.push_back(oldweights_[0]); for (unsigned i = 1; i < oldweights_.get_dimension() - 1; ++i) { x.push_back(oldweights_[i] + x[i - 1]); } // zero vector in D dimension algebra::VectorKD zero = algebra::get_zero_vector_kd(x.size()); // generate random perturbation of old components algebra::VectorKD dX = algebra::get_random_vector_in(algebra::SphereKD(zero, radius_)); // add perturbation to x and apply reflective boundaries for (unsigned i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { if (x[i] + dX[i] > 1.0) x[i] = 2.0 - x[i] - dX[i]; else if (x[i] + dX[i] < 0.0) x[i] = -x[i] - dX[i]; else x[i] += dX[i]; } // sort the new x here std::sort(x.begin(), x.end(), std::less<double>()); // get the new weights algebra::VectorKD newweights = algebra::get_zero_vector_kd(oldweights_.get_dimension()); newweights[0] = x[0]; for (unsigned i = 1; i < newweights.get_dimension() - 1; ++i) { newweights[i] = x[i] - x[i - 1]; } newweights[newweights.get_dimension() - 1] = 1.0 - x[x.size() - 1]; // set the new weights w_.set_weights(newweights); return core::MonteCarloMoverResult( ParticleIndexes(1, w_.get_particle()->get_index()), 1.0); }
IMPISD_BEGIN_NAMESPACE GaussianProcessInterpolation::GaussianProcessInterpolation( FloatsList x, Floats sample_mean, Floats sample_std, unsigned n_obs, UnivariateFunction *mean_function, BivariateFunction *covariance_function, Particle *sigma, double sparse_cutoff) : Object("GaussianProcessInterpolation%1%"), x_(x), n_obs_(n_obs), mean_function_(mean_function), covariance_function_(covariance_function), sigma_(sigma), cutoff_(sparse_cutoff) { // O(M) // store dimensions M_ = x.size(); N_ = x[0].size(); sigma_val_ = Scale(sigma_).get_nuisance(); // basic checks IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sample_mean.size() == M_, "sample_mean should have the same size as x"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sample_std.size() == M_, "sample_std should have the same size as x"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(mean_function->get_ndims_x() == N_, "mean_function should have " << N_ << " input dimensions"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(mean_function->get_ndims_y() == 1, "mean_function should have 1 output dimension"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_x1() == N_, "covariance_function should have " << N_ << " input dimensions for first vector"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_x2() == N_, "covariance_function should have " << N_ << " input dimensions for second vector"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_y() == 1, "covariance_function should have 1 output dimension"); // set all flags to false = need update. force_mean_update(); force_covariance_update(); // compute needed matrices compute_I(sample_mean); compute_S(sample_std); }
Floats ChainStatisticsOptimizerState::get_diffusion_coefficients() const { if (positions_.empty()) return Floats(); base::Vector<algebra::Vector3Ds > displacements(positions_[0].size(), algebra::Vector3Ds( positions_.size()-1)); for (unsigned int i=1; i< positions_.size(); ++i) { algebra::Transformation3D rel = algebra::get_transformation_aligning_first_to_second(positions_[i-1], positions_[i]); for (unsigned int j=0; j < positions_[i].size(); ++j) { displacements[j][i-1]= rel.get_transformed(positions_[i-1][j]) - positions_[i][j]; } } Floats ret; for (unsigned int i=0; i < displacements.size(); ++i) { ret.push_back(atom::get_diffusion_coefficient(displacements[i], get_period()*get_dt())); } return ret; }
void LinearFit2D::evaluate_error(const algebra::Vector2Ds& data, const Floats &errors) { error_ = 0.0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<data.size(); i++) { double diff = (a_*data[i][0] + b_ - data[i][1]); if (!errors.empty()) { diff/=errors[i]; } error_ += diff*diff; } //std::cerr << error_ << std::endl; }
/* Apply the restraint to two atoms, two Scales, one experimental value. */ double AmbiguousNOERestraint::unprotected_evaluate(DerivativeAccumulator *accum) const { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; IMP_USAGE_CHECK(get_model(), "You must at least register the restraint with the model" << " before calling evaluate."); /* compute Icalc = 1/(gamma*d^6) where d = (sum d_i^-6)^(-1/6) */ double vol = 0; Floats vols; IMP_CONTAINER_FOREACH(PairContainer, pc_, { core::XYZ d0(get_model(), _1[0]); core::XYZ d1(get_model(), _1[1]); algebra::Vector3D c0 = d0.get_coordinates(); algebra::Vector3D c1 = d1.get_coordinates(); //will raise an error if c0 == c1 double tmp = 1.0/(c0-c1).get_squared_magnitude(); vols.push_back(IMP::cube(tmp)); // store di^-6 vol += vols.back(); });